US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow often do K1 visas get denied at the interview?

Hi everyone,

We have received our packet 3 from the consulate in Armenia. We are actually going to schedule an appointment for the interview tomorrow, and the wait time for an interview is about a week. 

We have all the paperwork for the list of documents that are needed for the interview. My fiance went to the medical exam and everything. 

We have seen each other in person 3 times, and we have been together for about a year and a half. We have plenty of proof for our relationship- skype calls, phone calls, pictures from all my trips, plane tickets, our engagement party, wedding band order forms, and gifts we send to each other. 

My only concern is the fact that I dont work since I am a full time undergraduate student. My dad is cosponsering my fiance and he meets the requirements.

Do you guys think that anything might go wrong during the interview? Does the k1 visa get denied often? I have heard that it is all based on luck to pass the interview, but I mean we have all the proof. I just dont want to believe that my happiness is just based on luck. Has anyone felt like this as well? 

Edited by its-amy, 11 November 2013 - 04:24 AM.

its-amyNot Telling02013-11-11 04:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 visa additional papers after interview

*** Thread moved from K-1 Process forum to the Embassy/Consulate forum -- topic involves that phase. ***


How many did they ask for?

They did not specify. On their list, they wrote "G325a for you and your fiance (original)"  that is why I am confused on how many copies the embassy would want.

its-amyNot Telling02013-11-21 01:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 visa additional papers after interview

Hi everyone,

for some reason the embassy asked my fiance after his interview to drop off g325a forms for both me and my fiance. I know that originally we sent 4 copies of the g325 to USCIS. Should i make 4 copies and then drop it off or only one should be enough? 

its-amyNot Telling02013-11-21 01:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmbassy wants additional documents for k1 visa

My fiance went to his interview on tuesday. He answered all the questions, took the oath, and signed the form that says he is willing to serve the army. After all of this, they told him that he is missing a few documents. They gave him a 221g additional processing slip that said we need to submit our G-325A again(even though we submitted it to USCIS), turn in and I-134 for the petitioner (we submitted my cosponsors I-134 but not mine, thinking that since I am a student and make no money that I wouldnt need one), and to fix a typo for my fiance's school name on the DS160. They told him to bring these documents with his passport and drop it off at the consulate section.


I just want to know, is this a bad sign? Should some minor missing documents like these cause a long delay?  Ive read additional processing can take months. Do you guys think they will still grant a visa, or this was just a way to delay and then deny? My fiance and I were so excited to finally be together, and now we just have to be in that waiting position again. :(

its-amyNot Telling02013-11-21 06:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion about DS 160

So the embassy gave my fiance a 221g form after his interview and told him to make necessary changes on the DS 160 form and then drop off the confirmation page with the passport to the consulate section. When I made these changes, the DS 160 gave me a new confirmation number. Do you think this will affect anything? I am getting worried since my fiance went to his interview with the old bar code confirmation number on the DS 160

Also, the embassy took the old confirmation page. Should we submit the old one along with the new one?

Edited by its-amy, 22 November 2013 - 04:34 AM.

its-amyNot Telling02013-11-22 04:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-160 after interview

My fiance received a 221g additional documents sheet for his k1 visa. They wrote that we need to make some changes on the DS-160 form, and then print the confirmation page and turn it in to the consulate drop box with his passport. When we logged in to make those changes, it opened the DS-160 document and we made the changes. However, the confirmation page gave a new bar code. It is different than the one they used at his interview. WIll this cause a problem? Should we just turn in the new confirmation page, or turn in the old one too? (they took his old one though)

its-amyNot Telling02013-11-23 00:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion221g?

so my fiance just submitted the missing documents that were listed on the 221g. however on the 221g form itself, there was no case number or date. my fiance and i thought that we shouldnt leave it empty and filled in our case number and the date we submitted the missing documents. Was that wrong to do? If its wrong, will the consulate figure it out?

Thanks. Sorry I know it might sound like a silly question. We are just worried about every little aspect of the case. We dont want anything to go wrong. 

its-amyNot Telling02013-11-29 18:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionk1 visa - 221g


my fiance got a 221g at his interview, and we submitted all the documents required the other day. However, the consulate did not give him a case number at his interview. They just told him to drop off his passport and the documents. 

How should we track our case? Is it mandatory for the consulate to give us a case number with a 221g? Is this unusual? I dont know how to follow up on my case. I know its supposed to be an "AA" number but they didnt assign us anything. 

thanks in advance. 

its-amyNot Telling02013-12-01 03:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed opinions about the call from the embassy

What country?


Good luck


I keep trying to find something online to try and see what this can mean, but no luck. Any idea? 

its-amyNot Telling02013-12-04 06:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed opinions about the call from the embassy

So my fiance submitted all the documents that were stated on the 221g a week after the interview. They told him to submit his passport with the missing documents. After submitting, the embassy called the following week telling him to present himself at the embassy at a specific time and date with a copy of his passport. 

They already took a copy of his passport during the interview as well, so I dont think that is missing. 

Any opinions on what this could mean? Could it be another interview, or some other document is missing? Can it be a final decision? 

I just want to know what you guys think. Anybody had something similar?

its-amyNot Telling02013-12-04 05:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionembassy called after 221g - what does this mean?

Hi, so we submitted the missing documents listed on the 221g they gave my fiance. We submitted it on the 29th and the embassy called today and told my fiance to come with a copy of his passport on thursday. They have his original passport with him. They didnt say anything else. Does this mean anything? I dont know if i should think the visa has been issued, or if they are just returning his passport. 

By the way this was for a k1 visa. During his initial interview they already asked him questions, fingerprinted him, and told him to sign the paper that says he is willing to serve America, and he took an oath. 

its-amyNot Telling02013-12-02 15:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE to approval


so I had received an RFE for my K1 visa that said they want evidence for intent to marry. My lawyer sent it out on monday and my online status just changed to RFE response review. If I were to be approved, do they send a letter or will my status change online? Also, approximately how long does it take to hear back from them after they receive the RFE?

its-amyNot Telling02013-08-23 01:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat happens after the K1 visa petition is approved? (getting the NAO2)


so i am waiting for the approval after sending in the rfe for intent to marry. they received it 2 days ago. I was wondering, what happens after i get an approval letter? How long does it take for us to get a letter about an interview? Where is the letter sent?

its-amyNot Telling02013-08-23 17:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow long does it take to get an NVC letter after an approval?

What number do you call for the NVC?  I'm calling 603-334-0700 but it's just going straight to a busy signal!

I called the same number and it goes straight to busy as well. I have been trying a couple of days actually. Does anyone know how else we can contact them?

its-amyNot Telling02013-09-11 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow long does it take to get an NVC letter after an approval?


so i have just received the approval mail for the K1 visa. It does not mention anything about sending it to NVC. It just says that they forwarded my case to the listed consulate. I have seen sample letters saying that it is forwarded to NVC. Is there something wrong? 

Also, how long does it usually take to get a letter from NVC saying that they received our papers? Does NVC usually want us to send in the required documents to them, or do we sent to the consulate or have it present at the interview? 

its-amyNot Telling02013-09-03 20:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDoes NVC send a letter to the petitioner in the US?

Hi everyone,

So i received my NAO2 for my K1 visa on August 29. The letter said that my petition was approved and my case has been sent to the embassy in Armenia. 

I contacted my lawyer about the wait time, and what are the steps to be followed after the approval. I know that the case gets sent to NVC before going to the consulate. My lawyer told me that the NVC is going to send me a letter giving instructions to prepare a consulate package and send it to NVC. From what i read here and on other websites, it says that the NVC just assigns a case number and forwards it to the embassy. There are times that people dont even get notified from NVC.

I just want to know, should we wait for a letter to come to me (i am the petitioner in America) or should we wait for the consulate to contact my fiance for further instructions? Has anyone actually received a letter from NVC with instructions or have the instructions come from the consulate? 

its-amyNot Telling02013-09-16 01:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow to know if K1 visa is at NVC?

Hi everyone

I received my approved NAO2 for my K1 visa on August 29. The flow chart for the k1 visa says that I can call NVC after 2 weeks and see if my case has been received and ask for a case number. However, when i called today the representative got my case number and asked when i received the approval. Once I said the date she didn't even look anything up and said that it takes 8 weeks for them to receive it. I checked their website and it says that 8 weeks are for immigrant visas, not for nonimmigrant visas. 

I just want to know, did it take anyone here 8 weeks for NVC to receive their case? How long did you wait to call NVC for them to give you a case number? I just don't want to believe that i have an additional 2 months to wait until i hear anything about my case. 

its-amyNot Telling02013-09-12 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE - Intent to Marry


So i just received an RFE 2 days ago and it says exactly this:


Intent to Marry: Submit evidence that the petitioner and beneficiary plan to marry each other within 90 days of the beneficiary's admission to the United States. Evidence of intention to marry may include a statement of intent to marry.


I though this meant that I need to send a letter to say I am planning on marrying in 90 days at city hall, since my immigration lawyer only told me to write one and said we dont need one from my fiance. I contacted my lawyer and she said that no they dont just want a letter, they want actual proof of your plans like wedding dress receipts, rings, chapel reservatons, invitions. I am not planning a wedding, I mentioned this in my letter of intent. I am just going to city hall and then when we save up, we want to go back to his country and have a wedding there. 

Do you guys know if this RFE is just asking for both our letters of intent, signed, translated, and notarized? or do they want the actual proof of us planning things? Have any of you gone through this same RFE?

Also, I contacted my city hall before all of this, and they said that i cant schedule an appointment for a civil ceremony without the marriage license. My fiance isnt here for me to get the license, so i have absolutely no clue how to provide what my lawyer wants if that is actually what the RFE is asking. 


its-amyNot Telling02013-08-09 20:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdditional documents needed after K1 interview

Hi everyone

so my fiance just went to his interview in the Armenia consulate in Yerevan. They told him that he needs 3 documents:

1. make changes on DS-160 (there was a mistake in his school name)

2. turn in G-325A for both of us (even though we turned that in to USCIS and it was not written in the packet 3)

3. i-134 affidavit of support (we turned one in for my dad - my cosponsor)


We made the changes on DS-160 and we have the G325A written again for him to turn in. My question is, what other affidavit of support do they need? They accepted the one my fiance gave for my dad. Do they want a seperate one from me - the petitioner? We have proof that I am a full time student - i had my transcripts, school ID, and a letter from my school that I am enrolled. Is it just the fact that I needed to have a form filled out for myself?


They also made my fiance sign a paper that he is willing to serve the nation. Does this mean the visa was granted, but they wont give it until the documents are there? Or does this mean he still has to go through another interview?

its-amyNot Telling02013-11-19 14:15:00