Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Canadian Citizen removed with 5 year ban - unique situation

I am not so sure why everyone is being so tough on the OP.  It's not like he was trying to skip the waiting line of getting the right visa, or avoid doing something the right way.  I've been reading on this site for 5 years now, and married a citizen of another country.  I get upset when people knowingly break our country's rules, but this isn't your standard case.  I've visited many different countries, and when I first visited the UK to meet my now husband was shocked at the questioning I received.  I went as a tourist to meet him.  They assumed I wasn't coming home.  After over an hour of questioning and being left to sit in a corner when they questioned my friend (at the time we weren't dating, just about to meet), I was terrified.  Finally an upcoming paid trip to Florida finally made them realize I was going home; I wasn't lying about coming over to meet him and see some sights and then going home.


My main point is - does everyone on this site expect everyone to be a legal expert of the ins and outs of the law of every foreign country they intend to visit before visiting?  Or, like the OP said, wouldn't it have been nice for CBP to explain that even though he wasn't paid - he was still working.  I mean, fine, give him the ban - but isn't there a more respectful way of doing it?  He didn't lie or mis-represent what he was doing.  He simply didn't understand the finer details that even though he wasn't getting paid, he was still breaking the law.


Just curious...

Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2014-06-12 01:07:00
United KingdomRenewing UK passport from US - 4 weeks - experiences?

Sorry for the late update.  We received a text that a DHL shipment was arriving the next day on Thursday March 20th.  On Friday March 21st we received the new passport.  We flew on Sunday March 23rd and just returned last night.  So, it took just left than a month from the date they received the passport photo, the old passport, and the declaration page.

Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2014-04-02 18:15:00
United KingdomRenewing UK passport from US - 4 weeks - experiences?

Thanks for sharing your experience stevensane, and srvman - thank-you for the advice/recommendation.  I already paid for & filed the application online, however.  So, it's probably more hassle to try to go back and do it the way you suggest.  Though it sounds MUCH better - especially since my husband's family doesn't live far from Cardiff and it sounds ALOT cheaper to do it from the UK.  We paid 147.86 GBP for the application, shipping, etc that is charged to international renewals.


Definitely something to research ahead of time next time!!! 


I mailed the photos, declaration page, and old passport today - so now get to see how long it will take.  Did the application last Thursday 13 Feb, and now mailed the rest on 20th of Feb.


Thanks again!

Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2014-02-20 13:42:00
United KingdomRenewing UK passport from US - 4 weeks - experiences?

We have completed the application online (something new - wasn't there a few months ago when I first looked via Paid last week online via the online app and submitted the application.  We are mailing the passport photos, the old passport, and the declaration page today.


The website says it will take at least 4 weeks.  Has anybody done this recently?  How long did it take for you to receive the new passport?


My father-in-law just had major surgery and we are hoping to go to Wales as soon as we receive his updated passport - thanks for all the help!

Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2014-02-19 13:09:00
United KingdomLost In Translation

My(Welsh) husband was seriously very confused when his co-worker was going to go out with friends to "shoot the ######".  He couldn't figure out if they all had bad stomachs or what was up!


Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2014-06-09 18:18:00
United KingdomUS Passport size photos
My fiance and I are working on this currently. He lives in South Wales, and we are thinking about him just getting the 2 needed US-size passport photos the day of his interview @ Gould's pharmacy.

We have 1 - US Size passport photo from when we submitted the I-129F. We could scan that on his PC, and print it out on photo paper and cut it out. Has anyone tried this? Will they accept this? This way, he can have it done before the day of the interview.

Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-02-26 14:22:00
United KingdomWaiting...


This is killing me though, we are still waiting for ours! Almost 2 months since we sent off packet 3 as well =/

To the OP - Congrats on getting a date!

ThomasBell - Please fill in your timeline! Thanks!!!

I just got my NOA2 and have been watching everyone's info to see what kind of waiting we can expect. Thanks everyone for posting!
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-03-04 20:57:00
United KingdomMoney, money, money
Here's my experiences and suggestions. I've been to Wales 4 times in the last 15 months, and I recommend using your debit card (after verifying their international transaction fee). I read up a lot about this before my first trip on forums such as and and the majority recommended using ATMs for the best rate.

1. Debit card - I use a local bank (M & I bank) here in the U.S. where I got my Visa debit card issued. You get the best exchange rate (basically you get the rate on - the going exchange rate). It is the best rate I experienced during my trips. My debit card issuer charges a 1% tran fee. (So, this recent trip I got an exchange rate of right about 1.50 dollars to the GBP). When I used Lloyds banks ATMs (just because that's my fiance's bank over there and we were near them), I got the 1.5 rate from the ATM. I pulled out 200 GBPs for right about $300.00 and then got a $3.00 fee.

2. Credit card - next best choice. (Might be the first choice if you have a capital one credit card because they do not charge international transaction fees from what I've seen). They give you the current best exchange rate, but most will charge you a 3% fee.

3. Selling US dollars to get GBPs. When going to any walk-up counter, or even the bank and handing them a wad of US$ - you will pay a commission. I was confused because it would say "commission free" but the rate was $1.66+ So, I gave over $160 and got 93.xx GBP's. In the ATM...if I would have pulled out 100 GBPs with my credit card...I would have got the $1.50 rate...I would have paid just $150 + $1.50 and got 100 GBPs...I gave $8.50 more in US dollars and got 7 less pounds. I think the commission is about 5%.

Enjoy your trip!
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-03-24 22:42:00
United KingdomI can't breath
Best wishes for a smooth and speedy journey!
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-04-25 21:28:00
United KingdomVisiting UK after NOA1
Michael & I received our NOA1 in January. I visited him in February, flying to and from Heathrow. It was the easiest trip through customs/border patrol.

I would recommend during any travelling for either of you, to prove that you have no intention of immigrating when you are simply visiting, to carry with you paperwork showing ties to your home country. Bring a letter or paperwork from your employer showing how many vacation days you have, and/or when you plan to return. Bring some copies of bills. Bring any lease or mortgage paperwork. You may never be asked for it, but if every questioned, you can prove your intentions.

The only time this came up was my very first trip to Michael and it absolutely horrified me that they could send me back without even seeing him if they believed I had intentions of marrying him without the proper paperwork, or immigrating, etc. The only thing that finally stopped the questioning was that I had a paid trip to DisneyWorld coming up a month after I intended to return to the US.
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-04-28 21:41:00
United KingdomUSD-GBP exchange rate
Wow, and the rate keeps getting better (or worse depending on which side of the pond you are currently). It's good for me, but I imagine it's pretty bad for a lot of UK'rs who are wanting to convert their GBP's into $$.
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-05-18 23:31:00
United KingdomAdministrative Processing
Michael got his Passport back with Visa yesterday at this time :) Today, he's just getting to Heathrow with his family and flying over. He arrives in Chicago tonight!!!!!!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-05-26 07:35:00
United KingdomAdministrative Processing
So, we were scheduled to get it Friday, Michael's last day at work. Michael's mother & brother stayed home all day waiting for the courier to arrive. It still hadn't arrived at 4 p.m., so his brother phoned the courier but was told to call back in an hour. They called back and were told the courier truck had broken down, and since they only work until 5, had to report back to the main office!!!!! :angry: They were told the earliest the courier can deliver it is Tuesday!!! :angry: I can't believe that if they have an issue where they fail to deliver on the scheduled day, they don't do everything they can to deliver it asap.

Michael got hom at 6 p.m. and tried phoning them, but was told the offices were closed until Monday. We're still hoping he can fly Wednesday. The very lucky thing for us, is my cousin works for American Airlines and has helped us out with a guest pass for standby tickets. So, we won't be out money, we will just have to cancel the "reservation". We still pay for his flight, but it is cheaper than booking online or thru a travel agent.

Still hoping he gets his Visa & Passport back soon!!! Congratulations to everyone receiving theirs soon, and we wish we could be with the Monday group!!
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-05-23 13:47:00
United KingdomAdministrative Processing
Thank you so very much everybody for your responses, thoughts, and for your words of encouragement and support! I am very happy to report that the courier's tracking website today (sometime between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. UK time) was updated to show that the passport is scheduled to be delivered to Michael's house. So, thankfully I didn't have to call D.O.S. again, especially next week like she suggested!!!

So, if everything works out, we are still hoping for a POE date of next Wednesday 05/26/2010. Thank you so much again everybody, and wishing everyone a speedy journey. It is unbelievably stressful, worriesome, etc.
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-05-20 22:31:00
United KingdomAdministrative Processing
Michael had his interview last Wednesday, May 12th and was told "I am happy to process and approve your Visa application, Congratulations". He was told three to five business days. Today was only the 4th business day following the interview. His last day at work is this Friday, and we've been making plans for him to travel next Wednesday May 26th, though we have not yet purchased any flight tickets. When we enter the info into the courier website, we get "Sorry, this combination of tracking number and postcode do not correspond with our records. Please check and try again.". I called D.O.S. today and she said that we are in Administrative Processing and I should call back next week. She couldn't tell me anything more. :crying:

So, has anybody else been informed they were in "administrative processing" from London? How long have you been waiting. I know treehugger has been waiting 12 weeks as of today. Anybody else?

Or, any tips?

Thank you!
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-05-18 16:47:00
United KingdomCountry Portals
The flag is not a deal breaker for me. I'd probably just add it to my signature. Thanks!
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-11-12 12:05:00
United KingdomCountry Portals
I am the USC wife that posts, but I think it's a good idea to roll all the UK countries into the one UK flag & group (for Country Portals as well as any other grouping reason). I was surprised to see a Welsh flag/country because most places I have to select a country, Wales never appeared.

As much as my husband is Welsh and extremely proud of that, I would have to say extra help, advice, support is always appreciated. I could always indicate Welsh in our signature if UKer's like to see where everybody is from. :)

Thanks Nik & Heather!
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-11-10 09:46:00
United KingdomBetween NOA2 and Interview - 2010
Sorry if I missed it, but another thing that I think might be helpful for "Tips for interview" is to bring a credit/debit card. I've read posts about the courier only accepting cards, no cash at all. I know my fiance usually does not carry cards, only cash.

And, are watches acceptable to wear? I guess they could be considered electronics, but I know he generally wears one, and would probably like to be aware of the time while he's in the embassy.

Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-04-07 23:53:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
:) So, starting to worry about the last 10 days of this process. We've been incredibly blessed along every step of the journey, and I hope it continues so that I get to be with my fiance in 10 days!!! Michael had his interview last Wednesday (May 12th) and was told to expect his Passport with Visa within in about 3-5 working days, so I hope we hear something soon. We are waiting to book the flight until we hear, and we are hoping he is able to get a flight to arrive Wednesday May 26th. When he enters his info into the courier's tracking website, nothing is found at this I'm starting to get nervous!! Oh, and add that the volcano is starting to act up again and flights are being cancelled!! Sooo hoping that we are not in AP or any other type of delay.

Oh, and working with Michael on posting a review, but it will probably be just this e-mail he sent me when he returned from his interview in London.

Well the drive up to London went really well, managed to park in a multi-storey pretty close to the Embassy ... Looks really grand from the outside, Won't spoil the illusion about the inside from what i seen ... appointment as you know was 9.30 ... got in que by 8.10 and inside the embassy after security checks and given a number at 8.47a.m soooo i thought this is looking good for me ...

Ha ... i was wrong , they called my number at 11.40 a.m !!! Only ten minutes at the counter giving the relevant paperwork the officer asked for .. Basic stuff , passport , police certificate and 2 photo's then copies of each ... a/d of support and then told go pay .. and bring back receipt , did that , given a p!nk form to complete and told to fill it in in the waiting area and i would be called shortly .... the consular guy was very frank and to the point ... yuck i no liked him much

Called shortly ha .. he was having a giraffe ! Waited till 12.35 to be called back to the counter ... Where a very pleasant native american lady greeted me , Good afternoon sir ! ... she asked me a swear an oath ... sign your full name and signature form , she would date it and process the rest .. Asked how we met ?... How many times we have met in person face-2-face , where i would be living . when i intended to fly , when i intended to get married and then confused the hell out of me by saying and when do you plan to move to Michigan ? .. i was like meh wft .. excuse me .. she replied back you said you were moving to Milwaukee , i said yes and she then said oh i thought you said your fiancee had a house in Wisconsin .. oh and she started laughing , really laughing ... oh my ... she said .. oh my Mi - michigan .... Wi wisconsin .. Of course Milwaukee is in Wisconsin .. silly me .. ok ok . stop laughing at me .. i had a silly moment that's all .. and she started laughing again ! .. Once she regained some posture she said .. OK.. ok ... I AM HAPPY TO PROCESS AND APPROVE YOUR VISA APPLICATION , CONGRATULATIONS .. AND PLEASE GO PAY THE COURIER ON YOUR WAY OUT ...

All in all that took what seemed like 5 minutes !!!


Took another 10 minutes in queue to pay the courier .. and aaaah finally fresh air and seen wayne and i had a good smoke .

Good Luck and best wishes to everyone going through this extremely stressful process. Hope everyone is reunited with their loved ones soon!!!
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-05-17 18:52:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Great News!!! Michael had his interview this morning and We're Approved!!! He got to the embassy at about 8:10 a.m. for a 9:30 interview, and finally got out around 1 p.m.

Such great news after everything that has been going on lately! They said 3-5 business days for the Visa, but possibly up to 10. We're hoping he gets it soon, so he can safely book the flight. We're hoping it works out that he can be here on May 26th, just in time to go camping for Memorial Day weekend!!

Good Luck to everyone for a safe and speedy journey!
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-05-12 22:22:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Yeah, that seemed to be something that the 2009ers discussed a lot. What dates are you working to/ hopeful for?

Wow, so I called DOS on Wednesday April 21, 2010 in the afternoon and the woman who I spoke to gave me our interview date! Michael actually mailed P3 off on March 27th (we're listed as March 26th on SunDrop's master list because he thought he'd send it off that day). I really didn't expect an interview date, I expected her to say that London received it, but it hadn't been logged yet, as it was only 3.5 weeks after he sent it off. She gave me the interview date of Wednesday May 12th at 9:30 a.m. I couldn't believe it, and must have thanked her a dozen times. I called Michael right away and told him the awesome news. The interview is now less than 3 weeks away and he is trying to wrap everything up to be here at the end of May.

I think writing dates definitely helped us. We worked with the guides and suggestions and chose dates. We listed the dates of travel as ASAP - end of May (or what he could fit in the box), and the date of our wedding as June 5, 2010. Our plan is to get married asap with my closest friends and relatives (probably a group of less than 20 in attendance) within 2 weeks of his arrival. So much depends on getting married - getting his permanent residency status, getting the right to travel with the greencard (both his parents have health issues), getting the right to work with the greencard, getting health insurance, etc. Then, early next year we plan on having 2 blessing/renewal of vows ceremonies - one here in Wisconsin and one in Wales. We hope some family from each side will be able to travel across the pond to celebrate.

It's a mixed feeling of extreme happiness and frustration for those that have submitted their paperwork before ours and yet are still waiting. Wishing that everyone hears something soon and gets to start planning the rest of your lives :) In the beginning of the process, I fully expected not to get P3 until this week based on the current timelines in January. To be this far along is truly amazing.

Amy & Michael
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-04-25 21:02:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Hi folks,

It's been 5 weeks since i sent away my packet with all the forms.. and i can honestly say the waiting is really wearing thin now.. i mean i dont even know if they got the package, in this day and age is it too much to ask for a simple acknowledgement, i dont think so. :(

My fiancee called the DOS today to see if there were any updates and was told that we should call, email or write to the Embassy to ask for an update the lady on the phone said "it has been long enough".

Has anyone got in contact with the embassy and been sucessful in getting a case update or will it be a simple generic response?

What can possibly take so long, its crazy..

Hi nickm,

Hope you and your fiancee have been able to get an update regarding your interview date! I also wanted to thank you for the detailed post regarding your medical in that thread. My fiance seemed to be less nervous after reading some of the posts and really appreciated your post.

Really hope you have heard something! This whole process is just overwhelming and stressful and nerve-wrecking and the worst - extremely unfair. It seems that at every stage that some people end up waiting so much longer than others.

Please update us when you hear,
Amy & Michael
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-04-25 20:45:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
We got our P3 today and hopefully will be sending it off on Friday :) We're really hoping for a late May interview, but I think that may be a bit optimistic! Oh well, we can be optimistic and see what happens ;)

We're now in the "Waiting for an interview date" group!

He scheduled his Medical for April 15th! Now he gets to figure out how to get there!
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-03-24 22:34:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

just wanted to say hi, as we just got our NOA2 trough today and now i am soo excited for this next step and hope that its goes fast as i have a trip to america in June and would love it if i didn't have to come back...but thats wishful thinking

good luck to anyone with upcoming interviews and medicals


That would be soooo awesome for you! I'm hoping my fiance is able to come over by June! So, you booked airfare in June and it was reasonably priced? If it was reasonably priced - Can I ask where you are flying out of and where you are flying to and what dates?

Congrats on NOA2 and best wishes for your speedy packet 3 and interview!
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-03-17 21:44:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Hi :)

Just reporting to say hi and join everyone here. Good luck to everyone waiting for their interview dates, and their Packet 3.

We got our NOA2 on 2/25/2010, NVC received it 3/4/2010, and sent it to London 3/8/2010.

I'm really hoping we get an interview by the end of May, that would be amazingly awesome. Flights to the US seem to rise dramatically starting in June.

Doghandler - I really hope you are able to get your interview and visa by the end of June, I think that's a do-able timeline. Best of Luck and post your progress.

Here's wishing everyone a smooth journey for this last part with the medical and interview and getting those dates!!!

Oh, 1 question if anybody knows the answer - I've read you can book your medical before receiving Packet 3. What number do you need to call. What information do you need in order to book it? Any tips?

Thanks so much!!!!
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-03-10 13:21:00
United KingdomBritish Passport for baby born in US with British Dad
Wow, thank-you for sharing all the information and your own experience! Thanks for even including the links. I'm glad my daughter is born on the 22nd - hopefully they don't try to mix up the month and the date for her! :)

I'll start reading through the form & guidance while we wait for our daughter's birth certificate.
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2012-07-13 15:10:00
United KingdomBritish Passport for baby born in US with British Dad

So, I'm trying to figure out how to apply for a British passport for my baby born in the US. I am an American citizen, by birth. My husband immigrated here in 2010 with the K-1 visa from Wales, U.K. Our daughter was born on June 22, 2012.

I'm reading all kinds of confusing things about registering her birth, applying for British citizenship with an MN-1 form for 551 GBP's, etc. etc. I also have read that it's as simple as applying for a British passport, and when her father is listed as a British citizen, that's all it will take.

I know we don't "Need" a British passport, but I'd like to establish her British citzenship right away. Or, is this a bad idea?

Has anybody done this? Can you give me tips about the process, or links to the passport application, with info on how to do it from the U.S.?

Thank-you so much!
Amy, Michael, and baby Emma
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2012-07-13 01:51:00
United KingdomUS citizen visiting the UK, advice on bringing over money

Not sure what the above poster is talking about - that "Money exchange on a card will kill you".  I experienced the opposite when travelling to the UK when dating my husband in Wales.  I've been over to Wales about 7 times and this is what I've experienced:


I have a Capital One Visa charge card that does not charge the 3% fee for international transactions.  They give me the current best rate whenever I make purchases.  It is not chip & pin like you have over there - but most places can easily swipe it and let me sing.  I have only had problems a few times with business accepting it once or twice and I have used it over 100 times over there.  ASDA's seems to be the most consistent - they can swipe it but don't know if their policy will let them one time, and the next time I don't have any issues.  It's so easy and it's a great rate.


My debit card / ATM card is also a great way to get money.  Most ATMS don't have fees in the UK that I've used.  My credit union charges a $1.00 fee per international transaction so I use it to get about 200 GBP's at a time.  They also give me the best current rate.


When I've taken cash into a local bank (Lloyd's Bank) in the UK - I got a not so good rate, and they charged about 5-10% exchange commission.  I thought the bank & US dollars to convert would be good, but it was the worst way.


I keep some change & bills when I head home so I always have a bit of local cash when I get there every time.



Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2014-03-06 22:29:00
United KingdomRenewing passport, have questions (split topic)

My husband completed the online form at 3 weeks ago today to renew his UK Passport that will shortly be expiring.  2 weeks ago today we mailed the declaration page signature and the passport photos.


We are hoping to get them back soon.


It is cheaper to do if you are in the UK, as it cost us 147.86 GBP, I think.


Good luck!

Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2014-03-06 15:10:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CALLING NVC TO CHECK ON YOUR CASE
I received my NOA2 on Feb 25th, received the hardcopy March 2nd, but called the NVC today and they haven't gotten it yet. I hope they get it soon!!
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-03-04 19:33:00
CanadaObtaining credit in the US
Just curious - to the original OP - do you know the bank that was the holder of the credit card he added. Another poster said they don't believe Chase reports this info, but do you know what bank it was that your fiance had a credit card through and added you?

Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2010-04-26 21:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January Filers, 2013

Never received one text or e-mail even though we filed the form - G-??? (forgot the numbers).  The status on still indicates initial review.  But, we received the 10 year card yesterday - June 22, 2013 (on our daughter's first birthday).  A great first birthday gift from the government for her daddy - 10 years of no more filing or forms.  Unless, of course, he pursues citizenship!  :)

Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2013-06-23 04:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January Filers, 2013

Been checking the USCIS website daily - and according to that we are still in initial review.  protest6wz.gif


However, we received a letter today that we are approved!!!  It was a very un-official looking letter - nothing like the extension letter or biometrics appointment.  It was dated 6/7/13 and said the card would be delivered within 60 days!



Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2013-06-14 23:39:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January Filers, 2013

I remember when was waiting for the the other stages of this stuff - they would actually send the check to the bank and you could see a copy of it on line.

This time is like automatic debit - there is no check copy linked to the withdrawal on-line at my bank site. Plus the NOA number does not work on the usic site - think i need bio letter (??) for the number.

I hate when there is a holiday thrown in there :)

I'm not sure where I read this but - the case number from the NOA1 did not work on the USCIS site for us, and there is a new number issued with the Biometrics appt letter and that did work. I read somewhere that this is the way it works, and that is the way it worked for us.

So, yep, you will need the bio letter to track it online.

Good luck on getting that soon!
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2013-01-23 10:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January Filers, 2013
Regarding the NOA1 date - isn't the most important thing for any statistical analysis - to simply be consistent? If we all were reporting it as the received date that would work too, but then everyone needs to re-submit the information in order to be consistent. Since it was is listed in the information as the date on the letter, then that's what I reported and it's nice to compare consistent information.

Just my 2 cents. I don't think one date is better than the other, just like knowing that we're all talking about the same thing, so I don't have to wonder why everyone else got it considerably slower or faster than I did....
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2013-01-22 11:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January Filers, 2013
We received our Biometrics letter yesterday. It is scheduled for 2/8/13. Hoping for a successful ROC for everyone!
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2013-01-20 15:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January Filers, 2013

Am also adding up for January filers. Already received extension letter and bio appointment letter. So, after fingerprints and pictures are taken whats next????

Goos luck to everyone ;-)

After you do the bio, the next thing is to wait and wait and wait - probably about 8+ months!

They received our package yesterday - how long does it take to know if they accept it ? If they cash the check - is this a sign of acceptance ?

It normally takes a a day or two to accept it, but another few days to get the NOA1 to know they accepted it. If they cashed the check, yes, that means that they accepted it. I saw the cashed check in our online bank access and received the NOA1 in the snail mailbox the same day.
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2013-01-16 10:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January Filers, 2013
IndigoSkies - Is your wife's greencard expired or near expiration? I thought I read that the NOA1 extension letter must be an original to use in conjunction with an expired greencard?

We are traveling to the UK, hopefully, in Feb and I was just wondering.

Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2013-01-15 01:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January Filers, 2013
We received our NOA1 today as well, dated 1/10/13. Also, saw the check was cashed today via my bank's online access. I put the G-1145 E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance form on top of all the paperwork (just underneath the check), and never received an e-mail or text. Hmmm Not sure if this form generally works for people or not.

Happy to have received the NOA1. Watching for the Biometrics appointment! Then, we get to wait 6-12 months it sounds like!

California Service Center (5 applicants)

............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.......Approved....
AMY AND MICHAEL.....01/07/13........01/10/13........--/--/13........--/--/--....

Vermont Service Center (6 applicants)

............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.......Approved....
BERNIE C............01/07/13........--/--/13........--/--/13........--/--/--....

M + M...............01/10/13........--/--/13........--/--/13........--/--/--....


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* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2013-01-14 17:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January Filers, 2013
Updating with confusing's info. So far, 10 applicants by the 10th of January :)

California Service Center (5 applicants)

............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.......Approved....
AMY AND MICHAEL.....01/07/13........--/--/13........--/--/13........--/--/--....

Vermont Service Center (5 applicants)

............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.......Approved....
BERNIE C............01/07/13........--/--/13........--/--/13........--/--/--....

M + M...............01/10/13........--/--/13........--/--/13........--/--/--....


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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.
Amy and MichaelFemaleWales2013-01-10 13:15:00