QUOTE (julezabelle @ May 2 2008, 04:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Your lawyer needs to forward the packet to your fiance.

THANK YOU! That's just what I have though all along. The lawyer sent it to ME, here in the US and she is going to call London on Monday to see what's up. I have some other things to send to that Dear Man in the UK so I will DHL all of it on Monday.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-02 19:35:00
We breezed through the US part -- Filed in mid February and got approved fast. On April 7, I received a letter from the NVC saying that information would be sent to London.

On April 14 the US Embassy in London sent a packet to our US lawyer (packet 3, I assume) saying that she needs to collect together the documents....(SHE doesn't need to collect the documents, my fiance, PETER in LONDON is the one who needs to do this.)

Meanwhile, Peter in England hasn't received anything from London!!! crying.gif

Our lawyer says that the packet she got is just a copy and that London will still send the real one to my fiance. Any thoughts on this?
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-02 15:35:00
United KingdomPolice Report lost? Was sent for in MARCH!!
QUOTE (Poiteen @ Jul 5 2008, 06:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So just to be clear, this is the ACPO cert that he has had trouble with? Because that is the only one the embassy will accept.

I'm not sure, it's just called the police certificate.

I'm not so happy now. It seems that the email that Pete sent with the two pages that they lost was never received. So Pete photocopied the two pages and sent them in again.

He's constantly in touch with them now -- latest news is that the forms he just sent in didn't have the date on them. So today he's scanned and emailed them again. If they don't get them this time, I assume he'll photocopy and SEND them AGAIN.

On the good side -- his contact person in (wherever they send for the police certificate) says that since his record is clean, he should just go ahead with the medical and at the medical they can just call HIM and he will vouch for Pete -- no waiting or pending.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-10 12:05:00
United KingdomPolice Report lost? Was sent for in MARCH!!
The 4th of July and we have had a breakthrough. (They do happen.)

After Pete sent in the correct police form, nothing happened. Three weeks and nothing received so he started phoning them and phoning them. They kept saying it was in the pipeline, it had to run its course. FINALLY today they phoned him and said that they were very sorry but they had LOST two of his papers!

Fortunately they gave him a personal email address and he scanned and emailed the two missing papers to them so now they have them AGAIN. Now they're saying he should finally have the police report in a week.

They said -- ignore the instructions about not stapling the papers together. They are losing lots of them and they are snowed under -- he said they are under about 24" of snow/paperwork. So staple or put a paperclip on your papers. They are overwhelmed because they have had so much dumped on them, including checks for foreign doctors and dentists, police recruits, nurses,
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-04 18:06:00
United KingdomPolice Report lost? Was sent for in MARCH!!
Sorry to hear about your dog. My grandparents have three Lancashire Heelers and they really are delightful little dogs; I like the idea of them becoming more popular in the US!


NOOOOoooooo!!!!! Not registered mail!!!!!!! It has to be signed so gets diverted away
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-06-21 20:43:00
United KingdomPolice Report lost? Was sent for in MARCH!!
QUOTE (pandora @ Jun 16 2008, 01:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Think were all getting concerned here that your holding up packet 3 when there is no need to and you can get an interview date sorted, based on when i sent mine back on 22 May its taken 3 weeks to get packet 4 and then another 3 weeks till my interview date. So if he dl's and completes them its all information that you both know and sends it back tomorrow its going to be few more weeks before an interview date is set.

Thats why we keep asking. Its just that the longer you take sending packet 3 back you will have to then wait for packet 4 and then the interview date, so could be quite a while longer.

To send packet 3 back its just a case of filling in a few forms and sending those back - there is no need at this stage to send any evidence.

Hope this helps


Guess were just concerned about you thats all and if the police cert isnt resolved by an interview date then the embassy will hold the visa awaiting the certificate and then forward it to him once they receive it.


Thank you for your kind concern, everyone. Just had a phone call -- Pete has FINALLY received the completed and ready to sign and send packet 3 from our lawyer. Ours has been very complicated, that's why we had to get a lawyer here in the US. She had HIM send HER the blank forms for HER to fill in and then send back to HIM. She sent them back to the wrong address but today the post office HAD THEM.

So now he has the correct police forms and has sent them in and he finally has packet 3 to send in. He says they wouldn't give him a date for his medical before he had packet 3. He's calling again today for the medical. He says after this experience he's sending everything by registered mail!!!!!!!!

So he will be delayed but in a way it's a good thing because our little doggie was put down on Sunday. crying.gif She was an English doggie that he brought over here last summer and she died of old age more than anything. Now, being delayed like this, he will (we hope) have time to find another one like her to bring over when he comes. She was a Lancashire Heeler and you can barely get them over here. We want to become involved in helping to get this PERFECT breed of little doggie established and recognized in the USA.

THANKS AGAIN, everyone.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-06-17 10:54:00
United KingdomPolice Report lost? Was sent for in MARCH!!
Has he sent back packet 3 yet? as he only need to include the forms there and tick the checklist and take all the other stuff to the interview

I don't think he has the forms to send in. Our lawyer here in the US took his information and filled it all in for him -- I think he needs those forms to send in and he's still waiting to receive them.

It's all gone crazy but I hope this is just a phase we're going through. Now the police don't want to refund his check! they just want to send a letter to London saying that he already paid -- he'll get his money back one way or another and will send it to London with his new form. He has also talked to the nice woman, Alice, at the help desk and has obtained useful information from her.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-06-15 22:04:00
United KingdomPolice Report lost? Was sent for in MARCH!!
Thank you, everyone. We have become very impatient about this. Pete has emailed me that he has downloaded the CORRECT police report form and will be sending it in. He's upset with his local police for not knowing and leading him to believe that it would be arriving. They will be refunding his money.

ANOTHER brick wall: he can't send in the packet because our US lawyer did it all on her computer and sent it to him. He only has limited use of a computer in a library so the lawyer thought it best to do it and send it to him. HE STILL HAS NOT RECEIVED IT! Now I think we should have sent it DHL sad.gif but we sent it international first class. It was supposed to take about one week but it's been several weeks now. (I wonder if the lawyer has a tracking number and can look it up --just thought of that.)
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-06-12 10:43:00
United KingdomPolice Report lost? Was sent for in MARCH!!
I just talked to him and told him what was said on here. This is what happened--he went in early March to his local police station and they gave him the form. He said it was different from the one he had filled out before so it looks like he had the right form.

At the police station they told him to fill it out and bring it back to them. So he filled it out, made out at check to THEM, and they took it and said they would send it to London.

So now he has the cancelled check cashed by the police and nothing from London.

I told him to call the help desk and he will do that tomorrow.

WHAT A MESS! Looks like he might have to start all over again and the police have his money!

Also, while I'm here, he has moved in with his grown daughter recently. Does he absolutely need to change his address with the Embassy or is it alright for him to just have his mail forwarded or held? He thinks it would hold things up if he had to change his address with them.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-06-11 21:24:00
United KingdomPolice Report lost? Was sent for in MARCH!!
Your fiancé needs to be dealing with the people at ACPO and not his local station they have nothing to do with the process any longer. If he originally applied through the police station its quite likely the reports you ordered will no longer be accepted at the embassey. The process changed at the beginning of the year and you need to make sure you have the ACPO report to pass the interview.

Thank you, I'm glad I asked on here. WHY on earth is his police station saying THEY will look for it!!!!! (rhetorical question.)
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-06-11 20:25:00
United KingdomPolice Report lost? Was sent for in MARCH!!
My Pete filed for his new police report after he left the US at the end of February. So far it has not appeared. He's talked to someone in (New Scotland Yard?) and he's talked to his local constable. He's talked to a supervisor at the police station. They all promise to look for it or to get it for him.

The local constable did look on the computer and has confirmed that the check was cashed and that the police report has not been received at the police station?

Are we doing something wrong? Have we missed something? Is it supposed to go to the police station and then THEY send it to the person who applied for it?

What more can Pete do? Thank you for any help -- this is the only thing holding him up.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-06-10 17:19:00
United KingdomInterview Date
QUOTE (villaspurs @ Oct 30 2008, 11:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (newenglander @ Oct 30 2008, 09:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think London has forgotten us. crying.gif


I would definitely get in touch with your elected officials ASAP--call your Congressperson and Senator and ask them to intervene. Your situation definitely sounds out of the ordinary... I'd follow up.

newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-03 14:50:00
United KingdomInterview Date
I think London has forgotten us. crying.gif

So far, along with all the other time we've missed together, there's been HIS birthday, the 4th of July, MY birthday, Larob Day weekend, Autumn foliage here in New England, and it looks as though we'll be missing Thanksgiving Day with my family too. Guess we'll miss Christmas?


He sent the final packet on the 9th of SEPTEMBER!!!!!!! We've gone through OCTOBER and will be going into NOVEMBER! EIGHT MONTHS is a long time to wait.

One time he actually got through to a person in the embassy who told him it was IN THE PIPELINE -- this was weeks ago and we are STILL WAITING. He's done everything -- police report, medical, all forms......everything........he simply needs THE INTERVIEW. Is something going on at that embassy that they are not scheduling interviews? Does anyone know? Is there anything we can do? Final Packet RECEIVED IN LONDON AND SIGNED FOR ON 9TH SEPTEMBER 2008 -- HOW MUCH LONGER UNTIL THE INTERVIEW? crying.gif
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-30 20:12:00
United Kingdom8 weeks to get packet 4 and another three weeks to interview?
Congrats on the interview date, lorri. Good luck, maybe they'll be in a fun mood for Christmas.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-14 13:57:00
United KingdomSTILL WAITING FOR INTERVIEW-How to Know if

Where you able to move your interview up?

Yes, he had the interview but needed more information from the co-sponsor. It has been sent by courier already -- I don't have hopes of getting him here for Christmas anymore

newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-15 17:07:00
United KingdomSTILL WAITING FOR INTERVIEW-How to Know if
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Nov 28 2008, 11:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (newenglander @ Nov 27 2008, 08:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
THANK YOU too all who helped us. Nich Nick -- you were right about the DS documents and you were a huge help. Now that Pete FINALLY sent them in I've received an email back from the consulate saying that HE WILL RECEIVE HIS INTERVIEW DAY AND TIME SHORTLY. We'll be so happy when this part is over.

LOL. I'm so flippin' confused.

Now it sounds like you are saying he had sent in the checklist but not the DS forms.........

Yes! The man had sent the checklist but held onto the DS forms!!!!!!!!! crying.gif He's trying to tell me that our lawyer had sticky note on the DS forms that said Hold Onto These and Take to Interview. (Our lawyer did the DS forms since he doesn't have a computer anymore). I don't quite believe that but he sent them in at last.

Today I received an email from my congressmans office that his interview will be Jan 9. So he finally has an interview date although I think we'll try to move it up so that he can be here for Christmas.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-01 13:32:00
United KingdomSTILL WAITING FOR INTERVIEW-How to Know if
THANK YOU too all who helped us. Nich Nick -- you were right about the DS documents and you were a huge help. Now that Pete FINALLY sent them in I've received an email back from the consulate saying that HE WILL RECEIVE HIS INTERVIEW DAY AND TIME SHORTLY. We'll be so happy when this part is over.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-27 20:41:00
United KingdomSTILL WAITING FOR INTERVIEW-How to Know if
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ Nov 16 2008, 02:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Looking at your timeline, your petition (I129F) expired probably on July 31. That is your approval date March 31 + 4 months.

Because nothing was sent in until Sept. 9 and received Sept 12, that is six weeks after your petition expired. And now it's 3 and a half months past expiration. That seems like a possible problem to me and maybe what you should be mentioning in these emails and calls you are making.

Also, you have mentioned often sending in the checklist, but you have not mentioned if he mailed in these forms--
•DS-230 Part 1, pages 1 & 2 completed
•DS-156, in duplicate, unsigned
•DS-156K, unsigned

Packet 3 instruction letter that he received states :
STEP ONE - Complete and return the forms listed at the foot of this page to us as soon as possible. (that is those DS forms I listed and should have been returned before expiration date of July 31)
STEP TWO - Collect together all the documents required in support of your application.
STEP THREE - Schedule an appointment for your medical examination.
STEP FOUR - Complete and return this document checklist to us so we know you are ready to be called for your visa interview.

What RebeccaJo was explaining was if he had returned the DS forms asap and before the expiration, then it didn't matter if it took a long time to do STEPS 2-4 (gathering docs, medical, completing checklist of docs) But STEP ONE was not done in a timely manner and that could be the problem like I said in this thread 12 days ago. And we're assuming that he sent in the DS forms, but you haven't mentioned anything but the checklist.

Here's some notes from a Dept. of State memo
N6.2 Validity of a K-1 Petition

An approved K-1 visa petition is valid for a period of 4 months from the date of USCIS action and may be revalidated by the consular officer any number of times for additional periods of 4 months from the date of revalidation provided the officer concludes that the petitioner and the beneficiary remain legally free to marry and continue to intend to marry each other within 90 days after the beneficiary''s admission into the United States. However, the longer the period of time since the filing of the petition, the more the consular officer must be concerned about the intentions of the couple, particularly the intentions of the petitioner in the United States. If the officer is not convinced that the U.S. citizen petitioner continues to intend to marry the beneficiary, the petition should be returned to the approving office of USCIS with an explanatory memorandum. [See Sec. 41.81 PN7 for revalidation procedure.]

I just got off the phone with him and asked him about this matter. Are the DS forms the ones that had to be done on the computer and had the barcode? Those were done and sent in--he doesn't know when they were sent in but I can sort of remember that it was during the early summer. He then got the medical in August.

I wish we could locate the man at the embassy to whom Pete was speaking on the phone a few times a week after his checklist was received. That man was one of the people who does the interviews and he was helping Pete along since he'd seen how we had been delayed by the mis-information about the police report. He assured Pete that nothing was out of date and that everything was in order. Last thing Pete heard was, "It's in the pipeline, just wait for the interview."

Thanks for your help, we're both still on pins and needles over this. I'll be sure and mention the dates that papers were submitted when I speak to the higher ups who are now trying to help us.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-16 18:07:00
United KingdomSTILL WAITING FOR INTERVIEW-How to Know if
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Nov 15 2008, 03:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (newenglander @ Nov 15 2008, 01:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

If you returned any portion of Packet 3 (DS forms, etc) before the 4 month deadline, then the consulate assuming he has abandoned his application is a non-issue. Having sent the checklist alone back after the deadline does not indicate abandonment to them.

I'm not sure I completely understand what you mean. Deadline is 4 months from what date? Was his packet 3 sent after then deadline? Then you say it does not indicate abandonment to them?

Do you think he has just landed at the bottom of the pile? Packet 3 was received by them on Sept 12, a man he spoke to at the embassy said it was complete and fine. Said it was in the pipeline, just wait for the interview date. That was over two months ago.

The NOA2 has a date on it. Technically, there is supposed to be an approved visa issued within that time frame. As we all know, this doesn't always happen.

After NOA2, the consulate issues an invitation (Packet 3) to the beneficiary of the petition to file an application for a visa. Most times this does occur within 4 months of the issuance of NOA2.

If the beneficiary does not respond to Packet 3 within that time frame, a consulate can (if they choose) decide that the beneficiary is no longer interested.

Some London applicants will return portions of the Packet without returning the checklist. They do this for reasons such as yours - they don't have their police report or some other document on the list, but they have completed everything else.

It is only the checklist, though, that will get you Packet 4 - the invitation from the consulate for an interview on an assigned date.

So...what I am saying is that if your fiance returned any portion of Packet 3 prior the 4 month expiration of the NOA2, abandonment is not an issue. The consulate will not, however, offer him an interview until the checklist itself has been returned. If he returned the checklist without a travel date or a wedding date, London is pushing his interview down the line in favor of those who did provide imminent deadlines.

Thanks for the clarification. No, he never sent anything at all until he had everything done. He sent the checklist when he had completed all the requirements and was ready for the interview. Maybe it's just the fact that he didn't set a date and we're at the bottom of the pile.

Well, as of now we've got the Department of State, my congressman's office, and a local solicitor of his. The solicitor will write a letter for free and he says that once they receive a few letters, they suddenly "find" things that were "lost."
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-15 19:46:00
United KingdomSTILL WAITING FOR INTERVIEW-How to Know if
QUOTE (NickyMcMillan @ Nov 15 2008, 02:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Take the hit, and call the embassy hotline. I did that after waiting three months for P4. The DOS kept telling me my interview letter would be sent to me, never told me of any problem. I called the embassy, who said they had not received my checklist, even though I sent it in with the rest of the documents. London has a reputation for losing documents! Once I sent in the checklist, I got my P4 a few days later.

All the best!

WOW, then this DOES happen?! We're not the only ones.

Two weeks ago HE called the helpline and wrote to them -- no answer (but it could be because he asked for a non-email reply.) Last week HE called the helpline again and this time I wrote to them and have had no answer. I used the new code that they issued to him.

Yesterday (Friday) I called the Dept of State and the man there said he would call them. I've also called my state congressman's office and they said they would write to them. We're both in suspense and feeling brokenhearted and forgotten. So sorry that you had to wait THREE months for it but sort of happy to hear that this happens often and it's not just US.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-15 14:43:00
United KingdomSTILL WAITING FOR INTERVIEW-How to Know if

If you returned any portion of Packet 3 (DS forms, etc) before the 4 month deadline, then the consulate assuming he has abandoned his application is a non-issue. Having sent the checklist alone back after the deadline does not indicate abandonment to them.

I'm not sure I completely understand what you mean. Deadline is 4 months from what date? Was his packet 3 sent after then deadline? Then you say it does not indicate abandonment to them?

Do you think he has just landed at the bottom of the pile? Packet 3 was received by them on Sept 12, a man he spoke to at the embassy said it was complete and fine. Said it was in the pipeline, just wait for the interview date. That was over two months ago.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-15 13:13:00
United KingdomSTILL WAITING FOR INTERVIEW-How to Know if
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Nov 14 2008, 11:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did you indicate wedding and travel dates on the checklist or did you leave those blank or state 'unknown'?

If the dates are blank, the interview will get pushed further down the line behind those who gave solid dates.

That's one thing that he didn't do -- he just put ASAP w wedding by the end of the 2008.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-15 09:07:00
United KingdomSTILL WAITING FOR INTERVIEW-How to Know if
I just finished emailing the embassy using the code and I included all information -- case number, Pete's dob, name of person at the embassy who signed for it, etc. Here's hoping the person he spoke to was WRONG about having no record of it. Here's hoping for some positive results.

Me again. Apparently the embassy doesn't reply to an email from outside the UK? I haven't heard back from them and it's been one week--I'm in the US and I wrote on behalf of my fiance who doesn't have regular access to a computer anymore. I now have someone in our congressman's office who is going to email them. This is sooooooo depressing.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-14 10:03:00
United KingdomSTILL WAITING FOR INTERVIEW-How to Know if

I called them once too. They gave me some erroneous info, like your Packet 3 has not been processed yet (or mailed out.) Then it arrived in the mail with a postmark showing that it had been posted 2 days before she said it hadn't begun Embassy processing.

Got your information, thanks again. He called again today and got a human who gave him a code. This person also told him that there is NO RECORD of his packet ever having been received!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pete immediately went to his local post office where they retrieved the records that SHOWED THAT IT WAS DELIVERED TO THE EMBASSY AND SIGNED FOR on September 12.

I just finished emailing the embassy using the code and I included all information -- case number, Pete's dob, name of person at the embassy who signed for it, etc. Here's hoping the person he spoke to was WRONG about having no record of it. Here's hoping for some positive results.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-06 10:49:00
United KingdomSTILL WAITING FOR INTERVIEW-How to Know if
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ Nov 5 2008, 09:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (newenglander @ Nov 5 2008, 07:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This person told him to wait for a phone call and then a courier would deliver the interview letter. It's been months now and we haven't heard a thing and can't even get through to anyone.
Sorry you had so many hold ups. Frustrating.
The interview letter (we call it Packet 4) comes in regular mail in a brown envelope like the Packet 3 things. You don't have to wait for a phone call. It just gets put in the letterbox.

A courier delivers the visa to you after you are approved at the interview and the Embassy keeps your passport to put the visa in it. If you are lacking something at the interview and they send you away not approved because you need to provide something else for them, then they won't keep your passport. After you get what's missing back to them and they are ready to approve, they notifiy you to contact the courier to pick up your passport and deliver it to the embassy.

It sounds like the person who said to wait for a phone call and courier was thinking you had already interviewed. I found the DOS very helpful several times and never had to wait long to get through. I know firsthand that sometimes info on your case gets screwed around. We were "tentatively" approved at the interview because the computers were down, but they said to leave the passport and make arrangements for the courier delivery. I called DOS after a couple of days and the lady said, "It says you were a no-show for your interview. What happened? Why didn't you go?" Geez! We were both there. Then she said she could look somewhere else and clicked away on her computer until she found something that said the visa had been printed on such and such date and should be with the courier.

Hope you get back on track soon.

It sounds like the person who said to wait for a phone call and courier was thinking you had already interviewed.

Well, he was the one who had the received packet on his desk, said it was fine, and told Pete that from now on they would be using couriers to deliver the interview letters (at least in the North.) Maybe it's because so many things get lost in the mail over there. One of our letters got lost in the mail and caused a delay. We don't care how Pete gets the letter as long as he gets it.

What you've said gives me some encouragement. I'll be calling DOS as soon as I can. Thanks!
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-05 22:52:00
United KingdomSTILL WAITING FOR INTERVIEW-How to Know if
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ Nov 4 2008, 11:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It took you a long time to return the checklist. You didn't mention if you sent in the DS forms. If your NOA2 was March 31, it has an expiration of about July 31. That will be printed on the NOA2. You got the P3 from them but didn't follow up for 4 months after that. I was just thinking maybe they thought you abandoned the petition and it got sent somewhere or sorta put aside or misplaced.

You could call the Dept of State in the US. They often have good information of what might be written about your case. Ask alot of questions and try to get them to dig for answers to your questions. Tell them all that has transpired and your attempts to contact the embassy.

(202) 663-1225
press 1, then 0 to speak to a live person.

Thank you. The reason it took him a long time to return the checklist is that he used the OLD form for the police report. The police took his money and sent his form to London and it was months before we found out that they don't do it that way anymore! The process had changed a few months previously. The police kept him waiting and waiting while they investigated why he didn't get his police report back.

Once we discovered (on here) that you don't do it though the police anymore, he sent to the right place and got it back really fast. Then he had the medical in London, had to go to his own doctor because London said he had high blood pressure -- went to his own doctor who said his blood pressure was due to the stress of going to the medical in London and THEY sent the information on to London.

His checklist was received in London on September 9th because he sent it signature required and also he actually spoke to a human who told him it had been received and that it was fine. This person told him to wait for a phone call and then a courier would deliver the interview letter. It's been months now and we haven't heard a thing and can't even get through to anyone.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-05 20:11:00
United KingdomSTILL WAITING FOR INTERVIEW-How to Know if
How can we know if they've lost his packet or sent it to the wrong address or _______________?

He sent in his checklist on Sept 9th and has spoken to someone in the Embassy who said it was fine and just to wait.

That seems like EONS ago and we are still waiting. We were hoping he'd be here for family Thanksgiving and marriage soon after but it's not looking good for us.

There is NO ONE to talk to or email in London. They delete your email without reading. You get a tape recorder for a phone call. Last week he phoned them again and got a code number to put in the subject heading of an email so he did that but no reply ever came.

Since we can't get through to them, (or CAN we?) does any American know if a state rep. will do anything for us? I've been told that our state senators can't do anything if it's a K-1 or K-3, just if it's a plain ordinary immigrant.

Do you think I should try to contact a representative from my state? Or do you know how to get any information out of London? Any and all help appreciated as we are desperate.

Other people seem to be getting their interviews in a few weeks but we've been waiting since early September. They've lost things in the mail before, that's one reason I'm so upset. Thank you for any help at all.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-04 19:06:00
United KingdomAny other way to get case status from London?
Look at how long it's taken us.

Similar circumstances--lost in the post, problems with police report that were not his fault. Yours seems even worse because it's in the Holland, at least ours was all in the UK. Lost in the UK--LOL.

If I had to guess, it will all come together after the new year begins. Should be smooth sailing then but I know (believe me I KNOW) how agonizing the waiting is and how you don't get much comfort from seeing others approved long ahead of you.

In the end Love will triumph and you will be together.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-09 14:06:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!

Just now! He only needed some extra information, he sent it by courier last week and we know it got there. Today he phoned the embassy and actually GOT THROUGH TO SOMEONE! good.gif They found his papers and approved them!

He rang the courier service just now and they said: "Well, when we get enough deliveries to your area, we'll get it to you."
YEEEEEEEKS! After all this pushing and waiting now the courier service won't even deliver it in time for Christmas?

So Pete put his FIRM VOICE on and he told them, "Either you get it to me by (such and such time) or I'm ringing the embassy and my "lady friend" who lives near Boston and she will get in touch with Ted KENNEDY'S office!!!

(as if I know Ted Kennedy, as if THEY could do anything between now and Christmas....LOL)

But anyway -- he's APPROVED and it doesn't seem real yet. I think the world is going to look brighter to me now and I finally feel a sense of calmness coming over me. I hope everybody who's still waiting gets to feel this way pretty soon--and CONGRATS to LORRI! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-22 11:58:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Congrats and it must be good to finally have it over and done with. Funny about being told NO about picking up the visa the same day as Pete did ask at the information desk and was told yes, he could wait. Maybe someday we'll find out for sure.

We're still waiting.....................
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-19 18:07:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Either way we're happy as clams that we're back together after 4 months apart. We leave for London Thursday morning, and Nathan's interview is 8am on Friday!

Good luck with the interview -- it sure is getting close now.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-16 12:19:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
For anyone who's interested, Pete asked at the information desk in the embassy about being able to wait around and get your visa the same day. The answer is a definite YES. You just tell them that you will be coming back for it and they'll have it ready in 3-5 hours. This is official word from the embassy.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-10 20:49:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Thanks. I just got off the phone with him again and he said that it's just pending those updated co-sponsor docs.

He said the man said he will get his visa if he can get the documents there in time -- when/if he can get the documents he is to call the courier number and they will pick up and deliver them to the embassy for him. Then a visa will be delivered back to him. Hoping.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-09 19:28:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Bad news here. Pete got a big fat NO.

Reason is that we have a co-sponsor and having waited all this time, the paperwork is out of date. If I can get her to find her tax forms for me and I can Fed Ex them to Pete by Dec. 20th all should be well--otherwise we have to start over from SCRATCH!

Of course they found other things that were "wrong" that are not wrong.

Pete said the first part where they look at all your forms went fine. Then he had to wait for his number and when his number was called and he was walking toward window # 14 the guy who had gone before him, who was leaving said to him, " You're in for a doggin'" "He's in a right rotten mood." This guy had been told NO also!!

So Pete goes up to this #14 man who turns out to be "one mean little ****" and was treated with hostility and cruelty and was pounded with questions. Pete said there must have been at least 20 questions -- all the ones we had rehearsed but only expected to get asked 2 or 3.

How many times have you been to the US? When? Where did you go each time? For how long? Who are your fiances relatives? Have you met them? What are their names? and on and on and on and on, all asked in a hostile intimidating manner.

Then the man threw the papers down and ticked off several "mistakes" like invalid passport (it is valid until 2016--but maybe it looked like 2006?)

Maybe they're in a bad mood due to the holidays, Pete thought so. He had some choice words to describe this "mean little man." Pete is the type who doesn't have a nerve in his body but this experience has shaken him up.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-09 17:24:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
I don't know who told him he could get his visa the same day, I wish I could tell you. I'll be able to tell you more when I get to talk to him.

It couldn't have been the embassy because you can't even speak to them. It could have been his lawyer's assistant (not the one we used) because they do some immigration.

He called to say good bye while he was waiting for the bus and now he's on his way.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-08 21:18:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Just to let you know the visa won't be issued the same day. It will be delivered by courier to his home/work address and can take up to a week to arrive.

Maybe so but he's been told that he can pay and then come back at the end of the day and pick it up. No matter really --as long as he gets it! smile.gif
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-08 12:06:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Lorri, I hope they speed things up for you. I know how upsetting and frustrating it is. Can't they just do this ONE thing for you so you can get the interview scheduled??!!!!


There's a lucky star for you.

My Pete is heading to London TOMORROW night (my stomach is knotting up, sinking feeling too). He's going by overnight bus from the North, getting off the bus and going by tube to the embassy for 8:30. He should be called at 9 and he just HAS to get approved. Assuming he does get approved, he's going to wait around and get the visa that same day.

He's going to call me tomorrow night just before he gets on that bus for London. and (since he's too cheap--which is a good thing) he's not going to take his cell/mobile phone with him I don't know how he's going to call me to tell me the results. Oh, he's meeting an old friend in London -- the friend will probably let him use his phone to call me. I'm rambling on like this because I'm nervous.

Thank you for adding us to the December list.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-07 22:49:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
To think that I had to call my congressman's office and THEY were the ones who first told me the interview date.

Then I emailed the embassy and got it moved up to Dec. 9th--instead of taking 8 days to answer like they did before, they answered in TWO days. Furthermore they said that his interview would now be on Dec. 9th instead of January.

In addition to THAT, it only took TWO days for him to receive the interview letter from them. It didn't even get lost in the mail like everything else has.

(I can't believe that I returned the embassy email and said I LOVED THEM!) (or is it my congressman's office that I should be loving??) good.gif
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-04 22:18:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (mrssmith @ Dec 4 2008, 04:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We got our interview date through today, myself and my daughter have an interview on 14th January 9am. Could you please add us to the list.
Now the panicking begins!

We've spent tonight on the phone rehearsing the questions and making sure he has all the documents. This is nervewracking but ours will soon be over. Whatever happens, I'll come back here and post about it -- anyone still waiting can use all the information they can get.
newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-04 22:12:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!

Pete finally got an interview for Jan. 9th but we wanted to try for something before CHRISTMAS. We called and got a code number and I emailed and within 24 hours I got an email back with his new interview date of DECEMBER 9!!!!!

I didn't even know you could get your interview date moved up until I read it on here. We're going to be practicing the questions and he's going to be getting all the documents in order -- F-A-S-T. Thanks for all the help along the way, it's been since mid-February when we filed and said good bye. This is exciting and scary at the same time.

newenglanderFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-03 18:58:00