K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAddress Change

The petitioner certainly will, otherwise you're not going to get your approval notices are you?

The beneficiary will need to notify the US consulate of their change of address, but not until they have received the approved package. The consulate needs to send the beneficiary notices and letters.

Thank you that helps alot!!!!
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-05-31 06:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAddress Change
I just want to know if it is neccessary that the petioner and beneficiary update their address details?

We have a pending I-130 and I-129F and we have both change address since filing the forms. Do we both need to update our addresses with the USCIS?

Sam :blink:
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-05-31 03:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 APPROVED!!!

Well, we just got our I-130s approved today (ya!!!). We were wondering two things:
1. How long does it take to get an interview with just the I-130s compared to getting one with the I-129F?
2. How long does it usually take to get the I-129F to get approved AFTER the I-130s?

Congratulations - Looks like the sun is finally comming out for some of us!!!
Good luck with the rest of the process!!!!! :dance:
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-06-06 05:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresk3 - Vermont March filer

i hope...

Hey girl hang in there our prayers will be answered soon - Have faith!
Chat with me to pass time by I have realised that by keeping yourself busy time flies by.
I have taken to watching movies and doing artificial nails and that also keeps me calm...

I am sure that when this is all over we will be mailing eachother about how wonderful things are and our plans for the future... Wow I am fruity this morning......

Hope everyone has a good weekend - I have a good feeling about next week!
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-06-08 02:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresk3 - Vermont March filer
Would the average wait count start when the paperwork is transfered and received by the new Service Centre or when it was initially received as per the NOA1?
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-06-05 00:43:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresk3 - Vermont March filer
Where does VJ get the average turn around time of 41 days from filing I-129 to NOA2 on the Processing Times as it does not seem that this is the case at all???
Not from my experience but that of the others on the site...
I am unfortunately only a May filer..... So My hopes for being with my hubby by August might be crushed!!!!

Sitting and waiting feels like the transitional period between dying and crossing over - that is if you beleive in ghosts and that if they have unfinnished business on earth they hang around... See this waiting makes me koo koo!!!!!

John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-06-04 00:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTouched on a Sunday.. Why.

Ok all i have updated my signature, it was touched again today so that is 4 touches in 5 days......

it is always the 129F that is touched, not the 130; is this ok......

i have read a lot on these boards about being approved and the status does not change on CRIS.... so not sure.... if i should call USCIS.

i have never called them before; i know it does not hurt but they don't seem to have much information.

Also if i have an approval, should the 130 be touched and approved also, because i notice this is how it happens that the 129 gets approved and the 130 does too.

Any advice on what i should do, call or should i just sit tight and wait.

Any advice would be appriciated......;

i am more stunned than actually excited..... is'nt that strange......

Shiv, of wat I gathered so far, I guess you should call and not enter your case number when prompted so you will be directed to a real person. Then ask him if you got an RFE, tell him you are asking because you got touched several times last week. People previously said that they were told they were approved when they did that...Good luck dude, and please update your time line, if you got approved.

I have found so many numbers to call them on - which is the best?

How many number have you found so far?

1 800 767 1833
1 800 375 5283
1 603 334 0700 - NVC

I am overseas in South Africa and need the best number to call from my side. Does it matter where your papers are files as to where you should call?
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-06-12 23:55:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTouched on a Sunday.. Why.

Ok all i have updated my signature, it was touched again today so that is 4 touches in 5 days......

it is always the 129F that is touched, not the 130; is this ok......

i have read a lot on these boards about being approved and the status does not change on CRIS.... so not sure.... if i should call USCIS.

i have never called them before; i know it does not hurt but they don't seem to have much information.

Also if i have an approval, should the 130 be touched and approved also, because i notice this is how it happens that the 129 gets approved and the 130 does too.

Any advice on what i should do, call or should i just sit tight and wait.

Any advice would be appriciated......;

i am more stunned than actually excited..... is'nt that strange......

Shiv, of wat I gathered so far, I guess you should call and not enter your case number when prompted so you will be directed to a real person. Then ask him if you got an RFE, tell him you are asking because you got touched several times last week. People previously said that they were told they were approved when they did that...Good luck dude, and please update your time line, if you got approved.

I have found so many numbers to call them on - which is the best?
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-06-12 09:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTouched on a Sunday.. Why.

Hi all,

I don't know why my application was touched on a Sunday.... That is yesterday 10th of June; i have never called USCIS for the Past 2 months. It was touched for the first time since 23rd April, on the 8th which is Friday and again Touched this Sunday; Both times it was the I-129f that was touched.

Any thoughts.

Check my line I also got touched last week twice and then on sunday again...

Please Please Please let an approval come next - I will really be happy!!!!

Good luck and update me if you get anything else! I will you too!

John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-06-12 09:14:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 approved, I129F/K3 still pending. What now?

Got an email today that my I130 on behalf of my wife was approved on 5/31. The I129F/K3 still shows as pending. Does this mean now that I should abandon the K3 visa, or will this be put on hold automatically (as it would happen the other way around if I130 and I129F are approved at the same time)? Also, is there anything I need to do when the actual NOA2 notice arrives? I'm asking because I'm in Germany at the moment and had not planned on being back in the US until June 21st (i.e., about two and a half weeks from now).

Thanks for your help.

Congratulations that is absolutely brilliant!!!!! :dance:
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-06-06 05:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 Vermont - Any Feb/Mar left without NOA2's yet

Hi John/Sam

Oh dear! i am sorry to hear about the messup! They seem to be doing that A LOT recently. I have not had a touch since April 27th so i am also really worried that they have misplaced my file or that it has been lost somewhere!

Even more frustration when i see other people who have filed after me getting approved. Don't get me wrong - I'm VERY happy for them! But it just causes me to wonder even more if something has gone wrong with my application..

Should i call VSC and see if there is an RFE or something?

I would defiately suggest that - I am planning on calling today too...
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-06-27 05:10:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 Vermont - Any Feb/Mar left without NOA2's yet

Hi everyone,

I'm just checking to see if i am practically the only one on VJ for a K3 visa via Vermont that hasn't received an approval or an RFE or a touch yet? I received my NOA1's in early mar.

Arrggghh! its just soo frustrating! I submitted in Feb. My last touch was in mid April when my I I29f got transferred from MVC to VSC, and until now its been dead in the water. I see many who submitted in end April/May who have got their NOA2's.

Heck, even an RFE would be nice ( touch wood!) but at least i know someone is looking at my file! Ironic that the seasons are a changing ( from winter when we submitted, spring and now summer) but my file seems to be frozen solid at the USCIS ice kingdom :unsure: .

Anyone feeling left out on the sidelines?

-Waiting in Me-

My Husband files everything in Feb and then he left to go to school about an hour away from home... The USCIS messed up and something happened with the cheque. He only realised this when he returned hom end of March. Therefore we had to resubmit everything - a waist of 2 months!
I received my NOA2 on the 1st May - it was transfered from Chicago to VSC 16 May and last touch was 10 June....

Also sitting at the VSC.....

Hoping and praying!!!!
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-06-26 00:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApril Filers

I filed my I130 in March but My I129 is filed in April, I am hoping we will get some approvals soon for April filers, I hope to be one.. Please post in here if you are an April Filer so we can keep track of each others progress and support each other.

Good luck :thumbs:

I'm in the same boat as you. Filed I130 in March and I129F early April.

As per my timeline below Am I an April or May filer???
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-06-27 01:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWTF is going on???

John/Sam Miles,

You haven't figured out how many Approval Notices were received, you have figured out how many VJers have reported their receipt.

Perhaps more fiance(e)s are being approved because more are petitioning. Do you have those figures?


I have jsut checked the Immigration Timelines and figured out the following:

In the last month about 100 NOA2's were received by either K1, K3 and CR1 filers
Of that 100 only 12 were K3 filers
of that 12, 5 were from India

This is from different Service Centers.

What is going on with the K3???

Why is there more Fiance's being approved than Spouses???

When I first filed I thought I would get there alot quicker after reading in so many places that the USA feels strongly about reuniting families.

Man - Wait Wait Wait Wait - Dont they realise that it is real peoples lives they are waisting here!!!!!

I want to see my husband!!!!

Nope I haven't had time to check on anything else.

Obviously we are all looking for answers to help us feel better about the time it takes us to be reunited with our families and this was just a quick analysis...

When I have time I will look into it deeper....

Your incomplete analysis probably disturbed you unnecessarily because it allowed you to draw the wrong conclusion. The only reason I pointed our that it was missing key data was to let you know you'd concluded incorrectly, so you could relax. Continue the analysis if you want but I'm confident the final outcome will be that the ratio of K3 to other case types approved is in line with the comparative ratio of petitions submitted. Again, as Yodrak said, you're only looking at petitions reported as filed and approved by VJ members. That's quite an incomplete and unscientific sample.

So, not only is the analysis of the available data incomplete but the sample is tainted.

Yes it did upset me but that is ok... Like I said we are all looking for answers as to why the process takes so long... I have given up on looking for answers as like you said it is only that of VJ members and that is not even half of what was actually submitted.
I was hastey in doing the incomplete analysis.

I did read somewhere today that the VSC is at a backlog and will only run smoothly again after the 7/13/2007 once they have sorted out other filing that has priority...

So right now we revert to the saying "Patience is a virtue" :innocent:
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-06-28 08:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWTF is going on???

John/Sam Miles,

You haven't figured out how many Approval Notices were received, you have figured out how many VJers have reported their receipt.

Perhaps more fiance(e)s are being approved because more are petitioning. Do you have those figures?


I have jsut checked the Immigration Timelines and figured out the following:

In the last month about 100 NOA2's were received by either K1, K3 and CR1 filers
Of that 100 only 12 were K3 filers
of that 12, 5 were from India

This is from different Service Centers.

What is going on with the K3???

Why is there more Fiance's being approved than Spouses???

When I first filed I thought I would get there alot quicker after reading in so many places that the USA feels strongly about reuniting families.

Man - Wait Wait Wait Wait - Dont they realise that it is real peoples lives they are waisting here!!!!!

I want to see my husband!!!!

Nope I haven't had time to check on anything else.

Obviously we are all looking for answers to help us feel better about the time it takes us to be reunited with our families and this was just a quick analysis...

When I have time I will look into it deeper....
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-06-28 00:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWTF is going on???
I have jsut checked the Immigration Timelines and figured out the following:

In the last month about 100 NOA2's were received by either K1, K3 and CR1 filers
Of that 100 only 12 were K3 filers
of that 12, 5 were from India

This is from different Service Centers.

What is going on with the K3???

Why is there more Fiance's being approved than Spouses???

When I first filed I thought I would get there alot quicker after reading in so many places that the USA feels strongly about reuniting families.

Man - Wait Wait Wait Wait - Dont they realise that it is real peoples lives they are waisting here!!!!!

I want to see my husband!!!!
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-06-27 01:35:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTel. #'s for USCIS - Help?

Its the only number to call unfortunately. All the direct numbers to service centers have been disconnected..... To make it worse, the people normally on that 1800 number are contractors and have no clue about details of visa processing. Just rely on your online case status. Its the most reliable piece of info you can get...

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news :wacko: Hang in there

I have just read alot of posts where the VJ'ers have been receiving their package 3 without the Case Status Online even changing...
I guess that would be a bonus "Nothing lost".
It would just really be nice to get through to someone who can tell me if my papers are ok as we had an issue initially with the cheques....

Oh well cant help but Wishfull Thinking!!!

I just hope I get to my hubby before they decide on deporting him.

I have actually heard of that too. If you want to keep trying to call I think they operate on east coast time. So that would mean it would be 6am i think? Try to call them in a couple of hours. If the person you are talking to is hopeless and you are not in the states at the moment, tell him/her that you have an urgent situation and you can't make an infopass appointment coz u are overseas and you need to chase up the status of your case. Once I said this to the call operator and she put me through to someone else. However i was put on hold for 50 minutes and she didnt end up telling me anything worthwhile anyway... Try though, you never know your luck!

Looking at my NOA1 for my I-130 it was received in March therefore I would probably be a March filer then... Ah man this is all to technical for me... Well I will just be an April filer and just hope for the best then....

Soldiers Story - Thanks for that I really appreciate it! I will give annother try - Heck I have nothing else better to do with my time!!!
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-06-28 05:10:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTel. #'s for USCIS - Help?

Its the only number to call unfortunately. All the direct numbers to service centers have been disconnected..... To make it worse, the people normally on that 1800 number are contractors and have no clue about details of visa processing. Just rely on your online case status. Its the most reliable piece of info you can get...

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news :wacko: Hang in there

I have just read alot of posts where the VJ'ers have been receiving their package 3 without the Case Status Online even changing...
I guess that would be a bonus "Nothing lost".
It would just really be nice to get through to someone who can tell me if my papers are ok as we had an issue initially with the cheques....

Oh well cant help but Wishfull Thinking!!!

I just hope I get to my hubby before they decide on deporting him.
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-06-28 04:52:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTel. #'s for USCIS - Help?

Can anyone help me with this???

I have been calling the following number:

+1 800 375 5283

I dont seem to be able to get through to a human. I have tried all of the options and the machine recording keeps on repeating "call back between 8-5 and you can speak to a Call Centre consultant" and I am calling within those times.....

My papers are at the VSC. Is there another nubmer I can try??? :wacko:
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-06-28 04:25:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting US - K3 Pending - Docs needed???
Hi all

I am going to visit my hubby in the US and I just want to make sure I am ready for interrogation at immigrations...
I really dont need any hiccups getting there...

I have gathered the following docs:

Letter from employer stating leave dates
Letter from mother RE care of my daughter while I am away
My car Financing Invoice
NOA 1 for I-130 for myself and daughter
NOA1 for I-129F
Letter from my hubby requesting permission for me to go and visit stating we are currently going through I129F process.

Is there anything else anyone can suggest I might still need???
I dont want to get turned away from my visit!
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-07-18 06:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting US - K3 Pending - Docs needed???

SEE Duplicate post. http://www.visajourn...showtopic=78741

Yes I now it is my post that posted like 3 times due to my computer giving me an error message so I thought it didn't go through... When I restarted it had logged 3 times...

Sorry :blush:
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-07-18 07:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting US - K3 Pending - Docs needed???
Hi all

I am going to visit my hubby in the US and I just want to make sure I am ready for interrogation at immigrations...
I really dont need any hiccups getting there...

I have gathered the following docs:

Letter from employer stating leave dates
Letter from mother RE care of my daughter while I am away
My car Financing Invoice
NOA 1 for I-130 for myself and daughter
NOA1 for I-129F
Letter from my hubby requesting permission for me to go and visit stating we are currently going through I129F process.

Is there anything else anyone can suggest I might still need???
I dont want to get turned away from my visit!
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-07-18 06:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting US - K3 Pending - Docs needed???

The documents you mention sound like a lot of proof that you intend to leave. In fact, if you have trouble getting into the States with that, then I probably have no chance of getting into the States for my Sept trip (I will only have return ticket, letter from employer and wedding invitation to show as reason for visit/reason to leave - I have no property etc)

I would actually like to ask a similar question... If you are refused entry on your arrival in the States, what is the proceedure for getting back home? I have already used the search function and can't seem to come up with anything (tried "customs refused entry" and variations of it, plus "home after refusal" - I like to be prepared if the worst should happen).

The only thread that seems to be close to what I am looking for is a Nigerian woman whose thread was closed due to it heating up quite a bit and she doesn't mention the trip back at all.

I honestly think that no matter how desperately I want to see my husband, if it was not for my brother in laws wedding I would not be travelling to the US before the visa process was finished. It's nerve wracking thinking of what may or may not happen at customs on this trip and I don't want to be responsible for putting a grey cloud over my B.I.Ls wedding day if I am refused.

One thing which gives me hope, is that on my last trip to the States (back in Feb) I stated to the customs official that I was entering the States to get married. He asked to see my return ticket and he took that as sufficient evidence that I was intending to leave. I think it may also have worked in my favour that I asked if he could stamp the same page as they had previously, which meant he saw I had travelled to the States on 3 occasions prior to that trip. The stamp won't work in my favour this time, because I have my new passport in my married name... so it's brand new :( I might take my cancelled one along with me, just in case.

Better be safe than sorry. Take the old one with incase...

I am sorry I cannot help on if you get refused entry....

My country doesn't let us purchase a one way without an immgrant visa so teh return ticket is all I can buy...
I really hope I dont have problems - but being human it is normal to worry... I am just going to take it easy and relax no use stressing for some thing that may or may not happen... I will deal with it when I get to it...

Thanks for the advise though! it is always good to get a 2nd or 3rd or 4th opinion...

Good luck!
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-07-18 07:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting US - K3 Pending - Docs needed???

That is true, I am sure the documents you have will be just fine and especially that your daughter is not going, I feel that is the number 1 reason for you returning! I hope you enjoy your time here with your hubby.

Well, I hear that it is very hard for the SO to visit their spouse, It's not impossible but can be very diffuclt but as long as you have STRONG ties back to your home country, it can be done. I cant even imagine what you're going through right now. I wish I could think of more supporting documents for you to bring, but I cant.

How long will you be staying?

Well, I hear that it is very hard for the SO to visit their spouse, It's not impossible but can be very difficult but as long as you have STRONG ties back to your home country, it can be done. I cant even imagine what you're going through right now. I wish I could think of more supporting documents for you to bring, but I cant.

How long will you be staying?

I will only be there for two weeks and I have a booked return ticket so that should help...

I am just scared to take papers for house as it might register in the new owners name whilst I am there.

I am sure seeing that I have a child to go back to could help?

Thank you again!!!
Some people say that they have lied and said they are going shopping and had no problems and others said that they were honest - I intend on being honest as I have nothing to hide....
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-07-18 07:12:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting US - K3 Pending - Docs needed???

Well, I hear that it is very hard for the SO to visit their spouse, It's not impossible but can be very diffuclt but as long as you have STRONG ties back to your home country, it can be done. I cant even imagine what you're going through right now. I wish I could think of more supporting documents for you to bring, but I cant.

How long will you be staying?

Well, I hear that it is very hard for the SO to visit their spouse, It's not impossible but can be very difficult but as long as you have STRONG ties back to your home country, it can be done. I cant even imagine what you're going through right now. I wish I could think of more supporting documents for you to bring, but I cant.

How long will you be staying?

I will only be there for two weeks and I have a booked return ticket so that should help...

I am just scared to take papers for house as it might register in the new owners name whilst I am there.

I am sure seeing that I have a child to go back to could help?
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-07-18 06:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting US - K3 Pending - Docs needed???

Well I would, i guess the more supporting documents, the better. Good Luck with everything!!!

Well it looks like you have the supporting documents. I hope everything goes smoothly for you!

Hi all

I am going to visit my hubby in the US and I just want to make sure I am ready for interrogation at immigrations...
I really dont need any hiccups getting there...

I have gathered the following docs:

Letter from employer stating leave dates
Letter from mother RE care of my daughter while I am away
My car Financing Invoice
NOA 1 for I-130 for myself and daughter
NOA1 for I-129F
Letter from my hubby requesting permission for me to go and visit stating we are currently going through I129F process.

Is there anything else anyone can suggest I might still need???
I dont want to get turned away from my visit!

Do you also have anything about your home ( mortgage or lease papers)?

I have just sold my house because of the immigration process...
It has not yet registered in the new owners name so maybe I can still take docs re it?

Thank you very much for the comment! I am just a bundle of nerves right now!!!
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-07-18 06:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting US - K3 Pending - Docs needed???

Well it looks like you have the supporting documents. I hope everything goes smoothly for you!

Hi all

I am going to visit my hubby in the US and I just want to make sure I am ready for interrogation at immigrations...
I really dont need any hiccups getting there...

I have gathered the following docs:

Letter from employer stating leave dates
Letter from mother RE care of my daughter while I am away
My car Financing Invoice
NOA 1 for I-130 for myself and daughter
NOA1 for I-129F
Letter from my hubby requesting permission for me to go and visit stating we are currently going through I129F process.

Is there anything else anyone can suggest I might still need???
I dont want to get turned away from my visit!

Do you also have anything about your home ( mortgage or lease papers)?

I have just sold my house because of the immigration process...
It has not yet registered in the new owners name so maybe I can still take docs re it?
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-07-18 06:31:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting US - K3 Pending - Docs needed???
Hi all

I am going to visit my hubby in the US and I just want to make sure I am ready for interrogation at immigrations...
I really dont need any hiccups getting there...

I have gathered the following docs:

Letter from employer stating leave dates
Letter from mother RE care of my daughter while I am away
My car Financing Invoice
NOA 1 for I-130 for myself and daughter
NOA1 for I-129F
Letter from my hubby requesting permission for me to go and visit stating we are currently going through I129F process.

Is there anything else anyone can suggest I might still need???
I dont want to get turned away from my visit!
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-07-18 06:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWorking Once entered US on K3

If you enter on a K3 you will need to file for a Employment Authorization Document and SSN, it takes about 90 days to get the EAD and then once you have that you can apply for a SSN...

If you enter on a CR1/IR1 then you can work from the day you enter the US but you will need a SSN and it will take about 2 - 4 weeks to get...

Hope this helps


Thank you very much! :thumbs:
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-08-07 05:27:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWorking Once entered US on K3
If anyone has got any info or advise on how long it takes before you can start working once you enter the states on a K3 it will be much appreciated.

I am baffled :blink: as to which petition to follow the CR1 or the K3...
I need to work shortly after entering the US....

Please help!

John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-08-07 03:55:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 vs CR1 with child

Go the k3 route, my wife was here for 4 months before the i-130 was approved. The visa is $100 for the k3, and the k4 child is free when traveling with the mother. Also you wont need another i-130 for the kid, and adjustment of status if different too, once here, k3 will be $1000, and k4 will be $600. Dont worry! Get the visa first, it will cover them both, then worry about AOS after they are here for a while. You can put off AOS until 90 days before the expiration of the visa, which is two years from the interview. GO K3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow finally someone who has been through what I am going through!!!

My issue is that I want to work as soon as I get into the country. And what about driving? I need an SS and to get that the AOS has to be done..... Can I file EAD without AOS? I dont think so.... That is my issue...

Please advise?

Yes I want to be with my husband more than anything but I also dont want to get there and with my daughter and become a burden. Yes my husband has ample income but I am an independant woman and cannot be unemployed otherwise I go nuts!!!

If you arrive on a K3 visa it will be a minimum of 3 to 4 months before you can be authorized to work. On a CR1 visa, you are authorized to work upon arrival but won't have a Social Security number for a couple weeks. My wife filed EAD without AOS but now it is all included in the same fee. They can be issued separately but you are still looking at 3-4 months.

Do you know if the states let you drive on an international drivers licence? I will be moving to Virginia.... I would probably need to contact their DMV....

Do you know what the AOS is for my daughter? I tried looking at the fees structure but it is confusing cause where the fee is for me $1000 there it says children under 17 $0.....
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-08-08 00:27:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 vs CR1 with child

Go the k3 route, my wife was here for 4 months before the i-130 was approved. The visa is $100 for the k3, and the k4 child is free when traveling with the mother. Also you wont need another i-130 for the kid, and adjustment of status if different too, once here, k3 will be $1000, and k4 will be $600. Dont worry! Get the visa first, it will cover them both, then worry about AOS after they are here for a while. You can put off AOS until 90 days before the expiration of the visa, which is two years from the interview. GO K3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, this is so full of errors, I would just delete it if I could. Shudder.

Yodrak already made the corrections but I can't find anything that is correct above except perhaps that skinman569's wife was here 4 months before the I-130 was approved. You've confused so many different facts from so many different places that it is mind boggling.

Well my I-130 and I-129 are already approved...

My delemma is that if I want to go CR1 I need to wait for my childs I-130 (currently waiting on the RFE) to approve which was sent in the same time as mine in March.

With the K3 I am scared I get there and cannot drive around until I get an SS which is what 3-6 months...... and the work is an issue for me I need to stay busy....

Man this is such a decision to make! I dont want to get there and become a burden and put unneccessary pressure on my marriage because I have to wait to work but on the other hand I want to get there asap!... Oh man!!!!!
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-08-08 00:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 vs CR1 with child

Go the k3 route, my wife was here for 4 months before the i-130 was approved. The visa is $100 for the k3, and the k4 child is free when traveling with the mother. Also you wont need another i-130 for the kid, and adjustment of status if different too, once here, k3 will be $1000, and k4 will be $600. Dont worry! Get the visa first, it will cover them both, then worry about AOS after they are here for a while. You can put off AOS until 90 days before the expiration of the visa, which is two years from the interview. GO K3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow finally someone who has been through what I am going through!!!

My issue is that I want to work as soon as I get into the country. And what about driving? I need an SS and to get that the AOS has to be done..... Can I file EAD without AOS? I dont think so.... That is my issue...

Please advise?

Yes I want to be with my husband more than anything but I also dont want to get there and with my daughter and become a burden. Yes my husband has ample income but I am an independant woman and cannot be unemployed otherwise I go nuts!!!
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-08-08 00:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 vs CR1 with child

I am trying to brainstorm as to which process to follow.....

CR1 - I need to know if the IV fee of $380 is per applicant? Per approved I-130....
- Is the $70 AOS Bill also per approved I-130

In other words do I pay double everything for myself and my daughter of nearly 4 years?

K3 - Is the $1010 for EAD charged for the K3 and K4?
Do you submit a whole new EAD for the K4 or do the fall under the K3 the entire time?
- Is the Visa fee $100 each for the K3 and K4?

Man this is really mind boggeling!!!!

Can anyone say with an estimate how much longer the CR1 can be than the K3?


Thank you all very much

My I-130 is sittting with the NVC and has been assigned a case number already.
Dont know where my I-129 is as it is not yet at my embassy.
I filled both I-130s at the same time in March and mine was approved on the 31 July whereas they sent a mail with an RFE for my daighters.
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-08-07 08:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 vs CR1 with child
I am trying to brainstorm as to which process to follow.....

CR1 - I need to know if the IV fee of $380 is per applicant? Per approved I-130....
- Is the $70 AOS Bill also per approved I-130

In other words do I pay double everything for myself and my daughter of nearly 4 years?

K3 - Is the $1010 for EAD charged for the K3 and K4?
Do you submit a whole new EAD for the K4 or do the fall under the K3 the entire time?
- Is the Visa fee $100 each for the K3 and K4?

Man this is really mind boggeling!!!!

Can anyone say with an estimate how much longer the CR1 can be than the K3?

John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-08-07 07:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch i-130 and I-129F filers new thread

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to setup a new thread to share info with the other March filers.

I-130 US citizen spouse overseas
Noa1 date 13 March 07
case touched on 12 June.
No news yet.

Any other March filers have any news?

Hey there

My I-130 was filed and received on the 28th of March.
It was touched on the 10th June and nothing after that....

Sam :wacko:
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-07-02 10:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPackage 3 - K3
I was just called by the Consulate in Johannesburg South Africa to go and collect my package 3. Will be doing that tomorrow! Woo Hoo!!!!

Finally things are happening!!!!!
:dance: :dance: :dance:

I have opted to carry on at my company until the End Sept so I wont be able to fly out until the 1st October! That is only 6 1/2 weeks away!!!
And then my life changes forever! I have a wonderful Husband waiting for me and I cant wait to go HOME!!!

Good luck to the rest of you!!!
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-08-14 07:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp - K3 Interview
QUOTE (MariaDane @ Aug 21 2007, 02:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck with your interview good.gif

THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!! I got my date today too!!!! Woo Hoo!!!
I am 6 weeks closer to eventually starting my life!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-08-21 07:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp - K3 Interview
QUOTE (tonyr7 @ Aug 21 2007, 11:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
everything you will be required to bring, will be listed in pack 3
make sure you bring additional copies of everything
every consul is different
and every CO will adjudicate differently
if you have all required documentation, you will do just fine
good luck


I went to fetch the pack 3 myself and it states obtain the following doccuments for your interview which pertain to your case... The officer didn't tick anything and I cant get through to them so....

But thank you for the advise!!!!
I think I just want to be prepared!!!
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-08-21 05:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp - K3 Interview
QUOTE (island_princess @ Aug 21 2007, 09:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Which Affidavit of Support is needed for the K3 interview?

K3 needs I-134 form for each beneficiary, not the I-864.

Are the I-130 and I-129F NOA2's requested at the interview?

Nope. The embassy gets the approved I-129F (if you are going K3 all the way) from NVC. YOu don't need to bring a copy either, but you need to know (by heart) the info encoded by the USC spouse. The embassy interviewers will verify these.

Do you need a copy of the full pack of paperwork sent in for the I-130 and I-129F for your K3 interview?

No. Refer to the previous answer. All you will bring are the required documents in you Packet 3/4. Bring all original/certified copies except of ITR or tax transcripts ( a copy will do).

Wow thank you very much that helps alot!!!!
John/Sam MilesFemaleSouth Africa2007-08-21 03:10:00