IMBRA Special TopicsRoute to go w Criminal Convictions ?

I also have a lawyer now who said my criminal record would have no effect on the spousal visa.  A k1 yes, a cr1 no. 


A record would matter but mine is nothing related to Adam Walsh Act so I am ok. 


Thanks for all of your responses. 


Good luck to you all. We are getting married in 2 weeks!

gigarange999Male02013-07-13 00:27:00
IMBRA Special TopicsRoute to go w Criminal Convictions ?
I would hope that it wouldn't be denied but I can't seem to find anyone who has convictions who has attached paperwork and an assault charge who's made it thru. I've been searching the heck out of these forums the last few days.

Thank you all for your info, I will hope someone with experience in this matter will post also.

gigarange999Male02013-05-08 12:40:00
IMBRA Special TopicsRoute to go w Criminal Convictions ?

You are gonna need a good inmigration attorney that can give you a better advice. Good luck.

Does anyone know an experienced immigration attorney in criminal situations?

Any other input?

gigarange999Male02013-05-08 11:33:00
IMBRA Special TopicsRoute to go w Criminal Convictions ?



I have disclosed everything to my fiance.  


My criminal history is bad.  I am waiting for my records to come back from different departments so I can see exactly how many convictions are on there.  


I have 2-3 drug related convictions (1 being a felony (11 years ago) where it shows I served 8 years but I went to a 4 month boot camp instead) and 1 assault conviction against a woman(she was punching me and I pushed her off of me) in which an order of protection was filed.  It was not *domestic* battery though.  


Wondering what route I should go with my foreign fiance.


K1, K3, IR1 or CR1?  


What is your opinion based on your experience?  And do you know of any experienced immigration attorneys?


Thank you so much.



gigarange999Male02013-05-08 09:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeruvian Women After $


My Fiancee knows most English, but I have found that using my I-phone with a free translator application is very valuable.  I don't even use the cellular function while in Brazil, I use the free wi-fi at restaraunts, and at her condo...put it in airplane mode, so you don't get charged for anything cellular.  Now, if she doesn't understand something, I have the help in my pocket...


Hey thank you so much for responding to my message.  I am terribly busy right now preparing some sales material for my new sales campaign so I can make more $$ to get married and bring her here.  I have been getting side tracked a little lately as well. 


I really appreciate your insight.  She is a wonderful person and I really look forward to spending our lives together.  


I have been doing the same with my phone in Peru.  


Thank you so much.  Gotta go.

gigarange999Male02013-05-17 12:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeruvian Women After $

The replies above are sensible.  Everyone is an individual.  Just keep your antennae alert for red flags.


The question is, are you going to judge her on what "society" thinks, or on what she means to you?


I am going to judge her on what she means to me.  My heart tells me she is a very sweet girl and I am happy to know her. 


Can't wait to continue to get to know each other. 


I really like her a lot.  Life is risks.  I am confident it will work out


Anyone have any other opinons? 

gigarange999Male02013-05-05 01:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeruvian Women After $

I understand.  I was just wondering.  I will definitely follow my heart. 


It has been good hearing what people say.  It makes me more aware.  I am just a little concerned thats all. 


From what I know about Peru, women have a really difficult time getting a job and money.  Also, Peruvian men ALWAYS pay for the women when they go out.  If I were a Peruvian women, I would probably go for a guy that I know will be able to provide a good future for myself as well- amongst all the other reasons why you are attracted to someone.  It doesn't seem that bad if a Peruvian women wants to with a guy that can give more opportunity and a better life.  I don't neccesarily know if that is a gold digger or not.  Especially, based on the cultural differences with America and Peru.


I am more concerned with her changing into a so called "monster" after we get married.  If that happens I will just divorce her and send her back.  Nothing lost except a little time, money and a piece of my heart.  That is the same risk I would take with any other relationship. 


Also, she has a good life there.  she has a job, friends and family. 


I let he know that a friend of mine married a foreign bride and she was concerned with him leaving her for another woman and she would be left with nothing.  She wanted him to give her a couple years salary if they got a divorce but he said no and agreed to $5000 for every year they were married.  So if they remained married for 10 years she would get $50000 in a divorce- unless she cheated, she would get nothing.


I told the girl I am talking to about that and she said she didnt like it.  She wouldnt want anything and doesnt think its good to go spend the mans money if the marriage didnt work.  She would just go back to peru and start all over.  I think that is a good sign. 


The woman I ran into yesterday said she has a Peruvian girl living with her that her son met and she said all of the same nice things at first.  Then turned into a lazy monster who sleeps all day.  I also ran into an American man in Peru who said be careful, these peruvian women change into monsters when they move to the US.  I dont know why, but the word "monster" has been used in multiple occasions when referring to the peruvian women who come to America. 


Whats up?



What do you guys think?

Edited by chicagolage, 04 May 2013 - 11:50 AM.

gigarange999Male02013-05-04 11:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeruvian Women After $

Hey everyone, I am talking to this awesome Peruvian woman that I have been skyping with for a few months, 5x a week.  I just got back from visiting her from Thursday to Tuesday a few days ago and she is awesome. 


I have ran into a few people while I was in Peru and a few people up here who say that Peruvian women are just after one thing- money.  


She is very sweet and seems to have been raised right and I don't want to believe that she is just "acting" like she likes me.  We have had the most passionate intimate relations I have had with any girl and we also have the best connection that I have ever had with any girl.  Some people say this may be because she is acting.  


I will explain more a little bit later but I have plenty of good reasons to believe that she is sincere.  She has a job as a high school teacher and has a great life in Lima.  Many people say that now since she is educated she knows she can do better than the Peruvian men who stereotypically treat the women very badly.


Does anyone have any first hand experience of gringos marrying a Peruvian woman?  Do they change after they come to the US?  If so how?

gigarange999Male02013-05-03 20:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDating Service/Criminal History/Income ?'s


Most VJers opt to go without a lawyer, but that's completely up to you. You mentioned you were doing a consult with one soon, so go and make the decision after that. We don't know all the details of your life, but you do, and you'll need to weigh whether or not an attorney will be able to assist. 


On the process, start by reading the guides on this site, http://www.visajourn...ontent/k1guide, and the forms on the website. And then read them twice more. Even if you do choose to hire an attorney, you need to know this process forwards and backwards. 


Finally, before you start this process, you should both be sure that her moving to the U.S. and marrying you is what you want to do. For one, that will be something you'll need to state as part of the initial petition package. The K-1 visa isn't a "get to know my fiancé better" visa. 



Ok thanks for the info.  If anyone else has any experiences on criminal history and the processes involved please feel free to include.

gigarange999Male02013-05-04 12:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDating Service/Criminal History/Income ?'s

Great to hear. You can't change what was done. Only what you are doing now and what you will do.



yes I agree.  Now I will try to pull my records from the government databases to see how many convictions for marijuana I have.  I don't know how many exactly.  I want to say one or two even though I have been in trouble for it more than that, but they did not result in conviction. 


Do you guys think I should get an immigration lawyer?  I dont want to list items on my form if I dont need to.  I don't want it to cause any delays. 


Can anyone reccomend a good one who has experience with criminal history.


Also, what is the process?


1) Get to know her

2) Ask her to marry

3) Get fathers permission

4) Her set up interview w embassy

5) File k1 visa

6) Wait 6 months till approved

7) have her move her and decide to marry within 90 days?

gigarange999Male02013-05-04 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDating Service/Criminal History/Income ?'s

Ok, well I listened to many of your opinions and just told her the truth about me getting in trouble.  All of the times.  She is a little worried but she understands that I am who I am now and I am changed.  She appreciated my honesty too btw.



gigarange999Male02013-05-03 17:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDating Service/Criminal History/Income ?'s


Yoiu are correct about not needing to list your cimes on the 129 form......but you should inform your future fiance all about them...Your entire life record (even those decisions that are "sealed") are available to USCIS and will be disclosed to the Embassy.  Your fiance WILL be asked about knowledge of them, you can count on that.  If she has no knowledge, they very well may deny her visa to protect her.


Stop being so smug; we are trying to help you.


Again, no need to list on the form, but do need to disclose all to your fiance.


Thank you all for your responses.  


To answer some of your questions as to why I wouldn't want to tell a potential wife about my criminal history is simple.  I used to wear my heart on my sleeve and tell every girl I dated about my history.  I felt they "DESERVED" to know so they can make an informed decision about being in a relationship with me.  


I realize that is an immature way of looking at it.  I don't need to disclose any information to anyone.  After years of experience in disclosing, lately I have chosen not to disclose anything because it is none of anyone's business.  My past doesn't define me and I choose to not disclose information regarding it.  Just because I was caught for the crimes I committed doesnt mean that I am any less of a good person than the rest of us.  


Using similar logic to those who feel I should disclose "ALL" makes me wonder if some of the people are disclosing the criminal activity they have done and not have been caught for.  For example, if they have ever had illegally copied music on their ipod or mp3 player- that is a federal crime with punishments including prison time.  



We could go back and forth regarding who is right and wrong for disclosing or not.  It really depends on your perspective.  I have not made up my mind just yet, but I am weighing out the options.





To reply to your reply, I may not list all the crimes that I have done.  I more than likely will decide to disclose all of the information to her and possibly have a family member on skype with me so she can hear another perspective and know that I have changed.  


I am hesitant to throw a wrench in this whole thing if I don't have to.  


I am obtaining criminal history from fbi and local police stations so I can actually see what's on my record.  I wouldn't want to leave anything out.


Also, I may not be responding to your post if you are trying to convince me the right/wrong of disclosure.  I will read it and make my own decision, but I refuse to get into an argument over the internet with someone about what I choose to do with my own life.  


I appreciate any suggestions you have to offer though.  Thank you.

gigarange999Male02013-05-03 11:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDating Service/Criminal History/Income ?'s


Taken from the I-129F instructions, page 3:



NOTE: If your petition is approved, a copy of your petition including the information you submit regarding your criminal convictions, will be provided to the Department of State for dissemination to the beneficiary of your petition pursuant to section 833 (a) (5) (A) (ii) of IMBRA. In addition, pursuant to section 833 (a) (5) (A) (iii) of IMBRA, any criminal background information pertaining to you that USCIS may discover independently in adjudicating this petition will also be provided to the Department of State for disclosure to the beneficiary of your petition. You should also note that under section 833 © of IMBRA, the name and contact information of any person who was granted a protection or restraining order against you, or of any victim of a crime of violence perpetrated by the petitioner, will remain confidential but that the relationship of the petitioner of such person or victim (i.e., spouse, child, etc.) will be disclosed.


Ok.  I appreciate the information.  


I just got off the phone with an immigration lawyer and he said they are only looking for sex crimes, domestic battery etc.  He said that is what those laws are looking for.  


Does anyone have any first hand experience in this area?


I really do appreciate the input.  I am going to print this out and bring it to the lawyer next week and try and get to the bottom of this. 

gigarange999Male02013-05-02 16:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDating Service/Criminal History/Income ?'s

As part of the k1 process a background check is run on both the petitioner and the beneficiary. It happens frequently where the beneficiary is asked about the criminal history of the petitioner during an interview, therefore it is best to disclose this to your foreign fiancé.


Ok but the problem is I have been a trouble maker since I was a kid and have had multiple arrests for different crimes but none of them are on the form.  


I wanted to see what is actually on my record so I ran a background check and not everything came up.  


Is there a way to run a background check on myself that the k1 process runs so I can make sure I list everything.  I don't want to list a bunch of unnecessary arrests if they werent convictions and if they are only going to delay my whole process.


What do you think?

Edited by chicagolage, 02 May 2013 - 04:13 PM.

gigarange999Male02013-05-02 16:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDating Service/Criminal History/Income ?'s



Yes if it is below the minimum poverty level for your future household size.  Go to the USCIS website for the latest info.  You will also need to be above the 125% level for her to adjust status after you marry.  You can get any USC to cosponsor.


Yes, you need to disclose both on the form and to your future spouse, who may be asked about her knowledge of that at the interview.



Thanks for your response, but I do not see how I would have to disclose this information on the form or to the spouse.  


question #2 asks, "Have you ever been convicted by a court of law (civil or criminal) for any of the following crimes: -Domestic Violence.. -Homicide...>>>> -Three or more convictions for crimes relating to a crontrolled substance or alcohol not arising from a single act.



I can honestly answer no to these questions.  


Where is your supporting evidence regarding your response.  I am not trying to sound cocky or anything(I know how text on the internet comes across), but I am wondering if you have any factual data to support your response. 


If anyone else also knows please advise.



gigarange999Male02013-05-02 15:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDating Service/Criminal History/Income ?'s

I could only comment on #1. My fiance and I met thru, an online dating site. Our lawyer mentioned that as a marriage brokerage firm in our I-129F. So I guess that's the same  genre as the website that you are visiting. But that's just my opinion.


ok thanks for your input.  I appreciate it.  

gigarange999Male02013-05-02 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDating Service/Criminal History/Income ?'s

I am interested in the K1 visa process for a future woman that I may meet.



1)  I have been using a site called and it is a free service to meet latin singles.  I am not sure if this is considered a marriage brokerage firm because it is free and it is more just a site to meet people.  


What do you think?  




2)  My income last year was around $29,000 under a sole proprietership with my business.  I am the owner and even though I grossed $186,000, the profit was $29,000.  The profit is all I am allowed to show as income with regards to buying a house and filing taxes. 


Will I have any issue with my income or paperwork?  I spoke with an immigration attorney for 60 seconds for free advice and he said that I may need to get a letter from my accountant.  I really didn't understand why.




3)  Im 31 now and when I was 19 I was convicted of a class 1 felony for selling drugs.  Also, I was convicted of battery 5 years ago after getting in a fight.  


Am I required to disclose any of this information to a girl that I meet?  Am I required to disclose it on the k1 forms?  From what I have read and from what the lawyer said, I will not have to.  It only covers domestic battery and some other charges.  What do you think?  



Thank you so much in advance for your help.  



Edited by chicagolage, 02 May 2013 - 01:09 PM.

gigarange999Male02013-05-02 13:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of relationship documents

Ok thank. Is the passport stamps okay. I threw away my boarding passes to and from South America. I only have my intinerary that I purchase my ticket.


can anyone answer this questions please?  I am also interested in the answer for proof of the relationship for the interview.

gigarange999Male02013-05-08 15:43:00