VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Our thread has been pretty quiet lately.... let me try to get things back on track (if i may)...

Lan's AOS is stuck in "FBI name check" limbo. It's been this way for about 4 months. I was told by the USCIS offier at our Infopass appointment that it might help if I showed up at the embassy in HCMC and requested the name check to prod things along. Since we're going to be in Vietnam in Feb anyway, I thought maybe we should give it a shot.

I know some of you are living in Vietnam -- do you guys think this might actually work???

And while I am at it -- for those of you in HCMC, how'd you like to meet with us on the evening of Feb 9? We were planning to have a little party at a restaurant somewhere in the city for Lan's friends and I think it would be great if some of you could make it. Please email me ( if you are interested!
LandyNot TellingVietnam2007-01-22 22:53:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Just "checking in".... We (Lan and Andy) have been absent from VJ for awhile. We're married now, living in northern CA and doing great. Lan is working (for a competitor of where I work at!), learning to drive, and we are doing great. Still waiting on her name check so she does not have the green card yet. Anyway we made it through the k1 process because I am an engineer and you all now how detail oriented those engineers can be. Feel free to write with questions. I will try to help....

All the best to everyone.
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-11-27 22:16:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
I just returned yesterday from Vietnam. Lan and I returned to America together last night! The POE experience at San Francisco was very easy! Here is a short description of what happened:

LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-05-01 10:37:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
I (Andy) am flying to Vietnam on April 20. Lan and I will spend ten days with her family and then on April 30 we will fly to San Francisco. Now I have already s tarted reading up on the process about what I need to do once she gets here (ie get SSN number, getting legally married in USA, EAD stamp, etc etc etc)!



Unless your fiancee lives in the countryside which i do recommend her to stay in HCMC the night before. She does not need to be there as early as 3 hours before her appointment. ONLY people who have been scheduled for interview that day will be allowed inside the Consulate. The consulate does have their limitation and workload cut out for themselves, so there isn't any LOOOOOOOOONG line like some said. YES, they may be a long line, but you already have your appointment, you will be let in no matter how many people who have arrived before you but do not have the appointment letter.

Eat a good meal that morning, since she'll be waiting for awhile before they will interview the K-1 cases. Just how they work, IR and K-3 go in first, the rest of their time is for K-1. I never once heard anyone with K-1 in HCMC got let in at the very first hour of the day. :)

So, relax, bring everything but the kitchen sink... notice what Andy said, be VERY organize and chronological about your evidence.

Good luck and Congrats Andy and Lan... your English is perfect... i'm still working on mine... still :) hahaha

When are you arriving in the US? Big party in Landy Land :)

LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-03-31 10:20:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

A very detailed description, thanks Lan. Maybe you can help me out with some questions.

1) is an appointment time supposed to be listed in pack 4 ? I see that you have an appointment time of 10:00 am. The reason i'm saying this is that i just talked to my fiancee and she told me that she'll leave the house at 4:30 am when the date comes because there will be many people in line.

2) - the househood registeration and copy,
- ID card and copy,
- my birth certification, its translation and copy,
- Andy's birth certification and copy, my passport and copy,
- the polices certification and copy,

my fiancee never scanned me a copy of Pack 4, but do we need to hand in a copy of the above documents as well ?

Again, congratulations to both of you. Hope you'll have a fun and safe trip to the USA!

Hi yellow123,

For your first question, the appointmnet time is listed in the Interview Appointment Letter, in the same line with the interview date (As I remembered correctly) :)

And for the second question, in the instructions of packet 4, they do require to submit a copy of househood registeration, ID card (no need to translate to English) with notarized, birth certificate (with translation), petitioner's birth certificate, passport and police certificate (with translation)

Your fiance can see these requirements in the Intruction for Packet 4 she has with her :)

Thanks for your congratulation. We wish you good luck with the interview too :)

BTW: When I arranged the evidences of our relationship, I put emails, chat logs, pictures, phone bills, greeting cards, travel docs in time order, monthly basic. I also put the notes for what is included in each month file at the front page. It will help when the C.O. asks you to give evidences of the certain time and you can find them quickly.
Hope this will help you two.

Edited by Landy, 30 March 2006 - 11:54 PM.

LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-03-30 23:53:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

So am I! She will go online in about 15 more mins so just hang in there for a little longer, ok? :) :)


i'm so eager to hear your fiancee's version.

Hi folks :)

I'm Lan, Andy'sfiance. I am so sorry to make you wait for so long for my post! :)

Here is the detail of my interview

First, my interview appointment was 10am. So I thought it's ok to get to the U.S. Consulate around 8:30 to 9:00am since they wouldn't process my case by 10am anyway. Actually, this is not the true statement.
It seems to me that they process the case in turn no matter what your appointment is. (Because I got to the office quite late, my interview had to postpone until 1:30pm)

When I came to the front door of the U.S. Consulate (around 8:30am), I showed them my interview appoinment. The security guys let me in. I had to hand the cell phone to them (cell phone is not allowed) and had my handbag, and the bad carried the interview documents through the scan machine.
Anyway, after these security checks, I turned right when entering to the office to go to the Immigration Visa Unit.

When I was there, I gave my interview appointment to the girl sitting at window A and she gave me the number A042. (If you came to the office early, you may have to get line to get the number)

After getting the number, I proceced to the interview waiting area to wait for my number called. This area is in front of the interview windows 5 to 15. There are totally 10 windows served the interview.

I was waiting quite long. While waiting there, I noticed that the IR visa cases and K3 cases were called to be served ealier than the K1 cases :(

Here is what happened during my waiting time:

I was observing the C.O. when they did the interview, some of them are really nice and gave a lot of pink slips. But some of them are not nice at all.
As my estimation :) Out of 10 cases, they gave 1 or 2 pink slips only. And most of the approved cases are IR.

As I noticed (and I asked the people went to the interview too), there are only about 3 K1 cases got the pink slips at that day.

I talked to one of the girl that had blue slip for her interview, she said they told her that her fiance didn't put enough money on the saving account. And they told her the minimum amount should be more than 20,000$.

I listened to the interview of the other girl in Vietnamese with the help from translator. She was introduced to her fiance via her aunt and grandmother in US via mails. I saw the C.O. was quite mad when interviewing her since she didn't answer the question correctly/properly. She asked her when .... but she answered for where question. I don't know that the translator translated the question wrongly or the girl answered not properly :(. At the end of her interview, she got the blue slip to submit more documents about their relationships. Because of that, the girl was getting angry and argued with the C.O. but the C.O. said the interview was finished and she needed to give more proofs then she could have the other interview.

Anyway, I told to myself that C.O. is not very nice either. I hope I didn't have to see her for the interview. (Poor me :P I did have to see her for my interview)

Around 11:15am, my number was called to window 9. I went to the window and the Vietnamese girl there asked me to give my documents.
I gave her:
- 4 VISA pictures but she asked me to give her 2 more to attach to the DS156 form (in duplicate)
- MRV visa application receipt,
- DS156, DS156K, DS230,
- the househood registeration and copy,
- ID card and copy,
- my birth certification, its translation and copy,
- Andy's birth certification and copy, my passport and copy,
- the polices certification and copy,
- the medical exam result sealed envelope. She opened it out to get the MEDEX form inside and gave my back the lung film
- The I134 form and support documents. Andy gave me the whole file 2 inches :) But she un-assembled every thing and got the I134 form, the W2 and tax return transript of 2004, the employment verification letter from Andy's company and returned me the rest of them.

Then she asked me couple questions to fill out a form (all in Vietnamese):
1. When did I and my fiance first meet
2. How could we meet?
3. How many years different in our ages
4. Have I ever been in US, how many times and in which visa (B1)
5. My company name
6. How many times has Andy been in Vietnam
7. Did we have the engagement? When and Where? and how many guests (I told her we had 20 guests, all in my family)

Then she asked me to sign the single status statement paper in front of her and to fill out Andy name on the bottom line of the DS156K

Then she asked me to go back to the waiting area in front of window 8 to wait for my number called again to have the interview with the C.O. And she asked me to arrange the evidences to time order and divide it to 2 parts: before and after the engagement.

I went to the window 8 area and the C.O. mentioned above was the one was going to interview me :(

I waited there until 12pm and they called my name and some other people to tell that our interview was postponed until 1:30pm. They gave us back the interview appoinments with the number on it.

I went out to have lunch and to call Andy to let him know what was going on.

I went back to to the consulate at 1:20pm and went through the same security check process.

Then I walked to the waiting area in front of window 8 and handed my interview appointment.
Then at 1:30pm they called my number again to have the interview.

I said "good afternoon" to the C.O. and she asked me to put my index fingers (left and right) to get the fingerprint. When I was talking to the C.O. during the first process, the translater told us that we might not need her any longer and she walked out.

Then the C.O. asked me to write my name and sign to the DS156K form. After that she began to interview me. Here are the questions:
1. Q: How could you two meet
A: We met through a friend of us when I was on the business trip to SC
2. Q: Where did you two first meet?
A: In Santa Clara, CA
3. Q: How can my friend know my fiance?
A: Since Andy used to work in the same company with us. Then he moved to the other company
4. Q: Why did you go to US?
A: For training since I worked for the outsourcing company
5. Then she asked for the name of my company
6. Q: How many times have you fiance been in VN
A: 3 times
7. Q: Tell me the month of each of his visit
A: Nov 2004, Aug 2005, Dec 2005
8. Q: When did he propose to you
A: On his second trip to VN, August 12, 2005
9. Q: Where did he propose to you
A: In Phu Quoc
10: Q: Did you say yes at that time or later
A: I said "yes" at that time :)
11: Q: And when was the engagement party? On the same trip?
A: Yes
12: Q: Did his parents come to VN for the engagement party?
A: No they didn't
13: Q: Did you even meet his parents?
A: Yes. When I was in US, I visited them very often
14: Q: Where did his parents live?
A: In the same city with him, just 5 minute drive from his house
15: Q: Now can you show me the evidence of your relationship?
A: I have 20 month evidences with me. Which one do you want me to show first?
Then she asked me to show her the very first month
I showed her emails and chat logs of the first month we knew each other. She took a look and said nothing
16: Q: How could you two communicate with each other
A: We talked with each other every day through emails, chat, phone
17: Q: Can you show me some phone bills?
A: Here is the phone bill of December 2005. It's on the back of the folder
I showed her the evidences of Dec 2005, emails and chat logs and the phone records on the back
She took a look through the whole file and said nothing still :)
18: Q: Can you show me the pictures of your engagement?
A: (I showed her the engagement pictures, 8 of them with the descriptions on the back of each picture.)
Then she asked me if that was my Mom on the picture.
19: Q: Did your Mom worry when you move to US to live
A: Yes she did worry. But she didn't worry so much since even in Vietnam I had to stay away from her any way.

Then she was smiling :) and told me that she approved my K1 visa and I can go to the US consulate again tomorrow at 4pm to pick up my visa

And she gave me the pink slip!!!! YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!

She also returned my original ID card, househood registeration, birth cerification and Andy's birth certification.

I walked out of the U.S. Consulate, got my cellphone back and called Andy, his Mom and my Mom to tell them I got the VISA!!!! :) So happy!!!!!

OK!!! That was what happened on my interview :)

If you have any question, feel free to post or send email to us, ok?

Thanks so much for your guys' helps during our process :) If we didn't have you, we couldn't know the process that well and have the well-prepared for the interview like that.

Thank you again!!!! And wish you good luck!!!!

Lan and Andy
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-03-30 02:08:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
So am I! She will go online in about 15 more mins so just hang in there for a little longer, ok? :) :)


i'm so eager to hear your fiancee's version.

LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-03-30 00:14:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

I don't think the engagement ceremony has to be fancy. Ours was pretty basic, and it involved just Lan's family. Actually the fact that you LIVE in HCMC and spend time with your fiance every single day probably has more weight than an engagement ceremony. It's nice to have (a feather in your cap) but not essential.

A few questions for all of you:

I've read a lot lately about the engagement ceremony. My first question is not in regards to having one - we did - but to the necessity of the elaborateness?

I live/work in HCMC. Our ceremony was small (30 people). I was the only one, representing myself. Of her guests it was family only. We did the ceremony (i.e. meal, drinking, etc.) while we were visiting her family in the countryside of Can Tho this past Tet holiday. They, like my family, are very laid back and were more than pleased with the occasion.

We hired a photographer, no DVD made (nobody in the countryside available during Tet), had a cake made, she wore the traditional pink ao dai, have pictures presenting the ring, etc.

I see her EVERY day, she cooks dinner for me every night, and technically (VN laws) she has her own place in HCMC, but lives with me every night.

Right now our evidence (aside from checklist items & I-134) looks like this:

1. MobiFone (cell phone) call logs for her and I both.
2. Emails from her and I, and also her frequent emails with my family (i.e. mom, dad, sister) in the USA.
3. Skype Chat Transcripts. Sometimes we chat a bit on my lunch break at work
4. Phu Hai Resort (Phan Thiet) receipt (no signature, but pictures showing us there)
5. Engagement ring sizing receipt (passed down the ring my dad gave my mom 30 years ago)
6. English school receipts (I sign for payment)
7. Pictures (engagement ceremony; showing dates consistent with me living here)
8. Airline boarding passes (I pay up front for ticket, company reimburses me)
9. Passport stamps and business visas
10. Congratulatory emails/cards from family/friends on engagement
11. Letter I wrote to her family
12. Letter her mom sent back to me (translated to English)
13. Probably something else I'm forgetting to list as I write this at work!

- Pictures: should we only show pictures that have BOTH of us in them? I've got many of myself with her family, their place in Can Tho, etc. Perhaps we just put em all in there!

- Will the fact that I live/work in HCMC be a benefit to our situation?

I just wonder if the process will be different for us seeing that I'm currently living/working here. I still maintain a domicile in St. Louis, Missouri (parents home; the home I moved here from), and my contract here is finished in December 2006, although an earlier departure only requires 30 days notice. I've got a co-sponsor (father) lined up as we all know VN salaries bring one very close to the poverty line in the USA.

We are just a normal happy couple (met June 2005) and so very lucky that we get to spend every day together during this process. I just hope that doesn't take the edge off for us and get us too relaxed. So I'm writing to let you all "check us" and make sure we're in line.

Sorry for the length and thanks your responses in advance!


LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-03-30 00:01:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
I think it's pretty straight-forward. It's definitely a lot of work, but it's definitely not rocket-science.

The government muddles the process up by making it somewhat murky as to what they want from the applicants, but thanks to VJ it's much much clearer.

In this process I have relied upon VJ and one book that I bought from Nolo Press about this subject. The book is sometimes nice to have because I know exactly where to go to get information quickly as opposed to wading through the site. The site is nice to have because there's a wealth of current up-to-date information and a whole community to ask questions and collaborate with.

Andy and Lan,

What is your thought about the Journey so far? Is it too hard? I thought it was pretty straight forward myself...

LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-03-29 12:42:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
OK.... this is my recollection of what Lan (my fiancee) told me about her experience in dealing with the HCMC consulate. I will have her post her experience so you can all get a first-hand account when she wakes up in the morning (it is sleeping time right now in Vietnam).

Lan's interview was at 10 am. She arrived there before 9 AM in typical business attire (long skirt, blouse -- you know what I mean). She gave her documents to the person at the consulate and they told her to wait. At noon the consulate closed for lunch so they told her to come back at 1:30 PM.

After lunch she returns to the consulate. The CO who would adjuciate her case was a woman, about 35-40 years old. The interview lasted all of 5 minutes. This is what I can recall as far as the questions that were asked:

1) How many times has Lan visited USA? How many times have I (the petitioner) visited Vietnam?
2) Are her parents concerned that she will leave Vietnam and live in America?
3) How long have you known your fiance?
4) When did you get engaged?
5) Has Lan met my parents?
6) Did my parents come to the engagement ceremony? She asked to see pics of the engagement.
7) The CO kept the I-134 form (notorized), the letter from my employer that states my position/salary, and a copy of my 2004 tax return and W2s. That's it... they did not even look at my bank statements or any of the other financial documentation I provided (and Lan was carrying a boat-load of information!)

So after you few basic questions, the CO approved the K1. It will be ready to be picked up at 4 PM the next day (March 30).

Off the top of my head that is all I can remember right now! I am sure Lan will be able to provide a more detailed recollection. A few more items of interest:

Lan said that 9 out of every 10 visa applicants were getting turned away with a blue slip! She attributed this to two things. First most of them cannot speak english so they had to use the services of the consulate-provided interpreter. Very arrogant, not helpful at all, and downright hostile to several of the applicants. She probably is a hindrance to the overall process. Second reason people get blue slips is they are just not properly prepared- they did not seem to be aware of the process and the procedures. In general, it pays to dot all your I's and cross all your T's when working with this particular consulate!

I hope that helps; as I said Lan will follow-up with some more details. If anybody has any questions about the process feel free to ask either in the public forums or you can email me privately if you like.
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-03-29 11:49:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
SHE GOT THE VISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just talked with Lan (my fiance). She just got the K1 visa!!!!!!!! YAH YAH YAH!!!!

The interview was 5 minutes long. Very shortl.... just a few questions. Details to follow tomorrow, ok???
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-03-29 01:51:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Thanks for the kind thoughts!!!
I am sitting at home right now. Lan called me just before she entered the consulate.... apppointment is for 10 am. I will be waiting for her call!!!!

Well folks.... tomorrow (March 29) is our K1 interview at the consulate in HCMC.

Lan and I are all set to go. Wish us luck. We're very well prepared (thanks to VJ) and I can't imagine doing this without the help of this group of people.

I'll post an update as soon as Lan calls me after the interview. I will also have her post her experiences with the consulate first-hand for the benefit of you all.


I'm sitting here in the office in HCMC and thought of you and your fiancee. I imagine she is downtown right now immersed in the process.

Just wanted to drop a quick note! Best of luck.


LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-03-28 21:52:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

One more thing to think about right now is how envious we all are of you- yes- even me having already passed this part. At what other point will you ever get to be this excited? All of the waiting and preparation is finally over. Not that I ever want to go back to those months of chatting on yahoo, but I really kind of miss that moment of waiting to hear the results of the interview.

In my case the answer was not good right away, but I still remember the excitement of the phone call. I was online with my friends and her friends in Vietnam. It feels like you're on stage and they are about to draw lottery numbers. I hate to say it, but there will never be a time you feel this excited again- except maybe when your children are born. So, I'm really kind of envious.


Wow... I did not think about this!!!! Thanks for your insight (from someone who has been down this road before)... I have to say that the VJ community is great. I have never met anybody in person on this board but I know you are all amazing.... In fact... If anybody will be in Saigon on April 21 I want to invite you all to a party we are planning! Please contact me for details ok??

Thanks for all the support from all of you!!!
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-03-27 23:09:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Thanks for the good wishes everybody!!!! (and i thought the joke about putting me into vietnam time to get a head start was a pretty damn funny joke!)

:)) :)) :))
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-03-27 21:54:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Well folks.... tomorrow (March 29) is our K1 interview at the consulate in HCMC.

Lan and I are all set to go. Wish us luck. We're very well prepared (thanks to VJ) and I can't imagine doing this without the help of this group of people.

I'll post an update as soon as Lan calls me after the interview. I will also have her post her experiences with the consulate first-hand for the benefit of you all.
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-03-27 21:36:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
I've been pretty quiet on VJ lately.... Just to let you all know. Lan (my fiance) has her interiew in HCMC on March 29. I've already sent her all the documents/materials needed for the interview. I know HCMC is a difficult consulate to deal with but we are pretty damn well prepared! Wish us luck and I will post a followup after the interview.
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-03-21 11:10:00
Asia: East and PacificNotarized certificate of single status

Anybody know? And is this requested in Packet 3, 4? I cannot find reference to it in any of the required documents on the consulate site or elsewhere.



Giay chung nhan doc than. Pack 3.

I received the packet 3 and 4 recently from HCMC Consulate.
They didn't mention about the single status certification.
It seems it is not the required document. However, I still prepared one for the interview just in case
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-03-05 23:45:00
Asia: East and PacificGood Luck ct94
All the best! Hope you come through with flying colors!
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-03-22 13:43:00
Asia: East and PacificWhere are Vietnamese fiancee's getting papers translated?

My fiancee could translate whatever documents she nees to submit herself, but that is not allowed. So where can she get "certified" translations? She lives in HCMC District 3.

Hi Matt_Stevens,

I got my papers translated at Notary Office #1 (Phong Cong Chung so 1) at Pasteur street (at the corner with Ly Tu Trong street), district 1.

It takes about 3-4 days.

LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-04-02 00:49:00
Asia: East and PacificGot my interview date
Congratulation, kvtran!!!!
Wish you good luck!!!
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-04-06 00:57:00
Asia: East and PacificQuestions for Landy

Hello Lan and Andy,

I have a Question Regarding the MEDICAL EXAM

DO you know if the exam has to be done in HCMC, or can my fiancee who lives in Hanoi go to the IOM in Hanoi? I wasn't sure if your instructions specifically stated it must be done in HCMC.

Mike & Huong

Hi Mike and Huong,

I am not sure if HCMC consulate accept the doctors from Hanoi.

What i know is we have to have the medical exam from the approved doctors. And for HCMC consulate, they approve doctors from Cho Ray and IOM in HCMC :)

You can send email or call them to ask for information.

Good luck to you

Lan and Andy

Lan & Andy,
Thanks for your help. You two are wonderful!!!

Han & Bruce

Thanks Han & Bruce :)

We wish you successful on your incoming interview

Lan and Andy
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-04-07 23:30:00
Asia: East and PacificQuestions for Landy

Hi Lan and Andy,
I thought it would be good for all of us to start a question thread direted to you since you just sucssefully completed your interview. I know Dalegg is getting bombarded with alot of questions latley. I am taking you up on your offer to help answer some basic questions.

1. How long did it take to get your (Ly Lich Tu Phap) police report? Scy said it had taken his fiancee 3 weeks to obtain. If this is the normal time frame, there is not much time between packet 4 and interview date.

2. Exactly what documents need to be translated to english? House registration book, Police report, Single paper, Birth certificate.

3. Can the translation be done at any govenment office in Vietnam, or only specific location were the documents were handed out? Am I clear on this?

Thats all I have at this time, Thanks so much for your help.

Han & Bruce

Hi Han and Bruce,

It took me 4 weeks to have my polic report and i did it right after i got the packet 3.

Only the household registeration and the ID card (chung minh nhan dan) don't need to be translated. All other documents like police report, birth certificate, single status statement, ... have to be translated.

The US consulate accepts the translation from Notary Office in HCMC. They mention Notary Office #1 (Phong Cong Chung so 1) in their website as the place you can have your translation

Good luck on your journey :)

Lan and Andy
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-04-06 00:53:00
Asia: East and PacificAnyone use Bank of America?
I am also a Bank of America customer. I just called their customer service number and told them what I needed; they mailed it to me in about a week. It cost about $10 or so. It's a standard form letter (they must generate quite a few of these for their customers). Just to be safe when you talk to them tell them exactly what you need stated in the letter!

Anyone on here request their bank letter from Bank of America? If yes, can you elaborate more on your request? Were there any fees for the letter?

Trying to do this while living in Vietnam. My father is my power of attorney, but I wanted to see what I could find here before I sent him to the bank. Thanks in advance!


hi we bank with bank of america and over the course of the submittal of our paperwork we received four letters from them (they cant be more than 30 days old when submitted to the USCIS i think so we had to request an updated letter for sponser and cosponser) and there were no charges whatsoever - in fact they were super nice about it.

i suggest that you phone your local branch in person and explain to them the exact outline of the letter required (email it to them if possible - we did and they just filled in the gaps) and they should send it out to you for no charge and promptly at that. this might avoid the hassles of your Father having to go in and explain the situation. niall

LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-04-17 11:33:00
Asia: East and PacificHow should I take the engagement ring into Vietnam?
I realize that the choice of a ring is a personal decision but this is what Lan and I did:

We bought the ring together in Vietnam at a reputable jewelry store. This way Lan could help select a ring that she really liked. It's also quite a bit cheaper this way. Just something to think about.

Let me add a follow-up. The ring is going back. They lied. It is that simple. But they will give me a full refund, so I will be satisfied when that happens.

In the meantime I have ordered a ring that I was going to go with in the first place and will have it by Thursday afternoon, which is just one week before I leave.

LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-05-01 16:14:00
Asia: East and Pacifickvtran Interview Rally!
I hope to hear some good news about your visa!
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-05-11 17:41:00
Asia: East and PacificVietnam tourist visa
I hate getting a Visa from the VN embassy/consulate because their is absolutely no consistency to the price. I have been given numbers such as $30, $45, and $65. My wife (who is VN) looked at their website in VN and she says the price for a tourist visa for foregners is $25. So I am going to send in a money order for $25 and see what happens. I am SURE that someone at the embassy is skimming the excess into their personal slush fund! :)
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-11-27 22:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview in HCMC in 8 hours
All the best. Please let us know how it turns out.
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-02-15 15:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Question Regarding Support Evidence
I am reading the official I-134 directions right now and I have a question. In the instructions for Part 2, Supporting Evidence it talks about how I have to provide a letter from my employer, a letter from my bank etc etc. It then states this:

"The sponsor must submit in duplicate evidence of income and resources as appropriate"

Does this mean I need to submit TWO copies of the employer letter, TWO copies of the bank letter, etc???
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-02-19 21:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAnother I-134 Question
Just how much financial information do I need to provide the I-134?

At a minimum the following is required:
1) Copy of last year's federal tax return with copies of W2
2) Statement from my employer
3) Statement from my bank

OK fine. I am debating if I should submit the following things:
1) Copies of my last two pay stubs
2) Copies of my last month bank account statement
3) Copies of my last month savings account
4) 401K/IRA Statements
5) Taxable stock/brokerage accounts

How much information do you think should be submitted and what would be overkill?
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-02-19 22:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLetter of Intention to Marry (for K1): Is it Necessary?
I don't see a lot of people mentioning this but in the suggested instructions for a K1 on the VJ site,
it is suggested that after the NOA2 is received, the petitioner should send a letter to the embassy
stating that he/she still intends to marry the fiance(e) and continues to support the K1 visa.

Does anybody actually do this? Is it really necessary? It certainly does not seem required (at least it is not required of the consulate on ho chi minh city, vietnam)

Nevertheless I just wanted to ping some of you to find out if you have actually done this or not.

Thanks in advance.
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-02-20 17:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion about 3 yrs. of tax returns
Income taxes are due April 15 (actually they are due April 17th this year). So the way I see it, if your interview at the consulate/embassy is before April 17th the 2005 tax return, while nice to have is not essential. You should have your W2 forms on hand (you should already have received those).

I'm in the same boat as you. My fiance has her interview on March 29th. I just got the last form I need to complete my taxes. I may or may not have my return done in time for her interview but at least I can give her a copy of my W2 forms (and I'll do everything I can to get my tax return done before the interview so I can fax her a copy).
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-03-20 17:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTax Filing Status??
I am pretty sure I know the answer to this question but I hope I am wrong. :)

We're in the process of filing our K1. Lan's interview is scheduled for March 29 at the consulate
in Ho Chi Minh city. In 2005 we had our engagement and wedding ceremonies in Vietnam.
The wedding ceremony was just a ceremony, not a legal wedding (ie no official documentation
was generated).

Any chance I can file "married" when I file my income taxes for 2005? You could argue that are married
even though it is not official yet. At the least she could be considered a dependent, right?

I realize this might be a stretch but I'll be kicking myself if I find out I missed out on a way to save
on my taxes (so I have to ask)!
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-02-18 16:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe just got the K1 from the consulate in HCMC Vietnam!
My fiancee just called me... after a 5 minute interview with the US consulate in HCMC, Vietnam -- she passed the interview! She will have the K1 visa tomorrow!!!!!

This was MUCH easier than I anticipated... two reason for this:

1) We were very well prepared because of VJ's help
2) Lan speaks english very well

More details to follow on the Vietnam thread, ok???

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-03-29 02:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDocuments Needed at POE?
Besides the K1 visa in my fiance's passport, what other documents are needed at the POE? Initially I was thinking about bringing the complete I-129F visa petition package but I'd rather not carry so many senstive documents if I do not have to!!!

Any recomendations or suggestions??

Thank you!
LandyNot TellingVietnam2006-04-02 18:39:00