IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUnderstanding Administrative Review / Security Checks
For public safety & welfare and national security reasons, all visa petitions under current regulation and procedure are placed through security name checks at three (3) locations: 1. USCIS office, 2. National Visa Center (NVC) and 3. The U.S. Consulate/Embassy where the visa is ultimately issued.

There can be not one but several levels of security checking: There is an initial security name check done routinely on all incoming petitions. If the results produce a "lookout hit" or "red flag hit", the petition is placed in line for additional more intensive customized security screening, which could include a request for full fingerprints and which obviously has the undesirable effect of extending processing time for adjudication. While security checking is widely focused on the visa beneficiary, petitioners and even attorneys and consultants involved in a case are subject to security screening.

A Lookout Hit or Red Flag Hit can be generated on a visa petition, among other reasons, for any the following:
*Past arrest record
*Past criminal conviction record
*Past firearms record
*Past record of domestic violence or sexual offenses
*Past fingerprint record with any law enforcement agency
*Past visa or immigration history
*Watch List or Pending Charges "Hit": Petitioner or Beneficiary is currently on watch list or wanted on pending charges with any law enforcement or other government agency, (local, state, federal, FBI, INTERPOL, Homeland Security, State Department designated terrorist group list)
*Common or Similar Last Name with others in the database who have
past arrest or conviction records (sometimes called a "False Hit")

Under post 09-11 legislation such as USA Patriot Act, Border Security Act and Intelligence Reform Act, our Immigration Service, the Consulates, and Customs and Border Protection, have worked to significantly upgrade their technological capabilities, increase inter-agency data-sharing and coordinate investigative activities. The current policy directive is "zero tolerance" policy for security issues. The on-going U.S.Visit program is one example. Another important example is the implementation of a critical software upgrade which effectively links up Immigration and Consular databases with many local law enforcement data bases and the FBI criminal database.

Obviously, any security name check is only as good as the accuracy and completeness of the database upon which the check the done. Here is a sample of the principal databases upon which an immigration and consular security check can be done currently:
*NCIC (National Crime Information Center)(also called FBI criminal database)
*IBIS (Interagency Border Inspection System)
*NIIS (Non-Immigrant Information System)
*CLASS (Consular Lookout and Support System)(This name-check database in particular has been greatly expanded, now storing up to 18 million records.)
*CCD (Consular Consolidated Date Base)(Stores 75 million records of past visa applications and outcomes)
*TIPOFF (Classified DOS Bureau of Intelligence database)
*NAILS (National Automated Immigration Lookout System)
*TECS II (Treasury Enforcement and Communication System)
*TSC and TTIC databases (DOS Terrorist Screening system)

At USCIS (Homeland Security Department) stage, currently, NCIC, IBIS and NIIS database checks are done, with the option, if warranted, to do additional database checks.

At National Visa Center (State Department) stage, a separate independent NCIC database check is done by in-house FBI staff in connection with information supplied in the DS-230. Based on results, NVC has the option to request full fingerprints to be taken at post. NVC checks can usually be completed in 24 hours. In some limited cases involving high-risk visa applicants meeting certain specific criteria, NVC also does Security Advisory Opinions (SOAs) before sending the file to Consular Post.

At Consular stage, there are three (3) Visa Security name checks done: CONDOR, MANTIS AND MORE ANOTHER NCIC (via CLASS)
[Consulate has option, if warranted, to run more checks, such as CCD (past visa applications & results), TIPOFF (DOS Bureau of Intelligence), NAILS (Nat'l Automated Immigration Lookout System), TECS II (Treasury Dept. database), TSC & TTIC (DOS Terrorist screening)].

CONDOR refers to a check done mostly of information supplied on Form DS-157, and focuses on visa applicants with a potential terrorist, firearms or weapons background. CONDOR in most cases should be completed in 90 days or less.

MANTIS refers to when potentially sensitive technologies might be used by the visa applicant in her visit to the U.S. If the visa applicant might employ a "critical-fields" technology in the U.S. which could have a "dual-use" such military or national security application, this check will be done to screen out a high-risk applicant. Most MANTIS checks can be done in 30 days.

refers to the name check procedure done by the Consulate with the NCIC criminal database at FBI. This procedure screens visa applicants by name to see if there is a "hit" with the criminal database: that is, a person in the criminal database has the same or very similar name to the visa applicant.

"False Hits" Problem
: Consular posts however have recently been inundated with "false hits" from 7 million new names added to the NCIC database, including persons with convictions for minor offenses such as simple DUIs and shoplifting. Many visa applicants with common names with those in the database get a "false hit": that refers to when a visa applicant's name matches a name in the database but is NOT actually that same person in the database, just a person with a common or very similar name. This places the case into what is called "Administrative Review". Under current rules, the Consulate is required in this circumstance to receive full clearance from FBI (via the NVC) before Consulate can issue the visa. It may require a full fingerprint check and customized investigation. Full clearance from FBI (via the NVC) in most cases can take 4 to 6 weeks, but in some cases much longer and even months.

"False hits" have become a major problem for some visa applicants. There are reportedly an alarming number of false hits caused by similar or identical or very similar names, or errors, inconsistencies or discrepancies in listed names in official documents. This is true especially in countries, such as the Latin countries, where there are only a few surnames and name-similarity is common, or record-keeping accuracy in official documents is dubious. Reportedly, approximately half of all names in the NCIC database are Latino, and this has resulted in a high number of false hits for individuals with common or very similar last names at Consulates in the Latin countries. Applicants presently are not allowed the opportunity to prove that they are not the same person as that on the database, nor is there a way to initiate security checking in advance of the visa application.

Thus, the best protection for visa applicants to avoid name check problems and delays resulting from Administrative Review at the Consulates and USCIS is: providing full, accurate and truthful name information (first, last, middle, and other) in all forms and documents, timely submission of local police clearance reports and promptly complying with any request for full fingerprints.

*SPECIAL NOTE ON NEW SOFTWARE TO EXPEDITE "FALSE HIT" CLEARANCES*: Department of State (DOS) has initiated worldwide deployment of new computer software that is expected to greatly reduced the clearance time for applicants who have been the subject of "false hits" in the visa security check process. The new software will allow posts to capture the applicant's digital fingerprints and check them electronically with the FBI's NCIC database within 24 hours. DOS has launched this new software through a pilot program at consular posts in Mexico City, and reports that the pilot program has been able to clear "false hits" in as little as same day (sometimes in one or two hours). Worldwide deployment of the new software to expected to be finalized once the Technical Communications Security Office approves the program.


"Administrative Review" refers to a Consular Official placing the case "on hold" because the Visa Petitioner or Beneficiary FAILED TO PASS the security name check or background check, or because the Consulate or State Department or Homeland Security NEEDS TO INVESTIGATE some issue or matter in the case more closely. Cases placed into Administrative Review can ADD WEEKS OR EVEN MONTHS to processing time and final decision on visa issuance, typically in most cases AT LEAST 4 to 8 weeks additional time. Under current regulation, there is no right of appeal within State Department or Homeland Security for administrative review status. It is suggested that visa petitioners and beneficiaries keep track of the status of their case as best as possible, and secure, if possible, the reason or reasons their case has been placed into administrative review, which at least helps to relieve some anxiety during the waiting time.

the FBI and have it ready in case the Embassy requests same. See: FBI Criminal History Record.
*INTERNATIONAL MARRIAGE BROKER REGULATION ACT ("IMBRA")*: Security Name Checks at USCIS and the Consulates have reportedly intensified due to the passage of IMBRA, which effectively requires more security checks of both Petitioner and Beneficiary, including check for Abuse Protections Orders, court-restraining or "no-contact" orders and past domestic violence history, and a check on the number of a past K Visa petitions a Petitioner has submitted.

1. "Navigating Through the Maze of Security Checks", Walsh & Wolfsdorf, The Visa Processing
Guide 2004-05 Edition, Published by American Immigration Lawyers Assn.-AILA,

2. "Secure Borders, Open Doors: Consular Processing Issues in 2006", Miller, Pederson & Weigle, The Visa Processing
Guide 2006-07 Edition, Published by American Immigration Lawyers Assn.-AILA,

3. 22 CFR Section 41.105(b)(2)

4. Department of Justice, Office of Inspector General, February 2003, Report No. 03-14.

5. "DOS Answers to AILA Questions" (Oct. 02, 2002), posted on AILA InfoNet at Doc. No. 02100340 (Oct. 03, 2002).

6. "DOS Answers to AILA Questions" (Mar. 27, 2003), posted on AILA InfoNet at Doc. No. 03040340 (Apr. 03, 2003).

7. "DOS Answers to AILA Questions" (Mar. 23, 2006), posted on AILA InfoNet at Doc. No. 02100340 (Apr. 10, 2006).

BA & MGMaleUnited Arab Emirates2012-08-31 12:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIncluding document that says "Private and Confidential"

As part of proof of having met within last two years, my beneficiary fiancee' gave me a copy of her payslip for the month that I was over in the country she is residing. Her payslip says "Private and Confidential". She works for a private chain of shops in Dubai. Does anyone think that I need to be concerned about this statement when I include my documentary evidence in the petition package - I mean will the US government care that it says that or should I omit such a document?


i dont think that you need to send copy of payslip. You can just send pictures of you two together and to prove her residency you should send the copy of the visa page and Emirates ID. Thats what i did.
BA & MGMaleUnited Arab Emirates2012-09-09 02:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-157 form help pls

Hi can someone give me a quick answer .... i really need it cuz i left that part blank thanks

I believe that Amir went to school in pakistan. You should start from Matric then Intermediate and then university.
BA & MGMaleUnited Arab Emirates2012-11-08 00:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespolice clearance

Hello everyone,

I have a little doubt if my police clearance still ok on the day of my interview. the validity of my police clearance is until december 25,2012 and my interview is on december 23, 2012. I want to be sure on my interview that this is still ok. I hope anyone share your experience. Thanks a lot in advance.

Get a new certificate. If you tell them your problem, they will issue a new one.
BA & MGMaleUnited Arab Emirates2012-11-19 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNext Week Interview

Get everything you can and as much as you can.

Boarding passes
Hotel reciepts
Car Rental
Call logs
Skype logs
Chat logs

Basically you need anything that can proof the ongoing relationship. While I am not at the interview stage yet, I am preparing my evidence and it is already hitting 100+ pages.

Good luck on your interview.

Yes i have all evidence of relationship, i want know about rejection stamps on passports, Co will ask on interview date y u rejected tourist visa others countries, i am not educated but i visit few other countries and got rejection also , it takes affect on interview?
Asad shahMaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-10-05 05:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNext Week Interview
i have like same question , i have previous denials NOT USA , other few country i visited but few rejected , like turkey and Greece.
Asad shahMaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-10-05 05:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Done But?

The embassy in Abu Dhabi gave my fiance a blue paper and said to check the website.We are worry about this what this mean?

i got also blue paper , they said i am in AP :( , Abu dhabi embs. is putting in AP for all male beneficiary
Asad shahMaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-12-11 06:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHOW LONG DOES POE PROCESS TAKE?
my poe is also Atlanta, dubai to Atlanta non-stop. so what i will do in airport simple process like others airport? i have Cr-1 visa.
Asad shahMaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-12-21 01:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSupporting Documents - on going relationship

Welcome to VJ, nothing is overboard or too much. Even i think we din't submit enough because we kept deleting emails and such. We never knew we would have to file a K1 Visa at some point. So i would advise you to use all the evidence at your disposal (just dont mail the stuffed animals and chocolate wraps lol). Its better to overwhelm them with evidence than risk getting a RFE. Good luck!

Thanks to persons like you who can be really encouraging coz we are really getting nervous!

We are set to file the K-1 after our 2nd anniversary trip come Feb 2013 so we can include photos, tickets, hotel vouchers, passport stamps from the said trip.

We're really getting anxious.. kind of scared that the process would be tedious and end up not being together. uggghh, cant imagine! I have to stay positive.. and make sure all papers are sufficient and in order.

As to my stuffed animals.. no way I'm gonna give it to them, theyre too precious for me LOL!

Thanks again!
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2012-12-11 08:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSupporting Documents - on going relationship

So glad to have found this site as it has been very helpful and very organized and detailed considering tons of confusing information even from the official USCIS and embassies' websites.

I'm kind of new here and on the process of researching and gathering all necessary documents and forms as my fiance is planning to send out the K-1 visa application come Feb 2013.

I have some questions and will need opinions from you guys because we don't want to make mistakes and want everything to go well and smooth. We're just taking day by day looking forward to finally be together.

We wanna know what are good supporting documents to include to show on going relationship?

I'm actually selecting few photos from our travels to support that we have met several times in the past 2 years... will include plane tickets & hotel vouchers for each trip as well.

On the other hand, to show that there's on going relation, I am planning to get screenshots from our facebook accounts. Maybe the relationship status and the change of status from "in a relationship" to "engaged" which also shows likes and comments from friends and families acknowledging the relationship. Facebook timeline has actually made it easy, I will just have to print it out.

He also sent me flowers, chocolates, stuffed toys, greeting cards and random gifts many times. Some gifts I posted on facebook too. But the letters and greeting cards I'm planning to scan or photocopy.

Also, for the phone bills, I wanted to just select 1 or 2 billing statement/s when we used our phone lines to make overseas calls since most of the time, we're using internet bec it's cheaper. Will that suffice?

For chat logs and SMS, I think we do not have logs of those as we keep deleting to make more space and changing apps such as Viber, Tango, Nimbuzz, Line and Whatsapp..

The thing is, for all of these supporting documents we're planning to include in the kit, I'm feeling a bit worried and hesitant that USCIS or CO to conduct my interview may see it as too much or overboard..

Looking foward to get your opinions based on your experiences!

Many many thanks and God bless you all!
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2012-12-11 08:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of Financial Support

And it isn't necessary and isn't advised to send in the I-134 with tax info, with application. That is to be submitted during the actual interview.

upon checking, yup you're right.. it's not even required. I will be the one to submit the I-134 with tax info during my interview not to be included in the kit the petitioner is going to submit..

Thank you!
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2012-12-11 07:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of Financial Support

It actually can look suspicious in instances, where financially supporting before visa is approved. The western union receipts are more in establishing the on going relationship, but not so much as form of support. In place of those western union transactions, you could submit pics, chat logs or texts, phone bills, stamped envelopes and letters sent thru postal service, passport stamps, receipts from travels, affidavits from family members on both sides stating they are aware that you are indeed a couple and so forth. There are really many documents that could be sent, to show on going relation, and that is main concern when petitioning the visa.

Thanks melissa-n-alfredo! :)

I'm actually selecting few photos from our travels to support that we have met several times in the past 2 years... will include plane tickets & hotel vouchers for each trip as well.

On the other hand, to show that there's on going relation, I am planning to get screenshots from our facebook accounts. Maybe the relationship status and the change of status from "in a relationship" to "engaged" which also shows likes and comments from friends and families acknowledging the relationship. Facebook timeline has actually made it easy, I will just have to print it out.

He also sent me flowers, chocolates, stuffed toys, greeting cards and random gifts many times. Some gifts I posted on facebook too. But the letters and greeting cards I'm planning to scan or photocopy.

Also, for the phone bills, I wanted to just select 1 or 2 billing statement/s when we used our phone lines to make overseas calls since most of the time, we're using internet bec it's cheaper. Will that suffice?

For chat logs and SMS, I think we do not have logs of those as we keep deleting to make more space and changing apps such as Viber, Tango, Nimbuzz, Line and Whatsapp..

The thing is, for all of these supporting documents we're planning to include in the kit, I'm feeling a bit worried and hesitant that USCIS or CO to conduct my interview may see it as too much or overboard..

I need opinions :D

Many many thanks!
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2012-12-11 07:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of Financial Support

It is not a requirement of any kind that he supports you financially..

Thanks a lot! :)
It's just that i've read from others who submitted their kit that they included western union receipts..

Edited by jetlagged, 11 December 2012 - 06:31 AM.

jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2012-12-11 06:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of Financial Support
What if my fiance is not supporting me financially/sending money remittances because I'm also working and earning my own money? In the kit he's going to submit, of course, includes Form I-134 Affidavit of Support with W2 tax transcripts for the last 3 years, pay stubs, bank statements, etc. Will this cause problem in his application?
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2012-12-11 05:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F & G325A Forms - addresses too long
Thank you very much! We're gonna send out the packet pretty soon... praying all will be right and goes smoothly
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-01-15 08:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F & G325A Forms - addresses too long
We're filling out the I-129F and G325A forms but we would like to ask which is better, attach a typewritten supplement with tables similar to the form (for the addresses, work info, etc) or handwritten neatly (but this will be really small as the addresses are too long)

As always, thank you for all the help guys!
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-01-15 06:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAttached Supplement Sheets

don't forget the passport photos to go with the G-325A sign an date on the back of the photos put it in a small plastic bag paper clip it the your G-325A,an both letters of intent, an evidence that you met within two years,

Oh yes! Thank youuuu!!! :)
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-01-16 02:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAttached Supplement Sheets

While it does not specifically indicated on the instruction, you should sign and date your attached supplement for each of the forms. We did on ours.

jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-01-14 03:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAttached Supplement Sheets
For the I-129F and G-32A forms, we will have to attach supplement sheet for each. Do we need to sign and date the supplement sheet?

As always, many thanks!
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-01-14 02:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Address too long, no more spaces
Thanks everyone!

We decided to just attach additional sheet adn put "see attachment" on the boxes in the form.

Then on the attached sheet, I put the form number and the question.

I made a table identical to the table in the form only bigger enough to fill in the info I need to put.

Regards to everyone! :)
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-01-16 06:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Address too long, no more spaces
Thanks guys!

How about in G-325A form? In the applicant's residence in the last 5 years.. I need to attach additional sheet again? The rest of the info in the form was typed out then I left the street and number box empty, planning to handwrite LEGIBLY to fit and readable. Will that be ok instead of attaching additional sheet which will only contain 3 words?
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2012-12-26 01:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Address too long, no more spaces
We're filling out the I-129F form, and some info like our addresses are too long. We had it typed out in MS Word and thinking of handwriting the rest of the address. Do we need additional sheet for like 3 more words of the address or is it ok to just handwrite it in smaller size and just make sure it all fits in the box, readable and clean without erasures?

As always, thank you all guys!
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2012-12-26 00:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof that we met in person

To be fair it says Mr and Ms. Ms doesn't denote any particular marital status.

Good luck, jetlagged, you seem pretty organized. Both using your credit or debit cards on this upcoming trip would be solid primary evidence of being together. We submitted boarding cards, passport stamps, photos, and bank statements in our initial k1 packet and had no problems.

Thank you :)I just want everything to go smoothly coz it's really hard to be away from your love for a long time.

Knowing that there are people (here in VJ) who are going through the same thing like us, though strangers, taking time to reply to all my questions is a blessing! I appreciate everyone.. hope I could help the same way you guys help me too.
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-01-17 06:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof that we met in person

You can print pictures either way-through MS Word or individually. I think printing them in MS Word looks neater because you can put several pictures on one page, and it will make your packet less bulky. It will also make it easier for the person sifting through all your paperwork. I put all of our pictures in chronological order and put captions of exactly who was in the picture, the date it was taken, and where we were in the pictures, then printed them on photo paper.

I agree with what others have said that it is important to include photos in a variety of settings with family members and friends. I would also recommend that you make it clear that the people in the pictures are family members (For example, in a picture with my fiance, me, and his parents, I wrote John Doe (fiance's father)). Anything you can do to make it less time-consuming for the person to figure out will help.

That's what I thought too. It will be neater and easier if I paste like 2 photos and type captions and print. But is it necessary to be printing it in a photo paper? Im thinking to print in ordinary white bond paper.
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-01-17 01:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof that we met in person

Mr & Mrs?? Your profile says K1. you can't submit ANYTHING saying you are married.

also, ticket stubs, passport stamps, itinerary and photos were all I sent.

In the certificate it was Mr. *** and Ms.*** (my name - im not married yet) different last name.

jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-01-17 01:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof that we met in person
I will definitely do that but I will still include what was left from previous meeting.. thank you :)
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-01-16 22:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof that we met in person

as long has you met in person face to face.. that is most important step..

Rossana and I had 3 trips to visit when we sent off K1 packet..

we copied our boarding passes, Entire Passport (shows your Stamps when you enter the country), itineries tru email showing PAID, and we sent 20 pictures, i sent the JPG file to Walgreens/CVS to get the printed out on 4x6" photos.. then i wrote on back, where and who we were with.. we made sure to not only have pictures of us together.. but with our friends and our family.. here in USA and when i went to Venezuela..
photos and flight boarding passes with passport stamps.. that is pretty good evidence to prove you have met within the two years..
it worked for us :)

facebook checkin won't work.. thats not proof.. a FB account is not a way to show identity.. and it could also be a "FALSE" profile.. don't waste your time on that one..

We dint keep the boarding passes but he has the passport stamps. We have all the itinerearies sent thru email as well.

So I need to print out photos then.. bec I thought since it's digital I will just have to paste it in MS Word and type captions then print in an ordinary printer. But you're saying it's better to print it out in Kodak or legit photo print shops to get good quality prints and handwrite captions at the back. I also noted that you included photos with relatives and friends, I will do that.

Thank you very much!
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-01-16 01:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof that we met in person

That is all good information to prove that you met in person, especially the full passport, page by page, and the plane tickets/itineraries, etc. The photo's are another big plus. If you have receipts from where places you toured or visited while your fiance was visiting and receipts from restaurants or vendors where you ate or bought gifts, that is also helpful. All the additional information you are providing is just a plus to what you already have.

Just remember, the time limit on your "facetime" together is within 2 years. Sooner to the filing date is better and a planned future trip to add to your facetime is even better. Especially if you have only met in person one time.

Hope that helps.

We werent able to keep receipts from our trips :( we didnt see ourselves filing for K1 at that time.

We met 3 times
Dec 2010 - Manila
Feb 2012 - Manila
July 2012 - Dubai
Feb 2013 - we will be in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore for our second year anniversary
This time I will make sure to keep everything that we may have to include in the packet

Thank you for taking time to reply! I sincerely appreciate :)
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-01-16 01:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof that we met in person

You can't file untill you have met in person in the last two years, a major hurdle for you. I don't think your certificate will fly, you need receipts, matching plane tickets, photos etc. Please reread the Guides, USCIS and WIKI, K1 threads on this.

We're aware of that, we actually met 4 times the past 2 years and we will meet again Feb 9 to 22, 2013 and we will send out the packet right after that.

But I'm concerned on what to put as proof that we met as all itineraries are on his name bec he's the one visiting me and hotel vouchers since he paid for all of it.

About the certificate that the hotel issued, you think it wouldnt count? SInce we dont have anything to show that bears both our names, I requested for that certificate and they did gave us, duly signed by the supervisor and Gen Manager.

We don't have receipts from our trips :( it was all thrown away as we dont have any idea that were going to file k1 instead of spouse visa.

Thank you for your insights and help :)
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-01-16 01:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof that we met in person
Hello again dear friends!

We are going to send out the packet come February 2013 and forms were already filled out. Only the proof that we have met in person aren't done yet.

Kindly comment if we are doing the right things. We will include:

Email confirmation/itineraries of plane tickets bought online
Copies of passport arrival and departure stamps
Hotel vouchers

All of these are under the petitioner's name and the only way to show that we truly have met are pictures taken during his visit. We only have digital photos and I'm planning to paste the photos in Word file then type short captions (dates & places). Is it ok to have it typewritten or should be handwritten? Are these valid because many photos can be photoshopped now.

We also did the Facebook check-in thing, I'm planning to get a screenshot of those from Facebook which shows the place with our pictures and the dates it was uploaded. Are these valid proof? Because some can check-in to a place without actually being in that place.

We were also able to get a certificate from a hotel where we stayed before. The original was scanned and emailed to us so we dont have the original certificate. The certificate is saying "this is to certify that Mr. ****** and Ms. **** have checked-in our hotel on (specific date). THe cert was issued upon our request for whatever legal purposes it may serve. It was signed by the supervisor and the general manager of the hotel. This is a good evidence to include right?

I don't know what else to put as proof that we met in person.

Thank you everyone, may God bless us all!
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-01-15 08:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresputting up our pictures for I-129F
Read all your replies and thank you for the links. I wont do the print stack of photos and place in a ziplock as what guidelines here in VJ suggested. Maybe before it works but as what people have been mentioning, they scan everything now so its really better and less hassle for them if we send glued photos in bond paper with captions. Or paste digital photo in MS Word, type captions and print out... no chances that photos be detached and or have to detach for the scanning.

Whats the best thing to do?

jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-01-20 13:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresputting up our pictures for I-129F

I've heard they've been returning the baggies with pictures in them. It is best to scan them and/or print them out on paper 2-4 a page labelled.

Really? Im now confused whether to send printed photos or 2 photos pasted in each page in MS Word and then print it out. Less bulky in the packet and easier to check by the officer reviewing the application
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-01-20 11:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresputting up our pictures for I-129F
This is my dilemma as well. Were torn between printing photos and writing captions at the back, putting all photos in a plastic bag of some sort... Or, in MS Word, i will paste all photos (since they are digital/soft copies) 2 photos in a page, type captions and print it out in a colored bond paper. Im confused what to do with the photos now.
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-01-20 11:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGap on Employment
Just be very brief and concise with the date and place of meeting.. it doesnt have to be like a story out or a romantic novel. Thats what VJ peeps told me when I asked this same question before :)
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-01-25 01:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOngoing Relationship

Is this a trick question? :unsure:

jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-01-28 03:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm G325A vs G325

For I-129F application you'll need the G-325A form. You can use it even though it says it is expired. They haven't put the new update on it, so it's ok. Remember, one for you and one for your fiance:)
This is what they say on the I-129f instructions:
"Submit a completed and signed form G-325A for you and your fiance(e)"

I double checked and yeah in the instruction it says G-325A, good thing I rechecked as we used G325 form.

Thank you :)
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-02-03 06:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm G325A vs G325
I'm confused.. I can't see difference in Form G-325A vs G-325. I used G-325 Rev 8/8/11 is this ok to use for k1 application?

jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-02-03 05:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGoogle Talk & Skype Logs (proof of ongoing relationship - frontloading)

Chat logs are not required. It's only evidence that you've maintained a relationship. You could pic a few days here and there. Enough to show you speak often. I would pick days where it's mostly English, but either should be fine. You don't need every day, is my point, just enough to show it's on-going. Does that help?

That's what Ive been thinking.. the purpose is to show that it's ongoing.. so I should provide few pages that is mostly english, maybe from various months?

Also, we have a facebook account and the boyfriend posts something heart-melting every month during our monthsary (LOL! Im now shy of mushiness) Can I just print screen those posts every month instead of the app messages? WIll it look like were having an ongoing bonafide relationship? Coz I was thinking, everyone can create a facebook account and post anything they want. Let me know your thoughts..

Thank you so much!
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-02-03 08:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGoogle Talk & Skype Logs (proof of ongoing relationship - frontloading)

I print-screen some pages and while we are talking I print screen too and then copy paste it in paint (windows). Then we use apps in smartphone (viber) and it has an option to send the chat in email so I printed that too and draw with a black mark the "inappropriate" - too personal conversation :P
I printed random pages so they can be like 10 maybe.

You mean to do printscreen of our faces while videochatting? and yes we were able to send the chat logs of Viber and Line.. ok i wil print like 5 pages of various dates maybe.

Thank you!
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-02-03 08:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGoogle Talk & Skype Logs (proof of ongoing relationship - frontloading)
Does anybody know how to get google talk video chat and Skype logs if we're using both our smartphones not PC/laptop?

We only use these 2 VOIP/smartphone apps everyday as we talk because we cant afford to call each other overseas everyday but I cant seem to figure out how to get a copy of our video chat logs from way way back up to now. It only shows like 2 days worth of our calls.

Also, if we're going to include excerpts from our chat/text messages from various apps like Viber, Line, Whatsapp.. can you give me an idea which should we include? Coz it can really be random stories about how our day went etc etc. and it can be thousand of pages, I really do not know what to include from those text threads. Add the burden of translating coz we use tagalog and english sometimes Tag-Lish :)

That will be the last thing and we're done assembling the packet... We dont wanna make a mistake and we learn a LOOOOTTT from all of you guys!!!

Thank you sooo much!
jetlaggedFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2013-02-03 07:04:00