Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)MOVING COMPANIES
I read somewhere on this forum that Excess Baggage Company is an affordable option. I checked it out and they'll do door-to-door from Germany to USA, but I haven't done a full quote yet since we're not done figuring out what we'll keep and what we'll sell here.
D.K.FemaleGermany2012-07-05 10:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaConsular Officer Names
Our CO told us that it isn't allowed for them to tell us their names. We're in Frankfurt, Germany, though..... perhaps it's standard procedure in all the embassies?
D.K.FemaleGermany2012-07-04 17:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaIntro and Worries
He was insulted that people would think that he was using me to get a green card.... He has a great deal of pride and a high sense of honor, so it got his back up. I didn't mind moving to Germany, and in fact, have really enjoyed my life here for the most part. If I didnt miss my family so much and want our son to have a strong relationship with them, I wouldn' t leave. Healthcare benefits alone would keep me here, not to mention the educational advantages as well.

Yes, we are lucky to both have employment lined up. I hope the transition goes well.

He was insulted that people would think that he was using me to get a green card.... He has a great deal of pride and a high sense of honor, so it got his back up. I didn't mind moving to Germany, and in fact, have really enjoyed my life here for the most part. If I didnt miss my family so much and want our son to have a strong relationship with them, I wouldn' t leave. Healthcare benefits alone would keep me here, not to mention the educational advantages as well.

Yes, we are lucky to both have employment lined up. I hope the transition goes well.
D.K.FemaleGermany2012-07-06 18:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaIntro and Worries
thanks for your help!

this news makes me happy :) hopefully, hubby will settle in well and not feel so out of sorts.
D.K.FemaleGermany2012-07-06 10:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaIntro and Worries

He can work upon US entry. He ought to have his SS card within a few weeks. His passport will be stamped upon entry and that will act as his GC until the physical card is produced and mailed.


will he need to wait for the SS card before working? or immediately start working upon arrival?

ETA: You're screen name makes me smile :)

Edited by D.K., 06 July 2012 - 09:08 AM.

D.K.FemaleGermany2012-07-06 09:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaIntro and Worries
Hi Mena Community,

I'm very happy to have found you! I'm an US-born Vietnamese gal and hubby is Egyptian. We've been married 5 years now.

quickie history of us:

We met in 2006 while hubby was in the US on business. I moved to Germany (where he's lived for 25+ years, unconditional residency permit)in 2007 to be with him because he refused to come to the US after hearing that some people were telling me that he was using me for a greencard. He has a B1/B2 visa since '96 and is 2 or 3x in the US each year. We married in 2007 and we had our baby in 2008. We've stayed in Germany all this time, but now (at my request), we're filing for his greencard -DCF- to move to the US. I really miss my family.

Hubby is very traditional. He is the provider for our family, and he does a wonderful job. I haven't worked since I moved to Germany, not because he demanded it, but because he provides well enough that I can stay home with our son. I'm great with crafts, and I've made and sold things online just as a hobby.

In the US, we'll initially be staying with my parents until we're comfortable enough to buy a house because we'd rather not lease. We've stayed with my parents for months at a time during visits in the past, and everything was fine. Hubby and my parents get along well, and we always pay the electric bill and all grocery bills when we're there so my parents don't feel a financial strain.

My worry is this: I have a job lined up immediately after arrival. I want to work right away for the insurance benefits. Hubby will have to wait until his SS card/Greencard arrive before working. He also has work opportunities also lined up, but for the first month or 2, I will most likely be the main provider.

I'm worried about how this will affect him.

We have a great network of friends and family there to support us, and we know of 2 places where hubby can go and smoke his shisha, eat ME food, and meet other arabic speaking people. I plan to take him to the Egyptian embassy as well to get addtl info about the Egyptian community in Houston. We will initially have 1 car, and we plan to get another one after 2-3 months.

What do you think? Am I worrying too much, or will hubby's transition to the US be difficult until he becomes the main provider again?

Thanks for any advice or suggestions you can offer to help me.
D.K.FemaleGermany2012-07-06 08:23:00
Middle East and North Africagifts?
Whenever we go back to Egypt, it's all about perfumes/colognes, levi's and H&M clothing, and sugar substitutes (for diabetic family members).

ETA: watches and shoes are also wonderfully received.

Edited by D.K., 06 July 2012 - 01:12 PM.

D.K.FemaleGermany2012-07-06 13:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat was it like to see him for the first time?
My husband and I met in person while he was in the US for business. I attended his workshop and during the group dinner after the event, he sat next to me (total shocker) and thus began our love story (L)

My husband is Egyptian, living in Germany for over 25 years now. I'd like to share what happened at the airport when I came to be with him.

I'd sold my house, my car, my art and furnishings as well as left a very comfortable and rewarding career to be with him. It was a big leap of faith for me to do that considering I am a creature of habit and not one to leap before I look. My then boyfriend refused to come to the US because I had a few acquaintances tell me that he was just using me to get a greencard, and when I asked him about it, he was deeply offended and said that in no way would he come to the US after having people try to tell me that he was using me. He's had a B1/B2 visa since 96 and goes to the US at least twice a year. He had no deep desire to live in the US and was only willing because it's what I wanted. After all that, in order for us to be together, it was up to me to move to Germany... so I did.

I arrive in the Frankfurt airport one very cold January morning with 5 pieces of oversized luggage on 2 luggage carts and navigate my way to the meeting point where he met me during my previous Germany visit. He wasn't there. I wait 15 minutes.... 20 minutes... 30 minutes. At this point I start panicking. What in the hee-haw is going on!?!? Was he in an accident, did he somehow forget that he needed to pick me up... did he change his mind??? I started doubting myself and wondering if I had made a huge mistake... and then thought about all that I'd let go in order to be with him. I'm sure that I probably looked a little sick to anyone looking at me. I'm in a country where I don't speak their native language, I don't have a mobile phone, and I have no idea if I should stay put or look for someone to help. Considering I had 2 luggage carts, I decided to stay put.... 30 minutes later (1 hour total), I see his best friend whom I'd thankfully met on a previous visit walking towards me. He knows no English, but he managed an, "All is OK" for me. He called my boyfriend on his mobile, and my boyfriend explained that he'd been stuck in traffic for the past 2.5 hours due to a major accident. In desperation, he'd called his best friend who lived near the airport to meet me and let me know that "all is ok" ...

When he finally arrived about 20 minutes later, we ran into each other's arms and he kissed me all over my face and hair (he loves my long, straight hair, lol). All of my fears and doubts were erased, and I was with the man that I loved and that loved me in return. 5 months later we were married and I've no regrets whatsoever.

We're moving to the US now (5.5 yrs later) because I asked him to reconsider his stance on that. We have a 4 yr old son and no family here in Germany, whereas I have a ton of family in America that would love for all of us to move back and become an integral part of their lives. Fortunately, my husband gets along well with all of them and knows how close I am to my family, so he agreed and we're DCF'ing through the Frankfurt Embassy.

if you managed to stay with me this far... thanks for reading, lol!
D.K.FemaleGermany2012-07-03 18:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 and I-129F?
Thank you guys... I will try my best! And I will keep you updated! :-)
Lara RebeccaFemaleGermany2007-06-20 03:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 and I-129F?
Oh wow, thank you guys... that was quick! :-)
I already did read the basics about everything... trust me I spent hours reading all of that. But, wether it is my stupidity or other things :-), I still dont understand most of it. So I ask questions to make sure not to make any mistakes.
So I appreciate your answers, they really help a lot!

Oh and to make it more clear to you guys: I am the foreign one (german!) and my husband is the american citizen!!! Just in case I wasnt clear before... So I guess I would be the benef... (however you call that) and my husband the petitioner??

Thanks again,
Lara RebeccaFemaleGermany2007-06-19 11:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 and I-129F?
Hey guys,
first of all thank you so much for all of your replies to my first question.
Well... my husband and I finally got married on June 4th, so I couldnt be happier... except for that I miss him like hell!
I have a new question now. We decided to apply for the K3 Visa. I see that all of you sent in the I-130 fírst and then a bit later the I-129F. Why is that so? Cant I send these two forms in together? What other forms would I need? And do I have to sign them aswell, or just my husband (he is applying for it)?
I cant wait to get all of that started. I will have to take some passport pics on wednesday and send those to my husband... after that we will finally start the whole process!

Thanks again so much!

Lara RebeccaFemaleGermany2007-06-19 09:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill the USCIS contact me?
QUOTE (MelissaHassan @ Sep 20 2007, 03:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lara Rebecca @ Sep 20 2007, 05:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys,
I am a bit confused and hope that you can help me out.
Me and my husband have sent our visa application to the Nebraska Service Center about two weeks ago. We know that they have received it, havent heard from them yet though.
Now my question:
Will they contact us? Send us an email and let us know whats going on and where we are in the process?
Or do I have to call them or check somewhere about whats going on?
I dont know what to do next... please be so kind and let me know!
THANKS A LOT!!!!!!!!

You should receive a Notice of Action 1 in the mail one for your I-129 and another for your I-130 telling you when they received your petitions and it will also have a receipt numbers in which you can sign up and log into the U.S Citizen and Immigration website and it will tell you whenever your cases has been transfered or touched. Here is the website. https://egov.uscis.g.../jsps/index.jsp

AWESOME... thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Lara RebeccaFemaleGermany2007-09-20 05:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill the USCIS contact me?
Hey guys,
I am a bit confused and hope that you can help me out.
Me and my husband have sent our visa application to the Nebraska Service Center about two weeks ago. We know that they have received it, havent heard from them yet though.
Now my question:
Will they contact us? Send us an email and let us know whats going on and where we are in the process?
Or do I have to call them or check somewhere about whats going on?
I dont know what to do next... please be so kind and let me know!
THANKS A LOT!!!!!!!!
Lara RebeccaFemaleGermany2007-09-20 04:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDifference between K3 and CR-1 Visa?
Hey guys,
I have another question.
Is it true that the DCF isnt working like it used to anymore?

"Thus, all I-130 petitions for family-based immigrant status must now be filed with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office responsible for the petitioner's place of residence "

And is it also true that if we apply for the CR-1 Visa, I wont be able to visit the states until it is getting approved?

"Applicant will most likely not be able to enter the US during this time."

That wouldnt be nice at all!

If that is the case, we will most likely go with the K3-Visa.
Lara RebeccaFemaleGermany2007-05-22 09:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDifference between K3 and CR-1 Visa?
Ok... I am sorry but I have some more questions about this:

What does German PR mean?
He will be here in Germany anyways... so could we just fill the I-130 out together and send/bring it to the embassy in Frankfurt? I thought we have to send it to the USCIS Nebraska Service Center first and wait until it gets approved!?

Thank you so much for your help!!!
Lara RebeccaFemaleGermany2007-05-21 11:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDifference between K3 and CR-1 Visa?
And we can do all of that as soon as we get married, right?
And then we will have to send the I-130 (in our case) to the USCIS Nebraska Service Center. Correct me if I'm wrong!
And as soon as it gets approved will they let me know what to do next? And how long does it normally take for the I-130 to get approved?
Can I send them the I-130 and the I-129F and the two G325A all together at once?

...sooo many questions! :D

Thanks again though! I just cant wait for all of this to be over with!
Lara RebeccaFemaleGermany2007-05-21 10:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDifference between K3 and CR-1 Visa?
You guys are sooo great! Thank you so much! :D
I understand it a lot better now and think that the CR-1 will probably be better for us. Especially if it is only a time difference of a couple of months.

I am so excited about everything! The past year I've just been annoyed about being away from my fiance and I am so happy that we can finally start the whole process and do something, instead of just waiting for time to go by!

Thank you again and I will definitely keep you updated on whats going on!

Plus, I am sure that I will have soooo many more questions... :D

Lara RebeccaFemaleGermany2007-05-21 09:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDifference between K3 and CR-1 Visa?
my name is Lara and I am new in this forum. Right now I am engaged to an american and we will get married
on the 4th of June, 2007 (in two weeks! :D ).
So after that we will apply for the visa as soon as possible. Right now I am still living in Germany and I will have to stay here until January of 2008 because of my job. :angry:
I already spent hours and hours of trying to figure out what we will need to apply for... and as soon as I thought I had most of it figured out, I read about the CR-1 Visa.
We wanted to apply for the K3 Visa... (I-130). I was never really sure though what the I-129F does...

So I would be so happy if anybody could explain to me what the difference is between the K3 and the CR-1 Visa... and which one will be better and quicker!

And is the I-129F necessary? What exactly is it for?

I am still a trainee right now and will (hopefully) be done with it in January of 2008. So thats when I plan on moving to the states... so which Visa would be best for me?

I thank you so so much for your answers and any help... because we will have to start applying for it right after the wedding. Just so we dont have to be apart longer than needed.

Lara RebeccaFemaleGermany2007-05-21 08:46:00