Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPicked up at airport
can never be 100% sure when it comes to DHS (which TSA is part of). however TSA does have a list of names of suspected, terrorists, and other undesirables they wish to stop from travelling into or within the USA. Furthermore if they randomly decide to further screen you on your way through security they can run your name and info through their database which would show any outstanding warrants or if you're in illegally and ICE is looking for you to boot you they'll see this as well. So it could have been any of those reasons. If I were non USC, I would travel with passport and GC. When you travel out of your city you should be responisble enough not to lose passports anyway. Keep your greencard with your passport and you should be fine. In town, I agree leave it at home not worth the trouble, unless you're in Arizona (which that law is BS!)

If they put him in deportation than there's more than you know. Even possibly more than he know's. If he's on one of the FBI, CIA, or DHS no-fly lists, he would be deported for being in the country too. He could have been correctly or mistakenly added to a no-fly list after entering the country. For those who say its impossible, then explain how 5 year old's are on the FBI and DHS red flag lists?
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-03 19:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHelp...Bad Packet
I assure you she knows more than enough about me. I do not mean guide the interview as in control the questions that are asked and answered. Regarding being able to enter for the interview, unless the embassy in BA has changed their procedures, after reading several reviews on this site from others whom interviewed their it seems that not only do they admit the USC petitioner, but that they would prefer to see them there as it feels more like a real relationship.

There is no one trying to fool the embassy. I simply dont want them coming to the conclusion that we are married when we are not. Her family is not rich and neither am I, it was simply a ceremony for her family. There is not an intention to fool anyone. However should they bring up this ceremony, I want to be able to prepared to frame it as best as possible so they can see it for what it was not for what they want to make it out to be.

Regarding the deal, normally you cannot hold any ceremony in the catholic church without first obtaining a marriage license. At least this is what we were told was true in Argentina by her priest. They do not like having people whom have become married in the church however are legally single and free to marry. They like to keep it black and white, either a or b. She made an agreement with her priest that once we returned we would legally marry immediately and they made an exception for us only because of the circumstances of us needing to legally free to marry once entering the US.

I only want to be prepared as best as possible to present the best case as possible. Have we followed immigration law? Yes. Law says she has to be single and free to marry which she is. To the best of both of our knowledge's Argentine law does not recognize religious ceremonies as marriage unless it is accompanied by registration, application, medical tests, and blood tests, none of which were filed for or requested. Her DNI if she were to have it reissued today would state single. I ask only because I know some consulates in an effort keep more people out do not strictly adhere to US immigration law that if you are legally single by US and that country's law then you are single and qualify. I know some consulates look for the smallest reason to deny, even if its a stretch. I want to be prepared to make that stretch that much harder if possible. I'm not looking for anyone to give me a lie to use, or help make up any stories. I only want to know if the documentation I noted we have or could get would be helpful to prove that we are not legally married in the eyes of Argentine or American law.

If I wanted to prepare a lie or to fool anyone, I certainly wouldnt be asking on an uncontrolled website, perfectly open to the full purview of the US government and anyone else whom could or could not report the supposed lie. I thank you for your time, however your admonishment was unnecessary, and not helpful.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2011-08-13 15:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHelp...Bad Packet
My fiancee prepared and sent our packet to the consulate. Unfortunately in her haste she forgot my mantra of 'its the quality not the quantity.' She sent literally almost everything she could find. Some she proofread some she didn't. Now after going back and reading the emails she included, she found that one of the emails she sent references our wedding ceremony we had planned for mid-June. Basically it says:

'If you dont remember my (insert item here), its ok. You can bring it when you come for the wedding.'

We also sent MSN chat sessions and about 40 some odd pics not including the 12-15 pics (all pics show us travelling around both countries, seeing family, etc. no party or wedding pics) I sent in the initial packet. I personally proofread the MSN chat sessions so I know nothing was in those even mentioning it. She's gone over the other things now and there's no mention in anything else she read.

My question is where to go from here? I dont plan to bring it up in the interview and she's going to get documents from her place of residence in Tucuman and where she's from Jujuy to show that the province considers her legal marital status to be single, however will the consulate be likely to consider this enough proof?

One more piece of information in case it helps. We did have a ceremony at the cathedral in Jujuy. We did not register or apply for a marriage license and worked out a deal to file all necessary licenses once arriving back in Miami. Also I did not take or apply to take any required blood or medical tests which are required by Argentine law for legal marriage.

She is in Argentina and her interview will be in Buenos Aires. I will be there at the interview to help guide the interview, but I want to make sure she's prepared. She has a tendency to ramble do to her trusting nature. Also should we enlist the help of a lawyer? If so does anyone know of a good lawyer. I tend to distrust them because its hard to find if they really know what they are talking about.

Any thoughts would be useful.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2011-08-13 14:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow often do you guys communicate with your spouses abroad
My fiancee and I talk everyday via MSN. Sometimes she visits her parents in her home province where they don't have internet at home. At these times maybe we talk through a cheap phone card sometimes not. I think long distance communication can be one of the roughest points. I know I feel we communicate a lot. But for her she could always do more. So sometimes when I get busy with work and miss a day or so, she feels a bit forgotten even though thats not the case. I just advise openness. It really helps us, and we no longer have these types of disagreements.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-10-13 10:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffadavit of Support
at the I-134 stage (which you file with the K-1 interview packet) I'm pretty sure your income cannot be included. If your fiance cannot meet requirements a co-sponsor would be needed. When you file for AOS later in the US, all forms of income including the spouses can be used to meet requirements as you are now a functioning and shared member of the household finances and could be expected to contribute towards them.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-14 23:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionanother 1-134 question
No, you do not send it to NVC. NVC is the middle step before it is sent to the embassy to schedule interviews. The I-134 would be sent to your fiancee so he/she can submit it as part of his/her paperwork that he/she has support in the US and will not become a public charge. I do not believe it requires notarization.

I've also read from other places that the government wouldn't likely use it against you to force you to pay for him/her once they are her either (fiance/spouse visa book I bought written by lawyer.) That is why they require that as part of your AOS that you fill out a I-864 which is legally binding which they would use if necessary to sue you and require you pay back any means tested benefit he/she receives. I don't know why they say that about the I-134, but the I-864 is considerably longer and requires more documentation so it makes sense.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-14 23:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionArgentina K-1 interview
According to: http://argentina.use...-interview.html it does appear that the petitioner is welcome to appear at the interview.

I do agree with YGR that emailing them to get further proof and confirmation would be helpful so I will email them as well. I will update with my findings when I get to that point.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-14 22:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionArgentina K-1 interview
I appreciate the answer, however this page doesn't state anything about who is allowed in the interview. It only states who can enter the embassy. Based on what it says I believe it refers to non-US citizens being allowed in. US citizens are allowed to enter US Embassy's therefore the statement on that page seems to apply to those who aren't US citizens.

Is there anyone who's gone to an interview and has personal experience with this?
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-14 11:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionArgentina K-1 interview
As I read through the various threads here on VJ, I notice that some countries allow the fiancee and her petitioner to attend the interview and some do not. Does anyone know whether Argentina will allow me to attend my fiancee's interview or only be in the waiting area?
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-14 01:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp...Bad Packet
My fiancee prepared and sent our packet to the consulate. Unfortunately in her haste she forgot my mantra of 'its the quality not the quantity.' She sent literally almost everything she could find. Some she proofread some she didn't. Now after going back and reading the emails she included, she found that one of the emails she sent references our wedding ceremony we had planned for mid-June. Basically it says:

'If you dont remember my (insert item here), its ok. You can bring it when you come for the wedding.'

We also sent MSN chat sessions and about 40 some odd pics not including the 12-15 pics (all pics show us travelling around both countries, seeing family, etc. no party or wedding pics) I sent in the initial packet. I personally proofread the MSN chat sessions so I know nothing was in those even mentioning it. She's gone over the other things now and there's no mention in anything else she read.

My question is where to go from here? I dont plan to bring it up in the interview and she's going to get documents from her place of residence in Tucuman and where she's from Jujuy to show that the province considers her legal marital status to be single, however will the consulate be likely to consider this enough proof?

One more piece of information in case it helps. We did have a ceremony at the cathedral in Jujuy. We did not register or apply for a marriage license and worked out a deal to file all necessary licenses once arriving back in Miami. Also I did not take or apply to take any required blood or medical tests which are required by Argentine law for legal marriage.

She is in Argentina and her interview will be in Buenos Aires. I will be there at the interview to help guide the interview, but I want to make sure she's prepared. She has a tendency to ramble do to her trusting nature. Also should we enlist the help of a lawyer? If so does anyone know of a good lawyer. I tend to distrust them because its hard to find if they really know what they are talking about.

Any thoughts would be useful.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2011-08-13 14:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2010 fillers
I have also filed today. I sent it express mail so its going to be there tomorrow morning!

We are excited...but also digging in for the long process.

I'm hoping others are waiting to file (for the K1 fee drop) so maybe it goes even just a tad faster.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-01 15:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 November 2010 CSC Filers
I had a NOA1 date of November 4th. I just got my e notice that NOA2 date is Apr 9th

does anyone know how to tell when it gets received in NVC?
C and LoreMaleArgentina2011-04-10 15:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved and Here
We just wanted to update everyone and say thank you to the many that helped us over the last few months. She has finally arrived after a long time...hahaha. We know that there is a road ahead but its nice to have gotten over the first major hurdle of getting her here.

BTW anyone with a POE in Miami, its not bad. She waited about 1.5 hours to get in, but they were nice not rude pushy or questioning. Moral of the story, have your docs in order and present, it may take awhile but you'll be ok.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2011-10-03 18:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWHY USCIS isnt approving I-130 MUST READ
Immigration is run by the government but does not issue visas.

USCIS (DHS) basically gives the State Department permission to issue a visa which is outside of it's realm of jurisdiction.

The government is not all the same. For example FBI is not the same as the USPS and they are still government. So dont lump everything together its not all the same. Even if they work together!
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-21 13:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSilly Question
I'm relatively sure she has no home residency requirement, but I'll have her check.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-09-01 23:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSilly Question
Sorry, I just changed to J-1. I thought it referred to what her most recent status was which was J-1 last year. But what we are filing for is the K-1.

I also heard that its very frowned upon for people to get married while in the country on a B1/B2. Does anyone have any experience on this?

Thanks for the help on the guides. I'll definitely go through them in detail at home tonight!
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-09-01 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSilly Question
I'm new to this board. I found it during my endless...tireless search on google looking for info on navigating the maze that is USCIS. I see that many people in their sig.s say they were 'touched' what does that mean?

Also I didn't keep copies of my boarding passes as especially the first year when I visited I didn't know the rigorous requirements of 2 year meeting proof. This most recent trip I travelled with Continental (my favorite airline) whom I'm part of their Onepass program, is an online statement showing I travelled to Argentina and back enough? Or will they ask for more. We also travelled to Seattle, WA, Orlando, Fl, Cleveland,Oh (home), and on a cruise last year while she was here on her J-1. What would be acceptable since I hear on the boards that pictures are only secondary evidence.

Also from people's experiences here, if I file the I-129F in mid December 2010, is it likely she will receive the K-1 visa by June 2011? I want to wait until December because she is getting a B1/B2 visa and will go on a cruise this Decemeber and return to Argentina in February and I dont want her to miss the interview in Buenos Aires because she's still here, since I hear they dont reschedule interviews.

C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-09-01 20:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport Style Pictures for International Fiancee
So I'm preparing the packet for the K-1 Fiancee visa. I see one of the requirements is 2 passport style pictures of each of us. How am I supposed to be able to get 2 passport style pictures of her since she's in Argentina and I'm in Miami?

Any suggestions? Can she take them and email them to me for printing at that size?
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-10-08 18:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs entering U.S. and sent back to country(not deported) considered being in the U.S.?

I would say YES but also add a supplement to the form explaining what the circumstances where. I would not want to take the chance of them having information of a possible entry and you saying there was no entry.

Best to lean toward the safer side.


I definitely agree. I'm not sure the yes matters though as much as explaining the situation. You can be rest assured the US government does absolutely nothing without making a notation of it somewhere. Somewhere out there its likely they have a note they refused entry to he/she. Now at this point since you already sent it I would be prepared to explain this at any interview or if you received any notification from USCIS prior to petition approval.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-02 08:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice needed before visiting my fiance please!!

hey sarah :)

have you read 'The Secret'? i know this might sound silly but everything helps.. Keep saying to yourself 'i'm so grateful i got into the US so easily'. we had a huge problem finding a co sponsor for our petition because my fiance is a dual citizen of ireland and US and we're living together in ireland with no jobs unfortunately... you knwo the way things are... so we needed someone to cosponsor us because really the both of us will be starting from scratch in US even though he is a US citizen. anyway! i kept using the secret, i kept saying how grateful i was that we found a sponsor... and then in 3 weeks a family friend in US volunteered out of the blue. people have been amazed by the secret!!! (i'm not a kook i swear ;))

You know it does sound silly. But I've read the book. And the truth is usually when it rains it pours. And I mean this both ways. Sometimes good things keep happening and sometimes the opposite. So sometimes I say to myself, it makes much much sense.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-02 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice needed before visiting my fiance please!!
Personally IMO unless the cost is extremely exoribitant (ie more than the cost of being refused entry and buying return ticket). I know travelling is rough, but even 24 hours to spend weeks with your loved one is usually worth it. I fly Miami to Houston to Buenos Aires which is 13 hours. After that I spend 15-17 hours on a bus to get to where my fiancee lives in Argentina.

It's definately a pain in the #### and leaves me pretty cranky at the end. Especially on the way home because I have to ride the bus 15 hrs then wait in the airport for 10 hours before flying 13 more, but everytime I do it, its definitely worth it. I dont even do it because I may have a difficult time entering. Argentina lets almost anyone enter easily especially those from US, CAN, UK. If I were faced with your situation I'd personally rather spend the extra time travelling if it was likely it'd be easier to enter from another port (if this is what I was being told) and spend extra at it and time than spend a shorter time and smaller money but have a higher chance of rejection at POE then spend money to go home. Especially since you just likely paid more money to go home once combined with your original ticket and never even see your loved one.

If your a detail oriented person perhaps you can arrange your flight in and on a separate ticket find a flight to where you need. If your going to Detroit, I'm not sure if you already looked, but Detroit is one of Delta Airline's hubs. You should be able to find a flight from most major/semi-major cities directly into Detroit from one connection. Just be careful when you book your separate connecting ticket that you allow substantial enough time for your arriving flight to get you in as since they aren't on the same ticket neither airline is going to want to compensate you or help you from missing a flight. Also many major cities here with multiple airports just make sure the connecting flights are at the same airport too...some cities are a pain to cross.

I hope it helps, if not then ignore. I wish you luck in your travels.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-02 09:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo one to sign for package

Thanks for the reply I feel better! Thought I had the wrong address.

Technically speaking you do have the wrong address. Express mail and courier mail/delivery go to the address at the lewisville, texas address. They have someone there to sign for packages there. But like someone else said. They'll pick it up soon. It'll just delay your papers a couple of days.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-04 14:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich Lockbox to File?


Just about to send off I-129f, do i send it to Dallas lockbox, or California lockbox, also been reading, that the fee will be changing. I want to send everything to the proper place and with the correct fee. Please help.


All filings go to Dallas, TX lockbox. They get divvied out to CSC and VSC from there. Also send the $455 fee if you plan to send prior to the exact date of the change in fee. If you send the check with the new fee prior to the official change they will send it back for you to resend with correct fee. So if you're not in a time crunch you can hold onto it until late November when the change happens. If your pressured for time or dont want to wait file now but with full $455 fee.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-04 14:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSent Incorrect Fee Amount??

It was a joke. :blush:

One should not joke about such serious matters. Lord knows the government doesn't.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-03 12:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOk if I cross out numbers?

Yes, we know you mail to Cuba all the time and can personally vouch for its employees....

The point is not that postal workers in any country are trustworthy or not. The point is when you fill out the I-129F your social security number IS REQUIRED. Therefore you could submit your number 60 more times in the same mailing and it will not increase or decrease the likelihood of it being stolen. If your packet is stolen to begin with the thieves will already have the necessary info even if you only fill out the form.

The only way to completely avoid this risk is to not file your petition at all. Until their is a e-file option this will never be completely safe. You must only weigh whether your love for your fiancee is more than your concern for your personal info. If your truly seriously concerned, I'd send through UPS/Fedex/DHL (if available) and ship fastest possible speed. The faster you mail/ship the less hands handle your package, and the less chance someone untrustworthy will handle your package. Secondly, if your concerned then monitor your bank accounts and credit more closely until the process is complete. As I understand the process takes 6-8 months to visa issuance. If your information hasn't been fraudulently used by then, its not likely going to be (at least not from your mailing.)
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-02 07:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplane tickets????
I know I may be beating a 'dead horse' but when I submitted mine I sent

Two boarding passes (paper) one from Ft. Lauderdale to Cleveland the other Miami to Seattle. Both boarding passes show both of our names as she was here. Would one think this is ok.

I also sent all of the pages in my passport as proof of US citizenship, which has my two stamps of visiting Argentina, plus the new 'visa' that Argentina requires of US citizens.

Would one think this is ok?

Sorry for being redundant. But its better to be overly prepared than underprepared.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-04 21:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Letter of Intent
I'm in Miami, I just got routed to Vermont (VSC). I would think you would too. However I wrote all of my letters to USCIS and addressed them to the Texas lockbox. Regardless of who gets it, they would understand why it was addressed in the package to the Texas lockbox, since they know thats where they get sent now.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-08 21:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo my own background check?
i agree about including the death certificate. especially if the divorce was from another country. i've read others on here have gotten RFE's because USCIS didnt recognize the divorce papers as such even though from that country they were. the death certificate only show's another means by which the marriage is legally terminated. worst case is that you sent an extra piece of info that they dont look at. best case scenario they say the divorce papers arent legally complete but accept the marriage terminated by way of death.

however i would not send a background check. anything you send will be vastly insignificant compared to what USCIS (DHS) can do on their own. furthermore i would think it's a bit of a red flag. if i was looking at someone who sent me a background check that was not requested, that i would do on my own anyway and they know i would do on my own, my questioning would be why would you send this, what are you hiding. i'm not saying all adjudicators are thinking that, but i wouldnt be surprised if there are that do. always remember, they are trained to think you are scamming until you show you arent. they are supposed to look at everything you send to show that you aren't scamming the system, and sending something like that could set off a red flag of what may you be hiding.

as far as china i dont see how for any country sending your background check could be helpful. they will get the background check that USCIS does anyway, and that's likely to be vastly more far reaching and indepth than anything an non-federal government person could provide.

bankruptcy is irrelevant especially at this stage. the petition could careless of your financial solvency at this point. this comes towards the interview stage. in addition, you're bankruptcy would only be considered as useful information if it shows that based on your current earnings the bankruptcy hurts your ability to support your beneficiary. being that yours is 10+ years ago (as you referenced) this is highly unlikely to be the case and they most likely will disregard it.

at this point your concern should be to show that you are free to legally marry each other, you both intend to marry within 90 days of entry, that you have met in person within last two years of petition filing date, you are eligible to file for requested benefit, and that you have an ongoing (non sham) relationship.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-08 23:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 DENIED!! What next!?
If there should be a second interview I certainly would not bring up any ceremony. Especially if they were rude the first time, they probably are cynical about the validity of something about your situation and giving them the ceremony to use would only help them deny you. I've read many others here who have had ceremonies, with no paperwork and it was not a legal marriage and it still hurt them. If it is some how brought up, make sure you/she explains in detail why it cannot be considered a legal marriage. Do your homework in each item necessary for it to have been real. Others have been denied with consulate officers stating that paperwork in their case was merely a formality and that for all intents and purposes they were actually married. Be ready for that to come out, and have your answers why its dead wrong.

My advice...for what its worth, never send or tell anything to the government or one of its entities unless you are sure it will help and not hurt. Always ask your self the most skeptical question about what you send, show, or tell before using it, because every immigration officer and consulate officer who touches, looks, or approves/denies your application will.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-09 09:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresURGENT: Do I need a co-signer for my I-134?
You should be fine.

There was once I was considering to transfer within my company to a posting in another country. So I did some research on tax laws and how they would affect me as a US citizen. The United States government requires that if you work in the country as an alien or if you are a US citizen/permanent resident that you file a income tax with the IRS for all wages earned. There are tax treaties between different countries that affect the outcome after that but with your tax returns you should be able to show the TOTAL gross income. When they consider your affidavit of support they consider your total earnings plus any additional funds you gain via child support, social security, etc. If you send your tax returns with your affidavit of support you should be able to show sufficient funds (provided you showed all income on your filings.) In addition I would definitely include a letter substantiating why the difference in US income vs IRS filings and also your bank accounts showing the $55k in savings as they will help them understand why you earn enough to support your beneficiary.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-11 00:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSecond Fiance Visa Question

I have a question if anyone can answer it...

I had a fiance visa for the first time with a girlfriend that came to the US and lived with me for about 2 years and we were married there, she got her green card and after that we didnt get along and she did not want to live there, we divorced and she went back to the country and has not gone back to the US since and does not even plan to and I don't think she can anymore since the green card is probably not valid anymore.

That was around 3 years ago. Now I have another girlfriend from the same country and I would like to know whether I could again apply for a fiance visa for this possible? Would I have any problems?

Also, I do not want her to find out that I was married to the first one. Will I have to answer any questions to Immigration about the first time throughout the process?

Thanks in advance.

First and foremost (no offense intended) I think there are some serious issues if you dont want to have your girlfriend know you've been through this before. Honesty is very important during trying times like this (going through government bureacracy.)

Secondly as Gary stated you most certainly will not make it through this entire process without this coming up at some point, most likely at several points (K-1 interview and AOS.) Best case scenario, she answers other questions showing a real relationship, worst case they deny you thinking that its a sham. Either way its a bad situation for your relationship and possibly your 'paperwork'

Furthermore, if I were in your shoes I would want to share this information with her just because it can help with confidence going into an interview for her. Many haven't dealt with the government, or aren't used to going into details of their personal lives with them. Knowing that you've gone through this before may help her be more confident going into the interview that she will be ok, and everything will work out since you have a genuine relationship. Not saying that she's not confident or doesn't know how to handle it, but I know that knowing that your fiancee knows how to handle it vs reading or researching it and has been successful cant help but create more confidence. In addition to that if they were to ask her something about your relationship and why she feels confident about it knowing about your past and failure of your previous relationship, she can share how you have changed for the better and/or learned from your previous relationship that went sour (whether it was your or your fiancee's fault) will show depth of relationship and that you've talked about these things. Normal couples have at one time or another talked about mistakes or changes they've made in their live's based on mistakes and/or experiences and this is something a true couple have.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-11 01:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetition photos
Personally, I would print them on regular paper (of course in color.) At the end of the day, digital photos (which is what the bulk of the world makes) can be photoshopped and/or altered prior to being printed on 'professional photo paper' at your CVS, Walgreens, or at home.

I printed all of mine on regular paper and in color. I chose pictures which most clearly showed me and my fiance in recognizable places and substantiated it with boarding passes showing that we both went there together on dates within the last two years. I filed recently but I doubt I'll recieve an RFE for it because I showed pictures PLUS undeniable information that shows the pictures sent were not altered to present a different image.

Always remember to question your evidence as someone from the outside. If you send something look at it as, if I saw this do I know 100% that this picture is true. If you sent something such as a boarding pass for a flight with it, something you're not able to produce on your own and have no control over. Most likely someone on the other end will believe what you sent is true too. Pictures with no substantiating evidence to prove that A: the picture is real and B: the picture took place when you said it did will not be used as evidence in your favor, until you prove otherwise! Printing on slightly more expensive or fancy paper wont change that!
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-11 00:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetition Rejection!! Need Help!
Sorry to hear that. I agree just send everything from the packet again but go to the site and get the form from them. Also double check the expiration date of the other forms to ensure they dont find another expired forms. It is pretty stupid that a form can expire (unless they add questions.)

Best of luck! :-D
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-11 21:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjust wondering
what if the fiancee has no insurance. in argentina health is state run so she has no insurance. i however do hold insurance here in the USA. once she enters and we marry she would be added to my insurance coverage. would they just require i show proof of health insurance.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-13 12:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 Denials
I definitely agree. I'd spend my time thinking more of my petition than statistics like this. Knowing this information gives no strategic advantage over not knowing. And lets put it this way. Even if the statistics were foolproof it doesn't change whether your fiancee is a man or a woman.

Besides thinking about being denied already is a bit of a defeatists attitude. You should prepare for the worst and hope for the best, but dont worry about being denied, worry about providing all the adequate proof of why you should be approved.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-13 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVJ processing times
I agree with Yes and No.

They are as accurate as the members who post them are. Expect variances for multiple reasons. A: because some members want to keep accurate info for their own purposes and some want to to help others and are accurate. Some members update as they remember and may not be as accurate. B: it doesn't take into account the specifics of your case and any slowdowns the government may be working with. For example if the government gets a backlog with other request types they may move some staff to clear those out, causing a backup as they try to balance out all the requests. Also groupings of holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years in roughly 1 months time will distort times for those filing close to that time.

The lesson here is. Use the estimates to see if your case is being processed in a timely fashion and move forward with contacting them if its past the normal amount of time. I wouldn't use the estimates to plan anything money related, for example travel or planning weddings. If you do its unlikely even with the help of a Congressman/woman to get on track to not have to reschedule. Others here have contacted their Senators and State Representative (House of Representatives) to help and it may fix the problem if you fell through the cracks but it wont speed you up, at best its useful to get them working on something that fell by the wayside outside of 'NORMAL' processing. Not for getting you through the process faster.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-14 01:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre the fees really going down?
yeah it does suck to get hit like this
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-12 19:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinacee wants to return to Ukraine
I recommend that you convince her to marry now. File AOS and travel authorization then travel back. That way she'll be able to go back as she wishes, you can have a ceremony there and she can come back without the long delay of time. I'd make sure you explain to her the time you'll both be apart if she doesn't follow this. Hopefully after cooling down she'll realize the difference in time. Typically the travel auth takes 3 months to get. 3 months vs 8-9 months...seems easy to me. :-)
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-14 01:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is the best course of action here?
Denial of a tourist visa will have no affect on a K-1 visa unless they denied you based on A: finding that you lied on a previous application (visa fraud) B: denied you because you were inadmissible based on other items which also make you inadmissible for a K-1 (ex. overstaying a visa)

You have the right idea with having the invitations etc. for the baptismal. Keep them. Especially if she is denied the B1/B2 visa, she may need to show them that she had no intention of using her tourist visa (which she was denied for) as a means of entry to marry you.

I kept the receipt of the booking for a cruise which was why my fiancee was attempting to get a tourist visa for prior to our K-1 filing, and plan to have it ready to show if they ask for proof of not trying to enter for marriage and only for a vacation.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-14 23:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying to a Tourist Visa while the K-1 is in process
Honestly, if you were denied a tourist visa the first time it is unlikely that their opinions on your ties to the country having changed. Going from a trainee to a full-time position is not likely to show binding ties, as someone could quit regardless of their company's expectation of their return. You will need to show additional proof of ties to the country especially since you were denied before. They will know that your job was your only tie in the past and will expect to see more before going against their original thought of that tie. Especially being that you said its a large US company and many large US companies permit intra-company transfers to other places.

If you have it show things like ownership of property, large sums of money in a Brazilian bank, titles to vehicles, or other paperwork that show if you were to suddenly not return to Brazil you would possibly face a significant financial loss.
C and LoreMaleArgentina2010-11-15 00:00:00