US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Ooohhh I can't believe this, my sons Visa is now out for delivery and mine is still on PROCESS IN THE EMBASSY huhuhuhuhu
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2007-01-23 20:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Hello everyone, I am here with question again. I tracked our visa status at and I feel a little nervous because my sons visa is for delivery tomorrow and mine still says that SHIPMENT PROCESS IN THE EMBASSY. My confusion is that if they grant my son a visa,how come mine isn't out yet when in fact my son is depending on mine. What should I need to expect? I am so worried.

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2007-01-23 09:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Good Day Fellow VJers!!

Jennie completed her medical exam 1/17-18 this week and everything looks great. During the immunization she was told that SLEC does not give the TD (Tetanus/Diphtheria) vaccine and she would have to get it when she gets to the US. I am guessing that this vaccine is necessary for AOS, correct?

I asked my physician here about that vaccine and whether the vaccine can be given during pregnancy. I was told "ABSOLUTELY NOT". The only time a doctor would give that to a pregnant woman is when she cuts herself...say with a rusty nail...and there is the risk of infection.

So my question is....

What if she gets pregnant right away upon entering the US and is unable to get the vaccine for AOS? Will they still approve AOS based on this? Any thoughts or experiences on this?

Thank you.

I was given a TD shot when i was 8 months preggy. It truly doesnt harm my boy.

Edited by RiggerAF, 20 January 2007 - 01:09 AM.

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2007-01-20 01:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Thanks Ken and Maria...anyone heard about SWAY'S interview?
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2007-01-19 10:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Thank you so much for the input. Now I wonder if I am still going to bring my sons BC with me. I sure do know that he isn't needed during the seminar or counselling or whatever..Anyone here that has experience with K2 what is going to happen for K2 at the CFO. Do I still need a photocopy of his BC and a passport size photo. Thanks in advance
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2007-01-19 09:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Rigger, Maria just completed her CFO on 19 Jan and they did not ask for the letter of advice. Maria is 22. I think it is the 18-21 yr olds they are lookign for when asking for the letters that are only required to marry in the Philippines. maria wnet tot he 1:30 pm session and was finished by 3 pm. All we nee to do now is go back after we receive the approved visa and get the stamp. Good luck, Ken

Ken and Maria,

Do you mean to say that I can go there without having my passport? and just go back there for stamp once I recieve my Visa? I'll sure do want to give it a try... I'll go Monday and try my luck... Any advice please? Thanks

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2007-01-19 09:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

:( sorry to hear that DocMay, surely Ana just being pressured about the clippings/video shown at the seminar and the 1on1 counseling at CFO, Hopefully you two could still talk about the possibility to push this through. God bless!

RiggerAF, goodluck to your CFO ... hope your Mom don't mind going with you, but its a pain in the neck of waiting, although you will know early if she's needed at once. it's just a day and it'll gonna be finished in a day with all you need in CFO.

regards everyone!

Thank you so much you've been so helpful eversince. So what are the things I need to bring with me for the seminar? Passport? Evidences? What else? Thanks so much


Edited by RiggerAF, 19 January 2007 - 09:13 AM.

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2007-01-19 09:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Hey Ken,

It is not a problem for me any longer as 2 days after Ana went to the CFO conference, my Ana sent me a good bye letter. The day of the CFO, she started telling me that the ladies at CFO told her that I was looking for a companion. I told her that I was looking for love. Then, she sent me the good bye 2 day later. Confused but this is her decision. The CFO job is to discourage women from leaving their country. I guess that she was too gullible and believed the sweet little nuns.

Only problem for me is that she was my second I-129F petition: Under the new law, a person can only have two approved I-129F petition in their life even if it is for a spouse.

Of course she promised to pay me back for sending her to school and paying for her past education. God will judge her.

Dr. Joe May

Wow, I am so sorry to hear that she gave you up just because of the CFO seminar. I think you gtwo can still work things out. Talk to her and find out her real feelings for you. I hardly believe that she got brain washed by the seminar. If her love is strong enough she could find a way to fight for it. I am really to hear about this.

Anyway I am going to CFO seminar once I am going to recieve my visa and I really doubt if I still need parental consent and stuff. I am already 23 yrs old and a mother of 4 yrs old boy. It's going to be so crazy if they are still going to ask for parents consent even if I don't live with my parents for over a year now because my fiance is supporting me. But I do want to be prepared though.

My Mom is going to be here IN Manila for Conference so I guess I am just going to pull her and take her with me to the CFO. But what's funny is that hhheeeelllooooo I am already a mother.....why do I still need a parents consent uuuuggghhhhh
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2007-01-19 06:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

does anyone here has experienced visa delivery over two weeks, thanks! im freaking out mine is already two weeks and haven't heard anything from the embassy yet! salamat!

Aww I am sorry to hear. My prayers are for you I hope you're going to recieve it soon? Where is your delivery address?

I am really hoping to recieve ours soon co im planning on leaving by 26th this month.
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2007-01-18 06:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Hello everyone, I just want to thank you all for the support and information I got from this forum. We just got approved, I think, I asked the cosul he said we're ok, I saw the K APPROVED thing on a pink slip, I paid DELBROS... so I think that was it. My appointment was 7:30 and we get out the embassy by 9:30. K applicant with minors will be expedited, as far as I observed they attach and little thingy that says PLEASE EXPIDITE WITH MINOR, it's orange in color.

Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

Hey Uling Thanks, I printed all the info from your signature and it's really a big help. I don't feel innocent at all about the whole process.

My appointment was 7:30 am but they let me in by 6:30.
Got the ticket with a number by 7:00 am....
Heard my name being called for finger scanning...
after few mins I saw my number flashing at the query board for pre-interview
after 30 mins was my interview by the CONSUL
Waited 30 mins and went to window 32 and they returned my evidences, I was given a pink slip
Brought the pink slip to delbros and I was given a form
I paid and that was it...

but it was really UNFREAKINGLIEVABLE that my mind is at ease just being able to see that K APPROVED thingy....I feel so peaceful right now...wooohooo!! good luck anyone

Edited by RiggerAF, 18 January 2007 - 06:06 AM.

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2007-01-18 06:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

hi all!
got a question! they say we'll have to bring our x-ray film with us to the US... do i really have to hand carry it (it wont fit in my bag), or putting it in a check-in luggage would do just fine??? if its important for the immigration officer then no choice but to carry it w/ me, if its not actually "needed" then it'll goes to the luggage... any ideas??? thanks!

CONGRATS to RiggerAF!!!
good luck for tomorrow's and up coming scheds!!!

Thanks for the congrats, but yeah with all those stress and sacrifice it only took 4 mins to talk with the consul....I was hoping for more questions and stuff but that was it lol

I have the same question...people outside SLEC said that we need to hand carry the X-ray film but upon the release I was told that I only need to carry the vaccination record for I am going to show at the POE. So which is which? hand carry or luggage?

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2007-01-18 05:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Thanks for the Congrats. I was so worried and nervous but geeee it was really chicken. Interview? Nothing to worry about about as long as you know your SO so well.

Good luck to all who are going to interview. God Bless.

Edited by RiggerAF, 17 January 2007 - 10:45 PM.

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2007-01-17 22:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Hello everyone, I just want to thank you all for the support and information I got from this forum. We just got approved, I think, I asked the cosul he said we're ok, I saw the K APPROVED thing on a pink slip, I paid DELBROS... so I think that was it. My appointment was 7:30 and we get out the embassy by 9:30. K applicant with minors will be expedited, as far as I observed they attach and little thingy that says PLEASE EXPIDITE WITH MINOR, it's orange in color.
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2007-01-17 22:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
wwhhheewwww my third post!

Do you guys think I still need to bring chat logs with me? We don't meet on line. I have my papers intact in the folder as follow:



a page that says EVIDENCE OF SUPPORT

anything else I need to add? im printing out few of our chat logs but didnt include it in the folder and will just bring it with me in case they are going to need it...anything else i need? Please help! I am starting to feel nervous and shaking............aaaaaaaaahhhhhh this feels like I am going to have a rope on my neck....huhuhuhu

Edited by RiggerAF, 16 January 2007 - 07:45 AM.

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2007-01-16 07:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

For the Manila embassy interview, can my fiancee use her passport style photograph she submitted with her K1 petition? She took that photo about 7 months ago. I don't see why she cannot. Any experience anyone in using the photos submitted with the petition? thx. :blush:


She will need photo for US VISA which is 2x2 and the instruction is in the packet.
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2007-01-16 07:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

You did not mention a date, but TravelPH has PAL flights in Feb $815 including taxes to SF. I got my fiancee's one-way through TravelPH to Honolulu for $566. Everyone else was $800+. Ken

PAL is the best way too go for the direct flight. @ 46,746.00 PHP (956.42 USD) one way the cost is not bad for the not needing too change planes.

Holy Cow! That much??? That's about what I paid to fly to the Philippines round trip from LAX on Cathay Pacific back in April. I was counting on finding a one-way ticket for under $600, especially since I'm going to need to buy one for Jinky and her 5 year old son, Job.

Did you look into your fiancee purchasing the ticket over there? I believe you'll save some money that way as well.

There's a bit difference from purchasing abroad than purchasing here in Philippines. Travelling with a minor can save a little bit because of this law called DISCOUNTED TRAVEL TAX FOR MINOR. We haven't purchased any ticket yet. We are making sure to see the visa first before purchasing wwoooohhhhh!!!!! so nervyyyy....
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2007-01-16 07:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Phil-Am Families...

I need some input to add more information to the Phil-Am K1 Information that we have assembled, but I want to have just the information that we supplied for our approval. These are the frequently asked questions that I have received about the DS-156 and I-134 forms.

Well, check this out and let me know...

NOTE: It is my assessment that all of the questions below are actually designed for the other nonimmigrant categories.

Most frequently asked questions on the DS-156 Nonimmigrant Visa Application:

Question # 26
Q. How long do you intend to stay in the US?
A. (We answered…) INDIFINITELY

Question # 27
Q. What is the purpose of your trip?
A. (We answered…) To marry [petitioner’s full name], fiancé(e), via a K1 Fiancée Visa with 90 day of arriving into the United States.

Question # 32
Q. Do you intend to Work in the US? (check box) Yes (check box) No
A. (We checked... NO and wrote) NONE (in the available space below)

Question # 33
Q. Do you intend to Study in the US? (check box) Yes (check box) No
A. (We checked… NO and wrote) NONE (in the available space below)

Most frequently asked question on the I-134 Affidavit of Support form:

Question # 11
Q. That I (check box) intend (check box) do not intend to make specific contributions to the support of the person(s) named in item #3.
A: (We checked intend and wrote…) This affidavit of support accompanies a K1 Fiancée Visa application. (in the space below)


Sheriff Uling

for the question #11 in affidavit of support I answered N/A (K1 VISA PROCESS FOR PERMANENT RESIDENCE) SUPPORT FOR DURATION OF LIFE

hope it's acceptable because Zane get so nervous over little things. They just finished the medical exam today and it went fine for her and our son Zeahne. I am hoping that interview will go fine for them.

Lastly, is there anyone here know a cheaper way to send money for ticket? (except western union)

Thanks a lot
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2007-01-12 06:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

When I'm there I use one of those security wallet thingies that tucks under my thw waistband in my pants. The money gets a little sweaty but I still have it. :lol:

Chris (my fiance) did the same when he got here in Philippines and I was laughing hard. Filipino friends in Hawaii advise him not to wear any jewelry and stuff. Now what's funny is that he complain a lot because he found it hard everytime he would get something from his secret thingy tied on his legs. He finally took it off right at the middle of the crowd :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by RiggerAF, 22 December 2006 - 11:11 AM.

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-22 11:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
I am totally freaked out now. I am going to SLEC tomorrow with my son but I have a slight cough. I have a chronic bronchial asthma since childhood and I am worried that they are going to screw us too. Please pray for us. Thank you so much and may you all have a fantabulous christmas.


Edited by RiggerAF, 22 December 2006 - 11:02 AM.

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-22 11:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Urrrghhhh :bonk: i mean the time we got an appointment
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-18 10:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Anybody else have trouble logging onto appointment site this morning?


Appointment site has been down since this afternoon, Manila time. First thing that came to mind was.. "they could be updating!!!" :)

Don't want to keep hopes up but then.... it's 9:30 p.m. here, Manila time.. so I'm hoping we see some good news in 11 hours or so. More so for you and the others who seem to gotten skipped! Of course me on the border line can wait next month for March skeds.

But still....
Fingers crossed, :)

I observed the same the time we got an approval. The site for checking the case number was down and then BOOM there goes a flood of appointments. Fingers crossed for you guys and toes too! Hope ya'll going to get an appointment soon.

Right now I am organizing my documents in the folder and in sequence according the the instruction and I hope I did this right. I am a bit nervous but at the same time excited to face the consul. Geeeeeee I had to paste the pictures in the bond paper so that its going to be organize inside the folder and even included some of my scrapbook pages. Huhuhuhu

Going to go to SLEC maybe just around this week. I am finding it hard to get up early morning hahaha...No worries though coz sched of medical will be January 12, just wanting to be ahead.

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-18 10:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Hi! I'm not sure if I'm in the right section of this forum. Our K1 was approved yesterday ! :dance: :dance: .Now, I'm a bit lost with the rest of this process.Should I start gathering the supporting paperworks and send it to him asap or it's better to wait until he receives a letter from US Embassy in Manila before I send it? How long do you think before we get called for an interview? My fiance is still working on his master's program and will graduate in March.Can you also add me to your tracking list if you don't mind? :) SALAMAT PO!

You are exactly at the right section of the forum. It's better to send him all the supporting documents he is going to need beforehand. The advantage of this is knowing what else is lacking. He can finish his masteral study. The visa won't expire until 6 months.

Edited by RiggerAF, 15 December 2006 - 10:48 AM.

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-15 10:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview


I can't find the DS156 form in the USE site.... all the DS156 is all the 156k forms...where can i find the form that has barcode?

Thank you so much!


Never mind I got it. From this thread of course hahaha...thanks guys
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-15 03:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

I can't find the DS156 form in the USE site.... all the DS156 is all the 156k forms...where can i find the form that has barcode?

Thank you so much!

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-15 02:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

I am around the area as well, they told me they sent it December 12, with the information you just shared to me I guess I should get mine anytime soon. Thanks again!

Packet should be there today or tomorrow!

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-13 23:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Hi PW please update our timeline


Thank you so much


Hey there, just wanted to know how may days did it took you to received your packet 4? Thanks!

It took 3 days to get here. The packet was sent December 11 unlike what the embassy told my fiance that it was December 9. I am here in Metro Manila, but don't worry I think all the packet is going to take 3 days. They are sending it through DHL! Everyone should have thier packet soon.
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-13 23:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Hi PW please update our timeline


Thank you so much

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-13 22:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Awww I was wishing there is someone here in VJ that is same interview date as mine. This means I'm going to be sitting there like a well-behaved puppy huhuhuhu. I am so happy seeing all these dates. God is so good! I hope that all of us is going to get approved!


Edited by RiggerAF, 13 December 2006 - 09:44 AM.

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-13 09:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Holy C O W ! Are they trying to rescue the filipino from typhons? Wow that's a lot all together. Congrats everyone who finally got an interview date and to those who just got approved. It's a big celebration for this forum.


Edited by RiggerAF, 13 December 2006 - 01:43 AM.

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-13 01:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Congrats Madison and prayers for Roymcn3rd. Glad things are moving along so fast!

Anyway I have a question, I am planning on attending the CFO guidance and counseling as soon as I can. Do you think this is possible? What can I do? GEEZZ Im so lost! Shaking! and uuhhhh....

My fiance was told that the packet has been sent out last friday but until now I don't have it yet. I am kind of worried because I am only here in manila and uuugggghhhh what's taking so long?

Needing Help and Opinions,

1st I think you need to get through the interview. The reason is you need to have the Office at the CFO see all of the Documents. I do know your not to open up the Brown Envelope until you reach the Port Of Entry. Do you have an Interview date yet?
Try this link & put in your case # to see. Click on the "Check your case number here for appointment"


My Fiance waited until after the Visa was issued for the CFO...

This is the Packet #4

I really wish it was easier to get information....The way all of this goes down is inexusable. The Gov. should make all things more clear. I just spent 3 hours on the phone with a POE Question that no one could answer.....

You don't need the VISA to go to the CFO. Please don't post misleading information. :protest:

Yes we do have an interview date already and medical appointment on 12th of january but I am planning to get the CFO done the day before my medical which I am planning on going by 20th this month. It's going to be a little bit tough because I have a four year old son and the wait in line can be frustrating for a hyper kid like him.


Good Luck to you then. Sounds like you have things under control....
I did not mean to post anything mis leading....Its what I have been told. So if it's wrong...than I stand Corrected!!!!
Im glad you can get the CFO Seminar done 1st to get it out of the way.
Good luck on trying to contact them...They dont seem to like to answer there phones

Right! I've been trying to reach Saint Luke for queeries but the lines seems busy all the time. Okay another question. In case I am not going to recieve my packet, what should I do to accomplish my medical exam? Heard that I can pick it up at Saint Lukes? Is this possible?

Edited by RiggerAF, 12 December 2006 - 02:07 PM.

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-12 14:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Congrats Madison and prayers for Roymcn3rd. Glad things are moving along so fast!

Anyway I have a question, I am planning on attending the CFO guidance and counseling as soon as I can. Do you think this is possible? What can I do? GEEZZ Im so lost! Shaking! and uuhhhh....

My fiance was told that the packet has been sent out last friday but until now I don't have it yet. I am kind of worried because I am only here in manila and uuugggghhhh what's taking so long?

Needing Help and Opinions,

1st I think you need to get through the interview. The reason is you need to have the Office at the CFO see all of the Documents. I do know your not to open up the Brown Envelope until you reach the Port Of Entry. Do you have an Interview date yet?
Try this link & put in your case # to see. Click on the "Check your case number here for appointment"


My Fiance waited until after the Visa was issued for the CFO...

This is the Packet #4

I really wish it was easier to get information....The way all of this goes down is inexusable. The Gov. should make all things more clear. I just spent 3 hours on the phone with a POE Question that no one could answer.....

You don't need the VISA to go to the CFO. Please don't post misleading information. :protest:

Yes we do have an interview date already and medical appointment on 12th of january but I am planning to get the CFO done the day before my medical which I am planning on going by 20th this month. It's going to be a little bit tough because I have a four year old son and the wait in line can be frustrating for a hyper kid like him.

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-12 13:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Congrats Madison and prayers for Roymcn3rd. Glad things are moving along so fast!

Anyway I have a question, I am planning on attending the CFO guidance and counseling as soon as I can. Do you think this is possible? What can I do? GEEZZ Im so lost! Shaking! and uuhhhh....

My fiance was told that the packet has been sent out last friday but until now I don't have it yet. I am kind of worried because I am only here in manila and uuugggghhhh what's taking so long?

Needing Help and Opinions,
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-12 11:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Guys/Gals don't know to say this. Im still teary but we got an interview date on JANUARY 18,2007. @7:30 AM. Please update my timeline..thank you. and thanks for the prayers.

Oh, that's a 764! :cry:

Aaawwww im sorry but we didn't do anything or any request for expidite. They said the packet was sent friday philippine time. I just wonder how long its going to get to my fiance. She is in manila so I think it's going to get there soon.

Congrats Rigger, do you need me to bring her any calming meds, LOL. I will be there 5-14 Jan, wish we had a date. Congrats, Ken & Maria

Thanks but her only meds is me! :P
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-11 23:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Guys/Gals don't know to say this. Im still teary but we got an interview date on JANUARY 18,2007. @7:30 AM. Please update my timeline..thank you. and thanks for the prayers.

Oh, that's a 764! :cry:

Aaawwww im sorry but we didn't do anything or any request for expidite. They said the packet was sent friday philippine time. I just wonder how long its going to get to my fiance. She is in manila so I think it's going to get there soon.
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-11 00:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Guys/Gals don't know to say this. Im still teary but we got an interview date on JANUARY 18,2007. @7:30 AM. Please update my timeline..thank you. and thanks for the prayers.
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-10 23:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
OK - Visa approved
AR - Admin Review/Add'l Docs Required
ME - Military Expedite
AO - Age-Out (Derivative approaching age 21)


01..fianceeinw8ting.07-15-04..08-07-04..09-24-04..10-08-04..2004-xxxxxx..OK..09-12-06/23 mos./Makati
02..louchiw.........02-xx-06..xx-xx-xx..xx-xx-xx..07-28-06..2006-xxxxxx..AR..previous AOS
03..Windchaser...08-29-05..09-27-05..07-25-06..09-01-06..2005-756xxx..OK..11-24-06/85 days/Bohol
04..djcess...........03-10-06..03-24-06..xx-xx-xx..08-09-06..2006-579xxx..OK..Aug 19/10 days/Cebu
07..Madison Man.....09-01-06..09-20-06..xx-xx-xx..12-04-06..2006-601xxx..AR..Birth certificate
09..davidg..........04-20-06..05-13-06..xx-xx-xx..09-11-06..2006-625xx...OK..Sep 21/10 days/???
10..titakey.........04-23-06..05-22-06..07-08-06..09-22-06..2006-635xxx..OK..Nov 10/49 days/QC
11..Audrey&Romy.....05-01-06..05-22-06..07-13-06..09-22-06..2006-635xxx..OK..Sep 27/05 days/QC
12..randyandrechie..05-01-06..06-05-06..07-13-06..09-20-06..2006-635xxx..OK..Oct 04/14 days/QC
13..Hershey.........05-01-06..06-05-06..06-21-06..09-25-06..2006-xxxxxx..OK..Sep 27/02 days/???
14..annie19.........05-09-06..05-22-06..xx-xx-xx..09-21-06..2006-635xxx..AR..Divorce decree
15..mychelle........05-03-06..05-31-06..07-06-06..09-14-06..2006-639xxx..OK..Sep 21/07 days/Cebu
16..danlet..........05-12-06..05-31-06..06-27-06..08-10-06..2006-xxxxxx..OK..Aug 17/07 days/???
17..Tomnjas.........05-23-06..06-14-06..07-11-06..10-02-06..2006-656xxx..OK..Oct 06/04 days/Manila
18..sillygirl.......05-17-06..06-14-06..06-29-06..10-04-06..2006-657xxx..OK..Oct 05/01 day/picked up visa
19..Brittaniquec....05-25-06..06-20-06..07-10-06..08-08-06..2006-660xxx..OK..Aug 14/06 days/???
20..kevlar_kev......06-30-06..07-18-06..07-27-06..10-05-06..2006-691xxx..OK..Oct 15/10 days/Laguna

21..Gomez...........07-03-06..08-14-06..09-21-06..11-06-06..2006-xxxxxx..OK..Nov 08/02 days/QC
22..Angelmae........07-10-06..07-27-06..xx-xx-xx..11-06-06..2006-698xxx..OK..Nov 15/09 days/Manila
23..Keith88gt.......07-24-06..08-04-06..xx-xx-xx..11-13-06..2006-709xxx..OK..Nov 21/08 days/Cebu
24..YnaYeBa0808.....07-24-06..08-10-06..09-22-06..11-13-06..2006-712xxx..OK..Nov 19/06 days/???
25..Uling...........07-31-06..08-08-06..09-23-06..11-14-06..2006-712xxx..OK..Nov 18/04 days/Laguna
26..JimGem..........07-31-06..08-14-06..xx-xx-xx..11-17-06..2006-715xxx..??..STATUS PLEASE?
27..Goodman.........07-31-06..08-15-06..xx-xx-xx..11-20-06..2006-716xxx..OK..Nov 29/09 days/Manila
29..Karel...........08-01-06..08-22-06..09-23-06..11-28-06..2006-719xxx..Petition withdrawn


43. roundbo.........09-11-06..09-23-06..xx-xx-xx..01-30-07..2006-756xxx

47..ellmoi.............09-17-06..09-26-06..xx-xx-xx..12-28-06..2006-762xxx UP.10-18-06..2006-764xxx..OK-AO..Oct 25/07 days/Manila
62..Iniibig ko......09-07-06..10-15-06..xx-xx-xx..xx-xx-xx..2006-783xxx
69..jamrok..........09-29-06..10-25-06..xx-xx-xx..11-24-06..2006-789xxx..AO..AR (Cenomar)
72..bangus delight..10-05-06..10-20-06..xx-xx-xx..xx-xx-xx..2006-792xxx

01..sweety_33.......04-11-06..04-25-06..xx-xx-xx..08-24-06..2006-608xxx..OK..Aug 30/06 days/???
02..phirephly.......05-08-06..05-23-06..07-01-06..09-21-06..2006-635xxx..OK..Sep 27/06 days/???
03..K3 IR...........07-25-06..xx-xx-xx..09-20-06..11-13-06..2006-xxxxxx..OK..Nov 20/07 days/San Juan MM
04..cybernutguy.....09-22-06..10-12-06..xx-xx-xx..11-28-06..2006-xxxxxx..AR..Birth Certificate


03..JoelAndAnalyn...12-29-05..04-21-06..xx-xx-xx..09-25-06..2006-510xxx..OK..Sep 27/02 days/Manila
04..Shortie81.......02-03-06..05-16-06..05-28-06..06-07-06..2006-544xxx..OK-ME..Jun 14/07 days/???
05..mimendoz0209....01-13-06..04-28-06..08-22-06..10-18-06..2006-xxxxxx..OK..Oct 25/07 days/Davao
12..K3 IR...........09-01-06..xx-xx-xx..xx-xx-xx..xx-xx-xx..2006-xxxxxx

I am so loving this view. Hopefully we'll have a chance by january.

Edited by RiggerAF, 10 December 2006 - 09:44 AM.

RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-10 09:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
S himmy good luck on the interview! Prayers.
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-10 08:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
I just checked the US Embassy site and notice that there is no link for checking the visa appointment schedule anymore. And also the downloadable forms are gone. So I think our only means of monitoring the appointment is through phone. :rolleyes:
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-12-07 01:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Welcome back, PW... So you were at puerto galera! Just last month, S and I spent ten nice, quiet days there at Aninuan Beach, far from the maddening crowd of White Beach and Sabang. It is a nice place, for old decrepit couples like we are, looking for peace and quiet. :yes: Sun and waves and walking up and down the beach in the early morning and late afternoon till the moon comes out... picking shells and stones.. yup,S noticed how the weight of our baggaes doubled and realized I took half of the beach home with me! :P

Our case number is MNL2006-820... at the tail end of the queue!

Good luck to those having their interviews this december.


Are you guys talking about Sabang and Aninuan Beach and Puerto Galera in Surigao del Norte Area? Thanks just curious, im from surigao.
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-11-30 10:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

hi guyyyyyyyyyyys im blaaaaaaaaackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :D

Uling you 're so crazy :lol: :lol: :lol:
RiggerAFMalePhilippines2006-11-29 01:15:00