K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow is your NOA2 waiting time?

NOA2 means a couple has been approved and will move to the interview stage right? So, once NOA2 is received how long is it until the next packet with the info for the interview? Does it depend on the country?

I have friends who just did this same process last year. They sent their K1 application in late August/early September 2009 and had their interview in January 2010. They went to the States and married in June 2010 and just received the Green Card in November. They said the whole process went so smoothly. Our situation (no kids, no divorces, supportive families, filing from Chile, etc) is very similar to theirs. I wonder if this shift from having 2 services centers in CA and VT to one centralized one in TX is causing these delays...

We've been hoping our timeline would follow our friends, meaning we'd be interviewed around April and could head to the States in June (one of my closest friends is getting married at the end of July), but after reading all of your comments it seems like our NOA1 date of Nov 12 means we'll be staying in Chile much longer than expected....

I really don´t see why it cannot be.
Be patient and have fun preparing the wedding.
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-14 11:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow is your NOA2 waiting time?

We sent outs off at the start of August which was as soon as we could scrape the money together to get it sent off, its kind of a kick in the face because we were hearing of all these couple of week processing times and now were over the 5 month mark and havent heard a single thing from Vermont about this.
We had a little freak out recently because the 'national average' time is something like 22 months, i have no idea how that works out but 15 mins work?really?
so at almost 2 grand an hour pay for work it takes them 6 months to get round to it.

22 months average?! Where did you find that?! Oh no!
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-14 11:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow is your NOA2 waiting time?

Five month wait in average is just unacceptable.

If you think about it: It is just a non-immigration visa, and it is only good for 90 days of stay. It is not a green card. It merely allows one to come to the USA to get married.

So why it takes 5 month (8 month if you count the consular processing time) for the government to grant a alien just a 90 days of stay?

Perhaps it´s not about the lack of employers but about putting to test the K1 petitioners and beneficiaries, to see if the relationship is true and/or how strong it is. I don´t know, wondering....
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-14 11:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow is your NOA2 waiting time?

We'll hit 5 months at the end of January. Starting to worry about rescheduling our May wedding. :(

What's really annoying is we scheduled a meeting at our local branch and asked very specifically when we should file if we want to marry in May. They said OCTOBER. Good thing we didn't listen to them, or we'd really be screwed. :angry:

I think you guys should b able to get married in May, I mean, the NOA2 shouldn´t take longer than 7 months ( end of March ). Then, the embassy thing shouldn´t take longer than 1 or 2 months ( end of May ). Don´t you think?
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-14 11:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow is your NOA2 waiting time?

Yes I hear ya. 5 months and 2 days since we received our NOA 1 and not a peep.
Yes it is rather frustratingPosted Image...... but what can we do? Wait , wait and wait some more...... Posted Image

I hope we all hear very very soon. Posted Image

In the future we will see this with different eyes. We will all make it, we just gotta be patient.
Good luck!
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-14 11:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow is your NOA2 waiting time?

Greatest news our I-129F approved email at 5.00 PM today. 156 days from NOA1 THERE IS HOPE FORTHE REST OF YOU

Congrats! That´s wonderful news!
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-14 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow is your NOA2 waiting time?

:innocent: we're still in our almost 3 mons. of waiting for our noa2.. but i hope and wish that we will not be exceeding in the the months mark of waiting... :blush: :innocent: hardly praying for that.. :star:

hang in there guys, we´ll all make it!
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-14 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow is your NOA2 waiting time?

I received the NOA2 email only five or six days before my 5 month mark.

It´s still very good time. What stage of the process r u guys in?
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-14 11:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow is your NOA2 waiting time?

On the 24 january, we will be up to 4 months. Hopefully just one month of wait left for NOA2.
I so was hoping to spend my birthday at the end of march with my fiancee...but I doubt it will be possible

Cheer up guys, you never know.
Good luck!
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-14 11:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow is your NOA2 waiting time?

I have to agree with the other ones whose patience has run out! Our NOA1 date was July 23. We're closing in on six months and getting more frustrated by the day! The purported 5 month wait for 15 minutes of work is ridiculous in itself but the absolutely unacceptable part is the "customer service!" There are no excuses! If we want immigration reform Congress really needs to grill this agency for their ridiculous service! It is not at all unreasonable to expect an agency of the US government to approve applications in order and give you adequate notice if they are running behind and a good estimate of how much the delay will be. Telling you to call back in 30 days after you have already waited more than 5 months for them to do 15 minutes of work is ridiculous and absolutely unacceptable! Everyone should voice this to your member of Congress!

Thank you for your answer.

As bad as it is, I´m glad for you guys ´coz u r getting closer. I´ll have to be patient and not plan anything in another 5 months. It´s very sad I have to be away from my honey.

Good luck!

Well guess what? I am not interested in self-control, faith, patience, or anything else along those lines, and they were not what I paid USCIS for. I paid them for ACTION on my I129f petition, and for these past 3 1/2 months, all that petition got was dust.

If I want self-control, faith and patience, I will go see some guru somewhere. I don't want any of that. I want the damn visa!

I totally understand how u feel. I have a long way to wait.
Cheer up, u guys are getting closer.

Hang in there!

149 days and counting. I'm expecting my wait to go beyond the 5-month period. Realistically, don't expect anything sooner than 5 months unless you're one of the lucky few they draw in a lottery.

Thank you for your answer.

As bad as it is, I´m glad for you guys ´coz u r getting closer. I´ll have to be patient and not plan anything in another 5 months. It´s very sad I have to be away from my honey.

Good luck!
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-13 17:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow is your NOA2 waiting time?

Well I am still under the 5 month estimate given, but man is it stressful. Just not truly knowing what is going on with it really frustrates me.

It's just too bad that they can't tell you more about it on the USCIS homepage, like times last worked on, possible issues upcoming, you know, the stuff we really want to know so we don't get messed up? But the time itself has gone by slowly, but I am lucky enough to have a woman I can see every month, and talk to her as long as I want, when I can.

It just takes faith, and the ability to get lost in other activities.... I want to be with my fiancee right now, I can't think of much else really... LOL

Thank you for your answer. I agree with you, not knowing what´s going on is very frustrating. As I wrote in a previous reply, this is a test to exercise self-control and faith in all the hearts of the K1s. U r very lucky to b able to c ur loved one so just enjoy it as much as you can and have fun planning your wedding.

Good luck!
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-13 15:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow is your NOA2 waiting time?

The government will not make anything work right by design. And if something governmental works right by accident, they will break it.

There was a time when the Vermont Service Center approved petitions in 30 days. I know because I was there. The year was 2004.

But now they broke it and did such a fine job of breaking it that it works worse than every other branch of government put together. You are told to wait 5 months for 15 minutes of work. Then when they don't get to you, they tell you ridiculous lies about how it really takes longer, just so they can jerk you around more and more. And it really only takes 15 minutes.

Congratulations, USCIS: You are a model for the rest of the government on how to break something that works. I hear that Iran and North Korea want you to teach them now to break the things they put there for their citizens, too.

Thank you for your answer.
I guess, there´s nothing we can do about it. They have the power to say -yes- or -no- and to decide when to do it. I guess going through the K1 process for us is like a self-control and spritual set of exercises to gain patience and faith.

Hang in there and good luck for you and your loved one!

My NOA2 waiting time is terrible! Much too long!

We're coming up on six months :(

Thank you for your answer. Who would think of it!, I mean, Canada, comm´on USCIS, you guys are neighbors, let this cute couple be together NOW.

Hang in there and good luck for you guys!
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-13 15:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow is your NOA2 waiting time?

when I did my paperwork it only took me 2months for NOA2 but now it is like a 5 to 6month wait....Good luck

Thank you for you answer and congratulations on your wedding! So romantic, December 31st! God bless you guys.
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-13 15:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow is your NOA2 waiting time?
The USCIS says that it should take up to 5 months to get the NOA2. What´s your experience? What has your waiting time for the NOA2 been? We received our NOA1 three months ago.

The USCIS really put our love to a test!!!

Good luck to everybody!
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-13 14:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnybody whose NOA2 took 5 months or less?

If you can change your thinking or it could dirve you crazy. Try to tell yourself I'm thanful I was ever able to meet him, and am able to bring him here period. People from my fiance's country can't just get a passport and fly to America. Yet we American's can just go to Jamacia with a passport. Think how Jamaicans must feel when they see so many Americanss in their country (tourism is the second largest money maker for Jamaica) and know that they can't even come to our country for a visit without a visa. :)

Yours is a very sensible point of view. Unfortunately I´m not tnat patient, and I don´t know if I will ever be. Patience is one of my pending subjects.

On the other hand, I´m very worried he will get bored and find a local and dump me. If that happens, that will b such a waste of time and money. I´m putting all my eggs in one basket, you know, and I´m not 20 anymore.

K1 is driving crazy so I´ll stop thinking about it.

missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-16 03:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnybody whose NOA2 took 5 months or less?

There's a big difference between now and when I filed for K-1. In September 2009 I filed, and we got NOA2 almost exactly a month later. It went that way for a lot of petitions, and some of us took the leap and planned weddings. I was one of those and everything worked out fine, we got married on June 26th of this year, and while I'd like to say that it all went smoothly, it didn't and I wish I had been more prepared(Montreal lost his visa for a little bit).

BUT, with the way things are going now I don't think I would have made that same choice. Since petitions are taking almost 5 months at the fastest, I'd rather be safe than sorry. I would at least wait until NOA2 before thinking about making any concrete plans about your wedding. Buying decorations, dress, and researching venues is a great way to pass the time, but don't put any deposits down that you wouldn't be able to get back if things were to go wrong.

Good luck!

9 monhts to be together is too much. My fiancé is going to get bored and he get involved with a local. It will have been a huge waste of time and money, especially for me ( my age, the trips to America, paper work, etc). I guess he could´ve married me before, when I was leggally working there, and we could´ve saved lot of money and time, but he didn´t, he fell in love with me when I left....

He´s having a lot of fun and doesn´t care about any of this, while here I am trying to figure out the times and everything. I don´t think these kind of relationships work for me. 2 who love each other should be together, not separated for 9 months, What a waste of time!

I´m sorry, it´s justa that I´m very frustrated.

Good luck to all of you!
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-16 03:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnybody whose NOA2 took 5 months or less?

Make sure to gather up all the patience you can get. It seems to be quite the norm for petitions to be adjudicated in 5 - 6 months nowadays. Long ago are the days that NOA2s took 2 or 3 months. Things may change again though, maybe there was a rush during the 2nd half of the year in 2010...

Best wishes!

Thank you for your answer. It´s just that it doesn´t make any sense for me to have to wait for 9 months to b with the man i love.
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-15 16:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnybody whose NOA2 took 5 months or less?

Our noa2 took 129 days then 71 to interview

U guys are so close to get it! Good luck in the interview!
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-15 14:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnybody whose NOA2 took 5 months or less?

Since it is so difficult to plan a wedding, giving the uncertainty of dates, my fiance and I are going to have our civil marriage at the courthouse as soon as he can enter the US, and then our actualy "wedding wedding" in 2012, so we can plan for it properly, book the venue we want, and give everyone enough notice to attend!

I guess that´s the wisest thing to do. Thank you for ur answer.
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-15 14:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnybody whose NOA2 took 5 months or less?

It has been said many times that K1 filers should not make any wedding plans because of the uncertainty of the process. It would be best to just wait and see. Remember that after the K1 visa is granted the beneficiary has up to 6 months to use the visa to enter the US and that you have up to 90 days to get married once the beneficiary enters the US using the K1 visa. This should allow plenty of time for planning a wedding.

Best wishes!

thank you for your answer. We´ll have to be more patient.
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-15 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnybody whose NOA2 took 5 months or less?

It is impossible to know how long it will take to get your NOA2, or how long it will take to get your visa. While it's fine to plan your wedding, it would be foolish to plan to a date. Making all your plans around a specific date could lead to heartbreak, lose of money if you are making deposits etc. At best you can always look at various ranges of alternate dates.

thank you for your answer. I guess this is a test on patience and faithfulness.
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-15 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnybody whose NOA2 took 5 months or less?

NOA2 rec'd 10/18/10. Took about 3 weeks for the petition to be acknowledged by the embassy as having been received. Package 3 sent in same day as acknowledgement; now in country awaiting interview on Wednesday.

See signature tag below.

that was fast! so glad u guys will be together soon.
u guys been lucky. There are many cases in which NOA2 is taking 5 or more months.
I guess i´m just too anxious, it´s not fun been far from the person u love and not to know when u will b together again.
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-15 11:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnybody whose NOA2 took 5 months or less?
What part of the process r u now? How long did the embassy process take? Am I being näive if I believe that the NOA2 will only take 5 months? Should I stop all our wedding plans now?
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-15 07:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 Wedding Planning -what is/was your plan?
Well, we don´t care about fancy and huge weddings, so we will have a church wedding and a reception with family and closer friends.

For me it´s very important that we get married at church. The problem with not knowing when the visa will b granted is that we can´t register for any pre-marital courses nor can we reserve a date at church. Since we only have 90 days once I arrive at The USA, I´m very sad we will have to do a cold courthouse marriage and then have the church wedding. I´ll keep praying that we can find out when the visa will b granted in advance so that we can plan our church wedding.

We have already checked venues, and I already have my wedding dress, perhaps I should´ve waited but it was ther perfect dress.... LOL.

I miss my sweetheart a lot.
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-20 12:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWho got his/her NOA2 or interview/visa on Feb. 14th.?! :)

My sweetie has an appointment to take his paperwork back to the embassy that day - interview will probably actually be on Wednesday. Close enough for me! :)

close enough!, and very sweet. U guys will b together very soon.

good luck!
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-02-13 03:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWho got his/her NOA2 or interview/visa on Feb. 14th.?! :)

My fiancee's "interview date" is set on Feb 14, but the actual interview will happen the following day.

U´ve made it.

missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-02-12 14:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWho got his/her NOA2 or interview/visa on Feb. 14th.?! :)
Wouldn´t that be cute?!

Good luck to all!
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-02-12 12:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnybody from Spain for K1?
Are there anyone from Spain doing K1?

How does this work?
So far I know that I gotta be very patient.

Good luck to everybody!
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-10 13:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIn what order are applications processed???

Does anyone know how the K1 is processed? In what order? Is there a specific order? It's so frustrating to see several couples receiving the NOA2 that filed after we did. Does it not matter "when" you sent in your paperwork? At first I thought it depended on the country, but recently I've seen people from the same country that have NOA1 dates later than ours, already receiving the NOA2. :/ (our NOA1 date is 8/6/10)

I´ve heard that they even play a lottery so if u r lucky yours get done very fast.
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-20 12:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe filed for K1. Can I visit him AGAIN using my VWP?

Yes, it makes very much sense. A lot of the Canadians were only allowed entry when they produced their NOA's showing they were doing things the legal way. Here's a helpful link for you:

Visitation FAQ's

That´s what I thought. I hope it makes sense to the officer too, of course, I don´t think s/he fell in love with a foreigner and applied for a K1 so what makes sense to us, may not make sense to her/him.

Thank you for ur answers and for the link.
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-24 14:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe filed for K1. Can I visit him AGAIN using my VWP?

No it doesn't make any sense.

Remember that CBP must assume everyone has immigrant intent and, if questioned, the traveler has the burden of proving otherwise. Having a K-1 in the process is clear and present immigrant intent and there is nothing stopping your from marrying while in the US on VWP then filing to Adjust Status without returning.

IMHO that would not be wise as if they deny your AOS on VWP you have no right to appeal and will be ordered removed. Since you have a K-Visa petition in the works it would be difficult for you to deny that you had immigrant intent when you entered the US.

Some will argue that since you didn't intend to immigrate on the VWP visit you're safe but remember they would see the existing petition as intent. Of course they can't deny solely on intent but if you are asked purpose of visit how will you answer?

Well i thought it would make sense since by the time i´m planning to fly we would already be in the middle of the process, Why would we risk it by trying to illegally marry? I mean, I´m coming back home after 2 months, rite when the packet should be arriving, it´s just that i want to spend 2 months with my honey, i miss him.

Makes a little bit more sense now?
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-24 13:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe filed for K1. Can I visit him AGAIN using my VWP?

Hmmmm, I would say technically YES, you can since Spain is part of the VWP. However, not having any ties to your job at home might make it a little suspicious. You would need piles of proof you have a reason to go back home. Keep in mind, ANY time you travel to the US you can be denied for any reason. There are no guarantees.

I´d think the best proof I have is that by April (the month i´ll have my ticket back) The NVC will b sending the American embassy in Spain the packet i need to fill in, besides that, we´re paying a lawyer to help us do this, not that we aren´t clean because we´re clean, we just wanted someone to do it for us since we´re very busy.

Does this make sense?
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-24 12:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe filed for K1. Can I visit him AGAIN using my VWP?
OK. We filed for K1 in October. I visited him in December for 15 days. Came back home, realized we´ll have to wait another 5 months till we get the K1, miss each other like crazy. Can I go visit him for 2 months and then come back home? Do you think the Immigration Officer will allow me to enter?

Since I´m planning to do this, I´m quitting my job so I can´t prove anymore I have a job tie at home.

missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-24 12:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBreakup after K1 approved
it doesn´t surprise me at all! LDR are hard to endure, especially if one of the persons involved is not consistent enough. I guess that all the time the Govermente makes us wait is a way to prove our relationship in the hope that some drop out.

Me myself I´m already tired. I mean, my fiancé could´ve married me in June when we knew I had to go back to Spain ´coz I lost my job, instead, he let me go, and then filed for the K1. So, i´ve wasted 2 years of my life, which will be 2 years and 6 months by the time the visa is granted.

Waste of money and time.

I´m glad for those of you who have a couple who is really in love with you and who wants to make the long distance relationship less hard by sending sweet e-mails, skype, and visits. I wish my fiancé were in love and do those things. I´ve mentioned them to him but seems like he´s perfectly fine with only a daily 10-minute call.

I´m sounding bitter. I´m sorry.

I wish u all the best in this process!
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-01-29 04:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFRUSTRATION and some questions
the beneficiary will need a tourist visa to visit u in The USA. Unfortunately, it´s not possible to get a tourist visa while in the process of K1.
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-02-17 14:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 process in Mexico

I'm wondering how they send out the instructions for packet 3. I know that that is sent to the beneficiary and lists all of the things that they will need to bring to the interview. Is that the same thing as the invitation letter for the interview or is this something separate? If it's separate is that also sent to the US petitioner and if not how can they ensure that the beneficiary receives it since the postal system is somewhat... lacking here in Mexico?

from what i know they only send it to the beneficiary, and yes, it´s a checklist with all the documents u have to bring for the interview, but u also have to return some documents that they send u on packet 3 before the interview.
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-02-22 15:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 process in Mexico

Police records are not needed when going for a K-1 visa interview in Mexico, so my husband did not get one. You only need to show your criminal records if you were ever arrested for something before. Police records in Mexico are generally unavailable. Scroll down to documents and it says 'unavailable' there: http://travel.state....1.html?cid=3622

Thank u!!!
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-02-22 14:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 process in Mexico

They will send out an appointment letter to both of you. My husband never received his letter, but I did receive one. I just sent that letter along with all the other paperwork I needed to send to him for his interview, and he used that letter. If neither of you gets a letter, you can contact the NVC to make sure your case was indeed received in Juarez. If you have confirmation your case is in Juarez, and you have not received a letter by the time you wish to go for an interview, you can go ahead and go to Juarez and pick up a copy of your letter from the information window there. Go early though. Some people have gone early and picked one up in time to still go ahead and get their medical done that after getting the letter in hand.

You can find more info in this thread: http://www.visajourn.../page__st__4095

Hope this helps. Good luck. :)

Sorry I´m using this thread but i´ve been asking like crazy and nobody answers.
Do you know if the Police Records they give in Mexico ( The PGR ) are enough for the American Consulate? I mean, i know that they ask for criminal history SINCE AGE 16 but i´m not sure that Mexico gives that detailed information. Did your fiancé´s records show that? If so, How did he ask for them? Is there like a special petition for the American consulate?
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-02-22 12:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I apply for both K1 and H1B
We just got our NOA2, and today I received packet 3 from the consulate.
Next week I´m having an interview for a job in The USA.

Can I apply for both K1 and H1B at the same time?
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-03-24 12:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long after marrying can I enroll at university
I mean, I´m entering The USA under the K1. Once we get married we´ll start the change of status. Do I have to wait til I receive the Green Card in order to enroll at university? Or once we´ve applied, Can I enroll?
missyouhoneyFemaleSpain2011-03-25 12:21:00