K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich process will be best for us (K-1 or K-3)?
I'm sorry about my previous (defensive) responses. I just don't like the fact that I have people pointing out 'red flags' in my relationship when they only know our relationship from a few short paragraphs. Of course I saw the warning signs. Of course we've discussed it together. My fiancee's explanation of the situation satisfied me. She showed me in black and white as well as how she's treated me since we became a couple. Again, I apologize for getting over-defensive and I don't want to come across as a newbie with an attitude. I hope those I barked at will accept my apology. :blush:

As far as the situation, let me rephrase what I mean and what I was told...

My fiancee is currently married to a US citizen. She is in the process of divorce and it will be finalized in October while she is here during her vacation with me. The question I had is, will Philippine law recognize her legal divorce in the US? I was told, no they will not. However, because she never adjusted her marital status in the Philippines she isn't regognized as married there.

When I was in Manila with my fiancee we spoke to a family law attorney there. At the time we didn't think she could file for divorce in the US and we were looking into an annulment in the Philippines. He told us that if she did want to persue the annulment she would first have to adjust her status because as far as the Philippines was concerned she wasn't married.

Please keep in mind that we are not trying to do anything devious. I want my fiancee to be here with me *legally* and while we know the process is a long rollercoaster ride (I have a close friend who went through it but without the divorce issue) we are willing to endure it to be together. Thank you all again.

EDIT: The attorney she is using for the divorce here in the US is also an immigration attorney so I will definitely run this by him. Thank you again! :)

Edited by Robor007, 29 June 2006 - 11:00 AM.

Robor007MalePhilippines2006-06-29 10:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich process will be best for us (K-1 or K-3)?


I just received a reply from the person helping me with this process saying that because my fiancee never adjusted her marital status in the Philippines there is no marriage to consider for divorce/annulment. He recommends the K-1 route because there is no question about previous marriages whereas the K-3 does ask. He is the expert and I trust his advice so it sounds like I have my answer.

Thanks all... Rob

He's the expert, eh?

K1s most certainly ask about previous marriages ! You have to provide divorce decrees for them. Also, some consulates require the previous marriage certificates at the interview.

Maybe the expert needs to do some more reading.

Again, I think I didn't describe it properly. I was told we will have to provide proof of divorce for the K-1 process but to the US, not to the Philippines. This does make sense to me because when I was in Manila with my fiancee we talked to an annulment attorney there. He said in order for her to file for annulment she would first have to adjust her status because she wasn't considered married there until then.
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-06-29 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich process will be best for us (K-1 or K-3)?


I just received a reply from the person helping me with this process saying that because my fiancee never adjusted her marital status in the Philippines there is no marriage to consider for divorce/annulment. He recommends the K-1 route because there is no question about previous marriages whereas the K-3 does ask. He is the expert and I trust his advice so it sounds like I have my answer.

Thank you to everyone for the input and suggestions. As we go through this process and I learn more about it I hope I am able to give back to this forum as thanks for the help we have received. :)

Thanks all... Rob

Sounds to me like she is married. Manila doesnt determine what marriages are valid, especially if it took place in the US.

You better run this across an attorney, as I am having difficulty in understanding what you are saying.

I think I didn't describe the situation correctly. She is legally married in the US right now. She has filed for divorce here in Florida. According to the Family Law attorney she is using she can file for divorce based on her current husband's Florida residence. He is complying with the divorce so that will make things easier. She will have to appear in court while here in October to finalize the divorce.
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-06-29 10:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich process will be best for us (K-1 or K-3)?

I just received a reply from the person helping me with this process saying that because my fiancee never adjusted her marital status in the Philippines there is no marriage to consider for divorce/annulment. He recommends the K-1 route because there is no question about previous marriages whereas the K-3 does ask. He is the expert and I trust his advice so it sounds like I have my answer.

Thank you to everyone for the input and suggestions. As we go through this process and I learn more about it I hope I am able to give back to this forum as thanks for the help we have received. :)

Thanks all... Rob
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-06-29 10:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich process will be best for us (K-1 or K-3)?

Practically speaking then, since you are asking about Visa issues, I'd recommend you read up as much as you can. One thing in particular - Affidavit of Support. As I understand it - if you do bring her here to the U.S. with either K-1 or K-3 Visa and then later you two happen to divorce (we've had a few threads lately from that very situation), you will be legally obligated to support her financially after the divorce. Just something that you should be aware of. It would be for a very long time.

Best Wishes!

I've done a lot of reading in general about the K-1 and K-3 processes but not detailed into the AOS part. Without looking further I recall when I agree to it I promise the US government that I am responsible for my spouse and she can not depend on welfare support. Keep in mind that we've both discussed that each of us will already be divorced once and are determined to not go down that path again. ;) Thank you for the advice! :)

Your personal situation is not of importance to me, and I am not going to judge you or give you life advice. However, if you DO decide to go through with this, I would say marriage and a K3. The reason is because, in my opinion, there will be less to "prove and debate" when it comes to the application approval. I have read that visa applications immediately after divorces from other people are frowned on and highly scrutinized. With the K3 you are either married or not, and can prove it, which in turn proves knowledge of eachother and time together - evidence of relationship. A K1 filed immediately after a non-citizen divorced a citizen is going to raise many questions anyway....I think a solid marriage going into the interview would help.

She didnt apply for a visa with him did she? That could be a big factor also...

Do what you want...but it is my $.02

I am here because I'm seeking advice and I please know I definitely appreciate yours. For either process we have *PLENTY* of evidence of relationship since meeting in January. I could print a stack of Email, IM, and SMS communication as well as photos with her and her family and phone records. With her working on the ship both of us have spent a lot of $$$ to keep in touch by phone. My only concern is a delay in the process because she's going to be divorcing in October and shortly after seeking a K-visa. That's why I'm here. To learn. Thank you for your $.02. It is much appreciated! :)

EDIT: No, their relationship fell apart shortly after they were married and he did not petition her.

Edited by Robor007, 28 June 2006 - 10:36 PM.

Robor007MalePhilippines2006-06-28 22:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich process will be best for us (K-1 or K-3)?
JG & LL - No, the situation isn't perfect - few LDR's are. And no, my fiancee and I may not have spent a lot of time 'in each others' company' to this point, but like most couples in a LDR, it's hard with work and immigration limits. I see many timelines with couples only being together once or twice. That said, my fiancee and I have already spent a week together, we're planning a week long visit on her ship soon, another month long together here in October, and another week long visit in November in the Philippines. All of that would be pre-marriage. After that I'd guess I've got more more 'in each others' company' time than most K-1/K-3 couples in LDR's.

FWIW, I posted brief summary of what my fiancee and I have talked about together in the time we've communicated. My post contains the issue I'm concerned about in our visa process. I can't put everything our talks contained into a few paragraphs. Maybe I didn't describe our situation the best way but I tried to summarize it so as not to bore people but still seek the best course of action given our issue. I'm sure your response had good intentions but at the same time I think you were way too quick to judge, especially in public.

workin4somethin & AFQuaid - Thank you for the advice. I have done a lot of research on the K-1 and K-3 process and I know the basics on how they differ. I think the K-1 option is best given our situaion, that is why I made my thread here rather than the K-3 forum. My only concern is her previous marriage and divorce causing a problem with the process (some have told me a K-3 would be questioned less).
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-06-28 21:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich process will be best for us (K-1 or K-3)?
I was going to respond and answer these questions but in doing so I feel I am justifying my relationship with my fiancee to people who know nothing more than my original message here. I was looking for help, not judgement. While I appreciate the warnings, I don't need them. My fiancee and I have talked about the past, present, and future. We are both very secure in all. Thank you for your concern. Please let this thread drop.
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-06-28 21:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich process will be best for us (K-1 or K-3)?

It's a long story but I think it's important

You're right. It's important. There's more to the story than you know. I'd contact the soon-to-be-ex-husband and get the other side. Ask her point blank if she has ever had someone petition for a visa for her.

Past behavior can be a portent of things to come. If she gets married hurriedly, or without knowing the finace very long, there may be something else going on. Don't rush into marriage. You can protect yourself with a K1. If unpleasant things arise, you have the option to withdraw it. Sorry, but your story has warning signs all over it. The object is not to get the visa as soon as possible, but to be married as long as possible.

I understand what you're saying but I have already talked to her soon-to-be ex-husband. The marriage was his idea, not hers. In our Email exchanges with him all he did is tell me about her cheating on him and lying to him and forward me the Emails he sent to her accusing her of this. I've talked to her about this and she told me that she went into the marriage with the best intentions but when every conversation they had ended in her crying she stopped answering her phone and responding to his Emails. He tried to file for divorce shortly after the fallout but she didn't respond to that either. He never filed any paperwork to bring her here. If she was using him for entrance to the US she didn't go about it very well. ;)

I'm not rushing into marriage, I just want to be with the woman I love. I'd be happy to have her live here with me in Florida and put marriage off. Unfortunately, that's not possible because of our immigration policy. I was married from 1993-2000 myself and I knew my ex for years before getting married. Despite that, we got divorced. It's unfortunate but it happens. We were both to blame and looking back I'm sure things could've been done to have saved it. I like to think I learned from those mistakes and will not repeat them.
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-06-28 19:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich process will be best for us (K-1 or K-3)?
I'm new to this site and I'm looking for the answer to a difficult question. Which process would be best for my fiancee and I? We are leaning to K-1 right now. Here's my story...

I am a US citizen living in Florida. While on a vacation cruise in January of this year I met a Filipina working on the ship. During my vacation she and I had a few conversations together totaling a couple of hours and I gave her my contact info. While in port on the next cruise she sent me an Email and we kept in touch that way until her contract ended in March. After that we used SMS, Email, Yahoo IM, and phone to communicate. We've logged literally hundreds of hours (plenty documented) together between then and now. At the end of May I visited her in Manila and we spent a week together. We had the best time and really got along great. We had talked so much before my visit it was like we had been a couple for years. During my visit I proposed to her (6/1) and we are now engaged. :) We both went back to work on 6/4 and and just want to be together. The one kink in our situation is my fiancee is currently married to a US citizen. It's a long story but I think it's important - I'll try and be brief.

My fiancee met a man while working on the ship. They had a on-gain, off-again relationship for a year or so. During one of the good times she was in port in San Fran and he flew there and they were married by the clerk of the court. They spent only that afternoon together (12:30 - 4:00) and she returned to work on the ship. Within 3 weeks of being married he became insanely jeaous and accused her of cheating on him (she was not). He sent Emails to her friends and family saying she was unfaithful and lying and using him. She cut off communication. They have not seen each other since the marriage and they don't communicate. Fast forward to she and I meeting and developing a relationship. We want to be together but can't because she's already married. She filed for divorce 2 weeks ago. He is going to cooperate so it should be a simple process.

My fiancee will be in port in Ft. Lauderdale in October. I'm going to pick her up and because she's got a C-1 visa (crewmans visa) she can stay here up to 29 days. During that time she will appear in court to finalize the divorce. After her visit I am planning to fly with her back to Manila to spend a week or two. So we have a decision to make - do we immediately file a K-1 petition in October after the divorce is final or should we marry in the Philippines and go a K-3 route? Given that she will be recently divorced from a US citizen, which would be the best route for us to be together as quickly as possible. Thank you very much for reading. :)
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-06-28 18:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Meeting question

I had read somewhere on the net the other day that if you haven't been able to go to the country where your fiance lives because it would cause financial hardship that it would still be ok. My question is.......could someone please help me locate this info for me? I can't remember where I found that and I would like examples or experiences or suggestions from anyone that can help. I can go there, but not before I file for the K1 Fiance Visa. I need help, suggestions, anything. Please? Thank you so much in advance.

Financial hardship in itself is not a valid excuse for a waiver of not meeting from the USCIS...

Yeah, I think using a 'financial hardship' would be bad anyway. By that I mean, if you can't afford to fly and meet together, how are you going to pay for the process and support her once you are together. It's always best to meet in person anyway. Getting to know each other on the 'net is one thing but meeting face to face is another.
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-06 12:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f finally mailed away... uffff
Congrats and good luck. I hope to be joining you in about 3 1/2 months. :)
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-06 13:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestouched....
Here ya go Daisy... Fill in your timeline here :)

FWIW, I'd be happy to be in your position. ;)
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-12 09:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCanceling our k1 visa
What a heartbreaking story. I'm very sorry to read this and I'm sure you're hurting deeply. Rely on your family and close friends to get you though this most difficult window in your life. And remember, time heals all wounds.
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-12 15:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 question

You are right Billy it has been done that way, but in alot more cases the foriegn national was deported with little or no chance to return.

Again, this whole thing smacks of visa fraud and it drives me crazy, because it is prime example of why I am sitting here chatting on this board rather than spending time with my Fiancee/wife who by all rights should not have to wait 6 to 9 months for visa approval.

I think that just about sums up the thoughts of every person apart from the one they love because of this process. It's sad, but the process is there because of people trying to do something like the OP describes. Just unfair that a couple in a real, loving relationship has to jump through hoops to be together.
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-18 15:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 question

if a lady marries someone else other then the petitioner while she is in the US on a k-1 visa can she stay and file her AOS or must she return to her country of origin?

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I'm 99.9% sure the person being petitioned can ONLY marry the petitoner.
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-18 15:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot our NOA1!
Congrats on some good news! :thumbs:
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-19 13:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Feeling Like Crap...

I know what you mean. I don't think close friends or even family can identify with those of us in long distance relationships like this. They don't understand the emotion, stress, and frustration of being in love and being apart and they definitely don't understand the difficulty of the visa process. I sure didn't know how long and complicated it was to be a US citizen and marry a foreign citizen. When I do talk about it with family or friends I've actually had a few tell me to give her up and find someone local - like that helps.

I still spend time with my family and friends but my fiancee is always on my mind. It doesn't matter where I'm at or what I'm doing. It's most difficult when I'm alone and we're out of communication. I'm new to this and it's only been 7 weeks since we've seen each other. I see others with several times that and more. I hope we're able to make it through the long process. It is really difficult but I just look forward to the next time we can be together and eventually be together for good.

Hang in there and good luck!

Shoot, 7 weeks is easy! :P Some are 8 months on here. I will be at 5 months when I finally see him next month.

I see in your timeline you are waiting to file until she returns. Can't you start it now, since it takes so long?

Yep, our 7 weeks isn't that long compared to some on here. That's why I mentioned that I see other members here with several times that. But my point is it seems longer to me and if it's this bad at 7 weeks, how is it going to be if we're ever apart for 6 months or more? The thought of that... :( I really respect those on this forum that have the strength and love in their relationships to endure the time apart. I hope we are able to withstand it as well. I think the reason it seems longer to me is she works on a cruise ship where the internet access is very slow and expensive. We could still use it to chat but there's no webcam so I couldn't see her anyway. The main problem is when the ship is at sea there's no cell signal so we can't SMS or call each other. Well, depending on where the ship is she can sometimes call out using a 'sea card' that's about $20 per hour. But it's difficult for her to use it because there isn't always a signal and when there is it's very busy. I can call the ship by calling a number in Miami that forwards to the ship but the line isn't always up and when it is it's *VERY* busy - sometimes takes an hour of machine gun dialing to get through. Also, she's got a cabinmate so I can only call her when the girl in the bunk below isn't there sleeping.

But it's not all bad news. When she's in a US port we can call each other cell to cell unlimited (I got her a Cingular cell contract because my work phone is a Cingular plan). And she does have free wireless access 1 day per week at a library in port. So we can talk quite a bit but no amount of time on the phone can replace being together in person. That said, her ship will arrive in Ft. Lauderdale at the beginning of October so I will be able to go see her there. Her visa should allow her to stay here up to 29 days before she has to return to the Philippines. I'll pick her up and bring her back to my place to meet my friends and family and see the area. Four weeks together! :dance:

Unfortunately, I can not submit my K-1 petition right now because she is currently married to a US citizen. I know that sounds bad but it's not as bad as it sounds. It's a real long story that I don't mind telling but just doesn't belong in this thread. I posted it in another thread a while back. They are currently in process of the divorce and should be finished up in a few months. I'll petition her after that. So not only do I have to wait for the long K-1 process (through the CSC), I have to wait for her divorce to finalize before I can even start it. I envy everyone in the K-1 waiting process now. ;)
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-20 08:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Feeling Like Crap...

Also, I find it hard to explain our situation to my friends. Most think I'm making this whole engagement up, or even making Hector up, or even worse, critize the seriousness and realness (is that a word?) of our relationship.
I've become extremely antisocial. I'm at the point where I don't really care what anyone thinks.

I know what you mean. I don't think close friends or even family can identify with those of us in long distance relationships like this. They don't understand the emotion, stress, and frustration of being in love and being apart and they definitely don't understand the difficulty of the visa process. I sure didn't know how long and complicated it was to be a US citizen and marry a foreign citizen. When I do talk about it with family or friends I've actually had a few tell me to give her up and find someone local - like that helps.

I still spend time with my family and friends but my fiancee is always on my mind. It doesn't matter where I'm at or what I'm doing. It's most difficult when I'm alone and we're out of communication. I'm new to this and it's only been 7 weeks since we've seen each other. I see others with several times that and more. I hope we're able to make it through the long process. It is really difficult but I just look forward to the next time we can be together and eventually be together for good.

Hang in there and good luck!
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-19 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 vs K3 visa - Fiance in Philippines
Arnold & Joan... Looks like you did a double copy/paste there. Might want to edit your post. ;)

IMBRA is definitely lengthening the processing time of K-1 and K-3 visas. There's a huge backlog of petitions now and adding a step to an already long process is only going to make it take longer.

There are advantages and disadvantages to each process. I would recommend looking at the differences between the processes and choose the one that best suits you and your fiancee.
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-21 12:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 vs K3 visa - Fiance in Philippines

i have a question, what is an IMBRA-RFE. i see that RFEW stands for Request For Evidence, what is the other term?


International Marriage Broker Regulation Act
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-21 12:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS Director Gonzalez to Participate
Direct link to ask a question

I asked 2 questions myself.
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-21 12:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC approval
Congrats! Hopefully this is a sign of things to come! :dance:
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-25 14:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Photo
I'd have them redone. If you don't you're going to wonder. Better safe than sorry. :)
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-26 08:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion


Not gonna happen :lol:

Why is it so difficult to fill out a timeline? I'm a pretty new member and even I know that the timelines help everyone. IMO, if you don't fill out your timeline you're just being lazy and selfish and don't deserve answers to 'how long does...' questions.

So daisy, IIRC your fiancee has a timeline so you don't want to fill out your own. I don't see how the two are related but if you're too lazy to fill out your timeline in this profile why not just use his instead? Problem solved.
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-26 09:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Process for Approvals

Maybe the CSC is using the method that Southpark reported Family Guy uses to get ideas for episodes? :hehe:

If you're not a fan of Southpark, it was a tank full of manatees that bumped up several 'idea balls' to give the Family Guy writers episode ideas. ;) :P

I like South Park, just never remember to watch it. Was that the same episode where Cartman wanted to get Family Guy cancelled?

Yes, it was a 2 parter and if I remember correctly the manatee story was in the 2nd episode. The story was based around Family Guy showing Mohammad in their cartoon and Fox censoring it. Cartman went on a mission to get Family Guy cancelled, but because he didn't like the show rather than the Mohammad being shown. Of course, the 'tongue in cheek' message Matt & Trey were trying to convey was the US 'burrying their head in the sand' about the entire Denmark comic of Mohammad issue. ;) :P
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-26 13:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Process for Approvals
Maybe the CSC is using the method that Southpark reported Family Guy uses to get ideas for episodes? :hehe:

If you're not a fan of Southpark, it was a tank full of manatees that bumped up several 'idea balls' to give the Family Guy writers episode ideas. ;) :P
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-26 09:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 or K3? - HELP!
Maybe this lawyer is just confused? I read someone's post about employers being able to pay $1000 for an 'expedited visa process'. Not sure if that's true or not but if so maybe this lawyer is thinking of that. I spoke to an (alleged) immigration attorney a few months back that told me my application would be processed in Texas when everyone who reads here on VJ more than 30 minutes knows that all Texas K-1's get routed to California.

As others have said, skip the attorney if you've got a standard petition. You'll process no slower or faster and be out $$$.
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-26 14:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBest way to go about all of this...

Glad to hear. The process is pretty straightforward. Just make sure you follow the steps accurately. Print and check things off and make sure you have plenty of documentation of a 'relationship'..aka photos, phone bills, letters, ect. The early stages of the paperwork is pretty simple. Also a quick tip. The form the G325(?) needs 4 copies from each of you. Instead of wasting hours doing it, the form from the USCIS site can be filled out online. If your adobe is updated you can fill it out once and it will print all four copies for you. Just know you CANNOT save it so print it upon completion.

Just a note... You can save it if you have the full version of Adobe Acrobat. Or at least I was able to save mine. :)
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-26 16:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBest way to go about all of this...
As others have said, you're going to have to do a lot of reading to understand the long and complicated process. You're probably going to have 'visa overload' soon. When you understand it come back and explain it to me! ;) Seriously though, I was told to get an overview of the entire process but focus on one step at a time. It's a long road and you want to make sure you don't make any mistakes to make it longer. Good luck and welcome here! :)
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-26 15:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325 form

Does anyone have concrete, actual experience of them asking for the additional pages of the G325A form? I met with a lawyer last week, and she told me in regards to the G325A all I needed to send was the first page of the G325A for my fiance and I, and to staple

Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-26 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion 19

I have a question about the I-129F form for the fiance visa. I meet my fiance through eHarmony and I was wondering if I had to mark question 19, which states, "Did you meet your fiancé(e) or spouse through the services of an international marriage broker?", as "Yes".

Also, I was wondering if I could send in the form and all the attachments that will be going with it in a three ring binder or would the government frown on that?

I think the definition of an "International Marriage Broker" is clear as mud! :P Seriously though, I would call EHarmony just to be sure. Better to know now rather than later.
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-27 07:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressad day :(

well sorry to say that my fiance was lying to me and we broke up....

no more k1 for me :(

do i need to delete my timeline? how do i do that?

but just wanted to thank everyone on the forum for the wonderful help and advice here...

and i wanted to wish u all the best of luck in finding true love.. (does it exist??)



Very sorry to hear about the breakup, Walt. :( It's not much consolation but as others have said, better to find out now rather than later. Hang in there - true love does exist.
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-27 08:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresthose fiance who just visited philippines
That is odd that you weren't stamped both in and out. I was there in May/June and I got stamped in and out. Same thing on my trip in 2003.
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-29 16:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestime between meeting and filing fiance visa

Stop being a bunch of whiny babies. This is a public message board and people are free to respond as they like. If someone says something you don't like there is an "ignore user" feature that you can turn on and you never have to read anything that person posts again.

Yes there is. Thanks...

You have chosen to ignore all posts from: mdyoung.

· View this post
· Un-ignore mdyoung

You can ignore mine too if you'd like. I'm not going to feed you sugar

I never asked for sugar. All I'm saying is I think the OP had a question and the 'switch' response to it was unnecessary. I'm sure they're well aware of their situation. Their question was if it would be a problem or not.
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-31 11:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestime between meeting and filing fiance visa

Stop being a bunch of whiny babies. This is a public message board and people are free to respond as they like. If someone says something you don't like there is an "ignore user" feature that you can turn on and you never have to read anything that person posts again.

Yes there is. Thanks...

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Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-31 10:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestime between meeting and filing fiance visa

Someone could post here that they have a violent criminal history and their SO is morally bankrupt and they would still get reponses like "I'm sure everything will be fine"..."You should have no problem" ...

That is not helping anyone prepare themselves in the least. I think it is far more supportive to point out the weaknesses in a particular case rather than to patronize the poster with sticky-sweetness.

I absolutely agree with you. When people are looking for direction and assistance, "you should have no problem" does not help.

But if a poster has valuable information and insight to offer, he doesn't have to be an *ss about it. It's just as easy to write "here's something to think about" or "you may face this issue" instead of something nasty about the OP.

I agree. I joined VJ a little while back and when I initially posted our story and asked a question I got a snide reply based on assumption from one of the veteran VJ members that I didn't appreciate. It's one thing to offer advice or point out something that could be a problem but another to assume the poster is 'love-blind' and can't see the obvious. I don't think anyone appreciates their relationship being questioned/judged by someone who only knows it based on a few paragraphs in an forum post. Some details in a relationship are personal and are going to be left out of a post/question so just because the poster doesn't mention them doesn't mean they aren't there.
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-31 10:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Grit Iron: K1 Process

I wish I was playing the waiting game with you all now. I still have a couple of months before I even get to join in that kind of fun.

Oh but by the time you file everything will be back to normal and you won't stuck in more than 4 months of hell like the rest of us you lucky duck!

I do hope you're right but even if the IMBRA backlog unplugs and the process speeds up at the CSC I would guess it's still going to be a 8+ month process. Filing in mid-October that's May or June for us so I'm not feeling so lucky right now... ;)

I see a bunch of approval posts at the top so I'm *VERY* glad for those who got the good news. Congrats! :dance:
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-08-01 10:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Grit Iron: K1 Process

Robor007 - I totally understand. The other thing that we have to deal with is the 3 - 5 month lag in obtaining a visa interview at the US Embassy in Manila.

Goodness! The hits just keep on coming. :(

I wish I was playing the waiting game with you all now. I still have a couple of months before I even get to join in that kind of fun. You're all waiting in the long line inside the building. If you look outside you'll see me in the overflow line before I get to join your line. :lol: Hope to see you in there soon! :thumbs:

Want to hear something funny as far as time passing goes...? I was doing some recorded TV show cleanup on my DVR (Digital Video Recorder) last night. I had shows on there from late October of last year and early April of this year. They've been on my DVR for many months and it seems like I recorded those shows only a month or two ago. I last saw my fiancee at the beginning of June yet it seems like forever. I guess that's because I don't think about my recorded TV shows like I do my fiancee. ;)

She will be here the first week of October and we will be able to spend 4 weeks together. After that we're both going to Manila where I'll spend 3 weeks with her. In fact, I just scheduled my vacation. I'm waiting on the approval now. Well, waiting on the approval and the time to pass. (sigh)

Edited by Robor007, 31 July 2006 - 03:41 PM.

Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-31 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Grit Iron: K1 Process
You know, when I talk to family, friends, and coworkers about this they just don't get it. :blink: They can't grasp that a US citizen has to go through so much to choose a non-US citizen as their spouse. To be honest, didn't know until a few years ago and I only knew part of it because a friend went through it. Now that I'm in love with a Filipina I have had to learn about the process and worse yet deal with everyday life in a long distance relationship. I know everyone says the trials and waiting is worth it but when it's so far off it's hard to think about that now (my 'light at the end of the tunnel is still around the bend). :( I just try to enjoy our talks and go about 'the daily grind' until we're together again. (L)

Edited by Robor007, 31 July 2006 - 02:54 PM.

Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-31 14:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresList of approved CSC K1 Visa

Seeing all this movement from CSC DEFINATELY gives me hope and a brighter outlook. WTG GUYS!!!

Ditto that. I'm hoping to file in mid-October (possibly earlier) and wasn't looking forward to 4 months processing time in CSC. Hopefully everyone who's been waiting in the backlog will get their approvals and the CSC will get quicker processing the petitions.

Good luck all! :)
Robor007MalePhilippines2006-07-26 08:26:00