United KingdomHELP! Waiting for interview UK embassy

Sure, but they usually ask your LND case number when booking so call NVC for it if you don't know it yet. DO get your needed shots before you go to the medical. Shots listed in pinned thread "...from NOA2 to interview".

I have my LND number, thank you :)
I think I have them all, I think its just either Hep A or Hep B. But I shall check!
Also in terms of packet 3, did everyone just send it all off at once or send the DS230 etc first and then the cover letter once you are about to take your medical exam?
I just want to speed it up, due to get married July 21st but ideally would like to be in the states end of June.
Thanks in advance.
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-19 06:44:00
United KingdomHELP! Waiting for interview UK embassy
My package is at the London embassy now, I have not yet received a letter stating they require the next step of paperwork. Whilst I'm waiting for this can I go ahead and book my medical? As I have a case number? My police certificate will be arriving in the next few days.
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-19 04:21:00
United KingdomK1- Approx time from submitting packet 3 docs, attending medical, to interview!?
Thank you so so much for the help! I am resending the paperwork today, with that cover letter. Fingers crossed they surprise me with an interview soon.
Have a great day!
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-22 03:43:00
United KingdomK1- Approx time from submitting packet 3 docs, attending medical, to interview!?

Have you called the DOS number in the US to see what they have on record? Try them to see what they say.

I have yes, I called them last Thursday... Nothing updated but they have received my medical results.
My fiancé called the embassy today to find out if they have actually received the paperwork (I know they have because I sent it recorded) and they just said they've got a timeframe to update the record :|
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-21 12:09:00
United KingdomK1- Approx time from submitting packet 3 docs, attending medical, to interview!?

mine took about 3 weeks from the medical and then 3 weeks to interview... you have to call the expensive line to pay anyway

Okay, so hopefully it is soon! I called them today and they have still not updated their system from the packet 3 paperwork i sent them 4 weeks ago!! Losing the will to live lol! Did you pay before an interview was scheduled?
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-21 10:43:00
United KingdomK1- Approx time from submitting packet 3 docs, attending medical, to interview!?

I paid my fee over the phone before my paperwork was accepted. They then scheduled an appointment earlier than I expected from timelines by about two or three weeks. I would pay it if I were you and had the money :-P

I have the money to pay it, was just unsure if they prompted you to pay it once they scheduled an interview? If that will speed it up, hell yeah I'll pay it now!
When did you have your interview?

Hi, try looking at the immigration timelines, select K1 visa and filter the results by country UK. If you then sort by interview date (descending), select enable advanced mode, you can compare the dates. Good luck.

Thanks for your reply! I have done this but they vary so much, due to different circumstances :(
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-18 15:38:00
United KingdomK1- Approx time from submitting packet 3 docs, attending medical, to interview!?
Does anybody know an approx time frame that you are usually issued an interview letter?
I've submitted all the relevant documents for Packet 3 and I had my medical exam a fortnight ago. The day after I then sent DS2001 stating that I'm ready for the interview. The girl at Knightsbridge Doctors said with the bank holiday that the results would be couriered to the embassy Wednesday, last week and they issue the interview letter quickly.
I don't know whether I should fork out the ridiculous sum of money and call them or not? Or if I'm just panicking. Trying to be in the states for late June/ early July as my wedding is scheduled for Mid July.

Thank for your help in advance! :)
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-18 09:50:00
United KingdomHow many days did it take you to get your visa returned after your interview approved?
Have you had your passport back yet? I had my interview on the 15th and am wanting to book my flight! They said 5-7 working days to me. Just wondering what the time frame has been.
Thanks :)
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-18 17:04:00
United KingdomLondon US Embassy processing time?

Nice work! I just read your review of the interview, very helpful! I'm such a doofus this is the bit that concerns me as I always sound really nervous when I get to customs in the US and this is just that multiplied by a million. Silly thing is they are just average questions its the pressure that goes with it!! :)

Enjoy your new start!!

Thank you! All the best with your journey :)
I had my wedding booked in advance too- much cheaper if you're able to make it lol.
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-20 06:28:00
United KingdomLondon US Embassy processing time?

Hi Guys

I just paid my K1 visa fee over the phone and got told that processing is taking 2-4 weeks and then they will issue the visa interview letter which could be another 4 weeks after that!

I have my wedding planned for August 21st, I put this in my covering letter and also explained I have all documents ready and that I am available last minute to fill cancellations.

Are these the standard timings they are currently working on? Has anyone received their interview letter quicker than this?

Mine took 5 weeks from submitting packet 3- I'm now waiting for my passport to be returned so that I can book my flight! Approx passport return time is 5-10 days!
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-18 17:06:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

its been about a month since I was last on here and I have now sent off all the forms required prior to interview, had my medical and I am currently awaiting my interview date. I know it takes upto 5 days for medical results to reach the embassy however I was wondering how long it usually takes to then be notified of your interview date?

I was notified 2 and a half weeks after the embassy received my medical results :)
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-21 18:00:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Thank you. :) Phew! He called them this morning too and they said the same thing. So relieved its something easy to fix!

Have I mentioned lately how much I love this site?!


Yeah this site really does help loads! I'm sure I'll be using it even more during AOS!
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-19 10:51:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I was reading these posts...and we've just realized that Dave's 797NOA states his petition is valid until July 7th, but his interview is on the 12th. I read Nich-Nick's reply that the validity date automatically renews. I'm (We're!) kinda freaking we need to do anything to make sure of that?? Eeks!

My validity was almost up so I took a letter of intent just incase and they didn't even want it. Take one along incase your officer does.
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-19 03:12:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Hi All,

Interview in London on Tuesday, very last minute! Just realised the date on my 797 notice of action and the accompanying letter give my K-1 petition a validity until June 8th, 2012 instead of June 24th (the date on the letter itself). Does this mean my fiancee needs a new and NOTARISED letter of intent? The interview is on Tuesday morning so we'd only have tomorrow to sort it out...and London does not have a lot of notaries (it's also really expensive).

Has anyone done their K1 interview recently, and been/not been asked for this if their petition had just passed the validity?? Please help!

I had my interview on Friday and took a new letter of intent from my fiance but they did not ask for it. I don't think it'd have to he notified either.
Also bare in mind if your fiance is attending the interview with you, to call the visa line beforehand or that won't allow her in. This happened to a couple when I was waiting. :)
Good luck!
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-18 16:00:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Yeah!!! Congrats!! So glad for you! :thumbs:

Dave's gotten his interview date for July 12. :) pNervous and excited!

Thank you! Good luck, it was fairly simple just long day in the embassy. Glad you finally have one!
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-18 15:57:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Approved yay!
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-15 14:56:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Hey :) On this thread a few pgs, back I think, there is a link to a video. Kinda shows what to expect. :) Good good luck Friday! :D

Thank you! So nervous lol!
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-13 04:19:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
I have my interview next Friday! Any tips?
I'm so anxious to finally see the end of this ordeal!
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-08 11:57:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

what, the 1040 tax return? As far as I'm aware you don't need that. Not until AOS stage.


I seem to recall seeing a post or two on here about people who had their medical, then almost immediately afterwards they paid for their interview, without having had an interview date set or letter confirming an interview. From memory, the poster said that this sped up the interview times.

Have I got this completely wrong or is this actually possible?

Okay, thank you.
I'm not sure if it's true, I have been issued an interview 5 weeks after my medical and haven't yet paid. With all the bank holidays this month is what has delayed them. You could pay and try your luck. Perhaps they will prioritise.
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-30 08:50:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Could somebody please help! I have all the stuff ready for my interview on the 15th and am just getting around to making copies of it all.
I have the I-134 and a letter from Matt's employer. All of his W2's from his past 2 employments and every wage slip from his current job. I've read lots on here about a form 1040 being taken. Is this required?
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-30 08:13:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

That's an awesome date!

We just found out the embassy is missing the Packet 3 forms. :( We're re-sending....

Oh no! Did you send them recorded? Send a cover note with it, stating your wedding date, and requesting an interview ASAP because of that reason. If you already have a wedding booked then they should put you before others that haven't.
Good luck!
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-25 02:26:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Yeah!!! Good news! Congratulations! We're planning on July 21...hopefully. :P

So glad for you, though! :D

That's my wedding date too! Hope you get yours pronto!
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-23 18:10:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I like that advice...and if we don't hear something soon, I'll suggest it to Dave. :D He did call the embassy yesterday and was told there's been no update and was given an e-mail address for updates. We forgot to send a cover letter with the ds-2001; he informed them of our wedding date in the e-mail...hope that works to speed things up too! I really hope you hear something soon! :)

Hang in there! I have my interview June 15th!! I called the department of state. It is the price of a long distance call instead of £1.50 a min!
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-23 09:38:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I like that advice...and if we don't hear something soon, I'll suggest it to Dave. :D He did call the embassy yesterday and was told there's been no update and was given an e-mail address for updates. We forgot to send a cover letter with the ds-2001; he informed them of our wedding date in the e-mail...hope that works to speed things up too! I really hope you hear something soon! :)

We called the department of state and the embassy and wasn't really provided much help, let alone an email address! Hope they respond to the second set of paperwork!
When are you planning to marry?
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-23 07:35:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Thank you for is frustrating waiting. :) He did have the medical way before we turned in the DS2001 but he was also waiting on more papers from his doctor (he has a chronic back issue). Its still been 5 weeks. Mostly I just wonder if things are in order...worrying we might've done something wrong... :)I'm a worrier.

Hopefully, we both hear something soon! Good luck! :D

Ahh I see, well this sucks for both of us! Yes I'm a born worrier too, and on the advice from another member on here I resubmitted all my Packet 3 paperwork today with a cover note for an interview as soon as possible (I have a wedding booked and would really like to make it). This is definitely harder because I can see the finish line and I'm being held up!! It's even more frustrating when you see timeline updates from the London consulate of other members who submitted their packet 3's and a week later they get their interview letter! Hope either one of us gets it soon! :)
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-22 12:49:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I have the same question as TamsynE. :) Dave sent his DS2001 to the embassy on April 18....and we're still waiting for him to receive an interview letter as well. Should we call? Or is this a normal time frame? He'd sent his Packet 3 into the embassy about 3 weeks prior to his DS2001. This part of the wait is a little harder, I think! :P

Thank you for your help. :)

Thankfully it isn't just me then!! I sent all the packet 3 paperwork 4 weeks ago, called them today and they have still not updated the system! They said that it should take 2-4 weeks to update the system from when they receive the medical results. Had your fiancé already had his medical exam when he sent the DS2001?
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-21 10:47:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Does anybody know how the time that you are usually issued an interview letter? I've submitted all the relevant documents for Packet 3 and I had my medical exam on Friday before last. They said with the bank holiday that the results would be couriered to the embassy last Wednesday and they issue the interview letter quickly. I don't know whether I should fork out the ridiculous some of money and call them or not? Trying to be in the states for late June/ early July
Thanks :)
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-16 08:00:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Adding this because of a question asked elsewhere concerning the I-134 Affidavit of Support documentation.

London does not have any required item for proof of income as long as you prove it. Two proofs is plenty to cover the "just in case" worriers. Pick from ANY of these examples:

  • Tax return info--transcript OR photocopy of actual return with W2 (just the one most recent)
  • Pay slips
  • Letter from employer
  • Bank statements showing investments/assets if the income isn't up to 100% of poverty level
  • Pension statement or Social Security benefit statement if retired and no salary

Each person should prove their current income the best and easiest way for them. Maybe you just graduated from college and took a $65,000/yr engineering job in November 2011. So your latest tax return would show $10,000 income in 2011. That proves nothing, so don't use a tax return. Get an employer letter and some recent pay slips.

The same might be true if you got a big raise in late 2011. Maybe that raise put you over the threshhold but your 2011 tax return doesn't look adequate. Prove you current income after the raise.

If your tax return is over, then it's a good proof to use. If you don't want to hassle the boss for a letter, then pick two other things from the list.

Thank you! Was just having this convo with the fiancé last night!! He has W2's and a letter from his employer, and has just ordered his latest tax transcript. Guessing he can just send me the W2s and letter now!
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-01 13:46:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I noticed you said about sending the Ds2001 after the medical .... I sent mine with all forms I was ready... do you think i should send another copy to make sure they discovered it and its not buried in the paperwork file?

The DS2001 is the letter that you must send once you have all the required documents gathered. It is the 'ready for interview' form. You must have already had your medical exam to send this, and the embassy have your results.
So yeah, resend once you've had your medical exam and have all the bits and pieces that you need for interview.
I believe you get an interview around a month after the embassy has the medical results and you've sent the DS2001. I will be sending mine next week, I have my medical on Friday.
Good luck :)
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-30 05:17:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Have you received your NOA2 yet?

I did exactly as Nich Nick suggests, got my medical date booked, sent off all of the D forms but not the checklist. Had my medical, gave it three days and then sent the checklist and cover letter off saying i was ready for interview (recorded delivery). Had my interview today and got approved so i would say thats the best order for London :o)

Yes I had it a while ago, I've sent all my forms also and now just waiting to book the medical.
Congratulations on the approval, how did the interview go!?
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-25 11:52:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Preferred method: Take the photos to the interview and they will attach. Did you notice passport photos are on this list of things to bring to the interview?

If a new reader comes along and says "oh no! I attached mine and mailed them", not a dealbreaker. You don't have to take more to the interview. People have done this too.

Thank you so much for your reply! I didn't want it to hold up the process :) you've set me at ease.
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-23 16:05:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
I sent all the required forms to the embassy just a moment ago, bar the DS-2001.
I made a copy of everything and just noticed that there is a little space for the photo, after I'd already sent them.
As the letter says to send just the forms. I was unsure whether the photos go with me to the interview or I'm to send them?
I have the ability to resend these anyway if need be. Does anybody know?
Thank you
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-23 12:26:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

As soon as London has your case logged send these for sure:
Form DS-230 Part I (no to Part II. Never need it)
Form DS-156 (2 copies)
Form DS-157 (2 copies)
Form DS-156-K
DOS can tell you if your case is logged in by London. Call DOS (202) 663-1225, press 1, then 0 to speak to a person. Ask them if London has logged your case (give LND number). If they have, it is safe to mail in the forms. There's nothing special about having the actual letter. Dan posted his copy in this thread.


  • Some people send the DS2001 readiness form with the other 4 forms if they have everything in hand for the interview. That means your police certificate, I-134 and financial proofs too. DS2001 calls for a cover letter stating medical date, wedding date, and email address. I would at least have a medical date before sending.
  • Send the 4 application forms first. Gather your interview docs and make a medical appointment. When you're done with that, notify London with the DS-2001/cover letter.

My opinion is #2 is better, but it's a random hunch. It is what London seems to spell out in their instructions. And I further suspect that if your readiness DS-2001 goes in too early, then it gets buried in your file and nobody is going to remember it. They aren't going to assign your interview until the medical results arrive. If I was doing London today, I would plan my readiness info to reach them 3-4 days after the medical exam. That way, they review your letter/form, see your medical results are there and go on to assign the interview. If you have special requests in your cover letter, it's received and read freshly at a time you are actually eligible to interview because the medical is done.

Maybe when they file the medical, they dig through the folder to see if you already sent the DS-2001. Maybe they just throw in the medical thinking the readiness form is yet to come. I don't know. I've just seen a few people who did it option #2 way get assigned interviews faster. Could be my imagination. Somebody create a spreadsheet to compare data.

In my London time, we didn't have to have the medical first. So sending forms plus readiness (was an actual checklist) the day London's letter arrived was the quickest way to an interview. When they changed to requiring medical results first, I started changing my opinion.

Anybody else have different thoughts?? Anybody want to start a new thread so people can compare dates. Let's don't muck up this thread with those lists. I don't have a horse in this race, so not motivated to start a list thread.

Tip for TamsynE: If you want to be in the US by late June then give a wedding date of late June. Make up one. They don't hold you to it. It just helps them know the June girl needs a quick interview and the September girl has plenty of time and can be scheduled for August.

Thanks so much for the help! I shall send those forms ASAP :)
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-19 11:54:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Hi Guys,
I have a question. My petition is at the embassy and I'm awaiting the letter that says they now request the following paperwork.
Form DS-230 Part I and Part II
Form DS-156 (2 copies)
Form DS-157 (2 copies)
Form DS-156-K
I have these filled out and am awaiting my police certificate to book my medical exam.
Can you send these in first and then as soon as you go for the medical exam send in the DS2001?
I'm due to get married July 21st and ideally I would like to be in the States by the end of June.
Thanks in advance :)
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-19 08:16:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
This is a great thread! So glad that I have found it!
Answering all my questions in one!
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-13 03:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOCTOBER 2011 K1 FILERS!!
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-15 14:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOCTOBER 2011 K1 FILERS!!
Yay, Interview June 15th. Almost there!!
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-24 15:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOCTOBER 2011 K1 FILERS!!

Great! I hope we get lots of good news next week.

How did the interview go???
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-21 10:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOCTOBER 2011 K1 FILERS!!

Thanks, same to you.

I want to get married June 23rd. I hope to make it :)

I hope you do! Then put some pictures up! :D


Medical Completed! :)

You're just a couple of weeks ahead now! How did your medical go? I'm waiting on my interview letter, in the UK we've got the Mayday holiday and so mail wouldn't have moved for a few days. :bonk:
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-08 02:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOCTOBER 2011 K1 FILERS!!

Oh that is great! No I haven't had the interview yet. It works different here, we have to get the interview date before we can schedule a medical appointment, and I have the medical on Monday and then the interview two weeks later. I hope your date is soon though.

Good luck!
When is it you are due to get married?
TamsynEFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-06 04:16:00