United KingdomThings you need to do before leaving the UK

Another medical thought:


If you're the kind of person who keeps on top of this stuff, have any check-ups before you go, so that they are up to date and you're not due another for a spell. Saves worrying about that on top of everything else.


Eg: eye test; dentist; smear test if you're a lady.



Not a major concern but doesn't hurt to have a bit of an MOT here where it probably costs less to do so! Then you know you're set for another year/six months before you have to think about it again. I think I will aim to do this.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-25 06:24:00
United KingdomThings you need to do before leaving the UK


We had the phone bill conversation too and Steve was like, ok im going to put you on my account we can get a really good deal, it will just be $75 a month for your phone and you get like 600mins. I was like, I pay £15 a month right now to Virgin for unlimited EVERYTHING


It's crazy isn't it! Bob and I spoke about it again last night, he pays over $100 a month right now!!! Although he admits he's on an old tariff that he's not got around to updating yet, so possibly could exist on cheaper. I was literally like "You think I could get one for... half that? o_0". I don't want all my savings I'm going over there with to be eaten up by phone bills! :o :P


We were saying we'd both heard about the company Ting, which seems good value. But I don't think the coverage in Plattsburgh is very good (yet). Think what I'll do is drop down to a pay and go with my current, use that along with my Tracphone and go from there.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-20 02:08:00
United KingdomThings you need to do before leaving the UK


Yes, if your phone is unlocked. I have a UK sim, a USA one and multiple ones from around Europe that all work in my unlocked Nexus 4. smile.png


Edit: I should caveat that. If you've got an older phone, it might not play nicely with the networks here.  What phone do you have?


Nice. It's a HTC Wildfire S. So not super old but still a couple of years mileage on it!


Edit: Just read your post Owen. When I was Googling this yesterday there was made mention of frequencies and possible problems there. Over my head that stuff, but I understand how it could be an issue. Hmmm. I have the most basic of basic Tracphones with Bob at the moment so perhaps I will suffer with that until I can manage a new handset/contract once over there?!


Yes I remember talking about phone bills once and was shocked by how much he pays. I'm on the lowest possible o2 one here (I never call anyone!) with a data bolt on; never more than about £20 per month. Best recalibrate my expectations there!

Edited by Jo Amelia Finlay, 19 September 2013 - 03:28 AM.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-19 03:24:00
United KingdomThings you need to do before leaving the UK

Re: mobile/cell phones.


Possible to unlock your handset here and put a new SIM in it in the US? Anyone successfully done this? I can't afford a new handset and quite like my current one anyway, so hoping it might be possible but not sure.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-18 16:08:00
United KingdomThings you need to do before leaving the UK

Thanks for this. I was wondering about the medical notes thing just yesterday.


I can add that Student Loans need to know you are moving if you are still repaying that:


Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-18 03:56:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Yep sounds like it's blank - certainly the one I have has plenty of files on it.



Annoying! But oh well.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-28 04:08:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

You will need a DICOM image viewer (which should be on the disc) to view these images as they are in a specific medical imaging format. Looking at the disc (my PC uses Linux) I can view the contents which appear to include a viewer package for Windows only.


Currently downloading a Linux based DICOM package so I can see if I can export it.


<geek speak off>


I might get Bob to take a look at it, if he comes over to get me... But even looking at the disc in explorer it doesn't seem like any data is on it. It's like "750mb free of 750mb" or whatever *shrug*

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-26 13:03:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

You will never need the disc.  Use it as a coaster for your drinks.


Lol, thank you. Slightly gutted as it was a cool looking image when I saw it on screen! But I'm not sure I want to own it enough to chase it, if I'm never going to need it in any official capacity.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-24 05:14:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

The disc I got back at my interview today appears to be blank... it's meant to have the chest x-ray on it, I think?


The lady told me to take it with me in hand luggage but are these things ever asked for? (I seem to remember someone commenting that POE won't care for it/have their own copy). Will I need this, ever, in the future? I suppose what I am asking is, do I need to chase this up or is getting this back just a bonus thing and I don't need to worry about possessing it? I know the medical only lasts for a certain amount of time anyway.



Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-23 18:49:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

With regards to appointment generally, no great shakes to report but here's what happened that differed a bit from appointment reviews I read beforehand:


No breast exam or having to get them out at all, which surprised me. Esp considering my piercing showed up on the x-ray(!) so the x-ray fellow confirmed what it was when he reviewed it haha, and then said "Well the doctor will pick up on that..." She didn't as she didn't want to see my boobs! But I'm assuming piercings aren't crazy-uncommon.


Gender check was literally quicker than it took her to say "...And a peek down here...". Over before I knew what happened.


Vaccinations, see post above.


Mental health history, glad I took my GP letter as she referred to it a lot. I explained succinctly my problems over the years and she made notes. During the physical exam she asked if I had any self harm scars and I pointed them out (they are tiny).


Admitted some light drug use in my past, had to pee in a cup. Doc seemed happy enough with my answers to subsequent questions and no associated - or any - police activity in my past. I decided to be 100% honest and I felt better for having done so (rather than skirting around facts or not disclosing). Hopefully the fact it was 10-15 yrs ago + test coming back clean will mean no bad repercussions there. If they do we'll just have to roll with them.


Girl at reception nearly forgot to charge me the extra for the urine test thing, I corrected her and she said something like "Thank you. Saves me getting shouted at!". I liked her, she explained everything well and wished me all the best. My total came to £275, erk. Put it on the credit card and will worry about it later.

Edited by Jo Amelia Finlay, 13 September 2013 - 04:34 AM.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-13 04:30:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

I left the medical feeling oddly upset and deflated! I thought I would feel relieved and I did... but not as much as I thought I would. Maybe more relief will come when I know the results are okay and embassy-bound.


I blame my mood largely on the fact apparently I missed a vaccine on my To Do list; according to the doctor when I asked, I need an MMR one. I KNOW I have had one, but maybe one is all I've had? I was too moody yesterday to sit and go through my records *again*. But on my DS-3025 she's ticked the box 'Applicant may be eligible for blanket waivers because vaccinations not medically appropriate'. Due to there currently being a shortage of MMR vaccine countrywide, they couldn't give it to me yesterday (and perhaps this means I couldn't have even got it from my GP?! I dunno) so she noted said shortage in the MMR box on the form and ticked 'not routinely available'.


I'm a perfectionist though so I was beating myself up about dropping the ball on that, and the associated civil surgeon stuff we'll now have to go through once I get Stateside. Oh well.


Now just the wait and hope there's no phone call today or tomorrow.

Edited by Jo Amelia Finlay, 13 September 2013 - 02:33 AM.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-13 02:30:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

I'm currently giving this thread a good read as I have my medical on Thursday, eek.


Interesting to see how much people's experiences differ (boobs out versus not, for instance :P) but I am now very pleased I got my GP letter re: my mental health history. Thanks Queen for helping out with my question about that!


Nervous about my appointment, just want it over with already! content.gif

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-09 03:57:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

I spoke to my GP surgery last night. Whoo mama I anticipate paying a pretty penny for them to help me out with this. £20 for starters just for my immunisation record! I'm sure my last doc said he could just print it off for me, but I've moved practices since then, blink.png

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-22 02:29:00
United KingdomJust having a bit of a moan about postage!
Update: It arrived to Bob yesterday. So it was sixteen days altogether it took. Hello my name is Jo and I have learned to have more patience :blush:
Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-08 12:17:00
United KingdomJust having a bit of a moan about postage!

Gary was just being funny and adding some Winston Churchill quotes as humor for the Brit. Just the visual of wrapping one's head in duct tape before it exploded with this process cracked me up. Enjoy the wit and don't think it was rudeness.

On a serious note, I would never spend £50 ($79) mailing from the UK just to gain a week's time. There are so many things that are going to cost you money and drag on. A week or two may feel like a lifetime, but in the overall scheme of things it's not. People FedEx overnight their various application, only for them to sit in a warehouse for months and then see applications filed weeks or months after them get approved first. Conserve your money, don't sweat the small stuff, and don't put you life on hold waiting for something to happen. It will happen, but nobody can tell you when. Worry and panic and anger don't advance your case, but can make waiting miserable. You're gonna do just fine.

Ahhhhh I love this reply! I woke up thinking about it this morning still. You know that time between waking up and getting out of bed that your head starts mulling over stuff?! Anyway, thankfully as the day has worn on, I have come to realise exactly this; that in the grand scheme of things a few weeks doesn't really matter. My panic and 'ranting' serve no useful purpose (as in life generally, haha). So after a little vent, here or privately, I'm going to try and be more accepting about it all. THANK YOU for your words :star:
Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-05 07:45:00
United KingdomJust having a bit of a moan about postage!
I guess it's a case of you live and you learn :o I don't know why I didn't just go all out to start with (as in paying the big bucks)... naivety I suppose! But that's what happened and I can't help it now. Again, I really appreciate the feedback, support and stories of other members :thumbs:

Edited by Jo Amelia Finlay, 05 February 2013 - 07:06 AM.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-05 07:05:00
United KingdomJust having a bit of a moan about postage!
Well this was an eventful first post :P

But I do genuinely appreciate all the opinions and perspective given. I wish everyone all the best on their respective journeys, wherever you may be on the timeline - or way past it now! And I'm sure I will be back at some point to have another gripe or ask advice :whistle: Cheers.
Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-01 10:18:00
United KingdomJust having a bit of a moan about postage!
I understand (well I don't, because I've yet to go through it) that this complaint seems petty next to everything which lies ahead and what other people have already been through. In any case, thanks for your replies guys.
Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-01 09:17:00
United KingdomJust having a bit of a moan about postage!
I don't think anyone can actually help, other than give me sympathy! But I needed to vent my frustration at having posted my part of the I-129F package (I'm the foreign fiance, currently residing in the UK) to my fiance Bob on the 22/01 and he still hasn't received it. I guess a little over a week is pretty standard from UK to US, but I was advised to use the 'Airsure' service, so I paid £10 to do this, and it doesn't seem to have made much of a difference, other than getting to the USA quicker and being track-able.

Frankly I'm undecided as to whether being able to track this package is a good or bad thing in this instance, seeing as USPS is telling me it's been sitting in Jamaica, NY since the 28/01 (having been scanned twice??).

This isn't a huge problem, I know. I am sure it will be fine, but Bob and I are so ready to get this visa process underway and this hold up is really frustrating!

I guess I will cough up for special delivery next time, or just plain standard post - which granted, we've never had a problem with... other than impatience :blink:

Anyway as I said, just needed a rant really :o

(first time poster so feel free to move if there is a more appropriate forum for this, and apologies if this is the case!) xx
Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-01 06:09:00
United KingdomQuestion that occurred to me re: disclosing a wedding date.

Back to your original question. It is not frowned upon to have a wedding date in mind. Why would it? You are a couple who plans to marry and must marry within 90 days of entry. To me it would be more telling to not have thought about it. "Do you have any wedding plans?" "Huh? Wedding? Umm..err."

London interviewers do not try to trip you up. For the vast majority of couples, is an informal chat like you might have with a new acquaintance who heard you were going to marry an American and was interested.
How did you meet?
Where will you live?
Does she have any kids?
What does she do for a living?
Why do you want to live in America, instead of her moving to the UK?
Have you met her family?

It's a bunch of small talk. They don't want to go through photo albums or Skype logs. They do want to make sure you know the basics they are reading in the file...where she lives, works, and that you know about her 3 divorces and 8 kids.

Lately one of the interviewers has been asking "what do you love most about her?" or "how did you know she was the one?"



Apologies if I was unclear, I was referring to if when I visit this summer and tell the border guard (or whatever they are called) I'm visiting my fiance, I have heard they can ask "...When's the wedding?" in order to get an idea if you're going to enter the country and not come back! I know this doesn't happen every time, it's just one example I have read. But I wasn't saying they do this at the interview stage. That was my point, that at this early stage - actually now that I think about it, I think I've identified the important difference between the two reactions to wedding plans. D'oh! The immigration/border guard chaps are on the alert for people potentially not leaving the country, so any "tripping up" might be on the menu there. With the embassy and doing-things-the-proper-way business, this isn't the case.


I just answered my own question. Only took a few hours huh.png  blush.png

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-16 10:19:00
United KingdomQuestion that occurred to me re: disclosing a wedding date.


In my opinion its perfectly safe and even normal to have a wedding date in mind and assume you get an approval - we are humans with feelings,hopes and expectations as every one else.  We cannot be punished for falling in love with an american.


That of course doesn't mean one should be booking up a big white wedding or booking flights before having visa in hand.   (I actually did take the risk and booked my flight prior to the interview  oops8rh.gif  )


Yes, true. And you would have done everything in your power to make the application, info gathering and prep to be absolutely everything the embassy could want... Thus making the interview a 'formality' (for want of a better word) and approval likely, all being well!


Perhaps I will change my view nearer the time as the excitement builds and the end of this process is in sight energy.gif

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-16 06:36:00
United KingdomQuestion that occurred to me re: disclosing a wedding date.

I have "Hmm that would be nice..." ideas but nothing more at this point. I am way too much of a scaredy cat to take a gamble! I don't think I'd even book a flight until I had everything signed, sealed and delivered back to me from the interview.


Each to their own of course, and I do understand it's all down to the individual and their judgement calls yes.gif


Yes of course you could go the other way and if asked rather far along the process about wedding ideas, if you protest too much that nothing is planned and thought about, that could also look a little suspect, haha!


All fun and games eh? kicking.gif  Thanks for your thoughts guys.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-16 05:16:00
United KingdomQuestion that occurred to me re: disclosing a wedding date.

Having been doing a lot of browsing on here, and reading up on the post-NOA2 process (I like to be prepared!) a question occurs to me...


At what point does it become "acceptable" to have a date to get married?


I ask this because I assume if an immigration officer happened to ask me - to perhaps trip me up, I've heard of that happening - when the wedding is at this stage in our journey, it would be frowned upon or considered suspicious if I had a date in mind (FYI, I don't!).


However, I see on here and in the K1s from NOA2 to interview thread, the discussion of naming a wedding date, to potentially hurry the embassy to give you an interview date.


Presumably the embassy are cool with it and don't consider it suspicious, otherwise they wouldn't say you can inform them of such a thing! I was just wondering where others think this would change from being taboo secret7vf.gif


No judgement, no gripes, I'm just genuinely curious as to which point in our journey it's apparently allowed to assume you're going to get an approval! There are several steps here obviously, you can get the NOA2 but then get denied at interview.


Thoughts, musings from fellow VJers? idea9dv.gif


Equally if I've misunderstood something or misread, please feel free to correct me! Still getting my noggin' around all this info!

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-16 04:37:00
United KingdomOutstanding UK student loan

I think so long as you keep them informed and be honest (as with in the UK) then you should be all right.


I've just been reading up on this, anyone on the fiance visa route - such as myself - will probably want to get their partner to confirm they are supporting you, until you get clearance and the necessary paperwork to actually seek employment: http://www.studentlo...ENCE_1314_D.PDF


Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-28 15:07:00
United KingdomOutstanding UK student loan

I'm not entirely sure I can pay it all, but I'm going to have the awkward convo with mum on the off chance it might be an option, haha.


Best of luck for getting it sorted. We are going to be paperwork masters by the time this is over with, right?! star_smile.gif

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-16 04:40:00
United KingdomOutstanding UK student loan

This is weighing heavily on me, too. I still owe a lot more than I would like (I don't earn enough and have never done so, to make the auto repayments any use!) but I hate the thought of emigrating with that amount still outstanding. I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and ask for help from family, so that I repay them instead of the SLC for as long as it takes cray5ol.gif

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-16 04:21:00
United Kingdompolice report


Still waiting on be fair I've had a lot of past addresses, so I'm really putting them to work!


Hehe, I hope you hear from them soon :)

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-11 13:44:00
United Kingdompolice report

What do your certificates say?  "No trace" I assume?


I was looking at the embassy details, and they've thoroughly confused me.  No Trace = No record, right? At least, that's what I've understood so far (I have no record).  So why does it say... (from http://london.usemba...certificate_uk)


If the police certifiate states "No Trace" or "No Live Trace", please be prepared to discuss your arrests/cautions/convictions with the consular officer on the day of the interview. 


It makes it sound that no trace or no live trace indicate a record somehow?  I'm now like, #######?  Is there a third statement they can put on the certificate that means "no, really, no record"?


It says No Trace, yes. I've never even remotely been in trouble in my life.


I am going to assume it's poorly worded and nothing to worry about. The letter which came with the cert itself states that No Trace = all clear, nothing to report. So I guess I/we could take that along as additional proof, if required.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-05 18:19:00
United Kingdompolice report

Received my confirmation email this morning, and the received date was 24/05 so it obviously takes them a while! Cheque still not cashed though!


My certificate came in the post today! Man I forgot how unflattering my passport photo was, haha.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-05 12:13:00
United Kingdompolice report


Could you keep us posted of when your cheque gets cashed/you hear something, as I'm about a week behind you on this step. Thanks! (This whole process really teaches you what patience is huh!....)


Will do! Just checked my bank account and no cheque cashed as yet. But as soon as I hear anything I will pop back with an update.


I'm not a patient person so this is all torture good practice for me! ;)

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-03 13:13:00
United Kingdompolice report

they emailed me today to confirm they received my application ten days ago(20 th May).so I guess the process of them dealing with it will start from now? So don't worry too much if you only sent it off a week should hear something soon


Ditto! I was just coming on here to write the exact same thing. Picked up a mail when I got in tonight saying they received it on the 20th and it'll now be dealt with, blah blah.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-30 19:05:00
United Kingdompolice report

I mailed mine off exactly a week ago and haven't heard a squeak either, and my cheque hasn't been cashed yet!


I'll join the club too! Sent mine May 17th and no email or sign of cheque being cashed yet. 


To be honest knowing others are in the same position makes me panic less about it being lost/stolen/set on fire happy.png

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-30 09:55:00
United KingdomUK Vaccination Records

Do you know that for US immigration Tdap or DTP is Tetanus/Diptheria/Pertussis?
P is not for Polio.

And you need something in the Tdap, DTP, Td range no longer than 10 years ago, so check your dates.


Cr*p you're right, I had read that (both). To the doctors upon my return it is, then! oops8rh.gif

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-03 13:04:00
United KingdomUK Vaccination Records

BCG! Not BSG. I think the heat's gone to my brain :P

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-03 03:33:00
United KingdomUK Vaccination Records

My mum managed to find my baby health book with a page of dated immunisations and tucked inside it are two forms from when I was at secondary school; consent forms my parents signed and at the bottom the record of the injections in question (BSG and booster for Tetanus/Diphtheria and Polio). From the reading I have done on here, I'm led to believe these documents serve just as well as a print out from the doctors and the info therein can be brought together on the form Knightsbridge fill in and give me a copy of...?


Due to my going to visit my fiance for several weeks, soon, I'm not going to be back at my GP until early August to sort this stuff out, but I think rather than hand over their charge of £20 I may just go armed with baby book etc to my medical, whenever it ends up being... smile.png

Edited by Jo Amelia Finlay, 02 June 2013 - 08:04 AM.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-02 08:03:00
United KingdomVisiting US after K-1 in hand/passport... but not activating it?

Funny you mention finding Canadian info...  Have you considered taking a trip somewhere *other* than the US together?  Maybe Canada, for example?  


Haha, you know what? I hadn't! And he lives so far upstate NY it is practically Canada. I am a doofus.



We had a similar situation. If you want to visit, then delay your interview. The DS-2001 readiness for interview form requires a cover letter stating the date of your wedding, date of medical and email address. Use that same cover letter to say --
Note: I will not be available for interview until after Dec xx, 2013 because of travel plans out of the country. Pleas schedule my interview after Dec xx, 2013.
They delayed my fiance's interview based on such request.

Things to keep in mind.
1) Your petition will expire around Nov 7. To revalidate it (stated in your instruction letter) the US fiancé will have to prepare a new letter of intent, have it notarized, and send to the UK fiancé to take to the interview.

2) your visa will be issued by London to expire 6 months from the date of your medical exam. It is not six months from the I terciew. So plan and schedule accordingly. If you had your medical in August, but delayed your interview until January, your visa would only be valid until February.

When do you want to move?


Ahhhhh, thanks for that, had not realised (or remembered!) that it's from medical date!


Realistically I think we both want this part of the journey over with sooner rather than later; so I think we'd put up with more time apart for the sake of getting this end part of k-1 process done. Our petition expires Nov 10, I seem to recall, so really I'd like to keep the ball rolling now. I sent in my initial DS forms today and got my td shot. I need to liase with my GP about some things before I call to book my medical... then planning to send readiness forms to arrive roughly same time as medical results. Been reading reading reading so much on here, trying to get my head straight on how to do what, and when. To postpone just for the sake of a dirty weekend is tempting - hell, I'm only human - but also seems rather foolish, now I have some control over how fast things move!


I have in mind early next year to move. I don't think logistically I could do it before xmas, even if all the visa ducks are in a row, and really I'd like one more xmas with mum before I go. I'm not ruling anything out, but that's kind of the rough timescale I have in my head.

Edited by Jo Amelia Finlay, 14 August 2013 - 01:23 PM.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-14 13:13:00
United KingdomVisiting US after K-1 in hand/passport... but not activating it?

I feel like I can guess the answer to this but wondered if anyone had some definitive info or experience.


Once the interview is passed and passport received back with visa inside, relevant paperwork etc, is one able to visit the US on the VWP still without entering on the K-1 yet?


My mum suggested Bob and I meet for a weekend in December - which would be after my anticipated interview etc date, but before I would be ready to emigrate. Initially I thought "Ooh! We wouldn't have to go 6+ months apart!" (we are used to 3/4) but now I am assuming once the K-1 is ready to go, I have to use it. OR risk the journey and try to explain to the officer at POE! (NB: I would not even attempt this).


I tried searching the forums for this but all I could find was Canadian info, and obviously different rules apply.




Of course we can wait a little longer than normal (we're good at waiting, by now!), but I just wanted to put the question to the VJers out of curiosity.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-14 11:00:00
United KingdomDS-156K form


ok this is great information thanks! i'm just waiting on my police certificate to arrive. also I just noticed today that my birth certificate doesn't have my parents' names on it. so i'm gonna have to find out where to get one from. did you fiancé in the USA have to send you an intent to marry letter again? to just revalidate it?  


Here's where you order your long form birth cert: I think it's about £10?

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-19 09:32:00
United KingdomGP refused my request for vaccinations

I feel the pain of dealing with GPs/receptionists.


I've not had quite such a bad time of it (so far!) but I am getting exasperated by dealing with mine.


Initially they were going to charge me £20 for a print-out of my immunizations... but luckily when I got my TD booster I managed to sweet talk the nurse to print off the list there and then.


However I have had to pay £40 for a "supporting letter" regarding my history of depression; was told it could take up to two weeks and am into my second week now. Despite one receptionist saying "It could take a while, he gets a LOT of these!" when I paid, every time I have phoned up to check if it's done yet they seem as though they don't know what I am talking about! Doesn't fill me with confidence! Oh well, back to waiting I go...!


OP did you get it all sorted in the end? I hope so :)

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-04 03:51:00
United KingdomPrevious drug use and Medical

Thanks for the replies.  I saw some other threads saying that any admitted use regardless of time passed would be cause for rejection so I got worried.


It's been over a decade.  We'd be crushed it some youthful indiscretions threw a wrench in us being together finally.


I hear that. There's a lot of conjecture amongst the actual accounts from people on here (well, it is the internet ;)) and that really scared me too. You hear/read the word "ban" and it terrifies you. But all you can do is be honest and hope that it works out. Fingers crossed for us both!

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-13 07:50:00