PhilippinesSt. Luke’s Medical Exam Walkthrough

Hello all! I want to share this walkthrough I made regarding the medical exam I just took at St. Lukes. I hope this will help anybody in anyway.

I thought of creating this during my 2-day medical appointment, taking notes every step of the way and sketching floor plans in between waiting time. I know that there had been a few written about one’s medical experience at SLMCEC and as much as it helped me prepare and be aware of the whole scenario, I wanted to share something more comprehensive.

But please be reminded that everything here is based on my own experience and someone else’s procedures may vary. All went well on my medical so I assume this is within the typical flow of the whole process.

Ok, to start with:

<b>The Fees: </b>

US$213.35 for 15 y.o. and older
US$185.35 for 14 y.o. and below

<b>Hotels Near SLMCEC</b>

<a href="http://www.visajourn...pic=48111&st=0" target="_blank">http://www.visajourn...=48111&st=0</a>
<a href="http://www.visajourn...p/t130131.html" target="_blank">http://www.visajourn...130131.html</a>

<b>What to Bring:</b>

- If you don’t have your appointment letter yet, you may bring a photocopy of your NOA2 letter and NVC letter showing your MNL case no.
- Valid Passport (have it photocopied as well)
- Appointment letter – Bring original and have the first 2 pages photo copied.
- 4 pcs. 2x2 photos – white background, with both ears uncovered and without earrings.
- Black ballpen
- jacket (it’s cold inside)

- Bottled water. Foods are not allowed, but you can slip through hiding your crackers somewhere in your bag.
- Play Station Portable, Nintendo DS, Ipod Touch, books/pocket books – well, I mean, something you can play/read while waiting in between check-ups and procedures.

<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b>The 1st Day</b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->:: Arriving at St. Lukes ::<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

<img src="http://img.photobuck...of/1st_flr.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

W/ appointment letter:

I handed over my appointment letter but then the security guard told me to have the 1st two pages photocopied, so I did (just right across the street) and then went back to hand him both the original and the duplicate, he stamped it both with “SLMCEC---something” .. and handed me a queue number. I arrived at 4:45am and got no. 32.

He gave me a form - the Patient Data Sheet (PDS) and the guard will check specific boxes you should fill in. Upon filling out your PDS, you’ll see an ‘Alien Case No.’ – that would be you MNL Case no.

He also handed me an Evaluation sheet to be returned upon release of your medical result – well, it’s just a Rate-Our-Clinic thing, with Excellent-Good-Poor check boxes
and questions on how to improve their service blah-blah.

Without appointment letter – well I guess, it’ll be the same as above as long as you have your NOA2 letter and NVC letter with MNL Case no.

- After you completed filling out your PDS, there’s really nothing more to do but sit down and wait for your number to be called.

- When the guard started to call in the numbers, he called batch by batch, 10 nos. in a batch.

- He guided us to fall in line in front of ‘Digital Photo Room’ to have our --- well, digital photo taken <img src="http://www.visajourn...R#>/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />

- Have your PDS, Passport and photos ready. I handed those to the guy who takes the photos, everything was returned to me shortly after that.

- I went straight ahead in front of the releasing counters and fell in line.

- When it’s my turn, the screener asked me a few questions about my medical history … basically, you just have to answer everything he/she asks.. She stapled two(2) 2x2 photos on the PDS and inserted the other two(2) on a resealable plastic and stapled it once again on the lower part of the PDS.

- After it, the screener told me to pay the medical fees at the cashier located at the 5th floor.

- I then took the elevators to 5th floor and found the cashier at the corner, right beside the elevator. Paid the fees and told me to go to 4th floor.

<b><!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->:: 4th Floor ::<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--></b>

<img src="http://img.photobuck...of/4th_flr.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

- I gave my PDS, Receipt, Passport and the photocopied appointment letter (keep the original, I believe that will be the one you’ll show at the interview) to the nurse at the reception. She gave me an “HIV Consent form” to fill out – I returned it to her afterwards and she then told me to sit down and wait for my name to be called.

- When my name was called, the nurse asked me of the last day of my last period (always remember your 1st and last day of period, they will keep on asking it till you bleed again … kidding)

- After she jotted down some notes on my papers, she gave it back to me and pointed me to go at the blood extraction room.

- Before the nurse started to collect blood sample from my arm, she asked me my name, my age and again, my first and last day of period… This procedure is to assess you of any drug use and of course, HIV.

- After the blood extraction, the nurse told me to go straight to the urine collection area, just right across the other side of the reception, a nurse is assigned there at the ladies C.R. – she’ll give you a plastic container to put your urine sample in. Hand it back to her when you’re done. This procedure is for pregnancy test and probably for other kidney-related illnesses. She told me to sit back down and wait for my name to be called.

- My name was called and they gave me back my papers and passport and told me to proceed to 3rd floor for the X-Ray.

<b><!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->:: 3rd Floor ::<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--></b>

<img src="http://img.photobuck...of/3rd_flr.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

- I gave my set of papers to the nurse at the reception. If you have previous x-rays, be sure to bring the film (if it’s still available) so they can compare (and God knows if that would actually help alter their decision against their own x-ray results at any rate ~_~)

- Anyhoo, since I don’t have an x-ray film with me, they simply gave me a paper to fill out, stating the reason why I don’t have one – I checked the box that reads “No X-ray has ever been taken”. Gave it back to them.

- Somewhere on my PDS, they made me write my first day of my last menstrual period.

- Told me to sit down and wait for my name to be called (well, isn’t it always?)

- So my name is called and another nurse wrote down additional notes on my papers before he allowed me to enter the X-ray room. He returned to me my set of papers.

- Inside the X-ray room (a little room before the actual X-ray room) is a little area with some chairs so we can sit as we wait for our turn. Another small area is a changing room with hospital gowns provided where we should disrobe our upper garments (bra and shirt) .. any necklace should be removed as well. I sat down and waited for my name to be called.

- Upon calling my name, I then gave my set of papers to the nurse inside…. and it’s X-ray time! (I’ve been very anxious about this part ever since coz this is where they would find out if you have something strange in your lungs – hence, they’ll have you undergo the dreadful Sputum test) .. the nurse inside would assist you on how to properly execute the X-ray procedure.

- After I finished the X-ray, the nurse gave me back my papers and told me to proceed to 5th floor.

<b><!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->:: 5th Floor ::<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--></b>

<img src="http://img.photobuck...of/5th_flr.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

- I walked towards the U.S. counter and handed over my set of papers to the personnel assigned there .. he wrote something on my papers and then a different nurse picked up my papers, he assisted me to follow him to have my body weight and height measured.

- Right after the nurse wrote down the weight record on my PDS, another nurse told me to proceed to the ‘Visual Exam Room’.

- Inside the Visual Exam Room, the nurse conducted a visual activity test where you would have to read a <a href="http://en.wikipedia....llen_chart.svg" target="_blank">Snellen Chart</a> opposite a mirror. (more like a ‘give me a headache’ test) The nurse will ask if you're using contact lens or eye glasses prior to the exam.

- After the eye test, he told me to go sit and wait for my name to be called. (I’m starting to have the feeling of omitting all these sit-and-wait-for-my-name-to-be-called in this entire entry)

- The next thing done is they measured my Vital Signs - Blood Pressure and pulse rate.

- I handed over to the U.S. Counter my set of PDS after completing the Vital Signs procedure.

- Guess what happens here ………………… Correct!! Sit down and wait for my name to be called.

- My name is called, went to the U.S. counter and they handed me a number. That would be my number for the physical exam.

- It’s been the most agonizing 15 minutes of my whole medical process … waiting while thinking of getting all naked – NOT in front of your fiancé/husband … LOL!

- My turn for the physical exam .. the doctor/physician will ask you all sorts of questions starting from your name to all your past operations/hospitalizations to inhaling mosquito coils to having contact with an alien from the outer space positive with HIV……

- After all the seemingly non-stop questioning, the doctor ordered me to sign papers (kinda like a contract) attesting that I am telling nothing but the truth. She made me sign twice – one for saying that I gave birth 2 times, and the other one for stating that I’ve never had TB nor had contact with people who are infected of Tuberculosis.

- Then she made me disrobe completely, but thank goodness, I still had to wear a hospital gown – at least. I laid down on the bed and she checks certain parts of my body. Doctors will specifically check slash marks for suicidal attempts, needle marks for drug use, tattoos for positive contamination from use of needles…

…. and then the private parts … <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blush.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blush:" border="0" alt="blush.gif" /> She’ll make you spread your legs (or make you lie on your left side and bend your knees towards your chest). The physician checked the ####### and the ####### .. I believe they check it for possible signs of Sexually Transmitted Diseases or any abnormalities whatsoever. Don’t worry, if you’re a female, you’ll also have a female physician that will attend to you.

- She told me to go straight to U.S. Counter. I handed my PDS and they attached a slip where it reads, “You must personally claim your results....dah dah dah” in 3 different languages .. what the! … The nurse handed back my papers shortly right after that and told me to go to 2nd floor for immunization interview.

<b><!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->:: 2nd Floor ::<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--></b>

<img src="http://img.photobuck...of/2nd_flr.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

- I gave my set of PDS to the guy on the reception right in front of the Immunization rooms.

- loooooooong wait here ..

- Called for Immunization interview (doctors area). The physician simply asked me a few questions like previous vaccines (don’t worry if you don’t have a record or can’t remember any, just tell the physician about it), sexual contact, pregnancies, if you’ve had chicken pox before, if it left any visible scars, etc … She told me of the available vaccines that I would take if all goes well with my medical results.

- It’s a wrap! The day is done! … and the last thing to do is to check out on the 2nd floor check out counter. There they will tell you to return the next day for the results. They will tell you what time. The only things left in your hands now would be your passport, the receipt, the evaluation letter and your original appointment letter/NOA2/NVC letter.

- Robinson’s place is not far from SLMCEC .. You’ll be as hungry as **** so I suggest you go there and treat yourself <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />

<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b>The 2nd Day</b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

- Upon arriving at SLMCEC, the guard pointed me to another guard inside, standing behind some kind of podium, I handed him my receipt and he entered the control no. on a computer database, so this guy sort of has the ‘master’s list’ for all results of med exams.

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><b>There are two things I know by far regarding the results:</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

If the guard stamped your receipt with “IMMUNIZATION” – then congratulations! You passed the medical exam and if you have anything scheduled after that, like for example - your visa interview in two days (like me), then there should be no worries.

If the guard stamped your receipt with “SPUTUM --- something” then unfortunately, you have to have a Sputum Collection and a 2-month long delay.

…….. Okay, so I have mine stamped with “Immunization” and this made me proceed to 2nd floor for my vaccines.

- I gave my receipt to the guy at the reception (just the receipt, keep your passport) … and like always, I sat down and waited for my name to be called.

- ZZZZzzzzzzZzZzzz

- The intercom may sound vague most of the times, so you must listen attentively all the time.

- My name was called and they made us fall in line in front of the check out counter on the same floor (2nd floor). The guy behind the counter collected our passports.

- Go back to sleep. I mean, get back to your seat.

- My name is called and it’s time for my immunization. The attending nurse first asked me some few questions about allergies I might have, date of first and last day of my last menstrual period, my name, age and birth. Vaccines may vary for every applicant, I had 4 shots, 2 on each arm (TDAP, MMR, Anti-Cervical and HPV).

- *phew* .. thanks goodness, everything’s done … I was told to wait at the ground floor for the results.


- Zzz

- Waited like 3 hours

- My name is finally called but it’s not for the result yet … I went to window 1, the personnel made me sign my PDS and then I surrendered my passport .. told to me waaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiit until I die … kidding … waited for another 2 hours or so.

- RESULTS!! Oh the Wonderful Result!! … I was called to window 6 with a female staff – she asked a lot of questions like a pre-screener at the interview, she seems to ask a lot about what you’ve written on your PDS and a few from the physician comments written on it .. she’s kind of like verifying.

- She finally handed down a CD containing the X-ray details and a Vaccine sheet (these 2 are the only things they'll give you). She also told me that they would be the one to forward the results of my Medical Exam to the U.S. Embassy. They would keep everything including your passport.

- I went out. Took a pedicab to Taft Avenue and bought myself a Baconator for all my day’s worth.


Your experience is very helpful and I'm so glad that I read it before my medical have to be did mentioned about having medical without appointment letter, this made me interest bcoz our case was complete at NVC and about to be forwarded in Manila, what I mean is, We are coming to Manila with my son CRBA and do the DNA testing and since I have the NVC case number and NOA2--I guess it is also best if I bring my daughter and me also to do the medical before my appointment arrived. by saying this is because we lived in Negros Occidental and it's kinda taugh on us to travel back and forth doing DNA for my son and back home to get my daughter for her medical also.
so can you give me some details about going to St.Lukes without appointment letter, what other requirements they ask except NOA2,NVC case #.

Thank you and God Bless..
Rona and DaveFemale02010-04-03 08:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIR-1 Interview soon

Just to add to that, if you have a co-sponsor, they might ask about that person.. what they do for a living, their relation to you...etc.

Thank you friend,,but I we don't have co-sponsor..
Rona and DaveFemale02010-03-30 05:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIR-1 Interview soon

Here's a link to common interview questions. If you check out the "reviews: embassy/USCIS & POE" you can search for your specific consulate to see what to expect

Good luck.

Thank you so much! your link is very helpful.
God Bless..
Rona and DaveFemale02010-03-30 00:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIR-1 Interview soon
Hello there,
Like to ask about IR-1 interview...can anyone post here their experiences and reguirements or some basic questions???
God Bless
Rona and DaveFemale02010-03-29 07:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescase complete--what is next?
Hello Everyone,

Our case completed and sent to USEM Manila, I have scheduled of my Interview next month from my husband he sent me appointment letter from NVC. But my question is, Do the USEM manila will send me a letter by airmail except the appointment letter from NVC?

post comments will be appreciated...
Rona and DaveFemale02010-04-21 20:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespolice certificate overseas needed for interview?

According to my math - February 2000 to January 2001 is not 12 months, it is 11. The instructions say "lived in a different country for more than 12 months". That's the first thing, the second thing the DOS instructions state "Post recommends that consular officers waive the general requirement to obtain police certificates unless the applicant lives in the UAE" - as you mentioned.

You have three options:

- Try to get the certificate
- Worry about the certificate, even though the two sources state you don't need it
- Ensure you have the documentation from these two sources printed out and take it with you to the interview

Good luck.

I think I have to follow what stated of USA reciprocity because in the first place If I do the process here in Manila still it will not got to the point of getting into Dubai country becuase of not knowing anyone there. And Yes I only lived there 11 months.

Thank you all for the comments at least it cleared up my mind..

God Bless Everyone...
Rona and DaveFemale02010-04-18 17:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespolice certificate overseas needed for interview?
[quote name='andresbonifacio' date='17 April 2010 - 02:48 AM' timestamp='1271486918' post='3877812']
I think you need to get one because you "lived" there for 12 months even if you're not a "permanent resident".
Good thing there's a UAE Embassy in Manila it would be easy to get a police certificate.

Here's the contact info:

UAE Embassy
2nd floor Renaissance Building
215 Salcedo St. Legaspi Village
Makati City, Manila, Philippines
Tel: + 632 817 3906; Fax: + 632 818 3577

Thank of the contract INfo; I called this number but still got confused for me.. :crying:
Rona and DaveFemale02010-04-18 17:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespolice certificate overseas needed for interview?
My Visa is IR-1. I called the UAE immigration in Manila and they told me the process of how to get the police certificate in that country and some payments--but they asked me If i knew anyone in UAE ( Dubai ) to do the process of police certificate because all they can give is the request for me to get the certificate in that country.
My problem is -- I don't know anyone in Dubai to do the process of my police certificate.. :crying:
Rona and DaveFemale02010-04-18 07:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespolice certificate overseas needed for interview?
hello everyone

Thank you all for dropping and read my "post". through my researched this what I found regarding Police certificate abroad. http://travel.state....city_3698.html#

It says here that Police Records
Available, only if applicant is physically present in the UAE.

Police certificates may be obtained by any person, regardless of nationality, by personally appearing at the Central Police Headquarters located in the emirate of residence or former residence. When appearing to request a police certificate, the applicant should provide recent photographs, a letter from the requesting authority, the date of residence in the emirate, and their passport.

Not available by mail. Post recommends that consular officers waive the general requirement to obtain police certificates unless the applicant lives in the UAE.

Thank you
So please leave some comments about this post..

GOd Bless to All of US.
Rona and DaveFemale02010-04-17 19:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespolice certificate overseas needed for interview?
Hello Everyone,

I have interview next month to USA embassy and so far all the required documents they ask is well prepared ( I hope )..but there is one thing that bothered me..Its about Police Certificate Overseas. I read through NVC that I need to get a police certificate if 1 year or more living overseas, I worked in Dubai from February 2000-January 2001 but Im not residence there only working visa, Is it possible that I need to get police certificate from Dubai? and if yes, then how? I have my Philippines NBI/Police certificate already,.

Please help..

Thanks and God Bless..
Rona and DaveFemale02010-04-17 01:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresneed help for K1 processing for my friend!

she needs a usc fiance first who she has met face to face. if so, then the usc files the i-129f petition

thank you payxibka---my friend and her fiance is asking about this requirements..he went to Philippines to visit her and his back now here in usa. he is aware of a bunch of requirements in able to start the processing but he need some advice from those who applied I-129f to make sure he have all that it need.
thank you so much.
Rona and DaveFemale02011-09-05 15:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresneed help for K1 processing for my friend!
Hi Visa Journey

I want to ask help about the K1 processing. what is the requirements from the Philippines beneficiary have to complete and send here in USA to start the application of I-129F.we need your help guys!! thank you in advance....

God Bless everyone!!
Rona and DaveFemale02011-09-05 07:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespolice clearance from abroad!!
Hello VJ's

I just wondered if we need police clearance from Oman. A friend of mine is seeking some help regarding that if she need to have 2 police clearance from Philippines her hometown and from Oman. her application is K1 visa. please help...we gladly appreciated! thank you !
Rona and DaveFemale02011-09-07 20:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Clearance from Abroad

they will find it out cuz of her passport..i hope she didnt put none..

hi Sis

her passport is new since it was expired lastyear when she got in Philippines so she renued it. right now her passport no stamp of visa travel abroad since it was renew. she told me she put "None" on the question regarding " travel abroad for the last 5 years.
Rona and DaveFemale02011-09-26 08:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Clearance from Abroad
Hello Vj's

This Topic is about my friend who is currently on process for K1 Visa. She is from the Philippines.
First of all I start it how she process her papers..she filed up the G-325A form and everything needed to send here in USA. Her fiance started the application recently and all the documents already sent in INS. But the main concern she have is..on her G-325A form she didnt mention of travelling abroad for at least 5 years she put on NONE in the application. Is that gonna effect on her visa? are those immigration find out oneday that she travelled abroad. She did that so she said she dont need to get police clearance from other country and she said that her passport now is recently renew. But I think that is not going to work and she probably deny on her interview if they find out that she been from other country. She work at Oman for 4 years and she just get back last year.
Please Vj's I need your opinions regaring this matter....

Thank you all
Rona and DaveFemale02011-09-26 08:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDNA test approved what is next?
hello everyone,

our DNA test done and approved the match of biological father- -may I know what is next? does the USC consulate will notify me for the approval? and what is next? are they going to call me or ask me to send another requirements?

pls pls help..
Rona and DaveFemale02010-05-09 02:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionParental travel consents for my son to travel..
hello everyone..

I like to ask, If I can bring my son to fly with me to states without a PARENTAL TRAVEL CONSENTS from my husband..we applied him CRBA and his approved and soon his passport will deliver to my house. I am going to travel alone with him without my husband,,

please leave some comments.

Rona and DaveFemale02010-05-18 06:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionvisa delivered--passport inside the envelop but it said "warning do not open"!
sorry for my wrong details--what i mean is my passport was inside the plastic envelop and not inside the brown sailed envelop..sorry and want to say that i have passport now was just a little paranoid that i thought i cannot get it inside the plastic sailed!
thanks to all!
Rona and DaveFemale02010-05-18 05:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionvisa delivered--passport inside the envelop but it said "warning do not open"!
got our visa in hand today!!
what I gonna do? enveloped said " warning do not open" but our passport was inside the sailed envelop together with brown enveloped!
Rona and DaveFemale02010-05-17 05:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionECC or exit permit for my CRBA SON!
Hello everyone

I like to find something clear answer about my post...we applied CRBA for my son and his approved and now we have his American passport/CRBA certificate/ and Philippine passport and soon this June is our flight to USA. I have Parental travel consents from my husband also..
But I have one worries--Do I really need to go to BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION to get ECC or called Exit Clearance? I live in Negros and we have local Immigrations here went there today and they said that I need to go to Main Immigration in Manila..which is sucks! bcoz It means that I have to travel there soon to get the clearance. bcoz our flight date departure from here to usa soon is connecting flight and I already brought ticket from here to Manila for our flight..
If its a case then I have to flight twice in Manila to get this clearance--If this is really needed--Is it acceptable If I can ask person like friend in Manila to process this Exit clearance for me? or It really need my son and myself appearance?

Post comments is very appreciated.
Rona and DaveFemale02010-05-31 05:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionleaving alone and comeback to get my kids
hello everyone...

I would like to share you guys about our and hubby is planning of me to go alone in usa so we can spend sometime together and comeback here after couple of months to get my children..
but in our application ds-230 form i wrote there that me my children will travel together or " to accompany me" to usa.
Is it a problem if I travel alone and comeback here to get them?

thanks in advance...
Rona and DaveFemale02010-06-07 17:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionApplied CRBA of my son do we need DNA test?

Haven't found the USCIS to be that critical as long as your paperwork is in order, certified, and all that. Recall an incident with a government agent from the DOD about steel I ordered that was certified to military specifications. How do you know that certificate is good? The only thing we could do was to measure the thickness. How do you know your micrometer is accurate. I gauged it against our joule blocks. How do you know your joule blocks are accurate? I showed him the certificate. He said this certificate is old, so I had to have my joule blocks recertified, then he was finally happy. This steel was 32 mil thick with a tolerance of +/- 3 mils, was used in a none stressed application, but you can really meet some hardheads.

Thought did occur to me even about my own birth certificate, just names on it, mine, the parents, the doctors, but nothing on it to personally identify myself with it. But it was accepted that that was me.

guess the image of my son now is exactly the same as his father. I have all the picture's since he was a baby at delivery room with his father exactly look the same and now that he is 4 yrs old. picture's and his father military record and other stuff. all documents is original except of DNA but since i knew from here that DNA is not really necessarily then it doesn't worry me at all unless they will ask for it. HOpefully not,.

Rona and DaveFemale02010-01-10 18:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionApplied CRBA of my son do we need DNA test?

Most common use of a DNA test is to prove the kid isn't yours. USCIS just seems happy with a birth certificate. Marriage certificate also helps, but they want that anyway.

OK thank you. I have original birth certificate and so marriage certificate--my husband sent all the documents they asking for--my son interview will be Feb 3. but anyway thank you so much.

God Bless...
Rona and DaveFemale02010-01-10 00:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionApplied CRBA of my son do we need DNA test?

You don't automatically need a DNA test, most of the time they won't require one, but they can ask if they feel there is a question about paternity or maternity.

Thank you so much...its a relief!
Rona and DaveFemale02010-01-09 08:11:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionApplied CRBA of my son do we need DNA test?
Hello Everyone,
Im new in this site and I believed this site is very helpful. We did applied for Citizenship registered birth abroad of my son that born here in Philippines.
We have interview in us embassy at citizenship section--I have all the documents needed but what worries me if they will ask for DNA testing.

Is anyone out there who familiar my case?

anyone help is very appreciated.
Thank you.
Rona and DaveFemale02010-01-09 05:45:00
US Citizenship General Discussioncost of DNA

Just curious, perhaps nosy is a better word, is your husband planning on bringing you and your baby here?

yes he planning to bring us there--actually I have my visa approved now and been waiting for the interview appointment from NVC and also one of my own daughter. But my son with Him we applied for CRBA in embassy.
Rona and DaveFemale02010-02-05 18:42:00
US Citizenship General Discussioncost of DNA

not when you're going through consular processing. st. luke's fee for PHP1500 sounds about right. yes, a bargain compared to what DNA testing costs in the U.S. although the actual testing is still done in the U.S.

My Husband is planning to come to Philippines and have it done the DNA here together with my son in front of us embassy officer. In that case we together do it,. I read here that we going to pay 1500pesos for collecting fee in St.Lukes hospital which is big amount of different comparing to have done in USA,.imagine that $1000 comes out of his pocket.
anyway he really intentionally plan of coming here so its a good timing..
Rona and DaveFemale02010-02-05 09:48:00
US Citizenship General Discussioncost of DNA
Hello Everyone,

Just finished the Interview of my son about CRBA in USEmbassy...I can't believed that they asking for DNA test for additional evidence. :( to prove that my son is a legally child of my husband,,grrr seems documents is not enough for them to prove that.
Anyway were given 90 days to comply,..Is there anyone there know how much does it cost for DNA test? I read from AABB that collection fee is 1,500pesos paid in St. Lukes hospital in it right that we going to pay that amount only?some said it cost $500-$700 :crying:
Rona and DaveFemale02010-02-04 09:06:00
PhilippinesSt. Luke’s Medical Exam Walkthrough

That is all you need, NOA2 letter, the MNL Case number and of course your passports...

... now about the DNA test, to make it clear - did you already had a previous CRBA interview at the embassy and did the consul required you undergo DNA testing? where are you in the process of CRBA?

@ rhowin - I'm glad my guide helped them :) They'll be fine ;) good luck!

Hi Ninjones

ask ko ulit when you process the DNA, how did you send your 2x2 photo to the embassy before the dna spicemen collected..It said here that I need to send the photo before the dna recommended for 5 working days. where did you send it and what address? did you do the same?
Rona and DaveFemale02010-04-06 17:24:00
PhilippinesSt. Luke’s Medical Exam Walkthrough
I'm with my son in the process of CRBA and my husband was in US..but he sent me notarized permission of non appearing parents during the interview..After our first interview at Embassy, the consul ask me to send additional requirements which is : DNA, parent consents, and notarized letter from my husband.
Rona and DaveFemale02010-04-06 08:03:00
PhilippinesSt. Luke’s Medical Exam Walkthrough

That is all you need, NOA2 letter, the MNL Case number and of course your passports...

... now about the DNA test, to make it clear - did you already had a previous CRBA interview at the embassy and did the consul required you undergo DNA testing? where are you in the process of CRBA?

@ rhowin - I'm glad my guide helped them :) They'll be fine ;) good luck!

Hi NinJones'

yes we already finished the Interview at american citizenship and passport application at the us embassy last Feb. and according to them they need us to comply the DNA as a legal proof, so we do the DNA and the testing kit was ordered in USA and sent the testing kit in St.luke's medical center. actually I recieved a call from st.lukes yesterday for the appointment by nextweek for DNA.

ask ko lng poh..what else did you sent to the embassy for the second appointment and san ba sa st.luke's ka nagbayad? according to the lady i spoked that I have to go to st.lukes first for the payments done then after than go to us embassy to do the swabbing.

can you share me your experience about this? and after the swabbing how long did you get your child passport? did you wait after that or did they send it to your address?

thanks again..
Rona and DaveFemale02010-04-06 07:58:00