United KingdomOperator Assisted Visa Information and Nonimmigrant Appointment Booking Service

Do they actually charge you if you don't get through?

Yes they do, they make you sit through the whole thing explaining the payment and all that, then when you finally press the right buttons to speak to someone:
"I'm sorry, all lines are busy, please call back later"!

No queue system.

I had to go through this about 3 times (being told to call back) and then when I finally DID get through, I went through to the wrong section, then when I finally did get to the right section her payment system was down so I had to call...again.

Probably spent over £30.

Don't forget this isn't the embassy (to anyone else). This is a call centre based out of Glasgow.
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-05-27 16:12:00
United KingdomNot happy! DX Secure have my address wrong.
Oh believe me I'm going to keep bugging them :D

I think its a shambles that they have disclaimers absolving themselves of any responsibility if they lose it. Why not do a proper job and promise to delivery it baring any accidents/emergencies .

Grrr. ;)
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-06 08:04:00
United KingdomNot happy! DX Secure have my address wrong.
Rang them today first thing and "Emily" answered. She asked me for my name about 10 times before she wrote it down (it WAS early after all) and then after she took my correct info she said she'd email it to the embassy and have them correct my address. I just hope there isn't another David _____ (my surname). But then again you'd think the postal side of it would liase with the visa side of it and realise the address was wrong, but I suppose there's nothing stopping me having it mailed to somewhere that isn't my current home address.

Anyway my plane ticket is booked far enough in advance to not get sunk in case I have to get a re-delivery organised :P

*knocks on wood*.
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-06 02:58:00
United KingdomNot happy! DX Secure have my address wrong.

I found this on DX's website. It looks like I can call and change the delivery address. I really hope so - my heart can't take much more stress. I've been living with a knot in my stomach for the past 6 months and it finally went away yesterday!!!
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-04 18:20:00
United KingdomNot happy! DX Secure have my address wrong.
Just been approved for my visa (yay) but I realised now (too late) that the girl at the DX Secure desk (courier) at the Embassy took my address and transposed two of the letters in the post code (NU instead of UN).

This is a totally different address in my village.

I know I have a few days to try and rectify this but how? I am going to call DX on Monday (well I will try tomorrow) but will they be able to change the delivery address?

I can only assume if they attempt delivery at the wrong address it will go back to the embassy.

I SHOULD have checked it before I left the desk, but I saw my name on the label and didn't look any further.
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-04 17:21:00
United Kingdomi-129f question
Seems like so long ago now, but I went off what my Passport/Birth C. said. I also think I stuck to one thing. Either Britain or United Kingdom, don't mix the two, they may get confused. (Hell it confuses me sometimes ;).

Don't whatever you do say Ukogbani as I saw it written once... I thought it was a new country in Africa!
[United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland].
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-07 18:40:00
United KingdomBrits in Indiana/Illinois
I'll be in country 29th July then the wedding is Aug 13th. I'm sure there will be time after then for a meetup. I will have lots of free time (but sadly no car unless I nick the Mrs's).

It's either do stuff or her father will get me doing work around the house.
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-10 06:04:00
United KingdomBrits in Indiana/Illinois
Ahhh ok we'll let the Irish in too! Y'all do have good beer, and Chicago/Midwest is full of Irish folks (especially South Bend/Notre Dame, you'd go down well there!).

Nice to see there's a few of us going to be living in the midwest.

Take a trip over to the Brits in America link I posted - be nice to get a group of us together we can all keep in touch. I'm definitely going to be starved of British accents otherwise (and Irish ;)).

David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-09 14:01:00
United KingdomBrits in Indiana/Illinois
Just wondered really. I've anecdotally noticed a few of us soon-to-be Hoosiers and erm.. Illinoisians.. (I can't remember what you guys are called).

I'm over on Brits In America and I started an Indiana group (has two members so far :( ) so if anyone wants to join feel free.

I think we could do with building a Brits in Hoosierland network and have tea parties... erm... well, maybe not tea parties but you know what I mean. I know it's going to be tough for me without any British influence!


ps: http://britsinameric...s/group/indiana

Edited by David And Katie, 07 June 2011 - 07:52 PM.

David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-07 19:51:00
United KingdomPacket 3 again??

So I had my interview today.

I was approved, but also found out why they sent out the forms... because they lost my packet three forms!

Good thing i had spares with me

Excellent! Did you have to hand them in at the pre-interview stage?

Congrats though, I know how much a weight off your mind it is.

Go celebrate!!!
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-10 08:04:00
United KingdomPacket 3 again??
Maybe (hopefully) just an error. Take them all with you anyway - DoS probably don't really know what you were talking about. They are sometimes good and sometimes not so good.

Don't forget they're also basically screen readers - they can tell you what London has entered in on the system but they can't know specifics.

That said, the people at the London call centre don't know specifics either - as far as I know, they're all based in Glasgow anyway unless you get through to someone at the actual embassy. I can only assume this is why emailling them is better.

Anyway good luck tomorrow! You won't need it, and you don't need to be nervous (even though I was!).
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-09 14:05:00
United KingdomBringing interview date forward?
Yeah, I figured as much. Ho hum! Sorry, I seem to have hijacked your thread a little Ben ;)
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-10 18:33:00
United KingdomBringing interview date forward?
Pretty sure my flight was un-moveable and un-refundable. It would've cost me about £200 more for a refundable flight, which I thought might have been worthwhile... but ... ahh well, nevermind. I think I booked the return flight for October but perhaps I should've booked it for later in the year - but that said, I couldn't use it because then I'd be stuck in the UK unable to afford a return to the US LOL.

Sorry, just thinking out loud. I may call AA and plead my case to get a refund.
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-10 16:58:00
United KingdomBringing interview date forward?
I'm about two years too late for 25.

Ah well, I will have another 8000 airmiles by the time I'm in country (sad I don't get to use the return trip I paid for).
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-10 16:43:00
United KingdomBringing interview date forward?

I actually have found it cheaper to buy a one day ticket using airmiles. I had to buy a few extra ones but the airline was doing a deal so it worked out okay

I only have around 16000 airmiles so I don't know if that was an option. Ho-hum. Thank god for credit cards - I just have to wait for some money back from the lovely wife-to-be before I fly out, so I can pay the thing off.
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-09 14:02:00
United KingdomBringing interview date forward?
For what its worth, I booked my flight for 29th July. It was just on the cusp of being too expensive [wedding is August 13th, I'd rather spend more time at home than plan the wedding... don't tell the Mrs).

Prior to July 20th there were some seats left at £730 (eek!) which is only £20 less than I paid. £20 is worth an extra week at home I reckon.
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-07 18:48:00
United KingdomWhite I-94

Yeah, you're just like me in terms of worrying David, but don't worry about POE, it is all really easy and laid back! I was given the white I-94 and customs forms on the plane and gave them both, along with my passport with the K1 in and the sealed brown envelope to the CBP offical at San Francisco. He took my fingerprints and my photo, opened the brown envelope, had a quick look inside at a few documents, then stapled the bottom bit of the I-94 in my passport. It's a little bigger then the size of a credit card. He then said welcome to the US and I was on my way in around 5 mins. Now I am with my fiancee again and could not be happier! On to the next thing to worry about now, but I was right, things get less stressful with your fiancee by your side! :thumbs:

Thanks Dan, Nick/Nich and Bob :P

Yeah I just hope I don't get the same CBP agent I've had for the past two POE's at Chicago O'Hare. He was cool with me the first time, the second time he must have been having a bad day and I got sent into a secondary interview room. I don't think I've been so scared in my entire life. I couldn't take a return flight home :P

I'll have to make sure I don't get in his line ;)
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-25 15:46:00
United KingdomWhite I-94
Thanks Saph x x :)

I would love to be as cool as Nick and not freak over every little thing... ;)

Inky: Cheers :)
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-25 08:09:00
United KingdomWhite I-94
Just a quick one... They don't give out the green forms on the plane any more, but I take it there are white I-94s at the POE / border...?

It's just another thing that I worry about at night ... Sigh.

Thanks guys...
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-24 20:10:00
United KingdomHow long to log packet 3 at embassy

I've been calling the state dept on a daily basis to see if our interview has been scheduled since we sent off packet 3 on April 27 and medical was done May 6. They still had no record of it even being logged as of yesterday and said to call the extortion line. I did and they gave me the email code for the embassy. The embassy finally told me they never received packet 3 and we need to send everything again. I told my fiance to send it registered post, but he didn't and Roayal Fail failed yet again. What a waste of 34 days!!! I'm paying for overnight service this time!

I sent Packet 3 in by regular mail but sent Packet 4 special delivery. That said, they got my P3 with no problems same with P4.

Even for a single letter (P4) it was £5, but I think for peace of mind special delivery is worth it.
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-02 03:53:00
United KingdomWhen Can I Send In Packet 3?

I was told by the $16 line that they mail packet four, giving your interview date, exactly 2 weeks after your medical results are in. It seems to be pretty accurate. The date they give you seems to be random. They can be 2 weeks later to 5 weeks later, like ours. Our packet was mailed on 6/2, and we got 7/11, but I have seen 5/20 dates get 6/10 interview. The earlier the medical, the better. We were almost too early, as our results came in a day before packet 3 was logged-- oops-- packet 3 can take 2-4 weeks to log. There is someone on VJ who can track the DHL packets into the Embassy. I was able to find ours, called the $16 line to confirm, and then we mailed our packet three 5 days later on the way to the medical.

That's assuming you've sent your DS-2001 in though :) I delayed sending mine because I was waiting on paperwork from "the Mrs".
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-17 08:45:00
United KingdomWorried I may be in AP but not sure. HELP!
It does say on the I-864 that you need to prove the co-sponsors US Citizenship, which for us was a photocopy of her mum's passport. I had my lady express mail me the I-864's and evidence because I was freaking out too - it was a week in the end.

If the person you spoke to at the "embassy" was Scottish, then I'm afraid you were talking to the call centre in Glasgow, and not someone at the embassy.
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-28 13:03:00
United KingdomShipping goods to fiancé
Thank you NN! :)

Its stuff I've had for years and I will be bringing most of the stuff with me on the plane - mostly higher value electronics - radios, audio-visual equipment etc. I just never fancied taking the two heaviest items with me. I need that weight for all my clothes etc.

I know when you're passing through countries you can sign a carnet but that's not really for us visa holders.
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-28 16:34:00
United KingdomShipping goods to fiancé
Fake edit:

So, with the "visa exemption" do I just tick a box on the customs form before I see the customs agent at POE? I never noticed that before on the form.
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-28 13:28:00
United KingdomShipping goods to fiancé
DHL quoted me £55. Which is a lot less than buying the items new.

Another bag would be around the same cost... I'm honestly not sure what the best option would be.

Shipping two 6kg parcels would be £33 each, which is obviously not as cost effective as one 12kg parcel.

Edited by David And Katie, 28 June 2011 - 01:25 PM.

David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-28 13:22:00
United KingdomShipping goods to fiancé

The two items I really want to ship are about 12kg combined.

I thought about putting them in a suitcase or putting into a box and bringing with me on the plane, but that would eat into the 50kg that American let me have (I'm already bringing two bags).
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-28 12:59:00
United KingdomShipping goods to fiancé
I keep hearing of people who have to prove they have a visa in order to ship things without being stung for customs duty when sending items to the US.

What's to stop me sending a few small(ish!) items via DHL or similar, to my fiancé? They're not worth anything in commercial terms, and to replace them would cost around £300 at MOST.

I could insure them for £300 and just declare them as no-commercial value (which is true). They're also ham/amateur radio parts/equipment which I believe has a specific customs exemption anyway.

Is the "proof of a visa" requirement for people who are shipping a LOT of stuff ( a container full ?). Surely there's people like me who live at home currently and DON'T have a houseful of stuff to move.

David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-26 17:29:00
United KingdomCurrent London email code?
LOL! I know what you mean, Nich.

Actually, I'm worrying a LITTLE about the move, but mainly about the free and easy access to the health service, but aside from that I am very adaptable. I've spent around 12 months in total in the states. I lived for 90 days in NY state surviving on my own pretty much, with just a mate (also an ex-pat) for company, and in various visits to the midwest with the "Mrs". I do love it - the open spaces, the (mostly) polite people etc. etc.

I'm concerned about getting a good enough job and moving out of the in-laws place (ugh!) but that's about it really. It's just the minutiae that I worry about really - how do I get an SSN, what forms to fill in, the what/who/when/where ;)
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-10 16:54:00
United KingdomCurrent London email code?
Dan, Nick/Nich: I AM a worrier, but the main part of worrying was the visa (just because of the big wedding we had planned). I don't think I'll worry QUITE so much about AOS. I will be very happy to just be in the same TZ too.

Dan: We plan on filing straight away, well, as soon as possible. We are due to get a lot of money from the wedding, apparently, which will help with the $1000+ fee :/
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-10 06:07:00
United KingdomCurrent London email code?
My DS-3025 has the same thing re: pertussis, but my MMR is ticked and then in the Blanket Waiver Section, under Insufficient Time Interval it says:
"4 weeks".

I didn't have the money to pay for the jabs at Knightsbridge so had the Td and MMR done at my NHS doctor and emailed them to KB as per the KB vaccination nurse's instructions.

I assume since she filled it in under the blanket waiver section I should be all right - I HAD my MMR as a child but it will have been done at the hospital and it was not on the computer at my GPs.

I can go to the GP nurse and ask her to pull my paper records if that will help down the line.
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-09 14:16:00
United KingdomPOE LAX
Household goods is what I will list on my customs form.

Well, most of it is my geek-toys, but they're household goods and I don't intend to sell them on and deprive of any tax revenue.
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-05 00:16:00
United KingdomCell/Mobile phones when you get to the USA?
Fake edit:
There are carriers in the US that offer sim cards, before anyone jumps on me :P
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-05 09:30:00
United KingdomCell/Mobile phones when you get to the USA?
I hate to say it hamtaro (you never give us a name in your posts) but the onus is always on YOU, the buyer.

Caveat Emptor.

It's the same to a certain degree in the UK too but in the US its up to YOU to find out the information first - no-one is going to hold your hand. I'm not trying to be deliberately harsh with you but I knew US phones (a mobile phone and a cell phone are the same thing) are CDMA and don't have a sim card. Sim cards are limited to GSM networks (UK, Europe and most of the rest of the world aside from the US).

Katie has the Blackberry Tour which is designed as an "international" phone because at one point she was going to come here to live in the UK. As such it has a sim card and the ability to work on GSM networks, but while at home in the US it works on CDMA.

You weren't scammed by Verizon, you didn't read the "fine print" before signing the contract. A contract is a big deal and the basic plan from VZW starts at daft prices. The ONLY way you'd get anywhere near $30/mo is with a PAYG/"Pre Pay" plan. Don't forget, VZW employees are paid to sell phones - they don't really care if they sell you the best deal FOR THEM (there are exceptions to this rule obviously - my best man used to work for VZW and she (yes she) went out of her way to help people get the right deal).

I _am_ sorry to hear you're stuck with an iPhone - not because you're paying for it, but because the iPhone IMHO isn't a good deal ;) Android all the way (says he stuck with a Blackberry). And I'll be stuck with a crappy "POS" from WalMart until I get a good job.
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-05 09:25:00
United KingdomCell/Mobile phones when you get to the USA?

David--how will you call the UK free? Does Katie have Vonage landline too? You're similar to us but Nick brought his Vonage box with him. Now all the UK friends and family can call a UK number and get him here. And he set up simul-ring so it rings his mobile at the same time. If we're out, he still gets his calls. And he can use it to call all of their landlines free. It's worked out well.

No she doesn't have Vonage but as long as its a landline it's a local call (I picked a local Indiana number for my add-on US number).

That's interesting though - taking the Vonage box. I figured I could leave it at home then that way I can just called an Indiana number for free (or with minutes from my cell). Otherwise if I took it with me the 'rents would have to spend money on their BT phonebill :P

Once the Mrs and me are set up in our own place I think we'll get Vonage if we can afford it then it will be free-er to call home and even have a UK number (not that I have many friends in the UK that like using phones).
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-05 08:14:00
United KingdomCell/Mobile phones when you get to the USA?
Ah ok. I guess for me that's not a problem. I am leaving my Vonage service here with my Parentals and I will be able to call them for free from any Indiana land line or just use my minutes. Same for them, they will be able to call my cell.

Texting is nice with Verizon/Straight Talk though - you can text to and from an email address. I regularly text some American friends bu <their num> which goes to their phone, and they're able to reply to my email via text. I've told my family they can bug me that way if I'm not on skype etc.
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-05 00:14:00
United KingdomCell/Mobile phones when you get to the USA?
Take a look at Straight Talk from Walmart.

$30/mo + tax (I hate that "plus tax" thing) gets you something like 400 minutes and unlm. texts.

Free phone if you don't mind having the basic one.

No contract aka PAYG.

Agree, cell phones are poor value for money in the US - paying for incoming text messages SUCKS. Backwards!
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-04 17:46:00
United KingdomInterview Next Wednesday (July 13th)
Hey guys :)

Yep Manchester way here too (I've noted about 5 or so guys/girls from the North West so far on here).

I know what you mean about the pitcher ;) I was a nervous wreck and Katie was trying to be chilled out about it, but what with a big expensive wedding planned, it was hard. I was under SO much pressure! I will tell anyone who's starting this process NOT TO MAKE ANY CONCRETE PLANS. I should've told her and the Dragon in Law that I wanted a small ceremony with a JP :P

Good luck in a couple of days time!
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-11 05:07:00
United KingdomInterview Next Wednesday (July 13th)
You DO need proof of US citizenship for the I-134. Someone on here was RFE'd (I can't remember the name of the form) for it around two weeks ago.

I'm sorry I can't remember the thread it was in - Andy H's I think? Unless I'm mistaken and his was a CR-1.


Yes, I was mistaken, his was a CR-1. So erm, yeah safely ignore what I just said. We had a copy of the MiL's passport page just to be sure anyway.

Go easy on your fella for being nervous about this stage - I was too and nothing she could say would calm the nerves, BUT as NN says, the interview WAS a piece of cake and I came out feeling both elated and deflated weirdly enough (and nearly got run over by a car in the process getting back to the station :P ).

Edited by David And Katie, 05 July 2011 - 12:22 AM.

David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-05 00:19:00
United KingdomBritish views on emigrating to America

I was wondering if any of you guys were having problems finding friends in the USA? I moved to PA two years ago and as yet haven't managed to make many friends. I am having difficulty finding opportunities to intigrate into this small community. My work involves health care on a one-to-one basis so I dont even have the opportunity to make friends with colleagues (I dont have any). My husband is an introvert although he has friends he can choose to contact although he doesn't seem to feel the need to. I had a few very good friends in the UK who I interacted with on a regular basis. I was just wondering how you are all getting on in your different areas.

You need to look outside your local area.

Is there a Lions Club nearby (every town in the US seems to have one!). Rotarians?

If your hubby is an introvert you need to get your own friends! One of Katie's friend's husbands (wow) is a decent guy and him and me get along and he's been looking for a guy friend to hang out with (he generally hates other people) so I have someone to go shooting/fishing with etc.

Katie's brother is a cool guy too but he works unsociable hours.

My plan is to join a Lions Club in Schererville (try saying that drunk) and mingle. I guess it helps I have a social hobby (amateur/ham radio) and there are a few clubs in the area. Then again Schererville isn't a one horse town either.

As for us Sasenach's hating the Jocks - utter tripe. There's a LOT of friendly banter between the English and the Scots and most of it is good natured. Personally I adore the Scottish accent on a girl - yes, I include all Scots accents, even broad Glasweigan. Maybe that's where the Scottish lady from earlier is from - it's a hard accent to get your head around, but I'm an accentophile (erm, is there a proper word for that?) as well as being a linguist (no funny jokes from the back, thank you!).

David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-11 04:59:00
United Kingdompaying for the K1 visa fee
They explain it a ton of times to keep you on the bloody phone :(
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-13 19:07:00