K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIMBRA letters

Nice letter. DHS only recalled K-1 applications so far. DHS memo says that they have not reccalled K3/K-4. I hope, this issue gets resolved very quickly for all K-1 petitioners and beneficiaries.

I figured it didn't hurt to say K-1 and K-3, if they think it affect more people they may act faster :D

I agree. I wish you food luck with the process. I think, this type of letter shoule be sent to the President, Secretary of state too.

I dont think the President will even be able to read and understand it. He has never veto in his 1st term or second term a bill. I dont think he even reads it, Just signs it and gives that Monkey look on his face.

I do have a problem with this law. Why are people on american dating sites required not to abid by this law? why only american men who want a wife from a differnt country? I bet there is a lot of men who are on dating sites seeking american women who will abused them or have criminal records or a pedifiles and hurt childern. why are they not required to submit to criminal background checks. I dont have one but I dont want the GOVERMENT to keep prying into my personal life and my choices. This is just other way for them to spy on the american people.

You make a good point about American men abusing American women. When two people legally residing in the US wish to get married, they don't have to have background checks so that the bride can know whether the groom has a violent past. As far as the government is concerned, she should just hope that he isn't a violent person and it's her choice to marry him or not based on what he tells her and what she knows about him. And many times, even when a husband is abusive and the wife is afraid for her life, the authorities only offer the most minimal protection possible.

This law seems less and less good-natured and concerned for women's well-being as the days pass -- I think it's more about making sure that women don't come into the country to get married, get abused by their husbands, leave the husbands and, without anywhere to go, become public charges. If the government wants to protect women from abuse, they should strengthen laws against such violence and initiate more support programs and battered women's shelters.

Putting immigrant petitioners through weeks of background checks seems even more pointless when you consider that MANY women would probably chose to take the risk if it means they can come to the US. I wonder what will happen the first time a petitioner is checked and his record has a whole history of violent behavior and the government informs the beneficiary and she decides she doesn't care and comes here anyway and when he IS absuve towards her, she seeks help? Will she have to leave the country because she knew full well what she was getting herself into and chose to get married anyway? Will she be allowed to stay even though she is no longer with him?
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-05-26 23:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRelief!!!!

...but it can be addicting so watch out!!!! :D

You're right; VJ is addictive! :lol:
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-05-29 16:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWE GOT THE VISA!!!!!
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-05-26 12:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressometimes congresman backfires

I would simly suggest my fellows that please try not to involv your congressman untill you see that now the case is beyond your limits of pataince. Yea, it is my personal experience. It hurt my case and they simply screwed us on the reason which could have been decided in the first day of our petition. USCIS has the final athourity over these lawmakers, that what we know and experience.

:( what happened?

Well we filed our case for I-130 in 2003 in Japan (for complete information people can know our case from the topic (WHAT ABOUT ME) posted last night. DHS, Seoul, Korea took two years and still the case not decided. Numbers of inquiries were made and were told background check of benificiary>>thats all!!! but when it was too much my wife finaly involved her congressman and when he wrote a letter to the DHS, Korea in a month our petition was denied on the reason that my wife's divorce is not valid because the Fedral law doesnt accept mexican divorce. WOW the law was there for years but they didnt see it that time but when a push came they used the claw to screw us. They have tones of laws that a normal man doesnt know and it then haunts us in return.

So according to them she's still legally married to her first husband? :( That's terrible, I'm very sorry. Is there any way she could file for divorce in the US and then remarry you and you can start over? I know that sounds like a miserable thing to do (more waiting, more nervousness), but it could be a recourse. Also, was she married/living in Mexico when she got her divorce?
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-05-29 17:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP: Tourist visa rather than K1 visa

but I don't believe anyone here would recommend attempting to deceive the USCIS.

Yeah. USCIS is really innept, slow and inefficient, but they're also VERY hard to fool and they'll know right away that your fiance' came here intending to get married and start a life, if not at the POE, then later on during the AOS.

Good luck though! The K visa process is often long and hard, but it's ultimately the better choice than doing something illegal or border-line illegal.
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-05-30 10:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date AUG 10

Called Manila and found out that her packet was mailed May 25 and her interview date is Aug. 10. We both are so excited and when I was on the phone doing the happy dance. The fourm and people has been a great help.

Congratulations and Good luck! :dance:
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-05-30 06:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImbra law and female petitioners?

I sent my I-129F packet today to Vermont Service Center, however, I see alot of talk on the IMBRA Law, does this affect everyone? Females and Males? Or only Males petitioning their Fiancee (beneficiary female) from a foreign country? :unsure:

Although the law was passed in connection to the Violence Against WOMEN Act, male and female petitioners are put through equal amounts of security checks. :rolleyes:
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-05-30 20:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDECLARATION OF MEETING DRAFT


Note that I suggested consultation, I did not suggest hiring. Although, after reading the Administrative Review threads here on VJ and having the consultation, you may decide to hire.

Rhetorical question - if you don't have the money to retain an immigration attorney do you really have the money for life after immigration?


Lots of people can live on, say, $2000/month, but they cannot afford to doll out $2000 for (possibly) unnecessary legal services.
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-05-31 20:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got my interview!!!!
YAY! Congratulations and good luck! :D
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-05-31 19:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of relationship question
I think closeness to his family can be a definite positive, so long as you stress that your relationship to him is primary and in addition to that, you get on wonderfully with his family. On Question 18 of the I-129F, write about your relationship with your fiance', going to the wedding, and all the times you've met in person and then maybe in the final paragraph, write about your good relationship with his sister and the rest of his family and how they're ready to welcome you into their family.

On my Q. 18, even though I haven't (unfortunately!) had the chance to meet my fiance's parents yet, I wrote about speaking with them on the phone and how he sent me lots of pictures/showed them pictures of me and he and I together, etc. and I also wrote about when my fiance' met my mother and included a picture of them together.

Just make sure you focus your response on your relationship with HIM though!

Good luck! :)
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-01 21:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC letter rcvd

Recieved letter today from NVC saying they recieved the approved fiance visa petition and within one week it will it will be forwarded to the appropriate visa issueing post where the interview will take place. also states that fiance will recieve packet from consular at this post(tokyo) with instructions on how to apply for k-1 visa at that post and which documents will be needed. so is this the good news letter we were waiting for?

Yup :dance:

should i rejoyce or wait till the final phase lol

Rejoice, but not TOO much just yet.

Congrats and good luck! :)
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-02 06:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm nervous

Just spread some disinformation tell everyone you were denied and keep everything top secret :devil:

Good idea! It's none of anyone's business anyway and at least it'll get her (and anyone else giving you a hard time) off your back for a while.
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-02 11:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm nervous


Long story but to get to the point...Here we go...

I have an aunt that has a vendetta to ruin my life. She has left a message for me stating so. She knows I am in the process of obtaining K1 visa for my fiance in Brazil. She is starting to say that she is going to do do everything she can to ensure my fiance does not obtain her visa. I am just really starting to get nervous. We've received our NOA2 and we are currently waiting for our interview date. Does anyone know if she really can do something? Everything is legit and all we want is to be together but this person has serious mental issues and is trying cause me and my fiance alot of grief and heartache. I have an immigration lawyer and he has said this sort of thing happens often but is usually an ex-wife or girlfriend. Am I just worrying too much or do I really have a reason to worry. Has anyone experienced or heard of a similar issue? Any advice would be appreciated.


If you're really, really worried about this, you could probably get a restraining order against her based on her answering machine message and then inform USCIS that this person wishes to harm you and that if she contacts them about your case, they should know that she's actually not allowed within XX feet of you. You could probably even warn them ahead of time even without a restraining order. But if you feel threatened in anyway by her... take these threats seriously and make sure you protect yourself physically and legally and in regard to the visa.

Good luck.

-- Karen
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-01 13:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA 1 for meeeee
:D ! NOA2 here you come!

I was excited about the NOA1 too, but when I got the NOA2 I actually shouted with happiness and may have actually yelled "Yippee!!!" lol
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-01 21:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am ready to pull all my hair out!!!!!

I have to say that this thread has been the best therapy ever!!!! The aspects of a LDR are sooooo difficult. I find myself struggling even more now that we are only a month away!!!! I keep saying that if we can get through this, we can make it through ANYTHING!!!!! (L)

Yes! My fiance' and I are six weeks away from his interview and I'm more antsy and impatient now than I've ever been! And I agree -- if a relationship can withstand all this stress and uncertainty and DISTANCE, then it can withstand anything! (L)


LOL! I love that signature! :lol: My fiance's Muslim too (Albanian) and even though he hasn't seen the inside of a Mosque in like a decade, he won't eat pork either.
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-03 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am ready to pull all my hair out!!!!!

This is a difficult process we are all in and the long distance is a nightmare.

Omg it is; you're completely right. But -- to try and see the bright side to all this -- or at least the bright side of the Long Distance Relationship part -- lots of people get into and maintain for LONG periods of time relationships that are based primarily on physical attraction without any deeper substance behind it, but if you're so far away from the person, your relationship HAS TO BE deeper than that and you have to have LOTS to say to each other too or else it's impossible to maintain a connection. I know that doesn't compensate for how much everyone misses their fiances/fiancees of course, but anyhow, it sometimes makes me feel better to think like that. Also, maybe later on, after we're all married and settled into a life, the experience of separation will help us not take our spouses for granted the way so many married people do as the years go by. Anyways, just some thoughts (L)

I completely agree. The distance, the time frames, the dead lines, hold on planning a wedding, the "I don't know" answer when everyone asks when he will be here, the counting down of days to get me closer to when I will see him again. It's all so stressful. But everyday I thank God that we were brought together. I thank God for such a wonderful person he is and the amazing family he came from. He is everything I have always wanted. And I know this is an experience I will never forget. It's just that "now" is what I am have a difficult time getting through. And I know the drain it is on him. We both try to have fun and keep busy during the days but it's his voice that I hear on the phone that re-connects me to the deep love I have for him.
God I can't wait for the day I drive to JFK and wait for him to come out those sliding doors with all his luggage.
You must be so excited that you are coming so close to your timeline to be complete!!!!!!
Don't forget to conttinue keeping us updated even when he is here.

Oh absolutely -- I agree with everything you said 100%! :D It's sort of a weird combination of gratefulness and happiness for having this wonderful person in your life who you love and who loves you and sadness because you're forced to be so far away from them, you know? Sometimes it's easier to be philosophical (hey -- Greek root wood, right? lol) than other times. There have been more than a few times when I seriously considered moving to Italy for a few years, but then the impracticality of moving there (for me) sets in and I throw myself into *MY* great Sanity Saver: Routine.

Hey, my fiance' will be flying into JFK too! I'm from NYC too (from your posts, you seem like a fellow NYer lol ;) ) Hopefully my fiance' will be here by late July/early August! (assuming he get the visa ::fingers crossed:: ^_^ ). Being so far along in the journey is great, but now the real go-crazy-nervous time is upon us :unsure: I will absolutely keep posting -- how his interview went, what questions they asked, how his entry at JFK went, etc. and, plus, I'm utterly addicted to this forum so I'll be around... lol PM me sometime!

Did Andreas' mom finally mail the friggin' document? lol

Edited by Karen_L, 02 June 2006 - 09:46 PM.

Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-02 21:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am ready to pull all my hair out!!!!!

This is a difficult process we are all in and the long distance is a nightmare.

Omg it is; you're completely right. But -- to try and see the bright side to all this -- or at least the bright side of the Long Distance Relationship part -- lots of people get into and maintain for LONG periods of time relationships that are based primarily on physical attraction without any deeper substance behind it, but if you're so far away from the person, your relationship HAS TO BE deeper than that and you have to have LOTS to say to each other too or else it's impossible to maintain a connection. I know that doesn't compensate for how much everyone misses their fiances/fiancees of course, but anyhow, it sometimes makes me feel better to think like that. Also, maybe later on, after we're all married and settled into a life, the experience of separation will help us not take our spouses for granted the way so many married people do as the years go by. Anyways, just some thoughts (L)
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-02 21:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am ready to pull all my hair out!!!!!

This is so, but there is a time to relax and calm down and there is a time to "move yer ###" (so to speak) lol. Also: nagging usually works just fine lol.

Oh, I moved my ####### just fine when it came to filing the paperwork. I did take an extra week to read everything available and triple-check all of the forms, though.

And no, nagging doesn't work on me at all. I detest nagging. Nagging = breaking up, in LarryWorld. I refuse to live with nagging in my life. If something is mentioned more than 3 or 4 times, I intentionally stall on it, just to show that I will not be nagged into doing something. I don't want control of the relationship, but I sure won't let someone else have all of the control, either. 50/50 and all that.

I don't think that most women truly realize the amount of resentment that builds up due to nagging. It may take 5 years or more to manifest itself, but it WILL manifest itself in one form or another. Just like a woman being married to a lazy slob will cause resentment and ultimate manifestation of that resentment.

Just because a guy gives in to the nagging to make it stop doesn't mean the issue is over. Us men can hold onto things for a long, long time, too. Therefore, I wouldn't say that it "usually works just fine."

Again, just my opinion.

Well, I was mostly just kidding with that "nagging usually works" statement; I'm actually not such a big nag (at least in my own estimation). But, on the occasions when I DO nag him, my fiance', not a resident of LarryWorld, usually laughs and mimicks me :lol:. But really, he often asks me to remind him to do things if he thinks he may forget/procrastinate on it.

Also, in general, I don't think reminding someone to do something extremely important, like mail an important document for the US gov't, is an attempt to take control of the relationship -- it's an attempt to apply for the visa lol, and that really shouldn't cause someone to feel resentment.
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-02 11:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am ready to pull all my hair out!!!!!

One of the reasons I love my Sian so much is that she knows that nagging me about something will only make it take longer. It's one of the reasons I fell in love with her in the first place. She isn't American. She doesn't have to have everything this very minute and rush rush about like a fool.

There's something to be said for being laid-back and relaxed about things. Lower blood pressure, for example. Less chance of aneurism or stroke. Remember that Americans are the unhealthiest people on the planet. It should be obvious why that is.

This is so, but there is a time to relax and calm down and there is a time to "move yer ###" (so to speak) lol. Also: nagging usually works just fine lol.
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-02 08:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am ready to pull all my hair out!!!!!

As you can see from our time line, Andreas and I have been put on hold because of the RFE. I received it in the mail on April 28th. I told Andreas on the phone what Immigration needs from him. 2 forms, with translations. It has taken him 3 weeks to get the documents with translations. GREAT!!! But then he decides to go to Mykonos 2 Friday's ago. As he is getting ready for his 3 hour trip to the island I ask him if he got the papers. He says "Yes", I then ask, did you mail them. He tells me no, he doesn't have time because he has to leave for the boat. He tells me not to worry, he put them in an envelope and his mother will mail them on the following Monday. A whole week and half passes and no papers in the mail. I ask him every day, did you talk to your mother, did she mail the documents. He finally calls me today and tells me that his mother never sent them, that she thought she was supposed to wait until he called her and told her to mail them.
WHAT IS GOING ON WITH HIM!?!?!?!?!??!!?!??!? He knows that this is important, and he knows that we are on hold until I get these in to the Vermont office. So now his mom knows to mail the documents. I WANT TO SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHat is the hold up!!!!!???? Why didn't he mail them???????????? Why did he leave it to his mother to do???????
Please Lord give me patience!!!!! And then to top it off, he has a melt down the other night saying how much he misses me, how he wants me to go to Greece and wait with him through the process and how this is so difficult to be apart from each other. HELLO!!!!!!!! Am I the only rational one in this situation!???!!!!

LOL! :lol: It has nothing to do with the importance of the documents or how much he misses you; the only reason he's moving in slow motion is this: He's male and he's from a Mediterranean country.

My fiance's from Albania and I have to nag him 'til I can't stand the sound of my own voice sometimes before he'll call a number or mail something or go somewhere. One time it took him like 2 weeks to contact the consulate and I told him, "We're far away from each other right now and I love you very much, but if you don't call them TOMORROW, when you do finally get the visa and your plane lands and we see each other and we run into each other's arms, I'm going to slap you!" and... he called the very next day! lol -- sometimes it takes an idle threat ;)

Edited by Karen_L, 02 June 2006 - 05:49 AM.

Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-02 05:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBeneficiary Unemployed

My fiancee has never had a job. Well, the one she had was paid under the table. I'm putting unemployed on the application. Should I put "none" or "unemployed" from the time she was born to the present. Has anyone heard of this being a problem?

Yeah, don't worry about it -- my fiance' isn't permitted to work in Italy, and no one's said anything about him being unemployed, though he has been employed in the past. For your case, *I* would write "N/A -- Never employed". But you don't have to put something like: 1984 - Present: Unemployed

Good luck!
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-02 21:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresgot the visa!!!!!!!!!!
:D ! Congratulations!
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-06 06:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter all the stressing


LOL! Good advice :D Congratulations!
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-06 06:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbreaking up

ty to all who support us with answer to our questions but rusty_ash is no more sad but true

Oh no, I'm so sorry! :(
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-04 19:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan you marry abroad during the K-1 Process?

After we have the Packet 3 from the embassy, would it be ok? (if we have that in time for july). The reason we want to get married is so that her parents can be a little more at ease with the whole situation. Obviously, starting over and trying for the marriage visa is out of the question.


Technically, you can have a VERY non-committal, non-legal religious/cultural wedding and still be able to do the K-1, but it absolutely *cannot be* a legal service and if a cultural service counts as a legal service (as it does in some countries) don't do that either! And if you do have a religious/cultural service in July, don't show pictures to the consular officer because he/she may be led to believe that you're legally married and you may lose the visa.

We all understand her parents' unease with this whole endeavor (of her moving to the US), but it's EXTREMELY important that you do not get married prior to her getting the visa and entering the US.

:thumbs: Good luck!
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-06 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresstrange but good!!!!!!!

we got the letter from NVC dated May 30th that the office recvd our approved k-1 petition. they would send it to tokyo within a week. i put my case# in the NVC automated voice service and it was recognised. i talked to the operator. she case is already sent to Tokyo on June 1st

Great! :dance: Something similar happened to our petition -- I got the NVC notice on a Friday (March 17th) and I called them that Monday to ask about something and they told me everything arrived in Naples on March 15th. So the petition got to the consulate faster than the notice got to me lol.
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-03 08:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresafter K-1

Right now my wedding dream is getting married in a court, as fast as possible, and start my life with my hubby!

LOL! I hear ya. All I want is the shotgun-iest of shotgun weddings and to be left alone, in peace, with my feller. :yes:
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-06 21:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm taking a jet plane.......

Entering our 5th month apart, Andreas bought me a plane ticket to stay with him in Mykonos. 5 more weeks and I will be with him. It's only for one week, but I don't care, if I could just have a minute to see his face again I would be happy. This trip is really needed. Sorry for always complaining on this forum but the stress has been getting to me. Every day it's a different emotion. I fear he will give up and think this process isn't worth it, at times I don't think I have the strength to go through the wait and being apart, my friends all say they could never do what we are doing, my parents say to hang in there he will be here before I know it, and on and on the thoughts go around and around. I am a sound sleeper that now wakes up all hours of the night. If he doesn't call I freak out worried that something has happened to him or some bikini clad hoochie convinces him to have fun and live for the moment. AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
This is all bad, I know. So bad that it has affected my health. I had to go for an EKG last Saturday due to chest pains near my heart. Passed the EKG with flying colors but now have to go back on Thursday for a sonogram on my heart.
So I am taking my Vitamin C for immune system, Omega 3 for my cholesterol, Magnesium and Calcium for strength and heart.
And all I want is for my best friend, my love, my everything to be here with me. :crying:

:D Great! Have a wonderful time!
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-06 21:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview and Age Difference
It probably won't matter, but just in case, try and think of a good way to respond to a question regarding the age difference. Ask yourself something like: "if many people think a large age difference DOES matter in a relationship, why doesn't it for us? What about our relationship makes our ages irrelevent?" This way, if you're asked that question, you're prepared and you can respond with something really thoughtful.

Good luck! :thumbs:
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-02 22:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Intent to Marry

Oh dear! I didn't realize that. I just thought they wanted how we met and where (I included that we met online as well but also included the weeks we spent together). I figured they read so many that they wanted just a short and simple answer ("Just the facts, Ma'am." as my dad always likes to quote from Dragnet).

Did everyone else add about how they decided to get married and love stuff? I did put about 12 pictures in the packet and put the best one on top (the one everyone looks at and says, "wow, you two are really in love").

I didn't inlcude anything lovey-dovey in mine. Just the facts, as you said, with photos, boarding passes, passport stamps, etc. to back it all up.

LOL -- lovey-dovey. Well, I didn't write "When Schmookums and I fell in wuv" or anything. I mostly wrote about how, after a while, I came to recognize the personal qualities that my fiance' has that makes us a good match/fall in love, etc. because we talk to much and spent lots of time together, etc.
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-07 22:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Intent to Marry
Just provide them with evidence that you've been in each other's company within the last two years (i.e. flight itineraries, passport stamps, photographs of you together for every trip you've made to see each other) and that you have a genuine relationship (letters, cards, e-mails, phone bills showing you called each other regularly) and all should be well. The "intent to marry" part, I think, just means that you have a real relationship that would logically lead to the desire to wed. Also, pay attention to how you answer question no. 18 of the I-129F; your response could (should?) express that you're really in love, have been in each other's company, and how/when you decided to get married.

Good luck! Buona fortuna! :thumbs:

Edited by Karen_L, 07 June 2006 - 11:30 AM.

Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-07 11:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew job

Due to my boyfriend losing his job a month ago,he now moved up to Washington and is looking for a new job.
His divorce will (finally!!!) be final very soon and I will probably go to visit him in WA by November.We thought that if everything goes well we might finally put the I 129 in while I'm there......
Now my question only is ,how long does he have to have the new job? We definitley do not have anyone who could or would be a co sponsor.
He also wants to join the Army National Guards soon.Is that gonna be counted as Income and will it make the entiire Immigration Process any easier?
Thanks for any helpful replies!

There isn't any required time the petitioner has to be employed in order to file on your behalf. I think it probably *is* easier if the petitioner is employed, but if he has some trouble finding a new job right away, he could always rely on his savings and maybe he could find SOMEONE willing to co-sponsor you -- even if it's a friend or a cousin. Anyway, if it's just you and him, the required income is not very high for a household of 2 people and he could probably find a job where he will make more than that (there are poverty guidelines posted in the guides I think). Also, I think his national guards income would count, so no worries. :)
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-08 06:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview date scheduled
:) Wonderful news! Good luck!
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-07 22:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIntervew tomorrow
GOOD LUCK! :star: Tell us all about it when you're though and get a good night's sleep (as much as you can, considering how nervous you must be!).
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-07 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAverage time?

don't make any major plans (like preparing a wedding for a certain date or pre-booking airline tickets) until you have the visa in hand ...

Excellent advice! :yes: Be prepared to do everything on short notice and to possibly spend a load of money on the plane ticket once you get the visa, since you will probably buy it so close to the day of the flight.
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-08 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHoneymoons
My fiance' (by then husband) and I will be honeymooning within 300 - 400 miles of where we live lol (no money + no greencard = honeymoon from hunger) :lol: but we'll have fun anyway.
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-08 09:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresno middle name!

I Left mine blank, didnt want anyone to think my middle name was "NONE" :unsure:

LOL -- I thought the same way and left it blank for my fiance's name too.
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-10 10:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresphone number on I-129F

Slightly off topic but - in a normal situation (not where the consulate cancels an interview or other unusal extenuating circumstances) would someone from immigration really have a need to call the foreign fiance at home? I was just wondering about why they might need to do that.

I don't know. My K-1 experience thus far has been us desperately trying to reach THEM, not vice-versa lol. They probably just want the number just incase something happens and they absolutely have to call (i.e. to cancel an interview, change an interview date for whatever reason, etc).

My fiance' doesn't have a home phone in Italy -- I put his cell number down and all has been well so far. :thumbs:
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-10 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVISA APPROVED
Congratulations!! :luv: B)
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-08 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould Fiance Come Visit

I don't know if this goes here or not but oh well someone can move it if its not in the right place.

Here's the thing. Jon was going to come visit me next whenever my interview is at. Well right now I don't even see any signs of that happening until the fall what with our noa2 still missing and everything and its already the middle of June so before work gets busy and he can't take time off til fall, should he come visit me again? Or should we just tough it out til the fall or whenever? I'm really finding it harder to go without seeing him after each visit and I'm broken about not getting to see him til the fall (because in reality USCIS isn't going to speed up our case in 2 months) I can't even concentrate on very much anymore because I miss him so bad. Is it selfish of me to want him to come visit again so soon after his last visit? I'm confused. I'm emotional and I just want him to hold me or be with me. I'm sick at the thought of having to wait til Sept/October to be with him again. Any advice? I am not even sure this post is coherent but I'll post it anyway. Some people go through alot more time than I do between visits but those visits are everything to me, ya know? I think I'm still with him because of these visits. If I didn't have the visits I would fall apart compleltey, you know? So ya thanks for listening. :unsure:

I notice that you last saw your fiance' 25 days ago (says so on your tickertag :)) may I suggest something -- I've been with my fiance' for three large chunks of time over the last year and a half; 2 months in Fall 2004, 3 weeks in Spring 2005 and 1 month (Jan. 2006) and I've noticed that when I first get back from visiting I'm more or less okay (i.e. the first two weeks) because even though we may have made a scene at the airport as I was leaving, we just saw each other, and that's comforting for a while. But I've noticed that almost EXACTLY a month everytime after coming back to the US, I miss him DESPERATELY to the point where I literally cannot think of anything else but how much I miss him. I think a month after I return the reality of how long I have to wait to see him again (and maybe, in a small way, the fear I never will again) hits me. Do you think you may be experiencing something similar -- panic at the realization of how long it may be? I completely sympathize with how you feel right now, but maybe if your fiance' has some financial troubles relating to traveling, it's better if he doesn't visit again right away so he can visit later on when you haven't seen him for a longer while.

This feeling of desperation will somewhat pass, I think, but maybe planning for him to return in a few months would make you feel better, even if he won't be arriving for a little while. Buying the plane ticket and knowing the exact date when we will see each other has always made my fiance' and I feel better, even if the date was months away. It's something concrete to look forward to.

Good luck! I hope you feel better soon! :luv:
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-10 17:59:00