Middle East and North AfricaPlease keep in MENA, Advice.
Thanks for the replies, I have been a part of MENA for sometime and I just wanted advice from my fellow MENA peeps. I am sure it will be difficult but I know that he is certainly worth the wait. He has me all of these years so what's another year or two? The LOVE isnt going anywhere but I dont want to fill him with hopes to only have them crushed because of this process. Yes, I know the process takes a huge toll on you, I have already been through so much the first time around but I truly believe that one deserves to be happy and that is my goal. You cant chose who you fall in love with, especially if they are such a great person. I will pray for the best and prepare for the worst.

Peace be upon you all and comfort you in your Journey's.

Salma&AliNot TellingEgypt2011-06-07 11:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaPlease keep in MENA, Advice.
Salamu Alaikum(Peace be upon you all),

Hello Everyone.....I have a very important question so I will give as much info as I can so that I may get the correct answers. I have been part of VJ for a very long time(new account to remain annonymous), I brought a MENA man over and we were married, everything was going great and he even became a US Citizen. Our marriage simply did not work out because of personal issues he had. I am not angry and I do not feel I was used. I have moved on but rekindled a long lost love from an old friendship. The only problem is he (my new love) is also from another MENA country. Do you think that brining another man over to the states will be a problem for me? My first marriage lasted about 6 years but we just went our sperate ways. I brought him on a K1, we followed all the steps and he is now a US citizen. We were married for 6 years and have a child together.

I am just wondering if anyone has been sucessful with bringing a second person over to the states legally? I look forward to your honest answers and I hope that if I can provide them with enough proof my first marriage was and is still ligit then they will understand my situation. We are only 2 years in age difference, so no problem there.

Thank for all the help !

Salma (L)
Salma&AliNot TellingEgypt2011-06-06 18:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew Journey of Love

Salam alaikum, welcome as Jackie said to VJ 2.0. I too am on my second journey, this one being very different from the last Alahumdulilah!

I wish you well and we are here if you need to talk.

Ramadan Kareem

Wa Alaiku Asalam Wa Ratmatu Wa Barakatu....Thank you for your replay and as I said earlier, Its nice to know that I am not the only one going for the second chance at true love. I know most will consider us crazy but my first expierence was not so bad and my Fiance and I truly have loved each other for a long time. I look forward to learning for all of you and I truly appreciate all your help.

Ramadan Kareem to you all !
Salma&AliNot TellingEgypt2011-07-30 20:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew Journey of Love

You sound a lot like my case also. I had met my husband years ago and we went our seperate ways for different reasons and I had went on to a visa journey I wished i had not taken. But that is all in the past and my future is my husband who loved me all the time. Nice to meet you and if you like to talk outside vj just pm me. Good luck.

I am so relieved to hear that I am not the only one on a second Journey ! Yes I would love to talk with you. What stage are you at in this process? Did you do the K1 the first time around? Are you doing another K1? I have so many questions for you ! We are nervous about the "red flags" even though our story is a true love story. I know that we will face certain challenges that I did not face before but we are ready for what ever it takes to be together and we put our faith in Allah "God".

I look forward to being a part of VJ again. My first go around was back in 2005 and I know some things have changed especially after the REevolution in Egypt.

Your story sounds very similiar to mine and I think we wil have alot to talk about ;-)
Salma&AliNot TellingEgypt2011-07-30 20:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew Journey of Love
Salamu Alaikum (Peace be upon you),

I would like to introduce myself and my fiance. This is my second Journey and for personal issues I would like to keep my first Journey private.

My name is Salma and my Fiance is Aly. We met in 2005 Online and have been friends ever since. Our lives took differnt paths but we have recently reconnected and found that we have loved each other all these years and that love never stopped.

The communication was a barrier in the beginning but after sometime he took an English course to better himself and now we communicate in many ways. We cannot wait to see each other again and get this process started.

Our case will present some issues because of my first Journey, however, we know that our love is real and we are ready for the long haul.

We would like to wish you all luck on your Journey's and we look forward to a long lasting relationship with you all.

(F) Patience and True Love is what will get you through all the waiting (F)


Attached Files

Salma&AliNot TellingEgypt2011-07-30 00:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew Unique Situation
First Hello / Salam to all,

I am the US Petitioner and my Fiance is from Egypt. We are not at the stage to file just yet but we know that our case will have some "Red Flags". nIts sad tosay but that for a man to rbing over more than one Fiance/Wife seems to be okay. My situation is a bit different. This would be my 3rd marriage and my 2nd to a MENA man.

My first marriage was when I was very young and lasted for 6 years to a US Citizen. Amiciable divorce no issues. (One child from that marriage.)

My second marriage was to an arab man, whom I met online, fell in love with and brought him here on a K1 visa, only because of my son not being able to leave the country without his fathers consent. (Which I would never do)We have a daughter together.(He has his Citizenship - 2nd)

My new Fiance' We are barley 2 years in age difference, he is older.He has never been married and has no children. I have two children and have been married and divorced twice. We have known each other since 2004 (before my second husband) and have remained friends ever since.

I know that we can prove that we love each other but I am looking for anyone who has been in this situation.

Thank you !

I thank you in advance for all your help. I am sure I will get some great advice as well as not so great comments.

Attached Files

Salma&AliNot TellingEgypt2011-08-06 02:04:00