National Visa Center (Dept of State)Mailing checklists to NVC

No they usually dont call. The phone number is just in case. Dont worry too much it will get delivered.


Oh i see , thank you again

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-02-25 08:20:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Mailing checklists to NVC

That is correct.


But normally they need phone number right ? So when the package arrive they will call NVC , but that number is for help only so ? Because DHL cannot just ship to P.O they need someone to sign the package


Can you enlight me ? by your experience ?

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-02-25 00:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Mailing checklists to NVC

So normally the petitioner did that in US but this time i have to do it to save time because i just get my police certificate !


The shipping company ( DHL ) asked for phone number in receiver details so i provided 6033340700 is that correct ? I've never thought that they would need phone number for NVC ,

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-02-24 21:43:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)why NVC takes so long with reviews?

Me too :\

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-03-01 21:57:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Numbers busy for like 3 weeks now for me !

Try to call at 7:10 , wait only 10 mins ! work for me ! Good Luck !


FYI , my case is completed !

Edited by UltimaticBlazer, 20 March 2014 - 04:38 AM.

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-03-20 04:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Numbers busy for like 3 weeks now for me !

I called last week, and got lots of busy signals, but since my desk phone has "End Call", and "Redial" next to each other, it made it easy to "hammer" until I got through.  (Since I no longer have a MODEM to do the work for me, I have to improvise).



I was able to talk to a human after waaiting on hold for 30 minutes close to midnight


Even worse for me , i use cell phone , i've waited approx 45mins still ....

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-02-23 21:19:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Numbers busy for like 3 weeks now for me !

last week, NVC were busier than normal. I've tried many time during the day. Just like you, busy tone. I was able to talked to the rep when I called them around 10:30 PM central time which was 11:30PM Eastern time. 


I may try that



DOS can't help you. They will tell you to call NVC. They no longer will give out information dealing with NVC.


You will just have to keep calling call either early morning or late at night they are open 7am to midnight eastern time.


You can also use the call back line and they will call you back. Go here to the website. It's been posted here on VJ i have used it very nce to use.


That site is amazing !

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-02-23 19:34:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Numbers busy for like 3 weeks now for me !

Yes. I think so.

Department of State has less waiting time to talk with visa specialist.


Okay thank you then ! Have a nice day !

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-02-23 08:37:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Numbers busy for like 3 weeks now for me !

Can you call DoS at 202-485-7600, press 1 then 0 to speak with visa specialist?


Never heard DoS , So i can ask for my nvc process via DoS right ? Thank you in advance

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-02-23 08:29:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Numbers busy for like 3 weeks now for me !

Hi not sure if it is a correct place to ask ! But lately i cannot just call nvc , always busy ! It's been 3 weeks now ! Emailed them 20 days ago still no response !


Want to know if you guys are the same or not ! Thank and srry if offtopic

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-02-23 08:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Waiting for Interview Letter


I need to ask few questions


My case category is F2A

1)  My case got completed by NVC on 3 April 2014 n my PD is 2 July 2013.

Its been 2 months now we haven't received Interview Letter yet. what could be the possible reason of it?

does that retrogress(seen on visa-bulletin) causing the delay ?

i have seen few People of F2A (PD after august2013) category getting IL letter.



2) My wife will have her neutralization Interview in this week. Should we upgrade our case from F2A to Cr1?

will it help us getting the IL letter soon?






1. Yes your PD is not current, therefore you'll have to wait for it to become current again ( all i can say is ~10 days to go till new vb coming out, there are chances :) )


2. You'll get your upgrade once she come USC




Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-05-28 07:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Did I get a false checklist?

It's not a false checklist, false checklist doesn't come with such'll need to do what they told :) ...all the best

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-05-01 01:59:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-260 must be in English

If the DS-260 must be in English, how wil my wife parent receive there IV package? They live in China. The GUZ consulate will translate english address into chinese?


Before DS-260 was online the paper version there was a space where you can answer name and address in native language. I am not sure if the online verision let me do that.






Hi ?, currently there is no the need of snail mail though i can't be sure for China..if you mean the p4 packet, asumming you have put their email adress they will get it via their email take much less time.


DS-260 is English-only so you are not going to write the address in Chinese



Edited by Phillip Wu, 29 May 2014 - 09:18 AM.

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-05-29 09:17:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)checklist again

Good morning everybody 


I have submitted the response to the checklist letter for the Affidavit of Support since 30 days  , after that i have received this letter . what's up ?



_F - FINANCIAL EVIDENCE:______________________________________The NVC has received the requested DS-260, Online Immigrant Visa Application. However,we are still waiting for the response to the checklist letter for the Affidavit of Support. Please return the requested information so that we may complete your case.When responding to the National Visa Center, please include the bar code sheet that came with this letter.  Failure to include the bar code sheet may cause a delay in the processing of your case.  The barcode sheet should be placed on top of all documents being submitted for this case and mailed to the address provided

.[JAW 06/17/2014]


Have them a call and ask them, it looks like a false checklist to me.


Still call them for sure i get one of this too and when i called , i found out that it was a false checklist

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-06-18 08:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Checklist after case is completed. Why?

Yesterday I called NVC on status of interview date. Still no date yet.  However, after hanging up the phone, I got a Checklist. This was the 2nd time I receive this checklist. The case was already completed since mid June and is waiting for interview date.
Here is the checklist:
1st checklist: ______1 - IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION PART 1:_______________________
The NVC has received the information you submitted and placed it in your case file. You will be
contacted when your petition is sent to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate for further processing.
[NEM 07/17/2014]                      PHPxxxxxxxxx
2nd checklist: ______1 - IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION PART 1:_______________________
The NVC has received the information you submitted and placed it in your case file. You will be
contacted when your petition is sent to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate for further processing.
[J9P 07/29/2014]                         PHPxxxxxxxxx


Anyone know what this mean or receive this before? Please help



I got the same thing..i called them , they told me to ignore it.

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-07-31 03:15:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-3032?

Just to let you know, i did both DS-3032 ( via email ) and DS-261 and i can tell that it's both work...but for now i'd suggest DS-261.



Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-07-31 03:20:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Re-sending I-864A


Thanks for the response.

Do you know if you have to include the checklist letter to the requested documents when submitting to NVC? Just curious.


Once you receive the checklist email or letter you will just have to print out of checklist cover sheet and include it in the package and sent.


You don't need the whole checklist letter but just the cover sheet in the checklist letter.

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-08-13 19:02:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Re-sending I-864A

Wait for the checklist ! or you'll confuse them and end up delaying the whole process


The review time is now change to 60 days so i won't mess up , it will take months if sth mess up

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-08-13 08:15:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I-864 MISTAKE

Call NVC as soon as the doc arrive and tell them 


My father did that once and i called NVC and problem solved

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-08-13 08:48:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)i-864 Page 9 Prepared of form

Hi I had the same problem page 7&9 I didn't include in the package so when I called MVC they told me to send the entire package over again to scan into their system that's if is not over 2 weeks since you made the mistake but if it's over then just wait for the check list


He sent all the 9 pages but on the page 9 he did not fill anything and it's fine

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-08-14 18:34:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)i-864 Page 9 Prepared of form

It won't cause you any problems it's not mandatory for that page.

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-08-14 09:36:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Expediting an I-130 at NVC

To be honest , it pure luck to get case expedite....a friend got her case expedite by directly send the inquiry to the embassy and NVC forwarded the case to the embassy and she got visa approved btw it's due her medical concern.


Honestly , i'd not suggest you do it though because NVC is backlog now they are busy as hell as told earlier by averageguy6 , unless it's life concern then consider trying it because chance are below 40% .


Ring NVC and ask them but be patient and forgive their unusual behaviors , they are at mess now , i'd not mind and completely understand them because it is impossible to control their temper at this work rate


Choices are your , one thing to keep in mind is that it will not effect your case even they reject the approach.


It worth a try , it won't hurt but in my opinion yes my opinion only you will likely to be reject the approach to expedite

Edited by Phillip Wu, 15 August 2014 - 05:49 AM.

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-08-15 05:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Does anyone knows where to mail an expedite request?

Hi, I am a little confused. So, I have to request my expedite to the American Embassy in the Dominican Republic? Or do I just send it to the NVC? Can you please clarify thus for me?


NVC will automatically contact Embassy once the request received and then the Embassy will make the decision whether to expedite your case or not and they will notify you


You need to email NVC , i'd not suggest the mailing are the main option now or you will waste more times


Just FYI , a friend of mine directly contacted the Embassy back in May , she has never contact NVC and the Embassy approved her request and ordered NVC to forward the case. 

Edited by Phillip Wu, 26 August 2014 - 08:06 AM.

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-08-26 08:03:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)AOS Packet

If you mean he agreed to be your co sponsor and his incomes alone are enough then i don't really see any reason you will need his wife's help.


Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-08-26 19:19:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)can my case be expedited

I applied for immigrant visa for my spouse and kids and they fall into the category f2a.


And you would need a valid reason for your case to be expedited

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-08-27 19:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)HELP-another checklist

do they put such cases to AP???


If the listed items are not shown during the interview then the case will be in AP till all the listed items shown

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-08-28 04:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Who will be the one to call NVC, petitioner or beneficiary?

Infoneeded   SennaBrigante  and GlowMe90  I  wish magicjack can be used here.  Im able to download but wont be able to register cause UAE blocked it :(


Tried to call NVC twice  using normal local number but  I was already out of credit/Load  before I could even talk  to them? Its only this one lady saying my call is important to them and have to wait and will be attended shortly, then one guy will say  All their agents are busy attending calls?  lol

Its costly to call them. But my hubby cant call due to the nature of his job and won?t be able to call only once he is home after 2 weeks.   




How about skype ? just skype credits and call them


The costs are even lower

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-08-28 08:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CASE in process of termination? What does this mean?

:goofy: HELLO VJ Members. i'm new here. don't really know how to ask questions here? anyone's help would be appreciated. my case has finally been completed on august 22,2014 i'm now waiting for NVC to schedule an interview for my husband in MACEDONIA,SKOPJE    so my question is how long have u VJ members that are bringing their spouses from kosovo waited for an interview? 


You will get Oct interview if you embassy are not too busy ( slots available ) or Nov interview if they are too busy 


If you get Oct interview then you'll get Sept Medical


Call nvc as the scheduling has started 

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-08-29 19:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Still no interview date set from NVC

Any update ? Just wondering because the Embassy are filled up the slots with tons of earlier filers mostly 2012 because NVC are backlogging but i think it will not have any impact on your case since it's's not subject to visa quota for Immediate Relative of US Citizens


Let me know whenever you get Interview Letter

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-09-19 03:02:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How do I actually/realistically contact the NVC? Phone has been constantly busy for days

Budget-wise get skype credits and call through skype as it costs much less than the actual phone cost.....because the average hold time will be between 45 mins to a hour or up with several attempts


and for the emailing route , it takes more than 20 days....( for my case it was 25 days though most members reported that they have never got any response back for emailing )

Edited by Phillip Wu, 19 September 2014 - 07:48 AM.

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-09-19 07:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Ditching my attorney

If you can just call them , dun bother emailing them , dun get me wrong but it takes utterly long time for them to response back via email

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-09-20 07:03:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC email changed

What i got is PAGE NOT FOUND



Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-09-20 07:54:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)American spouse to move to Beneficiary spouse Country during NVC

Try adding assets like Houses..also bank account if he is to move to spouse's country or get a co sponsor 


And NO you can't expedite your case with that reason.

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-09-19 08:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Ceac state status as ready on status check what do i do ?

The embassy has received your case forwarded by NVC and you will be soon inform for interview


Good luck and congrats

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-10-02 00:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)File gone to NVC - Do i need an attorney??

You don't really need an attorney just make yourself familiar with the process by reading Wiki , the process itself is not that hard 


Here a link for wiki 




Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-10-02 00:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Urgent Help Needed PLEASE

the only way is that her job will agree on 2 weeks off for medication


Or find a new job after medication as soon as possible ? because NVC will process your case normally , the final showdown is in your consulate and by the time you get to interview i'm sure that she will be able to get a new job 


Best of luck bro

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-10-01 08:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Urgent Help Needed PLEASE

ya thats really hard situation, is there any chance they wont ask for current or recent paystubs at consulate interview ?


They tend to ask employment status , occupation but not incomes.

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-10-01 08:00:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Urgent Help Needed PLEASE


i know, she got enough income from her current job but going for surgery will cause us losing the job and i am concern about her health


we tried there is no any joint sponsors who will help us


i thought about adding money to bank account as assests but my wife already have 1 child with here so they are 2 member and with me 3, we will need around $75000 and we dont have that


Okay i see but no income and no co-sponsor/joint sponsor means no approval , she has to ask someone to help out and be joint sponsor. 


No more choices because assets are not enough along with bank account.

Edited by Phillip Wu, 01 October 2014 - 07:46 AM.

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-10-01 07:37:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Urgent Help Needed PLEASE


we have no joint sponsors, not even one and our assests are not enough


her salary each month is above the 125%


the problem is not with me going there to be with here, i already told her to come here to my country and i will do the surgery for her here i have health inssurance and shes included because shes my wife, but the problem is with losing the job if she will go 2 weeks for surgery and whats after


The thing is she has to show that she got enough income and without job she can't , which lead to go for the joint sponsor route or assets.


But with your situation when assets are not enough , you must find join sponsors , even her family members will be able to do that.


Without join sponsor or enough assets , it's impossible.


No income and no co-sponsor/joint sponsor means no approval , she has to ask someone to help out and be joint sponsor. 


Edit : How about adding money to the bank to make it more than enough ?

Edited by Phillip Wu, 01 October 2014 - 07:35 AM.

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-10-01 07:30:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Urgent Help Needed PLEASE

Losing job mean nothing really , you can try to find joint sponsors ( friends or family members ) or adding assets ( bank , house..etc )


Just make sure that the total money exceed the minimum requirement in form I-864P.


If you want to go there now then you may try for tourist visa and be truthful with the embassy. ( Explain your situation , i assumed that you want to be with her during the surgery )


Good luck bro

Edited by Phillip Wu, 01 October 2014 - 07:19 AM.

Phillip WuMaleCambodia2014-10-01 07:18:00