IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews


Congratulations getting your date moved. Didn't you request a earlier date. It is updated.


You are right we did request an earlier date - and the response we got back was to let them know when I had had my medical. But in the meantime we decided not to push for a new date as it would risk the trip my Step-Son and I have planned to go to Spain on the 15th if I didn't get my passport back in time. So we didn't tell the Embassy that we scheduled an earlier medical but they rescheduled the interview in spite of this. One of the letters was in fact dated the day before my re-scheduled medical!! So I really don't get why they scheduled an earlier interview but we are delighted as it should mean I get my passport back in time for the Spanish trip and can travel and POE with my Step-Son on the same flight and get to attend his Graduation after all - which is the best news we could have hoped for.




CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-29 15:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews

Hi Dwheels,


Please could you change our interview date on the spreadsheet - I got home last Friday to find, not one, but two letters from the embassy stating that our interview date was now 2nd May and not 23rd May as advised by NVC originally. 


So only 3 days to go!! Whoo Hoo!!




Edited by CB&RB, 29 April 2014 - 03:11 PM.

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-29 15:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews


Wow! that's one week from now! How exciting!... So good to hear everything is working out great for you!.

You two make a very beautiful couple (F)

Best of luck with your interview!!  :goofy:


Hi DearJohn,


Thanks for your comments - It was a bit of a surprise getting a date so close after the medical - especially as we had decided not to ask for an earlier date. But some things are just meant to be so we are going with it and hopefully everything has fell into place perfectly!!


Best wishes to you both and I'm sure you'll get your interview date soon.



Are you able to tell me a little about what your medical experience was like at London Knightsbridge? In total, how long were you there for?

I have my medical next week so trying to get some information on what to expect.




Hi Dimple,

Well I was a bit anxious about the medical too. But to be honest there is nothing to worry about. The staff at the clinic are very helpful and professional. My appointment was at 9:10am and on arrival just ring the door bell for No 4 and they release the lock instantly no talking into the intercom. You then give over your documents to the reception staff who then give you a form to complete which is very similar to the one you have to fill in before you arrive!! LOL!!  You then go into a waiting room to complete the form and return it back to reception. I was then called by the radiologist to have my chest x-ray at around 9:20 which took 5 minutes and then back to the waiting room to await to be called by one of the Doctors for the full MOT!!! It was only 5 minutes or so later and a young South African Doctor called my name and escorted me to his consulting room! He was a really nice guy and a rugby fan, as I am, so we talked rugby the whole time in between asking medical questions and him carrying out the physical items he had to check! I was out of there by 10.00 and back to the waiting room until one of the receptionists calls your name again - this was less than 2 minutes later. You then pay for the medical (£235) and they return all your documents along with a US State Dept. form that the nurse will have completed with the details of your vaccinations from your UK records. This is in case you need it for insurance purposes when you finally arrive in the US.


All in all an easy experience and handled very professionally by the clinic. I was out of there by 10:10 !!! 


Hope it helps - if you need any further info please feel free to ask!


Chris & Silvia

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-26 09:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews

Hi Everyone,


Well what an interesting couple of days for me and my wife!! Some may have read that I asked the London Embassy (via an on-line form) if we could get an earlier interview date so I could attend my step sons High School Graduation and the embassy sent me a reply stating that they would look into it once I had had my medical, so I booked an earlier medical (for yesterday) and duly went up to London and had my medical. Today was my last day at work so took everyone out for a few beers and had a great time. In the background my wife and I decided not to go for an earlier interview in the end as my step son and I are going fishing to Spain on 15th May and thought that there was a strong possibility that we wouldn't get my passport back in time to go to Spain and therefore accepted that I would miss his Graduation!!


Well low and behold I get home this evening to find two letters on the door step both stating that my interview date is 2nd May (it was originally the 23rd May)!!!! A full 3 weeks earlier than originally scheduled!! We are perplexed in that we didn't ask for it to be brought forward in the end, but are ecstatic that they have bought it forward to the best date possible as I can attend the interview in the knowledge that I can get my passport back in time (subject to being approved) to go to Spain and then fly to the USA with my step-son on the 29th and attend his Graduation on the 30th - Perfect!!!


What is odd is that they have changed the date without having any idea that I had changed my medical and if I hadn't actually arranged for an earlier medical my medical results would not have been at the embassy in time for my new interview date a week today!!! Has anybody else had anything similar happen to them???


Best Wishes,


Edited by CB&RB, 25 April 2014 - 08:19 PM.

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-25 20:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews

Just wanted to thank you for leading me to that online form! My husband sent in a request on Friday and got a new interview letter by mail today moving his interview up from May 28th to May 8th :) He had had his medical done back in February when we found out our case number... so that helped us out. Good luck to you!!! Just know, if they change your date, expect something by snail mail not in your inbox; and their turnaround time is superfast!!!


Gald I could help - I have rescheduled my medical for next week (Thursday) - but we have decided to stick with the interview date of 23rd May as my step son is coming th the UK on the 15th and we are then going to Spain straight away for a fishing trip, so even f the embassy gave me an earlier date for the interview i may not get my passport back in time to go to Spain!! ARRGGHH!! So we have all decided that it stick with the firm dates we have.


Hope all goes weel with your hubbies interview - I'm sure it will.


Best Wishes,

Chris & Silvia.

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-18 01:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews

Thanks much! I did come across this form in my search but wasn't sure if I should go ahead and use it - but since you did, I might as well tell my husband to give it a go as well! Let me know if and when you hear back and I'll keep you updated as well too! Thanks again and good luck :)


Hi Hunnymoon,


Well against all odds we did get a reply - it appears it is possible to ask for a reschedule using that form, although there is a caveat, here is their reply:


"Thank you for your inquiry.


In order to consider a request to reschedule an immigrant visa interview appointment, the Immigrant Visa Unit must have received and processed the applicant?s medical report from the Embassy?s panel physician in London, which can take up to five working days from the date of the medical examination.  Please see our website at http://london.usemba...xamination.html for information about scheduling a medical examination.


Based on the information you have furnished, we recommend that you reply to this message once you have undergone your medical examination.  On receipt of this information, we will advise you further."


So I will call the Knightsbride Doctors on Monday to see if I can get an earlier appointment. One thing to note is that the reply went to my Junk folder and had been there 2 days !!! ARRRGGGHHH! I could have called the doctors yesterday!!!


Best Wishes,

Chris & Silvia

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-11 13:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews

Tracked the case file all the way to London and was signed for yesterday by Daniel!! Case status updated today to "READY" - we are so happy and ready for the interview finally in May!!  :joy:


Good Luck to everyone else who is still going through this process.


Best Wishes


CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-11 13:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews


How do I look at this status? The one I have is showing other info. Can you send me the link please?


Hi Casper,


You can check it here:  Link to Case Status  - just enter your case number and embassy - if it has a drop down. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't LOL!!!



Chris & Silvia

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-10 00:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews

how exactly did you go about contacting the london embassy? i've been looking online and all i can find is the number on the london us embassy website and all the forums say to first call before emailing... is this what you did? would appreciate if you could guide me in the right direction. my husband's interview is for may 28th and i'm due first week of june - would really love if he could be here for the delivery. thanks! much appreciated! and good luck getting your date changed too! fingers crossed :)


Hi Hunnymoon,


Wow you and your husband have an even better reason for an earlier date than us - I hope you get an earlier date. As to how I contacted them I tried all the numbers I could find and couldn't get to talk to a human at all. So I conceded and sent an on-line form that they have to request an earlier date. It says they will get back to you within 5 working days which for us is this Friday - I haven't heard anything yet. Here is a link to the form I completed on-line - it may be the one you have seen - but I would fill it in, submit it and see what happens.


London US Embassy Contact Form


Good Luck.

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-09 11:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews


Oh boy look at you. way to hunt it down. Its fun tracking all the way to who signs it. I will always remember Ben Obi (I think Star Wars here LOL) that signed for my package weighing in at 21 lbs. Oh memories.


All most there people.


It sure is!! 21lb is a lot of evidence! It says ours is 1lb (it is the only package to leave for London yesterday) but the copy I have here weighs a bit more than that!! LOL!! 



This is so cute you guys all talking and connecting. I just love this thread. Happy happy joy joy. And just think a week ago you were all going cray cray. hehe :rofl:


You are so right this time last week we certainly were going crazy waiting for a date. It is such a relief to finally have a date for the interview and my medical booked. I have asked the embassy for an earlier date, if possible, so I can be in the USA for my Step son's Graduation on the 30th May!! He will be over here helping me pack up the house and for us to have a bit of men time, fishing, driving fast cars etc!! and flies back on the 29th - it would be fantastic to fly back together and have his mum, my wife, waiting to collect us both from the airport. So fingers crossed!! 

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-09 00:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews



Ok, gotcha.


My wife lives in Laguna Beach, Orange County CA but we're looking to move to San Diego after I arrive. All very exciting. I just cant wait to be out there!


Me too - it's been the longest 15 months of our lives!!! My wife (originally from UK now a US citezen) first lived and worked in Newport Beach and Huntingdon Beach when she first went to the US many years ago!!


Just got through to NVC - He told me our package was shipped today so I have changed the dates in the DHL site and it shows a package weighing 1 lb was collected today and on it's way to London - so I guess that must be it. Whoo Hoo.

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-08 15:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews

Cool! How come there are two packages?

Where abouts in the States will you be moving to by the way?


Sorry probably didn't explain it too well!! You can only track when shipments leave NVC and where they are going. You don't actually know what actual shipment your paperwork is in (they combine them) - the only thing to do is call NVC and ask what day it shipped out and then tie it to a shipment from NVC that day. I hope that makes it as clear as Mud!! LOL!! 


We live in Quincy, Illinois right on the Mighty Mississippi!!! What about you?

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-08 15:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews

Yeah I did think of doing that but apparently they insist on you collecting the letter after the examination because they have a drafted letter they give you for your gp to sign and declare there are no problems. I'll be fine either way I'm sure.


I'm sure you will be - I am in the process of tracking the packages via DHL - they sent one package to London Friday and it arrived yesterday and they sent another yesterday and it is currently at East Midlands Airport!! I'm trying to get through to NVC to check what date my package left!!

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-08 14:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews

Mines on the 24th April. I'm a bit nervous about the blood pressure part. I'm 27 and my blood pressure is normally fine but whenever I go to the doctors it shoots up! If it is over 140/90 they make you get a letter from your gp stating that you don't have high blood pressure. I might have to eat a tonne of beetroot the night before! Haha


Well I'm a bit older than that and the docs always wonder how my blood pressure is always so stable and low!! I just try not too let anything get to me!!!


Maybe you could pre-empt the Doctor and get a letter from your GP and only present it to them if they find your pressure high on the day - forewarned is forearmed and all that!!

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-08 14:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews


Where do you check the status?



Here:  Link to Case Status  - just enter your case number and embassy - if it has a drop down. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't LOL!!!



Chris & Silvia

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-08 13:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews

Just this second checked and it's changed to In Transit! Thanks for the heads up! Have you booked your medical yet?


Yes - I called them last Friday and booked it for May 1st!! early Morning - 08:50. They said they had loads of slots from April 15th onwards!!


They are very helpful - Just call them if you haven't already spoken to them!



Chris & Silvia

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-08 13:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews

I have receieved my interview email for the end of May in London but CEAC still says AT NVC. Does that mean my case has not left for the London Embassy yet?




Hi TYorke1,


Ours has said "At NVC" since our interview date was scheduled but I just checked again and it says "In Transit" today so it maybe worth checking your case file status again today! We are at London on the 23rd May!!




CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-08 12:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews

Thanks! Yeah, I think I'm going to book my medical for the end of the month. It gives me a few extra weeks to get healthier! Haha

30th May will be tight but I think you've got a decent chance of making it. From what I've seen on British Expats most people seem to get their passport back within 3 working days! I'd be surprised if they did bring it forward but it's worth a try I suppose!


The 30th will be tight for sure, but between you me (and everyone else on this forum) it was the NVC guy that said I should call the embassy to try as they do get slots free up, so I asked him if I should wait until they have my file in hand and he said no just start calling them ASAP - and he also intimated that they will probably say they can't do anything but to keep trying!! LOL!! So I will give it a go!!


Of course this all relies on the fact that I get approved at the embassy!!! LOL!!




CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-02 16:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews

Interview on May 21st @ London. NVC phone rep said I should get email confirmation in the next couple of days.

Any UK peeps should call because it looks like they are filling us all in.

Good luck guys


Congratulations on your date!! And you got two days before me!!! LOL!!!


The rep I spoke to said the same about getting an email in a day or two, I did ask when the package will ship and he told me that they try not to flood the embassies with too many at once so it could be a couple of weeks before the package ships to London - but he couldn't say for sure. So I will contact Knightsbridge later this week and book an appointment for later this month or early next month!!


I called my wife and she is over the moon - the only down side (which we knew may happen) is that her Son, my step son, has his Graduation Ceremony on the 30th May and there is obviously a chance that my passport/visa will not be back in time for me to fly out to attend the ceremony which is a big shame. I will try to move it forward with the Embassy.



Chris & Silvia

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-02 14:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2014 Interviews


Best of luck to you too. I'm really hoping for a date in the middle of May!


No, I have not had the medical yet as I was advised by knightsbridge doctors that they have been advised by the embassy not to examine anyone until their case has left NVC and arrived at London becuase appartently there had been some medicals that had gone missing recently where they had no case to match them up with.


Hi TYorke1 and any other UK souls awaiting interview dates,


I was told the same as you re the Medical by Knigtsbridge so haven't arranged my medical yet either. the lady told me that they can normally get you in within a week to 10 days from when you call.


I couldn't wait for an email from NVC so am currently on hold at NVC to see if there is any news on our date. My wife (The USC) is pulling her hair out at work constantly checking her emails constantly - GREAT NEWS - LONDON IS SCHEDULING - OUR DATE IS 23RD MAY !!!!! Gotto go and ring the wife. I will fill you in on what the rep said (Nice guy called Todd) when I've told her!!



CB & RB 

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-02 12:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNot being able to visit the USA during the I-13O process?

Hi Everyone,


Just my 10 cents worth, but I visit my wife regularly (8 times in the last 2 + years) under the ESTA scheme (on my 3rd ESTA now) and I just answer the questions asked at POE honestly and indeed tell the Officer that I'm here to visit my wife and family when asked the purpose of my visit. They sometimes ask questions like - What does she do for a living? Who does she work for? Where does she live? Just answer honestly. Very occasionally I have been asked if I intend to move out to the US - again I tell the truth and tell them exactly the point in the I-130 process we are at and they sometimes ask what job will I be looking for when I move and then my passport gets stamped for three months and I'm on my way!! I have never been asked to provide any further proof of ties back in UK, although I do carry the latest paperwork relating to our application - ie- NOA2 currently.


Just for additional information I always fly in and therefore POE in Chicago!! And I rarely stay longer than a typical vacation period - 2 to 3 weeks - I wish I could stay longer but work dictates that I need to be back at my desk unfortunately.


Here's hoping that my next trip will be one way!! Whoo Hoo!! We are at NVC and have a case number so we get closer to finishing the process everyday!!


Good luck to all,




CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-25 05:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiling i130, have a question about police certificates

Hi all,


 Quick question for you:


When asked for police certificates, will they ask for all of the countries I used to live in for 5 years? I moved back to Sweden 2 years ago, will they ask me to provide them with police records from BOTH Sweden and Ireland? or just from where I live now?


Hi - yes you have to provide PCC for all countries that you have resided in for a period of 6 months or more since you turned 16 years of age. I lived in Germany from 1983 - 86 and had to get one!!

CB&RBMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-08 15:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 November Filers
I got the MSC , I filed on 11/19/13 and got my biometrics pretty quickly after that . I thought it was going to be a quick process given the first 2 steps but then they sent me an RFE :/ . They should get my response today with any luck.

Has any other November filer got their EAD yet and if so could they show their timeline.


BritabroadMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-09 11:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAll Texas filers waiting for NOA2
I'm willing to wait but what annoys me sometimes is when LPR petitioner get approve in less than 3 months while USC end up waiting for 6 to 8 months.
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-05-18 17:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAll Texas filers waiting for NOA2
PD March 25 here. I130 for my wife and 2 kids . I've seen one person got approved in less than a month in this forum and she stated that her case was in TSC.
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-05-17 16:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsabout to pay the fees (split topic)

I-130 fee $420 to be sent with the petition, case gets sent to NVC you'll be invoiced for the AOS which is $88, then the IV fee which is $230 not to mention the medical fee (depends on the country and where its done) police reports, birth certificates, marriage certificates, biometrics if needed, (depends where the consulate is) travel for the interview and OMG! MY HEAD IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE!!! just be glad you only need one petition. :-)

I'm applying for 3 people and I'm about to pay 3x for my iv fee :( . The only break I have is that I work for a major airline and I can bring the whole family here by just paying $200 each instead of $1000. Immigration stuff are soo expensive!!

dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-07-21 23:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhere's my IV fee?!


It is connected to the IV invoice! :) It'll still take 1-2 day(s) for the payment to become available in their system.


Oh wow! Thanks for the great news and I really hope the OP get his invoice as well . 

dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-08-21 20:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhere's my IV fee?!
We're also waiting for the iv Invoice but today i got an email from the nvc with a subject line "AIVF for neopost ds1200" i got excited and checked the pay portal but still nothing. Im hoping that the email is somehow connected to the iv invoicing.
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-08-21 20:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2014 i-130 filers
I opened this account almost a year ago and I guess I just put Vermont when I signed up here.
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-05-24 22:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2014 i-130 filers

When is your PD? Did you get your approval?

Yes, just today. My pd is march 25 and I filed for my wife and two kids . I didn't expect that it will be this quick but we are really happy. My case was approved at TSC .

Important: make sure to religiously check your mailbox because I didn't get an online status update but instead just got everything in the mail . Good luck everyone !

dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-05-24 21:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2014 i-130 filers
Man, its awfully quiet here :)
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-05-24 16:48:00
PhilippinesNeed info on fees and miscellaneous expenses

There is also the immigrant fee of $165 for each applicant.  To be paid after the beneficiaries have received the visa and visa packet.

:( oh man

dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-22 20:09:00
PhilippinesNeed info on fees and miscellaneous expenses
Thanks everyone . It turned out not as bad as I thought it would be. And apple21 , I was not a citizen when our kids were born. Thanks again
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-22 14:27:00
PhilippinesNeed info on fees and miscellaneous expenses
Hello . I'm trying it figure out how much money should I prepare so I can bring my wife and kids here in the us. I'm not gonna lie, money is a little tight at the moment which is normal nowadays I guess so I kinda need a rough estimate . I know I have to pay $420 each for the i130 ($1260). My question is once they send the case to the Philippines , what kind of expenses I'm going to face for the whole process until they get their visa ? Thank you so much . FYI my kids are 8&5 and my wife and I are married for 8years now.
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-22 01:44:00
PhilippinesNvc documents from the philippines
Thanks everyone, you guys are the best!
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-05-27 20:00:00
PhilippinesNvc documents from the philippines
Thanks! I read that link before and for some stupid reason completely missed that part.
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-05-27 18:05:00
PhilippinesNvc documents from the philippines
Hello Philippines !

Can somebody give me a list of all the documents I'm gonna be needing from my wife and two kids who currently lives in the philippines :) ? I just want all the documxents to be on my hands once I pay the aos and iv fee, so I can send the whole package to nvc without delay. Please advise! Thank you everyone , I can't imagine doing all these without the help of this forum

dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-05-27 17:16:00
PhilippinesPlease udpate us for any interview slot opening
Hello everyon! I always thought that nvc will set you up with schedule once your case is complete. Am I missing something here ?
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-06-08 18:49:00
Unlocking a samsung s5 will cost you between 30 to 40 usd through ebay unlock codes. It should work on att and t-mobile though im not sure if the lte will be compatible. Check for more info
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-06-30 15:10:00
My advice is to change your username first haha
dythan2005Not TellingPhilippines2014-06-27 08:44:00