USCIS Service CentersWhat is it exactly that they do at The USCIS
How do I answer your question as to what exactly the USCIS does. Well in my case here I sit 7 months waiting. At six months my Senator made inquiry whats going on they said decision in 45 days. He responded back answer no good. They responded decision in 90 days unresolved issues but yet I never recieve RFE's. So you see my case is one of the bad ones you hear about. The only time our case was touched was at the initial inquiry by my Senator. None since. It really sucks that some petitions are done quickly while others sit. I feel my wife and I are being punished for getting my Senator involved. Hope your journey thru this process goes much better. I'm ready to give up! Going to China to be with my wife next monday!

Bob S.
drbobMaleChina2011-01-17 07:01:00
ChinaQuestion about co sponsor
Thanks Darnell was waiting for a response from you due to your knowledge about China.
drbobMaleChina2011-08-07 11:25:00
ChinaQuestion about co sponsor
I have not talked with my parent's about being a co sponsor yet. I understand what your saying bigdog just worried if I do use them will the VO reject them as co sponsors due to their age. I still have not found anything written FAM or any other govt. laws and rules where my type of income cannot be considered to be a sponsor. Just tired of fighting with Guangzhou time to give them what they want.

drbobMaleChina2011-08-06 15:38:00
ChinaQuestion about co sponsor
I'm just concerned that due to their age same result's no matter how much income.
drbobMaleChina2011-08-06 10:47:00
ChinaQuestion about co sponsor
My parents are 80 and 78. They both receive pensions from their jobs they retired from. They own their house outright. And do have substantial investment's.

drbobMaleChina2011-08-06 09:12:00
ChinaQuestion about co sponsor
I have a major problem with Guangzhou. Gave wife blue slip in June. Sent letter asking for re consideration with evidence again. Receieved same response blue slip need co sponser. My retirement income is more than double the poverty line but is not accepted by the VO. Contacted Mark Ellis great and quick response. Seems best alternative is to get a co sponser and quit fighting with Guangzhou over this matter. My question is my parent's are retired with very good income will the consulate accept them as co sponsor? Hope someone can answer this question.

drbobMaleChina2011-08-06 08:41:00
ChinaTimeframe for passport mail in and return Guangzhou.
Okay sent in co sponsor document's to overcome blue slip Guangzhou received 9/14/2011. Has anyone here gone thru the mail in program for passport's yet? If so how long did it take to get the passport and visa back? Hoping someone can answer this.

Bob S.

Edited by drbob, 01 October 2011 - 07:46 AM.

drbobMaleChina2011-10-01 07:45:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Done with NVC. Woooo
Congrat's my friend. Thanks for the timeline for electronic processing for Guangzhou. My wife and I are right behind you hopefully.
drbobMaleChina2011-05-07 19:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVJ Timeline is Accurate..

Did anyone give a reason to why this long?? That is beyond being realistic..

Before you read this at no time during these 9 month's have I ever recieved any RFE's.
Letter states;
The officer has stated we cannot move forward on the case until all unresolved issues/reviews are complete.

We cannot move forward on this case at this time as there are unresolved issues. A required thorough review must be done before a decision can be rendered. Unfortunately, we cannot speculate as to when this review process will be completed.

We realize that your constituent may feel frustrated by delays related to his or her case. USCIS must weigh individual inconvenience against the broader concerns of public safety and national security. The USCIS is committed to adjudicating immigration benifits in a timely, efficient manner that insures public safety and national concerns.

It is hard for me to believe this #######. April 29th we will have been married 3 years. My wife is not a terrorist or a member of the communist party in China. Wish I could find a good civil rights or human rights lawyer that would handle this pro-bono. This is a insult to me and my wife and our rights as humans. Many will fire back at me saying relax, calm down and be patient. March 9 it will be 9 month's since NOA1. My patience is gone with this #######. Ready to just give up and move to China.

Edited by drbob, 05 March 2011 - 11:44 AM.

drbobMaleChina2011-03-05 11:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVJ Timeline is Accurate..
My wife and I are a few days from 9 month's since NOA1. My Senator is involved. Last letter I recieved from him 1/15/2011 had a message attached from USCIS. It said wait a decision will be given withing the next 90 days case needs further investigation never have recieved any RFE's. That means 10 month's from NOA1. Just returned from spending a month with my wife and family in China. It did help in relieving the stress somewhat. Trying to remain positive thru this. Some are lucky and other's like my wife and I aren't. Wishing all the best this year.

Bob S.
drbobMaleChina2011-03-03 11:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS
Wish you the best. My wife and I our NOA1 is June 9,2010. Today is 9 month's still nothing.
drbobMaleChina2011-03-09 10:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDelays in Processing I-130
We are in the same boat. My NOA1 date is 6-9-2010. Tired of calling USCIS. Got Senator involved at 6 month's. Didn't do much good. USCIS gave him 2 different answers to his two inquiries. Still waiting past 9 month's now.

Edited by drbob, 16 March 2011 - 08:22 AM.

drbobMaleChina2011-03-16 08:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReally hard!!!
Know your pain just got our NOA2 thursday after 9 and 1/2 month's of waiting. Don't give up!
drbobMaleChina2011-03-27 06:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHorror Stories
Thanks for your response today my friend Casprd well said. You personally know my situation and the frustrations I'm going thru.

Bob S.
drbobMaleChina2011-01-06 13:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHorror Stories
I think this forum has run it's course for me. When people who have filed just a short time ago and make the statement's they do with total lack of consideration for those of us with problems with the process and have waited 6 month's or longer it's time to stop coming here for advice. Goodbye and may God bless all of you in your journey.

Bob S.
drbobMaleChina2011-01-06 11:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHorror Stories
malika215 I feel your pain. First go around with this process felt I had all the t's crossed and i's dotted. Guess what same results for my wife and I in Guangzhou. Age differance maybe? Turned down as not a bonified relationship. Now we have re-filed 6/3/2010 for IR/1 because we will be married for 3 years come 4/29. Still waiting for NOA2 soon 7 month's. My wife and I have been apart for 1 year now trying to do this ####### again that's why I'm going to be with her for a month. If this fails this time I will no longer feed the monster(USCIS)with any more of my money. I'm retired so I can live very comfortable in China just wanted my wife to be able to meet my family and live here with me. As a US citizen it should be my right to bring my wife here but sadly our laws state it is a privilidge! Something is very wrong with the picture!

Bob S.

Edited by drbob, 06 January 2011 - 09:08 AM.

drbobMaleChina2011-01-06 09:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHorror Stories
Interesting read thanks for pointing it out. Maybe I sent too much with my filing it was the size of one of those big family Bibles. This is our second attempt just wanted to have as much evidence as possible. Oh well I'm going back to be with her and my family there for Chinese New Year. This will take the pain of being apart away for a month.

Bob S.
drbobMaleChina2011-01-05 14:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHorror Stories
In a few more days my I-130 petition for my wife will still not be completed after 7 month's. We were not transfered from CSC to TSC as other's were. The only time our case has recieved any touches was when my senator contacted them. I have lost all faith in our government. I wish you and everyone else here good luck.

Bob S.

Edited by drbob, 05 January 2011 - 01:22 PM.

drbobMaleChina2011-01-05 13:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSpeeding up I-130 process?
Has anyone out there ever gotten the I-130 process done faster by contacting their Senator? This is the second filing for us the first one was approved but Guangzhou refused her on the grounds 'not a bonified relationship'. We have been married for two and a half years now. It may be a stupid question to some of you but I was raised that the only stupid question is the one not asked.
drbobMaleChina2010-07-24 10:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGood bye, friends!
Speaking about information here. What's up with the Immigration Timelines page. I have seen the dates for IR1/CR1 jump all over the place. Last week at one point it was end of April then it jumped back to 3rd week of April. Then went to May 2 now back to April 30. Who's writing this junk? Talk about mis-information. Just a frustrated USC trying to get his wife here. Loto don't give up I have seen many wrong answers given here before by those in the know?
drbobMaleChina2010-08-18 18:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImmigration Timelines?
You seemed to miss my point today. I understand this website cannot predict when I will get approval for my petition. My point is why do the dates constantly go up and down for CSC but remain constant for VSC. Yes the wesite has great info and guides.
drbobMaleChina2010-09-19 11:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImmigration Timelines?
I'm having a hard time trusting this website now. The Immigration Timelines posted for I-130's at CSC are allways jumping around. Earlier in the week it said May 15 then a few days later it said May 5 now today it say's April 29.
Yet it says July 2 for VSC. There is much good information here that helps but I have lost all faith in this website.

Bob S.
drbobMaleChina2010-09-19 11:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is going on?
My case was never transfered to Texas. Have talked to tier 2 person. Case didn't recieve any touches until I got my senator involved. Last touch was 12/8/2010. It is amazing our government want's to do the dream act. Why don't they fix the system before they overload it more? A very tired stressed out veteran and tax payer trying to do it legally. I do not accept the backlog excuse like I said another member here filed two days before me and he is just waiting for interview date now!

Bob S.
drbobMaleChina2010-12-15 12:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is going on?
I don't know if anyone else here has this problem. On 6/3/2010 I filed a I-130, IR1 for my wife with CSC. Recieved NOA1 dated 6/9/2010. In November at the posted 5 month processing time still no NOA2. I called USCIS they told me to call back in 30 days. I did and they gave me a number and told me to wait 45 more days for an answer. Needless to say this answer was not acceptable. I contacted my senator immediatly they gave him the same answer. What is going on here? I have a friend who filed a few days ahead and he is well on his way thru the NVC and now has his GUZ number.
Over 6 month's now no NOA2 going crazy. Any suggestions what to do would be greatly appreciated.

Bob S
drbobMaleChina2010-12-15 10:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 Visa's Info for those that dont know
This is a little off base from this thread. I was not transfered from CSC my NOA1 was 6/9/2010 still waiting for NOA2. Contacted USCIS and my Senator received reply 12/8/2010 will receive decision in 45 days. So those who are waiting are not alone. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year?

Bob S.
drbobMaleChina2010-12-23 11:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswaiting...
My wife and I also feel your pain. This coming April we will have been married 3 years. We filed in June still no answer. Have Senators involved. Calling USCIS is a joke they won't tell you anything. The only time our case was touched was when my Senator contacted them. He got generic answer on 12/8/2010 decision in 45 days. What kind of ####### is this? Not a single touch since 12/8. Just wanted to let you know other's are going thru worse times than you. Now I spend more money to go and be with my wife again for Chinese New Year. This is ridiculous that those of us who try to do it the legal way are given the run around while at the same time our congressman are trying to pass the dream act just to get votes in 2012. Sorry for my rant! Maybe it's time to give up and just live in China with my wife!

Bob S.
drbobMaleChina2011-01-02 09:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOnly 5 Approvals from CSC to TSC since July 1st
I was not transfered from CSC to TSC my NOA1 was 6/9/2010 and my wife and I are still waiting for NOA2. Patience is wearing thin even after contacting USCIS and my Senator.

Bob S.
drbobMaleChina2010-12-23 11:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJune Filer's
Senator contacted them again on 1/9. His staff sent me a copy of USCIS reply on 1/13 after second inquiry. Now USCIS says wait 90 more days for decision. Hmmm let's see that will be April 10 month's if even then. Recieved email from USCIS yesterday. Same BS as usual. Copy and paste below.

Our records show an inquiry was received on January 14, 2011 and is currently pending. Please allow the requested time advised to review and respond before submission of another inquiry. Your inquiry will not be processed at this time.
Thank you,
Officer Shelley

So don't want to hear excuses anymore want results. Sent CIS Ombudsman Form DHS-7001 this afternoon. Now time to relax get ready and go see my wife and family in China.

Bob S.
drbobMaleChina2011-01-20 18:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJune Filer's
Darnell yes I have spoken to tier2. Was told the same as what they told my Senator. As the wife says were not lucky? I have not given up yet but it is getting harder to maintain my sanity! I don't know how much more proof they need. Met my wife in 6/2005 online. Met in person 2/2006. Married 4/29/2008 not rushed. Total of 7 trips to China not counting the one coming up. Second filing the first time rejected Guangzhou. Petition package the size of a large family Bible ample evidence. Have a two year multi-entry visa from China but still can't get approval for my wife to come here. It is amazing China recognizes our marriage as bonified and will let me come there anytime I choose. It is amazing that my government can doubt if a bonified relationship. If my wife was looking just for a green card she would have left me a long time ago and moved on to someone else. Not rocket science!

Bob S.
drbobMaleChina2011-01-06 19:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJune Filer's
I have not recieved anything period. The only time my case showed any touches was when my Senator contacted them 12/8/2010 it is now 1/6/2011. They gave him the same generic answer they gave me when I contacted USCIS about my case. You will recieve a decision in 45 days. Hmmmm let's see that's 1/21/2011 3 days before I go to be with my wife for a month. Very tired of this process doing it for the second and last time. Tired of paying fees twice and having to go thru the mental anguish of waiting. I guess my government would rather deal with illegal immigrant's than deal with those of us who chose to do it the legal way?

Bob S.
drbobMaleChina2011-01-06 09:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJune Filer's
I was wondering if there are any other June filer's CSC waiting for NOA2 like me. Have my Senator involved now. Calling USCIS is useless. Tired of waiting going to be with my wife for Chinese New Year.

Bob S.
drbobMaleChina2011-01-05 11:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJuly petitioner still waiting
I'm a June filer and still waiting see my thread.

Bob S.
drbobMaleChina2011-01-20 18:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSA is now Arizona
After reading Bleauwolf's response maybe it is wise to send copies of entire I-130 filing along with EOR and supporting document's to NVC with DS-230 just to make sure Guangzhou receives everything. As I said before this is the second time for my wife and I. Want this time to be the last time with her getting her Visa and flying home with me.
drbobMaleChina2010-07-31 10:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSA is now Arizona

Hey Bob - It's my understanding that anything submitted with initial I-130 submittal snakes it way, in toto, from USCIS to NVC to GUZ IV, as whatever else you filed, with initial submittal, becomes part of the casefile, automatically.

So, with concept of front-loading on initial submittal - anything you put in with the I-130, is in the casefile at GUZ IV prior to interview day, and YES - the Visa Officers DO REVIEW everything in the file, prior to interview day.

Thanks for the quick response Darnell. I really feel for this guy because I have been thru the same ####### with GZ once before.
drbobMaleChina2010-07-30 17:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSA is now Arizona
Okay I have a question in regards to what is actually sent to Guangzhou. Do they actually receive all of the evidence you send in when you initially file your paperwork with USCIS to start with whether it's a K-1, K-3 or IR1? Or do they just get the I-130 form? I have been told before after they gave my wife a white slip June 2009 that the decision is made before the interview ever happens. Sorry if this seems like stupid questions but it's not to me.

Bob S.
drbobMaleChina2010-07-30 17:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSA is now Arizona

All front loading was in I-129F which included travel, modest money I send her every month, communication records and engagement ring receipt. Additional ongoing proof they never looked at it.

Thanks I was just curious because I have been in the same situation before. They receive a ten pound package this time with my I-130 filing. This time once the NVC stuff is done I'm returning to China to be there and go with her to the interview. I will also go to the American Citizen meeting the day before to make sure they know I'm there along with a new EOR notirized by they consulate. I'm retired so I'm able to do this. Best of luck to you I will not post again.

Bob S.
drbobMaleChina2010-07-30 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSA is now Arizona
Okay please cut the poor man some slack I know his mind is going in circles at this time. Casprd is the only person here speaking with common sense at this time. My question for the gentleman is how much documentation did you front load with the filing?

Bob S.

Edited by drbob, 30 July 2010 - 10:53 AM.

drbobMaleChina2010-07-30 10:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSA is now Arizona
I know your pain and frustration very well. My wife also received a white slip last June. We decided not to appeal. We have been married for two and a half years now. Now we have started over again. This time even more documentation with the I-130 package I sent. I'm not a rich man but I am above the poverty guidelines.I will not rant and rave about the system I know it is f---ed up. We have decided if she doesn't get the visa this time I will just move to China and live. It is very sad that those of us who try to bring our spouses here legally are having such difficulties while our politicians are so worried about the rights of the illegal immigrant's. God bless everyone here.

Bob S

Edited by drbob, 30 July 2010 - 10:30 AM.

drbobMaleChina2010-07-30 10:29:00