United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
I want to include this information for others (and save you much frustration) but if you have questions about your case and it seems like things are moving slowly calling this number in Washington DC at the National Visa Center 1-202-663-1225 with your fiance's "Case Number LND**********" plus which Embassy you are working through they are able to give you helpful information about what is going on.

I had to call today because we turned in our Packet 3 on Feb. 1st and had not heard another thing from them. This Washingtom DC number I called said we were "not qualified" because we had not sent part 2 of DS 230. The instruction did not state that part 2 was needed but we will send this happily.

I just wonder how long we would have waited to hear from London Embassy about "not qualified" had I not called the Washington DC number as it was almost 2 months since we sent packet 3 in, I'm sorry but I feel a bit angry right now.
sunsiFemalePoland2008-03-20 10:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of Support Clarification, please
Thank you, SWA2 for your clear and concise answers you have been most helpful. :thumbs:

.....back to work on this now. :wacko:
sunsiFemalePoland2007-07-07 20:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of Support Clarification, please
Thank you kindly SWA2 and Yodrak your response is greatly appreciated.

Explanations can be in an attached letter with other supporting documents

Does "can be" mean this is at my discretion or should I absolutely attach an explanation. Forgive me for being concerned about minute matters but I want this to go smoothly. I'm aware that answering questions that are not asked can lead to more problems/delays in some cases. Thank you.
sunsiFemalePoland2007-07-03 20:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of Support Clarification, please
Anyone, please? :help: I want to get this paper filled out and sent in as soon as possible. Also, from what I've read through a search here at the forum is that some people are saying that they don't include all their assets on this paper but I think that wouldn't be good to do.
sunsiFemalePoland2007-07-02 13:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of Support Clarification, please
Paragraph 7 of form I-134, Affidavit of Support states:

7. That I am employed as or engaged in the business of with (Type of Business)
(Name of Concern) at (Street and Number) (City) (State) (Zip Code)

I derive an annual income of (if self-employed, I have attached a copy of my last income
tax return or report of commercial rating concern which I certify to be true and correct
to the best of my knowledge and belief. See instructions for nature of evidence of net
worth to be submitted.)

I have on deposit in savings banks in the United States......

I have other personal property, the reasonable value which is........

If I am disabled and receiving V.A. Compensation and SSI what do I write in this paragraph? :unsure:
Do I just write "Disabled" and than attach evidence of my net worth? Does I-134 allow the
possibility that there are people who are neither employed nor self-employed!

Paragraph 11 states:

11. That I []* intend [] do not intend to make specific contributions to the support of the
person(s) named in item 3.

(If you check "intend," indicate the exact nature and duration of the contributions.
For example, if you intend to furnish room and board, state for how long and, if money,
state the amount in United States dollars and state whether it is to be
given in a lump sum, weekly or monthly, or for how long.)

What are they asking for? If I am planning to marry somebody I am planning to support him
(if necessery) for as long as he or I shall live. Does "forever" count as a valid duration
of the contribution? :) Or do they mean just the period prior to the marriage?
sunsiFemalePoland2007-07-01 20:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
Gratzies!!!! You didn't get any updates on the website at all before you got the hard copy!?!?

Thank you, Jeraly. smile.gif To be honest I hadn't checked the website in about 2 weeks (was driving me crazy to look wacko.gif ) so I don't know if they listed it there first before sending the NOA2, sorry. sad.gif

My 16 year old brought the mail in and laid it down forgetting to tell me I had mail so I'm lucky and happy I saw it eventually (I think it was the next day sleep.gif ). Kids! dry.gif

wink.gif biggrin.gif
sunsiFemalePoland2007-12-08 14:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
NOA2 dated "Dec. 3, 07 recieved in my hands! smile.gif
sunsiFemalePoland2007-12-08 13:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
Who said you even have to get out of bed to begin with?? devil.gif

laughing.gif idea9dv.gif

*slaps forehead* I can see I'm going to have to start thinking a bit more naughty. diablo.gif girlwerewolf2xn.gif shocked.gif
sunsiFemalePoland2007-09-08 23:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
Rob & Jin:
Hi everyone my names Rob, fiancee is Jin, hope everyone is doing well. It looks like it is avaraging around 110 days for Noa2 at the moment, but its creeping up more towards 120 for the may folks. i predict most people will be looking at 120 + days soon.
Sucks but nothing we can do about that, hang in there it will pass and we will all soon be with our loves.

Thanks Rob & Jin we know that only patience will do here. I think me and my fiance are probably the oldest here so I just wanna still have my teeth and walk without a cane before we start slipping downhill at the speed of light. I want to fully enjoy my sweet man you know like take quiet walks together, dinners out and then turn in each night at a respectable hour. whistling.gif yes.gif wink.gif

sunsiFemalePoland2007-09-08 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!

Cool!! Pm WeeDebz and she'll add you to the online spreadsheet we have now! Make sure the date for the NOA1 is the date it was issued on the paper!!

Aww - it is soo good to see people moving forward in their journey :D

Thanks Jeraly, I did add the wrong date per your instruction then it should have read "July 31, 2007" rather than the date I mistakely put there that reads, "August 02, 2007". I tried to edit it but got the message that I don't have permission to edit this message :huh:
sunsiFemalePoland2007-08-05 06:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!



Tony and Tess----07/16/07---07/26/07---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__
Rick and Dixie-----07/27/07----__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__

English Muffin------07/05/07---07/10/07---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__
Mel and Rene -----07/17/07---07/20/07---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__
mike_n_peewee--07/18/07--- 07-25-07---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__
Bill y Bella----------07/27/07---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__
Arrta ----------------07/28/07---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__
cdherrick981--------07/30/07---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__ michellemilitza------__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__---__/__/__

* If your application was transferred, please enter your data in the section for the 2nd service center.
* * Received date should be the date the application arrived at the service center where it will be adjudicated.
* * * NOA1 & NOA2 dates should be the dates when they were issued, not the date that you received a hard copy.

To add or update your data, simply reply to the latest post that contains the timelines and then edit the quote.
Data should be sorted by service center, then by date received.


If posters are not sure how to add themselves, just add a reply to this topic with only your info and someone will place it in the list

Added marcella.

Recieved NOA1 feels kinda nice to hold it in my hands ^_^
sunsiFemalePoland2007-08-05 06:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
I've been looking over other peoples timelines and I noticed that they recieved their NOA1's AND then their checks were cashed, in that order. However, for me they have cashed my check but I haven't recieved a NOA1, anyone else have this exception?
sunsiFemalePoland2007-08-03 09:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
Thanks, Rick & Dixie for updating the timeline with my info :)

I have just called the bank and my check was cashed Aug 2, 2007 but haven't received anything official like a NOA1. Still it does feel good that they took my money means someone is handling my files. Do we get that money back if they turn us down??? lol :P ^_^
sunsiFemalePoland2007-08-03 08:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
Sent I-129F July 23, 2007 and received at Vermont Service Center July 24, 2007.

I asked for a return receipt when I mailed it out but haven't gotten one back yet. SOOOO, I went to U.S. Post Office online website and looked up it had the arrival time and who signed for it so I printed that out. My question is this, will this be enough proof that it was recieved or should I march down to the local Post Office and ask where my return receipt is?!? All that work to make sure I cross all the "T's" and dot all the "I's" and then this little glitch !@#$%!!!
sunsiFemalePoland2007-08-03 07:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS! (2)
Hiya all, this message is for Jeraly so she can update the thingie WE HAVE OUR INTERVIEW DATE! dancin5hr.gif It's April 29th! kicking.gif

I was getting ready to make another call to Washington DC to ask what the problem was and got a call instead from my fiance saying he just recieved the mail with the good news. whew, can breath again. tongue_ss.gif

sunsiFemalePoland2008-04-02 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS! (2)
I want to include this information for others (and save you much frustration) but if you have questions about your case and it seems like things are moving slowly calling this number in Washington DC at the National Visa Center 1-202-663-1225 with your fiance's "Case Number LND**********" plus which Embassy you are working through they are able to give you helpful information about what is going on.

I had to call today because we turned in our Packet 3 on Feb. 1st and had not heard another thing from them. This Washingtom DC number I called said we were "not qualified" because we had not sent part 2 of DS 230. The instruction did not state that part 2 was needed but we will send this happily.

I just wonder how long we would have waited to hear from London Embassy about "not qualified" had I not called the Washington DC number as it was almost 2 months since we sent packet 3 in, I'm sorry but I feel a bit angry right now.
sunsiFemalePoland2008-03-20 10:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNo shortcuts experience
What is this "James Shortcut" I did a search and found nothing would someone provide a link, please? thanks.
sunsiFemalePoland2007-11-03 20:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical waiver for K1 Visa

Is it possible you can hire a live-in caretaker through some kind of health service? I know it may be a bit expensive, but it's even more expensive and a headache to try to prove hardship to the USCIS.

Good point. I haven't checked into such a plan so I have no idea how much the cost but it's worth a look.


I don't really know anything about visas to Canada for Poles, but there is a great Canada immigration/visa group on where someone can give you a straight answer about his chances.

I think I've been to that site at one time and thanks for the suggestion.

When I asked what you'd like to ideally have happen, I meant in a bigger sense. You are apparently prepared to marry this man and move him into your (currently fragile) household sight unseen. So, I'm bringing that up--don't you feel that meeting in real life and checking things out further is a more sensible approach? There *is* a reason the meeting requirement was put into the law.
Further, are you ready for everything that is a part of immigrating him? Can you support him financially? Are you OK with him not working for several months after he gets here. Is he employable right off the boat, or will he need ESL classes etc.
Sometimes people focus on 'what visa to apply for' without having a clear plan beyond 'just get him/her to the US so we can snuggle!' I'm not saying that's so for you, but maybe there are better options for you besides a marriage-based visa. Look around, there are lots of ways for him to come to the US temporarily.

:secret: Well, to give you a better picture of our situation we are both on the "down slope" if you know what I mean and no longer can be considered young. I've lived a good part of my life and have a better idea of what I want and need than I did as a 20/30/40 year old. I would never invite someone into my life for a "snuggle" (ignoring my "hunka-hunka" comment earlier :whistle: ) there's just too much at stake for such frivolous actions.

Yes, I can support him (if need be) and he is job ready as soon as he steps on American soil...he and I have covered this part of the equation from ever angle and prefer not to make any major or drastic mistakes at this point in our lives. With all due respect, because I am unknowledgable about the visa process does not make me immature, but appreciate you asking the question. :)
sunsiFemalePoland2006-04-22 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical waiver for K1 Visa

I did find a related post about it that does not look promising

No it doesn't. :( It seems this bill keeps getting sweep under the rug. I found out that the lone Senator who voted against this last time was Diane Feinstein.....I'm sure this Montana New sourse is fair and balance (now if it were Idaho, hmmm :P )

I want to find out what happened to a House bill that addresses the Polish visa waiver, note the date.

I include these last two links also because the points raised were good ones from a political view point. The first was written by an American who is Polish and the second from the Heritage Foundation that is conservative (and me the big "L" word ^_^ ) but they bring up some very good arguements.


Can he travel to Canada or Mexico? Could you, then?

I'm very close the the Canadian border but to travel there now is impossible. Are you saying that it would be easier for him to get a visa for Canada?

Actually, in re-reading, it seems you may have some misconceptions about the process. How do you reckon it will take a year+ before he can come to the US to visit you?

I admit to knowing very little but I'm getting a crash course in American & Polish visa proceedures. I think I had the lottery mixed up with this process and it's something different altogether.

What is it you would ideally like to have happen?

Well, at this point since we've talked about the options having him travel here would would be the best way.

And, pls confirm, there is no way you can leave your home for any period of time, at all. Is that right?

No, not at this time and future travel is uncertain. Also, finding a caregiver for my daughter as friends didn't feel comfortable with the responsibility.
sunsiFemalePoland2006-04-22 13:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical waiver for K1 Visa

I'm interested to know about the bill you've mentioned--do you have a bill number or a link where I can read more?

Here you go, meauxna these articles cover it pretty well and provide the bill number too. I'm very interested to know how this vote went (seems like it was re-introduced last week) because this would make life so much easier for me and my Polish hunka-hunka burning love. :goofy: :D When I called my State Senators and the bill sponsors last week they weren't aware of the status then.

sunsiFemalePoland2006-04-21 12:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical waiver for K1 Visa
rofl...whew you were just waiting for me weren't you :P ...very good info, btw :)

Yes, I have some links.....I'll go dig 'em up and be right back. :yes: :innocent:


Direct Consular Filing

I don't know what that is but just the way you said (with a bit of authority :D ) mays me feel a little happy. We'll look into that infact my finace will be in Poland in May it might be something he can find out better from there, thanks. :)
sunsiFemalePoland2006-04-21 06:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical waiver for K1 Visa

As a side note I'd like to ask more thing if you would be so kind. If you would call your State Senators and remind them of a bill that's coming up for Homeland Security where they are to decide whether or not to waiver the visa process for Poland now that Poland is part of the EU. Remind them that Poland is a friend to the USA and supports our fight on terroism and has even sent their own troops to fight along side our troops in Iraq risking their lives as well. Tell them that you are aware that only one Democrat Senator prevented the passage of this bill back in 2004 and that it's time to treat our friends in a desent manner. Thank you. :)

It's not so much a question of 'who is our friend' but how have Poles themselves done on obeying the terms of non-immigrant visas.

Hiya :)

I'm afraid I don't understand your comment would you expound on that a little and provide links, if you will, so that I too can be enlightened, thanks.
sunsiFemalePoland2006-04-20 19:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical waiver for K1 Visa
First, I'd like to thank the wonderful friendly members of this board who have generously taken the time to respond to my thread with helpful advise. You all must be incredible individuals having gone through this visa process which from my own experience isn't an easy thing to do.

I've taken some time to think and to talk to my fiance and we've decided that he will come here to visit. Up until about a week ago it wouldn't have been possible for him to come because he was still waiting on Poland to issue a passport but last Thursday the Polish Consolate in London mailed him comfirmation that it had arrived and he went to pick it up.

The strain of all that is taking place in my life right at the moment has been partially relieved because now I can give my attention where it needs to be right and that is with my daughter knowing that my fiance can carry some of the weight.

I have to credit all the people that took the time to help with careful advise here at these boards because our revised plans are a reflection of this help. It's funny but sometimes the things that seem so plain to others can be missed when you're in an emotional fog from situations that mean so much to you. (L)

As a side note I'd like to ask more thing if you would be so kind. If you would call your State Senators and remind them of a bill that's coming up for Homeland Security where they are to decide whether or not to waiver the visa process for Poland now that Poland is part of the EU. Remind them that Poland is a friend to the USA and supports our fight on terroism and has even sent their own troops to fight along side our troops in Iraq risking their lives as well. Tell them that you are aware that only one Democrat Senator prevented the passage of this bill back in 2004 and that it's time to treat our friends in a desent manner. Thank you. :)
sunsiFemalePoland2006-04-20 05:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical waiver for K1 Visa

which visa would u apply for? the K1 or K3?

We would be appling for the K1 but you and others have stated that they might ask for him to come here instead. This would add a year and a half (or more) to our meeting but until I look up the facts regarding that I'm just going on my memory of what I've read.


To give you an idea at just how difficult it will be to get a waiver of meeting, take a look at the rulings from the USCIS here->

Thanks...though it might be easier for him to run over our southern border, the proposed amnesty timeline seems about the same...nothing to lose. :hehe:
sunsiFemalePoland2006-04-18 07:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical waiver for K1 Visa

Whilst your daughters medical condition may be accepted as valid reason, you would also have to show and give valid acceptable reason as to why your fiance can not travel to meet with you instead.

In my panic I had forgotten seems a longer route to take but it can be done. If I remember correctly though there is a cut-off date for appling and we may have missed it for this year so appling for a K1 Visa might still be a good gamble...any thoughts on that?

Looks like I have to do some more research looking at it from his side now but thanks for pointing that out aussiewench, and your kind wishes.

Edited by sunsi, 18 April 2006 - 06:23 AM.

sunsiFemalePoland2006-04-18 06:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical waiver for K1 Visa
Thank you, john_and_marlene and Jaylen Brit for taking the time to respond with those helpful replies. You brought up information that I hadn't thought of or was even aware of. For instance, the thought never crossed my mind that they would ask us to wait till my daughter could travel leaving plans up in the air. :(

I think that at this point I'm comfortable with the idea of consulting a lawyer because there are too many things that can go wrong and I need this experience to be as flawless as possible for us.

Again, thanks for your replies.
sunsiFemalePoland2006-04-18 06:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical waiver for K1 Visa
I've known my fiance for over 2 years and we have made plans for him to come here to the States and for us to be married.

I have a daughter with a medical condition that prevents me from traveling to meet him in person. Surgery plans were on/off repeatedly for the plus 2 years that I've know my fiance so it's been difficult to make any concrete travel plans or to find a caregiver for my daughter while I made the trip.

My question is when I submit the I-129F Cover Letter do I send along statements from my daughters neurosurgeon and neurologist or wait for them to ask me for these doctor statements?

My fiance feels we should start this process ourselves and if we determine later on that a lawyer is needed to then get one but I wonder if we should get a lawyer right away to smooth the process. I've read that waivers are rare and hard to get and I don't want any long, drawn out glitches.

Any advise would be appreciated especially from anyone who has gone through a simular situation, thank you.
sunsiFemalePoland2006-04-18 01:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is a fair price?
You all are great! Thank you, for taking the time to respond. :energetic:

Yes, our case is very straight forward no little things hiding out in the proverbial closet BUT I did have another idea today and wondered if it would be speedier than a K1 Visa. Tell me what you think 'cause I'll ask the lawyer too on Monday when I go for my initial meeting. Here goes: :idea:

What if I went to London (where my Polish fiance has been living for 25 years) and we got married there and applied for a K3 Visa instead? Would that be a faster process you think? We have been a commited couple for 3 1/2 years (this is no whirlwind kinda thing :clock: ) and I just want to get this horse outta the barn, lol :hehe: :yes:

If you think this will only complicate the situation let me know and tell me how it would. I'll be throwing all this at the lawyer (get my moneys worth, heh ^_^ ) so anything you can think of would be appreciated.

Again, thanks for the terrific responses you all are super and give me hope.

P.S. Use the money for a party instead that's a good one! :jest:

Edited by sunsi, 10 June 2007 - 02:56 AM.

sunsiFemalePoland2007-06-10 02:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is a fair price?
Thanks, for all the encouragement it means a lot :) After all is said and done my pocketbook determines what I will do so I might find myself going it alone anyway but it seems like it will slow me down as I learn all this and check, recheck stuff that a lawyer finds second nature

I thought a ball park figure of around $1000.00 not including filing fees would be reasonable. I have never dealt with a lawyer for this and don't want something jumping up and biting me at the end. I think I would ask this lawyer after he quotes his price if this is absolutely the price with no surprises later on. I'll be very firm about that and would expect to see something in writing, of course. I just hate going the lawyer route cause I feel like they can see me coming a mile away but my desire to have my fiance here sooner rather than later overrides any pride.

Sleepy, starting to babble sorry lol :rolleyes:
sunsiFemalePoland2007-06-09 00:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is a fair price?
I have thought long and hard about this and I need the help a lawyer can give. First of all, I need the help to organise because I admit I'm a nervous wreak and I feel a lawyer will prevent the little mistakes that turn into disasters. It just seems that you get a little peace of mind is all. :unsure:

My question to those who have "recently" used a lawyer can you give me a round figure of what you paid, please? I know it's a very personal question but it would help me tremendously when I go on Monday to see this lawyer and he asks for an amount. I would like to know if it falls in with what others are paying.

Thank you. :)
sunsiFemalePoland2007-06-08 23:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 questions before I mail this?
Item 10 could be written more clearly I think. It says, "Give number of certificate, date and place it was issued."

My birth certificate has 3 dates on it, the day I was born, the date it was filed (which was the day after my birth) and the date that I ordered the certified copy. :wacko: I wrote down the date that I ordered the certified copy and I don't feel real confident about that.

I appreciate everyone's help though, thanks. :)
sunsiFemalePoland2007-07-19 09:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 questions before I mail this?
Thank you, Nini & Bee you have been most helpful! :thumbs:
sunsiFemalePoland2007-07-19 04:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 questions before I mail this?
Question 1:
On the I-129F item 10 asks "Give number of certficate, date and place it was issued" this is concerning my birth certificate. I see a couple of numbers and I'm not sure which one is correct anyone know where on the certificate to look for this number, please? :unsure:

Question 2:
At this LINK scroll about half way down and after the number "14" you'll see this written:

*Please note, while you are allowed to submit an I-134 Affidavit of Support with the I-129F package, it is not required and the embassy may eventually request that you submit the same information again to ensure that it is still valid. Typically the I-134 Affidavit of Support will be filled out by the US Citizen and sent to the fiance(e) for the K1 interview. It is not required to be sent to the Service Center with the I-129F (and not recommended). Some Consulates require extra information to be included with the Affidavit, so you need to hang onto it until you have learned whether or not there are additional requirements. These will be listed on the OF-167 "financial support" document the fiance(e) receives from the Consulate. You can also refer questions to the newsgroup about experiences regarding the Affidavit. (Also go and look at question 4.3.1)

I thought we have to include the I-134 Affidavit of Support with the I-129F package what should I do please help, thanks. :)
sunsiFemalePoland2007-07-19 03:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsequences of withdrawing I-129F
Divorce of the sponsor and alien does not terminate this obligation." (With special consideration placed on the very last sentence here...)

Yeah, I think that part hit me right in the solar plexus although taken together with the whole makes one balk. No one likes to think that the love they feel now might end someday and hopefully it will not. For instance the reason we buy car insurance isn't because we plan on an accident or even consider that it would happen to us but we buy it because we know that sometimes things happen and it's best to be prepared.

It seems that this whole thing is tipped way too much in favor of one side and very little recourse for the sponsor. protest6wz.gif

I thought about that too when reading the papers. It was highly ironic that the only concern the government here has is to make sure they can nail support and financial obligations on a citizen, but the tax payer foots the bills for all the illegals who we can't stop at the border.

Agreed! Makes me so mad all I can do is cry. sad.gif I think now is a good time to write that letter I've been wanting to send off to my Senator (Hillary Clinton) who said she can't understand why people are so angry about illegals and amnesty.....WELL! ranting33va.gif
sunsiFemalePoland2007-08-24 07:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsequences of withdrawing I-129F
I think what was giving me the jitters was reading the finer print on the Affidavit Of Support. All that talk about being sued by everybody and their brother was a bit unnerving for me. huh.gif I can see where it would make the person immigrating feel more secure but I thought it does nothing to make the sponser feel ok and gives no recourse to protect yourself. dry.gif sleep.gif

Don't worry, I'm not withdrawing my petition having had a couple of days to think it over I admit I was in a bit of a panic when I opened the thread. rolleyes.gif

I love my fiance. wub.gif

Thanks for the informative and caring responses too. good.gif
sunsiFemalePoland2007-08-23 15:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsequences of withdrawing I-129F
I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for this question. unsure.gif

I may need more time before making this monumental adjustment in my life and need to know all repercussions if I withdraw the I-129F papers that I filed? Any information or help in this matter would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Edited by sunsi, 22 August 2007 - 10:05 AM.

sunsiFemalePoland2007-08-22 10:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIdea about resigning!
Great question! I got a lot out of this information myself and I'm sure others have that same feeling of limbo.
sunsiFemalePoland2007-08-25 00:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFIANCEE WANTS TO RETURN TO KOREA!!
3 - If a partner needs to PROVE summat to the other, the trust is fuct.
4 - If trust is fuct, the relationship is in trouble.
5 - OP & fiancee, I hope for your sake that I'm wrong

Agreed, but I think she already has an awareness of this as painful as it may be. She has seen his disloyalty to a previous wife and this cannot escape her thoughts no matter how far back she pushes it in her mind.

I'm going to go out on a limb here. I assume your man got the case # from his NOA1 or the back of his check.
NOA1 = Have him scan you his NOA1
Check = Have him show you online the back of the check.

She'll spend the rest of her life checking and double checking his words because of previous behavior so your idea lucho is reasonable for her to do. I would also call some of the official phone numbers associated with their NOA1 (there is a phone listed on this document) and ask questions until satisfied one way or another.
sunsiFemalePoland2007-08-24 19:15:00