K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much is "Enough"?

Thank you so much for advice! Really appreciate that! :)

Listen, take the time to find all the evidense you can.. Search for all photos of you and your S/O and any pics with your family and S/O, you and your S/Os family.

Don't leave anything out... Think of it like your life depends on it..

I was ready for a fight for our interview.. we rehearsed, quized ourselves with all the questions they may ask and it turned out super easy and super fast with hardly any questions.. they didn't look at anything.. But when I walked in to the Embassy, I know we were ready for anything..

Good Luck
kennymMaleColombia2010-11-06 00:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan a Canadian with passport just come to US and decide to marry US citizen?

If your intention before you cross the border from Canada to the U.S. is to get engaged and marry someone inside the U.S., then no, you can't. If you went to the U.S., and spontaneously decided to get married, yes you can. You would get married, and then adjust your status.

I beleive the distinction is, you can get married whether its planned or not, however, you cant enter the US with the intent of marrying and Adjust status.. You will need to return to Canada after your married and Petition for your spouse... If you're already in the US and suddenly decide to marry then you can marry and adjust status.. You just cant enter the US with the intent to Marry and AOS..

there is no issue with planning to enter the US and Marry, you just can stay,,,
kennymMaleColombia2010-11-24 00:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExtremely important for newbies K1 visa

The thin skinned who over-react have a tough time with this process. I'll take straight talk over fluffy maybes any day. Different strokes for different folks but the advice here is free, so it's wise to take the strokes you get.

Good Stuff... :thumbs:
kennymMaleColombia2010-11-25 02:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExtremely important for newbies K1 visa

Of course, but I have no idea what this has to do with the discussion. When false information is given, it needs to be corrected with clear and direct true statements. The member's success in the process is far more important than the feelings of the person unknowingly making false statements and certainly far more important than how a reader might feel about somebody else's false statements being corrected.

Along with not being all equally edumacated on the immigration stuff, we are also not equally diplomatic on how we say things.. We all have our own personalities.. One thing about the internet, people involved here are from all parts of the globe, so that brings diferent backgrounds, culture, experience, and personalities...


........Happy Thanksgiving...
kennymMaleColombia2010-11-24 23:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExtremely important for newbies K1 visa

I beleive the reason for the RFE is obvious... There isn't any suggestion that photos alone are sufficient evidense of meeting in person in the last 2 years.. It has always been secondary evidense.. nothing has changed from USCIS Perspective.. Primary Evidense is Boarding Passes, Passport stamps, hotel & Credit Card Reciepts.. Photos are necessary, but is secondary evidense and should never be excluded from you initial submittal..

As far as birth certificates, it is the same as always.. Copies are fine.. If they need the original, they will ask for it at the interview.. Always send copies of your personal documents and evidense. The originals can be shown at the Interview...

Nothing has changed.. it appears the confusion is with the OP thinking that photos were sufficient proof of meeting in person in the last two years.. Photos alone has never been considered as primary evidence...

Repeat for all new-members: Nothing has changed..


THere is a huge diference between "proof of meeting in person within the last 2 years" and "Proof of ongoing relationship"... To be succesful, you must keep that distinction clear and separate..

You need to show proof of Meeting in Person within the last two years for your Initial Petition (I-129-F) This include both Primary Proof and Secondary Proof..

Then after the Petition is approved...

You will need to show proof of On-going relationship to the Conusalte Officer durring the interview.. You will also need forms of Primary Proof as well as forms of secondary proof...

Any Questions?

Edited by kennym, 23 November 2010 - 10:50 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2010-11-23 10:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresURGENT HELP PLEASE TODAY

Thanks so much, I wish you all a nice Holiday.

Congratualations.. You should relax and be happy.. this is gonna be a special trip.. don't stress...
kennymMaleColombia2010-11-25 00:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1: 12 weeks and still no NOA1
If the check hasn't been cashed yet, I would definitely contact the USCIS.. I've never seen it take 3 months to recieve NOA1... Something doesn't seem right... I especially wonder about the Petitioner.. Something this important, I would've remembered how it was sent and would have made sure I tracked the delivery... I sent my Petition bu US Postal Service and was able to track the package until it was delivered... I would make sure your fiancee sent it to the correct place...

kennymMaleColombia2010-11-25 00:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureski 221(g) asking for co sponsor

Push, I think those two will be looked at the same, actually. I don't think they are looking at "credit-worthiness" which would be the only distinction between the two. In fact, the young waitress might have more potential because she is just starting out. In any case, I'm wondering if having CDs or something else would be better than having cash in the bank or if its all the same.

Hadn't thought of the fraud aspect of recent cash acquisitions. We're all human tho, I hope not to let the conspiracy theory take over in my mind. I can only present the real evidence as it exists.

In what reality does "What you Think" matter??? It's what the CO thinks!!!

What evidence are you refering to? The evidence of recieving a huge cash deposit? Are you sure you want the CO to know about that?

I believe you should stop giving advise on "what you think" it's not sound advise and helps nobody...
kennymMaleColombia2010-12-21 18:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAm I being stupid?

Today I was speaking with a man that claims to know the immigration laws. He has put doubts in my mind as the motivation of my Colombian Fiance. He told me that I am legally responsible for her for 10 years after she arrives here in the US under the K-1 visa and we marry. Even if we divorce.


There is a limited truth to his claim as others have explained,,

I am married to a Colombiana, what is it about his comments that make you doubt her intentions?

Does he know your fiancee?

The more important question is; Do you know your fiancee?

Only you can know the answers... Although, there are many factors playing into relationships, dont dismiss any behaivior, in terms of how she treats you, as "cultural diferences"..

Love and Emotions are pretty much universal, so go with your gut on this... Dont be played, and dont be paranoid either... I know it's not easy, but there are many people in the US who will make you doubt the intentions of someone they dont know, simply because All Aemricans beleive the only thing a foriegn fiancee wants is a greencard.. There is no doubt that exists, but I know it's not the only motiviating factor.. there are the genuine reasons for wanting to be with someone..

Do you know your fiancee well enough to believe her motives, or does you friend know her well enough to make you doubt her?
kennymMaleColombia2011-08-28 07:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2011 Tax Write-Offs for K1 Fiancee & Child Visa

You pay taxes on parking meters? Our taxes went down 1/4% here and I still pay 50 cents for 2 hours.

VA income is not taxable.

There used to be a time when LOTS of stuff was deductible, even interest on credit cards! Ah the good old days.

I dont think the question was about whether or not the fees were taxable, the questions is, could he take a deduction for the fees...

Re-Read the posts and then answer..

Since I am in the process of getting a K1 Fiancee Visa for my future wife and her daughter. Is there any tax writes offs for this process ? Once married "we' will get a child tax credit deduction of $1000.

By the way, we all have been doing taxes for years and we get the the part about deductions and tax credits for family, agian, that wasnt the question...

Based on the math done by my accountant I am going to go from filing single to married and from just me to four of us. Apparently while I get a tax deduction for all four of us I also get a tax credit for the minors, something like $3,000 or $3,500 each. My take home pay will increase about $1,000 a month as a result.

I am not doing this for the money! That's the way the tax code works. I have been claiming Single Zero for 30 years and paying a boatload of bucks.

You'd think monies that you pay the government would not be taxable. Do you pay a tax on traffic tickets? A tax on parking Meters? A tax on VA income? Nope.

kennymMaleColombia2011-09-29 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfirm please I-129F fee is $340.00? and mail to Texas?

Again, all great advice! Mucho gracias!

Good luck.. Let us know how things are progressing.. I have some good friends in Los Angeles area, that have petitioned for a Colombian Fiancee.. Some are still active on VJ..
kennymMaleColombia2011-09-30 11:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfirm please I-129F fee is $340.00? and mail to Texas?

always get the most CURRENT USGIS.GOV I-129 with the current fee..

The correct link is


Edited by kennym, 30 September 2011 - 12:37 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-09-30 00:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngland to USA, K-1 Visa

Anyway the US is expensive, some days its harder than others but ultimately you'll be together and it can't be anything than fabulous just because of that :)


Edited by kennym, 08 October 2011 - 02:28 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 14:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngland to USA, K-1 Visa
Rebecca, You are soo funny, of course love doesnt pay bills.. cliche'

any coupple can make it regardless of where you live... Don't over stress.. The same things that cause a couple to fail finacially will exists regardless of where they live.. just as the same things that make a couple successful...
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngland to USA, K-1 Visa

Kenny -

People who are moving to the US from another country had better "over analyze" it. It's a big decision.

In the end of stressing, there is a good chance they will still encounter unexpected challenges.. Regardless of where they decide to stay.. Over analyzing is a futile effort.. Because it requires a crystal ball..

No one can be sure of the future, so the real question is, do yo love each other.. Millions have plowed through challenges either here or anyplace, so just decide what works best..

Either way, because it is the US and England, you aint stuck if you change your mind later..
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 09:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngland to USA, K-1 Visa

Sounds like you've gotten a lot of good advise and some people want to dscourage you about things in the US...

My only advise is this;

Dont over analyze this..

The US can be whatever you want it to be.. If you're commited to each-other, then you can make it work regardless of what life throws at you.. Don't be discouraged by the comments regarding the US, frankly the bad stuff can be found regardless of where you live..

The reasons for your descisions are "Your Reasons", the only question is, are you commited to each other and can you work through whatever life throws at you together? If you answer that question, then it doesnt matter where you decide to live.. There are millions of people happy here in the US, just like there are in UK, and any other country..

What makes you happy??

In terms of the immigration, there are a lot of good advise and resources here.. Good luck..
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 01:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy fiance is moving before my arrival

Rebecca, and all of you... My sincerest appologies..

Although the rules are quiet clear, it seems I am not having any success with explaining them.. So rather than get dragged into this seemingly endless circle of posts, I just want to back out of this continuous discussion that's going nowhere..

Seriously, this is genuine, and I am sorry.. I was trying to help, but clearly I wasnt able to...

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-12 02:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy fiance is moving before my arrival
As i said, earlier, I've provided links to the rules, you guys have provided the same links and apparently havent read the stuf you've referenced,, I was trying to help.. You can do whatever floats your boat.. I suggest following the rules rather than risk you loved ones immigration status, you guys would rather fight over something that is extermely clearly defined..


Cant read? Don't like it when someone corrects you?

As i said, you can do it however you want.. for me and my family, I will take the 2 minutes and fill out the form.. you guys can choose to do it however makes you happy..

Someone asked for the requirement.. it is quiet clear, and I suggest they research it themself...

Edited by kennym, 12 October 2011 - 02:23 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-12 02:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy fiance is moving before my arrival

yeah but ive got a funny feeling it wont haha :)

Really, just because it worked for someone, it's clearly contrary to the law and I wouldn'r risk.. kind of like drinking and driving... Lot of people drive stinking drunk and nobody gets killed, does that mean we should all do it?

Seriously, I simply dont get the issue with following the rules...

It simply is you guys dont like to be corrected then admit someone else knows something as well...
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-12 02:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy fiance is moving before my arrival

omg dude not only is everyone on here wrong but now your saying USCIS are also wrong??? GET A GRIP MAN!!!!!!

OMG Dude!!

You cant read?

Read then comment...

Interesting, either you cant read, or you simply want antoginize...

If you dont realise it by now, USCIS often gives the wrong info.. Read the posts, it's there in my posts, I gave the link, then comment inteligently after you read it..

"OMG Dude", is not an inteligent reply...

Edited by kennym, 12 October 2011 - 02:11 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-12 02:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy fiance is moving before my arrival
lovelove, please be careful about listening to people at the USCIS hotline... There is plenty of stories about the wrong information comming from them...

The rest of you, the items you quoted say the same thing as I've been telling you.. They do not say, not to report, specifically it says all aliens are required to report change of address... The AR-11 specifically states "ALL ALIENS"...

Every thing you guys are quoting states all non us citizens are required to report... Are you reading the content of the links you are posting...

See this link near the bottom of the page....

Source - Additional Information - Source

Additional Information

The address reporting requirement should not be confused with renewal or replacement of lawful permanent resident cards (Form I-551) or replacement of other evidence of alien registration, such as the Form I-94, Arrival-Departure Record; I-186, Nonresident Mexican Border Crossing Card; I-688, Temporary Resident Card; or, I-766, Employment Authorization Document.

I have beat this issue to death.. And have dificulty with the fact that all the sources everyone refers me to, states specifically what I have been saying... Read your sources, you will find that all Non-US Citizens are required to report, and the I-94 does not count for the AR-11...

I guess, if you choose to do otherwise, it's your lives.. But the sources everyone has pointed to, are all extremely clear... I wouldnt risk my immigration..

For the Item above person, refering to Special Registration, It is a special category, See Below...

See Source

The National Security Entry-Exit Registration System (NSEERS, INS Special Registration)[1] is a system for registration of certain non-citizens within the United States, initiated in September 2002 as part of the War on Terrorism and terminated as of April 27th, 2011 [2]. This system has two separate portions: port-of-entry registration and domestic registration. In each case, the registree is required to be fingerprinted, photographed, and interrogated. In addition, they are required to provide detailed information about their plans and updates to the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in case of changes in plans. They are also able to travel to and from the US via certain ports only.

So, I've about beat this to death, those that dis-agree, it's ok, but I would recommend that everyone who is concerned about ensuring their family Immigration Status do thier own research...

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-11 22:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy fiance is moving before my arrival

USCIS says: Mr Kenny, we are not going to renew your wife's greencard...

Kenny Says; why is that sir.

USCIS Says; Mr Kenny, the process is clear, you must maintain a current address with USCIS and you failed to do that..

Kenny Says; well, my wife put the address on the I-94, because we were told by a VJ member, that was ok...

USCIS says; Mr Kenny, that is not the Published Process.. You must submit the AR-11 as defined in the instructions...

How sad would any of us feel if our Spouses were taken away from any of us due to a simple oversight or misunderstand... I would be devastated.. Taking 2 minutes to complete the AR-11 per the instructions, is simple thing to do and is according to the process defined by the USCIS...

That is the advise that VJ'rs should give...
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-11 19:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy fiance is moving before my arrival
Harpa Timsah

so, you are interpreting the statements, which says all non-us citizens to exclude non-immigrant visas also.. Can you provide us with that exception?

The DS230 Question #10 is;

10. Permanent address in the United States where you intend to live, if
known (street address including ZIP code). Include the name of a person
who currently lives there.

So, if this is diferent than where you actually live, there is no need to update USCIS?

Please for the rest of us; where does it say you don't need to update the USCIS if this has changed? and where does it say that the I-94 is the method to update this?

If there is specific instruction which says you dont need to update the USCIS on a K1 visa, or if there are specific instructions that says the I-94 is allowable method to update these documents, I will accept that I have been wrong.. Otherwise, I wouldnt give advise simply because "you think" or "you feel"..

If There is a huge diference between how you would do things and what what the rules say, We should always state the what the rules say, not what we think..

Edited by kennym, 11 October 2011 - 07:40 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-11 19:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy fiance is moving before my arrival
We should always, follow the law when giving advise.. Anything else is bad advise..
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-11 14:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy fiance is moving before my arrival
Penalties for Failure to Comply

A willful failure to give written notice to the USCIS of a change of address within 10 days of moving to the new address is a misdemeanor crime. If convicted, you (or parent or legal guardian of an alien under age 14 who is required to give notice) can be fined up to $200 or imprisoned up to 30 days, or both. The alien may also be subject to removal from the United States. (INA § 266(b)). Compliance with the requirement to notify the USCIS of any address changes is also a condition of your stay in the United States. Failure to comply could also jeopardize your ability to obtain a future visa or other immigration benefit.


Now I ask you; Is it worth the risk?

Edited by kennym, 11 October 2011 - 12:57 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-11 12:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy fiance is moving before my arrival

Would you have us believe that CBP opens K1 packets, issues I-94's, and otherwise performs admissions at the border, only to not pass that information on to other agencies?


Would you stake your life on it? I wouldn't...

The process says to complete the AR-11, it does not say to leave the info with CBP... If you give advise contrary to the published process, it is dangerrous advise and could result in problems for anyone following the advise...

I dont believe the USCIS would accept.. "Well Rebecca Jo said...." as a acceptable explaination...

Not following the process as outlined is risking your entire immigration status.. THe fact is, all non us citizens must report thier current address using the AR-11. If it meant only Permanent Residents, it would specifically say that.. It also says, the proper method to report current address is to use the AR-11.. If there were alternate methods, it would state that...

Always follow the proper procedures... That way, if any questions come up later, you're covered.. If you dont follow the proper procedure, you are not covered and have no recourse..

Edited by kennym, 11 October 2011 - 12:48 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-11 12:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy fiance is moving before my arrival
The AR-11 is very simple form to complete. I used recently for my wife and I as well..

Takes about 2 minutes... It's worth the 2 minutes it takes to do to ensure you are in compliance..
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-11 09:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy fiance is moving before my arrival
Love Love

Make sure that USCIS has your correct address,, Not having a correct address can get you in serious trouble.. If you provide that at your POE, verify with the Immigration Officer that it will be updated.. I am not so sure it does.. Doing an AR-11 and saving the confimation is your safest method to ensure that you've followed the law..

the law specifically states all non us-citizens.. The only exceptions are the ones stipulated.. Dont ever make the mistake of listening to only the advise here, verify everything people tell you... Use the advise VJ gives you to steer you in the right direction, but make sure that it conforms to the law..

good luck on your trip and hope you have a easy POE..

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-11 08:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy fiance is moving before my arrival

"Online Change of Address is a web-based tool that allows you to change your address online so that USCIS can contact you regarding your status. Customers who have filed an application or petition with USCIS but have not yet received a decision (a "pending" case) should notify USCIS of any change of address as soon as possible after moving."

Did you read the paragraph following your post...

It says..

In addition to changing your address for a pending application the law requires that all non-U.S. citizens, except for holders of A or G visas, report a change of address within 10 days of moving by completing a USCIS Form AR-11, Change of Address.
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-10 21:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy fiance is moving before my arrival

When quoting something you should post the source. Context is sometimes key.

I agree with Rebecca Jo 100%. No AR-11 required.

Read the message, it's from the USCIS Website... It specifically says all Non-US Citizens.. Whether or not you have a application in Process...



In addition to changing your address for a pending application the law requires that all non-U.S. citizens, except for holders of A or G visas, report a change of address within 10 days of moving by completing a USCIS Form AR-11, Change of Address.

Regardless of who you agree with, it is quite clear on thier website...

Edited by kennym, 10 October 2011 - 09:44 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-10 21:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmy fiance is moving before my arrival
From USCIS Website..

In addition to changing your address for a pending application the law requires that all non-U.S. citizens, except for holders of A or G visas, report a change of address within 10 days of moving by completing a USCIS Form AR-11, Change of Address.

I would definetly make sure USCIS has a correct and current address for you...
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-10 20:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresENGAGEMENT RING REQUIRED FOR VISA
We weren't asked, but my wife was wearing it for the interview and we had the receipt with us just in case..
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 17:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho in their right mind would sign the I-864????

So, it really comes down to the petitioner. We place what is arguably a heavy burden on them, and if it forces a few of them to think it through and decide against getting married to someone they don't really trust, I guess that's the best we can hope for. Choose your spouse wisely, and sign with reckless abandon. :)


Absolutely agree.. I wonder why my point doesnt come across so well...


Why? Why should anyone get means tested benefits? The people that get them don't pay for them? I strongly disagree with every social program out there, other than disability. Seriously, other than disability and SS every person who gets any other sort of social benefit does not pay for them. One could argue that the top 10% pay the taxes for every single means tested benefit out there. One could also argue that the bottom 60% doesn't even pay enough taxes to pay for the roads they drive on. I see no violation of rights to take social benefits away from USC. In fact, I feel it is more a violation of the rights of the "real taxpayers... the people in the top 25%" to force them to pay for other people's welfare benefits.

I may agree with you, but it isnt the point here or the topic...

Focus grasshopper...
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-17 00:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho in their right mind would sign the I-864????

It seems like we should hold our natural born citizens to the same standards as immigrants, no? :)

I don't know how they could make laws over that... It would be a serious violation of our rights to say; you cant be a drain on society if you're a US Citizen..


The US Goverment, can limit those coming in from outside the US who aren't USC's... That's what the 864 attempts to address... If you're sponsering someone, they make the sponser responsible...

I think it's reasonable.. on the surface..

the only issue I have is that, I think it's kind of sad that in order to be with the one you love, you have to qualify...

I get both sides of the arguement...
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-17 00:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho in their right mind would sign the I-864????

That's right!
Or, a great colombian woman who loves you more than anyone else possibly Could/Would/Should! lol :dance:


True Story
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-17 00:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho in their right mind would sign the I-864????

That's rich. Great observation, do you have any other bigoted opinions about why things are they way they are? Imagine someone making comments about social policy being the result of poor choices women make, everybody would criticizing such a statement. Sexist ####### like this just slides by.

Dont get uptight.. it's only an example..

The point is, people petitioning for someone, needs to take responsibilty for their actions whether it works out or whether it doesnt..

I'm a man, and while working in south america, I met plenty guys who were looking for a "good time" they absoulutely fell in that category.. Your insults are naive and you're getting way to worked up for nothing.. It may have been a poor way to deliver a point, but that's why I dont work for CNN...

It is simply not the responsibilty of American Taxpayers, to take care of a person who the Petitioner decided wasn't the right person for them or the beneficiary felt it wasnt working for WHATEVER Reason.. the place to decide the relationship is going to work is before the arrive.. and then, if it still fails, then it's the USC's responsibilty..

Before you throw insults around, try to get the point and consider not everyone delivers things the way you would...
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-17 00:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho in their right mind would sign the I-864????

Unfortunately, 50% of couples get divorces. The reality is, very few of the immigrant fiances hightail it back to their country after divorce. You just said it, you'd hightail it back to where you get free health care. Well, in the case of most the place they will get free health care is right here in the US... at the USC's expense potentially for the rest of their life. A ludicrous risk for a USC to take on... especially one that doesn't make a high income or has known his/her fiance for a limited period of time.

Again.. the point is not divorce, its about the responsibilty that comes with petitioning for someone,, If you cant handle the responsiblity, dont sponser anyone..

Edited by kennym, 16 October 2011 - 11:35 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-16 23:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho in their right mind would sign the I-864????

Raymondreason- You are absolutely correct. I can honestly say that for myself, signing this document will be one of the most foolish things I have ever done in my life. The things we'll do for love. Fortunately, similar to you I have been with my fiance for over 5 years... but signing this document will still be one of the stupidest things I have ever done.

I agree.. make taxpayers responsible for the rash descisions of their fellow Americans.. The 864 provides excellent incentive for anyone sponsering a foreigner, to ensure they're thinking it all through and it's not for the wrong motives...

This form is NOT designed around popularity, it is likely due to all the mistakes made by horny men who think their girl friend is coming here only to rock thier world, and when the men realize, that wasnt thier intention, they feel they can dump em off to the American Taxpayers...

Edited by kennym, 16 October 2011 - 11:26 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-16 23:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho in their right mind would sign the I-864????

Is this I-864 form REQUIRED with your financial information and reports, and with the I-134?

I don't remember sending or using it the first time I did this about 4 years ago.

Hey GringoD

In reading the recent instructions for P4 in Colombia, it is required for the Interview...

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-16 23:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho in their right mind would sign the I-864????
There are way too many people who jump into a relationship for various reasons and bring a non-USC to the US and then realize it's not the what they thought it was..

she isn't barefoot and pregnant and waiting for you to come home with her lengerie and your slippers. Since it's not ameicas job to act as your counselor or your bank, that's the reason for the 864.

If the relationship turns out bad due to unrealistic expectations or simply incompatiblity, they feel they can simply treat thier forreign spouse like a peice of merchandise and ship'r back. The 864 is designed to keep immature people from making mistakes out of hasty thoughtless descisions and then leaving the rest of Americans responsible for someone who wouldnt be here had it not been for a rash descission by a thoughtless American..

If petitioners aren't in this for the right reasons, why would you want to let otheres pay for your mistakes...

Edited by kennym, 16 October 2011 - 02:26 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-16 14:23:00