Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWhere do i have to go first??!!
Hi you all!

I'd read that to get married in the USA i will need to bring my birth certificate (civil wedding) and i need to translate it in Peru, get it certificate by Migraciones, the embassy and the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, but the thins is that I dont know where to start!!
I wrote to Migraciones but they didnt write me back I prefer to be ready and start doing that before it's time to leave!

Have someone from Peru have done this before? can you help me telling me what I have to do first? I will appreciate it.


lachifaFemalePeru2009-07-28 15:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionContents of Packages 3 and 4 Lima Embassy
QUOTE (Patricia and Tom @ Apr 13 2009, 02:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So ... I have been calling the Embassy for 3 days, finally they told me I could go pick up a copy of the contents of these packages, which is actually only one package.

Helpfull but not the best information. For example, under POLICE CERTIFICATE they say you have to get a behaviour certificate of the police authorities of all the places (it doesn't say "countries" or "departments/states", ir says "places") where you have resided for 12 months or more since you were 16 years old. Also, a behaviour certificate of the police authorities of the place where you reside now. And something else that doesn't apply to me.

So, I called the Embassy again today to ask them if I have to get a certificate from the Police authorities of Arequipa (Arequipa), San Isidro (Lima), Surco (Lima) and Miraflores (Lima) because I have lived in these cities/districts for more than 1 year since I was 16! She said no, just bring your National Police Certificate and a normal Police certificate from the police of your current district (Miraflores). Finally an intelligent answer. devil.gif

On Wednesday I will have my medical examination, provided the Embassy gives me the official letter with the interview date on it, on time for the medical.

I also got my passport renewed. Thanks for the advice!! Hope this info helps somebody else.


Hola Patricia:

Lei tu comentario y seguro que ya tienes tu visa aprobada.
Queria saber si tu tuviste que llamar a la embajada para preguntar sobre los papeles o si al final te llegaron a tu casa.

Te hago la consulta, porque los documentos ya deben de haber sido enviados a la embajada de Lima, pero aun no me llega nada y me estoy volviendo loca.

A mi novio le llego el aviso de aprobacion el 15/06 y el 18/06 le llego otra correspondencia donde indicaba que el NVC estaria enviando los documentos a la embajada y despues me los enviarian a mi, pero no tengo noticias.

Espero me puedas ayudar



lachifaFemalePeru2009-07-15 17:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTranslation of all certificates?? - Peru

Well, im kind of crazy these days because I know that soon i will be receiving the packet from the embassy....and i know that i need all the certicados (penales, judiciales y policiales)...but i want to know if i need to translate them and take them to the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores...I have read that...and now i dont know what to do!! help me!
lachifaFemalePeru2009-07-15 18:36:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPassport and Oath

I am starting the process to be a US citizen. My question is, after the interview can I start the process to have a US Passport or do I have to wait until they schedule me for the Oath? I am planning on travelling this year to my country but I don't know if I would be able to receive the passport on time.
lachifaFemalePeru2013-03-16 17:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPICTURES
Hi everyone!

I just want to be sure about the prove about on going relationship and the pictures. My fiance and me were putting all the papers together and he printed in a simple sheet of paper like 3 or 4 of our pictures....that will be ok??? or we need to send them like normal pics?????
lachifaFemalePeru2009-02-27 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge difference will matter for K1 Visa
QUOTE (amine22 @ Apr 12 2009, 04:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi my name is amine
i want to ask you samething.
i met woman in internet from us . she did't tell her age in first time every time i ask her she change the topic. with time we got close i liked her personality how she thinking . her skills everything things can person see just in typing .
really i full in love with her even i don't know her age . even i was think why she don't want to tell me her age .
i show her my relagion and belive in it . this make love her more.
this love make don't thinking about nothing just to be with her .
she vised me last mouth than i knew her age my love to her come strong . i have 22 years and she have 51 years
i belive now age just number and really i want t be here.
i don't know if they will give us the visa or not....
i don't what i have to do to make him bilieve me ?
or what i have to do?
if same1 have same dvacetome please send it
than you soo much

Well Amine, if you really love each other and have the prove to meet her in person, I don't think there's a problem.

lachifaFemalePeru2009-04-12 17:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge difference will matter for K1 Visa
QUOTE (conquest @ Jan 14 2009, 12:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Im with Brian and Isa,

Save every thing if you went to a restaurant save the recipt air line tickets boarding passes phone bills emails. Save every thing. If you send gifts save the postal recipts. Take lots of pictures together I hope you did that.

I think that if you are in the relationship you belive you are then It would be safer ( more sure) if you were married. The age issue doesnt seem to be the problem. My wife and I are 15 years apart.What you really need to do is show that you have a on going relationship.

If you do decide to get marreid there are a few of us from peru that can help with that process although a few hoops to jump through and takes a little time its not all that complicated. I got marreid in Arequipa Peru last september. THe hardest part is making sure you do all the things that are required

Thank you so much for your time to answer me.
We have things like air tickets, photos,..the things is that he didnt come to Peru. We decide to have new years together in Rep. we went there) I really hope that doesnt matter at all!
We are planning (if K1 visa is too difficult) to get married in June....but we dont know if applying for K3 visa will take us longer! That's why we are worried because we just want to be together.
lachifaFemalePeru2009-01-14 13:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge difference will matter for K1 Visa
QUOTE (BRIAN AND ISA @ Jan 14 2009, 09:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Welcome to Visa Journey, I am sure you will find a lot of good answers to your questions and here is my 2 cents worth. Isa and I met on the internet and chatted for a couple of months before we officially met in Peru, at that time we decided to get married and went the K-1 route because I had heard that the process was faster. She is 13 years younger than me and the age difference was never an issue at the embassy. As far as meeting, the guidelines state that you must have met within the last 2 years, you have so I wouldn't worry about that issue or even the age issue. Make sure that you show an on going relationship and have your fiance save anything like hotel receipts, plane boarding passes, pictures with the date stamped on them, make copies of passport stamps, etc.. After our first in person meeting I sent the K-1 packet in and went down another 2 times before the interview and the official at the interview stated that that was a lot of visits and that most people only visit once or twice. I did go down for the interview which is not necessary but it did not hurt and because I wanted to be with Isa and Isabella as they came here to the U.S.. If your finace goes down in June to see you and documents the visit then you should have no problem with the interview in Lima. Good luck and again welcome to the Visa Journey family.

Brian & Isa

Thank you so much for your advice!! I will talk later to my love and I will tell him this. smile.gif
lachifaFemalePeru2009-01-14 12:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge difference will matter for K1 Visa
QUOTE (shaggy_mutt @ Jan 14 2009, 07:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Do you mean that you meet fot thr first time Dec 31 2008?

If so, that is going to be a bigger problem than any age difference.

You really should consider not filing for a few months so that there is time to build evidence of a bonafide relationship.

they have to have met within the last 2 years, and they have, they can file tomorrow, as long as they have been within the last 2 years before they file, it wont cause an issue.
Please please for future purposes, if you are going to give advice please make sure it is correct

There was a list of red flags awhile back. A brief relationship, followed by a very fast plunge into matrimony, was listed as one of them. Makes sense to me - not saying the OP's relationship is fraudulent, but rather that a quick wedding would have obvious appeal to a fraudulent couple. (Why bother taking time to ensure that you're really compatible, if there's no relationship to start with?)

You know, now that I read the OP's posting again, I'm noticing he says that the two of them "met for the first time on December 31." OP, could you clarify for us - do you mean that you had never known of each other before then? Or was this a face-to-face meeting that you'd been leading up to for awhile with emails, phone calls, and the like?

Yes...sorry! I didnt explain myself (and Im a woman wink.gif ...
We met for the first time in person on 31/12/2008...but we were writing, calling, each other since September we know about each other..a lot. Is not a game for not faudulent as you just that we dont have a looooong time relationship.

lachifaFemalePeru2009-01-14 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge difference will matter for K1 Visa
QUOTE (mikesocal @ Jan 13 2009, 11:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lachifa @ Jan 13 2009, 07:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm new here.....but i think that this site will help me a lot with the documents my boyfriend and I need for the K-1 Visa.

He is a U.S. citizen and I'm from Peru. We have a difference in our ages...about 19 years. We just want to be together, that's all that really matter to us..but I'd read in some web pages, that a lot of times, Embassy denies the K-1 visa, because of the age difference..and I'm crazy about that because that really shouldn't matter.
We are trying to know whta is better to us.... if the K-1 visa or the K-3...
We want to make this work, but we need some good advice from you guys.

I hope you can help us.

P.S: ooohhh I forget to tell, that we met for the first time on December 31.. and it's says that we should see us at least for 2 that means that we can not apply for that kind of visa??

I wpuld not worry about the age difference, my fiancee(now wife) is over 30yrs younger. We did not meet any road blocks because of that( maybe some curious looks). If you are sincere and have good documentation you will be fine.

Thanks so much for your answer. We think about that too. We are not going to lie about anything. He will talk to an inmigration lawyer, to see what's the best for us..and if they dont give me the visa.... unsure.gif well, he would come here and live in Lima! LOL

lachifaFemalePeru2009-01-13 23:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge difference will matter for K1 Visa
QUOTE (geezer @ Jan 13 2009, 11:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lachifa @ Jan 13 2009, 11:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm new here.....but i think that this site will help me a lot with the documents my boyfriend and I need for the K-1 Visa.

He is a U.S. citizen and I'm from Peru. We have a difference in our ages...about 19 years. We just want to be together, that's all that really matter to us..but I'd read in some web pages, that a lot of times, Embassy denies the K-1 visa, because of the age difference..and I'm crazy about that because that really shouldn't matter.
We are trying to know whta is better to us.... if the K-1 visa or the K-3...
We want to make this work, but we need some good advice from you guys.

I hope you can help us.

P.S: ooohhh I forget to tell, that we met for the first time on December 31.. and it's says that we should see us at least for 2 that means that we can not apply for that kind of visa??

Do you mean that you meet fot thr first time Dec 31 2008?

If so, that is going to be a bigger problem than any age difference.

You really should consider not filing for a few months so that there is time to build evidence of a bonafide relationship.

Well, yes..I think so. But now we are thinking about maybe asking for the K-3 Visa. He is coming on June, because of his we are thinking that if we really realize that K-1 is not good for us, then we want to get married in Lima and ask for the other one...but I think that it would take us longer...or am I wrong.
lachifaFemalePeru2009-01-13 23:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge difference will matter for K1 Visa
I'm new here.....but i think that this site will help me a lot with the documents my boyfriend and I need for the K-1 Visa.

He is a U.S. citizen and I'm from Peru. We have a difference in our ages...about 19 years. We just want to be together, that's all that really matter to us..but I'd read in some web pages, that a lot of times, Embassy denies the K-1 visa, because of the age difference..and I'm crazy about that because that really shouldn't matter.
We are trying to know whta is better to us.... if the K-1 visa or the K-3...
We want to make this work, but we need some good advice from you guys.

I hope you can help us.

P.S: ooohhh I forget to tell, that we met for the first time on December 31.. and it's says that we should see us at least for 2 that means that we can not apply for that kind of visa??

lachifaFemalePeru2009-01-13 22:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDO YOU KNOW SOMEONE???
QUOTE (charles! @ Jul 23 2009, 04:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lachifa @ Jul 23 2009, 03:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi! Do you know someone that in the embassy interview his/her visa was denied????????

Or someone that their papers were approved in the USA and then they didnt approve it in the embassy?

one i found:

you might also check the regional forum for peru, there is this thread for people in peru


I just read them but it doesnt say anything about that.

the reason im asking is because a lot of people tell me that i just need to worried about the decision in the USA and not here...that the interview is a simple procedure to say at the I will have my visa no matter what, but I dont know. that's why im asking if someone know somebody that in the US approve their case and then not in the embassy.

lachifaFemalePeru2009-07-23 17:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDO YOU KNOW SOMEONE???
Hi! Do you know someone that in the embassy interview his/her visa was denied????????

Or someone that their papers were approved in the USA and then they didnt approve it in the embassy?
lachifaFemalePeru2009-07-23 15:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting married in Portland Oregon
QUOTE (thepizzadude @ Aug 8 2009, 01:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (endoftheroad @ Aug 7 2009, 11:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lachifa @ Aug 7 2009, 10:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just get my K1 visa

Strange timeline there...

Visa Received : 2009-08-11
US Entry : 2009-09-29

Both of those dates are in the future.

LOL so it means they went to interview on the 6th of August got approved and told they could pick up their Visa on Tuesday the 11th and they have already planned to enter US on September 9th.
This is what I got from the timeline what is so strange about it....?

LOL!! yes....what's strange about it!! even my question was not about my was about the requirements I will need! Hope you can help me. Im still looking in google to se what i can find!
lachifaFemalePeru2009-08-08 15:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting married in Portland Oregon
Hi everybody!

I just get my K1 visa and im travelling to USA on september...finally to be with my love Chris.

The thing is that he asked to the Court House what papers os documents I need to get married there, and they told him I dont need anything!!! :blink:

have someone get married in that estate or city and can help me please!!!
for me it's strange, because I have a friend that lives in Ohio and she get married las yeart (she is from Peru too) and she need to get her birth certificate (translated and with a lot of stamps and signatures from Peru migration and other institutions....).

Hope that you can give me an answer...I need help.


lachifaFemalePeru2009-08-07 22:30:00