United KingdomMedical Tomorrow :)
It's truly amazing just how quickly things are going, but just how impatient I am getting along the way :grins:

My medical is tomorrow. I know all will be fine, but I'm getting pig-sick in case there is something there that will hinder the Visa process. Does anyone know if they tell you if anything is wrong? Or do you find out at the Embassy?

Still waiting on C to send me the I-134 of her and her co-sponsor. Hope to have them by the end of next week so I can send off my checklist.

Then I wait for the interview! Looks like it takes around 2 months from the sending of the checklist to the interview date at the moment. Wow, our July-planned wedding looks like it might actually happen!

We are making such good progress with the I-129F :)

I can't wait to be with my honey again. This is such a long time apart :/ I'm so glad we get to speak each day on Skype. I wouldn't wish this distance on anyone :/
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-19 16:35:00
United KingdomMedical in London
First of all, thank you to all who responded to my post yesterday. I do aim to respond to you all, but I'm not been home long.

The Medical, a saga in one part, by Tigersden ;)

A sleepless night resulted in an early rise at about 4:30 am on Tuesday the 20th. My fiancee called me soon thereafter to wish me luck on the days tasks. We video chatted through skype for about 20 minutes before I had to head and grab a shower, and make sure for the millionth time that all was packed and ready for my trip to "The Big Smoke".

With sleep far from my mind, and nerves racing, I got into my car at about 5:30 and drove the 30 or so miles to Leeds so I could get the fast train down to London. Parked at work and walked over to the slightly bustling center of transport that I had passed through so many times before. The sweet smell of the bakeries readying their wares for the day, the low rumble of trucks and vans as they deliver their goods to the traders in preparation for the hordes that would descend upon them soon after.

Checked the display screens, located my train and headed through the barrier, making my way to the designated platform. The air was fresh but still warm as it had been cloudy the night before. A nice GNER train with comfortable seats and decent legroom was the order of the hour and as I settled down in my seat I started to note a few things in my makeshift journal - a letter to C. The train started off with a small jolt and I settled back into my seat, my nerves starting to calm a little at the day I had ahead of me. Rolling up my jacket into a pillow, I decided to try and get some sleep as I placed it between my head and the window. The two hours flew by as I drifted in and out of consciousness and I was soon at London Kings Cross.

Stepping out on to the platform, I headed towards the exit to try and get my bearings, the throngs of people around me causing me to panic slightly. I made my way up to the surface, the distinct difference in odour from "up north", and the drizzle making our capital city look a little depressing.

I ventured back down into the tube station, checking the tube map as to where I wanted to go. My appointment was at 11:15, so I figured that I could probably mill around for a bit beforehand, spend about an hour at my appointment, and then go explore some of the free things that there are to do in this famed city.

Purchased the necessary tube ticket, double checked where I needed to go, and headed into the cattle-pens that they call the Tube :) 10-15 minutes later I had arrived at Knightsbridge. I took my time to locate Basil Mansions - not difficult to find given the map that was given, but you wouldn't expect a Doctors facility to be located there!. I had an hour and a half to kill before my appointment and I was starting to get a little overwhelmed at the crowds, the traffic, and the very tall buildings. I noted from my maps that Hyde Park was across the way so I headed onwards to the green space :) C called me while I was doing this and we talked for quite a while. She'd had her own dramas during the night, and we talked through them. Conversing with her while I headed out in to the grassland and lake area that is Hyde Park really centered me. I am so grateful for that.

11am soon came around so I meandered back to Basil Mansions. Went in, handed in my forms and my passport to the receptionist and sat down in the waiting area, writing more in my makeshift journal. An administrator came through and handed me my passport and a questionnaire to fill in. I couldn't help but notice the "dated" look of the waiting room. Very "quaint" olde-english style decor. Not shabby, just dated :) Filled out the form and handed it back to the receptionist. At about 11:45 I was taken through to have a TDP shot as my Tetanus (or whichever one it was) was out of date for the US. Talked with the nurse about the Visa process, and about how my fiancee and I met. We also joked about my goofy passport photo that was attached to my form. She took me through to another waiting room which appeared to double as their kitchen!

Waited for about half an hour in there before I saw the Doctor. He was a very good natured German man who took the time to explain everything to me. We even ended up talking about the Visa process and his history as a doctor. I explained that C was doing her nursing degree, and the sort of work I would be looking at doing while I was over there. He asked a few cursory questions, weighed me, took my height and then had me strip down to my underwear and lay on the tabley couchey thing. He palpated my stomach, checked my eyes ears nose and throat, pushed down on either side of my groin and had me cough. He had me pull down my underwear "Just to check it's all still there" ;) and then listened to my breathing. He took my blood pressure, and a phial of blood.

Throughout all of this we were chatting away like we were good friends - he certainly made me feel at ease. He told me that everything seemed absolutely fine with my checkup, and if there was anything at ALL amiss with my blood test results, he would personally call me to discuss it. I thanked him for his time, and for his explanations of what was going on and why certain things were done. He said he understands what it's like when you've not gone through this before - far too many doctors say the same thing day in and day out and don't end up considering the important people - the patients :)

He led me back to the waiting room where I was sat with someone who appeared to be about my age, and a few families who didn't appear to speak English. Started chatting to the guy next to me and it turns out that he was in there for his K-1 medical too! I pointed him in the direction of this site for support and information, and we exchanged email addresses. He said that he'd not found anyone else who had been going through this process. I welcomed him to the fold :grins:.

After a while I was called through for my X-Ray - removed my top and my pendant necklace thing (a US coin that has been cut into two with interlocking hearts - C has the other half ^_^) and stood in front of the X-Ray film. I was made to stand like a chicken and was told to practice breathing in through my nose noisily :D When the radiographer was happy that I could do this simple task, my internal picture was taken and I dressed. We briefly chatted about how C and I met (Started talking 12 years ago?! WHat the ?!) hehe and then went back to the waiting room. About 5 minutes later was called back in to have it re-taken. There was a fault on the film itself. Went through the chicken posture, the deep breathing, and the internal mugshot again, and then was led back to the waiting room.

Started talking to my new friend and we were called through individually for them to take payment from us. £195. Ouch, but it was expected so I'd made sure to prep my bank balance for it :D. After that wallet-raping, I headed back to the waiting room, got my things together and headed out with our K-1 Comrade :) Walked past the Kensington tube station, where he was due to head off and get back to working on some artwork he's been commissioned to do. Looking at my watch in dismay, I noted it was around 2pm. I was due to get a train at about 4pm so couldn't really go expore. I wandered around Hyde Park for a while, revelling in its beauty and seclusion in such a busy metropolitan area, took a few photos, and ate a toasted sandwich.

C called me to see how it all went. We talked for a while and I expressed my sadness at her not being there with me to see all of this. I don't want to explore unless she is there with me - I want to share these new experiences with her. What has happened to the J that wanted to find new things on his own? I guess that part of me disappeared when I became involved with C. Not in a bad way, of course, it's just a case of we want to make "waves" together, and to learn things together. In a non-co-dependant way, of course ;)

It got to about 3pm and I decided it wise to head back towards Kings Cross. Rode the tube for the final time that day, made my way through the commuter crowds and eventually found my platform.

Managed to find a seat on the train that wasn't reserved (!) and settled myself down to doze. I was exhausted. The lack of sleep, and all that travelling combined with the nerves I'd experienced really zapped my energy.

As we pulled in to Leeds at about 6:30pm it was drizzling. Ahh, almost home. I made my way back to the car and started on the final leg of my journey home. Got to near the motorway and saw it was at a standstill. I was too tired to just sit in traffic - I would have fallen asleep at the wheel, so I took the back roads instead. Ended up getting home around 8:15, utterly exhausted but pleased that the day was over. Talked with C and my family to let them know I was back safe, and here I find myself with a big mug of refreshing tea, writing up my experiences.

A good day, got the essentials done, very tiring, but now only 2 steps to go ^_^ (Get I-134 from C and send off checklist, then interview!)
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-20 17:28:00
United KingdomSpecial Delivery to Embassy

I would have thought that it is checked through out the working day...

:thumbs: I was just a little concerned as they would have scheduled the delivery before 1pm Friday, and it was still "Waiting to be collected" on Saturday.

I will check again mid-Monday and if Royal Mail can't tell me if it has been delivered or not I shall send off my second copy ^_^

I'm just anxious to get through this last bit of the process :grins: My impatience doesn't show at _all_, does it? :whistle: ;)
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-03 18:32:00
United KingdomSpecial Delivery to Embassy
I sent my I-129F Packet III checklist off to the US Embassy on a Special Delivery - Next Day 1pm service. I did this Thursday so it would arrive on Friday.

The online tracking for Royal Mail/Postoffice keeps complaining of being down so I called up today.

The automated phone system tracker said it was being processed through their system, so I asked for operator assistance. The Operator said that it was "Sitting in their PO box, awaiting collection".

He couldn't provide any more information than that.

So, I'm curious as to how long it takes them to get their mail from their PO box, and whether I should just send a copy of the checklist (of course I made copies ^_^ ) via standard 1st class mail to ensure it all gets there ASAP.

Thoughts? :unsure:

Edited by Tigersden, 03 March 2007 - 01:26 PM.

TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-03 13:26:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Interview - APPROVED!!!
Congratulations :D :thumbs: :dance:
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-03 18:53:00
United KingdomMedical Exam - London

Thanks you so much! I called the Knightsbridge Doctor's and they said they have a few spare. This helps me out so much. I really appreciate it!

And can I just say that my experiences with the Knightsbridge Doctors (at Basil Mansions) were excellent today. A little slow, but kept me informed and we very chatty when I was in the various rooms with them!
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-20 17:41:00
United KingdomFinally received interview date :)

Congratulations! I can't wait to be in your shoes. Good luck at the interview. Is your SO attending?

Unfortunately she has her final final for this semester the day before, so even if she left the US after her exam, she would arrive post-interview :/ She should be visiting the following week, all being well :)

It's an awesome feeling to know that we finally have a date. You'll get there soon enough ^_^ It feels like forever while you wait though!
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-25 20:16:00
United KingdomFinally received interview date :)

How's yer ankle today? :lol:

Hehe :) Still a little tender ^_^ Although I did go out to celebrate last night ;)
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-25 18:56:00
United KingdomFinally received interview date :)
Thank you, everyone :) I really appreciate you all taking the time to read and reply :)

We are _so_ happy about this :) I think I sprained my ankle from all the bouncing around :P

Strange how the £1.20/minute line said it was all being processed when they had allocated the interview date the day before I called (according to the letter date ;) )

Thank you for the offer of good mojo :)

And we may not be getting the exact same flights due to cost/availability, but we hope to leave Manchester, and arrive in Houston at the same time :) However, just have to get that visa in my hand first before I make plans like that ^_^

Good luck to all who are still waiting!
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-24 05:15:00
United KingdomFinally received interview date :)
Came home to find an official letter from the US embassy on my doormat :)

Interview date.....

: drumroll :

May 11th @ 10:30am!

Seems to be a lot later than those who posted packet III a week after me, but I have an interview date, so I am bouncing-off-the-walls happy :D

AND all being well, my darling fiancee should be over in the middle of the following week - I should hopefully get my visa and passport back when she is here :D Then maybe, just maybe, we can leave together ^_^

Timeline and .sig updated :dance: :thumbs:

Edited by Tigersden, 23 March 2007 - 12:08 PM.

TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-23 12:07:00
United KingdomInterview
Congratulations :D That's awesome news :dance:
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-04 02:07:00
United KingdomInterview approval last Friday ^_^
Thank you all :D

Visa arrived today!

WOW! That was _FAST_!

I can hardly believe that I hold my future in my hands ^_^ That all that we have worked for has come to fruition like this... that Christi and I will be flying back to the US together ^_^
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-15 07:26:00
United KingdomInterview approval last Friday ^_^
A big thank you to everyone :D It has been such a long process... to finally have it almost at fruition now all the hard work has been done is amazing ^_^

The next steps will be like a breeze as Christi will be with me - we will finally be together. Neither of us can wait to start our lives together. We've dreamed about it for years ^_^
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-14 18:02:00
United KingdomInterview approval last Friday ^_^
Had a very successful interview on Friday - I have been approved ^_^

Have added an entry in to the London Consulate review (very long winded, sorry ;) )

Was told I should receive my visa by the end of this week!

It won't sink in until I have it in my hands though :grins:

Christi arrives here on the 23rd and we will be flying back together on the 9th of June ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

We start our lives together on the 23rd - neither of us can wait!

TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-13 14:16:00
United KingdomK-1 Visa arrived this morning
The K-1 Visa arrived this morning.

The only thing that looks more beautiful than that visa is my soon-to-be wife ^_^

She arrives on the 23rd of this month and we fly back together on the 9th of June :)

Thank you EVERYONE for your support and assistance :D

Hang in there - it does happen eventually ^_^
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-15 07:47:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

How long do you think we should wait before we call to find out anything? Like I said, we mailed ours off yesterday? Do you receive anything to confirm that they have received it?

Received nothing to confirm its receipt. Took them a couple of weeks to enter Packet 3 into the system, a couple of weeks for them to enter the checklist into the system (sent separately).

Phoning the £1.20/minute line is a waste of time and money, you are better off calling the US Dept of State for information. They are much more helpful! They can tell you when things are entered into the system :)

Took 3 weeks after sending off the checklist to get my interview date. After 2 weeks, was calling every day, lol :) Doesn't speed things up though :P
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-04 03:16:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

Sent Packet 3 of today so I guess I'm now in the 'waiting for packet 4' club!

Welcome :D It seems like you wait forever, but when you get it... wow :)
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-03 16:31:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

Just rung the state department and was told that my husband's interview is scheduled for 2nd May!! I did ask my husband to ring the £1.20 a minute number yesterday as when I called the state department, they had no record of receiving packet three. I just rung him to tell him the interview date and he told me he rung last night and gave them hell, so I think whatever he did helped! Packet 4 was sent yesterday!
Good luck to all of those still waiting...

That is awesome news :) :thumbs: I just phoned up the state dept and they are still waiting to issue me with an interview date. Have been in that state for over a week now and it is getting very frustrating :P

Called the £1.20/min line and they said that I should call back in a couple of weeks to see if there is an update. Heh, they even asked if I had sent back the checklist (that is my packet III date - sent the original forms in the middle of Feb).

2nd of May? The date is slipping further and further away, lol :) ANd here was me hoping to be out of here and in her arms at the end of May :P
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-20 10:41:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.
I gave in and phoned the state dept today because I have been so antsy with all of this waiting.

Yep, they received my packet 3 documents and scanned them in to the system on the 21st of February. Everything looks in order and they are waiting to assign me an interview date.

So very happy that the docs got there :) Tempted to send another copy of the checklist which was mailed at the start of the month, although I should probably wait a week or so before doing that ^_^

JustGimmeAnInterviewDateDarnIt! :D :thumbs:

:deep breaths: Please let it be around the middle of April, please.
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-12 14:14:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

We sent them back together as well. For some reason, I had it in my head that they should all be sent together, but, searching this board, it doesn't seem to matter.
Is it too soon for me to start complaining that we haven't received Packet 4 yet? ;)
(I'll go wait in the corner until at least two weeks have passed. Then I'll start complaining :P )

I'll join you in that corner :grins: I know they received it either Friday or today (my checklist) and I keep going downstairs to see if any post has magically appeared through my letterbox :grins:

IsItHereYet?No :( IsItHereYet?No :( IsItHereYet?No :( IsItHereYet?No :( ;)

I hear it could take up to 4 weeks to come through. Think I might wear my stairs out :grins:

Very very antsy now! I can't do things like work out handing in my notice for work and my house until I have a date (I will leave myself a sensible margin post-interview just in case something goes awry) but... dang!

Not complaining, just being this close to the end and being able to taste the visa (metaphorically ;) ) is so... frustrating :grins: :)

I'll shush now and get back to sorting through my stuff/putting things in boxes lol
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-05 15:23:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

2/14/2007 - Packet 3 arrived
2/21/2007 - Packet 3 sent
3/01/2007 - packet 4 arrived
3/14/2007 - Medical
3/28/2007 - Interview

Good afternoon :) I have a small question on your timeline - you say that you sent Packet III on the 21st Feb - was that everything including checklist, or had you sent the documents prior to that?

I'm trying to work out what people mean by saying they sent Packet 3 as it's a two stage process ;) Just trying to gauge how long away my Packet 4 receipt is, along with possible interview dates :whistle:
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-03 12:18:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

United Kingdom Interviews for 2007

Big enough big red approved for ya ? ;)

I nearly passed out when he told me ^_^ I started to hyperventilate lol :D

Ladies and gentlemen, I should have my visa within a week :)

I am... speechless....

I am also very tired - have been up for 2 days now :P

Will post more...when coherent...later :D

Thank you everyone ^_^
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-11 16:16:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007


Wooo.... I'm getting ready to do the final checks on everything I'm taking, then I'm getting a tram to the coach station to get my 1:45am coach to London ^_^

Nervous? Heh. You betcha! Never thought the phrase "bricking it" could have a physical connotation :P I can't even eat dinner tonight lol :)

I'll let "y'all" know when I get home tomorrow night (sometime around midnight).

Edited by Tigersden, 10 May 2007 - 12:43 PM.

TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-10 12:42:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

Tigersden good luck on your interview for Friday, put that big RED approved when its done :thumbs:

Hehe, thank you :) Both myself and my fiancee are feeling quite ill over the stress of it all at the moment :(

Here is hoping that we get that big 'ole red approved when complete :D

If not, then myself and a lot of bottles of wine have an appointment together :P
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-08 14:03:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

Not at all - that's what this thread is for! :)

Good luck on your interview!!

Thank you :) Good luck to you too :) Not long to go ^_^
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-07 12:01:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007
United Kingdom Interviews for 2007

May 2007 Interviews

AlienUKGirl ...K1...04/10...04/10.........05/01.......05/30.....08:00...

June 2007 Interviews


Waiting for Interview


Hope you don't mind that I updated it with my info for my interview that is this coming Friday :)
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-07 11:34:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
Just thought I would update my details now :) - Sorry if I should have gone about this a different way ^_^

Updated as of 08/08/07

Shari (& British hubby, Keith) - Birmingham, AL
Miranda and James (another future British hubby!) - Huntsville, AL
Welshcookie - Mobile, AL (eventually)
Sienna - Amber (USC) & Stephen(UKC - Helens Bay, Northern Ireland) - Waiting for visa, will arrive soon in Birmingham, AL

BlueRaiderUK (Michael & Ashley) - Mesa, AZ
Muuuuah (Sheila(UKC) & Tony(USC)) -Tempe, AZ
JamalNTam - Jamal(USC) and Tamsin (UKC) - Tucson, AZ

StacySmith (Stacy USA & Paul UK) - Stuttgart, AR

Ladybutterfly444 - San Diego, CA
ynzm22 (lynsey and Jason)- Lancaster, CA
Daisy - hubby is north of Palmdale, CA
Perfect - South Orange County, CA
ddchucksgirl - northwest Lost Angeles, CA
robinklake - Myself and UK fiance are in sunny Santa Monica, CA!
Purple Hibiscus - Huntington Beach, CA
Els and Brian-Riverside, CA
Englishsammy (Sam (not there yet!) and Roshon) - Fresno (Woohoo laughing.gif ), CA
Andrew(AFQuaid) & Fiona - Stockton CA
Liam4Lisa - Ventura County, CA
WifeofHunkyJohn(Annie - Scotland, UK) & John (USC) - Riverside County, CA but will be back in LA, CA eventually
Maria (Portsmouth, UK) and Ed (US) - Long Beach, CA
HuffyTheSlayer(UKC - Brighton, UK) & Mark(USC- Salt Lake City, UT) - Now moved to Chino, CA
Robburnsefc - Rob(UKC - Chorley, Cheshire) & Carol(USC) - Ventura, CA

Ladybird216 - Western CO
Boiler - Boulder County, CO
Cmltdg (Tiffany - US & Caspian - UK) - Aurora, CO
Jennymc11 - Jenny (Littleton, CO) and Rich (Leeds, UK) - We are both in Leeds until Visa approval

Jayke(USA) & hubby(UK) - CT
Bradfordplip - Time split between SE Michigan & NE Connecticut
nickels&dimes (Nickels=Sheril UKC & Scott USC) - CT

Nkii (USC) & UC (NGC living in UK) - Washington, DC

Kerry - Central FL
Munchkins (Val and Alan ) - Jacksonville, FL - to be with daughter and family
atothelkini (Alan, N.Ireland) - Tallahassee, FL
missyandneil - Orlando, FL
Kate, Josh & bump - Tallahassee, FL
Lisa & David (LisaD & ddave)...US/Sunderland - Daytona Bch FL
Lawrencetoland - Josie and Damian - Orlando, FL and Astoria, NY
lynnd227(Lynn NJ, USA) & Liam(Northern Ireland) - Palm Beach County, FL
digbeezgrl = Sara & Sean - Sara (Tampa, FL - USC) and Sean (Essex, UK - soon to be here in FL!!!)
Katandruss- Kathryn (Liverpool, UK) Russ (USC) - Debary, FL - Waiting for K1 Visa
Lisa (USC) and Spence (UKC - North London) - Orlando, FL
Selly - Wayne(UKC - Dorset) & Leigh(USC) soon to be moving to Tampa and Leigh

Crazy Brit - Covington, GA
Matti_n_Kelli: Hiram, GA
Silver(Maggie - UKC) & Quinton(USC) - Albany, GA
Chloe - Caroline(UKC - London) & John(USC ) - Alpharetta, GA

MeandMyGeordie - Sher (USA) & Steve(Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK) - Twin Falls, South Central ID
Angelica(UK) & Bruce(USC) - Together in Post Falls, ID
Jenart (Jenny & Les) - Hagerman, ID - to be with daughter & son-in-law (& my horses)

pj1959us (Hubby David) - Central IL
Luv2teach77 (And her handsome british Husband ) - Now In New Baden, 25 miles east of downtown St. Louis
JJM8081(British fiance Joe) - Chicago suburbs, IL
poppy33usa - Just on the illinois side of the illinois/missouri border in the st louis metro area
jpkeswim - Southwest, IL near St. Louis Missouri
Crisscat - (Sharri & Neil ) Southern IL 65 miles southeast of St Louis MO and not far from alot of you here in IL laughing.gif
Yorkie - Chicago, IL
Frances (Yorkshire hubster, VJ username - falcozappa) - Chicago, IL
Circus-of-Power(Paul and Catherine) - Central IL
morning75-Jim(Somerset, UK) & Amy(USA) - Hopedale, IL
Kinsey - Jackie (USC - Chicago, IL) & Karl (UKC - Lancaster) - Both currently waiting in Doncaster, England

Annelizabeth - Southern IN
Andy(uk) Patricia - Near Indy, IN
Baileyj - Southwest IN
Cian (Larry - US) & Sian (Siân - Sutton, UK) - Greencastle, IN
Amber&Neil - Amber(USC) & Neil (Newcastle, UK) - Evansville, IN

Ktun - Kate (London,UK) & hubby Craig - Iowa/Nebraska borders, 2 minutes over the bridge from Omaha Nebraska

Itsmeitsmeitsree! (Billy and Becky) - Lexington, KY
timandbethanie (Tim - Felixstowe, UK) & Bethanie - Shelbyville, KY - Waiting for Tim's return home!!

Tigersden - Jon (UKC - Sheffield, UK) & Christi (Lake Charles, LA) - Living in Lake Charles, LA. Not loving the Mosquitos ;)

clmarsh (Christina & Chris) - Portland, ME
Tonyt (soon to be USC) + wife(UKC) - Brunswick, ME
Kins - Jill (UKC -Macclesfield) and Mike (USC) - now living in Portland, ME with our three children

Terry & Jeannine - Towson, MD
Craig (UKC - Colchester) - Kim (USC - Glen Burnie, MD)
Shannon (USC) and Adrian (UKC - Dewsbury) - Maryland just outside of DC

matanddanni -Southampton, MA
Kezzie - Boston, MA

Bradfordplip - Time split between SE Michigan & NE Connecticut
euro (Amanda) & Mark(USC) - Brownstown (near Detroit), MI
sanctifyer - somewhere near detroit in mid 2006
badbabe113 - Rockwood, MI(near detroit)
David(alias Scotty - Scotland) - Livingstone County, MI to be with Bess
lizaanne (USC) & Simon (Sheffield, UK) - Detroit area, MI
Charlie76 - Detroit area, MI
mary&tom - Denied entry; will live in the UK
Alison and Scott - Comstock Park, MI
Colin(Keigwyn - UK) and Lisa - Escanaba, MI - way up in the UP
JenT(USC) & David(East London, UK) - Saginaw/Bay City/Midland area, MI

Chrissy25 - Southern MN
britsngrits - Twin Cities of MN - Paul(Peterborough, UK)
JayJay - Minnesota Lake, near Mankato about 2 and a half hours away from the twin cities
Tucker (Minneapolis, USA) and Fiona (St. Boswells, Scotland) - Twin Cities
MrsDarby (Twin Cities) and Oliver (Worcester, UK) - We are married and living in the Twin Cities
Transatlantic1 - Mary(USC) & Andy(UKC - Manchester) - White Bear Lake, MN (hopefully soon!)

RaTBoX (Adam - UKC - Newcastle, England) & Robin(USC) - moving to Meridian, MS

DaniChristine - Dani (USA) and Anthony (Northern Ireland)
Rosie420 - Waynesville, MO (Right in the middle!)
Andrew (Scotland) and Danielle (USA) - Kansas City, MO

wherezdabearz - John (USA) and Alison (UK) hope to be living together in Missoula (that's where da bearz are...) from end of Jan 2006
techgirl - Terry (USA) and Davo (UK)- Flathead Lake (western MT)

MariaDane - Maria (Scotland) & Dane (USC) - Now moved to Norfolk, NE of Aprill 28th 2007!

Lauraxmarie - Laura (Leicestershire, uk) and Toran (usc) - Las Vegas, NV

Gemma12nEl - Bergen County NJ
VisagirlNJ - My fiance will be moving to Hudson County, NJ in April
Jodyangel - South Jersey
GimyGirl(USA) & Geoff(UK) - Mercer County, NJ
peterg222 (UK) & katrinalexi (USC) - Burlington County, NJ

Sparkofcreation(USC) & husband(Glasgow, UK) - Albuquerque, NM
Neal (UKC - London) and Cari (USC) - Albuquerque, NM - By October 2007 (We Hope!!)

Louandmikek3 - Long Island, NY (Louise, UK and Mike, US)
DavidUK- Manhattan, NY
Gwen75 - Manhattan, NY
Shakysgirl- Russell (UK) and Patricia (US)- upstate NY
Donna(dmd01708) Oneida County, Upstate New York
Estella76 - Marie (US) and Adam (UK) - Queens, NY
Peachbythebeach - Me (US) Hubby (UK) - Long Island, NY
crashandcari - Crash (UK) and Cari (USA) - Brooklyn, NY
ljwinquist(Laura - USA) & Ian(Leicester,UK) - Lockport, NY
Lauren (USC) and Dave (UKC - Cambridgeshire) living in Queens, NY

Jo1973 - Durham, NC
saturn5man (Neil) - Near Raleigh, NC
Jaylen Brit(UK) and LenJayUS (US) - Lenior, NC (from this year)
mullensgirl (UK) Chris (USC) Eventually Jacksonville, NC
ajames79(Franklin, NC) and BigChris(who never posts - Yorkshire, UK) - Franklin, NC
D&B (Dipen & Bindu, London UK) Dipen - Charlotte, NC & Bindu still in UK hoping to be in Charlotte soon!
MrsWhizz(Durham, NC) and Gavin (Rugby, UK) - Soon to be here!!
blspicer - Brandi(USC - Sparta NC) & Pete(UKC - Hailsham, England) - Sparta, NC

TenderCats (hubby) - OH
Widge - Northeastern OH
Helen - Columbus, OH
martinleach - Martin (UKC St. Albans, Hertfordshire, UK) - Westerville, OH
Londonspod (Anthony - UKC - London, UK), Cat07758 (Caitlin - USC - Middletown, NJ) & Brianna - Toledo, OH
Linababe - Lina (UKC) moving to David (Columbus, OH)
ghallett - Graham(UKC - London, UK) & Susie(USC - Akron, OH) - Together in OH
msu17 - Paul(UKC - Colburn, UK)and Holly(USC) - Toledo, OH
Britchick - Shirley(UKC - Bedford, UK) & Gary(USA - Defiance, OH) - Defiance, OH
Corissa?Pete - Corrisa(USC) & Pete(UKC - Preston, UK) - Waiting for Visa - Will move to Canton, OH

Sukie175 (Sarah) - Gage, NW OK (near Woodward)
Lizzy(Melanie - UK) & Steve(US) - Oklahoma City, OK
bethnash (UK) and Jake (USC) - Norman, OK

ZZZZZZ (aka Pam & Dave) Portland, OR/ Southminster UK
blandas - Move from Loughborough (just south of Nottingham) to Oregon.
Dave (lansbury) & Linda - Portland, OR

Broma25 - Bucks County, PA
Britjohn- Delaware County, PA (near Delaware border)
cheeky^Wolf - (Helen(UK) & Dave(USA)) - Pittsburgh, PA
Pumpkinsnook - Berks Co, PA
Antone and Lyanthya - Harrisburg, PA
Abby(PAX) and Ewen - Lackawanna County, PA (likely moving to NYC, NY in the summer of 06)
bettenan (Bette & Richard) Beautiful Bucks County, PA
Qdilly - (Kelle - Harrisburg, PA) & Stephen(Merseyside, UK) - To arrive here later this year
Maggie (Scotland) and Richard(USC) - Montgomery County, PA
Lizzy & Steve - State College, PA
Oath & Leney - David(Oath) (UKC - Glasgow) & Jolene (Leney) (USC) - Mifflin County, PA

Lisax - Lisa(UKC - Essex, England) & Jon(USC) - RI
Nora & Ryan -Nora (UKC - Birmingham) & Ryan USC - New Port, RI -- I will be there soon hopefully

zenaelarabi - (Oxfordshire to Columbia SC)
pink_cloud-Charleston, SC

govols- (Karen & Tony-from England)-Middle Tennessee
TracyTN (and future hubby ChasUK) - Nashville, TN
Memphis - Mike Wooten future wife Adele (mrsw2b UK)
Michele (USC) and John (Scotland) to be living in/near Jackson, TN as of March 2007
Uzume - Jacqui(UKC - Aylesbury) & Chris (USC) - Moving to Nashville, TN soon!

Geordieluvr (aka Andria and her Geordie Peter) - Richardson, TX
medicjeff (wife Jane from the UK) Austin, TX
Melo (aka Anita from London) & Paul now in Odessa, Texas moving to Houston, TX
silent whispers - San Antonio, TX
tamarae (Shawna & Ciaran from the UK, arriving soon) - Lubbock, TX
Tex'n'Brit(Sheila- UK) & Hubby(Kyle - USA) - Ovilla, near Dallas, TX
Anytaholland - Ana(USC) & Graham(UKC) - Moving to Houston, TX around Aug/Sept '06
drpepper1109 - James (UKC - Berkshire, UK) and Lauren (USC) - Houston, TX
txgirl75 - Becky (UKC - Stoke-on-Trent) & Nathan (USC) - Outside Austin, TX

C&J - Chris(USC) & Jess(UKC) - Park City, UT

Lou - Central Vermont

naiku - Northern VA (whenever this process is finished)
mijkij - also Northern VA
Litlemo (aka Ally - Geordie, Greg - USC)
MrsBeer:30 - Northern VA
KikiDoug - (Kiki, from England...Doug, from the USA) - living in the very SW corner of Virginia!
Tony(UKC) & Dannie(USC) - Northern VA (Arlington)
UK2USA - Sharon (UKC - Essex) & Oscar (USC - Falls Church, VA), we will be staying in Falls Church, VA
arwensun1965 - Kent, WA
samantha_lou - Vancouver, WA
Alana (US) & Ewan (Scotland) - Des Moines, WA
torpedo_bob - Camas, WA
Candace(UK, living in Germany) & Chris(US) - Hoping to be in Port Townshend, WA next year
Tracey (Doncaster, Eng) & John (Edinburgh, Scot) living in glorious Camas, WA!!
Arla - Sonia (UKC - Liverpool) and Aaron (USC) - Norfolk, VA

Margyw - WV
rebeccajo (and robertwesley - Wes) irishman & southern gal in West Virginia
Girona40 - Curt (USC), Glenys(USC), Sarah (USC) and Michael (UK)
Clarky & Tarah - Adam (UKC -Northampton) and Tarah (USC) - Ripley, WV

Michelle(USC) & Craig(England) - Northern WI(border of UP of Michigan)
Badgerbabe - Green Bay, WI
SteveLaura/LauraSteve - from London, UK to Milwaukee, WI
Moonlite - just north of Milwaukee, WI
Mellie(and Scott) - near Milwaukee, WI
Nicola&Matthew - West WI on the boarders of MN
Bev(UKC - London, UK) & Ray(USC - Southwest WI) - Awaiting Visa approval

Edited by Tigersden, 08 August 2007 - 02:14 PM.

TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-08 14:12:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA

Bumping again! Sure is quiet around here!

All being well with the arrival of my visa (I had a succesful interview on Friday), I should be in Louisiana on the 9th of June. Will let you know ^_^
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-14 18:09:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
Can we be added to the list please? :D

Christi (Lake Charles, Louisiana), Jon (Sheffield, United Kingdom). Will be living in the Lake Charles area of Lousiana when I'm approved ^_^

Thanks for such sterling work!
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-20 17:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3 Final Questions - Photos?

Copies of the docs?
I havent done any copies...can i scan the docs i have done and keep them as TIF files?
Or do I need to use the forms to produce originals again?

For copies, scanning them would be easier. If you are intending on sending the docs to London and they get lost in the mail, it would be a good idea to have a backup copy.
Tigersden, thanks for clearing up what Teddy406 actually needs to send to the Consulate

I've done scan / print copies of the documents - should be okay ^_^ The advantage of the scan is that you tend to find it is of a better quality than a photocopier anyway.

I have to admit to being a little overzealous and having an extra two sets of everything, lol :D

And you are welcome - it's quite a confusing process and just wanted to make sure that the OP didn't end up "losing out" because they misread the form or used instructions for another embassy ^_^
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-03 18:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3 Final Questions - Photos?

ONLY the DS-230 Pt 1 and DS-2001 should be returned to the Consulate now. Then the Consulate will schedule your Interview. All the other forms go with you UNSIGNED to the Interview where they are signed in fornt of a Consul Officer.

The DS-156 requires 2 photos. You are submitting 2 forms.
My Fiancee is taking a couple extra passport photos for the Interview, just in case.
In your forms list, there is also a "FS-257a", unless your Consulate does not require it. Maybe it's only a Brazil thing.

NOTE: Make the copies for the beneficiary also. The Consulate wants the originals and normally 1 copy also.

Just a quick note - it looks like the original poster is going through the US Embassy in London. Having sent mine off recently, I should point out that the form specifically states:
"Please complete and return the following forms to us straight away [..]
DS-230 Part I [..]
DS-156 [..]
DS-156K [..]
DS157 [..]"

So it looks like the US Embassy in London _does_ need the DS-156 to be sent in with the rest of the Packet III docs. Looks like each embassy is a little bit different :thumbs:

And to the OP: Yeah, Packet III is a PITA ;) I have found that Klick Photopoint do two US passport photos for £4.99 - make sure you do it via their laser-printer service, and not the self-service booths. I managed to get 6 - two for the DS-156's, two for the interview, one for the medical, and one to send to C ;). Whilst they probably don't have to be identical, they should be similar :)
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-03 06:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA-2 email!

Yayyyyy! Congrats :dance:


Thank you :) It's so good to have such an amazing support group :)

Congratulations and good luck on your further journey!

Thank you :) Whilst we know we will need all the luck in the world (as people do when dealing with beaurocratic nightmares like these ;) ) we are buoyed up by the support and stories on here.

All being well, we should be married in July/August :)
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-22 08:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA-2 email!
[quote name='jlivings99' post='671650' date='Jan 19 2007, 02:55 PM']I am trying to not be jealous since our NOA1 from California was a couple of weeks before yours.

However, on your comments, since my husband is from the UK we have been looking at the history of the Londond Embassy and I think you can be more optomistic concerning interview date. It seems to be fairly common for the Packet 3 sent by the London Embassy to arrive 3-4 weeks after approval (and rare to be more than 5 weeks) and when you respond to Packet 3, the Embassy figures out when your interview is (from what I can figure out). However, after rsponding to Packet 3, the time people wait for an interview does seem to vary significant, For example, there are 7 people on visajourney indicating an interview in London in January and after responding to Packet 3 they waited anywhere from 3 to 12 weeks for an interview. So I think if you respond promptly to Packet 3 the beginning of May is the absolutely latest for the interview but could be earlier. (You can use the timeline search function to search for this type of information ... it is very helpful.)[/quote]

Oooh, thank you - that makes me feel even happier :) Now we just have to talk with her parents to see if they could afford to have the wedding earlier than planned :grins:

Thank you for the information re: the timeline search. It's a very powerful tool that I hadn't really got to grips with.

Oooh, hopefully if we are very lucky, things will speed through nicely :) I aim to get Packet III sent off within 48 hours of receiving it - I want this to process as quickly as possible :)

[quote name='Beachmouse' post='671672' date='Jan 19 2007, 03:05 PM']Congratulations. (F)[/quote]

Thank you :) We feel like the luckiest people ever at the moment :) Even more so when we get through the interview and are finally past immigration in the US of A :)

[quote name='jasman0717' post='671726' date='Jan 19 2007, 03:29 PM']Congratulations :thumbs: Lots of approvals this morning :dance:[/quote]
There were indeed :) looks like the service centre had people on caffeine drips or something :grins: I'm not going to complain though :)

[quote name='George and Jenny' post='676105' date='Jan 22 2007, 01:16 PM']CONGRATULATIONS! :dance:Another mile marker past both of you now. Next will be the interview, Best Wishes on your journey!!! :dance:[/quote]

:grins: We are certainly looking forward to getting past all of this. As we keep saying - that's something to tell our kids about :grin:

[quote name='JaJo' post='672706' date='Jan 19 2007, 10:41 PM']Congrats! :dance:[/quote]
Thank you :) By the way, cool avatar!

[quote name='aj1' post='672762' date='Jan 19 2007, 11:19 PM']That is really great news!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! to you both. ENJOY!!!!

AJ1 :thumbs: :dance: :yes:[/quote]

Hehe, we will do, thank you :) It seems like a process that will never end, but we have seen the light at the end of the tunnel (and other such aphorisms) and are working hard towards it :)

[quote name='me_4_musa' post='673157' date='Jan 20 2007, 03:33 AM']Great - Good Luck! :thumbs:[/quote]

Thank you :) I would say "We'll need it", but this seems to be going well so far. We are just following instructions and filling forms as needed :nods:

I can't wait for this to be over ^_^

[quote name='Sol-de-Verano' post='673166' date='Jan 20 2007, 03:36 AM']Congrats!![/quote]

Thank you - that is most kind of you :) I'm so glad of all the support we have found on here - reading peoples stories, hints, and tips really doeos help us to feel like we're not alone :)

[quote name='David-Mae Forever' post='673178' date='Jan 20 2007, 03:43 AM']Congrats![/quote]

Thank you :) Trying to go through the USCIS website left us very confused - this site has helped us both very very much!
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-22 08:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA-2 email!

Congrats that's good news :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

:grins: We are so very happy about this :) It made it impossible to work on Friday afternoon (found out in the afternoon due to the time difference, lol) because I was bouncing off the walls, very giddily :)

Now we have the next 1-2 month wait while they send packets places and send me Packet III :)

Congrats & best of luck with the rest of your journey!!!!

Thank you - I know we still have a little way to go, but we are so very hopeful now after the first major hurdle has been passed - getting the NOA-2 :)

Been talking with my colleagues about when we get the final approval and they have said that they may even be able to shorten my 2-month notice period requirement to 1 month :D

I can't wait to be with my baby once and for all. We have waited for so long for this, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her :)

Another Nov NOA2er. Aww right!!! :dance: :)

:hi5: :) We are all getting there :) Heh, maybe things will speed up a little due the usual "summer rush" that seems to happen at Embassies ;)

Congratulations :dance: :dance:

Why thank you :)

Hmm, these all seem to be coming under the same reply - wonder if it is because I opened up the "replies" in tabs in FF first :)

She, I, and our respective families are so happy at the news :)
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-22 08:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA-2 email!


I'm still waiting for mine... but so happy for you!

I'm sure yours will come along soon :) I was most anxious during this process, although my better half had done such an awesome job on the initial application that we were fairly sure there would be no holdups (200 pages of it, in total ;) - all cross referenced )

Such a heart-wrenching process to go through, but the end results are more than worth the wait :)
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-22 08:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA-2 email!

Congratulations! It is a great feeling, I remember how awesome that day was for Melinda and I. Hoping that your process goes smoothly and that you can be together soon

Rob and Melinda

Thank you :) I am hoping that we will be together in about 17 weeks. If all goes well, I should also be approved by then. We can proceed to return to the USA together :) Well, I can hope :D
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-22 08:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA-2 email!


Thank you :) We are very excited about all of this. It's quite a scary process, even if it _is_ fairly straightforward!
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-22 08:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA-2 email!
Good morning everyone. My Fiancee, Christi, received an email from the USCSIS.

NOA-2 Approval sent! :dance:

We are _so_ happy :) According to the user timelines, we could expect my interview to be as early as the beginning of May!!

Not getting my hopes up too much, but I can't deny that this news does make me want to run round the office screaming like my hair is on fire :yes:

So, from what I have seen am I correct in thinking the following:
It should take about 20-30 days for our case to be forwarded to the NVC
It should take about 30 days for the US Embassy in London to receive the packet from the NVC
I should have my interview about 30-40 days after that? In the meantime they send me a packet to fill out?

Trying to stay calm is _not_ easy ^_^
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-19 09:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2!
That is awesome news :) Congratulations :D
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-24 19:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdd me to the NOA-2 approved club!
Good evening to you :) Congratulations on this fantastic occasion :D
TigersdenMaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-24 19:19:00