US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Hi Joe!

How is everything going with your AOS?

We send hugs... everything is going good... especially now that the weather is finally getting better!

Silvia (and Seth)
sonadoresNot TellingColombia2006-04-09 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy Fiancée Arrives!
That's so cool Peter.

Congratulatiosn and enjoy this new stage!

(L) (L) (L)

Love is in the air ;)

sonadoresNot TellingColombia2006-03-18 17:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCUBA -- Carta Blanca going away???!!!!
perhaps the Carta Blanca / Exit Visa requirement is going away:

from El Pais

Cuba rebaja las restricciones para viajar
El Gobierno permitirá a los cubanos salir al extranjero sin autorización oficial
MAURICIO VICENT - La Habana - 18/04/2008

Vota Resultado 38 votos
El Gobierno de Raúl Castro dará luz verde próximamente a una esperada reforma migratoria que simplificará los trámites de entrada y salida del país y permitirá a los cubanos viajar al extranjero sin necesidad de obtener un permiso específico de las autoridades. La existencia de la denominada tarjeta blanca o permiso de salida, cuya tramitación cuesta 150 pesos convertibles (unos 100 euros) y puede tardar meses o cuando menos semanas, y sin garantía de respuesta afirmativa, fue muy criticada por la población en el debate convocado el año pasado por Raúl Castro. Otro requisito, la carta de invitación, que hasta ahora es necesario presentar en las oficinas de inmigración cuando se viaja, también desaparecería, según fuentes cercanas al gobierno.

La flexibilización migratoria ya está decidida y sólo faltaría perfilar algunos asuntos para que las medidas entren en vigor, dijeron a EL PAÍS las citadas fuentes. Pudiera ser en los próximos días o semanas, y probablemente se informará a la población a través de los medios de prensa, como ocurrió con el levantamiento de la prohibición para que los cubanos contraten líneas de telefonía celular. No está claro si se adoptarán como un conjunto de medidas, o se irán introduciendo poco a poco.

Entre otras regulaciones, la reforma migratoria acabaría con la famosa tarjeta blanca, aunque con excepciones. Por ejemplo, los médicos, los universitarios recién graduados que no hayan cumplido su servicio social, o los militares y miembros del Ministerio del Interior con acceso a información que afecte a la seguridad del Estado, deberán seguir obteniendo un permiso específico, mientras no transcurra un plazo de tiempo variable. Sin embargo, para gran parte de la ciudadanía el trámite del permiso de salida -por el que las autoridades obtienen millones de dólares anuales de ingresos- desaparecería.

El requisito, hasta ahora exigido por las autoridades, de presentar una "carta de invitación" legalizada como parte de la documentación para viajar, también sería eliminado. La mayoría de las embajadas piden este trámite a los cubanos para tramitar su visado de entrada, por lo que esta medida, unida a la eliminación de la tarjeta blanca, de hecho, traspasaría a los países receptores la responsabilidad de limitar los viajes de los ciudadanos cubanos, ya que ahora sólo necesitarán un pasaporte vigente y visado para salir de su país.

De implementarse como está previsto -aunque todavía puede haber modificaciones, advierten las fuentes-, la medida daría respuesta a una demanda popular que es unánime y cada vez más sonora. Intelectuales y artistas comprometidos con la revolución, como el cantautor Silvio Rodríguez, han pedido recientemente la abolición "completa" del permiso de entrada y de salida por no responder a la nueva realidad del país; de igual modo, criticaron la prohibición existente para que los cubanos se alojaran en hoteles dedicados al turismo internacional, que se levantó hace pocos días.

En su discurso del pasado 24 de febrero ante el Parlamento, tras ser nombrado presidente, Raúl Castro anunció la eliminación inmediata de prohibiciones "sencillas", pero, dijo, otras tomarían más tiempo debido a que requerían "cambios en determinadas normativas jurídicas", además de influir en ellas "las medidas establecidas" contra Cuba por sucesivas administraciones estadounidenses. La Habana acusa a Washington de utilizar con fines políticos y propagandísticos el tema migratorio, y las últimas grandes crisis entre ambos países han tenido este trasfondo.

El mes pasado, durante un encuentro en La Habana con emigrados favorables a la revolución, el canciller Felipe Pérez Roque se refirió de este modo a la esperada reforma migratoria: "no quiero anticiparme sobre ese tema, pero son asuntos que han estado permanentemente bajo nuestra consideración". Y añadió: "tenemos firme nuestro compromiso de hacer cada vez más fluida la relación entre los cubanos que residen en el exterior y Cuba y hacer cada vez más expeditos los trámites y las regulaciones sobre ese tema".

Como parte de esta flexibilización, se prorrogaría también el tiempo de estancia que los cubanos pueden estar en el exterior sin tener que regresar a su país, o perder sus derechos. El plazo legal en la actualidad es de 11 meses, que se ampliaría, probablemente, a dos años. Además, los menores de edad podrían salir con sus padres, algo actualmente restringido y sólo autorizado en casos excepcionales, dijeron las fuentes.

Del mismo modo, se espera que se simplifiquen los trámites de entrada temporal para los cubanos que residen en el exterior. Otros asuntos, como la pérdida de las propiedades -casas, vehículos, etcétera- cuando alguien emigra definitivamente, o la posibilidad de autorizar el regreso definitivo a Cuba de los que se fueron, todavía está en discusión. El verdadero alcance de la reforma migratoria, que se debate desde hace meses, todavía es una incógnita.

"Prohibiciones superadas por la vida"
En un discurso pronunciado en diciembre ante el Parlamento, Raúl Castro criticó con dureza el exceso de prohibiciones y regulaciones que existían en el país y que, consideró, hacían "más daño que beneficio". El entonces vicepresidente primero de los Consejos de Estado y de Ministros, opinó que "la mayoría" de estas prohibiciones fueron "correctas y justas en su momento", pero dijo que muchas habían "sido superadas por la vida". Raúl fue directo y contundente: "Detrás de cada prohibición incorrecta búsquese un buen número de ilegalidades". Entre estas ilegalidades, muchas tenían que ver con las cartas de invitación y otros negocios relacionados con los trámites de salida del país.

La reforma migratoria, que todavía ha de concretarse, sería un paso más en la estrategia de levantar "prohibiciones absurdas". Desde que fue elegido presidente, Raúl Castro ha permitido el acceso de los cubanos a los hoteles, ha autorizado la venta de computadoras, reproductores de DVD y otros electrodomésticos, y ha levantado la prohibición para el uso de teléfonos móviles. Además, se ha iniciado una reforma en agricultura que contempla la entrega de tierras en usufructo a campesinos privados y cooperativistas.

Entre las próximas medidas que se esperan está la autorización para que los cubanos puedan traspasar sus vehículos, y una flexibilización de los controles sobre la vivienda. Abundan los rumores y las opiniones; para unos es todavía muy largo el trecho por recorrer, para otros, todo avanza más rápidamente de lo esperado.

'Tarjeta blanca'
- Excepciones. Seguirán necesitando la autorización o tarjeta blanca los médicos, los universitarios recién titulados y que no hayan cumplido el servicio social, los militares y los miembros del Ministerio del Interior con acceso a información

de seguridad interior.

- Flexibilización. Se podrá prorrogar hasta dos años el plazo de residencia en el exterior sin perder derechos. Los menores de edad podrán salir del país con sus padres sin las restricciones actuales.
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-04-18 00:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGet those Cuban Passports now -- before price increase
along with the rumors that the Carta Blanca might go away,
there are also rumors that the price of the Cuban passport might go up to around $150 CUC.

so if your fiance doesn't have it yet, go get the Cuban passport while it still only costs $55CUC.

best wishes all!
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-05-13 01:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCuba posters--How much are the medical exam and interest section visit costs?
Picking up the packet is free.

When he has the interview, I believe it is $131 US or $121 CUC. Something like that.

when he/she picks up the packet, it will say how much cash to bring to the interview (if it's 131 or 123 or 121)

Good luck!

My fiance will have his interview June 26 so i'll post info about it after it happens.
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-04-27 22:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCuba posters--How much are the medical exam and interest section visit costs?
QUOTE (frevra @ Apr 26 2008, 08:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To Those of You in the K1 process with a Cuban, or who have already finished...

I just received the NOA2 today, so I'll be sending my fiance in Habana all the documents with a friend of mine who is headed down there. However, I can't seem to find out exactly how much money the medical exam and the two interest section visits are. Can anyone clarify the costs for me? Is the medical exam $400? Is it 400 CUC or dollars? I'm guessing CUC. Is the cost of him picking up the packet from the embassy 123 CUC. What other costs are there? If anyone could help me out, that would be wonderful. Thanks!


Here's what I have gathered.

The Medical Exam required by the US is done at only certain hospitals/clinics in Cuba. I don't know that the first exam has a price to it. I think it's just a medical service that they go in and request and it's free in their system. (?) (There is another later exam required by CUBA for the Cuban Exit Visa that is $400 or $450 not sure CUC or $$)

Picking up the packet is free.

When he has the interview, I believe it is $131 US or $121 CUC. Something like that.

After the interview, when he has the visa from the US, he has to do the cuban process:
Apply for exit visa which will then include the Carta Blanca is I think $150CUC. But that is highly rumored to be about to change. As part of that, they had to do what some call the "Fake Medical" which is required by Cuba, but all you do is go to some bank/office and pay the $400 or $450 and they give you a stamp on some official paperwork. They never actually see a doctor! Again, this part might be about to change. Rumors were hot on it last week but no news this week.

Other parts of the Cuban Exit Visa are the Carta de Liberacion (letter from his job), and Vivienda (visits to his home for the state to confiscate whatever he has when he leaves).

Too many damn steps. hopefully they will indeed do away with some of the exit visa process.
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-04-27 00:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americainternet from cuba?
hey cuban fiance people,

has your fiance been having more difficulties with internet access, or what is his/her method?

mine used to pay to use the internet in the hotel where he worked, but says that since they hotels are open to cubans, they are being stricter with the internet access in the lobbies or business centers, demanding to see a foreign passport.

anyone having the same problem? this is in havana.

i guess i shouldn't complain because now i am getting lots more long letters instead of short little emails, but i am just curious what other people are experiencing.

if they use the public email at correos de cuba, how is that going? i hear sometimes the lines are very very long.

well, thanks for any info and keeping in touch.
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-05-23 00:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americami novio se fallecio
today i got the terrible news that my fiance was electrocuted in his own house by terrible wiring while simply changing a light bulb.

we were so close to getting him over here, but now i can only cry and try to hold onto my fond memories.

for some reason today i put on the colors of his santo, and put on the bracelet he gave me and then i got a terrible email from his cousin in spain, who assumed i had already heard, so it was a condolence email, but i had no idea what he was talking about, or at least i was trying to deny that it could be real. then i called his friend in havana and it was all confirmed.

enjoy every day, and share your love while you have the chance.

best wishes to you all in your journey to being united with your loved ones.

rest in peace Alexis Merino Hechavarria, mi hombre, mi amor, mi querido.
please click on my user name, and scroll down to pictures, to have one last look at this beautiful, wonderful human being who has now departed this life.
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-05-29 22:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americamarrying in Cuba,need to certify my documents in US definitely??
QUOTE (juana17 @ Apr 27 2008, 07:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi out there star_smile.gif calling all persons who understand the lay of the land so to speak... Cuba es diferente, and persons in love with a cubano /cubana, sure know this! wacko.gif
please, real experience wanted...I need to know at least where to ask and who , if not here..
I am returning, need to for many important reasons and want to marry there , en habana.
I know to have my passport, birth certificate, copies of divorce, and that they will need to be translated ,( probably there but I'll get it done here too)
I want to know if I need to send my papers to who? for what? and what $$ ??? and how fast can it be done.. or if I am there can I just go to the consultaria/notary, spend the 700.$ plus whatever else to expedite ( i think 75.$) (so I am able to get it done and go visit my in-laws without worry of time running out.) and of course then book the time to do the deed and marry my beloved!
any one on this forum (US citizen only) married in Cuba or know someone I can talk with? I have been going crazy reading whatever I can get on the cuban minrex site / of servicios notarias and I still am not sure. the US gov sites are hard to understand for me. Please please help. I want this to go as well as possible, knowing Cuba, lots can happen!!!! gracias para todos...
J good.gif

hi juana,

i hope you don't mind, i posted your questions on to a message board called www cubaamor dot com
(because even if you signed up today, it still takes a few weeks before they permit you to post)

scroll to the bottom where it says "immigration & Laws" and there is a post there i started about you called "lady needs info for wedding in Cuba" give it a day or two and you'll start seeing info. also you can go surf around that site and find out more about marriage to a cuban partner.

Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-04-27 22:51:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)National Visa Center
QUOTE (jordin @ Apr 14 2008, 07:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can I call the US Interest Section in la Havana and shecdule an appointment with the NOA2 number or the NVC center will issue a different case number. Or will I have to wait for the NVC approval letter and new case number.

you need to get your case number from NVC (which you can get by phone) in order to start the next step with the Havana office.

again...don't listen to folks about the rest unless they have experience w/ Cuba. other countries mail out a packet. for Cuba, your person has to be scheduled to go pick it up. if in Havana, they MIGHT receive a telegram or letter telling them a date to come in. if not in havana, probalby not. you have to call to find out when it's ready.

it's hard for cubans to get into the embassy -- big lines -- so it's best to set it up by phone so they have their name on a list with the guards outside.

QUOTE (jordin @ Apr 14 2008, 07:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have downlodad some forms from the website to send to my fiancee in la Havana, but how can I be sure that she has all the forms she needs.

if she's in Havana, she really should go pick up the packet. not only does it have the forms, but a list of hospitals where she can do the medical (only 2 in havana). and a cover letter to her with general instructions.

QUOTE (jordin @ Apr 14 2008, 07:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiancee have all the documents and passport since November last year are those document still goods for the interview?

they should be fine. the police one is the only one that has to be fairly current.
i was there in march, my boyfriend's interview is in late June. i asked if he should get the police document or wait, the lady said go get it now.

hope that helps.
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-04-14 22:35:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Packet Number Three
well...check out the post from Tiffany and Nick.

she kept calling and got an interview that happened today, May 12th!

so if you are willing...keep calling. but also, your fiance has to have all their papers ready to go!

and keep your timeline updated and share info with the board so we can all benefit from the shared experiences.
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-05-13 01:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Affidavit of Support
just to be on the safe side i think you should get at least updated printouts of your bank statements and a current paycheck.

why not do a new signed version of the form too...with a current date and signature.

i did not submit affidavit of support with my first application and it was approved. i finally prepared the Affidavit for the US Special Interests Section interview we have coming up.
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-05-28 21:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAttention all Cuban filers waiting on interview in havanna
and one more question...

for anyone to answer...

i think i've read this somewhere but can't recall the answer.
at what point can i call the havana office and set up an appointment for an interview?

do my papers have to already be out of NVC and arrived in Havana?
i'm so anxious...but it will probably take my bf a little longer to collect all the info...has to get to santiago for police cert for example...

Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-01-31 19:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAttention all Cuban filers waiting on interview in havanna
hi edwin,

i'm following your story because we're just a few months behind you.

right now our papers are at NVC.

so when they get to havana, how did the "embassy" contact you? or did you have to contact them?

my bf in havana doesn't have a telephone so i'm wondering if they'll contact his email or do we have to call and check in with them every so often?
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-01-31 19:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAttention all Cuban filers waiting on interview in havanna
QUOTE (EdwinandMary @ Dec 14 2007, 02:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Today I had my interview appointment reschedule from June 2 to Feb 28. I happen to get it bumped up 3 months. What i did was called the U.S. interest section in Havana. I talked to the Manager that speaks English. I explained to her that my interview was in June, and she told me that is not right and they are accepting interviews in February. Do not call and talk to the person who only speaks Spanish because they to not have the authority like the lady who speaks Spanish.

Edwin -- congratulations -- that is very exciting to gain those months!
And thank you for sharing your info.
I'm happy to find more info on Cuban K-1 filers...I'm getting ready to start so I'm eating up all this information!

One of your posts mentionned a baby -- what is the situation with that???

Best wishes.
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2007-12-16 12:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionapproved visa, buying a ticket
congratulations! that is wonderful for you both!
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-02-04 23:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhats next??
hey...i see you got packet 3 and set up your interview for JUNE!!! argh. that must feel like such a long time.
someone had advice to call the embassy and ask to speak to the english-speaking lady -- she got someone else's appointment moved up by 2 months recently.

i guess this will happen to me too in a few days... but i will be visiting in march so if talking to the english speaking lady doesn't help me, i will go in person to see if i can get it speeded up!

such a nail-biter!
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-02-06 21:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhats next??
where can we find the contents of this famous "Packet 3" ??

i think i more or less know what forms it will contain, from looking at the state department site, but i've never seen it referred to as packet 3.

please, someone tell us more about what is in Packet 3!

Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-01-26 21:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHELP!!
QUOTE (Karena @ Feb 8 2008, 06:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiancee in Cuba was called to the consulte to pick up packet/documents, but was not told anything about returning anything by mail, or an appointment date. Any tips? Does he need to mail in the DS-230 Biographical data to the consulate

it seems the best way is that you call an 866 number from the states and buy a PIN number for $11 and you set up his appointment for him.

here's what Edwin wrote earlier to me:

here is the number for the U.S. interest section in
havanna. 011 53 7 833 3551. Check to see if they got
your case from NVC. once they received your case and
you call them, they you give you this number to set up
a appointment for your finace interview. 1 866 374
1769. hope this helps....Edwin

what else was in the packet?
some people don't even mention the DS-230.
are you guys married or is this a K-1 Fiance Visa?

Thanks for any help.
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-02-08 21:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion1-134 form
yea... just ask yourself, would you rather take the time to explain to the HR lady, or get an RFE and add another couple of months to the process? i keep almost getting sloppy with forms and add-ons, and then i ask myself...spend an hour now, or wait an extra 2 months cuz i was lazy?
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-02-07 22:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionexiting cuba
leaving cuba...
this may well not be a comprehensive list, but here is what i've learned so far.

Passport needed before they go for the K-1 interview. 55CUC from Cuban government.

after they get the K-1 Visa from the US gov,
they must get the following from the Cuban gov

"Liberation Letter" carta de liberacion -- from their job. i think this is free, believe it or not. pretty sure that this is the point where they lose their job and the cuban government assumes their filthy rich foreign spouse is supporting them so some other lucky cuban gets the job. (this is the point where doctors, nurses and biotech workers are not permitted to leave the country)

"fake medical" -- that's what people on discussion board call it. an expensive medical visit, i think like $400 CUC, just another way for Cuba to get some money from you. some places only offer it one time per week i think? not sure. this is different from the medical that you need before you go to the US interview (i guess that would be the "real" medical)

Vivienda -- someone visits your fiance's home to check out their stuff. if the home is in his / her name, he /she will lose the home upon departure -- cannot pass it on to a family member. they will also be listing all personal belongings, like chairs, TVs, whatever, and that is all supposed to stay in the house / apt when the fiance leaves, because the government will inherit it. cost unknown to me.

(plane ticket must be bought before the next one - JFK is supposedly the only airport where US immigration can get you some paperwork that speeds up or gives permission to work while awaiting the green card -- should verify this, it's hearsay)

PVE / PRE -- Exit Visa -- Permiso Viajar al Extranjera or Permiso Residencia Extranjera -- permit to travel or reside abroad. i forget which one is which for people going to the US. I think PRE, since the PVE has to be renewed by going back to Cuba every 11 months and legally, someone living in the US can not go back for 3 years. cost unknown to me.

I think the above -- PRE -- is what people call Carta Blanca. a white card that goes in their passport and lets them out of the country. or maybe the Carta Blanca is something you get at the same time as you get the PRE.

anyone else have better or more clear info?
did i get anything wrong?

Edited by Barbara y Alexis, 02 March 2008 - 09:27 PM.

Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-03-02 21:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRequest For More Evidence
i'm just going on gut instinct, but your annual salary is well above the poverty level for two people and you have what most people would consider a good chunk of money in the bank for a starting-out couple. i can get food, pay rent and pay for some community college english classes with that for at least a year, right?

i think you should be fine.
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-03-11 00:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLeaving Cuba: Salida Indefinitiva vs. Salida Definitiva?
Thanks everyone for the quick replies! PLEASE CLARIFY ... to move up the interview should I call the US SPECIAL INTERESTS SECTION? I've been calling the toll free Appointment Service Center. Edwin, do you have a phone # for the US Special Interests Section? I did email them about the situation/my pregnancy, no reply yet.

also some people have said they got quick replies when they faxed to the US "Embassy" in could do a search here for a fax number (or maybe it's on the website for the US Office in Havana) and try a few faxes with your email as a way to reach you.

good luck. i sure hope your husband can be here when you give birth!
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-03-13 21:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLeaving Cuba: Salida Indefinitiva vs. Salida Definitiva?
[quote name='J.Ro' date='Mar 13 2008, 03:40 PM' post='1661098']

four months in cuba! wow -- how'd you do that?
and yes, the time lag to get the interview in Havana seems to be the longest part of the process for me too.
my fiance's interview is June 26, and i'm going for a visit next week!

congrats on the pregnancy!

, salida indefinitiva and salida definitiva.
i'm in no way an expert, but i believe that one is permission to visit abroad, and for that, they have to go back after 11 months to update the paperwork. it's not legal for them to go back from the US perspective because they can only go once every 3 years, right?

the other one is permission to reside abroad. for that one they don't have to return every 11 months.
i think you know that as far as cuba is concerned, he will always be a cuban citizen and when he wants to visit Cuba, he has to do it using his Cuban passport, so he has to follow their rules...something about "rehabilitating" his passport is a whole other process if he doesn't stay up to date and follow the rules.

i'm on the message board which is mostly canadians, and they don't have the 3 year rule that we do. they talk about the difference between a PRE and PVE. you could go to that forum and do some searches for past posts on those topics. if you get it figured out, please post is confusing to me also.

I'm also confused about the medical exam; are there really two required?
it seems that the US requires one (select a doctor from an approved list the embassy will give him) which is legit (to be sure he doesn't have certain diseases), and then the Cubans also have "medical" which apparently is nothing more than an opportunity for them to charge another fee.

good luck and let's share info!
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-03-13 20:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMY LOVE IS HEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

that is so wonderful!

yes, please do keep posting so we can also see the next steps and perhaps the adjustment issues that come up so we can all learn together!

congrats again!
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-03-18 22:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNo Translator Needed for Havana interviews
hi folks,

i just visited the Havana "embassy" to ask a few questions.

one of which was, "Does my fiance need to bring a translator with him to the interview?"

The answer was NO. She said all the interviewers are bilingual.

I also asked about the affadavit of support...what if I have three years of tax reports but am missing the most recent one (don't have it now, but will by time of the interview, but don't want to pay to DHL it there if it's not needed). The answer was, they don't need any one thing in particular, just sufficient documents to show that I am financially able to cover both our expenses, in combination with evidence that he has a history of working. They don't want someone to come over who will end up being a public charge, dependent on welfare.

More clarity on bringing over his teen son later. The boy wants to finish high school there. She said it's simplest if the boy follows immigrant fiance dad within 12 months of dad receiving the Visa (not 12 months of immigrating). However, as long as the boy is still under 21, not married, and we have indeed gotten married, then I can apply for him as the step-child of a US Citizen. But be sure to give it the 8-10 months needed for the papers to process. If he turns 21 in the meantime, then it switches over to the other family reunification visa process which is up in the 5-10 year range.

I tried to ask about which exit Visa he should ask for from Cuba (the salida definitiva or salida indefinitiva) but she didn't want to offer advice on the Cuban process.

I asked about getting the Medical Exam -- she said go ahead and start getting it, since it's valid for one year.
I asked about getting the police certificates (Penales Antecedentes) -- she said the same, with our interview in June, to go ahead and ask for the documents. No worries about them not being current enough if obtained in March and used in late June.

Best wishes to everyone!
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-03-29 10:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFees for medical exams
QUOTE (jordin @ Mar 31 2008, 07:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning to everyone: I have been busy reading all the comments you posted. Specially the ones from Cuba, since mi girlfriend is Cuban. I file my I-129 F on March 12, 2008 and up to day I have not received any reply from Vermont Center. Nevertheless I am positive and reading all the posting. I believe I submitted all the documents needed for the adjudication of my petition.

Now, Will someone tell me how much will be the cost of the medical exams in Cuba. Will the US Interest Section in la Habana, allow me to send her this money?

Once the petition arrives at the US Interest section in la Habana can I call for the interview or do I have to wait for my fiancee to pick the package at the embassy and complete them before I can call to make the appontment for the interview.

Thanks for all the comments and support I have received so far and I am learning more aboud the procecure.

May God bless you all.

Jordin good.gif

Hi Jordan,
welcome to the board. The Cuban Medical is $450 CUC. But there are 2 medicals. One for the US, which is an actual exam and blood and TB tests... i don't think the US one costs much. THe Cuban one is really just a way for them to collect $450 CUC. There is no actual visit to a doc or clinic for that one. Es Cuba.

You cannot send money through the US Interests Section. US Law allows you to use Western Union to send $1000 one time only for immigration costs. I haven't done that yet but I'm at the point of trying to do it. There is an affadavit you have to fill out to claim that this is your situation. And I think you have to go to an official Western Union office, not just any old check cashing place that offers WU money transfers.

Look under Edwin and Mary's profile for the phone number to call Havana.
After your petition leaves Vermont, it goes to the NVC in the US. You can also call them to verify if they have it, are workign on it or have mailed it to Havana. Once they say they have mailed it to Havana, maybe give it a week, then call to set up your appointment in Havana. If they say your fiance needs to pick up her packet first, just say you have already downloaded the forms from the web. Because at this point you are probably going to get an appointment in August.

You can visit my page, and under my Friends, there are all people with Cuban fiances. Read their posts to get some more info!

Also read the K-1 Flow chart provide on this site,... under FAQ i think.

Good luck!
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-03-31 22:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1, K2 Cuban Fiance Interview
QUOTE (MYK4LOVE @ Mar 12 2008, 08:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Muchas Gracias a todos! good.gif Thanks everybody!... i wish i could go there and fly with them back home, but i can't cray5ol.gif , i was there for the interview! so I will be waiting ClockWatch2.gif ClockWatch2.gif VERY ANXIOUS!!! at the airport!!! dancin5hr.gif

hi ..

so do you know what would have happened if you had gone there with no translator and the embassy person didn't speak spanish and the fiance doesn't speak english?

did you see any other couples there for the same purpose?

Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-03-13 20:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1, K2 Cuban Fiance Interview

uno cubano mas por aqui!


now you have to keep us posted about your plans and preparations for his arrival....

are you going to go there to travel back with him, or have a lovely reuniting at the airport in your hometown in the US?

so wonderful!
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-03-11 00:42:00
PhilippinesFeb. 7 Interview Experience, and Request for Visa Pick-Up
That is wonderful news. It is touching to hear you explain how you want to help her make that first trip internationally!

Thanks for sharing the details of the must remember the feeling of not knowing how it all would happen and it helps the rest of us who are still waiting to have a few more details to prepare ourselves.

Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-02-09 11:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 Visa approved in Havana!!!
QUOTE (David07 @ Mar 24 2008, 03:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To all Cuban VJ'rs:

After much wait and drama, we got our visa approved today!!!!
I was unable to make it to the inteview, so my fiancee had to go it alone...I just called her and she was just screaming with joy....! We talked for hours and are just planning to arrange her arrival here in Los Angeles as soon as possible (just have to deal with the cuban exit process now..)
This whole agonizing process (and specially for those us dealing with the political situation between the two countries...) really tests you, and your relationship like nothing else will I think. So, it's been a long journey and I am ecstatic that is almost over....!! My many thanks to everybody here who has provided advice and encouragement throughout the process....
The interview went quite well and was surprisingly fast. She was interviewed by a very nice lady there, who only asked two questions: where we met...and if she was member of some youth organization there...She had been a member of the youth organization while in college; but that was not a big deal. She presented all documents and tons of evidence: pictures, copies of emails, etc. She went in early in the morning; spent like 5 minutes in the interview; and was told to pick up the visa in the afternoon....
Good luck to everybody.....


That is fantastic news.

Keep sharing about the Cuban exit process.

My fiancee was asking but i am not sure i'm 100% clear on it all.

Best wishes.
Good luck paying that phone bill!! ;-)
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-03-29 09:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-! approved!!!!
this is such fantastic news!

good for both of you, and I see you have your planned date of entry in April. that is so wonderful!!!!

best wishes in getting the rest of the paperwork done by the cuban offices!
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-03-09 20:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsE-mails
QUOTE (jordin @ Apr 8 2008, 10:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KimandRuss @ Apr 8 2008, 10:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I realize it's a cultural thing and respect that fact but I'm also aware that a lot of consulates frown on this. I know mentioning it at the border when visiting is a big no-no so I would imagine it would raise a few flags at some stage that don't need to be raised. wink.gif I doubt you'll have troubles but I would advise against it for others reading this.

Thank you for your honest reply.


I think that it is fine. Anyone living in Cuba should know of this. I was confused at first. A friend of my boyfriend talked to me about his "esposa" but then my boyfriend called her "his novia" -- I said, "I thought it was his esposa" my boyfriend (who lives in havana but is from santiago) said "whatever, esposa, novia, es igual si estan viviendo juntos"
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-04-08 23:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2
The first step goes faster for Cubans because the "embassy" in Havana is so backed up you will have to wait 4-6 months for an interview appointment and after that, the person has to do lots more paperwork and tests to get an exit visa from Cuba. (rumors that this may change, but who knows?). Seems to take about a month - 6 weeks.

Don't listen to folks who give advice unless their fiancee is also out of Cuba. It is slightly different after the NVC part.

Edwin is correct.
Now you can call NVC every so often, (with your # from the NOA paper) to check. They will let you know once your paperwork has been sent off to Havana.

Then, you get an 800#, pay $11 to get into the appointment making system. Make an appointment for your fiancee. Call every so will have to wait several months, so get calling!

Sometimes they will be contacted to come pick up a packet (perhaps if living in Havana?) sometimes they will not.

The packet has forms that are available on the web (see my old posts, some in spanish). It also has an appointment letter (with out a specific date, but need to bring with you), instructions for where to get the medical for the US, etc.

Please read past forum entries...this has been gone over.
(You can go to my page, and all the "friends" there have cuban fiancees. You can look at them and their posts.)
Congrats and good luck!

Also, I thought the passport was only $55, but I could be wrong.
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-04-10 19:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsk1 VISA PROCESS FOR CUBA
QUOTE (Tiffany&NicK @ Apr 7 2008, 02:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok this question is for anyone who applied for a K-1 Visa for Havana, Cuba because it works different in Cuba.

I received my I-129F approval letter, then I received the letter from NVC with the case number, I called the 1-800 number and scheduled my fiance's appointment and its July 7, 2008. Now if I call the NVC they say I don't have an appt scheduled and my fiance has not received anything in the mail or been contacted. Am I missing something?? I have read other posts regarding the IV bill fee being received and package 3 being received, I don't have any of that.

I downloaded the forms he needs online and we have everything done, can someone please give me advice or give me some insight into the process because I'm worried we did something wrong. THanks

my initial steps were the same as you.
the 800 number called for the appointment -- correct, that is not the NVC you talked to, it was direct to Havana, so I'd feel secure about that. you could always pay another $11 and call back to confirm.

then...i was told that Havana does not send notice that the packet is ready to be picked up, other people have said it depends on the location. my bf lives in Alamar and received (I think) a telegram telling him to go pick up his packet. maybe it was a letter he received, but he did receive some notice that he could go pick it up, and his name then was on a list admitting him to the embassy. there is a long line of cubans trying to get in, so if his name is on the list it's a lot faster.

it had DS 230 part 1 and 2; 156, 156K and 157 (they no longer call it part 3 and part 4)
you also should provide the affidavit of support (i forget the number for that form, but you can google it) the form and supporting documents, like your income, pay stubs, perhaps tax forms last 3 years, bank accounts. whatever would be convincing that you can support him / her as he arrives and gets up to speed.
it also has the list of hospitals where he can get the medical exam
seems like there was one other page of information (not a form)

oh yes, the "cover page" to all of this was a letter, and that said he should bring this letter to the appointment/interview. kind of like a reservation for the appointment, although it doesn't state the time and date of the interview, because that is what you made over the phone.

then of course you should bring some "proof of relationship" like emails, photos, letters, etc.
and perhaps an updated (new date) letter of intent (that you continue to support this petition and still intend to marry within 90 days)

hope that helps.
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-04-07 23:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCUBAN FIANCE VISA APPOINTMENT
That's fantastic!

How did the interview go?

Please give us some information and details so we can all be more prepared!

Thanks, and best wishes!

QUOTE (Tiffany&NicK @ May 7 2008, 09:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Tiffany&NicK @ Apr 30 2008, 09:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I give up I think, I have been trying to call the 1800 # to see if they have sooner appts, Ive called the consulate, Ive emailed, and faxed, and no luck.

Has anyone had any luck with this?

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!! I was ready to give up and yesterday I decided to give it one last try. I called the 1-800 number to try for the last time to see if they had a cancellation and THEY DID!!!!!!!!! His new interview is this MONDAY!!! I cant believe it. Ive called 3 times just to confirm the appointment. Im still in shock. I am so happy, so for anyone trying to get their appointment sooner DONT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!

Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-05-13 01:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDO THEY STILL NEED THE CARTA BLANCA
thanks for sharing any new info! that would be a wonderful change and take a few more nerve-wracking steps out of the process.
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-05-14 19:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow did you meet your Cuban fiancee in the last 2yrs???
good place to get a general overview:


you asked if you could expect him to be here in 3 months after filing.
i think the answer is no.

the first part will go fast if you fill out the forms correctly.
you will get your Petition for K-1 approved in the US. (2 offices - first a regional one, then the NVC which is nationwide)

then your papers go to Havana.
then you request an interview appointment. I asked back in February and got the date of June 26, so yours will probably be in July or August.
sorry for that bad news.

when you click on the page/profile of a member like me, scroll down and on the left you can click on "Timeline" and you will see a neat list of when everything happened in the paperwork process.

it seems the Cuban "fake" Medical has always been $400. now Edwin is saying it's up to $450 and his fiance just went through it so I guess he knows. it is just another fee for their country to collect.

it is also $150 for them to apply at the Immigration Office of Cuba to get their exit visa. (though there are rumors the exit visas might be discarded, as one of the new changes by Raul)

good luck!
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-04-01 21:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow did you meet your Cuban fiancee in the last 2yrs???
1. Must have met in person in last 2 years question.
Yes this has been asked before. I think it was Edwin and Mary, but maybe someone else. First they lied and said they had not met because of the travel embargo and tried to claim that met the "hardship" clause. Immigration did not agree that it met the hardship clause. So the person filed again and admitted that they had lied, that in fact they had been together with an unlicensed visit to Cuba. This time, the K-1 petition was accepted. I was advised that the immigration department will not hand you over to the State Department/Treasury Department for punishment under the embargo type laws.

2. Marriage there vs. K-1 Fiancee visa. Everyone says the K-1 visa as fiance is faster than the marriage visa. Not sure, but i've seen that stated by many people.

3. Recent Divorce. I have no idea. I think you may be right, Immigration has seen it before. People separate and drag their feet on divorces, until it's time to hurry up and get married. So you may be ok on that. I'm no expert.

4. Lack of "proof of relationship." Collect everything you can. Details of visits; photos; receipts of your past trips there (airline vouchers). Even write out a narrative of the first time you met, what you did together (like spent the afternoon walking and eating ice cream in such and such park; met his Tia Lisandra for dinner, etc.). They don't usually suggest that as "evidence" but if you have good details, it will help. YOu say your current emails are all about wedding details. Maybe send a few that are not about that but are sweet and caring letters, so you have some of those to print out also.

Hope this helps.

I agree with the other poster -- it would be easier to answer your questions if you make it a little more organized.
After you write, and before you post, go back and organize your thoughts...maybe number the questions. (sorry -- I'm an English writing teacher, I can't help myself!)

BEst of luck to you...stay on this board, it seems to help us all!
Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-03-31 22:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCarta Blanca Process?
i hope edwin or someone with a newly arrived spouse can come on here and explain it better.

the carta blanca is actually a slip of white paper that gets put into the cuban's passport as just about the final step of them leaving.

it's part of the process of them going to an immigration office and asking for a visa to exit. there are 2 kinds of exit visas -- one to visit (11 months, then renew at an embassy/office) and the other is a visa to reside abroad.

the visit abroad visa (PVE) -- don't need the $400 medical stamp for cuban authorities; do need to pay a fee for every month outside of cuba; must go back to cuba within 11 months of leaving (legally impossible for folks living in the US); can keep their property back in cuba. (maybe they can also keep their ration card, family can still use it?)

the reside abroad visa (PRE) -- do have to pay for the $400 medical stamp; do not need to pay a monthly fee; no problem if they don't get back to visit within 11 months; must give up any housing back to the cuban government (even if it was in your family for generations). the housing issue is done through something called Vivienda. i don't know what kind of agency does that. must give up their Cuban ID card and their ration card.

so i think they get the carta blanca after they have the visa from the US; plus after they've gone through the process with cuban immigration, and get a "letter of liberation" from work to show they don't owe anything and there are no problems there; and have a flight ticket out to show.

then there's also something called "Salida Definitiva" and "Salida Indefinitiva" -- i don't know if that is something different, or just different names for the PVE and PRE not be totally clear.

but the carta blanca is a white slip that goes in their passport. i assume it comes from the immigration office. you cannot leave the country without it.

however there are big big rumors that the carta blanca and exit visa process is about to become much less restrictive, so perhaps this will all be moot.

El Pais newspaper from Spain (very reputable) published that the changes would be in days or weeks, and that was on April 18th

Edited by Barbara y Alexis, 18 May 2008 - 11:07 PM.

Barbara y AlexisFemaleCuba2008-05-18 23:04:00