Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)601 and yearlong overstay

Trust me, Contact a GOOD immigration Lawyer ASAP!....My husband and i married in 2004, he came over on a visa waiver in 2002 from Ireland. At the time of our marriage, we filed all of the necessary paperwork, and waited and waited, AND WAITED...we finally had our Interveiw, we thought it went well, and then heard nothing for almost a year afterwards, they even went so far as to, send us a SS card for him as well as a work permit!....In September 2005, they took him from our home very early in the morning while i was at work, wouldnt even let him get dressed!...And they put him in prison for 2 months awaiting deportation. They wouldnt even let me see him. We were told when we were married, that since we were married, his overstay would be forgiven. And when they arrested him, he was COMPLETELY LEGAL!....But it turns out that his overstay voided that somehow. Please, if you can, get a qualified lawyer, obviously, i didnt get a good enough one, and i am no definately paying for it!....I hope this didnt scare you, i just hope this doesnt happen to anyone else! it is really the visa Waiver, that screws everything up, when you get one, you waive ALL RIGHTS!...they are dangerous things!

GOOD LUCK, and please take my advise!

Feel free to send a message with more questions! I am online all the time!

---------- :blush: ------ HELLO i hope you don't mind to much but after reading your coments i have a Question, i'm told that because my mexican wife was in the usa illegal for 4 years i must apply for a 601 waver, even though i have an approved I-130 I'M TOLD i need the waver to get passed the 10 year bar, what could be the chance that not even the waver will help, i'm american and she and i have been married 6 years now, thanks for allowing me to ask this.

You will definately need an I-601, otherwise if she is out of the country, she could be denied entry, as long as you get this appreoved, she should be fine. There is a long wait from what i have heard though. Goto and they have a list of what dates they are working on for each petition.

Hope this helped, feel free to email me.

Oh, and can i ask?...Did your I-130 get approved after your first interveiw? I have heard that if you have a ban, they may deny it the first time around?
Lonely-in-IrelandFemaleIreland2007-01-07 09:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)601 and yearlong overstay
Trust me, Contact a GOOD immigration Lawyer ASAP!....My husband and i married in 2004, he came over on a visa waiver in 2002 from Ireland. At the time of our marriage, we filed all of the necessary paperwork, and waited and waited, AND WAITED...we finally had our Interveiw, we thought it went well, and then heard nothing for almost a year afterwards, they even went so far as to, send us a SS card for him as well as a work permit!....In September 2005, they took him from our home very early in the morning while i was at work, wouldnt even let him get dressed!...And they put him in prison for 2 months awaiting deportation. They wouldnt even let me see him. We were told when we were married, that since we were married, his overstay would be forgiven. And when they arrested him, he was COMPLETELY LEGAL!....But it turns out that his overstay voided that somehow. Please, if you can, get a qualified lawyer, obviously, i didnt get a good enough one, and i am no definately paying for it!....I hope this didnt scare you, i just hope this doesnt happen to anyone else! it is really the visa Waiver, that screws everything up, when you get one, you waive ALL RIGHTS!...they are dangerous things!

GOOD LUCK, and please take my advise!

Feel free to send a message with more questions! I am online all the time!

Lonely-in-IrelandFemaleIreland2007-01-06 21:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-212 is making me CRAZY!

I married my Irish husband in February of 2004. When we married, he had overstayed a Visa Waiver by about 2 years. We hired a lawyer immediately, and filed all of the appropriate paper work to get him a green card. My husband withink a month or two, recieved his SS card and a work permit. We had our interview in November of 2004 and heard absolutely nothing afterward. Until September 22, 2005 when police and immigration officials removed my husband from our home early in the morning while i was at work, took him to prison where he then spent 2 months awaiting deportation for his previous overstay that we were told by our laywer, would not matter. So in November 2005 after his deprotation and recieving his 10 yr ban for overstaying, i moved to Ireland with my hubby.

I am assuming that you submitted an I-130 and I-485 back in 2004 correct? What were you told at the interview in November 2004? Not approved? Pending name check? Were the biometrics done?

Did you ever go back to your local District Office to find out the status of your case? There should have been a decision of some sort since there was an AOS interview in November 2004, either at that time or subsequently.

We were told nothing at our interveiw, they video taped us, and then said OK we will be in contact!
Lonely-in-IrelandFemaleIreland2007-01-06 20:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-212 is making me CRAZY!

You have an approved I-130 which allows you to move to the interview stage - you won't need to file another one. He will be denied at his interview and you will need to file the 212 waiver and the 601 waiver due to his illegal presence. Both require a letter written by the USC explaining and proving, with documentation, extreme hardship to the USC if the visa is denied and the USC is required to relocate permanently to the spouse's country.

Go to for information on the hardship letter, evidence and waivers in general. Good Luck.

This country welcomes illegal aliens

Clearly not since he was illegal due to his overstay and he was deported!

What is a USC???...And we have already located to his country(Ireland).
Lonely-in-IrelandFemaleIreland2007-01-06 20:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-212 is making me CRAZY!
:help: Hello, my name is Erin and i am a US citezen from St. Louis, MO. I married my Irish husband in February of 2004. When we married, he had overstayed a Visa Waiver by about 2 years. We hired a lawyer immediately, and filed all of the appropriate paper work to get him a green card. My husband withink a month or two, recieved his SS card and a work permit. We had our interview in November of 2004 and heard absolutely nothing afterward. Until September 22, 2005 when police and immigration officials removed my husband from our home early in the morning while i was at work, took him to prison where he then spent 2 months awaiting deportation for his previous overstay that we were told by our laywer, would not matter. So in November 2005 after his deprotation and recieving his 10 yr ban for overstaying, i moved to Ireland with my hubby. Where we have been living since, awaiting approval to come home. We filed our I-130 and I-129 in January 06 and got our first approval notice, in June. Since then, everything has gona smoothly to date. Yesterday we recieved the notice saying that our paperwork was on its way to the Embassy in dublin having had the Financial support approved. So i should now be recieveing our last packet with what we need for our interveiw right? Since he has the 10yr ban, we are going to file a I-212 waiver request, which i have researched now, and it looks like it is pretty hard to get!..And i am getting so worried! We have no major hardships if it is denied, except that, the USA is where we made our home, i come fro a very small family or 3 people, and being away is killing all of us. There are also debts in america that will not be able to be paid until i come home. The hardship would be mainly on myself, i dont know how much more stress i can take. So, what should i do?..I have heard that they will not Approve us on our I-130 because we need to file and 1-212, but we cant file the 212 until we goto the 130 how does this work?...We go through the 130 interveiw as normal, wait for them to say no, then request to file an 212, wait for that to be approved, then REDO another 130 interveiw?.....I am just SOOO confused! How long do you think i have left until we can go home. My husband has no criminal record or anything, anywhere. Or do you think that they will approve our 130,and then just say "Ok, now all you need is your 212, then you are DONE!?"....Im pretty sure we couldnt get that lucky though!...PLEASE HELP< I NEED ADVISE! :help:

And what do i need to be ready to file the I-212 beside the money?
Lonely-in-IrelandFemaleIreland2007-01-06 20:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-212 is making me CRAZY!
:help: Hello, my name is Erin and i am a US citezen from St. Louis, MO. I married my Irish husband in February of 2004. When we married, he had overstayed a Visa Waiver by about 2 years. We hired a lawyer immediately, and filed all of the appropriate paper work to get him a green card. My husband withink a month or two, recieved his SS card and a work permit. We had our interview in November of 2004 and heard absolutely nothing afterward. Until September 22, 2005 when police and immigration officials removed my husband from our home early in the morning while i was at work, took him to prison where he then spent 2 months awaiting deportation for his previous overstay that we were told by our laywer, would not matter. So in November 2005 after his deprotation and recieving his 10 yr ban for overstaying, i moved to Ireland with my hubby. Where we have been living since, awaiting approval to come home. We filed our I-130 and I-129 in January 06 and got our first approval notice, in June. Since then, everything has gona smoothly to date. Yesterday we recieved the notice saying that our paperwork was on its way to the Embassy in dublin having had the Financial support approved. So i should now be recieveing our last packet with what we need for our interveiw right? Since he has the 10yr ban, we are going to file a I-212 waiver request, which i have researched now, and it looks like it is pretty hard to get!..And i am getting so worried! We have no major hardships if it is denied, except that, the USA is where we made our home, i come fro a very small family or 3 people, and being away is killing all of us. There are also debts in america that will not be able to be paid until i come home. The hardship would be mainly on myself, i dont know how much more stress i can take. So, what should i do?..I have heard that they will not Approve us on our I-130 because we need to file and 1-212, but we cant file the 212 until we goto the 130 how does this work?...We go through the 130 interveiw as normal, wait for them to say no, then request to file an 212, wait for that to be approved, then REDO another 130 interveiw?.....I am just SOOO confused! How long do you think i have left until we can go home. My husband has no criminal record or anything, anywhere. Or do you think that they will approve our 130,and then just say "Ok, now all you need is your 212, then you are DONE!?"....Im pretty sure we couldnt get that lucky though!...PLEASE HELP< I NEED ADVISE! :help:

And what do i need to be ready to file the I-212 beside the money?
Lonely-in-IrelandFemaleIreland2007-01-06 20:01:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Irish in the US

I am new and this is the first forum i have seen for Irish Immigration, I AM SO GLAD I FOUND YOU GUYS!

My name is Erin, and i am from St. Louis, Missouri USA
My husband is from Co. Tipperary, Ireland

We have just had our affadavid of support approved this week, and are currently waiting on our packet!
My hubby overstayed his Visa waiver by nearly 2 years before we were married, and when we tried to get him a green card in america, he was deported, so now he has a 10 yr. ban. So, what i believe will happen is, we will have our I-130 interveiw, be denied, then file for an I-212 waiver?...Sound familiar to anyone?

Any advise would be greatly appreciated!

Lonely-in-IrelandFemaleIreland2007-01-06 22:01:00