CanadaTim Horton's

(1) For those of ya'll (me being a very Southern boy) who move into the States or have already done so, will you continue or do you still use those unnecessary letters of the alphabet (namely "U") in commonly spoken words (ie. colour, neighbour, flavour, etc.)?

Yes. U is a very underutilized letter in the USA, and I'm committed to the cause of raising its exposure to the American public. :yes: After all, using the letter U is the proper spelling of the English language. ;)

(3) Will "out and about" still be pronounced "oot and aboot"?

this particular stereotype bugs the ####### out of me, since no one in my family, friends, community at home, etc etc etc pronounces it "oot" and "aboot". I'm waiting to hear a Canadian pronounce those words that way on a regular basis.

And yes, I will admit to being a fan of the Maple Leafs, and additionally I'm an ABC fan (anybody but the Canadiens) ;)

The oot and aboot thing irks me too. I have noticed (I work for an American company serving Americans) that Americans tend to say Abowt where we say about. I have people say to me on the phone oh i can tell you are Canadian by the way you say aboot...#######?? No I don't!

The oot and aboot thing irks me too. I have noticed (I work for an American company serving Americans) that Americans tend to say Abowt where we say about. I have people say to me on the phone oh i can tell you are Canadian by the way you say aboot...#######?? No I don't!

Totally agree. I have been told that too. No one Canadian says 'aboot' either. I would like to know where this started. When I first went to the states to meet my now fiance all his friends asked me to say 'aboot'. It's 'ABOUT' Damn it! American stereotypes....... :no:

*Steps up to the pot with his giant spoon, and stirs it faster*..... :innocent:
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-08 15:21:00
CanadaTim Horton's

That is so true. Transplants or not we will all be true to our Home country, and no one better diss either our hockey or our Country else most of us will come out fighting lol.


Seeing how I turned a coffee thread into a food fight, and now a "don't diss my beer, hockey team or Country" thread, I have a question for all you proud (and rightfully so) Canadians. (1) For those of ya'll (me being a very Southern boy) who move into the States or have already done so, will you continue or do you still use those unnecessary letters of the alphabet (namely "U") in commonly spoken words (ie. colour, neighbour, flavour, etc.)? (2) If you have school aged children who are now attending school in the States, are they marked incorrectly for this spelling? (3) Will "out and about" still be pronounced "oot and aboot"?

As for your beer...Me, being a lightweight beer drinker and from the South, stuck to good ol Coors Light while I was living there, because I don't care for that hoppy flavor(or flavour). The less it tastes like beer, the better I like it! Do you know how drinking Coors Light is like having sex in a floating canoe?....(A) It's like f**cking near water! :lol:

Hockey...Well, you can bet my favorite (favourite) team is not one from Canada, but we don't need to go there!
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-07 12:50:00
CanadaTim Horton's
I chuckle to myself at the feathers I have ruffled because of a silly donut... :yes:
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-06 13:38:00
CanadaTim Horton's


As far as the TH vs KK donut question goes... my vote is definitely on the Timmie's side. KK donuts are just balloons of skinny, fried dough that are drowned in sugar syrup. Frozen or fresh, at least Timmie donuts are "cake" donuts. By the way, the recipe for the donuts on the US side of the border in TH are not the same recipes as the Canadian ones. The American ones have much more sugar in them, like everything else down here.

I'm with you on that one -- KK's have this weird metallic, overly sugary, mushy taste and consistency to them. yuck.

From Dictionary....Doughnut-A small ring-shaped cake made of rich, light dough that is fried in deep fat.

Note: rich, light dough, not thick, dry, chewy cake.

Should not the Timmy's puck be called a "cakenut" ?.... :yes:

KarenCee -- the blueberry fritters have blueberries throughout the dough, and a shot of blueberry jammy goodness in the middle...then covered in a sugar glaze.......yummmmmy! You MUST try one while you are visiting Joel! :yes:

For the record...I didn't write the bolded section :P And Timmy's doughnuts aren't dry -- you must have had a bad batch. :yes:

And I am sorry, KK doughnuts are not rich and light, they are mushy! :P

(And only us could talk about Tim Horton's for multiple pages! ;) )

I am well aware that you didn't write the bolded sections, because I am the one who did..

As I must have had a bad batch of Timmy's little pucks, you must have encountered the same at KK.

Nice use of the English language on your last comment!... :whistle:
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-06 12:18:00
CanadaTim Horton's

As far as the TH vs KK donut question goes... my vote is definitely on the Timmie's side. KK donuts are just balloons of skinny, fried dough that are drowned in sugar syrup. Frozen or fresh, at least Timmie donuts are "cake" donuts. By the way, the recipe for the donuts on the US side of the border in TH are not the same recipes as the Canadian ones. The American ones have much more sugar in them, like everything else down here.

I'm with you on that one -- KK's have this weird metallic, overly sugary, mushy taste and consistency to them. yuck.

From Dictionary....Doughnut-A small ring-shaped cake made of rich, light dough that is fried in deep fat.

Note: rich, light dough, not thick, dry, chewy cake.

Should not the Timmy's puck be called a "cakenut" ?.... :yes:

KarenCee -- the blueberry fritters have blueberries throughout the dough, and a shot of blueberry jammy goodness in the middle...then covered in a sugar glaze.......yummmmmy! You MUST try one while you are visiting Joel! :yes:

bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-04 17:18:00
CanadaTim Horton's
[quote name='David and Karen' date='Apr 3 2006, 11:12 PM' post='110191']
[quote name='bucknekkid' post='110104' date='Apr 3 2006, 08:18 PM']
[quote name='MarilynP' post='110086' date='Apr 3 2006, 10:04 PM']
May I ask you something? Have you ever had a Tim Horton's donut?

they are not frozen when you eat them... :P

I didn't even know they were frozen and reheated unitl I read it in this thread and I couldn't tell the difference... they taste fresh...

Marilyn...Karen told me to quit being a goober, so I'm gonna stop yankin your chain... ;)

You'll find when I post, I make light of most any subject, it's just my character...

To answer your question, yes I've had a Timmy's donut, and can ask you a question?

Do you know the difference between a Timmy's donut and a hockey puck?

You can at least eat a hockey puck.... :lol:

*shakes her head* :no:

David, David, David. Sheesh! Pack up your hockey pucks already!! She likes TH, n' you like KK....each of you bring your own donut to the forum picnic n sit on opposite sides of the blanket! :lol:

*Lowers his head in pseudo shame, as he slowly stuffs one after another of fresh, hot and delicious KK donuts into his mouth while sitting across from Marilyn on the other side of the picnic blankey.... :P

Sorry, I couldn't help my silly ### self!!!!!

Edited by bucknekkid, 03 April 2006 - 11:19 PM.

bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-03 23:18:00
CanadaTim Horton's

May I ask you something? Have you ever had a Tim Horton's donut?

they are not frozen when you eat them... :P

I didn't even know they were frozen and reheated unitl I read it in this thread and I couldn't tell the difference... they taste fresh...

Marilyn...Karen told me to quit being a goober, so I'm gonna stop yankin your chain... ;)

You'll find when I post, I make light of most any subject, it's just my character...

To answer your question, yes I've had a Timmy's donut, and can ask you a question?

Do you know the difference between a Timmy's donut and a hockey puck?

You can at least eat a hockey puck.... :lol:
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-03 21:18:00
CanadaTim Horton's

I may have to wait to get my fix once I actually reach Vancouver then... don't want to degrade the Timmy's experience for myself.

I'm going to take it no one's a fan of YYZ? :-)

Personally, I've had to run too many times from Terminal 1 to 2 or vice-versa nearly missing my flight, arriving winded and nasty.

YVR - now there's an airport.

I did NOT like YYZ at all! That run from Terminal 1 to Terminal 2...waiting for the shuttle...I was so scared I'd miss my connecting flight and I was given wrong directions twice. Then I was told to read the boards, that I'd find my way....I had never been through YYZ before. Sigh....

I have to wait til Joel picks me up to have a Timmy's. Blueberry fritter, eh? That sounds yummy!

Blueberry fritters are the best :thumbs: ... I think they have other flavours of fritters now too....

I would take Timmy's frozen, reheated donuts over Krispy Kreme anyday.... all they seemed to have were donuts with the cream inside and they were far too sweet... YUCK!!! :P

*boxes up all the frozen hockey puck Timmy's donuts he can find, and saves themn for your visit... :innocent:
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-03 20:47:00
CanadaTim Horton's

I think claiming that a TH donut tastes "frozen" is a lil over the edge. To me it simply doesn't taste like a fresh baked anything. Besides....we should all be watching our waists and not giving into temptation of a donut from KK or TH!!!

*looks down at his bulging waistline and sadly spits out all the fresh KK donuts he has stuffed into his mouth at one time* :crying:

Yes baby, you are so very right..Thanks for the reminder!!

I love you!!!
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-03 07:23:00
CanadaTim Horton's

Krispy Kreme donuts are not all there I cracked up to be... the Tim hortons donuts do not taste frozen.. :no:

My favourite is the blueberry fritter....

I also like the soup and sandwich deals they have too :thumbs:

6 more days and I can have my Timmy's again :D ... will make hubby stop there as soon as we get into Canada :lol:

You should just shove a stick it into your Timmy's frozen donut, and lick it like a popcicle... :whistle:
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-02 17:21:00
CanadaTim Horton's

I have heard a lot of people say that the perfect store would be tim hortons coffee and krispy kreme donuts. Maybe they should combine.

Blasphemer! ICK! Krispy Kreme donuts are gross :P

KK wouldn't combine anyway. They won't even let you fill a travel mug of coffee unless its got their own freakin' logo on it.

Give me a fresh donut anytime over a frozen thawed one, I don't care who makes them...I like to see how many freshly made KK donuts I can stuff into my mouth at one time!!.... :blush:
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-02 13:57:00
CanadaTim Horton's

Hmmm....I wonder how a Timmy's would fly down here in the South?

the furthest south they've gone so far is Ashland, Kentucky where there are 2 stores.

I think they're concerned about getting further south, specifically North Carolina because that's Krispy Kreme land, (owned and operated out of Winston-Salem, NC). But now that KK isn't doing so well financially, maybe Timmy's could move in and take over :D

Regardless of Krispy Kremes financial position, they will not sink...And no way does the quality of Timmy's donuts(fresh frozen) come close to KK's(fresh), there is no competition there at all. Timmy's intends to double the number of stores in the States within the next three years, giving them eventually 500 stores total. I see most of these stores being Northern states where they will be competing with already established Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts. The market in Canada is already saturated, so not much growth potential there either. Tim Horton's is a Canadian icon, and it is highly unlikely to take the US by storm as it has in Canada...but you can always hope and dream!!!

When I worked at Tim Hortons (in Canada) our donuts were not frozen. We made em in the back throughout the day. Same thing with the bagels, croissants, tea biscuits, cookies, etc.

I sadly worked at at tim hortons a year ago and the donuts are not baked fresh any more as to save time and to make sure the donut sizes are pretty much the same. the just heat up the frozen donuts in the oven. tastes fine to me. I sure did love eating the frozen cookie dough!
I have heard a lot of people say that the perfect store would be tim hortons coffee and krispy kreme donuts. Maybe they should combine.

I admit that is a great idea, but TH's is owned by Wendy's, who is currently in the process of splitting TH's from Wendy's stocks. A grand plan to pay off debts incurred by Wendy's when they purchased TH. As I stated previously, the Canadian market is saturated, with aprox. 1 TH for every 12,800 Canadians, and with limited growth planning in the States, TH stocks will make you little if any money.

Not being a coffee drinker anyways, I prefer a KK or Southern Maid donut with an ice cold glass of moo!
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-02 09:35:00
CanadaTim Horton's

I think most people go to Tim Horton's for the coffee anyways not the doughnuts

Whatever the reason they may go to Timmy's, don't expect one to pop up at corner near you anytime soon. :no:
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-02 01:06:00
CanadaTim Horton's

Hmmm....I wonder how a Timmy's would fly down here in the South?

the furthest south they've gone so far is Ashland, Kentucky where there are 2 stores.

I think they're concerned about getting further south, specifically North Carolina because that's Krispy Kreme land, (owned and operated out of Winston-Salem, NC). But now that KK isn't doing so well financially, maybe Timmy's could move in and take over :D

Regardless of Krispy Kremes financial position, they will not sink...And no way does the quality of Timmy's donuts(fresh frozen) come close to KK's(fresh), there is no competition there at all. Timmy's intends to double the number of stores in the States within the next three years, giving them eventually 500 stores total. I see most of these stores being Northern states where they will be competing with already established Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts. The market in Canada is already saturated, so not much growth potential there either. Tim Horton's is a Canadian icon, and it is highly unlikely to take the US by storm as it has in Canada...but you can always hope and dream!!!
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-01 12:01:00
CanadaJoe Canadian

Seeing the direction the TH thread went it reminded me of this...

and that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal.


Whats warm and fuzzy, sits on your face and tries to eat your tongue?

Edited by bucknekkid, 11 April 2006 - 09:26 PM.

bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-11 21:24:00
CanadaTimeline woes

I can't tell you how often I have used the timeline reference as a comparison so I would know where we stood in the mix of things.
You're helps and eases your mind. Errr sorta. If that is possible while we all tap our feet waiting!

*does a little dance to the tune of the tapping feet* :dance:
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-09 19:29:00
CanadaI might be crazy

I have seen it all now ... A Timmy's discussion turned into a Kim Campbell discussion ...


now after reading this I think I need a Timmy's ... I better get my fix on Timmy's before I move down to Illinois ... I haven't seen any down that way yet ...

I think it's a good thing because we beat Timmy's to death in the other thread.... B)
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-22 13:21:00
CanadaI might be crazy
*bites his tongue on another Timmy's thread, yet wishes anyone who would like to try a franchise the best of luck no matter where the location*

bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-20 19:24:00
CanadaTitre test
Dang, I thought this whole time Karen was saying Peter Test, and I kept saying "you already have!!"

bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-19 21:23:00
CanadaDon't want to be hassled at the airport

if your a jerk in any fashion (not saying anyone here was)

You can go ahead and say it.....I'm a jerk at times.... :yes:
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-17 19:22:00
CanadaPending custody and possible interview conflicts...
Howdy all

I would like to pose this question in the hopes others may have some insight...

Karen is currently divorced but still has not concluded the custody and property settlement end of the mess. She has, and still maintains custody of the children through this process, yet herein lies the problem.
Karens ex and the Court System are aware of her desire to leave the country with the children to marry me.
Her ex refuses to budge on allowing this to happen, therefore our fate will be left to the courts to decide.
Without out being presumptuous of the outcome, but to show the courts we are serious about our intent to marry, we have proceeded with the Visa I-129F application realizing the time it takes to accomplish this task. The application is currently in Montreal and we are awaiting Packet 3 to continue our journey.

Now the questions!

1) Can Karen go to the interview if the issues aren't resolved with custody and leaving the country with the kids?

2) If custody and permission to leave the country is granted in our favor can she show proof after the interview?

3) Can the interview be extended in the hopes we have an answer from the courts but not before the original interview date?

4) Does any of this making sense to you? If not I will try to clarify!!

Thanks in advance for any info you may be able to provide us!!

David of..... David and Karen
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-27 21:01:00
CanadaDo you lose your citizenship
I lost my citizenship once...I later found it behind the couch...
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-05-08 19:25:00
CanadaPolice Certificate

:idea: I found this site:


which was helpful. Just to double check though Police Certificate = CERTIFIED CRIMINAL RECORD CHECK ?


You only need the fingerprint based check if you have a criminal record. If you don't have a criminal record, you can go to your local RCMP post and request a name based check. You can also go to your local police service, but be sure that you request that it be based on a CPIC Canada Wide Search and that it states as such on the Police certificate.

Thank you! I don't have a criminal record.

In the event you may want to try and get a criminal record let me know, for a small fee I can tell you all kinds of ways to achieve that goal.... :devil:
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-05-08 19:11:00
CanadaEx-spouse & children
*Steps up to the front of the forum, does his lil happy dance :dance: , and sings "Karen and the girls are coming to America!!!"...WOOOOHOOOO!!!

I love ya'll, baby!!!!
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-09-09 21:31:00
CanadaK1 Marriage

Ok on a K1 you have to get married after you arrive in the USA. Is it possible to travel to Hawaii or the US Virgin Islands to get married? Can you marry outside the continental USA?
Thanks as always,

I'l marry you anywhere, baby!!!
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-09-16 12:43:00


Good luck with the interview, David and Karen!

Thank you very much for the kind words. Many ups and downs for us in this process. Things are slightly paused right now but I expect right around the corner things will pick up and we will soon be on the move!! :thumbs:

Girlfriend?..Have I told you that I loved you today?
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-09-16 12:45:00
CanadaI miss Shreddies

nope, Shreddies and Shredded Wheat are two completely different animals. Both made from wheat sure, but they're distant cousins at most.

Why is it Americans don't eat chips with gravy? My husband thought it was the strangest damn thing to put gravy on fries. I made him eat some a couple of times, he even tried poutine. He doesn't like gravy. but then I saw how his Mother used to make gravy....I don't blame him!

Is it November yet?

Growing up in Texas, it was not uncommon for us to order gravy with our fries, but it was usually cream gravy, not brown.
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-09-16 12:49:00
CanadaNov 16th!!
Girlfriend? Will you marry me?
(F) (F) (L) (L) (F) (F)
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-10-20 22:20:00
CanadaCanadian Conviction History?

Ok... sounds good... I haven't read your previous posts and I apologize...

What you will need from the archives is a copy of the complaint/indictment that outlines the charges against you and a copy of the judgement that shows the courts decision regarding the charges outlined in the indictment and outlines the associated penalty that went along with it... You need to get both since the judgement usually refers to the indictment. That should be good enough for them to make a decision on the nature of the crime in order for them to determine if a crime of moral turpitude was committed. If for any reason they would want more (which I wouldn't see since it would mostly be testimony, evidence, etc that really has no point in the matter), they will ask for it.

Thank you for the input. I have since contacted Montreal. They don't require what you mention and confirm that what I have is sufficient. But because this thread has me wigged out beyong belief I am now going to make my next mission one of trying to get these suggested items.
I will call the court back tomorrow and ask for those you listed.
In the meantime can you let me know where you have found this information please? I've asked a few times for the links or source so I can brush up on research myself. Much appreciated, thanks!


Zyggy, you have much knowledge of this process, but you have ignored Karen's request on the location of the information of which you speak. Please share with Karen and the others on this Fourm so we may all be as well informed as you.
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-11-03 20:16:00
CanadaCanadian Conviction History?

i worried about this question also. manitoba has a zero tolerence rule on domestic violence.

both spouses are charged no matter what. so i have been finger printed by the rcmp no charges were laid against me as i was the abused. so i assume i answer yes to this. I do remember officer said the prints are sealed and sent to ottawa. Though the 2nd time it happened only he was charged i never had to appear so who knows how this all works.

Sorry to get off topic here, but in Manitoba if you call the police and say your spouse is abusing you, they arrest you both? Correct me if I have it wrong. But if not, that seems like that might deter a lot of abused women from reporting the abuse.

This should posted as another topic....You hijacked Karen's topic.... :innocent:

It was just a question, with an apology for going off topic, certainly not "hijacking" a thread. Also, understanding what TRKCKL11 meant would better help answer her question. However, now that I've had to explain that, we've gotten even further off topic :innocent:

bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-10-27 14:46:00
CanadaCanadian Conviction History?

i worried about this question also. manitoba has a zero tolerence rule on domestic violence.

both spouses are charged no matter what. so i have been finger printed by the rcmp no charges were laid against me as i was the abused. so i assume i answer yes to this. I do remember officer said the prints are sealed and sent to ottawa. Though the 2nd time it happened only he was charged i never had to appear so who knows how this all works.

Sorry to get off topic here, but in Manitoba if you call the police and say your spouse is abusing you, they arrest you both? Correct me if I have it wrong. But if not, that seems like that might deter a lot of abused women from reporting the abuse.

This should posted as another topic....You hijacked Karen's topic.... :innocent:
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-10-27 12:22:00
CanadaGood luck Montreal interviewees!

This was a nice post to find! Thank you to you all.
Good luck to ljs and Leafgal! We'll meet ya in Montreal!!

*Brushes up on his Spanish*..That is what they speak there isn't it?.... :reading:

Thanks everyone!!!
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-11-12 21:01:00
CanadaOne Way Ticket
[quote name='David and Karen' date='Nov 12 2006, 11:55 AM' post='561937']
[quote name='bucknekkid' date='Nov 12 2006, 10:52 AM' Silly girlfriend..You cross at Queenston-Lewiston bridge... ;)

Grrrr! Ok it is pretty safe to say that I am not the person you wanna ask for directions. I get to where I gotta get and I suppose I'm not really sure how. I drive over some bridge there and back dangit! :lol:
Gimme a bridge name lesson someone....what are all the names of each one at Detroit...Sarnia...Buffalo...Niagara etc...throw this girl a bone!

Girlfriend...Peace, Lewiston-Queenston, Rainbow on the Buffalo side...Bluewater in Sarnia and Ambassador in Detriot...

XOXOXOXOXO...your boyfriend...
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-11-12 11:00:00
CanadaOne Way Ticket

You can walk across the Rainbow Bridge at Niagara Falls. It's a tourist area ... no trucks. The Peace Bridge is in Buffalo ... it's a commercial crossing, lots of trucks.

I don't know how a pedestrian would clear Canadian customs, though. It would seem odd he didn't have a car parked someplace, wouldn't it?

I guess it may raise some eyebrows. I crossed over at Niagara. We got asked nothing....I mean nothing when we entered into the Canadian side. She looked at my id, my friends id and said have a good day....that was it. We got grilled supremely when we walked back over to the American side. It was my most fearful border crossing that's for sure. But thats a whole other story. On the American side they did ask why we walked over etc and where our car was. It was parked on the American side in their parking area.
When I travel from the Buffalo airport myself I guess I travel via the Peace Bridge (I can never keep the bridge names straight!). I was sure I couldn't remember a sidewalk.

Silly girlfriend..You cross at Queenston-Lewiston bridge... ;)
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-11-12 10:52:00
CanadaI have a problem!!!
If he doesn't have copies stored, what can you do?

The copies are for your benefit in the rare event they get lost in processing...keep your fingers crossed, most likely everything will be fine...
bucknekkidMaleCanada2007-03-01 10:48:00

Cheese Curds are illegal in the US by health code because all cheese must be pasteurized and you can't get cheese curds if the milk has been pasteurized..

what? How am I supposed to open up a poutine stand when no one will hire me because all my experience is in Canada? (I've been reading the getting a job horror stories...)

I know from visits that some things are hard to find in the US, but on the flip side, the selection of other stuff is enormous. Still, I've started making notes.....

Great news Hockeygal!!!!...You were given some bad information from another member!!! Now you can open your very own Poutine stand!!!!!!
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-02-19 10:50:00
For those looking for Dream Whip. I work for the company which produces the Dream Whip packaging for both Kraft and Kraft Canada. Believe me when I tell you, we are producing millions of bags of that product for both countries. It's readily available here in the States.....
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-02-02 15:43:00
I was looking back over these posts and was thinking about Smarties..Here in the States, Smarties are what you call Rockets in Canada, and I find it interesting that the Smarties sold in the States, that you know as Rockets, are actually made in Canada....
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-02-02 15:09:00
As a USC that was living in Ontario for a year and currently engaged to a fine young Canadian gal(David and Karen), I'm surprised none of you have mentioned Dare's Maple cookies.... I miss those things...It's funny, I found some at one of the local grocery stores here in Missouri and didn't pick any up thinking I would grab them all on my next trip, sadly I haven't seen them since :(
And as far as your milk is concerned, what the hey is up with those screwy plastic bags anyway? I'll take a big old plastic jug I can screw the lid off of and gulp it down anyday of the year!!!
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-02-02 02:26:00

Just wanted to let everyone know that my fiancee got the interview date! Yay! It is March 28th! I'm sure all the November people, your date is coming so don't worry too much! I wanted to thank everyone for being super supportive!

A question just popped up. In the letter, it says due to space issues, friend and family must wait outside. Would I be allowed to accompany her into the consulate and to the interview?

Thanks again everyone!

You will be more than welcome to accompany her...Congrats and good luck...

Edited by bucknekkid, 04 March 2007 - 12:43 AM.

bucknekkidMaleCanada2007-03-04 00:43:00