IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers


There were really three groups of couples that were part of this whole wave. 


There were couples who had previously been denied a visa based on their same-sex status that were added back into the system. Most of these have already been approved, though, as they went through the entire process only to be denied after their interview.  


There were the couples who had already got all the paperwork done and literally sent it in as soon as DOMA was struck down - so last week in June, first week in July. 


Then there were couples like me and my wife, who waited for the actual decision to be made before getting in touch with a lawyer and starting that process. We got in touch with a lawyer on the Monday following the decision and got our docs out the last week in July. 


I'd be of the mind that not only would July be chock-full of these application, August was as well. 


There were still a lot of May/June transfers, same kind of chat on those threads - i think we were just excited by July as it is one month ahead of ours...


Anyway, why is NBC (overland park) not doing i130's now? Maybe we will be first in line there?

Hopefully sooner I woke up and saw so much on the august thread I thought for sure someone was transferred and we were throwing a party lol


I wish, seriously I am not going to think about worrying (transfer wise) until early Feb...

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-11 08:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

My consulate is in Macedonia he lives in Kosovo they tend to give visas on hand at interviews a lot or say pick it up the next day so we'll see I really miss him this is so difficult I'm optimistic because though all of everything we just listed it still means there is movement. I just want to see august filers getting transferred now



Same as me, i think there will be a week delay, i am sure we will see transfer movement early/mid Feb.....

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-11 08:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

July is being approved can we just gets transferred all I am asking for lol I agree with all of you above but it doesn't make it easier I was hoping to bring my husband by June because in my country it takes a month after approval to get a interview so I don't know now my pd is august 29th


Sorry, what country are you from? it takes about 30 days (so i hear) to get an appointment in london to, which is also not bad. i hear some can be 3-4 months!


June i would say would be optimistic, I don't think we will get approval until late April early May, then another 3-5 month wait for a visa...


..... however, this is one of those special times I am VERY happy to be proved wrong!

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-11 07:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers



To i-130 approval.


And that pattern will apply to all of August.



I like Sarah's explanation a LOT  because most of us who have been looking at trends completely ignored this outlier.  This could cause a lot of delays - imagine what it will do to the rate of approvals if its causing a week long delay in the rate of transfers - to JULY filers.


This is what its doing to July filers. 



If DOMA was approved in June - and a lot of people filed in July - imagine how many waited a month or two and then filed in August my friend. That tsunami will bump out late-August filers no ?



I guess we will have a better idea when/if they update the times on the 15th..... although as this is "from November 31st 2013" i am not expecting miracles.... I also don't expect the time to go up, but i also don't expect it to go down either...

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-11 07:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers



I dont think it would affect the transfer of cases.


Even if there is a greater volume of cases (intake wise), the NBC is simply scanning submitted documents and emailing them to CSC/VSC/NSC/TSC.

I dont think transfers should be delayed by a week because there are too many petitions.  But it does explain a lot of what might happen in both July and in August


Do you think August will take the full 9 months then?

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-11 06:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

 Our PD is Aug 7th. We figured it would be about year from 'start to finish'. Our lawyer had a much more optimistic timeline that's already been passed. 


The only thing I've heard about the embassy is what I've read here. We're flexible, so I'm hoping to get in sooner rather than later once that stage hits us. 


To be honest, I am ok with a year, but we just don't know if it will be. I see people writing that i130's are 10-18-16-7 and 9 months, so i guess we just dont know.


What did your lawyer say? Mine said a year, but maybe 14-15 months in total.....

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-11 06:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers


My PD is August 7th as well.


FYI if I were you, I would be prepared to wait till April 10th (Unless you get CSC, which takes 30 days less) just to get i-130 approval


Why April 10th?. To be honest I would take early April is i knew it was going to happen. I would love to see it by mid March thought. (i am 22nd Aug so a few weeks behind you guys)

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-11 06:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers
I'm thinking if the next update is garbage, with no real improvement, we send a letter!

I'm happy to help put it together, although I would probably use the template of the one before, however
I would need help from someone who understands the system/timelines etc more....

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-11 06:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

The target my wife and I have set for ourselves was to be back in the USA this summer. I'm still hoping for that one. 

What's your PD? That's a great target, that's approval in 7 months and 3 months at NVC? ours is early September, 9 months away!

I see you are in the UK? Do you know much about the speed of the embassy
in offering interviews? I hear if your ultra flexible they can be very quick?

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-11 06:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers
Does anyone know the total timeline for a K3 visa?

Can I also file an i129 if I have a pending i130 filed?

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-11 06:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Something to keep in mind. The Supreme Court struck down the DOMA laws on June 26th. This means that every gay couple who had been waiting for years to file their paperwork (like me and my wife) probably did so in July. I know our lawyers were so overwhelmed with clients wanting to file their applications that they had their own backlog, and I'm using one of the largest same-sex marriage immigration firms in the States. 
Not trying to burst anyone's bubble, but maybe it can explain why things are more delayed for us August filers. Add the expedited applications for those caught in the typhoon, and we're looking at a big 'bump' in the timelines at our end. 

So you think August will be 9 months, or longer? It doesn't bode well for the May 5 month target!

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-11 06:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

There seems to be quite a few July filers being approved out of CSC........ my guess is that they are doing a few late ones to get the average time town when they report their stats.... this is the only real explanation I can think of as to the sheer non-sensical processing methods!

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-11 05:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers


 I never did it thinking it's a def shot but again you never know

My lawyer seems to flat out hate the i129f/K3 route, says its no available anymore..... anyway, as long as I get my visa by the end of September I will be happy.... IF

 I never did it thinking it's a def shot but again you never know

My lawyer seems to flat out hate the i129f/K3 route, says its no available anymore..... anyway, as long as I get my visa by the end of September I will be happy.... IF



LOL, i didn't see your post on this :)


EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-10 16:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers


yes. and if you look at month by month statistics, between april and july - a total of ~ 20% petitions have been approved so far. 


Of what remain, there might be some that have even exceeded the 60 day limit. 




Where the heck on earth is Lee's Summit and how are they going to "reduce" processing time without additional headcount ?



Trouble is we are trying to decipher where USCIS are by applying a sensible methodology to an organisation that is random, there is no real way we can be sure. At least they are moving....

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-10 16:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers



Same, my PD is 22nd August.....


.... I am lucky as my wife is here in the UK with me (we moved from Hong Kong in September so no DCF), but we just want to move on, get sorted and start a family....

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-10 16:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers


I already did contacted my senators office last night begging lol. I contacted my congressman in october just to clarifiy something about my case that worried me. I had a representative reply to me and said i should be approved before april she said that if im not shes gonna help me out so my pd date is august 29 im at one month and a little over a week i would start contacting them when it hits 7 months for the rest of you who have priority dates a few weeks before me. I-129f for a k-3 visas is meant to unite families faster while waiting for the i-130 i did mine as soon as i got my firts letter about the i-130 do i think it will work maybe slight chance. It doesnt hurt to try but if your i-130 has been pending over 3 months whats the point.



My lawyer seems to flat out hate the i129f/K3 route, says its no available anymore..... anyway, as long as I get my visa by the end of September I will be happy.... IF

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-10 16:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

well an alternative way to look at it is, perhaps by doing this they are actuall working off some of the backlog at the service centers... if service centers are flowing in with petitions from feb-july... that is a WHOLE lot of them... perhaps it gives them a weak to put a dent in the stack before the next batch arrives?


Exactly, there is no point clearing a backlog by creating another. Or, perhaps overland park will start adjudicating i130's and we will be first in line, we just don't know, so no value in getting worried.... It says 8.7 months, and we are seeing them done in 7-9 (non expadites).....


.... feel free to shoot me down if i am wrong, but recently we are not seeing any (or many) over 9 months?


If we feel like they are going backwards, we ALL write another letter reminding them about their "May 5 months" commitment, but until we get facts/figures then we cannot....

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-10 16:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

I think there was alot of filers in july and they ar bambarded something will give in a week or two we just need to calm down the good news is that being are being approved now its not like its stagnent like it was a few months ago july is haveing enough movement for us to keep positive. We will be transferred soon we have to if its true the national benefits center is just a place for transfering cases than they have to transfer august cases soon.


I agree, lets all calm down, we are getting worked up (which is understandable). We are now only just hitting the 5 month mark, and we have had Christmas and New Year in the way..... Yes perhaps i129's may affect the transfers for a week or so, which perhaps reflects the sudden slow down of July transfers, but lets just see what happens. Also im sure that the NBC (overland park) was set up to process i130's?


Festamati89 makes a good point, at least we are seeing approvals, and ones from April/May/June (also non expitides) which is very positive. The time frame does state 8.7 months (which bad but much better than the 21 it was before) So we really shouldn't see August approvals start until end of March early April, therefore (as we are only Jan 10th) we still have most of January before they start  transfering us......


..... we will know more on the 15th when we get the update, however as this will be "as of November 31st" done expect miracles, I think they will put a PD date of March/April and an 8 month timeframe..


.... Dont panic, especially as we have no real proof, if we see no more transfers of July next week, then perhaps enquire, end of the month, we can write a joint letter...


EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-10 15:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

No no.. i was just giving you an overall estimate.
Best case scenario (CSC) : 7 months for i-130 + 2 months at NVC + 0.5 month to interview = 10 months
Worse case scenario (NSC) : 9 months for i-130 + 3 months at NVC + 1 month to interview = 13 months
This is just for your embassy. 
London is low-fraud and they set you up with an appointment super-quick. 

if I were you though, I would have gone the DCF route from the start. 
dont withdraw now though in my opinion.
its hard to tell what that would do to your future petitions (even if you file DCF right away).
you could take a chance - state your reason for withdrawal as "gonna file DCF".
thats not going to be their excuse to look at you suspiciously. 

We would have done DCF, but we were living in Hong Kong as expats, we only moved back to
the UK in September..... Thus we could only apply after her (the us citizen) was in the UK for 6 months.

Where did you hear that about London? I heard they schedule appointments quick, but some say this
is not true

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-09 14:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Dont know much about London but based on VJ estimates, you are looking at about an average of 8+ months to NOA2 ( 7 months if you're hooked up to CSC).
NOA2 to NVC case complete can be done (and is usually done) in anywhere UPTO 80 days.
Reason being they are now reporting delays in the delivery of the darn petition from NOA2 to NVC.
Then there's the actual processing at NVC as well before its considered "NVC complete" 
Once the case is complete at NVC, it takes another 30 days to interview day.
Good luck to you ! 

These people are just crazy, this should be simple no?

So your thinking 13 months is not doable?

So..... I do have the option to file DCF (or whatever it is called now) on March 10th.... London processes i130 in 20-30 days..... But....... I have to cancel my previous i130 FIRST..... And at that point it would have been with USCIS for
7 months......

...... Not sure on the risk!!! They told me they would accept the petition ( my wife is on a tier 4 visa) and I have it in writing, but I'm just not sure on the risk!

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-09 13:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

I checked out the NOA2 to interview timelines for London recently and wasn't very excited :( I'm hoping we'll get lucky but planning for 5-6 months right now. My spouse intends to take whatever open interview slot is available when the time comes, and hopefully that kind of flexibility will shorten the wait. As with everything else in the visa process... who knows.
Pop into this thread and read the guides linked in the first post, they'll tell you everything you need for NVC: http://www.visajourn...s-january-2014/
In addition to the forms, for NVC you'll need the original/certified versions of supplementary documents -- marriage cert, beneficiary's birth cert, police cert, medical exam, passport photos, bio page from passport, divorce or death decrees if applicable, probably some stuff I'm forgetting... check it out :)

How did you find the NOA2 to interview times to London? Is there an actual site
or just by the current posts on VJ?. I'm assuming from your post
if you are mega flexible then it should shorten the time?

Also does this 5-6 months start from i130 approval or from when the NVC assigns you
a case number (as that transfer to NVC takes a month or so)

I was really hoping to get my visa in 12-13 months....

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-09 04:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Eastyo, do you have the list of papers or documents we will have to send to NVC? please share it with us... I really want to have everything ready too, thanks

I got all my doctors/vaccination history, is amazing how long/hard this takes to get. For me it was 4 weeks just to get this. Of course, they will do this for you at the exam for a huge fee....

I got a letter of financial support ready plus my lawyer has some forms (I'm not 100% sure their names) ready also

Plus my "proof of having a real marriage" docs....

... You can't get the police check yet, but that doesn't take to long.

I will find out from my solicitor what the things she prepared are.

However we live in the UK at the mo so I'm not sure if it differs country to country.

Eastyo, do you have the list of papers or documents we will have to send to NVC? please share it with us... I really want to have everything ready too, thanks

Out if interest, why did you go K3 route? my lawyer told me it didn't even exist now ? I'm not even sure what it is!

Did you file and i130 concurrently? I wonder if I could file a K3 in London?

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-08 17:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

*waves a white flag*

It will just happens when it happens, would be nice to see at least a few early August transfers in the next few weeks.

I'm just hoping the NVC to London to Visa issuance takes no longer than 4 months...... Apart from the police
Certificate I have everything ready....
* happen..... I hate typing on my iPhone!

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-08 17:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

I wouldn't get too concerned just yet. Looking at July's transfer sheet, it seems like their petitions started being transferred at the end of December. I've watched each group of filers as they transferred and 2 weeks to clear out the whole month has been pretty standard. Keep an eye on July and by the middle of this month I'd bet they'll be mostly transferred and moving on to August files.
The supplementary sheet says 60 days rather than specifying business or working days, so count them as calendar days.

I'm hoping your right, I was thinking mid Jan for August, and early feb for completion..... However that's IF we get transferred!

I wouldn't get too concerned just yet. Looking at July's transfer sheet, it seems like their petitions started being transferred at the end of December. I've watched each group of filers as they transferred and 2 weeks to clear out the whole month has been pretty standard. Keep an eye on July and by the middle of this month I'd bet they'll be mostly transferred and moving on to August files.
The supplementary sheet says 60 days rather than specifying business or working days, so count them as calendar days.

I'm hoping your right, I was thinking mid Jan for August, and early feb for completion..... However that's IF we get transferred!

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-08 13:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

lol @ arctic-front-maggedon. But I don't think it's going to take until Feb for August petitions to start getting transfers. The whole of June was transferred in roughly two weeks, including Christmas and New Year's holidays, with the last week of June filers being transferred over a span of about 3-4 days.
Keep your fingers crossed you guys land in CSC... despite the I-129 workload transfer, California is still miles ahead of Texas and Nebraska.

True, but I still see a far few July filers that have not been transferred on the July forum...

Also, is the 60 days, 60 working days or 60 days total?

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-08 13:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

USCIS updates its processing info in the middle of every month. It's supposed to be on the 15th, but it's rarely exactly on the day. This time next week we can look out for a new current processing date and averages for the service centers, which will be accurate as of November 30. Should be interesting given that data will reflect a lot of transferred cases.

Interesting that it's "as off" 30th November. If so I wouldn't expect much more movement, maybe mud march if we are lucky!

Interesting that it's "as off" 30th November. If so I wouldn't expect much more movement, maybe mud march if we are lucky!

*mid march

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-08 12:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

prediction: new processing date of February 14, 2013 :) 

That would just be USCIS all over!!! I have a feeling it's going to be a mid April PD, still with an 8.7 timeframe.... Would love to be proved wrong....

Trouble is we just don't know, so all our predictions are just guesses, there seems to be quite
a few July filers left to be transferred (if that even means anything) so I'm guessing it will still be a few weeks
for us, if at all.

Also why do we think new data is due to be posted?

Ironically when I called early December to change address, which ironically a tier 2 cannot do
if it's international, she told me to call back if I had not been approved by March, which is good news.

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-08 04:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Because you sent a request to the NVC? Have you gotten your approval from the Us is yet? If not, then the nvc isn't going to be able to help you yet.

If you have, they may not have received it yet, or it may not be in their system yet.

Hey Kaylara, will NVC transfer your case to the Netherlands for processing?

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-07 13:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

GGGGGGGGrrrrrrr......just got off the phone with Alisha @ USCIS.  Every time I would ask a question she would give me the same apology and response.  I finally become so frustrated I told her that I knew she was saying what she had been instructed to say but that I was well aware that my I-130 was not being processed or reviewed. I said to her that I believe my petition was sitting in the NBC untouched with the rest of the I-130's that have backlogged and only the ones being transferred were getting processed.  She tried to tell me that Feb. 13, 2013 was the last petition processed and that she was sorry because she knew it was frustrating.  And when I said the national goal for processing and approving I-130's is SUPPOSE to be 5 months, she tried to tell me that is not true.  ranting33va.gif

What's your PD date? Ultimately they will/can only tell you Feb 13th as that's all
they are allowed to tell you. We know that it's more like April/May. If not, and remember
the Feb time was posted 31st Oct, then they are admiring they have made ZERO progress in 2 months, which cannot be true.

I think we will see transfers end of January, and approvals from early March onwards

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-07 13:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

i dont think aug transfers are gonna start until next week....

What makes you think that?

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-07 11:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

seems like they still need to transfer some late july filers

There is probably a few..... But we will know in the next week or so as at this rate
there should easily be some early August filers done then...

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-07 04:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Et voila


EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-06 20:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Hi Lisa.
Are you 8/2 or 8/22 ?
You are on there and marked as 8/2.
You're our "canary in the coal mine" at the moment - being the first one for August. :) 

How do I see the sheet?

Hi Lisa.
Are you 8/2 or 8/22 ?
You are on there and marked as 8/2.
You're our "canary in the coal mine" at the moment - being the first one for August. :) 

How do I see the sheet?

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-06 20:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

nada cray5ol.gif

Do we think it will start this week or next?

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-06 20:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers


I'm 22nd August - where can I access the sheet?

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-06 20:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Nopppppee ranting33va.gif
It looks like it died doing July 24-July 31
So. yay CIS

Huh? What died?

If he did a inquiry that's what they always say or five months lets just stay positive the 20th is right around the corner meaning updated processing time

How do you know we will get an update on the 20th?

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-06 19:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers
Any August transfers yet?
EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-06 19:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers
I just read that a July filer was told by USCIS it was going to take another 5 Months for his approval..... #######?
EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-06 11:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

What do you guys think?  We have a brand new Congressman here in NE Oklahoma.  Thought it might be worth a try.  Anyone have any constructive comments?  Thanks.


Dear Congressman Mullin:


My father was an Oklahoma State Senator in the 90's so I know how difficult it is to get started during your first term. So much to learn huh? Quickly, let me say that I am one of those that voted for you and I have watched as your business has grown as I drive by your home on my way to work... you must be very proud ? I know that the majority of us in NE Oklahoma are.


And now to my point: There is a huge wrong being committed upon a large group of American citizens that you may not be aware of and I wanted to share what I know with you so when given the opportunity you will be aware of what is happening to us.


Immigration reform is a big deal right now and it is wonderful that the United States of America has the will and the means to open doors to help non Americans to better their life situations or to help them after a disaster. As you know, common thought in Oklahoma is that ?The Dream Act? was enacted solely for votes but I want you to know my motivation is not to stop helping others.


What you may not know, as they, the US CITIZENS and Immigration Service, hide it very well, is that these people are being helped at the expense of the US Citizen that file the same petition, for the same status as those that America is trying to help.


Right now, Congressman Mullin, a couple that have known each other for just a few months and file for a K1 Fiance Visa can get through the USCIS step in just a few months while others that have been married for 8 years or more must wait 10 or more months because we share the same petition for DACA, VAWA and those waiting with their spouses to get to the place so they can file the 601 waiver. And this is just the first step of the visa process, the backlog will continue through the second step (National Visa Center) and then get slightly better at the third step, the Embassy that will interview the beneficiary.


What this says to myself and others Sir is that those that chose to stay here illegally and those that haven't built a relationship commitment to the point of marriage are being served before those of us that chose to follow the rules and/or have shown a higher level of commitment. Even Legal Permanent Residents looking for the 601 waiver are being served quicker while they get to wait together.


There is a group of citizens that have written several letters to USCIS and others that explains the situation better than I can so I will include them with this letter. In these letters are the graphs and charts and numbers from the websites for USCIS and the American Immigration Lawyers Association that strongly indicate that the numbers are being manipulated. For instance, on the USCIS website it shows that they are currently working on petitions on or before February 13, 2013 while every day we see approvals for months as late as July (that haven't been expedited and/or are not from the Phillipines).


I would really like you to read the attached letters to see what has happened is that even though we have paid the required fee for the requested service, all recourse or opportunity to inquire about the status of our petition has been taken away. They also claim on their website that they adjudicate petitions in the order that they are received and I can assure you that is not even close to the case. When I made my application the expected wait time was 5-6 months. If any other business would behave in the same manner there would be some recourse for us. USCIS has rigged the numbers so that we cannot even speak to the ombudsman.




Congreman Mullin, we need your help. Won't you please look in to what is happening to the citizens of the United States?


If you would like to discuss this further, feel free to contact me at XXX-XXX-XXXX.




My Name


Nice, send it asap, see what happens!

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-05 15:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Hey everyone - are all your status on USCIS site still stuck in "initial review"?  My priority date is August 16th and I have not heard anything moving yet.  At what month should we contact our senators and congressmen on the matter to have them inquire on the status of our cases.  





I will at 6 months, we have (to be fair) only been at 4.5 months so i am not going to jump up and down yet. However a letter with another en-mass complaint at this time may well work wonders to make sure it doesn't get any worse. preventative medicine is sometimes the best...... what we DONT want is USCIS getting worse or pushing our cases back to meet the 5 month target..... But also until they update the 8.7 month timeframe on their website they have all the right in the world to tell you they are within timeframe if you complain.


I know this is horrible, but ultimately does the average american care, no, does he want this to go faster, no.... so until this becomes a factor which effects votes, why do they need to sort it? piss off a few hundred thousand people per year, small fry.....


However, as I read currently JULY cases have all but been transferred (correct me anyone if i am wrong) that means that we should see a transfer by the end of January. If not i will call then a tier - 2. 

GUYS, I was told  September when I first filed,  then Tier 2 told me " you will get approved by Halloween" Then I was told 20 more days, then I was transferred and I am still waiting.... I was transferred on Nov 27th......   The congressman have no clue and really shouldn't hand out timeframes.  My best assumption is that they have a special email address or phone number they can call.  Nothing more. and then they get lied to just like we do... so really,  Don't read too much into it.  it is what it is, you can't expect anything unless you actually have your approval letter in your hand and THEN its another 8 weeks at the NVC level.     


Sorry, what did you file in September? approved by halloween a few months later or a year and a few months later?

I would love to be IN the US by mid August, so approved early August would be fantastic....! thats 12 months start to finish.....

EastyoMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-05 13:42:00