K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm new and just starting the K-1 Visa Process
I have looked many times and have seen things I didn't want to read and things that make me feel better, I know every case is individual so it's not set to how it will go, even if they make me go for another psych eval, aslong as they give me a second chance to prove it if they fail me first time. She is going to send the K-1 off in probably 2 weeks from now, once I mail the last things to her this weekend (Maybe a week mail to US) we can get started! This is the hardest part for sure, the wait for the light at the end! Just 8 months to wait maybe? Until interview from the start?
Thanks alot for the support, I know it's not a very nice subject, but I had to discuss it as it will come up for sure. Thankyou!
Az1988MaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-03 18:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm new and just starting the K-1 Visa Process
I have uptodate records of my vaccinations, I'll be able to get a copy of that and the criminal record, I have zero, so that'll be fine aswell.

My family GP is going to write me a letter closer to the date about me being mentally healthy and no danger and also setting me up with a private psych to get a full eval and letter to show aswell. So even though I'll have to admit that I have had some bad times and done silly things, the letter from my own GP and a pro Psych will show I'm fine and will be okay? i'm not on meds and haven't been since this time last year. The main problem is I have clear 'X' scars across both wrists, which cannot be hidden.. I am sure they'll understand being immature and teen-like behaviour, it's just I am a different person now and want them to believe me.

I am feeling alot better for this, I'm just so afraid of losing her, you know?

Edited by Az1988, 03 November 2012 - 05:43 PM.

Az1988MaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-03 17:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm new and just starting the K-1 Visa Process
I thought you had to take a copy of your medical to the medical and that they go through it all to see what kind of medical life you have had?
Az1988MaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-03 15:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm new and just starting the K-1 Visa Process
I was going to sit and print screen some facebook from the past few months, copy and past 10/15emails to and from eachother, I have no 'stamps' I have a brand new passport, nothing is marked in it, it was all electronic? I have the receipt, I have flight itinerary, boarding passes? That will all be enough won't it? We have around 20 photo's together.

My only concern really is my previous mental health.. =/ 5/6 years ago I had a suicide attempt whilst drunk, and another 6 months later overdosing, I have had nothing since, I've been on anti-depressants one year ago for 2 weeks and before that about 3 years ago. i went to my doctor and he has put about me starting the process on my medical and that I'm mentally fit, he's also going to write a letter for it and put my in for psych diagnosis (payed, private) for when the time comes. I'm madly in love with this girl and I'm terrified about not being with her because of things I did before I knew her. I know it's going to be a fight because of this, but I am much better, this was when I was 18 and I'm nearly 24 now, so I hope they can see past my stupidity..

She has a near-2 year old son, so coming here would probs not be a very easy option.. Thanks for your help!
Az1988MaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-03 14:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm new and just starting the K-1 Visa Process

I've been reading on this sites forums for a few weeks now and have to say it's got the best inofrmation! I'm in england and my Fiancé is in America, I've just come back from seeing her 2 weeks ago and she is going to be sending the K-1 off sometime in the next 2 weeks. I didn't realize that she had to have a passport photo of me so I'm going to have to take one and mail her it. The process is long but we've been in a long distance relationship for 2 years now.

I have a concern though, we met on Xbox and spend all of our time together on Xbox, we use Hotmail to talk when away, but I have no emails past 25/10/12 because of them being deleted and cannot be brought back, will like 50 emails (copied onto word and printed) be enough for the K-1 app? Aswell as our pics together and flight proof?

Awesome website, I'm pleased I found it! It's gonna be a hard journey because of my previous mental and making sure we can prove that we are legit, but I'm prepared for anything to be with her. =]
Az1988MaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-02 08:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with Co-Sponsor
Excellent, I was worried that living at home would effect it, but she has no dependants and good income, so I'll let her know she is good to go for me. I'll have a look through that thread aswell. Thank you.
Az1988MaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-17 09:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with Co-Sponsor
So my Fiancée applying won't even need to? Or should I just take it and give them the co-sponsor and see if they require more? I cannot self sponsor, I have no savings, no assets and I work min wage over here. I'd need waaay more to do it myself.

I have a co-sponsor, she lives with her mum and sister BUT she is 21 and her own adult, so does that mean she can file co for me whilst living at home? She'll be making around $25k per year. Does this situation work for me? It's best I have at the minute, she has offered to help and this is what she can do, it'll only be me and her on the earnings sheet, so that should be okay, right?

Thank you all, so helpful!! This will all be in the past eventually..
Az1988MaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-16 09:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with Co-Sponsor
My suicide wrist cuts were 5 years ago, nothing since, the scarring on my leg is from school, maybe 8-10 years ago. You cannot look past my scars, but I am totally fine and stable. Alot of people have already told me that I should be fine because I am not a danger to anyone (Criminal Record blank proves that) so it's just gonna be in my mind, but not really a worry I can do much about.

But the Co-Sponsor thing as always, people have different idea's and yes the money situation is very close, money is not good, so it is very important that it is right.. So more people are saying the co-sponsor only has to earn for themselves and m,e as beneficiary.. So I hope it is right..
Az1988MaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-15 09:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with Co-Sponsor
NOTE, UNPLEASANT CONTENT! I have large X scars on both wrists.. and some scarring on my leg (old scarring) so that's my biggest hump, the co-sponsor was just making it look impossible, now if I can figure the sponsor out, it'll just be this psych thing and all ways should be clear..
Az1988MaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-14 14:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with Co-Sponsor
Because I have certain issues that are gonna need luck to pass with, I need a psych evaluation 'clean bill of health' because of things I've done in the past.. Depression guided crazines..
Az1988MaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-14 14:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with Co-Sponsor
Okay, so just me and whoever they are with, that's good to deal with. Now.. to figure out who and to worry about my medical instead.. Thanks!
Az1988MaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-14 14:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with Co-Sponsor
See different people have different idea's, I don't wanna get there and it be a different outcome, some thing add all together, some think just for me, so it's confusing..
Az1988MaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-14 13:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with Co-Sponsor
This is very good news, it means I have miscalculated and a co-sponsor maybe alot easier than first seemed. An it doesn't matter at all about her wages because the co will cover? So if this is correct the only problem I have left is the medical.. Thank you all greatly.
Az1988MaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-14 13:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with Co-Sponsor
So they only have to cover themselves and me?? Please can someone else confirm? It makes a huge imnportance in our application, it's fine lines with money is all. So they only have to pay for me and themselves, and my fiancées covers the 3 of us? So a single person would only need to earn 19k? this changes the situation greatly if so..
Az1988MaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-14 13:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with Co-Sponsor
Thank you both, yeah I figured that's how it was worked out, just need to make for sure. =]
Az1988MaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-14 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with Co-Sponsor
So does that mean based on household together? Like co sponsor has man wife and son, then me, My fiancee and her son makes a 6 man household? Is that how you work it out right? So if single person they'll need to earn for a house of 4..?
Az1988MaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-14 13:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with Co-Sponsor
Hey everyone,
Okay.. My fiancée in the US is the petionor for us, but she makes very little working min wage, not full-time either, so we need a Co-Sponsor. There will be 3 of us so £23k But how do you work out the Co-Sponsors is it added as full household, like if it were a man/wife been co, would it make it 3=2=5? So 33k? I am trying to understand how much the co needs to earn, there is my Fiancée, her child and myself. Thank you, it's all so very confusing!!
Az1988MaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-14 13:01:00