Philippinesgoing to the philippines.a few questions

If you can barely afford to visit her now then you aren't ready for this Visa Journey. Spend a year working on getting a better job or something. The expenses are more than you can imagine. Since my wife arrived last November we've burned through several thousand dollars just getting everything needed for her to be here and all of the doctors visits (not that she was in bad health but you'll want her to be looked at here).
Money is one of the biggest causes of marital strife and can lead to divorce quicker than you can get a crisp $20 from your local ATM. If it is tight now it will be impossible when she arrives. Don't count on her getting a job quickly in the US, look at the current unemployment rates and the backlash against immigrants.

I just spent $3500 & not i am getting ready to spend that much again or more.
I purchased a plane ticket from the NE united states it was $1500
the church wedding came in at another $1500 it started out at $2300 but we were able to cut out some things & yet it was still very nice & my wife was really happy with it.

Things will happen in the Philippines & they will require you to reach in your pocket & spend some of your hard earned cash. that is just the way it is over there.
My wife is a nurse so now i get to send her to a review class so she can take her nursing boards. then i get to spend another $1500 on her CR-1 visa.
now i knew all of this when i started the process & i can deal with it.

I took on some extra work on the side to pay so far for everything straight out of my pocket & i can tell you my pockets are not that deep either.
get a 2Nd job for a year & save that extra cash & go have a great time over there.
stop spending money, stop eating out, start to pile up cash.
in the long run it will turn out much better.

good luck dude

Edited by piglett, 28 June 2010 - 12:34 AM.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-28 00:31:00
Philippinesgoing to the philippines.a few questions

uhmm one $1k is really enough if u will just stay with her in 3wks., not to buy expensive things or will not rent a hotel, just stay to her home..... uhmm yes i think it will do the foods and etc. well all everyday needs... u can bring her to mall too.. buy her especial things but not too expensive... but if u will get married don't invite her whole family, oh gosh u giving me a problem how to budget ur money hahahaha... to make it short.. ur money, $1k is really for u and ur fiancee only.... :P :P :P

well good luck to u and ur gf.. have a nice stay here in Phil. when u come here...

I just spent $1500 for a church wedding in the province.
$1000 total & he will get married there on just that ?
better be a small civil wedding :blush: :whistle:

piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-28 00:04:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?

sorry for going off topic...but does anyone know about midwifery in the philippines? all i know is that my would-be girlfriend has spent many hours on duty to fulfill the requirements, of which assisting in different types of births was one of them. she's now reviewing for the board exam in november, but i don't know if having that license will allow her to practice if she comes here to southern california. my assumption is that she would need a local certification or license first, which will require additional training. if that's the case, would it be better to be trained in nursing (since it's more common), then work on her midwifery credentials?

thanks in advance for your input.

Wow i just don't know, maybe check with the BON (board of nursing) in California???

good luck
piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-07 13:47:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?

To piglett!

yeah that's what my husband told me i need to buy a good warm jacket before we get there me and our baby. and he said its more cheaper here to buy winter clothes rather than there is it true?
and yes i will let you know if i will goin to get an exam's there but its just still a plan for now. and if ever i cant take a licensure exam's for nursing in buffalo am i allowed to work there as nursing aide or a caregiver if ever im goin to apply while i havent take yet my exam's?

thank's zeth77 :)

clothes cost real money here even at a discount store.
I'm not so sure that you will find a good winter coat for sale in the Philippines
however you may find sweat shirts & they can sure be good to have in a cold climate
i myself like a good hooded sweat shirt for very cold weather & i then put my winter coat over it.
Clothing here in the USA is made to fit us fat Americans i sent my wife a small New Hampshire t-shirt & it was way too big for her. she was able to get it altered in Manila & now it fits fine.
getting clothing altered here will be costly & also be a real pain so i would say buy any cold weather clothing that you can find before you come to live in buffalo.

good luck

OH also very cute baby :)

Edited by piglett, 06 August 2010 - 09:55 PM.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-08-06 21:54:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?

thank's for the info, and about the newyork yeah that's what i know i need to take CGFNS first but dont know what kind of CGFNS i will take, coz im planning to take those exam's for nursing when i get there already in newyork buffalo.

Buffalo NY better buy a good warm jacket , it gets cold & snowy there in the winter.
I have been there at that time of year & i was glad that i was dresses warmly.

please let us know about getting a California license after passing the NCLEX if it works i may have my wife do the same.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-08-05 22:09:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?

Hi piglet...

It's good that your wife has time to self-review for the NCLEX during the wait for her visa. That's what my wife did when she was waiting for her visa. She studied a bit every day while she was still in the Philippines, and also after she arrived here. Then, about a month or so before she took the NCLEX, she hit the books hard. She passed the NCLEX on her first try...75 questions in 75 minutes. I'm very proud of her.

She didn't even take a review class. She just self-reviewed. She mainly used "Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination" Edition 4, by Linda Anne Silvestri.

She also used "Exam Cram NCLEX-RN Practice Questions" Second Edition, by Rinehart, Sloan, and Heard.

There was an online site which she used too. I think it was called something like NCLEX3500.

I gave her a copy of "NCLEX-RN for Dummies" but she didn't use it much at all.

thanks for the input. her NCLEX will net be till after christmas but i welcome any & all information i can get ahead of time on the subject

piglettMalePhilippines2010-07-13 00:13:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?

Your wife as you said, already signed up for the review classes. So if she has already completed all the requirements of the PRC that will qualify her to sit in the Nursing Board exams this December or November, then she go for it- take the exams and be a Registered Nurse in the Philippines. Of course, her next step is take the NCLEX. Let her check the site of New Hampshire Board of Nursing on what are the requirements for a foreign nurse to have a license in the state. And let her comply with all the requirements.
While waiting for the visa processing and approval, she can utilize her time preparing for the NCLEX. She need not enrol in a review class for the NCLEX .She can either take the NCLEX in the Phils or in the US, whichever she finds convenient and taking into consideration the timetable to apply and be authorized to take the test and the time that she has to leave for the US to be with you as well as the cost.
In my case, I took the Nursing Local Exams in the Phils and have a license before I entered the US. As soon as I arrived here, I applied for the NCLEX. I did not enrol in any review classes nor online classes, just did the self review and passed the NCLEX on my first try.
Am glad that you're a very supportive husband to be the one checking and for all these. Goodluck to you and your wife.

I intend to go straight to the BON in my state in person once my wife passes her nursing exams there in the Philippines. & yes your rite she has time now while waiting for her visa that can be used to do a self study for the NCLEX. I will research what materials she needs & send them to her, i think someone already posted something about this & i'll have to go back & reread it

piglettMalePhilippines2010-07-12 16:46:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?
I have posted all of my pictures from my trip on photobucket
have a look & tell me what you think

piglettMalePhilippines2010-07-10 12:06:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?
My wife is already signed up for a review class that starts on Aug 9TH
this will put her in a position so she can take the nursing boards in Dec.
the review class is only p13,900 & we have already put a deposit down on it so why not just get that out of the way. If there is a delay in her getting her CR-1 visa atleast she will be able to earn money & support herself.

I don't expect her to be here with me until next July. (I just today received her G-325a & the affidavits from our sponsors) so why not use the remaining time there to study for the NCLEX?
at that time if she feels really good about taking the NCLEX she can take it there. If she still feels that she needs more time to prepare then I guess she waits until after she arrives here.

I am the kind of guy who likes to get things out of the way so i really want her to have the NCLEX over & done with if she can, but i will try to read between the lines when talking to her about it so that i mite understand how she really feels about it.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-30 22:32:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?

The NCLEX costs $200 in the States. In the Philippines, it costs $ the cost of the trip to Manila

she lives in Manila so the cost for the trip is p14 for the jeepney.
i will talk to her about how she feels about taking the NCLEX there.
It's just that i will never forgive myself if she doesn't take the test there & then she has to work as some kind of nurses aid for years here because of problems in getting her certified here as an RN.

I would really rather just have her take the test even if she has to retake it a second time & the when it's done there is just 1 less thing that could cause her problems in becoming an RN here.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-30 20:43:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?

Piglett, We can all offer suggestions but why don't you just let your wife decides what she wants to do as far as testing. You want her to be prepared for the test and you want her to be in an environment that doesn't add stress. Tallcoolone's wife is an exception. The NCLEX pass rate in the Philippines is hovering or below 40% Stack things in your wife's favor. Even if you have to shell out a few extra bucks here and there you will quickly recoup it when she starts working. Look at it as an investment

you make a good point , thank you
also she mite be able to take a practice test & see how she does before taking the NCLEX there.
piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-30 20:37:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?

I'm not sure if this will help but my former housemate didn't take the the Philippine board, she applied to take the NCLEX exam here in New York, she passed and now she's a nurse working in one of the hospitals in Queens. She did a self-review, went to the library for additional books and resources and took the online review tests.
I hope everything works out just fine for both of you. Best of luck! :)

I would really like her to take & pass the nursing boards there 1st , just in case.
then with the rest of the time that she will be waiting maybe study & take the NCLEX

piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-30 00:44:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?

The other suggestion I have is to have your wife search some of the Filipino nursing websites. She can probably find good information on studying and licensure.

I wish your wife the best of luck

I will also have her check that out herself.
the way i look at it is like this
she has a year so why not put it to good use & get the NCLEX out of the way???
or she can just keep working for $182 a month 6 days a week 12 hours a day.
i think it's a no brainer unless there is some reason that she should not take the NCLEX over there & i have yet to come up with that yet.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-30 00:05:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?
i will insert a post that i received on while on another forum (it's more of an advice on dating foreign ladies type forum) it sort of ends where this site picks up.
anyhow here is the post from a member named Howard who parried a nurse from the "PI"
I just wanna pipe in on the Nursing License. No matter what else you do you need to make sure that she is licensed in the Philipines BEFORE she gets here. My wife got her batchelors, but didn't want to talke the test in Manila, because she would have had to stay a while longer to get in on the next exam. I WISH I could do it all over again! Between her school delaying transcripts, always needing some new fee in addition to the ones we have already paid and CGFNS fees and requirements, I am now resigned to the fact that she will never - as in ever - get her nursing license. This has caused us no end of hardship financially and emotionally. Finally, recently, we just agreed to let it go for the sake of our marriage and move on.

If no one here learns anything else from my triumphs and failures - mostly triumphs - learn this one lesson:

If your honey is a nursing student and she intends to work in the US as a nurse at any point in the future, GET HER LICENSED IN THE PHILIPPINES!!! There are still a few hoops to jump through to get her licensed here, but they are WAY less painful and expensive

Good Luck Man!

Keep the Faith!

So knowing that the risk exists that my wife mite never be able to work as a nurse here if i don't do this rite i think i'll contact the new hampshire BON & just ask them.
the web site almost looks to say different things things in different areas ???? strange :blush:
In fact they are little more than an hour away so i think i'll just go see them the next time i get a rainy day here & have a little face to face time with them.
that way i know for sure what they really want/need from my wife do she can be an RN here.

however i wish to thank everyone that offered advice on this subject.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-29 20:32:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?

Well that is good that she has been a nurse for 5 years. You are ok as far as experience goes. You could have her do the exam in another state and not worry about CGFNS. On the other-hand you may want to have her try a couple of CGFNS practice tests and see how she does. If she does ok then just go for it.

hey straight out of a review class she mite do really well, guess we will see.


piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-29 00:28:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?

The problem is not that she is a foreign nurse. From what I quoted a nurse needs four years of experience as a "RN" to transfer over a license from another state. Now since your soon to be wife is a new nurse this to me is the sticking point for the endorsement to work. If she were a foreign nurse with the four years experience I think you could do it.

She has already been working as a nurse for 5 years....but she has never taken the RN test. Instead she took the 1st job offered to her & that was that.

I would suggest two things at this point.
1. None of us really know for sure about New Hampshire nursing regs. I would make a couple of calls. Maybe ask the straight question first on fiancee coming directly from Philippines as a new nurse. Then I might have a friend call and ask same question but say fiancee got nursing license in another state.

Her & i are already married so she will not be coming here as my fiancee but instead will receive her green card once she arrives here in the CR-1 visa.

2. Have your fiancee take the CGFNS. Part of the test will be on nursing which she will have to study for anyway. The other part is English. I am not sure how strong she is in this part but maybe have her take some classes to help or you help yourself. She passes the CGFNS and NCLEX then you don't have to worry about any of these other options.

her english is very good, the nursing classes in the Philippines are taught in understanding is that the nursing boards in the philippines are tough to pass so if she can do that maybe the CGFNS & NCLEX will not be all that tough for her when she gets around to taking those???? i hope so anyhow

piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-28 23:03:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?
Hey i also have a plan (B)
rent an apartment in either Maine or Vermont so my wife can work from there for a year.
then transfer to new hampshire.
I don't like it but it could work if nothing else does.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-28 20:47:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?

That works in some states but according to what I am reading it wont work in New Hampshire
which states under licensure by endorsement:

In order to apply for a license by endorsement, you must have an active license in another state. In addition, you must meet the continuing competence requirements in NH which include having earned 30 continuing education contact hours in the past 2 years, and having been "active in practice" for a minimum of 400 hours in the past 4 years. "Active in practice" means working in your license category, either for pay or in a volunteer status. Information about continuing competence can be found under Continuing Competence and directions and forms for license application are available under Forms.

Look under #5

I see what you are talking about but...... they keep saying "another state"
would this also apply to "another country" ?
i know there must be foreign nurses working in new hampshire , so how did they do it ??
there has to be a way.......rite?
i will have to see if i can find a new hampshire nursing site & see what other info i can dig up.

It almost looks like it may be up to the people in new hampshire who are doing her paperwork ??? maybe not , but it looks like this whole deal could go a couple of different ways & there may be some " gray area"

piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-28 20:38:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?

Your wife may take the NCLEX without undergoing or passing the NLE in the Philippines. She just have to apply for the examination thru state that does not require CGFNS like California. After she can pass the NCLEX, she can apply for Licensure by Endorsement in the state where she's interested to work that requires CGNFS. Usually the applicant for Licensure by Endorsement is no longer required to take/pass the CGFNS. In my case here in Georgia, I just had a Credential Evaluation Service (CES)(by submitting copy of my transcripts) to the CGFNS for the endorsement process.

But if she intends to take the NCLEX thru the state which requires CGFNS, then she has to pass CGFNS before she can sit down the's a looong way process.

well thanks for the info.
are you saying that you don't think she even needs to pass the nursing boards there in the Philippines ?

piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-28 17:19:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?

Hey Piglett, I don't really know anything about CGFNS but snoop around the link and you should be able to find out answers to your questions.

also check this link out:

hey thanks for the 411 :thumbs:

piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-28 00:36:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?

I have a few Filipina nurses working for me. If you have any specific questions I can ask them for you.
When I took my NCLEX I just got practice test books and went over questions and rationale for answers over and over again.

Hey thanks i may just come up with some before the whole dog & pony show is over.
I figured my wife could take her review class & go pass the nursing boards & then take the NCLEX & problem solved ! WRONG ;) oh well it was a good plan until it turned into a poor plan.

Ok so who do i have to kill, bribe, or whatever so my wife can pass the CGFNS?
also how soon after she passes the Philippine nursing boards can she start the CGFNS?
1 week,1 month,1 year ?
also how hard is the CGFNS i am not even sure what this thing is so i am at this point,sort of flying blind. i guess it has something to do with someone researching her grades, schooling , or something to that effect.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-27 23:28:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?

Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that California is one state that does not require a foreign-trained to have an RN license in order to sit for the NCLEX. There also may be other states that do not require a foreign-trained nurse to have an RN license to qualify for the NCLEX. In that case, it would not be required that your wife pass her Board Exam in the Philippines. She could simply apply through California to sit for the NCLEX. When she passes the NCLEX, she would then be a licensed RN in California. She could then transfer her California license to New Hampshire.

that all sounds good to me. She will have already passed her board exam in the philippines though. She starts her review class on Aug 9TH. If she is going to have to wait in the Philippines for a year for her CR-1 i don't see any reason why she shouldn't put that time to good use.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-27 11:14:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?

Your wife could apply through the state of California to sit for the NCLEX exam. It does not matter if she ever lives there or works there. She does not even have to take the NCLEX test in California. She can take the NCLEX test anywhere it is offered. She can take it in Manila if she wants to. The important thing is that she apply to sit for the NCLEX test in a state that does not have those strict CGFNS requirements. I'm guessing that she should check out California and New Mexico. I think Vermont now uses CGFNS. I don't know about the other states.

Maybe you can check out the web site. Or, check out each state's Board of Nursing web site.

When she passes the NCLEX exam, then she can transfer her RN license to New Hampshire. Just make sure to check out New Hampshire's Board of Nursing web site so you can find out what the requirements are for transferring an RN license from another state to New Hampshire. It is probably not as strict as the whole CGFNS thing. Good luck... B-)

man O man i checked out the new hampshire nursing board web site & i didn't understand what in the world they were talking about :blush:
I'm not sure what the CGFNS is or why my wife would or would not want to deal with it.
I think i better stick to doing what i do for a living & let my wife investigate what is needed for her to work here as an RN. the good news is that by christmas she should be an RN in the philippines which is the 1ST step to becoming an RN here.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-26 23:31:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?
well that sounds like something that i need to check into.
so if my wife applies for say for example the NCLEX so she can work in california but never actually workes in that state that may be enough that my state will all her to be an RN here?
i will have to research it but it sounds goo to me so far.

thanks piglett
piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-26 12:37:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?
My wife is starting her review class on Aug. 9TH so she can become an RN in the Philippines.
once she finished school she didn't have the money to take a review class so she just took the 1ST job she was offered.yes she wants to pass the local boards. As far as the NCLEX goes i really don't know much about it & if the state of new hampshire where she will be working requires the CGFNS too
After hearing about some nurses having lots of trouble getting certified here in the USA i decided that it was best that she try to take all the tests & exams she can while waiting for her CR-1.

My understand with the CR-1 is that after only 2 or 3 weeks she should be able to start working (unlike most K-3's)

thanks to all
piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-26 00:32:00
Philippineshas anyone here married a nurse from the Philippines?
I am just wondering if anyone here has married a nurse from another country.
my wife is from the Philippines & she has never taken her review class so she could be an RN.
rite now she is just working as what we would call an LPN
her review class ( she found one close by in Manila) will start on Aug. 9Th & it will be 2.5 months long.
then there is about a 1 month wait till she can take the big test.
so I hope by christmas she can start to think about taking the NCLEX
so when she gets here she will not have any trouble/waiting finding a job she likes.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-24 23:27:00
PhilippinesCan I be banned from the Philippines?

actually i love crispy pata. i just don't want to eat rice accompanied meals all the time.

Welcome to life with a pinay !!!
that's almost all my wife eats is that dam fish & rice.

have you thought of taking her to the local preist & asking for some help?
maybe he can help smooth over some of her rough spots.

i myself think she is really in love with you but just doesn't trust you for whatever reason.
have you EVER given her a reason to not trust you 100% ???

maybe it's time to lay out some ground rules for her
something like "woman i am going to work now & when i get back i want some kind of meal on the table & all those clothes washed".............. did you ever try that?
it may make some of the ladies here mad but that mite be how i would handle it myself. :P

be a strong mad & ask her to step up & be a strong woman to back you up.

there that's my 2 cents worth
piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-17 00:15:00
PhilippinesPolice: Grenade found near US Embassy
i hope they find the bonehead that left it there & put him in the deepest darkest hole in the local jail :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-17 15:35:00
Philippinesafter POE what's next?..

lol :D if i ask for new car for sure he will give me his tractor ahaha!!!

well that mite be a good thing if you don't yet know how to drive
my wife is scared of driving so i will start by teaching her to drive my old slow tractor
once she can do that then we will try the car.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-18 19:45:00
Philippinesafter POE what's next?..

The next steps are getting married, have your husband pay for a new house for your parents in PI, pay for your nieces private schooling, business for sister, etc. I'm joking :rofl:

Welcome to America! Enjoy your first Christmas here.

C-monkey you forgot about the new fishing boat & the nice new car :lol: :lol: :lol:

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-18 01:31:00
PhilippinesFraudulent Marriages

hello everyone, i hope its ok if i put in my 2 cents, i think as long as marriage is a way out of a bad situation, people will abuse it . ask yourself what would you do to escape a situation that was really bad, i mean if you felt you were trapped,slowly starving, or oppressed in some way, or maybe to help your children? would you lie?, cheat?, steal?. I know these are not the only reasons people do it, alot of it is just selfish reasons. But until we can read minds this will continue to happen. Just my opinion.

you make some good points !

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-22 01:00:00

Hi, I'm looking for Filipina vj members who are living in Maryland. I'm in Havre de Grace (Harford county) sometimes I go with my husband in Pennsylvania (Elizabethtown or Exton area), even in Delaware (Wilmington).. anyone from Maryland? I'm looking forward to meet you one of this days.. -Jerbbi

hey i used to live just up the road from there in Elkton just a short drive up route 40
watch out when your in wilmington De.(those boys like to shoot each other in the streets) :whistle:
i no longer live in that area(moved back up to New Hampshire where i'm from)
but if i'm in the area(i still have many friends around there) with my new wife maybe we can meet up

best of luck
piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-22 01:13:00
PhilippinesChanging last name on my Philippine Passport

I believe they will do it whatever combination you want, old middle name, maiden name or both.

my wife dropped her middle name & had her old last name become her middle

not sure if it HAS to be done that way though.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-22 00:18:00
PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice

Agreed--I did take the cell phone away initially, but returned it after an 8 hour shift, and let her know I was not going to cut her off from talking/texting with her family.

Also, probably my final update: one-way flight on JAL departing Tuesday 11/23 booked. Our Visa Journey is now over, so therefore my participation is over also. I have deep wounds to attend to and let heal.

hey good luck man, i don't think your a bad guy you just got stuck with a bad girl is all.
I know a guy who had the same kind of thing happen about 5 years ago.

however in time he went rite back to the Philippines & he is now married to a great lady & they have a newborn too.

so all is not lost but yes you need a bunch of time to heal from all of this

keep your chin up man :thumbs:
piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-22 23:20:00
PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice
Sadden is there any reason why you have not turned her into the feds?

It's your ballgame in the end but that would be my next move

good luck
piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-21 23:05:00
PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice

Might as well let it all out...

ya come on let er rip!

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-21 23:01:00
PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice

Raft, schmaft...he should let her swim.

well i was just trying to be nice :D :devil:

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-21 14:57:00
PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice

Well, he hasn't posted in a few days... it's possible he couldn't cuz he's been in jail on a domestic charge ;) but yeah i'm putting money on it that no ticket's been purchased.

maybe he is busy building scammer girl a nice raft :rofl:

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-21 12:28:00
PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice

The OP is just in love and has abused spouse syndrome. Considering reconciliation he's no better than the woman who gets beaten up but tries to make it work with the man because she loves him. The OP obviously loves the girl, but it takes two people in love for a successful marriage. One thing I have learned is that no matter how much you want to, you can't make yourself love someone else. From the sound of his story to me, I'm not sure the girls original intent was to defraud the guy and scam him. I think she wanted to love him. But wanting to love someone isn't going to keep you from playing around with your ex boyfriend who you really do love. OP can love her all he wants and want her to love him back, but she is never going to love him the way he loves her, and the sooner he realizes that and moves on the better. She has proven herself to be someone who makes bad decisions and is WILLING to hurt him to get what she wants - and he is going to have only himself to blame when she hurts him more with a violence charge to stay in the country. I am surprised the OP hasn't posted the last few days... which makes me think he is still thinking/talking reconciliation. If he had revoked her status or made arrangements to put her on a plane, I bet he'd have posted by now. He is probably ashamed to post it because he knows what the consensus is here that he should do. I hope I'm wrong.

VERY WELL SAID !!!! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-20 15:04:00
PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice
look guy the cold harsh truth is that she played you like a cheep flute. :(
your dam sure not the 1ST guy to get screw over & used by a woman & you sure will not be the last either.

Stop trying to be a nice guy & send the fruad home N O W ! ! !

if you don't you are going to get screw over even more than you already have.

once she is out of the country then you can take some time to lick your wounds

the good news is that there are about 20 million ladies in S.E. Asia that would just love to be your next wife & most of them are not frauds & they will treat you like you should be treated.

sorry to be so harsh but you need to snap out of it & start doing what's rite for YOU!!!

good luck guy
piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-18 01:15:00