K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslost in the mail

we surely do appreciate the information you shared to us. yeah, i hope evrything goes well.
we will be posting our timeline soon..sorry for that. thanks again.

domo arigatou gozaimasu. mata onegaishimasu.


erik kun and jhoan

The embassy? So.....I assume your petition has been approved? If so, you have 4 months from day of approval to submit everything before the NOA2 expires. I've heard about the approval validity got extended automatically for another 4 months without the petitioner/beneficiary sending any kind of forms to have it extended but.....not really sure. Kinda hard to understand the situation since you don't have your timeline.

Anyways, I hope you guys will be okay because it was not you who delayed to submit things to the embassy but it was them who are late in responding/processing. Wishing you two all the best. I hope someone else could help you guys. William33?

jhoankhristineNot TellingJapan2007-01-30 10:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslost in the mail

thank you for the tips! we really appreciate it! i called them yesterday though and asked if they got the additional evidences and the form that i sent them which they required from me. and the operator, asked me about the petition and all. when my fiance looked through his files to check the dates, that's how we knew that it was already expired 3 days ago! the operator told me he'd call me today but i haven't gotten any calls from them yet. i still have tomorrow to wait and if not, we'll be calling them again. we badly need prayers! thanks again!


erik kun and jhoan


May I offer a few tips on working with the Tokyo Consulate.

1. Immediately call the consulate service and notify them that you have not abondoned your I129F petitiion. Let them know that you still intend to marry your fiance. and that you are asking for an extension of your petition.

2. Immediately follow this request up in writting. Use an EXPAC 500 for delivery and get the tracking tracking number so you can verify delivery.

I found that the Japan consulate was very helpful and easy to work with. When I called them and requested information they always followed up. They called in here in the states several times, they sent me faxes also. I was even able to ask them for an interview date... and they gave it to me.

Finaly, the letter they sent you, is extremely important. Be sure to satisfy any request they may ask and again,,,always use an EXPAC 500.

Best Of Luck

jhoankhristineNot TellingJapan2007-01-30 10:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslost in the mail
The US Embassy in Tokyo sent me a letter last November 17, 2006 asking me for additional infos and guess what? japan postal system do suck sometimes..i never received it. and so we tried calling them.cuz intuition kinda worked that time. so they resent me the letter and got it december 28th and sent them the reply last january 10, 2007. we lost tract of time and it was too late when we found out that the petition has expired last january 26! me and my fiance are literally freaking out! i called the embassy earlier to ask if they received my reply and the status and the operator was asking me about the petition and evrything. they will be calling me tomorrow about the result. we could only hope for the best. does anyone has any experience like mine? anyone...please, we badly need help! :help:
jhoankhristineNot TellingJapan2007-01-29 09:13:00