Mexico, Latin & South AmericaProblems after medical in São Paulo. Need lots of help on how to proceed.



Hi Elisenda!


I am sorry to hear that... I hope you can solve this problem ASAP...


Yes, go on with your interview...I tried to reschedule as well, but the answer given was they would not have any date before my NOA2 expiration.

The "she" FulanodeTal was talking about it's me.

I went to the same doctor in São Paulo (me and 2 kids). Our exams were ok, however my oldest son had to go and visit a psychologist. We didn't have enough time to go before the interview day, and we went to the interview without our exams and we got appoved even without them.

When I came back home I arranged the sessions for him (after my interview in Rio de Janeiro)

Last week finally my son finished with his tests at the psycologist, and the secretary of the doctor said to me she sent the envolope with exams yesterday afternoon.

So, now we are waiting for the exams to get in RJ and see what is going to happen after... (I can let you know, if you want to)


(sorry about my english...not very good tongue_ss.gif  hope you could understand)

Oh hi! 


Oh wow... Ok, I'm definitely going to my interview. What can I do at this point right?

I talked to the doctor again today and he told me to do it at a different lab though because the Lavoisier just won't comply with the consulate specifications. He said it shouldn't be a problem. 

I find this all very unorganized. I can tell by the way things were going yesterday trying to schedule this exam with the lab, that the Consulate or/and the CDC is not even aware of what's going on... the whole new policy of not being able to do an assisted exam. 

So tomorrow morning I'm going to the other lab, a Fleury, to schedule the procedures. What's crazy is that, instead of it costing me about USD100, I'm gonna pay over USD600 because this is a "high-end" lab. Well... it's annoying, but truth be told, I just hope I'm healthy. 


BrazilANDamerica, I really hope things work out well for you. :) We all know how nerve-wrecking this whole process is... The best of luck to you! Seems like you've also been waiting for a long time for this process to be completed. 


Thanks everyone for the help and support!

ElisendaFemaleBrazil2013-12-19 13:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaProblems after medical in São Paulo. Need lots of help on how to proceed.

So good to hear positive things! Ok, so I'll just leave the interview date as it is, and hope they'll be ok with waiting for the additional test (which might take a looong time). 


I'm waiting for the doctor to reply to my questions and I'd gladly spend 3 days in Rio if that's an option for the consulate. :)


Thank you! Thank you!

ElisendaFemaleBrazil2013-12-18 14:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaProblems after medical in São Paulo. Need lots of help on how to proceed.



First let me clarify, this concerns my medical exam and my K1 interview! I apologize for the long post, but I?d rather be clear. I?m posting because my medical tests interfere with my interview and the NOA2 expiration. That?s why I need guidance.


Allow me to explain:


I had my medical just last week (Dec 9), well in time for my interview at the end of January. Everything went fine during the physical. Here in Brazil they also check for Syphilis and TB. So I had blood drawn and a chest x-ray. I was supposed to pick up the sealed letter yesterday after the results from the lab were sent to the doctor. However, I got a call saying I had to see him again, something about the lab tests.


I went back to the doctor's office today and the thing is that I have a small nodule on my left lung. This doctor that oversees all the immigration visas medical checkups for São Paulo, happens to be a pulmonologist. According to him, this little spot on my lung is very likely a calcification from a bout of bronchitis I had as a child. He says it looks like it's been there for a long time, and I shouldn't worry. Doing further exams to know exactly what it is, is up to me (and I'm already looking into that with my own doctor, just for peace of mind). However, the consulate doesn't simply take his word for it and I will have to be checked for active TB. He told me there are a couple of tests for that, but the CDC only allows for a specific one (culture test) where they observe collected sputum for the growth of the bacteria over the course of 8 WEEKS!!!


Let's say this procedure would start tomorrow (it's a 3 day procedure for collecting the phlegm). So counting from next Monday (Dec 23) + 8 weeks for the results to come in, that puts me on February 17. My interview is scheduled for January 28 and my NOA2 expires on Feb 14! The doctor said I should go to the interview regardless of the fact that I won't have the letter and explain the situation (waiting for the exam results).


Is this correct? I mean... I can just picture them saying no to me, exactly because I'm being tested for TB. 


Now the other problem. There is only one lab in all of São Paulo that does this procedure for the Consulate. About a month ago, this lab was prohibited by Brazilian authorities to do this procedure on site. I would have to collect the sputum at home and take the vial to the lab over the course of 3 days. This is how the procedure works now. BUT... the consulate requires that the procedure be supervised by a nurse or someone from the lab to ensure that the beneficiary won't use someone else's sputum. Makes sense. BUT AGAIN... the lab won't allow a lab worker to supervise the person at home, because of the health risks...


So... the doctor doesn't know what to do. The lab won't change its new policies. I need to get this done ASAP! And I'm now in limbo. 




Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!



ElisendaFemaleBrazil2013-12-18 13:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaProblems after medical in São Paulo. Need lots of help on how to proceed.



I had my medical just last week (Dec 9). Everything went fine during the physical. Here in Brazil they also check for Syphilis and TB. So I had blood drawn and a chest x-ray. I was supposed to pick up the letter yesterday after the results from the lab were sent to the doctor. However, I got a call saying I had to see him again, something about the lab tests.


I immediately started to worry. Barely slept last night.


I went back to the doctor's office today and the thing is that I have a small nodule on my left lung. This doctor that oversees all the immigration visas medical checkups for São Paulo, happens to be a pulmonologist. According to him, this little spot on my lung is very likely scar tissue from a bout of bronchitis I had as a child. He says it looks like it's been there for a long time, and I shouldn't worry. Doing further exams to know exactly what it is, is up to me (and I'm already looking into that with my own doctor, just for peace of mind). However, the consulate doesn't simply take his word for it and I will have to be checked for active TB. He told me there are a couple of tests for that, but the CDC only allows for a specific one where they observe collected phlegm (ew!) for the growth of the bacteria over the course of 8 weeks!!!


Let's say this procedure would start tomorrow (it's a 3 day procedure for collecting the phlegm). So counting from next Monday (Dec 23) + 8 weeks for the results to come in, that puts me on February 17. My interview is scheduled for January 28 and my NOA2 expires on Feb 14! The doctor said I should go to the interview regardless of the fact that I won't have the letter from the doctor and explain the situation.


Is this correct? I mean... I can just picture them saying no to me, exactly because I'm being tested for TB. 


Now the other problem. There is only one lab in all of São Paulo that does this procedure for the Consulate. About a month ago, this lab was prohibited by Brazilian authorities to do this procedure on site. I would have to collect the phlegm at home and take the vial to the lab over the course of 3 days. This is how the procedure works now. BUT... the consulate requires that the procedure be supervised by a nurse or someone from the lab to ensure that the beneficiary won't use someone else's mucus. Makes sense, I guess. BUT AGAIN... the lab won't allow a lab worker to supervise the person at home, because of the health risks...


So... the doctor doesn't know what to do. The lab won't change its new policies. I need to get this done ASAP! And I'm now in limbo. 


Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!



Edited by Elisenda, 18 December 2013 - 12:52 PM.

ElisendaFemaleBrazil2013-12-18 12:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsConfused about the timeline

My fiancé sent our K1 application to the Dallas Lockbox on 08/28. A week later (09/05) he got a text message and email confirming that the our case was received (thanks o the G-1145). Do I start counting the days from this receipt notice or from the date the package was posted? We haven't gotten any RFE or the NOA1 yet. I ask because I've noticed a lot of people saying they got the NOA1 roughly a week after sending the package.



ElisendaFemaleBrazil2013-09-12 14:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDid we send it to the correct Service Center?

Thanks guys! We got a receipt saying the case was received last Thursday. Now we're waiting... Good luck everyone!

ElisendaFemaleBrazil2013-09-12 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDid we send it to the correct Service Center?

My fiancé sent our I-129F package for a K1 visa this last Wednesday to the USCIS Dallas Lockbox direct address provided on the USCIS website. We sent it with a G-1145 for haven't yet gotten any emails confirming they have received the package. 


I started to wonder if the Dallas Lockbox was the correct place to send it to if my fiancé lives in Maryland. A friend of ours who went through the same process filed in California (her fiancé lived there) and she told me she thought we should have sent it to Vermont... which would also have a much faster processing time than Texas. 


We basically followed the instructions given on the K1 Guide. And even here on the USCIS page the only address is a Texas address


 Maybe I got it all wrong... But is the package later on transferred to a to another Service Center? I keep seeing people talking about filing in California on the forums...



Edited by Elisenda, 02 September 2013 - 04:37 PM.

ElisendaFemaleBrazil2013-09-02 16:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Filling Out Form... Doubts



My fiancé and I are having trouble with one of the items in i-129F. 

In question 15 it says "If your fiancé(e) is currently in the United States, complete the following:" regarding my passport information.

Since I'm not in the USA at the moment, should my fiancé put down any information from 15a to 15h, such as my passport number in 15e?
If so, here's another question:
I have dual citizenship (Brazil-Spain) and intend to go through this entire process with my Brazilian passport.
However, I was reading the instructions for the form and it says "The answers to items 15e, 15f, 15g and 15h should be in reference to the passport or travel document used at the last entry into the United States."
The last two times I was in the United States, I entered with my Spanish passport, because of the visa waiver. I have been to the US with both passports and never had any problems... 
So we don't know which information to provide... None, as I'm not in the US, my Brazilian passport number (which is the one I should use for my K1 visa) or my Spanish passport (the last one I used).
Would it be ok if we added an attachment explaining this to the USCIS?

ElisendaFemaleBrazil2013-08-20 18:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 Approved, But Now My Biggest Fear... The Affidavit.

Good evening, I too am in a very similar situation. My fiance is in Brazil and we hope to begin the K-1 process this upcoming January, 2014. My current and past year income has been between 100% and a little less than 125% if the minimal income requirement. My main concern was if the American consulate in Brazil has a history of allowing applicants to file as Co-sponsors. I too am anxious about this financial requirement. 

I'm not 100% sure, but I believe they do accept cosponsors. :)

ElisendaFemaleBrazil2013-12-09 18:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 Approved, But Now My Biggest Fear... The Affidavit.

Thank you so much for all the help. We're still going to opt for the co-sponsor because it is a very new job with a limited contract which might get extended at end of 2014 or not. But really, I do appreciate all the help here. We read so many different stories and outcomes... it makes me very anxious. 



ElisendaFemaleBrazil2013-11-06 13:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 Approved, But Now My Biggest Fear... The Affidavit.

We got the NOA2 yesterday and couldn't be happier. But now comes the part that worries me the most. 

The Affidavit of support.


My fiancé never had a decent job throughout our relationship. By decent, I mean, enough to support a family. This was actually the reason he took so long to propose to me. He always had just enough to get by, but nothing sufficient to actually save and buy a car or home. He actually lives with his parents still (he could move out now... but he's trying to save). 

Anyway, I sometimes feel like I'm to blame for his job problems... He quit his jobs several times just to come down to Brazil to visit me. I know... Totally irresponsible, but we were young and in love. 


After I finished school in the US and moved back to Brazil, he moved with me. He had some savings which basically disappeared after staying here with me for almost 2 years. The thing is... when he moved to Brazil, we really thought he'd be able to get a good job here... our economy was booming, he had a degree, spoke 4 languages... And this is where we would live for at least 6 years (until after the Olympics). But no. He was unemployed the entire time. 


So, last April, one of his old employers in Maryland offered him a good position and, now as grown ups and logical people, we decided the best thing for us would be if he moved back to the US and took the job. Which he did. A few months later he proposed and here we are. 


But now, the problem. He was unemployed and living abroad for 2 years, which means his taxes for 2011 and 2012 are naught. He started working as soon as he was back to the US but was only signed by the company a couple months ago. Does having a very recent job affect the decision of the consulate? He's supposed to make about 35K this next year. Aside from that he has NO assets, no house, no car... NO SIGNIFICANT SAVINGS. He's waiting for me to get there to move out of his parents house (we're gonna rent). His family is well off though and has always been extremely supportive of us. They have agreed to co-sponsor. I think his dad makes 80k to 100k a year. They own a house. His siblings would also be willing to co-sponsor if needed be. They also own assets and have amazing jobs. 


Do you guys think this could work out or is his income, long unemployment abroad, lack of assets and recentness of employment in the US going to be a huge problem?


Thank you so much for your help! Sorry for the huge post... 

ElisendaFemaleBrazil2013-11-05 18:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo Vaccination Record for AOS



I'm applying for the AOS within the next few days and I've only just noticed that I need a vaccination supplement to be filed with the i-485. However, the consulate doctor I went to in Brazil did not give anything... no DS-3025, no I-693, no vaccine cards, nothing... I do remember that I did not need to take any vaccines until 2016.

I called the office in Brazil and the secretary said she'd email me a scan of what I suppose to be the DS-3025. Will that be sufficient? Do I have to take it to a doctor here in the United States? I'm nervous because I only have 2 weeks to send everything in.


Thank you for your help!

ElisendaFemaleBrazil2014-08-04 15:19:00