Middle East and North AfricaMarry in morocco

You could do everything just right and still get sent back/denied in casa...... I really think there is a whole separate rule book for Morocco and it's BLANK!!!!!! LOL So any and everything goes and any and everything can happen :0) Prepare yourself for a wild roller coaster ride.... And you sure better be sure it is what you want before you start investing your time and money in it because your patience will be tested....

i have heard that from many about casa, i wonder why it is so bad? thank you for your words! after Dec abedine and i will have a better understanding after sitting down together and deciding as a couple what we want to do. im on here trying to learn as much as possible and gain support and comfort with the process when we begin out journey! hope yours is going as well as possible!
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-09-23 16:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarry in morocco

Courtney, I hate to put it this way, but casa rarely approves any visa after just one visit. It will be very hard for you if that is your intention.

i thought the same thing... im hoping after my visit in Dec we can talk and discuss some other visits and options we have regarding his visa. its hard to really lay everything out for the both of us to see and be on the same page until we are together so thats what we are gearing for when i go in Dec.
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-09-23 16:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarry in morocco
I have been curious about this same thing! myself and my love have ran back and forth with what visa we want to do and whatnot... we are engaged but had wanted to do CR-1 but Dec will be my first trip to morocco and i dont think we will have alot of evidence. so now thinking about the K-1 visa even though it takes longer. i would love to get married in morocco originally but without the correct information and proof i dont want to mess up and get denied!! my fiance' is from taza so would it be different than any of the other towns/cities in Morocco?? and if we do the k-1 visa and get married here, would we be able to go back to morocco and have a service as well?

good luck with everything!! are you planning on doing the long traditional moroccan wedding?! they are beautiful!
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-09-22 17:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaTwo Weddings...
thanks guys! like i said i have no clue where to even begin!! i want to respect his faith and do things correctly for him and i think he is sheltered in thinking he has to do everything i say as to a "good husband" but its not like that. i truly want to do things correctly for the both of us. i was a history major in school and love learning and obtaining information about other countries, cultures and religions and want to respect all of the above. so an "engagement party" would be the best route to take (maybe) as far as having something in morocco before he comes over with his K-1 visa? and the wedding here in the US would need to be done in a manner that the islam faith accepts the marriage correct? like i said i am new to this and want to learn as much as possible. in Dec me and abedine are sitting down together to talk more about it and explain things better in person so that we both know and are on the same page. thanks again guys for your help!
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-09-23 16:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaTwo Weddings...
Hi guys!!! myself and my fiance' from Morocco will be planning our wedding in december when i go to visit him! i was just curious how it worked if he comes on a k-1 visa to wed here is it possible to go back to morocco to get married as well so that his family and friends can be a part as well? ive never wanted to get married so i know nothing of this but i am overwhelmed with love and want to be with him the rest of my life!! im not a religious person by no means so dont really care about that part though he is a devoted muslim. he says he doesnt care, he will do whatever i want so i would like to have a small wedding here with a moroccan theme and then go back to morocco to have one with his family as well but dont know how that works within the political aspect and religious aspect. :help:

much love to you guys :-)
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-09-22 18:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaCR1 APPROVED
ahhhh soo excited for you!!!! thats awesome! congrats
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-09-28 19:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaCell phones in Morocco
thanks guys! his phone the screen has went out on it and he cant see texts or see incoming calls. i have been looking on ebay and whatnot for unlocked phones to send him but didnt know if certain ones were better than another. what do you mean when u say he will have to pay a tariff? im new at this :-/ i would wait and just take with me in dec but id like for him to have it before then.
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-09-29 17:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaCell phones in Morocco
hi guys!! hope everyone is having a good week and hope you have an amazing upcoming weekend! my Fiance' is from Morocco and right now he is having trouble with his cell phone. i want to get him a phone where he can use his sim card within it. anyone know of good phones used overseas?! i would love to have one that he can load skype to it or get from the app market so we are able to talk with each over through skype on our cell phones. i have looked on ebay and amazon but i dont really know much about cellphones and what will work overseas. im also trying to surprise him so im not wanting to ask him anymore questions than i have to. let me know if anyone has insight with this! THANKS!!
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-09-28 19:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaGift suggestions

hello everyone...these are not "gifts" but i take them over on every trip...
the things that i take when i go to see my family is...

i get the JUGS from costco! hahahahahha...just get the IBUPROFEN. its the same and you get alot more.

#2. ZIPLOC BAGS!!!! o m g. its a miracle bag for everybody and they keep them for years using them over and over!


#4.SUDAFED.....a must have.

#5. PEPTO BISMAL! i feel like a drug runner hahahahahahahaa...

#6. every few years i take a new watch for my fiances parents and earrings or a little bracelet for his sister. i dont like to check my bags so i take things that TSA wont make me remove and throw liquids for me is OUT. but i did take colognes and perfumes before....

#7 HALLOWEEN SIZE BAGS OF CHOCOLATE MIXED CANDYS ....snickers, almond joy, reeses...butterfingers...THEY ALL GUARD THEIR STASHES hahahahahhaahhaha! everybody loves candy!!!!

what i like about taking these medications and ziploc bags and smaller jewelrys is that my bag doesnt weigh a ton.

happy visiting everyone!!!!!!

Thanks!! abedine had asked me to take like advil and sudafed and things like that. i have a list call Hajji Family list for me to take with me when i go! haha i asked him to write down anything and let me know but i guess with him only knowing things from there he doesnt think of much that he would use because he has never used them before! if ya think of anything else its greatly appreciated!! thanks alot!
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-10-07 13:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaGift suggestions

I am intentionally delaying NVC. Actually, in order to keep myself from going bonkers while waiting over ten months for my NOA2, I had booked and paid for trips every two to three months to Morocco all the way to March. In hindsight, that seems a bit far out. Anyway, I figured since the trips are booked and paid for, I might as well go and enjoy them. So I'm taking my best friend this month and my daughter in December. This way I get to see more of Morocco anyway before he comes. And it will help my friend and my daughter understand where he comes from a little.
I will probably finish up at NVC after Christmas. I already had sent my hubby to get police certificates and all, but I forgot they will expire so he will have to do them again anyway. It's ok. I waited over ten months on them. They can wait three now on me. :)

good luck with the gifts!! im going in dec as you know and am curious as to what to take abedine's family as well!! im getting his aunt makeup brushes and makeup becuase she does makeup for other moroccan weddings, his mother i have no clue!!! soo good luck!! abedine always says perfume when i ask them about gifts..
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-10-06 17:24:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
thinking of you!!! myself and my fiance' havnt began the journey yet but he is from Morocco and we will be going through Casablanca as well. keep your head high and know your love is above everything else!!! things will come your way inchallah
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-09-16 16:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaFlying AA and Iberia
no it wouldnt let me check the NY=Madrid, said i would need to do it at the counter.... that mean soething wrong?!
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-12-04 05:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaFlying AA and Iberia
Hey guys!! i leave tmorrow going to Morocco flying from NY-Madrid-Casablanca. it isnt allowing me to check in early.... is everything ok? i fly american airlines to madrid then iberia to casablanca... it is one single purchase so i hope it will be a easy transition. anyone know anything about the terminal 4s in madrid? or any help at all would be appreciated!!!! soo excited to see abedine im beyond myself but started to stress a little about the flying part...
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-12-03 21:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaRiads in Casablanca
thank you for your kind words, i truly understand. just trying to make the most of everything and be with Abedine as much as possible. sorry if i offended anyone or anything. me and him have talked about all of this and know what there is to come. which is why we are just staying with family members throughout most of the trip. it was just the one night i was wanting but dont have to have.
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-10-08 19:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaRiads in Casablanca
he is doing it, im just trying to help out since i have this website. he isnt part of this site.... i dont know everything u are right but i have learned alot regarding the country and religion and i know that is is illegal. sorry to get offensive, im just a very helping/giving person and was trying to do what i could regarding the matter. i could go over there un prepared at all and not care but im not going to do that, thats why im doing everything i can to be prepared and as knowledgeable as i can.
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-10-08 14:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaRiads in Casablanca
no ive never been either. he is looking as well but since i was on VJ i figured i would ask and just see if anyone knew of anything. sorry to burden anyone of any questions... just thought i would ask while we were both looking as well. geez sorry
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-10-08 13:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaRiads in Casablanca
hes never been to Casablanca... he knew of the places in Rabat and has family there but he knows nothing of Casablanca. so inchalah things will go smoothly and we'll figure something out.
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-10-08 07:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaRiads in Casablanca
thanks. the ones i did email i didnt use my name i used a different name just to see how they would react. he is from taza so thats a 6 hr train ride from casablanca. i just wanted to be in casa the night before plane right so that we wouldnt have to get up so early and do the train ride and then my flight, but ill have to do whatever i have to do. but staying there the night before would be awesome!maybe we can find something though
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-10-07 23:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaRiads in Casablanca

It is not legal in Morocco to stay with your fiancee before marriage.

i know... a couple, not all, the riads in rabat that i emailed and questioned were very nice and were going to allow it since we were only staying one night... it was just curiosity, never hurts to try
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-10-07 17:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaRiads in Casablanca
hi guys!! i was just curious if anyone knew of some beautiful Riads in Casablanca?? i have found several in Rabat with good readings and reviews but not much for Casa. anyone have ne awesome riads that you can send me to?? i had to email the riads in rabat regarding myself and my fiance' staying together so i would like to do the same with the ones in Casa if possible. i want to rent something the night before i leave since im flying out of Casa and make our last night special!! thanks for any of your help!!
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-10-07 16:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaAPPROVED IN CASA!!
ahhhhhh CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS!!!!! do the happy dance now :-)
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2012-02-13 14:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaThank U VJ
hamdulillah!!!! insha'allah you guys have safe travels to be together!!!
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2012-11-08 10:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Approved WHOO HOO!!!!!
yay!!!! congrats on everything!!! i know you are stoked!
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-09-14 17:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhich is better k-3 or CRN-1 spousal?

Courtney have you ever met your booyfriend before December? Just curious do you plan on marrying a man you never met in person? If this is your first trip to Morocco and you plan on marrying without any other meetings previously then I would not suggest it. Getting married on your first initial meeting is a huge "red flag" in Morocco. Alot of the women that I know that married on there first visit were denied the marriage visa and they have to go through an appeal process that takes years.

Hi! no we are not marrying on my first visit! we are talking more and planning on my first visit, def not marrying this go around! thanks for your concern though!! i will have several trips before we actually marry, and may do the k-1 instead of cr-1, but time will tell and us discussing more in person in dec!!
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-09-28 16:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhich is better k-3 or CRN-1 spousal?
Hi!! i saw all the paperwork i would need for wedding in Morocco. i think i have everything wrote down but when i go in Dec i hope to sit down with Abedine and us figure everything out together. any help or info you can give regarding this matter is greatly appreciated. i know i have to take may things and then have them translated into arabic and then back to english? HELP! thank you so much for your kind words and hope to keep in touch with everyone along our journey!
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-09-15 17:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhich is better k-3 or CRN-1 spousal?
thanks guys!!! i look forward to talking with everyone about our journey.... we will do whatever it takes and work until it is done, we love each other very much and want this more than anything. shokran!
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-09-14 17:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhich is better k-3 or CRN-1 spousal?
Hi guys! my name is Courtney and i am brand new to this!! i have no idea where to start or begin but my boyfriend told me about you guys. I have read all the books about immigration and looked up all the different visas but wanted YOU guys opinion on how to start! my boyfriend is from morocco which i will be visiting in DEC to begin the wedding plans! we will be getting married in morocco and i want to know or would like any help/advice you can give regarding bringing him home ASAP! i know it takes time and money and we are ready for the journey. I hope all is well with you guys and cant wait to talk with you and learn! hope you have a great day/night where ever you may be in the world!!

ONE love, ONE world
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-09-13 19:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Approved
awesome!!! congrats!
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-09-30 20:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCopies VS originals
does the same apply for the k-1? or all visa processing you only send photocopies?
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2012-09-30 07:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDenied i-129 now going CR1 route
Well we were denied via phone. After his interview they kept all paperwork and passport then two months later got a phone call saying we were denied and case was mail back to USA. That was in DEC and have yet to hear anything further. I know how case is probably expired so we are focusing on that information I requested and moving forward :-)
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2014-02-22 13:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDenied i-129 now going CR1 route

hey guys!! just curious as to if any of you were denied previously with a fiancé visa and decided to do the spousal petition. we never got anything stating why we were denied so i have mailed in paperwork for the freedom of information act. until hearing anything from them i am focusing on returning and getting married and moving forward with the spousal petition. was curious as to if you guys front loaded with forms and reports and etc etc... i am OCD about organization and i plan plan plan so I'm getting ahead of myself and asking questions early so that i know what I'm getting into and what to expect. hope you guys have an amazing weekend whether you are with your loved one or far apart, alhamdulillah for Skype and the internet!! :-)



CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2014-02-21 21:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Interview approved 11/22/2011
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-11-22 22:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious application
sorry guys for the typing error!! i get hung up with the excitement here in Morocco that it just came out that way. i know all about the red flags and im fully aware of it. like i said, we are going slow and making sure everything is taken care of!!! i am fully enjoying myself and loving every minute of it, even if something were to happen and things didnt work out. like foreverwaiting said, i do feel safer here than in US right now!!! i have a week left and plan to enjoy it to the fullest, hope all of you have a great remainder of the week.
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-12-14 13:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious application
Gosh, I could have done without the "I am ready to abandon my religion for a pair of muslim boxers"

what does that mean? i am a woman first off, and i am learning islam to know more about my husband and understand him better.... i could do without the smart remark..
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-12-13 18:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious application
whoa whoa whoa guys!!!! calm down!!! i have not filed for the K-1 yet, and dont plan to for a while. I have never once said i was filing as soon as i returned home from my visit to Morocco. he and I bother know that this trip was to see how and if things would work and for me to have a vacation. there are alot of things you guys dont know and i dont feel i have to explain everything. there is no way i am jumping into things and have said from day one that we would do things slow and correctly to make sure everything is done right. i joined VJ to learn things and get comfortable with the process, and i genuinely appreciate all the responses and concerns and will take them into consideration. on the other hand, like i said, i am simply here to enjoy myself, learn more about him and his family and the way he lives. then after my return to the US i will decide. i have been through alot in my life and have a very hard time trusting people period and this is no different. i have been studying Islam since day one so that i know his religion and how things should be with him since he says he is a practicing muslim. i have well prepared myself for what may come and feel i little hurt at all the negativity on this post. like i said i appreciate the concern and do take it into consideration but sometimes in life people just straight screw up.... not saying this is what happened with abedine because i have not fully decided what my feelings are but im just stating. i am having an amazing time and couldnt be happier... we are talking more before i leave on the 22nd and i will go from there on what i want to do. some comfort and encouragement would be nice but if you do not feel that way, i dont want you to tell me something just to say it.

inchallah things will work the way they are meant to and everything will work out.
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-12-13 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious application
thanks guys for the help... after sitting down and speaking with him, i honestly dont think he knew or realized what he was getting into with his ex. she was alot older than him at the time, which may not make a difference by no means but she could have persuaded him in something. i hope that it will not interfere with our journey but if so we are willing to do what is right to make everything work, no matter the time. im fairly new to the site as well as the concept of the Visas, what is MENA? sorry if it is a stupid question... :(
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-12-12 17:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious application
he speaks english well but doesnt read english well and apparently the girl gave him the paperwork ti fill out but didnt explain what came along with it... no i was not talking with him during this time, it was a while before he ever met me. it sounded very odd to me as well when he first told me and trust me i was pissed but after talking for a long time about it he clearly didnt fully understand what was going on with the paperwork. i had to explain to him what "engaged" and "fiance'" in america meant and the issues that go along with that when filing a K-1. its def slowed down some things for me because i still have questions but they would be questions i would have to ask his ex and i dont want to do that just because i am not her and our situation is not the same.

how come the 2 years? i am new to this as well and want to know all the corners and information before i start anything with our journey.
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-12-12 08:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious application
hey guys!!! im here with Abedine in Morocco and LOVING IT!!! cant believe how fast time is going!! after going over some paperwork he felt to tell me a KEY point that he had not told me before!! :bonk: his ex filed for a k-1 application before and they had gotten approved up until the interview date. after he received the papers he didnt understand what exactly was going on and he canceled the application. she filed the papers without explaining to him things and he didnt know what the term "engaged, and fiance'" meant. now he is extremely worried it is going to effect how process... he still has the papers that they sent him but he never sent anything back. after he got these and canceled the papers his ex got very upset with him and he thinks that she spoke badly of him to the consulate... is this going to affect us guys?!?! we are taking things slow to make sure everything is done correctly the first time so hopefully things will go well. let me know what you guys think or know about this situation. :help:
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2011-12-12 05:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStarting K-1 process
hi guys!! hope everyone is doing well. I am going to file for my fiance' once i get back from my 5 week long trip in August but im trying to prepare some things now so that i can take them with me and leave with him so i dont have to mail them to him :-) I have read over all the forms and whatnot but was curious as to if they should be written or typed? Im also going to get my sister and roomates to write a letter stating about my relationship with Abidine and whatnot, does it have to be notarized? i may be asking silly questions just wanting to get things done early so that i have time to review and have them in order before Aug. Im getting a binder together and dividing up into copies or receipts, plane tickets, train tickets, texts, skype receipts, and other things so it will be organized better. along with some pictures from my first trip and then he can print some from my next trip to add with it. also, if my family do write those letters do they have to be translated? and im hoping to get his aunt, mom, uncle, friends to write something as well but didnt know if theirs would have to be translated into english. as well as my passport, birth certificate things like that. sorry if im asking too many questions. i am just a organized freak when it comes to things like this and i like to have them in order, esp when it comes to something as important as the love of my life. if you can answer any i would greatly appreciate it and if not, then thanks for reading anyway :-) good luck and sending positive thoughts to those already on their journey, we all want one thing... to be with the one we love!
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2012-03-25 08:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbest month to file
salam everyone!! hope everyone that celebrates EID had a great holiday and may all your prayers be answered and for those that do not celebrate hope you are having an amazing week/weekend!! I am finishing up the organization of my k-1 application to front load it but was curious as to whether i should file as soon as possible or if waiting till the beginning of the year would be better as i know they will close for holidays and whatnot. i know either wai will definitely be a patient battle but didnt know if anyone had any thoughts regarding the timeframes and whatnot. thank you for your input in advance and if any hate or judgmental posts are done i will remove or report them..... :-)
CourtneyAbidineFemaleMorocco2012-10-28 12:00:00