K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Well sounds like you are taking all the right steps. If you owe her any money, I would suggest that until the proves what she has done or not done, that she get no more $$ from you. This isn't a walk in the park and you hired her to take some of the backache out of it for you. She hasn't been doing her job correctly which is what she is paid for. 
Hope you get to the bottom of it. And with the help of Visa Journey guides and members, you can do the future steps yourself and that way you know what has been done and when. You can make sure that things get sent the best possible way. 

Just remember, the first leg of this immigration journey is almost over.. Dont get bogged down in the ####### of it all and keep sight of whats ahead. 
Many blessings to you and keep us updated please. 

Thanks, Ozgirl. I am definitely staying determined to focus on the positive -- and that, ultimately, will result in an approval once they receive the necessary documents. Our goal is for me to move this month -- still don't know if that's a possibility or not, but it's something to strive for and focus on!


I will always be apart of VJ -- it has helped me get through the good times and the not-so-good times. Nothing can come between me and my fiance, not even a bump in the road. 


You know what they say -- when life gives you lemons... make lemonade!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-06 21:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Yes i did. Our I-134 got sent in with packet 3 and according to the packet 3 from Canada, so should yours. 
I would be asking your lawyer about dates and printouts of any information that has left her hands or received into her hands. When and how things were sent. I would be sacking her and complaining. Here's a page I googled for the packet 3 from Canada. They ask for the I-134 in this packet.

I just emailed her trying to clarify when the I-134 was sent. I am getting two different stories from her so far as I mentioned, so I want to be clear FIRST when the I-134 was sent, and SECOND what method she used to send it. I've asked her to provide me with tracking information so we can determine whether or not the I-134 was ever delivered -- I know, though, it was never delivered because the woman at the consulate had nothing in my file regarding the affadavit. 

I suppose there are a few different scenarios I am working with here:

1. She sent the I-134 information in our initial application last May, which would explain her theory about "it going missing between the transfer from USCIS to the consulate". However, I call bull ####### on this one. As you said, Ozgirl, it was required to be sent along with Packet 3... WHICH WAS NEVER RECEIVED.

2. She could have sent the I-134 along with the packet 3 late last year (I want to say August-ish), and it was never delivered or received. HENCE: I've asked for the tracking number to get to the bottom of this.

3. She also said on the phone (the day of my interview) that "there's no way it could be missing, I sent it in the packet I sent to you". Hm, so now you've already negated your own suggestion of it being 'lost between the transfer from USCIS to the Consulate'... AND negated the possibility of it having been sent along with Packet 3.


4. She could have possibly never sent Packet 3 in the first place.

I don't know what to believe, but yes Ozgirl, you best believe I am sacking her and complaining. I am not going to be a doormat when we are dealing with something that shouldn't be trivial to her. I want to get to the bottom of this, if for anything but my own peace of mind so I can stop wondering what in the heck has happened. 


sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-06 20:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hmmm.. I would be suspect of your lawyer. I know things work differently in different countries, but we didn't even fill in the affadavit (I-134) until packet 3 arrived. Our consulate required the I-134 be sent to them with packet 3. USCIS never sighted our financial papers because we never sent them. 
Maybe thats why your affadavit went missing because USCIS didn't need it for the I-129f so they discarded it. 
I wouldn't be looking at USCIS for the fault, i'd be lookng at your lawyer, but like you say, the problem is being fixed and now to look forward to the future.

OZGIRL: You sent your I-134 along with Packet 3? I find this interesting -- the consulate said they never received Packet 3 from our lawyer, which could also explain the missing affadavit. But then I wonder -- did my lawyer sent our Packet 3 + I-134 via carrier pigeon for it to go missing? It isn't rocket science to send this stuff via a courier... or is it?

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-06 20:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hi May 2013 filers

I know I said I would give this one a rest, or at least accept things as they are, but this issue with the missing affadavit of support is really bothering me. As you know I interviewed on 2 January and was informed the affadavit was missing at the interview. I wasn't sure how this could be possible since we are working with an immigration lawyer, and our paperwork should have been squared away. 

Based on correspondence with the lawyer, she has made it sound like she sent it ahead with our initial application for the K-1 last May... which is weird, because the consulate (Packet 3) checklist states to bring the evidence of support to the interview. I cannot figure out a reason that she would have sent it initially when it wasn't necessarily required... the lawyer claims it could have been lost when the file was transferred from USCIS to the consulate. I have this in writing, in a recent email correspondence.


But here is where things get weird: after my interview, I immediately called the lawyer to speak to her about the problem of the missing affadavit. She said there was "no way it could be missing, it was in the packet of information I mailed you". So now my question is why is her story changing? First she said it was in the packet of info she sent me, but in a recent email she said "it could have been lost when the file was transferred".


I smell a rat, and I am not very happy about it. I am not sure if this is worth pursing to place a complaint, but based on what appears to be blatant dishonesty and lack of responsibility for the problem. I think the icing on the cake was my fiance headed to her office today to sign the NEW affadavit of support papers (along w/ evidence of support). Our lawyer told me (in another email) that she would overnight them to me once he signed them... but she handed HIM the papers and HE had to pay through the nose to overnight them to me via UPS! I have to say with all that has gone on with her, I am left with a very sour taste in my mouth.


For now, I am focusing on getting through this and making sure our paperwork is sent and received by the consulate in a timely manner... but I really think the lawyer has passed the buck to us, and would rather not be representing us. I think she knows she is wrong, but is clearly not willing to admit it.


Alright, now I have that off my chest... the good news is, I should have the affadavit and evidence in my hot little hands by tomorrow - and I plan to make my way over to Loomis ASAP to send it back to the consulate!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-06 20:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hmmm.. I would be suspect of your lawyer. I know things work differently in different countries, but we didn't even fill in the affadavit (I-134) until packet 3 arrived. Our consulate required the I-134 be sent to them with packet 3. USCIS never sighted our financial papers because we never sent them. 
Maybe thats why your affadavit went missing because USCIS didn't need it for the I-129f so they discarded it. 
I wouldn't be looking at USCIS for the fault, i'd be lookng at your lawyer, but like you say, the problem is being fixed and now to look forward to the future.

I know our lawyer asked for my fiance's (petitioner) financial information for the purposes of filling out the Affadavit of Support last year. I suppose that doesn't mean it was filed last year, or as early as he provided the information. I really don't know what to believe and who is at fault; I guess I need to focus the positive and resolving the issue rather than playing the blame game. I did firmly let our lawyer know that I wanted to place a complaint with US Customs with regards to the missing Affadavit, and ironically that is the one email she has ignored from me. 


My fiance is heading into her office tomorrow (Monday) morning, to sign the new affadavit, and the lawyer is supposed to courier it overnight to me. My fiance did say he doesn't trust her, and he wants to send the documents to me rather than wait on her to send. Last time she sent documents to me, they never arrived the first time -- I suspect she had the wrong address or something weird -- and the package got returned to her office. Only once she confirmed my address with me did the packet finally arrive. 


Hm, saying that out loud makes me even more suspicious of the lawyer. Oh well,like you said Ozgirl, gotta focus on the positive and look forward to the future!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-05 12:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Well, I found something interesting out today from our lawyer...


Our lawyer found a confirmation that she DID in fact submit the affadavit last year, and she suspects that between USCIS and the transfer to the consulate, the document has gone MISSING! She is preparing another affadavit and will be sending it to me on Monday (to give time to my fiance to head to her office to sign the affadavit), and I will then courier the affadavit & my passport to the consulate in Vancouver. 


I have asked her if there is a formal way of placing a complaint with USCIS or the consulate about the missing document -- their mistake has cost us time and money! 


Oh well, today is a new day and I know this will be resolved -- I just wish it wasn't even an issue in the first place. 

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-03 16:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Oh I'm sorry to hear your interview didn't go smoothly, but like you say, once they have the required documents, the journey can continue for you. Hoping the next little while goes smoothly for you and everything can be cleared up very soon.. Thinking of You.. best wishes

Thanks, Ozgirl. I am grateful for today being a new day and having a more positive outlook on things. It isn't easy, but being upset really won't change the situation so I'm just trying to stay determined to resolving the missing affadavit. Our lawyer was 'shocked' it wasn't in the packet of documents she sent me, but I know it was not (funny how hindsight is 20/20) because the cover letter she attached to the packet did not name the affadavit. I am not sure if it was something that could have been sent electronically by her or not -- but I know since we are paying her to help us with this, I would expect it to be her responsibility. 


Needless to say, my fiance and I don't wish to use her services once we get through this part of things. Not that we are lawyers ourselves and could do any better, but with the information on VJ and being ultra-prepared, we want to avoid any further confusion and upset with our legal representation. 


Thanks for the wishes! It means a lot and helps bring a smile to my face goofy.gif 

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-03 10:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hello May 2013 Filers,


So today was supposed to be the big day, where I would go to my interview, get approved, and be on my merry way. And while I did go to my interview, it didn't go as I had thought (and may or may not have involved a few tears).


Let me just say that my first contact with somebody working at the consulate was unpleasant, and when discovering our Affadavit of Support was allegedly missing (um, can you bet that was a SHOCK to me!), she was telling me how my lawyer was doing a terrible job, and she would "show me why". Yeah, not exactly the first words I was hoping to hear!


Yes, it's true -- somehow, the Affadavit of Support was not received by the consulate. I had taken a packet of documents with me as provided by the lawyer, including DS 160 among other things from that 'checklist' of documents the consulate sends out BEFORE an interview date is scheduled. Still, I was allowed to proceed with the interview, which in and of itself started with yet another snafu. You had to get a number and be called to the counter/consular official when called. Only, they skipped over my number (95), and began calling 96, 97, 98... got to about 102 and I went back to the lady who clearly had a chip on her shoulder (this is after waiting about 45-60 minutes for my number to be called)... and she said "Oh, that happens some times". Anyways, I endured a few more minutes wait and got called to the counter.


I dealt with a very pleasant and young consular officer -- I would actually put her age range near mine, at least in her late 20s -- and she began the interview (only after 10 minutes of sorting out the conflicting passport numbers). She asked me how we met, had we met each others families', our ages and occupations, and then asked to see photographs. That part of the process literally only took about 5 or so minutes.

I then received a letter stating they could not complete the processing of the K1 Visa because of the documents they required, and then I had to go back to the grump lady so she could tell me what to do next. Basically, I have to courier my passport back to them, along with my birth cert, and the Affadavit of Support at which time they'll finish the processing. While they didn't approve or deny our case today, I do feel positive that they will approve us once they get what they are asking for.


Today was definitely difficult, and upsetting, and not at all what I thought would happen. BUT -- fortunately the problem can be easily fixed (or so I hope). I am definitely concerned about how this has all gone down, but I suppose at this point it is all water under the bridge. We just want to see this problem resolved so we can move forward in life together as a married couple!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-02 20:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Well finally got my interview date and it's 4 weeks away - 28th Jan 2014. I' was hoping on something a little sooner, so have emailed the embassy asking to be slotted into any cancellations times. But it's happening. The end of this leg is almost over

Ozgirl, you can reschedule yourself on the CSC Visa Information Website.



All you need is your passport number, date of birth, and nationality (of which you will know all of those!).


Back in November we were assigned an interview date of January 23, but then we got a January 11 date, and then again a January 2 date! I changed my appointment the second time. I heard any more than 2 changes and you can get a penalty but not sure if that's true or not. 


I am excited/nervous about Thursday... this past year's efforts all come to a head and I just can't wait!

Congrats, Ozgirl, on your interview date. While not maybe what you hoped, there could be earlier interview dates if you're lucky! Just keep checking :)


sjs87FemaleCanada2013-12-31 01:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hello VJers!

I am spending my Saturday gathering the items I will be needing for my interview -- JANUARY 2, 2014!!! I had my fiance write a letter of intent back in November, and he signed it, but I realize I need one signed within the last 30 days. Oy. Fortunately he lives nearby so he will FedEx the letter to me so it will get to me BEFORE my interview date. Good thing I'm prepared - dancin5hr.gif



I hope the New Year brings good news -- soon!-- to all of my fellow May 2013 filers.




sjs87FemaleCanada2013-12-28 17:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Glad to see some May 2013 filers are moving on to bigger and better things! I hope that those of you waiting for interview dates will get one in the coming weeks. When we got ours, the date was TWO MONTHS AWAY! Now, we are just under 2 weeks away from my interview and I couldn't be happier!

?While the legal marriage won't happen in January like we had originally planned, the good news is that I am still moving down in January to be with my fiancé, and we'll be married a little bit later but still all in good time. 


It's so funny to think a  year ago, we hadn't yet begun this process, and now we are in the home stretch of the most difficult part (and that is being apart from each other). Oh, life is good!

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-12-20 18:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers


As usual, the information is in the guides: http://www.visajourn...content/k1k3aos


Specifically regarding Employment Authorization - you send in the I-765 along with all the other things in your I-485 package. You'll get a combined Advance Parole (Travel) and Employment Authorization card around 3 months after the NOA1. That card will let you travel outside of the States (but be warned, you may get pulled into secondary on your return unlike with a Green Card) and work legally.

Yes, we have figured that out now Wheatley. An AP is no walk in the park. We are facing added complications because when we got engaged officially last year, and then started this process, we (naively?!) thought I'd be able to be in the U.S. at least by December of this year. Well, timing hasn't been on our side. Since we assumed that the process wouldn't be as slow, I went ahead and planned a wedding (ceremony & reception) in Canada, as we expected to be legally married and I would have my Green Card by March 29, our Canadian wedding date. However, not only do we realize the G.C. won't be available in time, but the Advance Parole could take up to 3 months to receive -- and applying for an 'emergency travel document' isn't an option because a wedding would not be viewed as an emergency.


SO, I am likely to stay in Canada until our Canadian wedding, so I can enter the US on the K1 visa -- not risking waiting for the AP because if we don't get it in time, I'm stuck in the US and lost money on the wedding in Canada that we'd obviously have to cancel.


Hindsight is 20/20 -- guess I shouldn't have been so quick to plan a wedding in Canada, but like I said, couldn't have expected the government shutdown, or backlog at embassy in Vancouver (which is why I couldnt get an interview until late January in the first place), or other hiccups along the way. Just gotta stay positive and know that all these trials and struggles are for a very worthy reason!!

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-12-10 15:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I've been absent from VJ for awhile because I was no longer going stir-crazy... things started coming together in October/November for us. We are working with a lawyer (more to come on that later) which has been a blessing, but of course everything we do goes through her which I feel has slowed our process down at points.


At the end of November we got my interview date -- for the END of January!! We were heartbroken that we were over 2 months from the date. But then miracles happened - a January 14 date became available, THEN a January 2 interview date became available!! 


I had my medical booked for last week, but because tracking down my immunization records proved to be frustrating/tricky, I had to delay until this coming Tuesday. Delaying it, though, hasn't affected the overall process.


Moving forward, my fiance and I talked about disengaging with our lawyer to do the AOS phase separately. I cannot remember what our contract stated when we signed it last April/May, but I am now under the impression (based on recent correspondence with her) that we are tied to her for the AOS... which for me, being a worry-wart, isn't the worst thing... it's just more money but I know I need to relax and just let things be.


In the meantime, I am still printing off all the necessary forms and copying the required documents (passport and birth cert) in case we sill are able to move forward for the AOS independent of our lawyer. We will need to apply for the 'Travel Document' to allow me to leave the U.S. during the AOS phase, as we have our wedding in Canada planned and obviously must attend. This, of course, all depends on whether or not we face any more delays or complications. Aside from the timing not being what we had hoped, everything else has been relatively smooth.


The one thing I am still unclear about is when I will be able to start work in the U.S. I know I will receive some sort of 'permit' that will allow me to work in the US, as well as travel freely to/from Canada -- but I think that comes with the Green Card, and according to the lawyer, I won't receive a G.C. until about 5 months after the AOS date. 


Sometimes this process seems like one step forward, two steps back. It can be hard to shake the feeling of frustration and discontent, but I know this is all WORTH it... for some reason, though, I still need to remind myself to stay positive. Sometimes easier said than done, but yes indeed, this will all be worth it!

I hope fellow May Filers are moving along. It's a tough journey, but at least we are going through it with the ones we love.

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-12-08 17:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Just got my interview date - 10th December.

Congratulations, Wheatley!

We received out interview date last week, and were heart broken to find out we were going to have to wait until January 23rd, 2014. Then, our lawyer emailed us to let us know she found us an earlier interview date for January 14th, so my fiancé and I felt hopeful! Then, just tonight I checked the CSC Visa Information Service website, and an interview date of January 2nd became available? I really cannot believe our good fortune. 


To all the VJers waiting for something -- whether it be their NOA2, transfer to the NVC, or even the file being sent to the embassy? keep the faith! I went through every emotion waiting for each stage of this process. Frustration definitely dominated? but good things will come, you just have to keep the faith!

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-11-22 00:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers


Happy to hear you got your interview but I'm sorry that you have to wait! Since you don't have to have a visa to visit the USA from Canada, can't you still spend the holiday together? I'm not sure how far apart you are. For some countries, a visa i an absolute necessity. I had to have a visa to even visit Brazil but I know when I go to Canada, I am able to enter the country with just a passport?  Of course, sometimes cost can be part of teh issue. It cost me over $1000 for every flight to Brazil so with expenses from Christmas, the wedding, and then we have to do the AOS, my fiancee had asked if the visa were delayed could I come be with him for Christmas. Unfortunately, I wouldn't have been able to. Still hoping all goes through as planned. The good news is you'll be together for Valentines Day, right?? My fiancee's birthday is February 13. I was with him in Brazil for his birthday and Valentines Day last year. I'm excited that this year we'll be together again.

You are right, Bamellis. We can be together for Christmas, actually we live quite close to each other, so there is a "silver lining". But I guess I would have thought we'd have been together, as in I would be living down there by that point. Oh well, we'll make it work. Only a month after Christmas and we will be together forever, so there's something to look forward to! 


I am thankful for many things, not the least of which is meeting the man of my dreams and to be marrying him... and while nothing is on a timeline I'd like, at least I know it's going somewhere, right?

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-11-15 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Well VJers, I am happy and sad. I feel silly even feeling a little bit negative but such as life.


GOOD NEWS: We finally got our interview date today!


BAD NEWS: It's not until January 23, 2014!! 


Apparently the embassy in Vancouver is really backlogged which is why our date is so far away. Obviously I am quite upset with this as our goal was to be together for Christmas and that isn't going to happen. I know that this will all end in a happy result, but it's hard to feel happy knowing we are still far from done.


On the upside, at least we know what we are facing, but it's still hard!

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-11-15 18:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I know this technically does not fall under any VJ forum, but I just wanted to relay my most sincere thoughts and prayers to the fellow VJers and May 2013 Filers that have been affected by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. From the news reports, it looks like the destruction has been nothing short of catastrophic. Stay safe!

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-11-11 21:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Congratulations -- that is so exciting!! How long after receiving Packet 3 did it take for you to receive your interview date?

I AM IN SHOCK!!!!! November 27!!! A girl who was 2 weeks AHEAD is December 17 in Rio! I was seriously expecting Janiary!!!! Happy though!!!!


sjs87FemaleCanada2013-10-31 10:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I just got the letter from the US Embassy in Vancouver today instructing me to download Packet 3 from their website. Our lawyer is preparing all the documents that we need to include. Such a happy day!!!

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-10-28 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

My packet 3 took about 8-10 days. The packet usually goes to the beneficiary although ozgirls one webt to the petitioner which was a mistake cos it should have gone to the beneficiary.

Ok, thanks Nurseling. That means our packet 3 should be arriving in the mail this week. Fingers crossed!

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-10-27 17:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I know my question falls under the "Embassy" forum, but I know it doesn't get nearly as much traffic as this forum for May 2013 Filers does. Any and all input would be much appreciated!secret7vf.gif 


Hello VJers,


I was wondering, how long did it take for you to receive Packet 3 from the Embassy? Our file arrived at the embassy (according to CEAC) about a week ago. I just feel like each step of this process there is always a delay and a wait, but I am hoping we don't have to wait too long for Packet 3!


Also, who receives Packet 3, is it the petitioner (US Citizen) or the fiancee of US Citizen? If we are going through a lawyer, would she receive it? 

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-10-27 10:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Just checked the CEAC website today -- our status is "ready"!! Just have to get that Packet 3 in the mail and send it right back saying we have our paperwork ready -- the end is near!! Woohoo!!

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-10-21 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Oops, sorry Wheatley. Interesting we don't get a date until they have the medical results -- so I guess I should go ahead and book the medical, as per your suggestion. I wonder how long I'll have to wait for an interview once I send them the medical results & packet information. That's another annoying thing about dealing with a lawyer -- I had started to get all those forms compiled, and she said she would take care of it. granted, she'll be able to fill them out much faster than I would, but still, don't want to wait if I don't have to! 


Anyways, thank you for your reply Wheatley. Much appreciated.


Yes. That means you are actually on your way to Vancouver.


But you didn't read what I said about interview dates. They do NOT apply to K1s, the Embassy gives us our date when we send in all the forms and they have the medcial results.


sjs87FemaleCanada2013-10-16 12:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Thanks for the info, Wheatley. I figured we were being tossed to the side by our lawyer -- she was probably getting annoyed by the number of emails I was sending her, which have been numerous... I mean, who wouldn't want to be up to date?


Here is what the CEAC website said about our case when I entered our case number:

Immigrant Visa Case Number: VAC***********
Your case is in transit to the Consular Section. Your interview date was provided to you by the National Visa Center.
Does this mean our case is actually in transit to the embassy in Vancouver? Would this also mean that both the petitioner and our lawyer should be receiving a hard-copy notice with my interview date? 

I'm about to send another email to our lawyer -- pretty sure I'll be her least favourite client ha!


sjs87FemaleCanada2013-10-16 12:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I know my post technically falls under the NVC Forum, but it is not as active as the May 2013 Filers forum, so I wanted to post it here to get a greater number of responses.

Hello VJers,


A little background on us and our case:

We hired an immigration lawyer to help us navigate the K-1 visa process. As we are not her only client (!!) it has come to my suspicion that things are not moving as quickly as they could. You see, we waited 44 days for our case to be sent from CSC to the NVC -- and it wasn't until I called the NVC that I got our case number last Friday; our lawyer hasn't yet received a hard-copy notice of the NVC receiving our case.


When I called, I only got the case number and did not ask for a receipt number. Apparently we need both, according to our lawyer, before we can move forward. Since we are paying the lawyer the big bucks, I know I should let her do her job, but I also have a burning desite to be my own advocate to get the ball rolling. My lawyer advised me that I should not be contacting the NVC for the receipt number (?). 


So my question for you all is:


When did you find out your receipt #? Did you need your receipt # to book your interview at your local embassy? 


Thank you in advance for all of your advice --- I am so thankful for a forum like this, where we can join together and be a support for one another!!





Note: Someone mentioned that I could check the status of our case at the embassy/consulate with only the case number -- if you know this to be true, can somebody tell me where I can find this out?


sjs87FemaleCanada2013-10-16 11:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

When I checked the CEAC website, this is what it said:

Please follow the instructions you received from the National Visa Center (NVC) for the next step in the processing of your visa petition. If you have misplaced the instructions sent to you by the NVC or did not receive them, please contact us athttp://travel.state..../info_3177.html for additional information.


Do I really need to wait for the instructions from the NVC? I don't want to wait - I want to move ahead lol! 

It should be noted that we are working with an immigration lawyer so I know she will be helping us along the way with this process. I just want to get an interview date ASAP at the embassy!


sjs87FemaleCanada2013-10-11 10:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Third day in a row of calling the NVC....


THIRD TIMES THE CHARM!!! We  have a case number from the NVC!!! 


I am so happy -- can't wait to tell my fiance the good news!


Looks like they're getting to late August approvals now - we were NOA2 August 28 idea9dv.gif 

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-10-11 10:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

So I just got off the phone from calling the NVC. Waited 20 minutes on the line (not automated) to speak to an actual representative. Her name was Rose.


Drumroll, please..........





NVC not yet received. So annoying! We are now waiting 42 days. All things considered, we should be hearing this week if timelines are correct. But who knows at this point.


Link to calculate number of days waiting (NOA2 date to today's date)


sjs87FemaleCanada2013-10-09 10:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Just to update everyone, we got our NVC Case number today. Upon checking, it states "AT NVC". 11 days after NOA2.

Where did you "check"? On the USCIS website? I guess I'll be calling the NVC tomorrow... I hope to get our (my) case number soon!!

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-10-08 23:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I think I've asked this before, so I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself... BUT:


Does the USCIS website update your case status when they've shipped/received your file at the NVC? I am checking INCESSANTLY every day hoping to see a change and while I know that does no good, it also helps me remember to take this one day at a time :)

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-10-08 18:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

My fiance called NVC today. They said they received our file today but they don't have the case number yet.

How many days since your NOA2? Also, which service center were you processed through? We are on day 39 or 40 at this point after our NOA2, waiting for our case number. Our lawyer has called/emailed NVC twice with no information available. Thank goodness this is a new week! I'm thinking I might call myself and find out if the NVC has our file yet.

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-10-08 00:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

My fingers are crossed for you Nurselling.. Lets hope you hear something soon.


Yeah.. I'll wait another 12-14 days and hopefully they should have something. 

Today is 38 days waiting for a case number, and we are also CSC filers. Hopefully the new week will bring new news to most of us!! 

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-10-05 06:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

NVC is everyone's worse nightmare lol. You need a whole day with nothing to do but sit on the phone before you can get through to them. If dos says there's no number I would save myself time trying to call NVC. When I got my case number I got it from dos who has access to NVC computer. Cos that's what she told me when she told me to wait for her to access NVC system. Dos is definitely a quicker solution. Weather they can give the id number there too I couldn't say since I got mine much later after my file already hit London.

Our NOA2 was August 28th. Our immigration lawyer said with the government shut down and all, things could be delayed more. I'd love to know what's holding all us CSC approvals up. I  wonder how many approvals they must have before they ship everything to the NVC. I am hoping to get a case number soon!!!

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-10-03 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

On that note, will the USCIS website say when the file has been sent to the NVC? My status is still the same when we got our approval on August 28.

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-09-27 11:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I'm so hoping our case arrives at NVC today. I'm getting tired of being so close, yet feeling so far away.. On a downer atm.. sorry just venting to someone.. ClockWatch2.gif cray5ol.gif

Ozgirl, we are waiting too! It's been just over 4 weeks since our approval and NOTHING. Our lawyer called and emailed NVC and no response from them. I am feeling down, too. I know we gotta stay positive, but it's so hard isn't it when our fate is in someone else's hands.

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-09-27 11:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

congrats OF an LG so happy you have finally been approved. Yes godsrule it's your turn next.

Congrats to those approved! How long did you have to wait before your status changed  (forwarded to DOS for visa processing)? We are coming up on 4 weeks, which is only half of the alleged 8 week wait for the case number. 

sjs87FemaleCanada2013-09-24 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

So our police check must also have fingerprints?? I ordered my criminal record check from the RCMP in my hometown, but not the one w/ finger prints.

Went to get my fingerprint based police check taken today. At least that is one thing getting done in prep for our NOA2.


sjs87FemaleCanada2013-09-10 02:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

In my initial application, we sent in receipts/stubs from any travel back and forth, copies of phone records, credit card receipts showing purchases that would prove I had been to visit him, as well as photos of us as a couple... I would send as much as possible to prove your ongoing relationship. 

We received notice that an RFE was mailed today 9/4.  Our NOA 1 was 5/30 through CSC.


I had a feeling we didn't have enough evidence of our relationship in our petition; however, our lawyer, well respected, said it was sufficient.  It was airline tickets from my last visit to Mexico and a copy of my FMM form.


Will be interesting to see what it is for.


Ozgirl, I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!!! I saw the NOA2 on your signature timeline and thought "Hey I haven't seen a celebratory post here yet" and tada, here it is. 

I'm crying so hard right now... happy tears.. lost for words

On September 4, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.


sjs87FemaleCanada2013-09-05 00:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Okay so I may just be confused as we sent our original K-1 application 4 months ago... but, in our original application, I do recall my fiancé submitting information about his work and earnings, including tax information. This seems redundant to both of us, but of course if the embassy is asking for it we will submit it... it just seems that we are re-submitting items that we have already included (save for the police check, which I'm off to get this morning). 

Which form are you talking about? DS forms and affidavits of support I-134 form is what you require for the next stage. Along with the passport pics passport birth certificate police certificate.


sjs87FemaleCanada2013-09-04 11:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Fair enough. I've waited long enough up to this point, I can wait a little longer to get the case number :). I am off to the police station today to order my criminal record check, as that's at least one thing I can do while I'm waiting to hear from the embassy. In the mean time I am having my fiance collect the necessary forms to go with the I-134 "Affadavit of Support". I thought we already supplied this in our original K1 filing, but I guess we have to prepare a duplicate set of information again, this time for the embassy interview.

I would give it the two weeks before calling. They are only going to tell you it oiled take up to 8 weeks. There's still a few people here that have passed the 3 weeks mark still waiting on the case number.
But it's good cos your getting there so yes get your forms together and all the financial support papers.


sjs87FemaleCanada2013-09-04 11:23:00