National Visa Center (Dept of State)Department of State reduces K1 + CR1 visa Fees
seriously, is there a refund? i paid $350 each for me and my daughter but we haven't interviewed yet because we are waiting for our medical clearance.
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-04-20 02:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionStep daughter adoption

After all the DIY success I have had in the immigration process, I wanted to jump to the next level. My step daughter asked me to adopt her as she is the only one with a different last name. She just turned 16, and I was so honored that she asked me to go forward with it.

Every attorney in the local area wanted around $4000 for their expertise. I said why not try to do it ourselves, how much harder than immigration paperwork can it be. Well we studied the laws on step child adoption, researched the necessary forms and procedures, and went to work. We thought we were pretty thorough so we took our package to the county court house and filed. The filing fee was $205, and the clerk said she had never seen anyone try an adoption without an attorney. She also said that if the Judge rejected our forms that our filing fee would not be refunded.

We waited almost a month and nothing from the court, (I thought we had messed up big time). While in California on business two weeks ago, I got an email from my step daughter saying that we had gotten a letter from the court, and attached a scanned copy.

The letter basically had two provisions. First, on August 20th, my step daughter and wife have to meet the judge to discuss the adoption, (and to make sure it is what they want). Secondly, my step daughter must affirm (sign), in the presence of the court, a document that states that she wants to be adopted. This is a requirement in Georgia for any child over 14. My step daughter just turned 16.

Second paragraph of the letter says that all of us must be in court on September 6th to finalize the adoption. What is neat is that he waived the publication order, and the home study order, thus saving a bunch of time.

As soon as the adoption is final, she becomes a US citizen and can apply for her passport under the Child Citizenship Act.

Poor mom, she will have to remove conditions alone, and her daughter will beat her to Citizenship by over a year.

I am stoked.

Did u do the adoption before starting the AOS process?

I will have the same issue too since i will go to US as K1 and my eldest daughter as K2. My fiance wants to adopt her so she can use his surname too.

Please guide me with the process.

1. Did u go straight to the court?
2. what documents did u bring and filled up?
3. how much is the total cost of the whole process?
4.How long is the entire process until the final judgement?

thank you in advance.

maim3FemalePhilippines2012-07-24 20:28:00
PhilippinesFilipina Fiancee Freaking Out

I think you have a very good relationship as you and your Fiance sound like you are both commited to each other, nice to read that he is willing to move to the Phils one day.


any update in your NOA 2 i saw some sept. 21 filer got approved.
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-02-07 21:39:00
PhilippinesFilipina Fiancee Freaking Out

Sounds to me like your husband should think about finding work or studying so he can find work that will allow him to be employed with a transnational company there in the Philippines since you've gotten the basics+ down pretty good.

Being together doesn't necessarily mean you have to come to the US.

Actually, i already told my fiance to just stay here in the Philippines and be my sex slave! hahaha "JOKE!" He is in the military and he is very committed in his job. I will just convince him to live in the Philippines when he retires. Anyway, he is half Pinoy, he likes it here too. For now, ill do the sacrifice and will try to get the same job i have here in Hawaii (where we will live) so i can afford a nanny for our kids.
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-02-07 02:07:00
PhilippinesFilipina Fiancee Freaking Out

I met my fiancee last year between May and July in the Philippines. I did not go to Pinas to just meet her.

At first she thought I was a playboy because I told her that I wanted to date other filipinas to see which one I liked, you know filter them out.

I was married to a filipina before so I was very careful about seeing the signs of a good or bad filipina.

Well me and my fiance got together and it was great until my ex-wife's sister found her on Facebook and started to harass her.

Because of the doubts and harassment, she broke up with me and didn't talk to me for 4 months, but then she finally came to her senses that I wasn't "that guy!"

Because she just recently wanted to get back together, I had filed the K-1 when we were still together but then we broke up. I thought she didn't want to come be with me anymore
so I didn't save up all the crazy fees that the embassy needs for her to get a K-1.

Now she is freaking out because I can't give her money on demand to get her the medical or pay for other small feels like police clearance right at this moment.

I told her that I just had a big bill for my school, I had big bill for insurance and then I just sent almost $400 dollars to pay for the visa application.

then now I have to save up for a plane ticket, for medical and to send documents to you. She doesn't understand that money doesn't appear magically
Told her that if you didn't believe the other girl and we were still together then those months we lost, then I would have had all the money needed.

$950 for one way ticket, $350 for Visa App, $250 for Medical, $160 for DHL shipment. Stuff adds up, money doesn't grow on trees.

I had to make her understand that because of your decision, you have to suffer the consequences.

Now she is coming after me because I don't have a job and I am still going to school full time even though I have VA disability.
I am trying to explain to her that my mom is helping and it takes a few months or her to start working so YES!
family does have to help a little, that is what they are there for.

Ironically explaining this to a filipina. They are the ones with the big family. You know 8 generations of family living in a 2 bedroom house.
Just that American families are a little different than the Filipino ones.

But she is trying to tell me that we must live on our own, we are both adults, yada yada. I told her! I know about being an adult, I have bee one for almost 10 years now.

I think she is doing this becuase she is afraid of leaving her "known" life in the Philippines and coming to a whole new country which is getting her all worked up.

Any way to calm her down?

I will enlighten you a bit. I am a Filipina and i think i understand what your fiancee is going through right now. Our family is well off though and im not freaking out of financial matters, actually i can pay for my visa fee and medical and everything else w/o the help of my fiance but still im telling him to save for those expenses that will come in our way once NOA 2 is approved because he tends to spend for anything he wants not for everything he needs. Im just teaching him how to be responsible in preparation of his married life. I guess that's how all independent women think because we want everything in order to avoid cramming that will cause any delay in the process. Of course every girl wants to be with their love ones as soon as possible. Distance and time difference really really suck!

But the reality comes in as we get nearer and nearer in getting the NOA2. This makes me think twice if i'm really ready to leave my family and my beloved country just to be with the person i love for good. Will this worth all the sacrifices? I'm better off in my own country.. I have maid, i don't do any household chores, i can travel all regions in the Philippines and other countries for business and pleasure every month, i'm a VIP everywhere i go, i can watch movie and see my friends after work, i can chitchat with my neighbors and relax on weekends. I can go to work and leave anytime i want. I'll be promoted to Senior Science Research Specialist very soon if i decided to stay.

But when i leave and start my life in the US, i wont have maid anymore, i need to do the household chores by myself, i need to get a job but im not sure if i can get the same job i have here. it's stressful right? One day, everything will change in one click! And because independent women thinks way far ahead, these changes freak us out!

my thoughts to you, make your fiancee feel secured just showing her you are in the same page. Listen to her and never argue with her. Be more understanding and be patient with her. It's not easy what we are going through with this process because it will change our lives for good. Maybe she is very worried for the future of her family in the financial aspect when she leaves the country. Because Filipinos work for their family not only for themselves, thats how our culture works. If u cant accept it this early, you'll have a big problem in the future.
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-02-06 20:21:00
PhilippinesMedical 1st Day

No...They said if you had recent xray that are not more than 3 months old to bring them with you...This could help when comparing xrays that they take if they find anything...It could only help...Its alright if you dont have any...

Actually this is my biggest worry. I was treated way back 1997 and of course everytime i have my xray (w/c i do once a year for a mandatory annual physical exam in my work) it still shows the scar. Does it mean i will automatically undergo the sputum culture? I can provide St. Lukes my xray plates since 1997 up to last year and ill get a doctor's certificate from the hospital ive done my treatment. Will they consider them?

Im stressed out because i have limited time, im already 6 months pregnant and waiting for 2 month sputum culture result, airlines will not accept me as their passenger. :( Im still waiting for my NOA2 though im an Oct. filer and hopefully w/in a month ill be approved.
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-02-10 00:01:00
PhilippinesMedical 1st Day

Hello, Just to inform everyone about my first day at medical..Everything went very fast..I got there around 9am yesterday feb 9, 2012 and I was out by 1pm. The longest wait was waiting for the person to come back from lunch so I can pay the fees. If you have the appointment letter preprinted it will save you alot of time. I had with me x-rays which was taken aweek ago and a copy of all my immunizations which made it go faster. Then after all was done I was told to come back tommorrow at 9am for the results..I will post an update after the 2nd day...To all..if you follow the link is exactly what I had to do so far..It is the most acurate walkthru which helped me alot in my journey.

Hi medyo confused lang ako sabi mo "I had with me x-rays which was taken aweek ago and a copy of all my immunizations which made it go faster.", does it mean u had your xray from and immunizations from different hospital prior to your medical in St. Lukes? Does st. luke's allow that?
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-02-09 19:29:00
PhilippinesUS Embassy Interview - Manila

This was a K-1 and K-2 visa {mother/daughter} so I had to pay for two visa's and show both of their passports

Did you provide another original copy of I-134 for her daughter?

Edited by maim3, 14 February 2012 - 09:12 PM.

maim3FemalePhilippines2012-02-14 21:12:00
PhilippinesManila Per KW Electric Rate?

There is only 1 AC and only ran maybe 8 hours a day max.. and a fridge. no other appliances. the stove is gas. TV has no cable so has not been on.. just labtop computer a few hours a day and lights.


The higher the kWh being consumed is the higher generation charged. So if your consumption is 854kWh, its just fair that you're paying 11,800 pesos. Meralco has bracket system.

My questions are:

1) what is the power rating in HP of your AC?
2) What size is your TV? Is it CRT, LED,LCD or Plasma?
3) How many lighting fixtures do u have and how many Watts each?

Edited by maim3, 26 February 2012 - 06:45 PM.

maim3FemalePhilippines2012-02-26 18:42:00
PhilippinesManila Per KW Electric Rate?

I agree that the fuel is expensive but I disagree thats the reason why electricity is very expensive in the Philippines. I must say that blame it to the politicians who interfere and took kickbacks during NPC privatization. Now, it's the consumer who carry the burden.

electricity billing is now unbundled so you will be able to see from your bill the breakdown of costs (service charges, taxes, systems loss, etc). From there, you will be able to see which part takes the chunk of what you are paying for.

maim3FemalePhilippines2012-02-22 03:45:00
PhilippinesManila Per KW Electric Rate?

Just go to... Meralco website, you can find the Manila rates there. By the way, to help the OP, average household usage for electricity is approximately 300 kWh/mo (some lightings, typical household appliances, aircon not included)

Kidding aside, if the current rate is 10 Php/kWh, poor Manila, they pay more than what we pay here in US. And the more electricity you use, more surcharges you pay.

P 10.80/ kWh includes all the charges.

Electricity in the Philippines is really expensive because we are highly dependent from imported oil that's being used as fuel mostly in our power plants. We buy fuel using US$. As u all know US$1 = P42.00. The Department of Energy is doing its best to look for alternative sources of energy in the Philippines so that eventually we will not be dependent from import products anymore. We are now encouraging investors in the renewable energy sector to put up business in the Philippines but of course there are alot of challenges ahead of us. There are environmentalist groups who are against Coal-fired Power Plants.

Consumers have no choice for now. We have to pay what is due for us. That is why our office conducts Consumer Empowerment Seminar nationwide to teach Filipinos how to save energy, to know their rights and obligations, and to educate them how to be a responsible energy consumer.

Edited by maim3, 21 February 2012 - 07:32 PM.

maim3FemalePhilippines2012-02-21 19:32:00
PhilippinesManila Per KW Electric Rate?
Ur Welcome :thumbs:
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-02-21 00:47:00
PhilippinesManila Per KW Electric Rate?

How to compute your monthly electricity consumption:

consumption (kWh) = appliance rating (watts) x # of hrs used per day x # of units x # of days in a month) / 1000
P 10.80 (total rate/kWh)


7 cu ft refrigerator

C = 120W x 24 hours x 1 unit x 30 days (1month) /1000 x Php 10.80

C =
86.4kWh x P 10.80

C= P 933.12 (1 month)


1) Do the same computation with all your appliances.
2) Add total consumption per appliance and that will lead you to your TOTAL Monthly Consumption.

I hope this will help you alot!

Edited by maim3, 20 February 2012 - 09:30 PM.

maim3FemalePhilippines2012-02-20 21:27:00
PhilippinesManila Per KW Electric Rate?
Hi! im working in the Philippine - Department of Energy specifically in the Consumer Welfare and Promotion Office that deals with all your questions regarding electricity, lpg, and fuel prices. Please feel free to call our Hotline #: +63 2 8402267 for your questions. Just look for me Michelle Vita.

* Wally Greene = your computation is wrong.

Edited by maim3, 20 February 2012 - 08:41 PM.

maim3FemalePhilippines2012-02-20 20:38:00
PhilippinesI am the beneficiary, can i call NVC to get my MNL Case#?
:( anyway, how many days since approval did u receive the hard copy of NOA2 and the NVC letter?
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-02 03:13:00
PhilippinesI am the beneficiary, can i call NVC to get my MNL Case#?
I had an experience in calling USCIS, they didn't entertain my call because they said they need to talk to the petitioner. My fiance is busy at work, can i call NVC instead of him to get my Manila Case #?
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-02 02:59:00

Its Funny my fiancee and I was talking about that just awhile ago.She just got hers yesterday, and it was an udated one since the one she had, had an expiration date on it.She went and got a new one and i asked her if there was a date on it and she told me until August 2012. so it seems 6 mths. but i was told also by USEM that CENOMAR has no validity like previous poster said. But we didnt take the chance and got new one. So you got it in December and your Interview is April? You ok!:thumbs:

Thanks! i really hope it has 6 months validity.
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-02-14 00:53:00
hala nalilito na ko! Sino yung naka experience na ng interview?
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-02-13 23:02:00

not anymore... bcoz cenomar is good for 3 months only...

aw! it means i have to get new 1 again :( its expensive!
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-02-13 22:37:00
I got my CENOMAR December 2011, if i have my K1 interview by April is it still valid for US Embassy?
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-02-13 22:30:00
thanks Sis! i asked my fiance how far is Maui he said its another island.
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-02-28 19:34:00
Hi! dyan ang punta ko pag naapprove na ang petition ko. San kayo sa Hawaii? Ewa Beach ang fiance ko.
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-02-27 19:21:00
PhilippinesPregnancy issue for K-1 Visa
I am 26 weeks pregnant today (almost 7 months) my interview is on March 22 by then i will be exactly 7 months. I already inquire in some airlines they will allow me to board up to 34 weeks for Philippine Airlines and 38 weeks for Hawaiian Airlines as long as i have my OBGyne's medical clearance. I hope before end of April that will be my 33 weeks ill be able to leave Philippines.
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-07 00:05:00
Philippinescalling USEM for K1/K2 Interview schedule


I finally scheduled k1/k2 visa!

I scheduled k1 visa via online. Then i called USEM to schedule k2. No questions asked about NVC letter. It's done!

Scheduled on March 22, 2012 at 6:30 am!
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-06 21:59:00
Philippinescalling USEM for K1/K2 Interview schedule

From what I understand, we need to wait for USEM to recieve and enter into system. Until I see dates available for interview, do you have dates in mind or first avail? I am sure Anne would be delighted to see you if we have same date.

i want to be scheduled either March 23 or 24. i have very limited time because im on my 7th month of pregnancy, i really really need to rush everything or else the airlines wont allow me to board.

i'm trying o schedule online but i cant figure out what is the receipt #! i tried all the #s i can see in my receipt but nothing is accepted by the system. i paid yesterday. No one is answering in BPI call center!!! grrrrrr!!!

I am stuck also, the NVC told me left on March 5. I am now trying to call USEM to see if they recieved but either the connection is poor and then says busy and /or disconnects. I am just going to keep trying schedule on USAtraveldocs page

i called this # +63 2 982 5555

Immigrant Visa option

i was connected to the operator in no time.
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-06 21:20:00
Philippinescalling USEM for K1/K2 Interview schedule
Guys please help me, i just called USEM to set up an appointment for my interview and for my daughter. Everything went smoothly but when the agent asked me when did my case leave NVC, i can't provide the information yet because my papers are still with NVC. The agent said to call them again if i already received the notification from NVC that they sent my papers to USEM already. After i hung up, I called NVC to check if my papers left for USEM, the NVC agent said they are still with them.


Can't i really place an interview appointment if my papers were not received by USEM yet?

Please help me :unsure:
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-06 20:41:00
PhilippinesVisa approved!
:thumbs: congrats!
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-05 19:53:00
PhilippinesAnother K1 approval here! Thank you so much Lord.

Hello everyone,

I had my interview yesterday and I was approved! yiheyyy :dance: God is so good. The pre-screener and the Consul officer were both nice and the interview went smoothly and well. I just submitted the 2011 ITR, employment letter, 134 affidavit of support, cenomar, birth certificate, W2s. They even not bother to look for my pictures and other evidences of ongoing relationship. I was just asked for the petitioner's name, if he was divorce if have kids, where he work and what position. And then finally the Consul officer looked and smiled at me and said "Congratulations your visa is approved, welcome to the United States!" We were very happy for the approval. I wish everyone good luck on their visa journey. :dance: :dance:

Congrats! How old is your CENOMAR? i mean what date it was printed by NSO?
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-06 01:02:00
PhilippinesIs anyone here will undergo sputum exam starting tomorrow March 13?
I just called my doctor friend in St.Lukes and she told me they can have the result in less than 2 months! Giving us 2 months timeline for the result of the sputum culture is the same as USCIS giving us 5 months processing time. And many of us got our NOA 2 in less than 5 months right? Same banana haha!:whistle:
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-12 01:54:00
PhilippinesIs anyone here will undergo sputum exam starting tomorrow March 13?

No, we haven't tried to call because it is a 2 month culture which means even if it isn't positive today, it could be tomorrow. That and the doctors won't process the paperwork until the 2 months is complete. The waiting has been hard because we know she is negative, unfortunately, we aren't the ones in control.

Actually, I think I read about someone calling 2 or 3 days ahead, but we are still about 10 days away.

There's no harm in trying...:unsure:
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-11 23:37:00
PhilippinesIs anyone here will undergo sputum exam starting tomorrow March 13?

You just have to accept that you are in for the 3 day sputum then waiting for the 2 month culture, unless you are positive then they will notify you before 2 months. Start planning for it now because there is no way around it, we are going through it now and I went to St Lukes with my wife to talk to them about all the "what if's" and "how about if's" - they aren't buying it. No choice but to follow procedure, just hope you aren't positive after 2 months because the only place for the accepted treatment is in Manila for 6 more months. So really there is no choice but to plan for birth in Philippines.

did u try calling them today for the result? you're approx. 7 weeks waiting..
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-11 23:04:00
PhilippinesIs anyone here will undergo sputum exam starting tomorrow March 13?

why is it that you will undergo sputum test? do you have any history of TB ? i will be on medical next week ...

Yes i was treated way back 1997 and i already have scar. I even passed the medical exam for my scholarship of my Masteral in Japan through JICA.

St. Lukes didn't honor all my previous xray plates (i have that yearly for our annual physical exam in the office) because they say they are the only hospital who follows international rules.

It only means that if u have scar, automatically you will undego the sputum culture and wait for another 2 months for the result! :crying:
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-11 22:44:00
PhilippinesIs anyone here will undergo sputum exam starting tomorrow March 13?
Until now i'm devastated with the result of my medical exam last week. Since i got the result saying i need to undergo sputum exam, i haven't sleep well until now. I feel paranoid and nervous. What makes me feel more upset is i need to go to St. Luke's everyday for 3 consecutive days as early as 6am... halleeerrrr i'm almost 7 months pregnant na! I'm living in Bulacan and i need to commute as early as 3am just to be on time. Unfortunately, they didn't honor my previous x-ray plates from Lung Center of the Philippines because they said they are following the international rules and Lung Center of the Philippines doesn't. And aside from that, by the time i got the result probably i already give birth. I need to process my new daughter's CRBA and that will consume more time!

This whole process is stressing me out! i really wish i wont have a pre mature labor because of this hardships.

My doctor friends are telling me that sputum culture result can be released in 2 weeks and in some medical websites they say it can be done in 4-6 weeks. And i guess they are right because as i've read in some posts here, St. Luke's can call earlier for positive results, it only means they have the result in less than 8 weeks. So why we need to wait for 8 weeks for the result? Can we call them as early as 4-6 weeks to get our result?

i really need to give birth in the U.S. My fiance is USAF and i need to be his dependent before i give birth so that that USAF will shoulder all my hospital expenses. He cannot afford anymore to pay my hospital expenses here plus the CRBA fees plus 4 plane tickets (for him, me, my 1st daughter and our new daughter).

I am so stressed!
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-11 22:25:00
Philippinessputum test:-(
Hi I just want to share my Medical experience at St. Lukes. On the 2nd day of my medical exam last Friday, i was told to undergo sputum exam starting yesterday. It's my 2nd day today. I guess im a bit lucky than others because i don't need to wait for a long time even my # is 109 because I'm almost 7 months pregnant (may courtesy lane ang mga buntis kumbaga). So when they called the 1st 20 applicants i was the 1st one who was entertained by the staff. But of course, this is not a reason to be happy. Just like others, this whole process is hard to accept. You won't know what will the result be. I'm super paranaoid na to the extent that i classify my sputum sample by myself and after i'm done with it i research online right away what my sputum color means. Tomorrow is my last day. I'm really praying hard for a negative result because i'm so worried for my baby inside my womb, she will suffer the most if i got a positive result. I hope this Friday i will be scheduled for the smear result so that i will have a peace of mind.

I just have few questions:

1) If you get a negative result in your sputum smear, does it follow that your culture is negative also?
2) Is there instances that you got a negative result in smear but you are positive in the culture?
3) What if you got a positive result in the smear, will your culture be automatically positive?

8 weeks delay really destroyed our plan A to give birth in the States but we are in the process accepting this will of God, so we have Plan B now. I just do hope that when i get my culture result i will have a negative result because if i get positive result it means that we have to have Plan C. This medical is worse than waiting for NOA 2 :crying:
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-13 19:59:00
Philippinesmedical exam on st lukes
i suggest be there around 1pm there's no queuing time anymore. We went there 1pm, we finished before 4pm on the 1st day. But unfortunately on the 2nd day i got a bad news and need to undergo a sputum exam.
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-12 01:18:00
PhilippinesCall back later for 2 month sputum

New interview date is March 21. WooHoo!!!

Who schedule your interview? St Lukes?
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-21 02:05:00
PhilippinesCall back later for 2 month sputum
I'm in the same situation, it's really stressful! please update us what the result is and when will u go back to st. lukes for the medical clearance.
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-20 22:55:00
PhilippinesHow far in advance to schedule a medical exam in St. Lukes
Go to St. Luke's as soon as you get your Manila Case#. It's better to have it done early because you'll never know if they will ask you to undergo to a sputum culture or not. If you do, the result is after 8 weeks.

Just like in my case. I supposed to have my interview yesterday and i had my medical 2 weeks ago, but on the 2nd day, they told me i need to undergo a sputum exam because they saw the scar in my xray. Eventhough it's not active anymore, automatically you will undergo a sputum culture. So i had to cancel my interview and wait for 2 months to get the result of my sputum culture.

But if you are confident your lungs are clear, you can have your medical a week before your interview.

maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-21 22:16:00
Philippineshow to sched a K2 visa
Sis ang ginawa ko, nag sched ako online para sakin tapos itinawag ko sa USEM yung schedule ng anak ko. Sabi ko dapat same schedule lang kaming 2. Ok naman. Dapat may sariling profile yung anak mo para maisched mo online.
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-22 23:39:00
PhilippinesSchedule Interview
The receipt # is your passport #
maim3FemalePhilippines2012-03-27 03:50:00