CanadaLetters from family doctor over titers tests???

Hello Everyone

I've been reading a lot about people having troubles with there medical results or being lost during the AOS process. When I had my medical done for the K-1 process, I just had my doctor write up a list of all my vaccinations for the U.S panel physician, I had no titer tests done or anything. On my medical sheet that I have to send in with my AOS papers, it just says I have verbal conformation of having chicken pox.. Now if for some reason this does not work out during the AOS process.. Would it help if I had a letter stating when I had chicken pox from my doctor? or is there a certain shot I should get now..Just in case something comes up down the road about it?

I'll have my letter still from my doctor of all my vaccinations and I will get a letter about my chicken pox history too when I go. I guess what i'm really wondering is..would letters be enough or would it be better to have titers done?

If anyone has any advice of what I should do or get done now before I move to the U.S., just to be prepared if something did happen about my medical.. your advice would be appreciated.


They specifically state that you must have your vaccination records or the titers. I can't say for sure they wont accept the letter but I know I would not take the chance of having to get all the way to the end of the process and then having to wait to get the titers that you could have easily gotten now. I know my husband got them done it was just a simple blood test. We just went to the dr showed her the paper of what we needed and she wrote up the request for it.

Here is the link that shows what immunizations are needed for anyone 18-64. http://www.panelphys.../Pages/Age6.htm
Good luck.

Edited by AMERICAN/CANADIAN, 14 August 2010 - 05:49 PM.

AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-08-14 17:48:00
CanadaHow did you meet?

This made me laugh because I was reading along, assuming he didn't know what you looked like or that you were even near him...but he did and his text was perfect. :lol:

My husbands a smart alick and I love that about him especially since I am too! When my husband and dad finally met in March of this year they hit it off....aparently sarcasm is common in my life!:) Thanks!
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-08-06 22:51:00
CanadaHow did you meet?
My story is kinda funny. I got divorced in 2006 from my High School (well technically middle school on up) sweetheart but who cares. He cheated on me and after him I didnt know how to deal, so I cheated on everyone I dated. I accepted that was just who I was. Then in 2008 my boyfriend lost his job and moved from Missouri to Louisianna....He just left, never called, never dumped me, nothing just left. At that point I realized that I paid all my bills and did everything I wanted and didnt want a signifcant other.

My mother who played WOW (World of Warcraft) kept insisting I meet this guy she had met on her game. I argued 1) anyone trying to meet someone via an online game and the girls mother had to be a freak, 2) only losers play wow (sorry I didnt know), and 3) that I was ok on my own. I also didnt want to meet him because I saw the game ripping my parents marriage apart all through the time she begged me to talk to Mike. Finally in July 08 I started talking to him, then he dared me to come to see him in Canada....being the party girl I couldn`t turn down a dare. In the middle of August my boss who liked me started hitting on me seriously. I knew I had the chance to do whatever I wanted with him and thought he was cute and well off financially (everything I could want) but all I could think about was my phone buddy in Canada. Even being around the boss felt like cheating and made me hurt for Mike. Wierd considering Mike and I had never met yet. The last day of August 08 (yep one month after we started talking) I was on a plane hyperventilating thinking "####### am I doing?" but I got to Calgary. He was there to meet me at the airport. I called my mama from the luggage carrasel to tell her I was safe, but once I laid eyes on him i started to I called her again and pretended like I had never called her. I told her how hot he was and she begged me to go over to him but I was frozen with fear that he wouldnt like me. About two minutes later he texted me (from ten feet away) "are you about done?". I hung up with her went to him and spent nine days in Canada. I went home and after 20 days quit my job, sublet my apartment, and gave everything I owned to my sisters. I then bought a ticket to Canada and called Mike and told him what I had done/planed to do. He said "ok. Just tell me when to pick you up at the airport". I had to argue to get through immigration/customs on October 14, 2008 (Just three months after we started talking) and we were married on 11/11/2008. I have NEVER made impulsive decisions and people thought I was nuts to marry someone who had never been to my home country or met my family which is such an integral part of my life (I talk to at least one of them everyday). When I look back and think of mentioning to Mike we might fall in love and get married (only two weeks after starting to talk) he said maybe we better date for like a year first....we were married less than four months after that! He loved me and he knew it from the first time I smarted off to him.
Wow I guess our story was longer than anticipated.

I love reading these stories and posting our own. It brings such happines to me to know that God had a plan for us even before we knew what it was. Thanks for starting this thread and thanks to everyone sharing.

PS I play wow now too:)
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-08-06 22:41:00
Canadahas anyone traded in a g-2 license
Im confused....We live in Alberta and I am not sure what a G2 license is. My husband has is class two license to drive a school bus/motor coach. I am wondering if he is going to have to retake the drivers test in MO when we get there? Ive called the DMV three times and twice they told me no the license was transferable (once the said his airbrake and other endorsements would transfer and once they said his endorsements wouldnt transfer) and the third time I was told it doesnt transfer at all so he will have to take the driving test. This could potentially big a huge problem as my husband is a professional driver but we dont own something big enough for him to take a class two test in. Help:)
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-08-16 08:52:00
CanadaI'm highly annoyed
I know this is a bad thing to say but some people do meet once and know that that person is the one. How could the government possibly tell the real from the fake relationships? I mean just a little background on me: I started talking to my husband at the end of July 2008 on the phone (he met my mother via World of warcraft-an online game, and she talked me into getting to know him). Then I came to Canada to meet him the end of August 2008, spent 9 days in Canada, then went home. I worked for a couple weeks but I couldnt imagine my life without my hubby. So I sold everything and moved to Canada via a one way plane ticket. I asked CIC if it was ok for me to come and live on a visitor's visa until my PR in Canada went through. We were married in Nov 2008 (only 4 months after we started talking/met). We originally planned on living in Canada forever but we have recently been diagnosed with some infertility issues and to get into the clinics here has quite a long wait time and I miss my family terribly so we are going to the US.

The reason I tell this is because I agree with yall that the USCIS should do more investigating but sometimes stories are suspicious even when it is real love like ours. If people dont outright admit that they are lieing and dont really love one another, how do you prove the relationship is a sham? Good luck with your immigration all:)
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-08-28 15:18:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

I have been here over 6 years now and can so empathize with what you are feeling! Many of the same thoughts have and are going through my mind. I love my husband and we don't have the additional financial stress that you do, but I feel like there is no place for me here. I don't fit in. My world views are different than the majority of people with whom we interact and I find more often than not I have to 'bite' my tongue rather than say what I would really like to say, first because they wouldn't be able to 'hear' it and everyone would end up frustrated and annoyed, and second because even if they 'heard' it, they wouldn't understand. My husband is like this and as supportive as he is, he just doesn't understand the difference in culture that divides Canada and the US; the differences in life styles; the differences in expectations, the differences in ideology. We view the world so differently! There is so much anger and hate and violence - if not physical, then psychological and emotional - in this environment and I find myself living with fear far more than I ever have in my life. The fear isn't just from being in the US though - it is being in a relationship in the US. We are older and with the economic situation my husband who had hoped to retire this year now doesn't know when he will be able to afford to. I have not been able to find a job in my field in this area and we are tied to this area by my husband's job, so yes, all of my hopes, my talents, my abilities seem to have drifted off to the wayside. I was able to stay productive for the first little while but by now, I know that I too, feel little interest in doing much of anything. I do what I need to support the relationship but I find I just don't have it in me to do what supports me - and I find myself crying for my lost self. Yes, I am aware that I have had bouts of depression while here as well - something that never happened when I lived in Canada. There is a sense of loss of control over my life now. I can't make decisions for myself anymore but am tied into a relationship where both of us need to be considered - and it often seems to end up that my considerations and needs become less important. I am the 'support' person now, and it feels like I just don't make a difference anymore.

I have seriously thought of going back 'home' as well to get away from all the ugliness and fear that seems to be inherent in the US culture. I miss the sense of community, of friendliness, of caring neighbours, where people were concerned about each other and not just about themselves. I miss the kindness and the compassion and the curiosity about life where different cultures and experiences were causes of celebration, not condemnation. And then I feel guilty because everything looks so good on the surface here. Why should I be feeling like this? What right do I have to complain - I have everything - a nice home, a loving husband, all my current physical needs met - but in many ways these 'things' also become burdens. There are times I would just love to run away from everyone and every thing just to see if I can find myself again. I got lost somewhere over the last 6 years, so Galateia, I so very much understand how you feel, even though our circumstances are different.

For the record. What I highlighted is what upset me. And yes I do understand every ounce of pain yall are going through. Not only did immigrating to Canada cost me the miles between my home, family, financial success, career, etc. It has also more than likely costed my husband and I our dream of having a family. I NEVER meant to negate anyones feelings about the burden placed on the one moving.
For the record; Canada had 7518 reported crimes per 100,000 people as compared to their neighbors to the south's 4982 per 100,000. So the US isnt just some cespool of murders, there are ten times more people in the US than Canada of course it is going to seem like there is more crime. I love Canada and would never bash it, but to say my former home is so violent you live in fear blah blah blah is hurtful to me. But I guess as I am an american my feelings on this should be negated because they do not conform with the groups?
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-07-31 10:59:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

"all Americans are this or all Canadians are that"

I don't think anyone here has said that...

oh you are one said "all" but some did imply how scared they are about the violence of the US and its people. Even the implication is stupid. Thats like when Fred Phelps and his clan say all american soldiers deserve to die bc americans allow gays in the military. Being prejudie is Ignorant. I am american and married to a canadian and will one day be both and am proud to be both!
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-07-30 16:55:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
Ok ladies and gents. Im going to give ya some advice from the other side. I am a USC living in Canada for the past two years. (My husband and I are filing I-130 to go back to the US, even though that was not our orriginal plan.) I appologize in advance as this post may be a little lengthy as Im an american talker:)

Ok first of all: I understand completely what yall are going through. I used to be very financially well off on my own. I was independent and strong and had an outright attitude problem-I was strong willed. When I moved to Canada I was Niave about immigration. I thought it would only be 3 or so months and I could get back to work in my field (financial sector). It took a year to get my PR card. Then I was offered a coveted job in my field, but on the day I started I was informed that due to my being an immigrant I could not be awarded the security clearance to do the job and would not be able to do the job in Canada EVER! I cried for days. I will never in my life be able to work in my field again. You think it sucks to be 30 and have to wait....Imagine saying that it will NEVER happen again no matter what you do? That sucked. Anyway. No more whinning on that subject.

When I got to Canada my husband had basically no friends and the ones he did have were much more like him (computer geeks) than like me (a PARTY girl). We were financially strapped as I couldnt work for that year (bringing in 1200 a month and rent was 900)! If I complained my husbands heart would break bc he felt the need to protect us finacially and couldnt. He did a job that he hated just to make ends meet. I finally sat down and said to myself; my old dream is gone. Now what am I going to do to make myself happy? I can be depressed or I can try to change something. I thought about what I liked about my old job (helping people) and I found a job that I help little kids. Its not quite as wonderful as my old job but guess what I get to have a wonderful husband and I didnt have that in the US. You cant have it all.

Now for the kicker for everyone to understand how truely devastating this all was. We went through this whole process to get me to Canada legally. I gave up my career and my family (I have seven siblings and I had never went more than a week without seeing them) my home my credit my vehicle everything. But I got a wonderful man in return. This wonderful man and I decided to start a family. Yeah well that didnt work out so well. We have recently been diagnosed with at least some fertility problems by our primary dr here in Canada. Simple solution go to a fertility clinic. It will 12-18 months before we can get in in Canada and I only have 3 years or so left before my doctor is going to insist on me having a hysterectomy (due to cancerous cells in my body). The worst part is that my husband doing that job he hated essentially cooked his sperm so in supporting me for a year I may have essentially destroyed our dreams of ever having a family.

People dont realize how hard it is on the one moving. I know yall think Canada is all wonderful but let me tell you something. People in Canada can be just as mean as they are in they US! I came from a town of 1200 people and moved to a city with over 1.2million people. I like some Canadians. I like some Americans. But no one can say "all americans are this or all canadians are that" and it infuriates me in an immigration thread people are acting like they can

All that being said if you cant move home away from hubby, and you cant do the job of your dreams, you need to start being positive. I have two favorite quotes; if you want something to change, change something and the serentiy prayer (god grant me the serenity to accept the things I cant change, the strength to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the differnce).

nothings going to change if you keep doing the same thing. Good luck. Ive been through the depression part of it too and anyone who wants to talk feel free to PM or email me. Good luck to all of us. and *hugs for everyone*
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-07-30 15:49:00
CanadaWhat's the best bank?

Yeah, that's a good idea, because that's what my bank was in Quebec, and it was awesome... Does anyone know of a credit union in Virginia?

I just would use yellowpages an type in credit union for your area. Most credit unions are small since they are not for profit. I attached a link from one I found just by googling virginia and credit union:)
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-10-01 19:09:00
CanadaWhat's the best bank?
Find a credit Union. They can do everything banks can, but guess what they are not for profit. SO cheaper! Loan rates, monthly fees, everything, and alot of times if they make money over the year they give you, the member, a portion of that back at the end of the year!
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-10-01 14:23:00
CanadaWho all do you notify when leaving Canada?


I'm making a list of all the things to do after my visa is approved November 3rd. (being optimistic)
Who and what agencies I need to notify.

Is it possible to continue to insure my car here for use when I visit?

Any thoughts would be appreciated my brain is turning to mush at this point...:rofl:

When I talked to my insurance broker here in Canada, she told me I had up to 90 days to get my insurace swaped over to american insurance. But my insurance broker in the US told me I could drive there for only 30 days before I needed to get new insurance/title/whatnot. So thats my two sense on that. Good luck on the third!
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-10-24 20:59:00
Canadalicenses in the US
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up about swapping out licenses. I called the DMV in Missouri five times before someone could give me a concrete answer on whether or not my Canadian husbands CDL would transfer and if so what endorsements would transfer. I got about five different answers but the last guy I spoke with quoted a law and sent me to a website that had the law written on it. All commercial licenses from Canada and Mexico transfer to the US. All endorsements except for HAZMAT also transfer. Basic licenses (ie class 7 or 5) however are NOT guaranteed to transfer so you may have to take the test (both written and driving) over. Aparently all this is due to an agreement with I think the guy said NATO or NAFTA. (I cant for the life of me remember which one) But hopefully this will alieviate some stress for a few getting ready to move.
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-10-26 17:23:00
CanadaInterview at Montreal Consulate

I have a question about how an interview date is obtained at the Montreal consulate.

Late last month, my fiancée and I filled out her Packet 3 forms and mailed them back to the Montreal consulate. In the past couple days, we both got identical letters, essentially "Thank you for your submission. Please bring forms DS-156 and DS-156K with you on the date of the interview." But there is no interview date on the letter.

Will an interview date be sent in a separate letter? Do we need to call and schedule the interview? I'm a little confused.

You can now schedule your own interview. I sent our P3 back on Sept 21st and received our P4 on Oct 15th. In the letter it says how to go about scheduling your interview. You can do it online or via one of the phone numbers they have set up specifically for this purpose.
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-10-17 23:02:00

how long did it take?

Shes in the process of moving this week I think....her plane was on the 28th....But to answer your question. Her interview was on Wednesday Oct 20 and she told you on the 25th that she had gotten it back.
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-10-29 22:42:00
CanadaPt 4 Readiness

Two weeks ago (Oct 14, 2010) I sent in my Pt 3. How long after did you all start scheduling the medical and Police Certificate? Also, does the Police Certificate have to be done by a specific agency or can one just go the their Police HQ for this document? Is the other name called a Police Check?

I'm trying to be prepared.

Thanks members,


We went and got our police check the day we filed our I130. ITs good for six months anyway.
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-10-30 20:37:00
CanadaRenting a car ?
Have you considered using a company like ABF Upack? Then you dont have to worry about a trailer or a truck. Also I dont think any car rental company is going to let you rent a car and leave it in the US. I say this bc I had a hard enough time trying to find one that would let us drive one into the us and bring it back! Also the rule with BP is technically an american can not drive into the US in a canadian rental car and a canadian can not drive to canada in an american rental. Im sure they wave this periodically, but.... Yeah we were looking at renting a uhaul and it was going to be around 2500.00! ABF Upack was only going to charge us 1600.00 from our door in Calgary AB to our door in Hallsville MO! Way cheaper and we didnt have to worry about fuel or the liability of having our stuff stolen while in transit. Good luck.
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-11-25 08:43:00
CanadaHolier then thou attitude
I agree the reason I NEVER vote in the US is bc the candidates all get on TV and bash each other....Would you pick a church leader based on how many other peeps he could point out as molosters, or a best friend based on how much they could say other people were bad and making mistakes? Um no. I think people make mistakes and bashing other people is juvenille and not the type of candidate I want to be represented by. I also was taught in school (in america) that to vote and not know exactly what the person you are voting for stands for is irresponsible. (ie if I dont know what two candidates stand for but want to be a good citizen and vote then vote for a POS Ive actually hurt the good guys chances with my lack of knowledge). That is why most of my friends my age dont vote as well. We are ill informed about politics and know it.
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-10-21 12:24:00
CanadaHolier then thou attitude

I don't find the majority of Americans rude. I know some are out there...I have seen it. But I've also seen rude Canadians. You'll always get a mixture of both, where ever you go. I suppose there are places where it's more "evident" and it's sad that some people will judge a whole country because of that.

And yeah..medical. I'd love to see some similar ways here like in Canada, but one certainly doesn't have to wait near as long for tests here! Tim was telling me that his doctor's office has an X-ray, and I think Cat Scan right there. I don't know about other doctors, or if it's the same in the rest of the country, or if it happens like that in Canada, but the town I'm from....ummmmm no. If the doctor wanted to do ultra sound, or X-ray, or MRI, etc., she'd make an appointment and I'd wait to hear from them when it would be. Tim's eyebrows where raised when I told him that most doctors, (that I know of) have 10 minute appointments unless you tell them you need a longer time. And that several people will have the same appointment time, so you wanna get there early!

When I first got to Canada and had to go get my blood drawn somewhere other than at my drs office I was shocked!~ My primary dr is in a town of 1200people and she draws blood and has xrays right there in that location! Having to make an appointment to get blood drawn is annoying.
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-10-20 13:00:00
CanadaHolier then thou attitude

I agree with that, I just wish Canadians cared about our politics as much as they care about America's.

That was my point too.....If Canadians care about the US politics fine but shouldnt they care about their own politics some too?
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-10-20 12:36:00
CanadaHolier then thou attitude
I have lived in Canada for a little over two years and am married to a Canadian, so when I go home to the US I find that I "defend" Canada alot more bc as someone stated earlier....Americans are not as knowledgeable about Canada as Canada is about the US. I was soooo pissed the year Obama got elected. Not bc he was black or anything like that but bc everyone in Canada seemed to think I was a POS for having the attitude of it doesnt affect me I dont care. Everyone I know watched the election (none of them watched the Canadian election!) I find Canadians, hate americans but are fascinated by them. It reminds me of envy alot. We did have a Canadian friend who bashes americans for everything...He even said to me once, "americans cant drive so you should never drive in Canada". I cried and then my Canadian husband got me to laugh about it. Mainly bc the "friend" who was lumping me in with all these "fail americans" had never so much as crossed the border or had any kind of relationship with any american except for me. This particular friend views himself as better than americans yet he doesnt even know what hes comparing himself too. My husband puts it as if People were to say "we are better than martians bc they dont live on the earth"....while having no idea if martians are more advanced, happier, or anything. Making a comparison on something you dont know is silly.

I love both Canada and America and my mama says I am truely blessed to have two countries I can call home and love. In the end we just have to educate these people.
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-10-20 11:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do you guys think.....?

Hahahaha really?
My husband is from Chicago, and he says washroom :P I think it's used in some parts of the US.

Thats awesome! I never knew that. Im from a little further south than that. I guess it depends on where you are at in the US. Just like it depends on where you are in Canada:)
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-07-30 21:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do you guys think.....?

Just say 'eh' a lot. Posted Image

I do. It was the second "Canadian word" I picked up. Followed only by the word washroom instead of bathroom. When I said washroom when I visited the US people looked at me like I was insane. LOL guess Ill have to get re-americanized! and yes Im USC with terrible grammer.
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-07-30 14:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do you guys think.....?
Just thought I would throw my two cents in here. I am a USC living in Canada and even Canadian English is differnt. I get asked to repeat or use differnt words quite often even though I have been here for two years. I do not know what the US does for its immigrants but I know that Canada provides free language courses (I keep getting pamphlets from CIS begging me to get my butt to a course to learn english). It makes me laugh pretty hard as I speak english as a first and only language:)

I have no problem with people bringing over their families. I have worked very hard to modify my accent to "Canadian" but you can NEVER fully get rid of habbits from a lifetime of speaking something else. (Im pretty sure Ill use the word yall till the day I die:))

What I do have a problem with is people who immigrate to the US (or any other english speaking country) and expect people to cater to them or to conform to their rules. A little background on this. I went to college to be an engineer. I am a female. I was the only girl in all of my engineering classes with 13 guys! One of those guys was a second generation immigrant from the middle east. His father decided to go back to college when we went and was in our classes as a result. I remember on one particular occasion I was talking to my teacher (a male), turned around to sort through some papers, found what I was looking for and turned to continue speaking to the teacher. The father (first generation immigrant) looked right and me and said "woman you do not speak unless I tell you to speak". Needless to say my, as my canadian in-laws refer to it, "american attitude" fully came out and I told him if he didnt like the way american functioned to go back to his own country.

If you want to come to the US and make something of yourself for your family. Come on! I will do my best to help people learn english, but you need to be prepared and want to assimilate with the population. I feel immigrants have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to come to the US and treat women or children like ####### bc its ok where they came from.

SO in summation bring on the immigrants! After all I am currently a Canadian immigrant and hopefully one day my husband will be an american immigrant!
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-07-30 14:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate...
I agree with Inky said. We ordered my husbands and after two weeks they sent it back saying not enough info and made us refil out the forms. Which we did and sent back it then took another 3 weeks to get the thing back. It seemed like it took forever and a ton of phone calls. Good luck.
PS if your case is cut and dry I wouldnt pay for the expidited bc they get it to people that quickly if its cut and dry.
When we filed our I130 and my husband (the canadian citizen) only had his short form birth certificate and they insisted we get the long form. It will have parents names and birth info on it.
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-09-27 21:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi-130


I've been wondering, on sending my i-130 do i send it to Chicago, or could i go to the US Consulate and get it signed off and then send it to NVC. Please let me know, my eyes are bugging out from to much reading.

If both you and your spouse live in Canada I highly recommend DCF filing. You get to skip the NVC completely:)
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-10-01 14:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDon't want to use an Immigration lawyer after I 130 Approved. Can I Take it from here???

Hi Everyone. I paid an immigration attorney $2500.00 plus the filling fee just to file my I 130. She told me and my wife the whole process to aquire the visa would be that much. Now that we are at the NVC stage she sent another statement saying I owe her another $2500. plus $492. So $2992 all together on this statement. I am livid. She lied to us and is just billing us whatever she wants. Now I want to take it over from here but she is on the paper work as being the agent with the NVC. Can we change that at this point. We are being taken for fools and I refuse to pay any more than I already have...other than the filling fees. I think we can handle the rest of the process. But I just need to know if we can take it from here.

I live in Canada so the process is a little different for me. However when i contacted a lawyer in the US. He said when immigrating from Canada it is a waste of money to pay a lawyer at all. He was the one who told me all the steps to take (for free over the phone)! The whole process has costed us/will cost us; 350 (i130 fee), (404 fee due at interview), 275 cdn (medical) and the trip to the interview. Plus also the pictures and police checks etc that were basically chump change.
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-10-15 22:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Clearance Letter in Toronto
She must get one from India as well as from any country she has lived in for a year or more....
from my P4 it states
"police certificates from each country in which the applicant has resided for one year or longer. The certificates must be issued within one year of the date of the Visa appointment. NOTE: An applicant must present a police certificate from his/her country of current residence and country of nationality, if residence in such country exceeds 6 months"

As you can see it doesnt matter that in the past four years shes mainly been in Canada bc as far as the US goverment knows prior to that she could have been an axe murder in India (hence the multiple police checks). I have also read on the forums people being denied or put on review bc they didnt have all the police checks. Good luck.
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-10-20 11:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures? for Canadian CR-1 filers- birth certificate
they told us when we filed (but we did file DCF) that it was needed at the time we filed our I130. the long form that they will want does have both parents names on it. I wouldnt put off getting it either....we had to get my husbands from Ontario and it was a nightmare. PS. Most Canadians NEVER get the long form so all they believbe they have is the card one. However they can get the long form.
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-10-26 23:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPlease help if you can!
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-10-27 22:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust venting
My husband and I are doing the CR1 visa but it still costs money and takes time. We are looking at 8-10 months from our filing date before we can move down. Which sucks..... As for being forced to be apart after you are married when going the CR1 route I have NEVER heard that. It is harder to prove domicile in the US when you both technically live in Canada but not impossible. My husband and I considered hiring a lawyer and I called one in my hometown (pop 80,000) in farm country basically and he knew all about the CR1 and told me as I was already in Canada to do DCF filing and how to go about doing it. He was very helpful. And didnt charge me a dime as he only gave me advice but didnt actually do anything for me!
Good luck. I hope things go smoother for you from here on out:)
AMERICAN/CANADIANFemaleCanada2010-08-14 17:59:00