K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNebraska CS to California...How bad is it?

There, there... don't take as seriously as well. I was just saying that when I was a first timer here, old timers snapped at me because I posted a "dumb" question without reading the GUIDES. When I read your post and thought altimixdj was kind of "harsh" to you, I suddenly remembered when I was in your position. VJ is indeed a community of helpful people but you will still need to do some reading and exploring to learn more about VISA journey.

You will be fine! Just keep it cool! :thumbs: And good luck with your own life's journey!


Hi Mae,

You may as well save some energy typing out psalms of inspirational visa forum advice on this one. Reading everything and understanding the responses, I've come to understand one clear, universal truth. You can show a child what toilet is and how to use it. But it's up to the child if they want to remain in the diaper or not. There are other analogies. But you get the point. ;)
I am just going to let the dude be and watch how other people are going to respond to questions he will ask. :D
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-30 08:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNebraska CS to California...How bad is it?

You guys take this forum thing way too serious :blink: Maybe some day i'll be helping out a new Vj member who is worried about his/her K1 and answering some "dumb" questions but it will never annoy me in such way like some people. This site is for a specific purpose: to help others, just like it says under "YOUR FAMILY IMMIGRATION COMMUNITY" i cant imagine when a family member asks you for help, lol!

You should be taking it serious as well. That's the point of it all! If you don't want to take this life-changing situation seriously, then why bother trying to bring your fiancee here? Is she not worth it? Is this not a serious enough situation for you and her? I saw you yesterday trying to help a new VJ member. I complimented you on it.
The only annoyance with the questions is that if you had taken the time to read any of the helpful information on this site, you wouldn't have to post the same question 3 times in 1 hour, "How much is the fee again?". All the threads you have started, we can all see and read right in your member profile. I've started 3 threads since joining here. It was to ask questions about things the guides did not cover. That was about self-employment for my situation. Yes, this site has a specific purpose to help others. But does this site have the specific purpose for everyone to provide answers to almost every question on the forms for another person? We are a community here. When we see someone is not trying to shortcut every little thing and they ask a question, people here are more than happy to help out.
Listen, I thought it would help you out having a little motivation. I can't give to you what you don't want. Take the shorter path if it suits you. Best of luck! :wacko:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-29 15:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNebraska CS to California...How bad is it?

Well said then :thumbs: and my apology. I guess I had some kind of flash back when old timers snapped at me because I "annoyed" them and to think it was my first and only time to post back then. :lol: After that, I followed their rules "READ THE GUIDES" and learned and now, kind of giving out advices to those who are somewhat "lost" with the whole thing.

Peace! :luv:


Bingo! I couldn't have said it better myself! :thumbs:
No need for apologies. Maybe this guy will see what you've written and it will give him inspiration to do the same :yes:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-29 06:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNebraska CS to California...How bad is it?

Come on guys... don't be too harsh... If you're annoyed that the OP didn't take time to read the GUIDES and preferred posting queries, you need not to reply and let others do it...

I've been snapped at too here at VJ when I was a newbie and it felt bad...

I wasn't trying to be harsh. Actually, trying to help him realize and understand what he's doing. I personally can see he's bouncing all over the place and not paying much attention and taking shortcuts just by what I am reading what he's written in all the threads he's started. In a thread he started yesterday, he said he hasn't submitted his 129F yet, but he's asking questions and what to write on the form 134? If the GUIDES were read and followed, he wouldn't be asking about what to write on a form 134 at this point. It's not needed until much, much later. Provided if he can get his 129F approved. :D
I guess I shouldn't care. It's his visa. If he wants to take shortcuts and screw it up for himself, only to go back and recorrect all the mistakes or missed requirements, we should all just sit idly by and let him do it. This is why I had said he's doing a great inservice to himself and his fiancee.

Edited by altimixdj, 29 March 2007 - 05:03 AM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-29 05:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNebraska CS to California...How bad is it?

im a week old member, (or just about) im still learning the tools that is out there for us to read and find out. I know it may seem stupid for some who already know how it works, but didnt you feel lost when you first started? Im learning, just not as fast like you. But thanks for the links and info, now i can track where you found it and use it more often than before.

It's not a problem. On each page of this site, there are HUGE tabs that say "GUIDES","Visa FAQ", etc. When I first got here back in January, I took the time to look this site over. I made a big decision to marry a foreign fiancee. I wanted to know all that was involved. I mean, I'm going to be creating a whole new life not only for me. But for my fiancee also. That's what we're all doing here. So I took the time and read the GUIDES, etc, and everything that applied to my visa application. I sat back and watched the posts in the forum. After reading the GUIDES, etc., I understood what everyone was basically talking about. Because devoting a little time to reading things, I saved myself about $1500 if I would have paid an attorney to do the same thing.
I am just trying to save you from some people that become pretty hostile towards someone who is fairly new here that asks an easy question like, "Do I have to sign all these documents?". It is obvious if someone has read the information on this site or not. Or at least, has made the attempt. Arm yourself with the knowledge and you will be doing a great service for you and your fiancee. ;)

Edited by altimixdj, 28 March 2007 - 06:15 PM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-28 18:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNebraska CS to California...How bad is it?

Look at my timeline and you can get a pretty good idea of how it is. Or go to the timeline section and look at other peoples timeline. It is pretty slow. But we all are waiting together and if you have questions we ask.

Simple question. Simple answer found. I'm amazed that people do not take advantage of all the good information they can educate themselves with on this site. I highly encourage people to actually take the time to learn about their visa and what's involved. Most of the time, it takes longer to type the question and waiting for a response if they just would have viewed over the things that pertain to them. ;)
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-28 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 or K3

1. We're not married yet, but we could be. Is it easier to apply for a K1 and then marry, or would it be better to marry first, and then apply for a K3?

A K-1 appears to be a much faster process for unwed couples trying to be together in the USA as soon as possible. With a K-3, you must be married. it is a little longer process because there appears to be more to prove the relationship is legitimate. So it won't bring you together faster.

2. She works full time, but is a college student. Would this have any effect on the affadavit of support? Her parents would be willing to co-sign if necessary.

With her being the USC, she needs to be able to prove that she makes 125% above the Federal Poverty Guidelines. If not, she will need a co-sponsor for the visa. Which would more than likely be her parents if they wish to do so.

Also, if anybody knows about the process for having her join me in Canada, would that be easier? We're not terribly concerned with where we are, we just want to be together.

I don't know anything about the process for Canada. Maybe someone will come along and help out.
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-30 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoney

Im still pretty new to this site, Havent visited much lately, although I know i should be sitting here doing nothing but reading for hours on end...ha ha

Anyways, my financee lives in the UK and he sends me money sometimes to help out with the bills here ,,,, will whoever checks us out see that, and therefore deny us because of it..... its not like its a huge sum of money

Just checking :help:

It is a weird question. His money is his to give to you if he wishes. I am certain you are not the only one who has money sent to their fiance(e). Nothing the government can say about it. It looks like something you can use for evidence. Keep the transaction records with your names on them for proof of on-going relationship. :yes:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-03-30 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about applying for K1 visa without a lawyer..

first thing:
NEVER EVER EVER go to the ex's house or related house.

Here's an odd one for ya! Whenever my ex and I had split up. She moved across the street to her father's home. I never bothered her. Let alone, when she filed for the divorce not long after, she stated in the court petition how abusive I was to her and my daughters. A judge bought that ####### and ordered my children to be taken from me. She brought the cops over at 1am on a school night and had them pulled out. Of course, they missed school that morning. By 11am that same day, they were back at my home. When I went to court, I disspelled all the lies she stated in her petition. Even the mediator called her a liar and told her he didn't buy what she shoveling. Now, you know why I made the comment about what your ex-mother-in-law can choke on?
I can relate with your past and present situation niceguy. My fiancee' is something else! My girls are really looking forward to actually having a real mother-figure back in their lives.
As I always say, "Everything always evens out". :yes: I'm happy for ya man!
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-03 17:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about applying for K1 visa without a lawyer..

If you don't file it, you won't be approved. Time to get a second job.

I make enough money NOW, but not 2006

NOW is what matters. As long as you meet required 125% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for your household, you should be fine.
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-03 16:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about applying for K1 visa without a lawyer..

I like popcorn.

Hate to break the news to you...but the type of ladies you describe come from every corner of the globe. It's no secret they are not limited to just one race or country. They come in all shapes and sizes. :yes:

P.S. Tell the roomies I said Hello! :lol:

Edited by Captain Ewok, 02 April 2007 - 03:41 PM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-02 14:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about applying for K1 visa without a lawyer..

Wow - you really take things at face value! :blink: I would so prefer people keep the really detailed details out of posts here. There's just no way for any of us to know what's true or not.

As I had said, "Whether or not it happened". What you read was quite "mild" to what I should have written about a person of such vindictive character. The ex-mother-in-law did receive the benefit of doubt. :lol:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-02 11:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about applying for K1 visa without a lawyer..

Her mother then barged through the bedroom door where I was talking to her and rushed towards me all crazy like. Thats when I tossed water in her face and ran out of the house. The next morning I found out her mom then called the police and claimed that I "broke in" to the home and had even "hit" her daughter (my ex wife) which is all crazy and didnt happen.
The problem is, after the incident my wife decided she was gonna leave me for the other guy so her mother made her file a DVO (domestic violence order) against me, so technically I have some sort of domestic violence misdemeanor in my past.

Sorry I had to cut your post a little. I cannot stand people who create false allegations like this against anyone. Whether or not, it happened. I've seen this kind of garbage happen too many times in real life. I hope the lady chokes on a huge #######! :yes:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-02 04:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and immediate family

Thanks everyone! I never thought I would generate so much discussion. I posted this at work, and watched the thread drop without any views, then I let it go until after work.
The reason I didn't post too many details is becasue I thought it might be general "yes/no, but..." type answer.

One of the big things is that she has had the oppurtunity to join her family in the past and never had the desire to come here. Also the family is possibly returning back to Colombia this year. If that is the case then that could put all of this to rest. However; that might not be until the end of the year, so the paper work would be started before they return home. I am about to buy my ticket to go back down again, so I I am going to get some more details from her. It is after my next visit that I would plan to start the paperwork.

There is a lot of good discussion and answers here. I really appreciate it. I think a couple of things that stand out are the question #37 and going with a don't ask don't tell. I really liked: "Would she risk her parents being deported to be with me?" That is a very good question! I have to admit, I have been in this game for a couple of years and I look for the red flags of the girls using me and this would be one good test! I would be 1/2 tempted to see, but she has passed everything I threw at her and we moved on into that calm trusting point of the relationship. I have seen and believe her to be 100% honest with me. Better yet, I can feel it too. We started our relationship of on the right foot.

I read the post: "Let's talk about red flags". I can see the flags are different in the eyes of the government. Besides her family being here, the only other flag we might have is:
"A very brief courtship followed by a plunge into matrimony" but I guess that would depend.
When the time comes, I also plan on going to the interview and have good documentation.

I did get an attorney; but I paid him to tell me everything I already knew, so now I will use him again as a last resort. Either way of the outcome I will definetly post what happens. In fact I plan to be around here during this whole process, so it looks like I'll have something to add after this experience.

Thanks a million for all the support and help!

I gotta give it to ya! You read the responses and took in all the information with class! It's not common to see the original poster return without being on the defensive. Best of luck to ya man! :thumbs:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-04 22:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and immediate family

If the Embassy or Consulate in Columbia uses a GIV-24 or similar family compostition sheet, then his girlfriend will be required to provide the names and addresses of all her immediate family. This form is part of packet 4.

I had a feeling there had to be something like that somewhere along the way.
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-04 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and immediate family
That would really bite being denied based on the actions of the relatives. It seems like it all boils down to that old saying, "You are judged by the company you keep". In this case, the "company" being the family who are here illegally.
To the OP: I hope everything can work out for you somehow. If your fiancee is asked by the government where the relatives are, etc., will she give up their whereabouts and visa status to be with you? Just something to think about.
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-04 14:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and immediate family

What many don't understand is that many people, including myself and my family, don't have any choice. Almost 25 years ago my parents could not find jobs in Colombia, had two children (my siter and I) and had no money for food, clothing, or school. Visas were denied and to make a long story short, we had to come here illegaly. We had no choice. Later on we updated our status and are now US citizens.

But going back to the question. The relationship the petitioner has with his fiancee does not involve anyone else. Neither one of them is responsible for the illegal status of her relatives. I have relatives that I know live here and have not spoken to in years if not decades. What does that have to do with my husband coming here with a CR-1 visa? Absolutely nothing.

Not to downgrade your past situation of how and why your family came to US illegally. The same problems exist with US citizens having no money for food, clothing, or being able to attend school either.
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-04 14:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and immediate family
I don't know how this is going to affect your visa application for your fiancee. I don't think it will because you are going about it the RIGHT way. Your fiancee hasn't done anything wrong. Her relatives have. As far as the relatives overstaying their visa, they'll eventually get caught and be sent back. They went about it the WRONG way.

Edited by altimixdj, 04 April 2007 - 01:12 PM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-04 13:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo they even know what they are doing???
It's too bad they don't send something to the petitioner after their petition for a visa is approved. You know, a comment/survey card where you mark the boxes that say, "Poor", "Fair", "Good", and "Excellent".
How would you rate your visa experience? Was our staff knowledged and helpful? :lol:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-02 21:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReceived NOA1 before check was cashed?

Hey all,

I see that in some timelines of VJers here, that they actually recieved their NOA1 before their check was cashed. How do you know that, since you don't have the reciept no. yet? I thought the receipt no. should be on the back of your cashed check? Sorry if I'm asking a redundant question, but I'm really confused.... :unsure: ..........Thanks! :)

We were able to see the cashed check with our online banking accounts. The number we needed is on the back of the check. If you're able to get that number from the back of the check, you can go to the USCIS website and create your account.
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-05 04:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe need of a lawyer in the finance process

I knew I should've become a lawyer. All I need is 12 clients to live for a year.

You probably wouldn't be very good at have a soul! :innocent:

As far as a "finance visa", doesn't that occur with the I-134? :P

Edited by altimixdj, 05 April 2007 - 07:48 PM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-05 19:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHome Residency Restriction

Hey guys can I join the party?I heard it is quite nice there in the summer :dance:

Sure! Why not? We don't know for sure. If Elena has to wait out her HRR, we were guessing that myself and her fiance would be near the area around the same time as I am going to get my fiancee. If it's possible, we may all meet up together. If you ever get a chance, definitely hit up the Black Sea during the summer! The place I enjoyed was in the southern most part of Ukraine called Yalta. It reminded me of Hawaii with no palm trees or the high cost. Absolutely beautiful! ;)

Edited by altimixdj, 06 April 2007 - 05:52 AM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-06 05:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHome Residency Restriction


This page contains info on obtaining waivers for J1's. Scroll down to the bottom and open the next to the last link, which will open a PDF. Go to page 11 and read the first 'Miscellaneous Question'.

Thank you for the link..I hate to be skeptical but Mike needs lower his optimism...I sent him the link and the "proof" that it does not matter if I studied in Bulgaria or not...I have to be in Moldova. However, since I only have to "serve" 4.5 months, I dont think I should apply for a might take way more than 4 months...MPGPM was right...
Thank you very much for clarfying my confusion

So you are gonna have to wait it out after all? :o
Well, as we had talked about, maybe we can all meet up on the Black Sea and do some celebrating together before Mike and I bring you lovely Eastern European ladies to join us in the US! :dance:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-05 14:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHome Residency Restriction
Congrats Elena! I hope the information is true and you can leave sooner to be with Mike! :joy:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-04 18:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresterminology - filing

What does the term filing mean?

It seems like a lot of people take filing to mean the date that they receive their NOA1 (ie, "I mailed my petition in February, but it looks like I'll actually be a March filer), but I was under the impression that filing is the date you mail the petition. Like taxes, right? You have to file by April 17th, which just means that it has to be postmarked by then.

I took the filing date as the date it was marked at the service center when first received. Other people may think differently. But I sent my I-129F in February. But it was noted received and added to the service center system as March 2nd. That makes me a March filer. Hope it make sense to ya!
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-05 20:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresserive centers

dont worry, many of VJs members are sharp-shooters, so keep your head down.

I don't understand exactly what you mean here--can you clarify?

He was talking about when he first came here to VJ, it appeared he wasn't doing much reading of the basic material and was starting threads asking questions that he would have had the answer should he have read any of it from the start. He was bouncing in and out of threads asking the same question I think for the reason there were people reading that thread at the time. I couldn't help but notice it. He was receiving advice on most things. But people starting telling him to use the step-by-step guide, etc. So replies went from nice to downright telling him to actually look at it and read it. I told him he was doing a great inservice to himself by not learning even the simple aspects of what he was trying to accomplish. To sum it up, he disappeared for just over a week and came back to announce his NOA1.
That's what he meant by the "sharpshooters". The people who got on his ####### about all the questions. He has lived and now he's on his way with everyone else.
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-06 22:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresserive centers

Hi Marieke!

Welcome to VJ! We have a NL regional forum and you can join us if you like! :dance:

Good luck on your journey,


Where do I find it?

It is here for you Dutch: http://www.visajourn...p?showtopic=176
Looking at my photo, would you believe I'm 1/2 Dutch? :lol: But I actually am! :yes:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-06 06:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresserive centers

dont worry, many of VJs members are sharp-shooters, so keep your head down. Just send it to the service center that is stated. They are still open but will not process it, so California will do the rest. I recently send it to Nebraska and I just got my NOA1 from CA, so do this fast because everyday counts. Good luck and heads-up!!!

Congrats on the NOA1. Following the guides must have helped. As far as the "sharp-shooters" comment, we seriously encourage each person on here who is starting out to really familiarize themself by following the step-by-step guides and reading the Visa FAQ. No one will condemn you if you seriously apply yourself. It is something that is obviously seen if you haven't really tried. That's all! ;)
By the way, in that past post from you onerfe, I don't know if you went back to read what was written. But none of us ever said you were asking "unintelligent" questions or that you were "stupid". Those words came from you amigo! :yes:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-06 06:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresserive centers

I completely agree. I am in the real estate industry, people ask, wow how will this affect my taxes, is this legal to do. They basically want my 10 years worth of experience to give them some advice or worse yet to type a contract for them. I'm cool with helping, however without a consistant interjection...Im not a lawyer and this isnt legal advice...however........without saying that, you can actually be charged with practicing law with out a license.

I would think the "Important Disclaimer" on the bottom of each page of this site has outlined this site as stated, "Answers and comments provided on Forums are general information, and are not intended to substitute for informed professional medical, psychiatric, psychological, tax, legal, investment, accounting, or other professional advice." :yes:

Edited by altimixdj, 05 April 2007 - 11:56 PM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-05 23:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresserive centers

maybe we should just go back to my ignorant question..

You're right marieke. But I don't think you asked an ignorant question. I wish we could have our choice of service centers where to send the I-129F. Unfortunately, you must send it to the appropriate service center within your jurisdiction. If you go to the USCIS website, you can easily find which service center you need to send your I-129F. Best of luck to you!
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-05 20:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresserive centers
What's funny is, why bother advertising your actual job or career if you're not offering any advice or expertise? Personally, I can say with my brother being a lawyer, I'm not impressed at all with his ability to boast about such a thing either. Let alone trying to talk over everyone's head and his relentless willingness to voice his "both sides of the fence" legal opinion to everyone within earshot of his voice. I easily sum it up to him by saying, "If a convicted killer is exonerated based on a minor technicality, freed to roam the streets, and kills an innocent person...thank a lawyer for making it possible". No offense! :lol:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-05 20:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresserive centers

I am an attorney - but I am *not* an immigration attorney and I am *not* your attorney. I am absolutely not offering legal advice here.

You forgot your Copyright clause in your signature and the fact nobody cares if you are an attorney. The VJ Terms of Service already addresses attorney disclosures. Lawyers and their egos. We're all happy for you, :dance: , but get over yourself.

Freaking hilarious! :lol:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-05 19:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureschange of address

Hi, I have a question...I need some info please
what should I do if I had to change my address, my fiance is comming this weekend, do I have to send any form to notify a change of address?

You don't have a timeline filled out for your K-1. So I don't know where you are at this moment with your K-1. Who is changing their address? You, the petitioner? If you are, you have your receipt number, you need to contact USCIS at the phone number listed on your I-797 (NOA1 = Notice of Action) and let them know of the address change.
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-06 22:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfirst NOA

I just recieved my first letter since sending out my I129f, its called I-797, Notice of Action.

Is this considered NOA1 or 1NOA or is this just a letter stating they recieved my petiition? I also see a "receipt number" is this the WAC tracking number?

I feel better that i got a response because i no :blink: w see its coming from the service center in CA where it was foward it. :angry:

Now you can take that number and go to the USCIS website ( and register an account where you can view and be notified by e-mail when it has been "touched" or other actions. Just click on "Case Status Online and Processing Times", then click on "Create/Edit customer portfolio account". You then create your account with the number you have received from USCIS. Best of luck to you!
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-06 06:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting married twice outside and inside the USA

Can you get married outside of the USA and then again inside the USA once the K1 VISA has been issued without breaking any laws/regulations.

There's a little trick to all of this! If you have any kind of wedding prior to your K-1 being issued, you better not make even the slightest hint of having done so! You could easily be denied K-1 approval. If you decide to do this prior to beneficiary's arrival into the US for a legitimate K-1 visa, keep it all HUSH! HUSH! :yes:

Edited by altimixdj, 06 April 2007 - 11:27 PM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-06 23:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F pack question

thanks...yeah..i cant help it..i dont eat alot and just sometimes fast food but....
Now im writing the name, date and location on back of i need to give them details on enough the city or club, at dinner, to my apartamet...etc....and at the names..if there are more people with us in pics should i write their names too.. is sounds kinda stupid to ask but i want to make sure...

Yes, write where they were taken and who is with you in them. Write if they are family or friends. More information is better than less in this situation.

oops...i think i did a name is Teodora but everybody calls me i wrote on back of pictures Dora...but on my papers my name is u think that would be a problem?? they will say something? :unsure:

Try to use your name Teodora. Anyway to fit it on the back of the photo? 100% neatness isn't required. If not, I don't think it will be a big deal.
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-07 11:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F pack question

thanks...yeah..i cant help it..i dont eat alot and just sometimes fast food but....
Now im writing the name, date and location on back of i need to give them details on enough the city or club, at dinner, to my apartamet...etc....and at the names..if there are more people with us in pics should i write their names too.. is sounds kinda stupid to ask but i want to make sure...

Yes, write where they were taken and who is with you in them. Write if they are family or friends. More information is better than less in this situation.
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-07 11:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F pack question

How many photos are you including? Do they have the dates printed on them with the location of where they were taken? I will send 14 pictures and my baby will add more pictures we have in we will have alots of pics....and are made in diferite times..since we started our relationship until not long ago...i've been trough alots of changes in USA i put some weight (20 pounds) and i've been blonde i kinda look diferite in pictures....will that be a problem? i mean is me..just looking diferite... i printed dates and location on back...ohh..another question...should i send just one pic from the same day or just from diferite dates? can i send like 4 pics made in same day??? thanks alot.,...

Yes! Watch out for food in the US! It will put on the weight very quickly! As far as your hair being blonde in the photos, as long as it was you in the photos. They are fine. You can send photos taken on the same day. But it would be good to spread out the dates on the photos. You look like you're in good shape with sending the photos. :thumbs:
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-07 10:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F pack question
How many photos are you including? Do they have the dates printed on them with the location of where they were taken? Write them on the back of the photos. Make sure each G325A has an original signature. Pay attention to the bottom of the 4 pages for G-325A! Each form looks the same. But they are different! I didn't notice this and I await for them to request new one's. Send to your fiance blank copies of G325A with only your signature on them. If later on they are needed again if there was an error, he will have them on hand and can fill in necessary information if corrections are required. This will save you about a week or more if they are needed.
It looks like you have everything. Definitely, look at the checklist all over again.
JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-07 10:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow important and copies
It's not mandatory to make copies. But it is recommended if your petition got lost. I don't think USCIS will send you a copy of what you have submitted considering how many petitions they receive. Just keep your fingers crossed that it will proceed onto the consulate and everything is there for the interview. On the other hand, you should have all the original things like the birth certificate, evidence of meeting, etc., right? If the worse happens, you will have to re-assemble and submit another petition with all the evidence of meeting, etc.

Edited by altimixdj, 07 April 2007 - 07:13 PM.

JoeMamaMaleUkraine2007-04-07 19:12:00