Asia: East and PacificHow did you do it?
Hi, I'm finding out about it as well. I called to one friend of mine who used to do for his paperwork. He said go to district (sangkat) or (khum) ask for form of capacity legal to marry or letter that expressing single. Sangkat or khum know how to do it. It will be expired in 3 months. It doesn't cost a lot. Your fiance can translate it where she translated birth certificate. :) thats all I know about it. Hope it can help you some :) good luck
heng hengMaleCambodia2013-10-02 13:45:00
Asia: East and PacificPacket 3 Question

youre welcome.....Cambodian embassy doesnt accept packet via email.

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-11-25 21:33:00
Asia: East and PacificPacket 3 Question

Hi Cambo,


The Cambodian Embassy requires 3 forms to be return to them before scheduling interview date.  

DS-160 confirmation page
Form I-134
Optional Form 169 for K1

your fiance has to sign on the optional form 169

all the form that you send to the emabassy like form I-134 must be original one.

Good luck for your journey

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-11-25 21:24:00
Asia: East and PacificWhat to do with I-134 and Evidence of relationship

Thanks Heng Heng,


You really give us confidence.


   you're welcome. Its time for you guys to fight for your love. Make sure that you guys have everything that they need, if you go to Cambodia to get interview with your fiancee please make sure that you guys have the same answers. You and you fiance can write down some questions and answer them. they might ask you guys about your love story  like how long that you guys know each other or plans about your future together so you guys dont feel too nervous when the interview ask you ( preparing it before getting interview). Hope that it might help you guys because it helped me a lot :) Good luck

heng hengMaleCambodia2014-05-13 23:58:00
Asia: East and PacificWhat to do with I-134 and Evidence of relationship



       I know its very stressful and I understand about your fiancee's feeling because I did too. I was very nervous on interview day but I tried to be calm and smile.

       make sure that you guys have all the paperwork that they require and$240 for interviewing, evidence of relationship.

       tell your fiance stays calm and try to smile as much as possible to interviewer. Good luck for you guys

heng hengMaleCambodia2014-05-06 18:01:00
Asia: East and PacificWhat to do with I-134 and Evidence of relationship

hey shine 2013,



       the form I 134 affidavit of support must be the original one and you have to fill the form I160 online ( dont forget to print the confirm pages) . you have to send all the documents by post office. It cost about $1.50 for sending. After sending the paperwork you have to wait about 10 days to 2 weeks to look at the appointment schedule. I waited 2 months to get interview. 

Check more information on embassy website.


       Evidence of relationship:


       I brought all my emails ( since I started to know each other till the day that I got interview)  skype, pictures both of us , engagement pictures, receipt of the places that I been together , western union, flight tickets, engagement ring receipt. when you get the interview the lady who work on number 3 will ask you all the paperwork that they require. Plus, evidence of relationship.


      Questions that they asked me:


1. what is my name?

2. what is my fiance's name? date of birth? where was he born?

3. how did I and him know each other?

4. how many time that he visit me? How long he stay in cambodia?

5. what does he do for living?

6. when he proposed me ?? when I got engage? who join my engagment party?

7. when I plan to get married?

8. the interviwer asked me any plans for future with my fiance

 After he asked me, he gave me a light blue paper ( I got a visa)


 Stay calm and be strong when you guys get interview



heng hengMaleCambodia2014-05-06 00:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Can I

Hey iammrsregi, thank you so much for spending time answer my question. yeah absolutly, they told my fiance that it takes up 8 weeks for approved but my fiance tries to call them again and again, hope that we get case number.  I dont know what im gonna do right now. Just waiting and pray that we will get good news soon. Thanks and good luck for your journey

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-10-20 08:15:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Can I
hello iammrsregi,
we got NOA2 last month and California service center processed our petition

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-10-20 07:24:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Can I

hello apple 21,

Thank you so much for giving me good ideas about it. my fiance tries to call to nvc twice a week but we havent heard anything new for 1 month :( we try to call and email to nvc hope that we will get the good news soon.

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-10-19 23:47:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Can I

Hello you guys.....Im a beneficiary, can I send email to nvc to ask my case number or only my fiance ( petitioner) who can send it ??? Please give me some good ideas. Thank you and good luck for all your journey :)

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-10-19 23:26:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)30 day mark! NVC has not receive our case! what is going on??????

congrats micahmoos :) I should tell my fiance to call them again....maybe I hear something new like you

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-10-22 13:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)30 day mark! NVC has not receive our case! what is going on??????

Dont worry its not only you who is waiting for case number.....I am also :( so frustrated from hearing nothing. I've been waiting for 1 month but nothing new :( tried to call and emails but got nothing. Be strong :) good luck for your journey and hope you get the good news soon

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-10-22 12:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion38 days got case number

yep absolutely I'm a beneficiary too. we have to fill out the form DS 160 online.

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-11-13 09:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion38 days got case number

To hope and pray,

Thanks for telling me to send an email to the us embassy. It works !!!! I just got an email telling me that they just received my case . So happy about it :)

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-11-07 00:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion38 days got case number

congrats to you :)

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-11-06 22:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion38 days got case number

To hope and pray,


Thanks for your information. ?  My fiance just got the letter from the nvc will now forward the petition to the US embassy or consulate in phnom pehn. Is it time for me to fill the form DS 160???


heng hengMaleCambodia2013-11-06 02:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion38 days got case number

To savath,


Thank you so much. Now Its clear to me about it. I will keep posting and sharing the progress. thanks again for wishing me. I hope everything goes smoothly. Wish you guys all the best. by the ways, Do you know how long will the embassy receive the case???

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-10-30 22:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion38 days got case number

To savath,
         Thank you so much. I really appreciate your kindness. I'm still a little confused about it. All I have to do is filling the form ds 160 but what about the form ds 260??? I checked the us embassy and I checked interview preparation and I click "click here" I saw the form ds 260 so I need to fill it for interview or not???

  Is it ok to fill the form while waiting the case arrive to the embassy??? My fiance has to send me his Tax 3 years right???

   By the way, thank you for LoveHerForever for sharing information with me . Thanks you guys

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-10-30 11:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion38 days got case number

Thank all you guys,


Thank you to savath for sharing some information to me and thank you to LoveHerForever for sharing link to me. I really appreciate about it. Now my fiance is filling the form I 134. Is it ok if I fill the form 160??? so what about form 260???? Im so confused with it :( Please help me about it


heng hengMaleCambodia2013-10-28 20:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion38 days got case number

               Hello all,

     It is such a happy moment for us after I got the news from my fiance who called to nvc a few minutes ago. Finally we got our case number after waited 38 days :) They told my fiance that they will send it to the embassy within 2 weeks.  What should I  do next ? Can I fill the form ds 160 right now ???  My fiance has to fill the form I 134, pay stub, the letter from his work, Tax and send to me  right???? I would like to appreciate you guys to give me  good advice and share experience with me :) thanks

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-10-28 11:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMy successful experience: US Embassy, Cambodia, K-1 visa interview.
congratulations to both of you !!!
heng hengMaleCambodia2013-12-20 01:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiondelay visa
thank you so much for taking time to answer my friend's question, I really appreciate it. yeah I told her to stay calm but she's so nervous
heng hengMaleCambodia2014-02-07 02:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiondelay visa

             Hello all visa journey,


      I hope you guys can share some ideas or experience about delay visa. One of my friends went to get visa this morning but the guy who works over there told her that she has to come to get the visa next week instead, she is very worried and nervous about it that's why I decided to ask you guys so hope you guys don't mind to share.

      Good luck for all your journey and thank you in advace

heng hengMaleCambodia2014-02-07 02:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCase updates
so do I :) still in ready not in AP nor issued, plus nothing update date for me :( I try to be calm in this stressful situation but its not easy to do it....very painful. I check my status almost 100 times a day :(
heng hengMaleCambodia2014-02-19 21:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionplease help, I'm going crazy


Yes, Administrative Processing is usually what delays a visa after approval.  It can happen for any number of reasons, but normally it's due to backlog.  For us it was because my fiancee's medical report was not forwarded to the Embassy until the day of the interview.  The CO told her "All looks good, you are approved, we just need to wait for your medical records, call us in 10 days if you do not get your visa in the mail."


Well 10 days passed and we really got worried, but the Embassy assured us that they were experiencing some backlog and apologized for the inconvenience. 9 more days later she got her visa and came to the USA on January 27th.


So have hope.  if the CO said you were approved, you are approved, and simply have to wait.  I know it's heartbreaking being away from the one you love, but soon you will be together!  Good luck!  Keep us posted



Thank you so much for giving your information and motivate me, I really appreciate about it.  Finally, I got a visa so I will be with my babe soon :)

Good luck

heng hengMaleCambodia2014-03-26 10:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionplease help, I'm going crazy

Don't get too upset missing the "wedding on actual valentines day" thing... From a practical point of view, Waaaayyy overdone and commercialized and every anniversary would mean overbooked restaurants, overpriced flowers and overbooked hotels... So better off you getting your OWN day for your wedding and anniversary! Hope you get the visa soon...


Thank you so much for your information.... I'm going to get married next month :) Finally I got a visa :)

heng hengMaleCambodia2014-03-26 10:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionplease help, I'm going crazy

Don't worry heng heng, you are jut in a stage called Administrative Processing.  You are approved you just need to wait as they finalize your paperwork.  My fiance was approved on January 8th but she did not get her visa until almost 3 weeks later. 

Dear Mike-eeh and Odie,

Thank you guys a lot for taking time to answer my question and sharing some information for me, I really appreciate it so it meant not only me that takes so long to get the visa even im approved, your fiancee as well .Am I in the stage call administrative processing ??? I hope it will be over as soon as possible because it drives me crazy everyday to live apart from my fiance. thank you again :)

heng hengMaleCambodia2014-02-19 11:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionplease help, I'm going crazy

good.gif good.gif good.gif Great response!
Yep OP, it is the waiting game, not your fiancé's job change. Do not let it drive you crazy

it is such a hard waiting game in my life. you know, I and my fiance had planned to get married on Valentine's day but everything screw up right now. I cry every times whenever I think about it. sorry to share sad story

heng hengMaleCambodia2014-02-18 20:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionplease help, I'm going crazy

Are you worried if your fiancés job change might have affected your application or what? Your question is not clear..but if that's what you are wondering, NO it won't have any bearing on the application. It might be taking a while because they are currently back logged so just wait a while and you should be fine.


first of all I want to say sorry that I didn't give you clear question. yeah of course I'm so worried that my fiance has changed his job might affect our application because I've got approved since Jan 30th but I haven't got visa in my hand , plus Ive been checking ceac website, all what I see is still in ready :( on another way I haven't got email from embassy either. I'm going crazy right now :(

heng hengMaleCambodia2014-02-18 20:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionplease help, I'm going crazy
hello all,

please help me,I need you guys help and give me some advice. I'm going crazy right now because I don't know what to do. my fiance have changed his job since Ive got approved. when I check the ceac website my status is still in ready not issue yet. I'm so worried that it cause the process of my visa or not. please giving me some ideas. by the way my fiance made 75k last year.

Edited by heng heng, 18 February 2014 - 08:25 PM.

heng hengMaleCambodia2014-02-18 20:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Received
congratulations to both of you :) I hope I will get it soon as you
heng hengMaleCambodia2014-03-19 12:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports2nd Embassy Visit Post-Interview

Good luck :)

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-11-06 03:44:00
PhilippinesApproved! \m/

Congrats both of you :)

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-11-14 05:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy K1 has been approved ! What comes next ?
Hello.... Can you tell me how long will it take from uscis to nvc ???? Please tell me if you guys know about it..thank you!!!
heng hengMaleCambodia2013-09-26 09:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE Questions
Hi maalin,

1. copy passport with stamp
2.letter of intent both of you
4.plane tickets
5.if you used to get married, send your divorce decree

For me and my fiance we both wrote our love story, date that we both see each other, desire to marry to each other. good luck for both of you :)

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-10-07 02:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHearing nothing from nvc
Thank you guys for giving me some information about it. I really appreciate about it. I and my fiance hope that we will get a good news soon. Hope everything moves faster than that. My fiance will try to call them again untill we get case number. Good luck for you guys.
heng hengMaleCambodia2013-10-19 00:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHearing nothing from nvc

I and my fiance are waiting for case number but we havent heard anything from nvc for 1 month . My fiance calls and email to nvc twice a week but they said they havent got it yet and they told my fiance that It takes up 8 weeks from california to nvc to process. Im so worried about it so much cause Im scared that our application might be lost. Can you guys give me some good advices or some experiences about it. I really appreciate for hearing from you guys.

Thank you for reading:)

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-10-18 23:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportspetition approved and no news from NVC

congrats marychristine 19 :)

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-10-22 12:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportspetition approved and no news from NVC

Hi Liloo13,

I really know how you feel because my fiance and  i are waiting for  case number too. I feel impatient and feel frustrated :( my fiance tries to call them and send email to them but we havent heard anything for 1 month. My fiance always hope that I can be there soon so we can celebrate Christmas together. Good luck for you and hope everyone can get case number soon.

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-10-22 10:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 VISA NOW IN TRANSIT!YAY! WHAT'S NEXT?

Congrats both of you :)

Congrats both of you smile.png

heng hengMaleCambodia2013-10-26 09:44:00