We always use FOREX from Cleveland to Tacloban which usually takes about 6 - 8 weeks, but longer during holiday seasons. I like the online tracking they have and the employees have always been helpful, especially in Parma, Ohio where they let me know if they think there may be delays. I'm sorry to hear someone had problems, but if the box arrived in good condition - be happy, it's a long trip.

Maybe someone can suggest a better comparably priced service.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-01-28 17:36:00
PhilippinesAnybody who set Interview through USEM Call Center?
Print from email, you should also be getting an appointment letter in the mail.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-02-01 23:58:00
PhilippinesRetesting after 2 month culture at st. Lukes?
Thanks guys. That's what I thought. Good luck to you all too!
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-02-17 01:08:00
PhilippinesRetesting after 2 month culture at st. Lukes?
We are waiting for my wife's 2 month culture, her skin test was negative and she has never had TB, her son passed the medical.

I read a post where, after a negative 2 month culture for the wife, both the K-1 and K-2 applicants had there blood retested. Is this standard practice? I just want to make plans for both to go to Manila, if so.

Thank you.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-02-15 22:09:00
PhilippinesCFO locations. Is one better than the other?
Yeah. I am fairly sure I read about Cebu being the one to avoid.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-02-17 01:11:00
PhilippinesHow does she ship her stuff here?
LBC ships to US. Also, there is a place called Johnny's Cargo, but I'm not sure if it's in your area.

Or from a post I read somewhere else:

Contact Manila Forwarder as they ship inbound and outbound at this link http://www.manilafo imexport. html The company also offers balikbayan box services from the Philippines to any point in the United States for about $150 plus other fees per standard balikbayan box.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-02-22 21:33:00
PhilippinesSpot in SLEC X-Ray

Appreciate your feedback. One last question if I may. SLEC will cancel her Interview but we will be responsible to reschedule correct?

Based on your timeline I see you are waiting for the results. Good luck and hoping all will be well with your journey. Thanks again.

I have heard it both ways, sometimes they reschedule, it's probably best to ask them if you get to that point. I have was going to reschedule before we got the results because we really think it will come back negative, but if we had to reschedule for a third time we would have to pay the application fee again.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-02-23 22:04:00
PhilippinesSpot in SLEC X-Ray

So 3 consecutive days for the sputum tests at SLEC, then she can go back to her province and wait for the 2 month culture results. Does she need to go back to Manila for the results or will she be notified?

She will be given a number to call when the 2 month period ends. She can go back to her province, then if it's negative she will have to return for the vaccine before the interview.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-02-23 21:51:00
PhilippinesSpot in SLEC X-Ray
The next step is a 3 day sputum test then a 2 month culture which she does not have to stay in Manila. But if the culture comes back positive, somewhere during the 2 months, she will have to remain in Manila for 6 months of treatment because St Luke's in Manila is the only approved treatment facility.

Edited by Robert and Ramona, 23 February 2012 - 09:44 PM.

Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-02-23 21:39:00
PhilippinesChild and finacee medical exam at St. Luke's

Cool beans. Thanks!

Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-02-26 18:34:00
PhilippinesChild and finacee medical exam at St. Luke's

Yeah, I would think so too. We certainly have time to find out before they have to fly.

Heck, over here we would probably have a daycare center with a Chuck E. Cheese in there or something. :lol:

Hmmm... interesting. So, he could be alone for only a few minutes but with hospital staff nearby.

Hospital staff and plenty of other filipinas watching. I went inside St Luke's for my wife's sputum results and talked to the doctors and got to look around. It's a fairly safe environment, I wouldn't worry about the time separated, and one thing I have noticed about the Philippine culture is they seem to work things out amongst themselves easier without our two cents. lol The volume St Luke's is accustomed to, you can bet they have this issue at least a couple times a day.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-02-26 18:27:00
PhilippinesChild and finacee medical exam at St. Luke's

Thanks for the info. The problem is that she doesn't have someone to be there with her son while she's getting her medical done.

My wife says you don't really need to worry because the doctors are aware of the child being there and they are only separated during the most personal parts of the examination for the mother, then the child waits outside. So they won't be doing both exams at the same time.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-02-26 18:13:00
PhilippinesChild and finacee medical exam at St. Luke's
We went through this a couple months ago. My wife's son is 10 and he was able to go to the room by himself when called. My wife was able to join him after her tests were complete. I think 5 is probably a little too young to go alone. St Luke's allows another adult to stay with the child if you have someone else to go with them.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-02-26 17:25:00
PhilippinesTransiting through Canada
I think you need to make sure your stop in the US is a POE. I read somewhere that some ports in Canada can be used as US POE's. For example, I looked into a flight to Cleveland with a stop in Toronto (I think). Cleveland is not a POE, so the POE would have been Toronto. So if you have something like that, 1 1/2 hours probably won't be long enough.

I hope that is not too confusing, it was for me, so I didn't book that flight.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-01 20:27:00
PhilippinesMeeting Fiancee's Parents

I suppose it depends whether the family lives in the province, or the big city. My friend married a Pinay, and he said to do the blessing thing, but his wife interrupted and said, "Don't do it. Americans look silly when they do it."

So I asked my then fiancee, now wife of five years, and she said, "My parents are modern. Don't you dare do that!"

So, I didn't.

Dad had his hand on my leg all during dinner, that first night in the Philippines, and wouldn't let go. After dinner, the whole family went for a walk down the boardwalk along Roxas Blvd. I was walking with my fiancee holding hands. He and his wife were holding hands. sisters and brothers were holding hands. Everybody around us was holding hands. Then after walking a mile or two, dad hails down a cab, and tells both my fiancee and me to get in the cab, closes the door, and we head back to the hotel, leaving the family behind. I guess that was his way of giving his blessing.

Great story. The hand on the leg thing through me the first time, when my brother-in-law started having a long conversation with me, so be prepared.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-01 22:13:00
PhilippinesMeeting Fiancee's Parents

Bring the pasalubong. American cigarettes go over big if dad smokes. Some earrings or a watch for mom. Anything American is a big hit. Bring something for everybody and bring a few extras for the ones that suddenly show up unexpected. You will probably have to take the family out to a nice place before you can court the daughter with the parents approval. Get in good with dad. Once you do, then you can relax. Scariest night of my life. Then before I left, I took the family to Tagaytay for a picnic. All this was expected, so just follow your fiancee's lead.

Take lots of picture of both of you with family. You will need those later.

Only if they are much older than you! You look silly if you and her parents are about the same age.

I do the blessing to my wife's parents and some of her relatives, mostly upon arrival and departing, birthdays, etc. We are not really far apart in age. My wife feels the proper way is to attempt the blessing and if they feel it is not appropriate, they will laugh a little and say it's not necessary, otherwise, not attempting may seem disrespectful. Talk to your wife about it, but I think at least attempting to show respect goes a long ways. Don't worry about looking silly, you are going to a place where most things are made for small people - you are going to look silly at times and people are going to have a good-natured laugh at your expense. :rofl:
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-01 21:41:00
PhilippinesMeeting Fiancee's Parents

For sure a party, which we had that day ( and yes my treat )... in fact everyone from their church showed up too.

And yes chocolate and gummies... the kids love the gummies.

Half of the stuff I am packing is gifts this trip.

The most requested items I get are small chocolates and perfume or body sprays - Bath and Body Works or something similar usually has a sale bin where I stock up. But please don't forget the chocolates!
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-01 20:19:00
PhilippinesMeeting Fiancee's Parents

A small gift for the family members in the home. When you meet Tatay (dad) and Nanay (mom), and they hold out their hands to shake, take their hand and touch your forehead with it, as a sign of is receiving their blessing...

Touching the elders hand to your forehead is a big one. Good call!
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-01 18:37:00
PhilippinesMeeting Fiancee's Parents
Take some gifts, plan a party to meet the family - a pig for lechon works well, and ask your fiance to explain comfort room procedures to you if you don't know already.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-01 18:16:00
PhilippinesIs anyone here will undergo sputum exam starting tomorrow March 13?

There's no harm in trying...:unsure:

There isn't any harm, I guess. But you can't make a 2 month culture grow any faster than 2 months. I mean if we call, I'm sure they will tell us it's negative because they haven't called to tell us it's positive. That doesn't ensure it will be negative the next day because the culture is still growing. The paperwork can't be done until the culture reaches 2 months. I'll wait and let some others weigh-in on this, maybe there is some other insight.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-11 23:52:00
PhilippinesIs anyone here will undergo sputum exam starting tomorrow March 13?

did u try calling them today for the result? you're approx. 7 weeks waiting..

No, we haven't tried to call because it is a 2 month culture which means even if it isn't positive today, it could be tomorrow. That and the doctors won't process the paperwork until the 2 months is complete. The waiting has been hard because we know she is negative, unfortunately, we aren't the ones in control.

Actually, I think I read about someone calling 2 or 3 days ahead, but we are still about 10 days away.

Edited by Robert and Ramona, 11 March 2012 - 11:27 PM.

Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-11 23:20:00
PhilippinesIs anyone here will undergo sputum exam starting tomorrow March 13?

Until now i'm devastated with the result of my medical exam last week. Since i got the result saying i need to undergo sputum exam, i haven't sleep well until now. I feel paranoid and nervous. What makes me feel more upset is i need to go to St. Luke's everyday for 3 consecutive days as early as 6am... halleeerrrr i'm almost 7 months pregnant na! I'm living in Bulacan and i need to commute as early as 3am just to be on time. Unfortunately, they didn't honor my previous x-ray plates from Lung Center of the Philippines because they said they are following the international rules and Lung Center of the Philippines doesn't. And aside from that, by the time i got the result probably i already give birth. I need to process my new daughter's CRBA and that will consume more time!

This whole process is stressing me out! i really wish i wont have a pre mature labor because of this hardships.

My doctor friends are telling me that sputum culture result can be released in 2 weeks and in some medical websites they say it can be done in 4-6 weeks. And i guess they are right because as i've read in some posts here, St. Luke's can call earlier for positive results, it only means they have the result in less than 8 weeks. So why we need to wait for 8 weeks for the result? Can we call them as early as 4-6 weeks to get our result?

i really need to give birth in the U.S. My fiance is USAF and i need to be his dependent before i give birth so that that USAF will shoulder all my hospital expenses. He cannot afford anymore to pay my hospital expenses here plus the CRBA fees plus 4 plane tickets (for him, me, my 1st daughter and our new daughter).

I am so stressed!

You just have to accept that you are in for the 3 day sputum then waiting for the 2 month culture, unless you are positive then they will notify you before 2 months. Start planning for it now because there is no way around it, we are going through it now and I went to St Lukes with my wife to talk to them about all the "what if's" and "how about if's" - they aren't buying it. No choice but to follow procedure, just hope you aren't positive after 2 months because the only place for the accepted treatment is in Manila for 6 more months. So really there is no choice but to plan for birth in Philippines.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-11 22:51:00
PhilippinesToday We start new life .. VISA APROVED!!!
:dance: :dance: CONGRATULATIONS :dance: :dance:
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-12 22:45:00
PhilippinesU.S. Embassy Manila


My wife and son have their interview (IR-1/2) on Wednesday. They actually have an interview time scheduled (8:30).

I've been seeing some posts recommending arriving at 5:30. That seems excessive. But, i've always gone to the front of the line as a U.S. Citizen. What is the proper procedure?

She will have the son that i'm petitioning and our U.S. Citizen daughter with her.

Second question--i remember seeing helpers/relatives in the embassy. Is it ok to bring an adult helper with?

Third question. I haven't found many IR-1 interview experiences posted. I lived in the Philippines for the last 4 years, and we have a U.S. Citizen daughter. So, i'm assuming that proof of relationship won't be a big deal. What is the usual IR-1 interview experience? Just a quick check? An extensive grilling? It varies with the wind?


Most of the interview reviews I have read stated they went easier if the USC was present. If you live in the Philippines, have you thought about going with them? If so, the USC cannot enter until 7:30 AM, so getting there very early wouldn't seem to benefit much. I'll be going with my wife and son, but we aren't planning on getting there much before an hour ahead of time. I believe the embassy suggests something like 30 minutes before because they supposedly group you by times - also something from a post I read here.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-11 21:35:00
PhilippinesQuestions about police certificate/NBI clearance, CFO certificate
We didn't need for our 10 year-old. My wife says she thinks it's just 18 and above.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-02-22 21:49:00
Philippinesmedical exam on st lukes

it wasn't very bad for me. i had a 2 month old cough and cold when i had my medical done. i was so scared i might need to take the sputum test. on my second day, the guard stamped my receipt with "immunization" i almost cried from happiness. a lot of people though were not so lucky.

Don't go there with a cold. My wife went with a little congestion and we got hit with the sputum. She or her family never had any history of TB. She said the exam and immunizations were no problem.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-11 23:10:00
PhilippinesCall back later for 2 month sputum

Who schedule your interview? St Lukes?

I scheduled it and it is the 27th, not the 21st like I posted. Her vaccines are tomorrow.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-21 04:46:00
PhilippinesCall back later for 2 month sputum
New interview date is March 21. WooHoo!!!
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-21 00:48:00
PhilippinesCall back later for 2 month sputum
It's negative, just like we knew. They asked her to come today for the vaccine, but we are in Tacloban, so tomorrow will be her vaccine. Now to reschedule the interview.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-21 00:17:00
PhilippinesCall back later for 2 month sputum
Well, we waited the stated time-frame to call for the culture results, which was 8:30 am today. They say to call back after lunch. I guess if it was positive they would us already called us. Four more hours isn't going to kill us, although my wife is fairly stressed. :bonk:

Edited by Robert and Ramona, 20 March 2012 - 08:33 PM.

Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-20 20:26:00
PhilippinesCan USC get into Manila embassy for a 6:30 am appt?
Thanks for the information guys. It has been a long process so far, I'm not sure what we will do with all our spare time now that it's almost over. lol
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-23 06:03:00
PhilippinesCan USC get into Manila embassy for a 6:30 am appt?

Guess that is one fable you won't be repeating anymore~ :lol:

You got that right!

Our appointment was at 630am last week, I find it useless to go there at an ungodly hour coz the guard would not even let you in unless its your time, besides you'll just have to wait for your number to be called when you get inside, in any case...

Good luck sir,..


I don't want to go there any earlier than I absolutely have to, but I'm not really the boss any more. :lol:
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-23 01:51:00
PhilippinesCan USC get into Manila embassy for a 6:30 am appt?

Yup! I was there Wednesday. You walk in with your Fiancee, same door, same time... no issues. The embassy folks are very nice about it, friendly also. Don't know where that 7:30 time came from as I have read someone else posting about that time.... total BS.

I have read so many times that the USC had to go to a separate area then wait until 7:30 AM to enter, I have even repeated it as fact. Whe n the woman scheduled me, I told her I would be going with my wife, she said "No problem, just go in with her."

Thank you!!! :thumbs:
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-22 21:30:00
PhilippinesCan USC get into Manila embassy for a 6:30 am appt?

I was there last week,i have seen couple who is with there filipina wife and kids.Yes,they
can go is better to be there early. when i got there, there's already a long line...
once you are inside you still had to get the number,and you had to watch out for that because
it change randomly on the board.Best of Luck!...

Thank you. Now the time is finally near, I am getting nervous.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-21 10:38:00
PhilippinesCan USC get into Manila embassy for a 6:30 am appt?
I thought I read USC had to wait until 7:30 to enter the embassy. I called to schedule interview today and was told I could go in with my wife and son at 6:30. Anybody know about this?
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-21 06:56:00
PhilippinesWhat hotel did you stay at during interview?
Thanks for the suggestions guys. My internet has been out. I'll try to look at these hotels before I go today.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-25 17:17:00
PhilippinesWhat hotel did you stay at during interview?

I know there are rating systems and charts about the hotels in Manila, but can you tell me your experience with particular hotel? We want to get something within walking distance of the embassy for our interview Tuesday. Thanks!
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-25 00:35:00
Philippinescr-1 and cr2

hello my vj friends i would please like to ask i will be filing for my wife n two stepdaughters in april my wife i know will be under cr-1 and my stepdaughters will be under cr-2 these things and all the requirements that go together for them n all documents needed i understand,but what i would like to ask is this since i will be filing their petitions together and at the same time in the same envelope i will send it in my question is this all through the processes the petitions,the approvals the nvc, the embassy,the interviews and eventually the approvals n issuing of their visas will it be done together all at the same time as not to seperate momma n me from the kids any help is well apperciated godbless

Same time, but make sure when you pay the visa fees, you send each visa application with a separate check.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-25 03:02:00
Philippinescancelling my interview
You can also call. You get 3 reschedules - if you do a fourth they will make you pay the application fee again.
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-28 17:56:00
Robert and RamonaMalePhilippines2012-03-29 00:45:00