K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswe dont have pictures and we haven't been to each other's country
Well, maybe you could do what was suggested to me. Although we've met and plan to meet again for 2-3 weeks in Romania. My agent told me that it's good to do a "Relationship History" Both of you write how you met, the way you relate to each other, what you love and don't like about each other, what you are grateful for. I would even put in there a comment that is very kind about how many people get married and go off to war and never consummate until the man returns. I would say that you are looking forward to your honeymoon and lives together. Get notorized statements from friends and family that say they are aware of your relationship and know of your plans and feelings. That they see him online every time they come over there to your house and you two are always talking. I don't know if they allow video dvd/cds but maybe you could send them some type of video. I'm not sure about that. Also, not seeing your man in person is a drawback for sure and it is required but, you have your medical information and I would also state that the dangers of going over there as a single woman without an escort was something that you considered. My fiance and I were going to get married in Pakistan because it's cheaper and we want to really be together. But He was so concerned about my safety, and then the airplane crashed and the floods came and we just said,"NO"...So we decided on the fiance visa instead.
Don't feel weird about the sleeping thing. He'll be at work and I'm on cam asleep because it makes me feel better. Safer and closer to him. And when his work starts to bother him and he gets stressed, he pops me up there on the cam. I think of him all day in the car, wondering if he'll love the things I love and be amazed at this country.
I would like to say something that did take a moment of adjustment. What I saw on the cam did not look like him as much in person. None of his pics were like him in person. I knew it was him but they were dated photos with different hair and he looked much taller. But I assure you, after the initial shock, I was undone! Never found anyone to make me feel like he does. I must say, Pakistani men are very sweet and kind and very hospitable. Well, the good ones, are, lol. And I found one of the good ones.
I don't know what type of health issues you have that you cannot fly. But truthfully, they have awesome accomidations on airlines now for sick, handicapped or disabled people. You should call some airlines and find out what they have available and go online and look something up. Do some research because I think to set your mind at ease and to get approval, you should really meet him. I would suggest Romania or Dubai. Just no demonstrations of affection in public in Dubai or you can go to jail for kissing. And tell him to bring your marriage cert. You should also have a copy. I know of a wealthy man who has been married over 7 years to a woman in Mexico. they have been denied all of those years. And they meet all the requirements. So who knows what will happen? Just pray and do all that you can to de-stress and go meet him. Good luck! If I think of anything else to show, I'll certainly tell you.
Brendalee007FemalePakistan2010-08-10 19:11:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswe dont have pictures and we haven't been to each other's country
[quote name='nab' timestamp='1281071125' post='4112803']
i am so stressed out reading all these forums and seeing AP after approval and denials and such... really need things to go smoothly, we have been waiting so long before filing, but his education is now completed and i have had many health issues so really need him to get here quickly!

one thing i keep seeing listed as a necessity is photos of the wedding. we have none. we got married via phone and even if i had been there in person no photos would have been allowed. his family was mostly there, father and brothers, though mother of course was not allowed to go to mosque.
we have our nikah nama (notarized by ministry of foreign affairs), have marriage registration certificate/number (where it is filed with govt) and have a city court judge affidavit as well.

as for proof of ongoing relationship, before we were married we had many phone calls and many yahoo calls (thankfully free, i dont know what we would do without them! we would go crazy!!) and since marriage last year we have had a call plan on home phone for when internet is down (500 minutes a month that we usually go over = NOT good!) as well as cell calls for emergency or when i'm out of home if i am missing him too much (way too expensive) and of course free yahoo calls every day pretty much 16+hours a day on days i'm home (ok we are weird but soemtimes we even nap "together" :) we cant stand to be apart!) and some days less if we're fussing or are outside home.
thankfully i have multiple computers/laptops and can set him up wherever i am in house and we spend time together like that... he uses bluetooth on his end so he also isnt tethered to computer. most days it's like he is right here except he just isnt :(

anyway, we have no plane ticket stubs, no pictures together (neither of us are wild about photos in first place so wouldnt have any, or many, even if i were there)... neither of us have many photos in general!
he is part of our every day life, he guides and counsels our child (my child from previous marriage, divorced in 2003) and he is such a support to me daily.
Brendalee007FemalePakistan2010-08-10 18:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFederal Employee
It was part of our swearing in. Something about a 10 year restriction. I may be confused but it's been in the back of my head for awhile. I may have said "illegal alien" I don't remember and I turned my paperwork in. I am not sure! I'm glad you don't think so, lol. Maybe it's all in my paranoid head! I certainly hope so!
Brendalee007FemalePakistan2010-08-10 19:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFederal Employee
I am about to petition for a K-1 Visa for my fiance. We've met every requirement. Problem is, I don't know if it is legal for me to sponsor him because I'm a census worker, sworn in just like every federal worker, the military and the president. So, Does anybody has a clue?
Brendalee007FemalePakistan2010-08-10 19:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!
I am about to begin the process of a K-1 visa for my fiance in Pakistan. I have not heard of any man from Pakistan coming here on a tourist visa. He has a very important job and a masters degree in business and can get the mentioned letter. He has a mother and siblings at home and has always taken care of them so he would not just come here and stay without making a lot of life-changing arrangements for his mother. He also co-rents in an apartment house. I understand everything he would need to bring with him. I get that. This is a great topic and I've read most of the stories. But I also do not see any men who are from a high risk country getting a tourist visa. Has anyone heard of any instances? If he does come here I surely could not bear to see him sent home! I have heard that he'd be black-listed if he's sent home. Any feedback on Pakistanis or blacklisting?
Brendalee007FemalePakistan2010-08-13 03:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMet my love, wanting to move to the US.. not sure where to begin..
Hi Meeah,

Today, I began researching this process and I came across your post. We have an amazingly similar situation. My Canadian boyfriend and I met in May ’09 while he was working here in North Alabama. He has since been back (Aug ’09) for 6 days to visit and I visited him for 10 days in October. We haven’t started making any plans for the future but we have talked about wanting a life together. My children are grown but he has two school-age children in Ontario – I am nine years older than him. For that reason, it is probably more likely that I would move there but we both prefer to live here. Being from sunny Alabama, I’m not sure I could survive the winters. I will be following your posts since it will quite possibly help me as well.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Belle in Alabama :-)

QUOTE (Meeah @ Dec 2 2009, 09:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, the responses I have received from posting has left me a bit shocked. I really respect and value each of your opinions and advice. This is my first experience at this, and it has been extremely hard.

My boyfriend and I have definitely talked about marriage, the fiance visa, and basically whatever it takes to be together. We have recently decided that I will just come for the three months, since I do not need a visa to do so, and we will try it out together; living together, learning more about each other. I will stay here in Canada for a couple more months in order to get some things situated, finances and whatnot, and then hopefully purchase a ticket early next year and head down.

On another note, I have never felt so alone in my entire life. As I mentioned before, my family doesn't support me at all. My mother has gone as far as saying I'm not welcome back home, she has taken me out of her will, and even has done a criminal record check on him (or so she says.) This is simply unbelievable. I have never seen my mother act the way she has, and it has taken me back a little bit. My friends have told me to give it time, that she will eventually realize how happy he makes me and she'll get over it. I've listened to her worries, and have had civil conversations with her stating my plans, but she is constantly trying to search for something to end all of this. I have not mentioned before, but I am a law enforcement applicant here in Canada, and I am moving along slowly but steadily in the process. I have been in the process for a couple years, and it has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. My mother believes I am throwing my life away. This is coming from a mother who was single, independent, educated, and learned to do everything on her own without a man in her life. She has always raised me to be independent, and strong and to never depend on a man, and I this entire process upsets her that I could have possibly found my soulmate and would be throwing away my career goals.(To her, that would sound ridiculous.)

I have tried explaining to my mother that I am only going down to try it out for three months. No fiance visa, no marriage (although I can't promise what will happen in those three months if things go amazingly well), but in the meantime, I want to re-assure her that I am going on a trial basis. My mother has been very hateful towards my boyfriend, and it's been tearing my family and I apart. I am drained mentally, emotionally, physically... and at this point, I am sure she would stop at nothing to cloud my judgement and change my decisions about going down.

Bottom line, I need to follow my heart. Whether or not I make a mistake, at least I would have taken the risk and learned from it. Isn't that what life is all about? Expereince... living and learning. I have never felt this way in my entire life, and for once I am gonig with it.

Also, to answer a question about my boyfriend coming to visit. He has EVERY intention to come visit but with all the chaos that has been happening with my family and I, he is now a bit scared to come up here. His plan was to come this month and visit, but then things went crazy and I am not entirely sure how my mom would react. We've discussed it, and we both agree that it's a good idea.. and yes, he DOES want to come visit my family, see how great of a person he is, the man that I am in love with.. but things are a bit tough right now and I guess we'll just have to give it some time.

Thank you again, to all who responded to my post. I know this is quite the read and I appreciate your comments; negative or positive. And good luck to the rest of you who find yourself in a situation like mine! Long distance relationsihps ARE hard.. but if it's meant to be, it will be!



QUOTE (Seven @ Nov 30 2009, 01:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you can find some answer from my story that's how it is...

I first talked to my boyfriend online, on myspace that was 2 years ago...we've been together as a couple for a year and a half and i'm from Spain...he has been twice there and i've been three times in the states for 3 months each time and this last 2 months. Now we'll be starting with the fiance visa after my departure in january and i can tell you mostly my mum hasn't been supportive even sent him an email saying that she would like us to break up because she didn't want see her family broken...but after all she's the one going to USA to met his parents this xtmas...

All i mean is that family needs the time because is a change for you and him and is a change for both families as well and mostly one of the families.

I can tell you that we talked about the fiance visa after 4 months being together but we decided that if we wanna get married we should know more each other and the families and know how it is living together because we just don't want a divorce. Has been hard and will be the waiting time like everybody but is going to worth it for sure.

You being canadian (as i got a friend that is married with an american and she's from Toronto) got more time to stay in the states (6 months) than someone from Europe. I don't know if you got the budget to do that and how is your work/study situation but why don't you try to stay that months living together? or if u wanna study something apply first for an students visa? or if your work got another office or related in USA transfer you there?

If not yeh, we thought as well the fiance visa is one of the best. Just take the time and let your family take the time but if you're 150% sure then quit the torcher and go ahead with it! after all is up to you guys and over all it has to be for the LOVE.

Best wishes! Pz

BabyBelleFemaleCanada2009-12-02 22:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMet my love, wanting to move to the US.. not sure where to begin..
QUOTE (Meeah @ Nov 29 2009, 03:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everybody.. I just wanted to introduce myself and share a little bit of my story.

I am a Canadian citizen and met my boyfriend online. We recently met after talking for three months everyday, and when I say recent, I mean I just returned home last night.. lol.

My boyfriend is a United States citizen and currentlly resides in the state of Alabama. When we met online there was definitely an instant connection there. After the months went by, we decided to meet in person and give it a shot. Well, it was love at first site and we have had some very serious discussions about what our future plans are. I met his entire famly, his friends, and everybody wants me to be a part of the family. I thought things were going so perfect, until my side of the family had their input. Basically, my family doesn't support my decision, they are judgemental and think I am throwing my life away on "some guy I met on the Internet." I am very determined to follow my heart because it feels right, but I also want the love and support from my family. Nevertheless, him and I have decided we are going to do what it takes to be together.

Now onto the next steps.. which is where I am lost. I know I have to apply for a visa. As far as choosing the visa I need, I have no idea where to begin. I am pretty sure I need proof that I have a job to go to, but I thought that there is a way I would be able to move down and look for employment when I arrived?

My boyfriend and I have also talked about the Fiance visa.. and, if the work visa doesn't fall through we are both fully prepared to apply for the Fiance visa in order for me to move down there.

Bottom line, I'm lost, I'm confused.. this is a first for me and when I stumbled across this site I felt relieved. I am sure there are some of you out there who have gone through or are going through a similar situation. Any information that any of you would like to share would be great, and also any advice about the visas and steps I need to take in order for me to get down to the United States would be greatly appreciated as well.



BabyBelleFemaleCanada2009-12-02 22:11:00