Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
i just emailed the consulate to see if they got our case from NVC .. recieved a automated reply...
"please do not send your enquiry - we will reply within 5 days .. yadda yadda" then got the whole "due to APEC, services will slow down end of august and first week of september" .....

noice one!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-06-05 00:08:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
congrats Ring and Loke!!!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-06-04 23:21:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
congrats Kath and Lyndel!!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-06-04 20:44:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
thanks jezz!!

congrats girlfrmoz!!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-06-04 16:35:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
my number starts with SYD...
for sydney ....

hey guys.. question...
i've done my blood tests and my police check... when does the chest xray thingy come in?... does that need to be done by a consulate approved doctor?
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-06-04 05:03:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
stage 3 yeah.. i'm hoping this week..... hoping fingers crossed.. then stage 4 interview time and thats it on this side of the ocean......

lets hope everything moves quickly for everyone!!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-06-03 22:52:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Got an email from NVC...
they've sent off our petition to the consulate here in sydney!!
yay!! any day now i'll get packet 3!!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-06-03 20:15:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
about those fees..
thankfully i'm saving up money... to ease the strain on my future hubby....
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-31 19:11:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
congrats Kell!!!
congrats Kath on your job!!!

i got my fingerprint check done two days ago - went in early in the morning (too early for crime apparently).... and did it.... used my license, medicare and mbf card as proofs of id....
didnt even remmber my passport lol....
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-30 22:45:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
well the NVC has the letter SYD in front of the numbers - so i'm assuming thats what it is and they put that number into the subject line...
and i'm in sydney and thats where they have to send it all to .... but i'm emailing them again.... to see where they're at...

that australian food website - they have coffee!! they have my coffee!!! yay!!!!!

Edited by sharyna, 29 May 2007 - 07:36 PM.

SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-29 19:34:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
oh yeah they gave us our new NVC case number... i didnt post that lol....

*** ---> email addy

give them:
case # from uscis -
petitioner's name
petitioner's date of birth
benificiary's name
benificiary's date of birth
approval date of NOA2 - I GAVE THEM a approx date as the uscis website was updated the same date my fiance recievd the letter in his hands....

**am calling the police again today - to see if i can get it done.. its a daily job that one lol....

hope that helps.. and they took about 3 days to reply...
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-24 20:48:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
the NVC emailed me last night - in response to my query... they have our petition....
now if only the police would do the same nice thing and tell me they dont have someone in custody every time i call them to get my check and fingerprints done....
my blood tests are done.... thats over.

just need this check and then whatever the consulate throws at me....
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-24 18:15:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
australians to america....

superannuation funds... since you cant get this money out until you reach the age of yadda yada..... does anyone know of a international super fund that can be accessed from the US?
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-22 23:52:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-21 19:43:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
after reading all that.... i'm hungry.
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-21 00:37:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
i'm going to miss my salads....
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-20 22:48:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
rofl jezz
my sweetie always looks at me funny when i say... "oh i'll just have a salad"..... i think aussies are the green eaters on this side of the hemisphere!!

and thankyou girlfrmoz!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-20 22:12:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
quick update...
got my blood tests back... had a tetanus booster (my arm still hurts - where they put the needle feels like its been punched to death lol)....
they told me i should get a measles boost (i had measles as a child), rubella boost and a polio boost - but told me i couldnt get pregnant for 6 months.... so i thought oh what the heck i'll wait to get these boosts...

but my question is...

anyone who has been to the consulate already.... is this vital to have these boosts?

and im going for my police check today...
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-20 22:00:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
LOL i'm glad they tell you what order they want things in lol....

makes it so much easier!!

thankyou jezz!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-18 01:34:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
thanks Jezz!!
and you pay that once you get the other stuff from the embassy... okies......
now i'm just waiting lol...
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-18 01:06:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Guys have a question...

how much is the fee you have to pay at australia post?

non immigrant fee is $130
immigrant fee is about $490 give or take a buck....

since i'm immigrating wouldnt the latter apply?
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-18 00:40:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
thankyou jezz....
i've yet to check the USCIS website case status because even tho he recieved the letter saying yay.... they didnt update the status on th website....
so i'm going to check it shortly or in the morning since its night over there now.....
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-17 06:05:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
thankyou all!!

ok question!!
yup question - just when you think you'd escape....

the whole leaving the country forms (tax, enrolment for voting and what not).... how far ahead should i tell them?.... i do my tax in july every year and i know i'll still be here at that time so i should do it then?
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-16 22:36:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
oh and i wanted to tell everyone..

we got the NOA2!!!!


so i'm waiting for the medical centre to call me back to see if the results are in....
and jezz.... i'll ring them and ask them if i can go in on a sunday...... i'm sure they work sundays right? ;-)
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-16 19:17:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
i have to ring the medical centre today to see if they have my results back.. according to the doctor he said it would take a couple of days......
rang the police station... most funny..... they told me to ring 10 minutes before i arrived so that they could tell me if they had someone in custody or not..... i thought it was funny..... but obviously its "dangerous" having someone go in for fingerprints and they have someone in custody......
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-16 17:24:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
thanks Jezz and Girlfrmoz!!
got another touch today....

hopefully we'll have good news soon...
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-15 20:57:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
We got a touch!!!
first one since the NOA1....... Way back when.... yay!!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-14 22:03:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
i just got back from the doctors and they took blood tests... they will be ready in a couple of days according to them...we'll see..

tests for everything under the sun bascially...
all stds
all viral studies...
and some others i think...

my arm hurts....
and i will not torture you all with my story of the pee sample needed.... its hilarious now that i think of it but torture at the time ...
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-11 20:34:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

hands sharyna a slap stick..

in what context did i use the word biometrics ... your biometrics fee is for fingerprints only relating to AOS after you get over here and get married mate..

the fee you have to pay at the embassey is $130AU money paid at any australia post office..did you find the vaccination sheet i was referring to before to help you ask what you need to be tested for mate...

take care

give me the slap stick lol

i pay that fee once i get the packet 3 which is later....
ok... lol.....

no i didnt find it... i'll keep looking over your posts.. you've got 42 pages of posts lol... i was on page 8 when i got called away at work ......
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-11 03:43:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
someone please hand me a slap stick....


i read in someone's post - kath i think it was .... i was reviewing all your posts for any helpful links...
and i noticed that it was said that a fee had to be paid for the biometrics.....
is that for the K1 visa? 129F?....
because we sent in the 126f form as well as the 325a form (if thats the right letter or number)..... and paid the initial fee that is stated on the uscis website...
is there more?

i know i have to pay a fee at the embassy for processing?


oh and tomorrow am heading to the medical clinic to get a referral for the blood tests......
and next week will start on the police checks.....

hopefully this will nudge it all and make it move quicker!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-11 01:11:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
congrats!!! P&J!!!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-11 00:18:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
thankyou guys!! for your support!!
i'll go to my doctors asap to get started and find out what vaccinations i need.....
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-09 19:26:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
i can start on the police certificate now? thought i should wait till the NOA2?
and my vaccination history - god knows i wouldnt knkow where to begin with that... wouldnt your doctor be able to tell you when he takes the blood tests?.. should i start on that?....
and my fiance should start getting his affidavit of support together?..........maybe he should, he's a procrastinator most times lol....
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-09 16:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
not going well... am very anxious and well just anxious.....
i think i just exhaust myself with the whole thinking and waiting gig......

whoever thought you would get so stressed on just the waiting.. the first month ok... 2nd month..ok i can do this... 3rd month.... ummm

but congrats to all who are doing well and recieving their NOA2's..
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-08 21:00:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
thanks Kath!!
seems i only rear my head when i'm confused!
lol.... i'm actually also hanging out on the feb fliers thread as a heap of applicants are getting NOA2'S! which is good news for everyone!!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-07 22:28:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi everyone i'm confused...
btw congrats to all who have visas and noa2's!!

if your moving to the US.. would the embassy from sydney send something to your other half in the US? (who made the petition?)

if so - why?..
if not ... then just give me some peanut butter lol
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-07 21:49:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Peanut butter rocks.. i have a huge jar at home!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-06 19:00:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Jezz85 - congrats!!!
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-03 22:55:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
ok am confused...
on USCIS processing sheet it says that they're doing K1 - 129f petitions from october 2006.....
have they just not updated it?...

link is here - Processing Sheet USCIS
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-02 19:00:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
nah i'm good
just the mood i'm in today............

being May and all.... already..
SharynYFemaleAustralia2007-05-01 00:02:00