K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjust a question about proof of meeting and

Thanks nik and Gary for the replies.

I've read up on both CR-1s and K-1 visa both of them just so I understood what each one would require interesting to read, yes I fully understand that we need to have met up once that was this year after 2 year wait and planning to do the same come october just as a 2nd meetup. It's also when he plans for formally ask to marry me and pick out the ring with me there hence the second trip. Plus the upside is the Filing fee's we hope will have gone down by that point YAY. I know he will be the one filing for the I-190f paperwork :D

I just wanted to in essence frontload him with everything we MAY potentially need ie boarding pass copies stamps, atm withdrawels and any chat logs and emails etc etc as they are all with me at the moment. Was a quick question was all so if I came across as misunderstanding I do apologise I have spend the last 3 months reading and writing information down from VJ and just wanted to clarify a few points also moving in two weeks soooo chuckles I can be a bit fuzzbrained with 3 tracks of ooooo new info ahhhh pack and argh blonde moments :dance:

Thanks all again

gawd I blanked ment to type I-129f not I-190f just realised after posting opps serves me right for reading at 130am in the morning -_-
EvilEmmyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-22 19:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjust a question about proof of meeting and
Thanks nik and Gary for the replies.

I've read up on both CR-1s and K-1 visa both of them just so I understood what each one would require interesting to read, yes I fully understand that we need to have met up once that was this year after 2 year wait and planning to do the same come october just as a 2nd meetup. It's also when he plans for formally ask to marry me and pick out the ring with me there hence the second trip. Plus the upside is the Filing fee's we hope will have gone down by that point YAY. I know he will be the one filing for the I-190f paperwork :D

I just wanted to in essence frontload him with everything we MAY potentially need ie boarding pass copies stamps, atm withdrawels and any chat logs and emails etc etc as they are all with me at the moment. Was a quick question was all so if I came across as misunderstanding I do apologise I have spend the last 3 months reading and writing information down from VJ and just wanted to clarify a few points also moving in two weeks soooo chuckles I can be a bit fuzzbrained with 3 tracks of ooooo new info ahhhh pack and argh blonde moments :dance:

Thanks all again
EvilEmmyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-22 19:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjust a question about proof of meeting and
hi nik thanks for your reply, well I have considered getting married in October. Oddly enough he wanted to get married while I was in the states in March that month there and then. Oh I kind of wish i'd said yeh let's do it but alas we didn't! Lord know's why but I really want my mum to be there when we get married that's kind of dorky. It was a romantic idea but I'm sure even though I'm 26 my family would have been a tad peeved at such an impromptu whim. As it was so kindly pointed out today by a close family member you barely know him (I love that comment spent 3 solid months together day in day out and almost 2 and half years of daily talking as well). It is more than most get in a LDR relationship as seems most get a few weeks here and that made me soo grateful I had longer!

I suggested the K1 route as it seems to be faster option though i'm only going by impression here and thought of the CR1 route seems they both need roughly the same evidence. I'm still thinking of that option but I'm not sure I know they both involve marriage but to be honest it sounds loony would it look wierd having an impromptu marriage and coming back and immediately filing for a CR1 thats my major concern which one will take longer.

My finances are ok i will admit it's a scrimpt just to save for my trips but they're so worth it it's more on his side I worry for he hasnt had much luck on the jobfront where he lives. :blink:
Oh well I'll have to ponder some more and ask for his imput on what he thinks I know he'd go hell lets just get married and you can stay here gawd the simplicity of the idea makes me hoot with laughter. If only!!!!!!!

Thanks again

EvilEmmyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-22 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjust a question about proof of meeting and
Thanks guys for the replies, ah well I didn't know about the police reports expiring ouch I think I will wait on that one and yup i read the k1 forum guides they are great it's what i'm using to help send the pack to him via email my fiance gets confused easily :lol:

I'm waiting till the second trip as I am heading to get more proof of meeting at the moment I have atm withdrawels receipts, boarding passes, passport stamp of entry as it was on a vwp. I also have bankstatements corresponding the money transfers for my travel card and also to my origional e-ticket confirmation. I have my origonal post office receipts for the 2nd xmas and birthday box i sent to him last year. But only have one photo of us together on our last day from my first trip as well as one of me and his son. He is a camera shy! Still have all my emails and our chat logs but my god they date back almost 2 odd years argh I couldn't imagine trawling through trying to pick the right ones as proof of maintaining our relationship, I have a few phone texts on my mobile phone and also using skype to call which I eventually plan to copy out the call lists to him lord knows how but i'll figure a way. Figured the more I collect the easier it will be for us to both pick from. I know there is alot more to come.

I'm not sure I guess i'll wait for the notarised stuff specially passport sized photographs there is a postie I'm sure will sign it closer to the date needed It's so nervvewracking trying to be prepared. I've prepared my letter of intent to my already just need to sign it as I was under the impression had to be signed in ink and not a photocopy but I will check :)
I've filled my G-325a already with my upcoming address also I will admit i'm suprised on how easy the forms are to Fill out I was expecting nightmares over them none yet.

The only other reason I'm waiting is because he is having trouble finding a job at the moment and that unnerves me due to the i-134 part that will eventually come. He does have family but his adopted parents are in their 60s. I'd idealy like him to get a job before filing for the k-1 because by golly it's an expensive thing to pay for :(

Thanks again everyone
EvilEmmyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-22 07:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjust a question about proof of meeting and
so I have a rather blonde and silly question I currently in the process making a fiance visa pack to send to my fiance via email in the states we are hoping to start the process when we next meet up for my next trip in October. So here is my question we have pitures and my flight tickets from my previous trip should the tickets be a photocopy or can they be pictures of my flight tickets as I don't currently own a printer as for the stamp in my passport too I thought this might be clearer to send via email, we are trying to keep the costs down as I fear the post going to states will be VERY slow going by previous experiences it took a small box two months to arrive.

Another question with regards to all the stuff I've read online should I get my police checks and birth cerficates done now and notarised my problem being is i'm moving in two weeks and no one in the new area no one will know me which worries me on notarising anything i might need. I want to be prepared but then there is the question shall i wait till I come back from my trip to send copies of notarised b/c and police checks to prove that I am in an ongoing relationship with him.

Thank you for reading and i look forward to any advice

EvilEmmyFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-21 11:47:00