Caribbeanhow long does it take after issued on ceac / sdq

we wish this very much for you both too!!! :luv:

(L) ChiTown

Edited by Dreamers, 31 March 2014 - 11:11 PM.

DreamersFemaleTunisia2014-03-31 23:10:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 & I-129f

"The waaaaiting is the hardeeest part." ---Tom Petty tongue.png Don't let it get to you!

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-08-31 09:41:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3.....Really?

YAY congrats!


heart.gif Thank you so much!


DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-10-21 20:16:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3.....Really?

Dreamers - once you have that privacy release form in place, 

I got a lot of 'action' with my ILS about my expedite.  I think she got tired of me, taking up her phone time, emailing in to her, and faxing her for status updates.  But - I do remember - I talked with her a LOT about that expedite- and she worked hard on it, a month's span for the duration.  Ya, i know, in the end, it didn't matter, but she was talking to them (the local USCIS office congressional liason human ) 


So, if you just started convo with your ILS human, KEEP AT IT ! (IMO).  


FWIW, I chronicled all the stuff I did during the I-130 stage over at 





I suggest you read it, there might be some nuggets there for you.  


Sweet Darnell,

THANK YOU so so much for your insight and vigil, That meant so much to me! ((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))


DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-10-17 11:57:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3.....Really?

And please fill out your timeline so we can all see the approval on Igor's list !!  THANKS !!!!


I'm sorry.....i can't figure the timeline out so i wrote it all out for idea9dv.gif


DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-10-17 11:53:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3.....Really?

Congratulations ! W00t! 


OMG - USCIS cancelled the I-129F instead of NVC.  


That is SO COOL that the I-130 was approved !!!  I'm so happy for you !!! 


GoGoGadget OnToNVC ! 


i'm crying...not just for us....for everyone who is still waiting... (its horrible to be in limbo and not know!)

Thank you so much heart.gif

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-10-17 11:50:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3.....Really?

CONGRATS !!!  What a rollercoaster day for you !!!  But thanks for posting because now everyone can see how they handle things..

Can you tell me where you were approved?  Missouri? Kansas?  And where did your K-3 go? 

Sorry for all the questions.. And please fill out your timeline so we can all see the approval on Igor's list !!  THANKS !!!!


Our Journey: (so far)

Jan 9, 2013
I left Tunisia, returned to the St. Louis Missouri area, Illinois side. cray5ol.gif

May 28, 2013 Finally sent I-130 off to Chicago Lock-box via express mail and all required paperwork, photos etc. Notarized affidavits from 3 people to show we were "really in love" (one was from my 22 year old son who has a traumatic brain injury) Photos, convos and anything i could find that tied us together. Of course all Tunisian documents were translated into English.


May 30, 2013 1-797C received from I-130: Noted this came from NBC-Overland Park Kansas


June 17, 2013 Filed the I-129f and corresponding paperwork to Lewisville, Texas Lock-box via express mail.

June 19, 2013 I-797C recieved from I-129f: Noted this came from NBC-Lee's Summit, Missouri


June 28, 2013 Called to expedite the I-129f (We qualified for 2 of the criteria for expedite services.)


July 2013 (not sure when) USCIS sent our 1-130 to Lee's Summit, Missouri so both our I-129f and I-130 were together @ Lee's Summit


July 19, 2013 Letter received referring to the 129f from expedite team requesting more documents.

July 29, 2013 Faxed 27 pages to the expedite team (Note: 2 explanatory pages with 25 supporting documents) to Lee's Summit, Mo.

August 16, 2013 Called to expedite the I-130 (NOTE: The USCIS customer service person said, they don't necessarily expedite the 130 so she entered under TYPE OF SERVICE REQUESTED: OTHER TIER 1 - on our 129f it said under TYPE OF SERVICE REQUESTED: Expedite)

September 2013 No movement or word about expedite.

October 10, 2013 Contacted our Sen. ####### Durbin, Sen. Mark Kirk and Congressman John Shimkus offices filled out releases to have them contact USCIS about our cases.

October 16, 2013 USCIS terminated our 129f and approved our 130


A BIG THANK YOU TO KATIE at Sen. Mark Kirk's office, I believe she gave them a nice but firm push for them do so something before we lost our home. We can never Thank her enough. star_smile.gif



Edited by Dreamers, 17 October 2013 - 11:43 AM.

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-10-17 11:40:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3.....Really?


1st email from USCIS 11:00 a.m.

 The last processing action taken on your case  Receipt Number: MSCXXXXXXXXXX  Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E) Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity On October 16, 2013, your I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E) was terminated because you acquired  status or the benefit being sought through other means.  No further action will be taken on this case.

I started crying... "was terminated" ?


2nd emai 11:30 a.m.

The last processing action taken on your case



Your Case Status: Initial Review

On October 16, 2013, your Alien Registration Number was changed relating to your I130, IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN.

Please check our website at for further updates on your case.


3rd email 4:30 p.m
The last processing action taken on your case


Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity On October 16, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN.


Wow, i am speechless! REALLY rofl.gif can you believe that?! me speechless... LOL


Attached Files

Edited by Dreamers, 16 October 2013 - 10:28 PM.

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-10-16 22:24:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3.....Really?

I would love my husband to come and help me pay the mortgage too...My mortgage is killing me.


I had this conversation with my immigration attorney the other day. I'd post it but last night I was told to "calm down" by someone on VJ because they see my posts all over...  So a BIG F U to that member....  


It does suck being a USC and being treated as if you don't "count"


lol, that's great, i like you! Honestly, idk if they "see" what i post about their lameness,
They are the ones who set up their own "get up set up" !!! I think their system needs a re-vampin'

because the one they have now is not working very well. I don't see how some people who aren't married

yet are being approved and some of the ones who are married must wait. Arent'  married people suposed

to have presidence over those kind of cases? (If one spouse is a U.S. Citizen i am meaning) I thought

there was special law for this...anyone?

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-10-15 06:13:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3.....Really?

after reading the expedite reason, I'm just thinking it wasn't approved because it was a pre-existing condition. 

There is only one reason needed to ask for expediting a case. We just happen to have two reasons. Yes, i have a "pre-existing"

conditon, but i wanted to show the reasons i do not go out and get a second or third job to keep things together until he can arrive. 


I am so upset that my husband is not being allowed to join me. Not just to help me pay the mortgage, but fix our home up as winter is approaching fast.

At the rate that this big top adventure is going, i will be homeless anyway. So all the hard work i have done to save our home seems to be in vain.

And believe you me, the USCIS people do not care one iota if this were to happen, BECAUSE IT DOES NOT EFFECT THEM PERSONALLY! 

If it appears to you readers out there that i am bitter, oh yes.... i truly am, especially from the news i recieved today. Get this:

I contacted our Illinois Senator Mark Kirk last week in despiration. His office called me today and told me that the USCIS office personnel stated to her

that "their 129f is NOT even in expedite status!" when I have the reciept right in front of me stating it is! And so did she, but she justified their incompentence of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing. Now i am not saying that i am ungrateful for their help, but in all was no help.

These USCIS and State dept. people are controlling our lives, and that is what really upsets me. Who do they think they are? They have had 3 full  months to mull
over our papers in "expedite" status. And not even one incling of courtsey to respond or give a time frame on the expedite process. QUOTE UNQUOTE: " YOU WILL RECIEVE A DECISION OR NOTICE OF FURTHER ACTION SHORTLY."


I guess Chanel 4 in St. Louis is my only hope. I find the more you expose unjust treatment, things will start to change. Hey look what whistleblowers

have done here in Illinois: OUR LAST 4 of 7 GOVERNORS WENT TO PRISON because they were all called out! hhahahaha there's one to put in your trivia hat. rofl.gif


...AND while i'm still ranting....I LOATHE BEING CALLED A CUSTOMER! i am NOT a customer, i am a U.S.born citizen who abides the law. My husband is a good man too, who abides all laws especially God's. If i ever treated a customer like i have been treated, unemployment would be the line i'd be standing in.

Pffffffff, i love my tax dollars so hard at work, it gives me that warm fuzzy feeling.  

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-10-10 01:15:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3.....Really?

Was your expedite ever granted?

Did you ever hear anything?


zilch...nada...NOTHING..not one word! ranting33va.gifprotest6wz.gif


honestly, i should have never come back...i should have stayed with my husband where i belong cray5ol.gif

Edited by Dreamers, 08 October 2013 - 01:07 PM.

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-10-08 13:05:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3.....Really?

We are already MARRIED for God's sake? How can they keep us apart? cray5ol.gif

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-10-07 12:43:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3.....Really?

I, too, filed an expedite request with the I-130.  It was never 'answered'.  I was exceptionally ####### about chasing the expedite..


Take a look at my profile for the events and timeticks. 


wow.gif you have been thru so much, i about cried when i read your stuff.


Honestly, I can not believe that MY GOVERNMENT IS KEEPING MY HUSBAND FROM ME! I can not help but to feel this way.

It seems to me, the USCIS folks are playing GOD and they like it! They are suposed to work for us.

I totally am so ashamed of the United States for treating people in such a manner. helpsmilie.gif   

Edited by Dreamers, 24 September 2013 - 09:32 PM.

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-09-24 21:32:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3.....Really?

immigration? Steering?


Well, USCIS thinks it's still a viable path.


NVC, on the other hand, will administratively close the I-129F IF it arrives with an approved I-130.


USCIS will always say 'Sure - go ahead ! File the I-129F - it's perfectly fine ! '


been this way since 2010 or so, NVC changed their flow that year, administratively closing the I-129F when it arrives with an approved I-130.


As to 'why' ? I attritubute it to a level of stupidity from a branch of the US Government.


*snickering to myself rofl.gif  ^ i think your right lol

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-09-23 23:59:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3.....Really?

I spoke with a Tier 2 today about the expedition on our case. She told me both our 130 and 129f K3 is at the National Benefits Center, and that is good they are together.
She filed a "129f Service request" because we should have heard something by now. She said give this 5-10 days for a email response or a letter from Lee's Summit on the

status of our requests. I guess you have to be the squeeky wheel to get anywhere. Its such a small step, but its progress, nonetheless....dancin5hr.gif

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-09-10 19:09:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3.....Really?

 It's only been a few months.Stop being antsy. It's just the way things work sometimes.


The USCIS told us, 15 days for a decision, NOT a few months. 

Sorry, its really hard to tell someone who is sick not to be antsy.
My son helps me when he can, but he is not always available.

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-09-06 18:38:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3.....Really?

Thank you jbag and himher...i agree, even tho we do not really have the money for the K3, we are willing to do whatever it takes to move on with our lives.

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-09-06 18:26:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3.....Really?
you will need to complete another expedite request at nvc

good luck, yip sometimes a little confusing sad.png but there is a lot of useful information here as well as knowledgeable members, just gotta know who to listen to smile.png


Thank you for the postive words  star_smile.gif

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-09-06 18:19:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3.....Really?

The Immigration office are the ones who told me to use the I-130/I-129f K3 method.


wow, I really thought by becoming members here this could help us understand
a little more about this process BUT...all i am reading here is arguing about how wrong we are.


DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-09-06 10:25:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3.....Really?

4 months?  Your timeline says you filed in July - that would be 2 months right?


Well, you could tell us the reasons for your expedite to see what we think.


In all honesty, The K-3 (to me) is useless.  It saves little (if any) time and is more expensive. 


I hope your had supporting documentation and not 27 pages of your reasons


good luck


My letter was a total of 2 explanatory pages with 25 pages of supporting documents. Each paragraph of the letter referenced a specific document, all numbered accordingly for easy verification.

Two reasons we asked for expedition: I am chronically ill with Lyme disease and Rocky Mt. Spotted Fever due to a tick bite in 2003. By 2006, bedridden until a doctor saved my life and gave me hope that I could lead a somewhat normal life someday. At the height of my illness, I weighed 392 pounds and was so sick and dying. I took Minocin antibotics every day ($900 per month) for almost 5 years. Add that one up. That was 7 years ago.
FYI: Lyme disease is in the same catagory as Syphilis. (Syphilis is a infection caused by the spirochete bacterium Treponema pallidum and Lyme disease is and infection caused by a spirochete called borrelia burgdorferi.) I have "chronic late disseminated Lyme disease. The late disseminated stage is where the infection has fully spread throughout the body. I will always have this until i die. Some days are good, most aren't. Anything could set this illness off at any time. But, I don't whine about this, i am NOT on disability or SSI of any kind. I have always worked hard for what I have.

The second reason is financial. Long story short: son left in charge of home in Illinois to use as a rental. The renters he chose destoyed most of the home and left us with debt by not paying the mortgage. We elected that I return to the states to save our home and restore order here, which I have done. The mortgage payments have been caught up and all the renters trash has been removed.  Our home is in dire need of repair, as I can not do such work and we can not afford to have the work done by contractors. Winter is approaching soon. I need my husband here to provide a second income. I can not rent out the bottom 1/2 of the home anymore that supplements my income. I am struggling to keep the utilities on and provide myself food, let alone having to care for myself when I am sick most days.


Does this answer your questions? 

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-09-06 10:08:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3.....Really?

Hello everyone,


Being new to this whole process, we have found our way pretty good up until this point.
We have filed for the I-130 (May 2013) and then proceeded on to file the I-129f/K3 since we were married last year in Tunisia.


I have learned thru VJ that the K3 is pretty much obsolete. Why would immigration steer us in this direction ?


Since our filings, we have expedited both forms since we fit in two catagories for expedition.


Generally, how long does it take to expedite a I-129f/K3? Its been 4 months now with no end in sight.......sigh' cray5ol.gif

(both our forms are at Lee's Summit, Mo now and when i call, they say "give us 15 more days"
or call us next week omG! lol)


I would like to know how do they choose: How sick is sick and what they deem is an emergency? I faxed
Division 5, Team 2 in Lee's Summit with a 27 page explaination with detailed corresponding papers to "justify" our situation.
I did this outline so it would be a no brainer and easy to understand. What's the holdup? It has been "in review"

for over a month and 1/2,  It takes minutes to do a background check! I don't see how they can call this expedited.

I know i am antsy, but i honestly need my husband here to help me. It seems my words fall on deaf ears and i am frustrated.... 

Thank you so much for making this forum and all your hard work, it gives us hope and a place to vent good.gif


DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-09-05 17:39:00
USCIS Service CentersI130 and I129F applications get joined.... how exactly??

happy.png Thank you both so much for your help Ryan and Darnell. That is exactly what they did. Moved our I-130 to where the 129F resides at in Lee's Summit, and now they are both together. We fit 2 of the catagories to be expidited, so hopefully we will hear something soon! dancin5hr.gif We filed the 130 in May and the 129 in June. I pray everyday brings us closer.

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-08-30 23:14:00
USCIS Service CentersProcessing time extending

Does anyone know why USCIS keep extending I-130 and I-129F processing time ? I have filled for my wife and its been 7+ months for I-130 and didn't get any answer yet. I got only NOA 1. Does anyone have any idea or update ?


Sadly, Khaled and I are in the same boat with you guys, and its nothing but ROUGH sailing i'd say ranting33va.gif
Our case is even with a expedite team, yeah right. lolcray5ol.gif

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-10-07 12:30:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)this is getting overated

Just an idea: I contacted our embassy directly and they are helping us. 

DreamersFemaleTunisia2014-01-07 07:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 visa package and interview

I want my packet 3 and 4 and the interview because i'm sick of waiting sad.png


we too feel your pain cray5ol.gif

DreamersFemaleTunisia2014-03-19 02:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Issued!

Thank you so very much for the congrats, but we really only can Thank Allah. :star:

DreamersFemaleTunisia2014-08-24 21:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Issued!

The CEAC site now reads:

Immigrant Visa Case Number: TNSxxxxxxxxx xx TNS Case Creation Date: 12-Nov-2013 Status Updated Date: 21-Aug-2014  

Your visa has been printed. We will call you to come and pick up your packet and visa.

My question is this: The embassy said they would call Khaled to pick up his visa and packet. So when he does, can he get on a plane then or is there a waiting period? This is the Tunis Embassy we are talking about. I hope someone knows this answer and Thank you :luv:

DreamersFemaleTunisia2014-08-22 12:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionReceived Visa Today


DreamersFemaleTunisia2014-08-22 12:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED FINALLY !!!

so beautiful ~ Congrats to you and your families star_smile.gif


DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-11-08 12:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsExpedite Approved

Believe me, people will be making comments that will be misleading or semi-negative...

When my husband was out of the AP, there were people making comments that would scare me again...


I agree, i found this forum very helpful, but some of the members are downright RUDE! ranting33va.gif

Please don't let the negativity rule. Keep moving forward and don't let ANYONE down your spirits!

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-11-08 12:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS has turned my marriage into a joke...

sadly i can relate to everyone's pain and suffering....cray5ol.gif

DreamersFemaleTunisia2014-02-24 16:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

I am so praying that we are on the interview schedule for April @ the Tunis Embassy.

My birthday is on the 15th (((((hugs to all the Aries!))))) and it sure would be the SWEETEST gift EVER!!! :star: :wub: 

DreamersFemaleTunisia2014-03-31 22:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPetition approved but what's the next step???

yay! Congrats to you both! heart.gif

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-08-31 09:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI 129f approved in 33 Days, common??

Congrats to you!


DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-09-02 15:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG STILL SHOCKED




Congrats to you both!!!star_smile.gifgood.gifkicking.gifgoofy.gif

....and yes dreams do come true, we were approved for the i-130 in 5 months from the NBC October 16, 2013~

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-10-18 10:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsYAYYYYY!

1 million mabrouk!!!! So HAPPY for you both heart.gifheart.gifheart.gifheart.gifheart.gif

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-12-31 08:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC Status Update Process Experience

So very nice! CONGRATS to you both star_smile.gifstar_smile.gifstar_smile.gifstar_smile.gifstar_smile.gif

DreamersFemaleTunisia2014-03-21 21:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWords of Encouragement...

sniffles :cry: i haven't seen my husband in person for 443 days and its so hard to live the life without him. :(

DreamersFemaleTunisia2014-03-28 13:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaUnusual wedding ceremony in Morocco

omG, my cheeks hurt from smiling! So so cute!

Ty for sharing the love you have for each other with us heart.gif

hugs! 1000000 mabrouk ~

Edited by Freethinker, 31 August 2013 - 09:31 AM.

DreamersFemaleTunisia2013-08-31 09:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaCertified Translators in Tunis

Good, i hope things move faster for you now star_smile.gif

DreamersFemaleTunisia2014-03-19 02:26:00