K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3 Administratively closed

Not sure but I think there is a vaccination waiver for pregnant women. I swear I saw that somewhere here before.

Yeah, you're right. There is. So basically either way we would get around the vaccination fees, haha, but for us - for now - the month or two that we will save is worth it for us :)
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-02-11 02:48:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3 Administratively closed

I can't see any good reason for the K-3. Some people say it's better when children are involved for the K-4 derivative, but you will still need to pay $1010 X2 for AOS, Still doesn't make sense. K-3 was implemented 10 years ago with the LIFE act when it was taking 2-3 years to adjudicate CR-1/IR-1 visas. That time difference is basically gone.

I have seen so many stories here with K visa folks. They get here, they can't drive, they can't work etc. etc.

Well, in my case it is what we are doing simply because getting her here even a month earlier is worth it to us. And in our case the price will be pretty close. We will pay the 131 down in Mexico for the Visa, whatever it is for the medical plus travel expenses. At the Ciudad Juarez Consulate they don't require vaccinations for K Visa applicants, and since my wife doesn't have records of her vaccinations ours would end up costing around 400-500 dollars based on the prices. So getting her here will give us the chance to get her vaccinations up here for a better price, and at least she will be here.
The main reason though is because she is pregnant and we really just want to get her here as quickly as possible.

Our I-129f was at the consulate being processed within a week of it arriving at the NVC whereas we haven't received any paperwork concerning the I-130 and it would probably at least take another month minimum to get to this point for the CR-1/IR-1.

So I can definitely see how the CR-1/IR-1 is a better visa for many people, especially if they were planning on doing it in the first place and had everything ready and prepared, and I don't blame anyone for doing it, but I still think people should have the choice.
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-02-11 02:40:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3 Administratively closed

Since we just got approved, can we still follow the K3?

Service Center : California Service Center
Marriage : 2009-09-17
I-130 Sent : 2009-10-11
I-130 NOA1 : 2009-10-19
I-130 RFE :
I-130 RFE Sent :
I-129F Sent : 2009-10-21
I-129F NOA1 : 2009-10-30
I-130 Approval : 2010-02-10
I-129F Approval : 2010-02-10

Yeah, I would call and see what they say, for some people the K3 doesn't seem so obsolete as other so often put it. It is a good choice for certain people in certain situations. I am glad that we were approved just before the new policy went in place, but maybe they will still let some people choose if they call about it. Who knows. It's worth a shot anyway if you really want to follow the K3. Good Luck!
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-02-11 02:25:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 finally

Thanks, it's even hard going back to bed. Did you confirm if your wife will be able to get the K3 interview?

Hey, Yeah, I heard from the consulate today and they say that they are in the final stage of processing before we get the K3 interview. So it shouldn't be long now :) Good luck with the process and keep us updated!
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-02-11 18:40:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 finally
Congratulations! glad to see that it came through .. good luck with the next step!
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-02-11 01:37:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLosing hope...
Well, you never know how long it will take for the Senator's office to reply. It took our about 2 to 3 weeks after sending the email to get a response, which is why maybe a phone call to them might be better. I don't know if it was a coincidence or not. It's hard to say because the Senator's constituent liaison contacted us and asked for some more information and later that day she told us "They said that your case has been forwarded to an adjudication officer and you will hear something within 50 days." So I was a little discouraged thinking it could take another 50 days, but that night it showed that our case had been "touched". I figured they had just pulled it up to take a look at it when they were contacted. The next two days in a row it was touched too and a couple days later we got the email/text saying it had been approved the day after they were contacted about it.

Anyway, I suppose every case is a little different. My wife is pregnant, and the Senator's office mentioned that, but I really don't know if that has anything to do with it, because from what I have read pregnancy isn't a good reason to expedite anything, and at USCIS we are viewed more as a number and not as real, breathing human beings.

It shouldn't be long now though. I wouldn't be surprised if you don't have to end up making any inquiries at all and you are approved soon. I'll be thinking about you guys and crossing my fingers. :)
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-02-20 13:29:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLosing hope...
I really hope that you hear some good news soon! I was feeling just like you about a month ago, and I filed about a month before you, so while my opinion in no way is scientific, I would say that you should be getting a text message/email any time now. I didn't wait for the 5 months before contacting my senator, I waited about 4, and the day after the senator's office contacted CSC our petitions were approved, so it probably wouldn't hurt to shoot an email to them or to make a phone call. Hang in there, it will happen soon!

Good Luck!

Edited by dbarker2, 20 February 2010 - 01:10 PM.

dbarker2MaleMexico2010-02-20 13:09:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInfoPass today @ San Bernardino
I am sure you will get approved soon! So far it sounds about like what happened to mine once the senator's office contacted them. That night I was "touched" two days later it was approved. Crossing my fingers for you! It'll happen soon. I'm sorry you have had to wait so long, it really doesn't seem fair. Hopefully we will get our interview date soon too, its taking so long. Good luck!
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-03-04 14:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK3 visa issues with Ciudad Juarez Consulate

Uh, I think that only elephants are pregnant this long, si man. :huh: Have you inquired in the Latin American regional subforum? I'll use the "report" feature here to see if a VJ Moderator will transfer it there, si man.

Lol, sorry, I meant 24 weeks! haha Thanks
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-03-06 23:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK3 visa issues with Ciudad Juarez Consulate
Ok, I already posted this in the Consulate forums, but didn't get any response at all, so I am reposting it here. This is two different posts, so I am just putting them together into one. Any advice/insight/help would be wonderful please!

This question is for anyone who has done, or who knows about the K3 visa process in Ciudad Juarez or anywhere. Our case was approved at the California Service Center on January 22, so it wasn't subject to the new administrative closing of K3 visas. It was sent at the Consulate in Juarez on the 29th of January. 

I have been calling once every week or two to ask if they had assigned an interview date and they kept saying no, but that they would soon. Anyway, I called today and the guy told me that on the 26th of February they had sent the Packet 3 to my wife, and that she would have to fill it out and send it to them before giving an interview date. This totally just confused me, because on their own website it says that they will send a packet with information and with an appointment notice. It says nothing of K3 visa applicants needing to receive or send in the packet 3. Packet 3 is supposed to be for an immigrant visa according to their website, and K3 visas are under a separate section.

If anyone who has experience with the Juarez Consulate or with the K3 visa processes could help us out it would be great. My wife is hysterical over this right now because we were expecting the next step to be getting the appointment notice, because that is what the website says. Any help would be great. Thank you.

So I called back to verify the information, because you would think that they would follow their own guide which specifically says that they will send a packet with an appointment notice. 


He said they sent me and my wife packet 3 and that we have to return it before they can schedule an interview. When I read him what their website says about the packet including an appointment notice he said the following, "Yeah, well that is actually what should happen with a K3 visa, but the consulate sometimes decides just to do what they want and so they aren't held to what their website says."

So I ask which one of us has to fill out the information and he said that either one of us could, and that after it is received by them that they can start assigning an interview. I asked him how long it would take and he said it could take a maximum of 3 MONTHS! This is ridiculous, in three months my wife will be 24 months pregnant! I called last week and they said we should be having our interview within 4 weeks! Do they not realize that they are screwing with people's lives with this kind of BS?

It's no wonder why so many people can't stand our government - they just simply don't care about anyone or anything except for themselves.
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-03-06 03:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!
Hola a todos,

Tal vez ustedes me puedan ayudar. Mi esposa y yo aplicamos para la visa K3. Las peticiones i-130 y i-129f fueron aprobadas aqui en EU y enviadas al consulado en Ciudad Juarez. Segun su sitio se supone que nos van a enviar un paquete con una fecha para la entrevista. Lo que pasa es que cuando llame al numero me dijeron que habian enviado el paquete 3 el 26 de febrero. Pregunte si tenia la fecha para la entrevista y me dijo que no y que tenemos que llenar los documentos que nos envian y enviarlos a ciudad juarez antes que nos den la fecha. Lo que me confunde es que no se en que consiste este paquete.. 3. pues porque segun el sitio del internet del consulado no hay ningun paquete 3 para solicitantes para la visa k3. No me pudieron explicar nada cuando llame y ahora estamos muy confundidos y asustados pues no estabamos esperando este paso. Si alguien ha pasado por algo similar por favor ayudenos a entender lo que esta pasando. Aun no ha llegado ningun paquete y estamos muy desesperados. Por favor ayudenos en lo que puedan. gracias
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-03-07 02:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!
Bienvenido y les deseo mucha suerte durante este proceso. El mejor consejo que le puedo dar es que tenga mucha paciencia y comience a juntar todos los papeles para el siguiente paso desde ahora. Sigan fortaleciendo su relación y siempre deben apoyarse durante los momentos difíciles. Mi esposa y yo revisabamos el sitio de USCIS todos los dias para ver cualquiero cambio, y la verdad estuvimos muy emocionados el dia en que nos aprobaron. Trate de no preocuparse mucho por la aprobación, pues si llenaron los papeles bien y los revisaron antes de enviarlas no debe haber ningun problema.

A fin de prepararse para el siguiente paso, le recomiendo que visite este sitio, pues es el sitio del consulado en Ciudad Juarez. Ahi encontrarás los pasos que ha de tomar antes de recibir la visa y antes que tenga la entrevista. http://ciudadjuarez....g-a-k-visa.html

Espero que con esta información le pueda ayudar durante este tiempo dificil .. solo recuerda que todo valdrá la pena cuando esten juntos :) Mi esposa y yo estamos esperando ahora que nos den la fecha de la entrevista y tambien estoy muy nervioso por todo el papeleo que nos piden, pero se que todo estará bien, pues nos hemos preparado bien hasta ahora, lo bueno es que tengamos este sitio para poder compartir y aprender. Que tenga un buen dia y que todo salga bien con su caso!
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-02-09 16:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWriting to Senators and congressmen to check status

Has anyone written to their congressperson or senators to inquire their case status? The senators/congressperson makes inquiries on their constituent's behalf. I'm wondering if this actually speeds up the process any. I have pending I-130 and I-129F applications and have written to my senator (charles schumer who has this service on his website) and will also be writing to my congressman as well. Wondering if this actually works??? Thanks

I actually had a very good experience writing my senator. I submitted my documents (I-130 on Sept. 11, and I-129f on Sept. 17) My wife became pregnant in December and I wrote my senator at the beginning of January. On January 21st the Senator's Liaison here in my county contacted me and asked for a little bit more information. She then contacted the California Service Center and they said it had been transferred to an adjudication officer and that we would hear something within 45 days. Well, the next day both our I-130 and I-129 were approved and have been sent to the NVC now. So, although she didn't say that she did anything special, it seems like too big of a coincidence that the day after she contacted them our cases were both approved. So I would say that it won't hurt anything to write them, even if it is before the 5 month processing time. Because we have only been waiting 4 months. It may have helped that my wife is pregnant, but give it a shot anyway and good luck!

Edited by dbarker2, 25 January 2010 - 07:46 PM.

dbarker2MaleMexico2010-01-25 19:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 and I-129 approved same day
Thank you everyone. I am pretty sure we will be following the K3 route. I don't know if anyone will know the answer to this question, but I know that with the K1 visa at the Ciudad Juarez consulate they give an open appointment notice for the interview, meaning they beneficiary can go any date between 8 and 10 AM for their interview. Does anyone know if it is the same for the K3, or is it a specific date? Anyone with experience at the Ciudad Juarez consulate? Thanks again for your help everyone!

Daniel and Charbel
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-01-27 13:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 and I-129 approved same day
My situation is as follows. My wife is from Mexico. We were married in Veracruz, Mexico on August 19th, 2009. After a honeymoon and a few weeks together I returned to the United States and began filing the paperwork for the K3 visa, because I was told that it was faster. I received NOA1 for both the I-130 and I-129 very quickly and then we were waiting until I received the email/text message saying that both cases had been approved on January 22, 2010 :D yay ... anyway, I am expecting to receive the actual NOA2 in the mail any day, but I have a few questions. I have heard from some that we should just pursue the I-130 since they were both approved, but we really want my wife to be here quicker because she is pregnant and it would be best for her to be here with me as soon as possible. Will I have the choice to pursue the K3 even though the I-130 is already approved as well? What would be the difference in total time if we pursue the I-130 compared to the K3? It just seems like there is always something new that comes up to make the process even more confusing. Anyway, any advice/information would be greatly appreciated. I understand that if we do the K3 we will have to adjust status when she gets here and go through all of that, but it would be worth it to get her here even a couple of months sooner. Thanks in advance!!

Daniel and Charbel
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dbarker2MaleMexico2010-01-27 02:44:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImmunizations
Thanks again! hmm .. I just looked at the Ciudad Juarez Consulate website and on the instructions for K3 visas it says that K-1,3 or 4 visa applicants do not require vaccinations ... that would make it a lot easier .. I guess we will just wait and see :)
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-01-28 01:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImmunizations
Thanks, where could I get a copy of that list of vaccinations? It is available online?

Thanks again
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-01-28 00:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImmunizations
Quick question everyone - My wife doesn't have records of her immunizations because they have moved a lot since she was a little kid, her mother remembers a lot of the ones she has had, but will she have to just get them all if they don't have an official record of it signed by a doctor?
Thanks in advance..

Daniel and Charbel
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-01-28 00:16:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 questions
Thank you for your quick responses.
I didn't realize that I had said petitions, thanks for pointing that out. Have a great day!
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-01-30 11:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 questions

Your occupation is what it is. If you dig ditches part time, your occupation is ditch digger. How can we tell you what to write as your occupation if you don't tell us what you do at your part-time job?

Why are you only "pretty sure" whether your income qualifies? Look it up. BE sure.

NVC may be prepared to send the I-129F petition to Juarez but not both petitions at the same time.

This is the time to get your act together and learn the process ahead of you. It will be critical to your success.

For my Part time job I answer chats on a website to answer people questions, so I guess that is what I should put.

I am not sure what my complete income will show up as last year because I am still waiting on a 1099 from one of my jobs, but I estimate that it will be slightly less than the poverty line.

I know that they won't be sending both petitions at the same time, they will only be sending the I-129F at this point because we are following the K3 route.

Also, my main concern right now is if a joint sponsor for the I-134 will be acceptable.

dbarker2MaleMexico2010-01-30 11:00:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 questions
Hey Everyone,

I just have a couple questions regarding the financial support requirements for the K3 visa. Today I was filling it out in preparation for my wife's interview (still not scheduled, but I want to have everything ready and in order when we get the appointment notice :)) Anyway, I am currently a student and I am working part time. What should I put where it asks for our occupation? My I will probably continue this job for about 1.5 years with maybe another job or so while I am in school, but I don't know if I should put that in there or if I should put Student?

On the Ciudad Juarez website where it talks about K3 visa requirements it doesn't even mention that the I-134 is necessary, it just says that a letter from the employer and former tax returns will work .. any insight from anyone?

By the way, my father will be co-sponsoring my wife, because I am pretty sure my income is right at or slightly below the poverty line, but I am a student so I don't know if they take that into consideration. This is really the only part of the process that has been worrying me so I am mainly just posting this to calm my own fears :) Thanks for all of your help up to this point everyone ..

Also I called NVC two days ago and they had received the petitions and said they would be sending them to the Juarez consulate this week :) and I finally actually got the NOA2s in the mail today..

Thanks again everyone

Daniel and Charbel
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-01-30 00:40:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproximate Processing Dates
I don't know how much this will help, but we received NOA1 for I-130 on Sept. 11, and NOA1 for I-129 on Sept. 17th. We just received NOA2 for both petitions on January 22nd and our K3 Case is on its way or at the Consulate in Mexico now. It is tough to wait and I know exactly what you are feeling, but it'll happen soon and it will be so exciting. The morning I got my text message saying both cases had been approved was awesome, because I was in a down mood, about ready to go to Church (it was on a sunday which surprised me more) and as I was heading out the door I got two text messages, one for each petition, and obviously the rest of the day was wonderful :) Good luck and let us know how it goes!
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-02-02 17:19:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHealth Care Options
Alright, well thanks for explaining your response, I appreciate it.

Just to explain why I didn't have insurance .. my plan (through the University) would not allow me to add my wife to my plan until she got here, so since she is not here yet, there was no way for her to be put on it. You are right that I should have figured out something beforehand, but that's not really an option now, so I am doing what I can for now.

Thanks for your response.
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-02-09 17:35:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHealth Care Options
Listen, all I am trying to do is get some advice to help my situation. Did I fail to plan ahead? Yeah, I probably did. Am I disappointed that my wife is pregnant and we are going to have a child? Absolutely not. I am simply doing the best I can to make the best out of a difficult situation - and condescending and judgmental comments definitely don't help.

I personally have no problem if money that I pay as my premium goes to help other policyholders who are in need of medical services. Because it would not affect my ability to get my expenses paid for when I need it. So unless I am just way different than most people, it's not other policy holders who don't appreciate paying for my medical expenses, it is the insurance companies that don't appreciate having to pay for them. Either way, I am already perfectly aware that I will most likely not get any insurance for my wife until after we have the baby and I will end up paying the majority of our expenses out of pocket, so that is why I was asking for advice on getting health care for lower income families. I am just trying to do my best, as I am sure most people on here are, to take care of my wife and future child, and if that is a bad thing than I am guilty in the first degree, because they are the most important thing in the world to me. Anyway, I appreciate your attempt to help and wish you the best.
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-02-09 14:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHealth Care Options

Sounds like you are left with the same option you would have for any other expense you fail to plan for. You pay for it. Just comes with the territory.

Well, that was helpful ... Obviously I will pay for it, I am just trying to get suggestions from other people who have been in similar situations.
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-02-09 13:04:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHealth Care Options
Thanks for the response and suggestions. It seems a little strange to me to that my wife wouldn't be eligible to be put on my student health care plan because she is already pregnant, but this is what the plan specifically says, "To be eligible for benefits, you must maintain maternity coverage continuously from the beginning of the semester in which conception occurs to the date of delivery" Well, for us that would have been pretty difficult because conception occurred last semester and I had taken the semester off to be with my wife in Mexico, so it would have been impossible to maintain maternity coverage from the beginning of that semester.

Luckily my sister just had a baby and she called her doctor and he offers pretty good rates for uninsured pregnant women, so we should be ok in that respect. I'll probably head over to the hospital that is around the corner and see what they can offer as well. I would like to avoid Emergency Medicaid if possible, but that is what my sister's doctor suggested for the actual delivery, and from what I read on the affidavit of support that doesn't count as a means tested benefit, please correct me if I am wrong :) Thanks again for the responses, I'm just trying to get everything figured out before she gets here. Thanks

dbarker2MaleMexico2010-02-09 12:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHealth Care Options
My wife is 9 weeks pregnant, and hopefully if everything goes smoothly with the consulate and interview (crossing fingers) she should be here by March or earlier. Anyway, I have health insurance through the University where I am studying, but since she is already pregnant, from what I understand from the health policy, she is not eligible to be put on my plan when she gets here. Basically my question is if anyone has any advice on what we can do to get her covered during her pregnancy and for delivery, etc.. Most of the health plans that I have looked at have very high deductibles and from what I have read a lot of them probably won't even consider her because she is already pregnant.

I am pretty sure Medicaid is out of the question because of the affidavit of support contract .. so besides Medicaid, does anyone have any experience with this kind of situation? Thanks in advance for your answers.


Daniel and Charbel
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-02-05 23:55:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImportant notice about k3 visa
Well, I am glad that ours were approved in January then and is already being processed at the consulate. Because as "obsolete" as the K3 visa is it is what we chose to do and I'm glad that we are still able to do it. Hopefully they can speed up the process of the CR-1 for the rest of you who were hoping to get the K3 as well. Good luck to everyone
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-02-06 11:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMurders outside consulate Juarez
I agree 100% .. My wife and I are currently waiting for her interview date for her K3 visa and honestly I am terrified of going to the Consulate. Any suggestions that anyone has for the trip to Juarez would be greatly appreciated. We were hoping to cross the border into El Paso and then fly to Salt Lake, but after seeing where those murders took place right by the bridge I am considering flying from Ciudad Juarez even though the tickets are 3 times as much. We are both really just worried.
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-03-16 00:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 Interview date assigned finally!
After many emails back and forth with the senators office and sending required information by fax, email, and DHL this morning the consular unit at Ciudad Juarez emailed our Senator and said that they had the require information and we have been assigned an interview appointment for April 28th at 8:15 AM.. We thought it would be a bit sooner, but we are so thrilled to finally have an appointment date. Any tips for the interview process specifically in Ciudad Juarez would be greatly appreciated :)
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-03-25 13:05:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 Visa Approved at Ciudad Juarez
Hey! Sorry for not updating. Monday afternoon around 3:30 our visa showed up as ready so we hopped in a taxi, picked it up, got our luggage and crossed into El Paso :) We are now in Colorado for a few days with my family and everything is going great. I am getting ready to right my consulate review. I will make it as in depth as possible for anyone else who goes to Juarez :) Thanks for all your advice everyone!
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-05-05 22:58:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 Visa Approved at Ciudad Juarez
Well, it's Saturday and we won't be getting home in time for the reception. We tried calling the Consulate Emergency Line and they were very nice, but they said they couldn't do anything. They offered to come see us at the hotel to see if we are okay, but we said that wouldn't be necessary. Anyway, we will be connecting with skype to talk with the 250 plus people that my parents invited to our reception tonight, haha so at least we have that option. Hopefully monday we will get the visa and be on our way and out of this city. Thanks for all of your comments.
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-05-01 12:29:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 Visa Approved at Ciudad Juarez
Thanks for all of your responses everyone. Unfortunately we are still stuck here in Ciudad Juarez. We are checking the DHL website every few minutes but it still just says "Informacion del envio recibida" but it hasn't changed since wednesday. We are really disappointed because my family has planned a really nice reception for us tomorrow night and it appears that we will have to miss it :( Everything I had read before gave me the idea that it would take one or two days at most especially because it was a relatively simple case without waivers or anything. So now we probably will have to stay into next week and I will not be able to get back to work in time, but at least we are together and the visa was approved. There is still a chance it will be sent today and we can pick it up this afternoon or tomorrow morning and make it back in time, but we're starting to lose hope :( I will write my consulate review when we get home and I can include the experience with DHL. Good luck everyone.
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-04-30 12:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 Visa Approved at Ciudad Juarez
My wife had her interview for a K3 Visa yesterday, April 28th, at 8:15 AM. She finally came out at about 1:30 PM and she had been approved. Now we are just waiting on the visa to be delivered to the DHL office. Anyone know how long that might take? We are really anxious to get out of this dangerous city and to get home to see the family :) Thanks!
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-04-29 16:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionContact Info. Ciudad Juarez Consulate
Hi everyone, I don't know if I am doing something wrong, but I am having a hard time figuring out this phone number that they have on their site to check on visa statuses.. It keeps saying something about having a different service through Mexico City or something like that, and that I have to pay 26 dollars for some pin?? Does anyone else know how I can just contact the consulate to see if they have received my wife's information yet from NVC? Or is there an email address or something? Any insights on the matter would be appreciated. Thanks


Attached Files

Edited by dbarker2, 02 February 2010 - 12:38 AM.

dbarker2MaleMexico2010-02-02 00:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-129F sent today, time for part 2

Hello to all, looks like I'm the new kid on the block here.......I met Maria on an interntet dating site in 2008, and I just got the paperwork out to Vermont today, so i am ready to think about the next step, and that is Juarez.
Can anyone please send me to the correct section of this site to find out exactly what will be the required forms for the packet that goes to Juarez? I know that the forms sent from Mexico are illegable and unusable according to many on this site, so I figured I would at least start getting everything ready now.
Also, thanks to everyone who has posted their stories on here, and good luck to everyone. I have learned a great deal, but mostly I have learned that I have a great deal to learn.

Hey! Here is a link to the Ciudad Juarez consulate website, and the steps, including paperwork, for the K1 visa. Good luck

Edited by dbarker2, 02 February 2010 - 09:56 PM.

dbarker2MaleMexico2010-02-02 21:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 proving US Citizenship of Co-Sponsor
Thanks for the reply. I feel better now, I'll definitely be happy and relieved when my wife walks out of the consulate and tells me that she was approved :) thanks again
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-02-09 00:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 proving US Citizenship of Co-Sponsor
Ok, I don't know if it is a big deal, but everything is stressing me out lately and making me doubt .. My Dad has agreed to co-sponsor my wife and he is filling out the I-134. There is a part where it asks about his Citizenship and everything. Well, he was born in Canada because his mom and dad were living there, but his dad is an american citizen by birth, and they were only there for a short period. Anyway, my dad is a Citizen, and he just recently got a passport about 6 months ago when they went down to Mexico for my wedding. I just don't know which box he should check on the I-134, because I don't know if he has a Citizenship Certification Number. All I know is that he is a Citizen and he has a passport. Will a copy of his passport be enough evidence that he is an American Citizen?

I don't know if any of this makes sense, but I am just stressing out trying to make sure everything is ready before my wife's interview. I just don't want a little mistake on the I-134 to cause us any more delays. Any help or advice would be great. Thanks!
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-02-09 00:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK3 in Juarez
Haha, yeah ... I realized it later that I put 24 months, woops. Meant 24 weeks. Anyway, I have had some time to calm down about the whole thing and things are going at least relatively smoother now.

We still haven't received the packet that they sent a couple of weeks ago, but my Senator's office was able to make an inquiry and as a response the consulate sent her a link to the pages that they sent us. We just needed to fill out the DS-230 part I and Part II and send it back. They gave us the fax number and everything was sent to them about 1 hour ago. So hopefully now they will process it and we can get our interview date here pretty soon.
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-03-09 17:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK3 in Juarez
So I called back to verify the information, because you would think that they would follow their own guide which specifically says that they will send a packet with an appointment notice.


He said they sent me and my wife packet 3 and that we have to return it before they can schedule an interview. When I read him what their website says about the packet including an appointment notice he said the following, "Yeah, well that is actually what should happen with a K3 visa, but the consulate sometimes decides just to do what they want and so they aren't held to what their website says."

So I ask which one of us has to fill out the information and he said that either one of us could, and that after it is received by them that they can start assigning an interview. I asked him how long it would take and he said it could take a maximum of 3 MONTHS! This is ridiculous, in three months my wife will be 24 months pregnant! I called last week and they said we should be having our interview within 4 weeks! Do they not realize that they are screwing with people's lives with this kind of BS?

It's no wonder why so many people can't stand our government - they just simply don't care about anyone or anything except for themselves.
dbarker2MaleMexico2010-03-05 20:42:00