United KingdomRecent changes to the US Embassy London

I dont seem to be able to speak to a person, it all is automated, either immigrant or non-immigrant and other option all relate to internet links that could help me, which non of them can naturally.

DavidAdenMaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-25 09:32:00
United KingdomFeeling defeated

what number have you guys called to speak to a person?

DavidAdenMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-30 10:05:00
United KingdomAP and waiting since October!

I've never travelled to anywhere other than several countries in europe and the states on at minimum 20 occasions. No family members are not English besides my wife of course, and she herself has never travelled anywhere other than the Philippines outside of U.S and Europe.


My last name is the capital city of Yemen, and the gulf surounding, seems irrelevant, however Yemen being quite Islamic background maybe this is an issue? not that it is with me but from reading plenty of other issues this seems to possibly be enough to read further into my record. 

DavidAdenMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-02 11:04:00
United KingdomAP and waiting since October!

Thanks for your help, filled in the contact form a number of weeks ago and have received no reply, just tried again hopefully it gets read this time.


I have no issue with just getting another x-ray done and all but again that will hold everything up as I am aware it then needs clearance with the embassy. As I haven't seen my wife in over 3 months I am getting slightly agitated at the lack of communication regarding my process.


Your reply is greatly appreciated and have followed your advice. Hopefully I at least hear back before my medical expires which is in 2 weeks. 

DavidAdenMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-30 10:48:00
United KingdomAP and waiting since October!



Wondering if anyone can help, 


I had my visa interview on September 8th in the US Embassy, London, I was put on hold after paying MRV fee, told i must be out of the country by the 13 due to my medical expiring and all the things she asked and told me that all I need to do now is read this blue form and send more evidence for my affidavit of support forms. Which I got, and sent back with my passport as stated on the blue form, on the 25th October, this was received by the embassy on the 28th according to my courier update and visa case status updates online.


Since then my file has been updated twice, the last time on the 9th December 2013, my current status is Administration Processing or AP as we know it here.


I have been in AP for over 2 months now since they received my documents from the courier.


Is the normal to be in AP for so long? I am British, with British parents having worked a summer in the U.S, 4 years ago. Have been married to my American wife for 2 and a half years, and not seen her for 3 months due to this processing. Is there any advice that can be given? Or any reason why I will have been in AP for so long?


Still of course no number to speak to anyone at the embassy!!


Thank You.


Good luck to everyone!!!

DavidAdenMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-30 10:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs the Administrative Processing Status normal after visa approval in Jamaica

I have had my visa approved on 4th September, got asked to send another supporting party on a separate affidavit form. Sent the forms with my passport on 28th October as it took me a while to receive them from my supporter in U.S, still awaiting to receive my passport and approval notice back from U.S Embassy London.


As far as I am aware it's a waiting game, which is tough to handle....

DavidAdenMaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-26 05:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAdministrative Processing on CEAC site.



Thanks for the reply, it seems like it is myself and my wife have been married for nearly 3 now, and my passport has been with the US consulate in London for over 40 days now :( .  I am putting this down to, maybe me being optimistic, the government shut down, which may have backlogged the processing times for up to a month, I haven't seen my wife in over 2 months now and am beginning to become quite frustrated with the process.  Though try and call the U.S Department of state if you are in AP for over or exactly 60 days, hopefully you wont be. If you call them after this time they are obliged to inform you of your status by more than a short sentence of words on a website.


hope you get home soon!!!!

DavidAdenMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-18 20:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAdministrative Processing on CEAC site.

Hi all,


wondering if anyone is currently having a similar experience as myself.


Had my visa interview on the 4th September, very nice lady behind the window told me my visa has been approved i have to be there by 13th January unless I want to go through all the medical again. She then continued to tell me that I do though however need to take this blue piece of paper and return it with the courier service to the embassy with another Affidavit of Support and my passport, W2 of supporting party and tax returns for previous year. I managed to get all of these things, though it took time, I sent these documents off to the embassy on the 28th October and am still awaiting the return of everything within the supposed 5-10 working days.


Previous experience tells me that the time schedules are never accurate, though I am becoming concerned as my visa status on the CEAC website is currently 'Administrative Processing' and has been since the 1st November. 


My wife in the states is calling the DoS to enquire as to if there is any kind of hold up with my application??!?


I am becoming quite frustrated as I haven't seen my wife in 2 months and we don't know when I will be able to travel with no date set yet.


I have read threads which state that your surname being related or having a link to a Middle Eastern country or any origin can hold your Admin for a while, I have never had foreign relatives, though my surname is Aden, the capital City and Gulf of Yemen are also spelt similar and after research my surname is actually quite a common Muslim forename.


Hopefully i havent offended anyone just wondering whether anyone is/has gone through this ordeal? 



DavidAdenMaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-26 05:50:00