PhilippinesMight have to get a proxy...

I'm sorry but they didn't expedite because of the pregnancy. They expedited because you were military and could have been deployed at any time. They will not expedite because of pregnancy, it is important for people reading to know this.

Also, FYI (not being rude) the word is "supposed" not "apost"

When I called them I called to expedite , They asked what reason , I said because my fiance is pregnant , I am supporting her with single military pay , and I would like to get her here before the birth so the child can be born in America. They emailed asking for documents to support these facts along with military ID. I faxed them the sono and the ID , 4 days later it was expedited. You don't have to be military to get a expedite , there is like 20 options when you call they tell you to choose from , then its up to the officer. Sure maybe military had something to do with it , but I know the reason I called. I'm not deploying anytime soon ,and s lot of deployments are stopping. Anyway , My unit isn't the best. 4 day passes aren't really something you ask for around here , You get them when the 4 day weekends roll around. Here its Army first , Family second. Which I don't agree with , but like you said I just have to do it.

Anyway thanks for the tips all , but it seems like some are drinking the Cazwik flavored hatorade for some reason tonight.
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-10 02:06:00
PhilippinesMight have to get a proxy...
They expedited my case because of the pregnacy, I doubt they would go as far to think I got her pregnant just for convinence, I m sorry sir but you have lost me. Am I just not apost to marry her , or am I post to just pay the rediculas fee to give birth without insurance?
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-09 22:54:00
PhilippinesMight have to get a proxy...

Wait, you're gonna marry her for the benefits?


That is not what I am marring her for.I am marrying her because of the love we share. But I need the benefits so I am not paying a 10,000$ hospital fee , and so I can us a place off post. If I wanted to marry someone for benefits I would just find some bimbo here and give her 200$ a month :bonk:
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-09 21:43:00
PhilippinesMight have to get a proxy...

Yes, it is recognized by the military but your problem will the the interpretation of consummated by the USCIS.

Are you guys in K-1 visa? I think getting married while the visa is processing is a very bad idea. The USCIS might get both of you under suspicion.

The US Embassy in Manila is not a piece of cake. In fact, it is believed to be one of the world's toughest.

no , I don't want to marry her now , althought this whole process ( as far as paying for everything ) would of been a ton easier , but if I take this route im just going to wait till she gets here and see how things are going to see what we need to do. I guess if it comes down to it I could send pictures for proof! :blink: ....
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-09 21:23:00
PhilippinesMight have to get a proxy...
I just talked to a agent. In Colorado it is legal to just go to a court house and do a single proxy marriage, you can even do it while the spouse is in the K visa Status. (Meaning really I could of married her awhile back and still received military benefits , while working on K1 Visa because uscis don't consider it valid until commusated.) Like you said its not official till its consummated, meaning within 3 months I have to get her in bed. Hmm How do I prove that one ? :wow: Good news is that Proxy marriages were primary used for Military to begin with , so they would accept that for getting benefits such as BAH and enrolling her into deers, Its just proving to USCIS , which I was told could be done by simply having another ceremony when were both togather , or writing a sworn statement that says
"I, Jane Doe, declare as follows:

I have engaged in sexual intercourse with John Doe after [date of wedding]. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. Signed on [date]." The signature must follow the statement. No notarization needed.

Of course this is my last resort. I just want to be with my wife and baby and see my child born.

Fortunately , my unit is not scheduled to deploy anytime soon... so hopefully i don't have to have the worst case scenario lol.

CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-09 21:13:00
PhilippinesMight have to get a proxy...
Its not so simple to just take leave, You can't just take it outside a block leave unless its death of a family or you get a red cross message.. I was going to get married Proxy here I n Colorado because it is one of the one 4 states that it is legal ( the other being Montana , Texas and California ). And because I could get married and get her on the Army benefits , After marriage the army allows you ten days to get settled in with your spouse. Its hard to just go get a apartment when your not making BAH or marriage pay. Of course after wards I could go get her , and if she couldn't fly I could drive her with the U Haul. I really don't want to have the baby abroad considering that was the main reason I put in for a expedite, And I would really like to see my first child born here, and I really would like not to pay a big hospital bill because I couldn't get to her in time. I thought about the whole get a hotel and send her here , but who knows how long it may take to get a apartment to be ready to be moved in... Anyway, Thanks for all your help and advise , I wanted to call the court house here and immigration but by the time i get off work its to late.

If its not one thing its always another...

CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-09 20:33:00
PhilippinesMight have to get a proxy...
I just found this somewhere , from
9 FAM 40.1 N1.3 Proxy Marriage
9 FAM 40.1 N1.3-1 Consummated
(CT:VISA-1000; 09-03-2008)
For the purpose of issuing an immigrant visa (IV) to a “spouse,” a proxy
marriage that has been subsequently consummated is deemed to have been
valid as of the date of the proxy ceremony. Proxy marriages consummated
prior to the proxy ceremony cannot serves as a basis for the valid marriage
for immigration purposes.
9 FAM 40.1 N1.3-2 Unconsummated
(CT:VISA-1165; 03-06-2009)
A proxy marriage, that has not been subsequently consummated, does not
create or confer the status of “spouse” for immigration purposes pursuant to
INA 101(a)(35). A party to an unconsummated proxy marriage may be
processed as a nonimmigrant fiancé(e). A proxy marriage celebrated in a
jurisdiction recognizing such marriage is generally considered to be valid,
thus, an actual marriage in the United States is not necessary if such alien is
admitted to the United States under INA provisions other than as a spouse.
(See 9 FAM 41.81 N1.1.

...pretty much its gibberish to me.
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-09 14:06:00
PhilippinesMight have to get a proxy...
Will the military reconize it ? I plan on seeing her after the marriage of course. I just don't know if I will be able to do it before the baby is born , and I can't fly her here , get married , and fly her back untill I get a apartment, then fly her back again.

I was going to marry by proxy , get the benefits , then fly her here when I have the apartment .... that won't work?
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-09 14:02:00
PhilippinesMight have to get a proxy...
If things work out in 2 weeks with the interview( so freaking nervous) my fiance is arriving at my mom's because I don't have a place off post yet. The problem is I dont know when I will get a chance to go marry her and it will be pushing time to get her here in a plane from MD being she is almost 7 months... However I am in Colorado , and they allow Proxy marriage, I seen them advertised online for like another 1000$ , Really hoping not to do that!But it would be helpful for me if I could get one when she gets here , so I can at least have her on my benefits before the birth of our daughter.... Has anyone ever had experience with this ?
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-09 13:53:00
PhilippinesAppointment for CFO
Congrats , My fiance has a interview next week too. From what I understand CFO is a walk in class type seminar and I think they stamp your visa right there , I could be wrong though because the whole CFO think is throwing us for a loop too.
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-10 19:53:00
Philippinesis my visa approved or not?

I was on window 40 at that time waiting in line to be finger scanned when I heard the prescreener yell at an applicant. :crying: :crying: :crying: .I think the applicant was not ready with her papers at all.She was like filling up the forms in front of the prescreener and they took a VERY long time.Even after I was done with my finger scanning, she was still there and still being yelled at.I think she got nervous and was not answering the questions which was asked by the prescreener. That's why the prescreener got upset and yelled :( :( :( . I remember the prescreener asked her "Until when are you staying in the USA".The applicant didn't asnwer so the prescreener kept repeating and repeating the question and even translating it in Tagalog.I feel bad about what happened to that applicant.

Until when ? Shouldn't she say I ain't coming back! haha...
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-11 09:32:00
Philippinesis my visa approved or not?
Why was the CO yelling ?? Was she not prepared? Hmmm...
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-10 22:54:00
PhilippinesMindanao Safety
Don't judge all of mindano , not all of it is dangerous. my Fiance is in Davao , and I was scared at first to visit , but it was really safe there. The mayor of that town really looks out for the safety of her people. the people there were to kind , and treated me great , I had alot of fun and I stayed a month with her. Saying all of Mindano is dangerous is like saying all of the Us is safe too, its not , There are places in the US I wouldn't go to , but its not going to keep me from enjoying the great places either.
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-04 20:45:00
PhilippinesInterview experience
congrats! I hope it is that easy for us!We are sweating bullets!
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-12 00:48:00
Philippinesfunny , but so true
I laughed so hard when I saw this , mostly because its true... and the jeepneys I rode in were even smaller than the one in this video.

CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-15 19:38:00
PhilippinesMarried in Manila, then move to Japan?
I am assuming he is going to Okinawa? Anyway his jag should be able to help you better with this situation. When I was in Korea , guys that married filipinas were able to get them there in Korea with them after only 3 monthes. Faster if they married them in Korea , Most cases though they would marry them back in manila , come back and talk to jag, 3 months later they are living off base with their love. So anyway, just have your husband talk to his legal rep in the military. They should be able to help you out. I didn't know Japan offered accompanied tours now :unsure:
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-15 17:31:00
PhilippinesDS 157 Expired?

you can see the expiration date on the upper right side. for the updated ds 156 form, this is the site: this will expire 2014.

ds 156

well thats stupid... why would they give me a expiration form thats about to expire 3 days after i fill it out -_-
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-16 04:30:00
PhilippinesDS 157 Expired?
When my Filipina Fiance went her medical today she said her "friends" checked her ds form and they said it was expired at the top . What in the world ? We got those forms filled out how can it be expired? Or does her friends know what she is talking about ? I m so confused.... According to her it says ds 156 is expired dec 30 2011. why would they give a form that xpired so quickly?
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-16 03:06:00
Philippinessorry, this call is not permitted
We tried to get her globe because she really wanted that iphone, but they wanted to charge like 600$ for the phoen or 2 year contract , adn they wanted a crazy ammount of documents that i just didnt have. We decided it wasn't worth it because she would be coming here anyway.
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-15 21:18:00
Philippinessorry, this call is not permitted

So with the ipod, she can be on yahoo chat or email at most any time. And without the plan, she could go to a wirless zone and chat or email. Not a bad idea. How much was the IPOD?

I have not been able to contact my fiance in over twenty four hours. I am getting worried now.

8g Itouches are pretty cheap now , well not that cheap but not as much as they used to be. I got a 32g in the pines it was 10,000 peso , then I got a 8g in korea it was like 175. They might be cheaper now with newer models coming out. She would only need a 8g if you wanted it for that reason and you can use about anything on a ipod as you can on a computer,facebook, Skype , yahoo, aim , Msn , the list goes on. they're are even apps on it now that let you make free phone calls and texts to a phone. (Some apps require you activate them in the states((for phone calls)) but once they are activated , they work anywhere.Then they have a vonyage app that will let you make free calls to other vonyage users. It was pretty handy. She never even used it for music lol.
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-15 18:24:00
Philippinessorry, this call is not permitted
When we were in Korea , my fiance wanted my itouch so bad. When I went to see her I bought her one. Then I saw they had that wireless broadband (first time I saw it anywhere) for a decent price , didn't cost no more then 1000 peso a month so I got that fro her to . She was so happy with the combo , and I could reach her anywhere. It was a little pricey at first , but she was so happy and she would call me on skype on her festivals and stuff. Then all that came to an end when her Ipod just quit charging one day. She was so sad, I thought we were going to have to have a funeral for the Ipod. It wasn't even a year old , I told her to go to a IMac store and get it fixed under warranty because Imac stores should be able to track the serial numbers and trace the warranty... Anyway can't do anything in the pines without them asking for money.... so now its just a pretty paperweight....

... now that was a vent...

CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-15 17:41:00
Philippinessorry, this call is not permitted
Your calling direct ? Man you must have a good call plan. I have Rebtel on my Droid and I pay like .9 cents to a cell phone in Davao. I put 10$ on it like 2 months ago and still have minutes ( Usally only call if I don't see her on Skype ... Usually means her internet is down) It lets me dial directly , but I have to place the + infront of the 63 for it to go through. To call from a landline depending on your service you have to dial 011 and the number. Don't know if thats what your looking for, Sometimes the lines are just that busy :(
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-15 10:30:00
PhilippinesAfter Interview in Manila
I m really hoping for that 4-7 mark :dance:
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-17 06:49:00
PhilippinesAfter Interview in Manila

Hi.This is not necessarily true.I, for one, gets an "invalid" thingy every time I typed our Manila case number.The use of the Manila case number for tracking at 2Go only applies if the applicant was given the 2Go form and was asked to fill it up during the interview at the embassy.When I was calling 2Go to follow up if my visa was there already, they did give me a transaction number to track online but that's only when my visa was actually at their office.And it was not my Manila case number.It started with AXXXXXXXX.

So were you in Mindano and got it that quickly?
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-15 18:37:00
PhilippinesAfter Interview in Manila
Does anyone in Mindano have a time line of when they got theirs at a 2go site? My fiance is in Davao and we're just curious!
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-15 05:33:00
PhilippinesHow to Extend your Stay in Philippines?

Hello I had a question on what my options were on renewing my Visa.
I have a Philippines 60 day tourist visa. It expired sept 2011.
While I was in the philippines my last trip I extended my stay and paid for a Icard.
I plan to return to the Philippines on Jan 24th.
Since I have already paid for an Icard. What is my options in extending my next trip? I would like to stay for 60-90days.

Judging by you pic on your posts your from the US, I wasn't aware that you needed a Visa to go to the philippines ? I was there for 30 days and just used my passport.... Or is it if you stay a certain amount of days ?
Funny story though , when I went to Davao I tried to keep my military status a secret because of the all "Terrorist" stories. When I went to leave I was still stationed in Korea. I showed my Passport to leave and they wanted proof to show I was living in Korea. Again I was greatly confused because I wasn't aware I would need proof as a American. So I told them I worked there. I guess he was confused because I didn't need to get a stamp where I was stationed over there. So then I showed him my orders , Then he wanted proof that I was military , I was a bit shaking up by now , then I showed him my military ID. Then he took like 30 minutes to confirm it. I had no idea what was going on still don't till this day, but they finally let me through. I was scared for a moment that I was getting ready to go to some dark room. Haha :lol: , but they finally let me through.... anyway... just reminded me of that .... thats all :ot2: :D

Here is break down of Philippines Visa Extensions

If you arrive in the Philippines with no visa you get 21 days free. Your first extensions is for 38 days, taking you to 2 months. Cost: PHP 3030/US $69

2 - 4 months Extensions

Cost: PHP 4830/ US $110.50
2 month extension
Temporary ACR Card

Cost: PHP 2800/ US $64
Total Cost: PHP 7600/ US $173

4 -6 Months Extensions

2 month extension
Cost: PHP 2830/ US $64.75

As of mid February 2010, the Bureau of Immigration has implemented a new schedule of charges, as they now require tourists who stay longer than 59 days to obtain an ACR card. This is a credit card sized, plastic card which contains all your passport/visa information. The cost is US$50 and is based on that day’s exchange rate which varies, but is currently around 2300 pesos: you will also pay an additional 500 peso Express Lane charge.

This new policy has undergone several operational changes of direction since its inception. Originally we were led to believe that the ACR card would have to be surrendered when the tourist left the country; this proved to be false. Then those tourists who had left the country for more than 59 days were required to buy a new ACR card, (even though their old one was still current), while those who had left for less than 59 days didn’t need a new card.

It now seems that as long as your ACR card is current, you don’t need to buy a new one when you return and get to your first extension after 59 days in the country. The longest example I have tested this on, is a client who had been out of the country for nearly 6 months; we will see how it develops! If it continues, it will mean a saving of about 3500p for the returning tourist although when the old card expires they will be required to buy a new one.


Ah... I see , learn something new every day...
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-17 00:57:00
PhilippinesCross your fingers and say a Prayer for us!

I feel your pain, brother Bob! That two-month delay must be crushing...

...There, but for the grace of God, go I... :mellow:

She told me she got real scared waiting for her results because while she was sitting there 2 filipinas was crying their eyes out over their x rays ..... :( But all was good .... Just 2 more days and We ll know ....Its killing me
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-17 13:41:00
PhilippinesCross your fingers and say a Prayer for us!
Well... She got the results today and .....

She passed! Now her interview is on friday (thursday for us) now the pressure is on.... Whew.... I m more nervous now then I was waiting for the medical.
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-17 01:58:00
PhilippinesCross your fingers and say a Prayer for us!
They didn't give her a uranylis or any vaccines said she has to wait till she gets to the US because she is pregnant. now we just wait for the results of the X ray tomorrow.... ohhh the suspense is killing me.
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-16 02:59:00
PhilippinesCross your fingers and say a Prayer for us!
Thanks all , she is there now... So I am just waiting to hear back from her first day...
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-15 17:42:00
PhilippinesCross your fingers and say a Prayer for us!
We're finally getting to the finsh line. My little pregnant filipina Fiance's medical is tomorrow and we're both paranoid like crazy! She had medicals in the past when she went and worked in korea but we are still nervous. I told her if all else fails slip a 1000 pesos to the one who signs off on the pass :D :P .... Come on... its no secret money talks in the Philippines. :innocent: :whistle:

On a serious note, Wish us luck and save a spot in your prayers to whatever God you pray to....


Chad & Jovie Ann.
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-15 05:49:00
Philippinesmet once & got married

Your situation is very common for the Philippines. As long as you have good evidence of relationship you should have no problem. If your fiancee can attend your interview it would almost guarantee approval.

Good luck.

Thats right! Its because those filipinas treat you right and know how to give that good loving!!!! :rofl:
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-18 20:33:00
PhilippinesManila Interview on Jan 19
She is really nervous too because she said she had her CFO yesterday and they asked her so many questions on the divorce and took 3 of her pictures of us.... I thought CFO was just a seminar? I hope the CO asking the questions isn't as curious :(
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-19 09:41:00
PhilippinesManila Interview on Jan 19

Just trying to remember the question CO asked me....

Oh... He only asked why it's almost a year since my husband (fiance then) visited me in the Philippines. I simply replied that we're saving for our church wedding here in US. Then, he returned to me the pictures we submitted in the K1-visa filing.

My interview was less than 5 mins. I waited more on paying for my passport delivery.

Her interview is in about 7 hours ... man We are shaking in our boots right now .... Paranoid that we may not have something , Man. I just hope its as easy as your guys
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-19 09:26:00
PhilippinesManila Interview on Jan 19

Here are your two contradictory statements regarding your income:

In your Original Post you stated that you were unemployed last year then follow with "However I have been employed for just over a year", I think you meant "A MONTH" based on your second mention of employment.

If you had no income to file 2010 Tax Return then you've been unemployed for 2 years. If you had good income and filed 2010 Taxes that's what you should provide along with the current employment letter and the few pay stubs you have from your current job.

FWIW, 2011 Tax Returns shouldn't be expected by the Embassy until after April 17th.

Unless they have misgivings about you case the questions will be basic and few so she's over-thinking the interview and just needs to relax.

Regarding you income, the Affidavit of Support is MAJOR at the US Embassy in Manila. They want to see that you have stable income at a level to support her unless you are a college student or recent graduate.

I think he means dec 15 2010, That would mean last year would refer to 2010 , not 2011. Which would make 2010 unemployed. I had to stare at it for like 10 minutes to try and figure it out lol.
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-15 10:47:00
PhilippinesManila Interview on Jan 19

Thank you all for your replies. My Fiancee is freaking out about this as well as what questions they will . She thinks she needs to know what elementary school I went My ex wife who I was married to for 17 years couldn't answer that. As for the tax return I cant give them what I dont have so I will give her a letter explaining that I didn't work. Her interview is Thursday so it wont be a signed letter or should I sign one and scan it and email it to her? For the one who asked about my work. I started on Dec 15, 2011 so I worked for 2 weeks of the year but my w2 only showed a couple of days because of when our work week ends I guess. I can send that but it shows about 250

I got a cheat sheet on some of the questions they may ask or have asked in the past from my lawyer.... some of them are pretty crazy, I actually had to think back myself to figure out the correct answer.. lol

Here is what I got:

Attached Interview Questions:
If the Consulate officer wants to ask a few questions while reviewing documentation, here are some examples of what to expect:

1.) How did you meet your fiancée?
2.) When did you first meet?
3.) Did you use a marriage broker?
4.) What is the name and location of the marriage broker?
5.) Does your fiancé (e) have any criminal convictions?
6.) Where does he/she work?
7.) Where does he/she live?
8.) Has he/she been married before? If so, ho many times? Where do the ex-spouses currently reside?
9.) Does he/she have any children? If so, how many and how old? What are the children’s names?

The following two questions are also sometimes asked:

1.) Do you intend to work in the U.S. ? Answer: “I have no specific intention to work.”
2.) Do you intent to go to school in the U.S. ? Answer: “I have no specific intention to attend school.”

These answers are correct since your fiancée does not have work lined up and has not been accepted to any school. Her purpose in coming to the U.S. is to be your fiancée.

If the case goes to interrogation there is no set list of questions. The line of questioning will depend on the issues involved. Generally, if the documentation is in order, there should not be a problem. However, please find attached a short sampling of questions a Consulate officer can ask of the foreigner at a K visa interview. This sampling is simply to give you some idea about what can be asked. It is only an example of the types of questions they may ask, and is not limited to the questions provided in the attachment.


Arrival at the Consulate:
Your fiancée (“Beneficiary”) should appear at least one hour prior to the scheduled time, dressed in business attire. There should be two separate folders containing documentation. Your fiancée should plan to remain at the Consulate most of the day.

A primary folder should contain all of the documentation requested by the Consulate. Generally, this would be the Consulate checklist form OF-169. Early on this process we have you a sample form OF-169 checklist to help get a head start on document preparations. More recently, the Consulate would have provided our fiancée with its own, similar checklist.

The second folder may contain any items not specifically requested by the Consulate on its checklist, such as further evidence of your relationship and anything else your fiancée may want to bring. Evidence of your relationship includes such things as additional emails, phone bills, phone card logs, extra photos together, letters, cards, engagement ring receipt, plane tickets, boarding passes from more recent trips, and money transfer receipts. We collected some of these items from you early on. The items that we did not use as part of our filing should have been returned to you by this time. We encourage you to prepare this information in some form of a portfolio or album so it is well organized and presents well. At the interview your fiancée should have these comprehensive documents to show your relationship through to the time of the interview.

The only item on the form OF-169 checklist list involving you is the financial documentation. By this time, we should have prepared and sent to you a completed financial “I-134” package (the “financials”) for your review and signature. You must forward the financials on to your fiancée if you have not already done so since they are needed at the time of the interview. If you are mailing the financial packet to your fiancée, you should also include any further evidence of your relationship indicated above. If the financials are not yet complete please contact us immediately.

Your fiancée should be prepared to present all items in the first folder. The extra items, portfolio, or album should be offered to the Consulate officer and made available for their viewing. Consulate officers are very busy and want to get through their work quickly. Generally, if the Consulate officer has all that is required to issue the visa and your fiancée is polite, the officer will ask, “Is everything in the file true?” If the reply is, “yes,” then they will be told to wait for their visa. This is our goal.

Prior to the Consulate interview, your fiancée should make a complete copy of all documentation presented to the Consulate. Consulate officers tend to lose documentation and then can claim they never received it.

Personal information about the U.S. Citizen:
1. What high school did the U.S. Citizen attend?
2. What college did the U.S. Citizen attend?
3. What year did the U.S. Citizen buy their car?
4. What color is their car?
5. How old is the U.S. Citizen?
6. What is the U.S. Citizen’s email address?
Prior marriages:
1. How many times has the U.S. Citizen been married?
2. What are the names of each ex-spouse?
3. Where does the ex-spouse live now?
Child Issues:
1. How many children does the U.S. Citizen have?
2. What are their names?
3. What are their ages?
4. Where do they reside?
5. Where do they go to school?
6. Have the foreigner’s children (if any) met the U.S. Citizen?
7. Have the U.S. Citizen’s children and the foreigner children (if any) talked or met before?
8. Do the children still live in the home (if any)?
9. Does the U.S. Citizen have any grandchildren? How many?
10. Do you have or plan to have children? What is your child’s first birthday? Where was your child born?
Other Family Members:
1. Are the U.S. Citizen’s parents alive?
2. Where do they reside?
3. How many brothers and sisters does the U.S. Citizen have?
Couple’s Relationship:
1. How did you first meet?
2. Where did you meet?
3. How do you communicate with each other?
4. Does the U.S. Citizen speak a foreign language? If yes, do you have proof?
5. How many times has the U.S. Citizen been to visit you and for how long?
6. What website did you meet on?
7. When is the most recent time you and the U.S. Citizen were together in person?
Employment Issues:
1. Where does the U.S. Citizen work?
2. How much per year does the U.S. Citizen earn?
3. What year did the U.S. Citizen start working?
4. How long has the U.S. Citizen been working?
5. What does the U.S. Citizen do for a living?
U.S. Residence:
1. Where does the U.S. Citizen live in the U.S.?
2. Who lives in the household?
3. Does the U.S. Citizen live in an apartment or house?
1. How many crimes has the U.S. Citizen been convicted of?
2. Where were the convictions?
3. What were the convictions?
4. Has the U.S. Citizen been in prison before?
5. You still want to marry this person? Why?

1. Are you planning on having children?
2. Are you on birth control? What kind?
3. When was the most recent time you had sex?
If the foreigner feels uncomfortable answering personal questions about sexual activities, then the foreigner should
speak up and state that he or she feels very uncomfortable answering such private questions. Immigration officers
should not make applicants feel uncomfortable in this regard. If the officer presses for the information, then the
foreigner should try and answer the question as best as possible. The foreigner has the burden of proof in showing the
relationship is genuine
Questions/Concerns for your case manager
If you have ANY questions about the above information, please phone to discuss with your case manager. The only
way we will be aware of issues is if you have shared them with us in advance of the interview.
Special Note Regarding Denials:
If at all possible, try and avoid signing an interview summary affidavit prepared by an interviewing officer. Tell the
officer that you would like to take the statement to your attorney for review and comment before signing.
Interview affidavits prepared by interviewing officers often include damaging information. If you must sign over
an objection, then read the statement very carefully and handwrite any edits or changes on the document before
you sign. You should not be forced to sign your name to any statement you believe does not contain truthful
information. If you do not understand English well enough, write somewhere on the document “I do not
understand English well”.
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-15 10:26:00
PhilippinesCompetent attorney
Lawerence R Holmes. I got a lawyer just because I was so scared at the time of being recently divorced. (I was seperated long before but it took awhile for the divorce to go through because I was stationed in Korea.)

They do all the work and filing for you , and they are actual lawyers not "agents".

All we had to do was send them some copies of documents,pay the fees, and they filled the forms and mailed them off for us. Only thing I had to do was request the expedite.

Not to costly, and offer monthly payments to what you can afford. If your military , they give a discount.

You don't need a lawyer , but if you get one , I d go with these guys , they always answer the phone.

I m just a paranoid guy, and still come here to make sure we have everything :P.

Anyway, I m done with my promoting.

CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-15 05:45:00
PhilippinesFrom Manila to the Us?

Which part of Davao? Davao City or the rest of the region? Because my fiance lives up in Compostela Valley, about 120kms from Davao, a 4 hour aircon bus ride. But yeah DHL, FEDEX all the way. Just know if you send something to her, sometimes the delivery driver will request a tip of like 300peso.

she went DHL but sent it while she was in Manila on friday(20th her time) so hopefully it will be here by tues or wedesday. It costed her 1700 for 3 peices of paper. ouch.
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-21 18:15:00
PhilippinesFrom Manila to the Us?
Thanks for the Answers. And no can't be scanned because I needed the Noterized seal on the papers. but my main question was how long it takes from manila to here... thanks , i think ill just have her snail it here :)
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-18 06:31:00
PhilippinesFrom Manila to the Us?
My Fiance wants to send me 3 documents of paper, From Davao it took like 3 weeks to get a card from her , Would regular mail from manila be any faster? would it be worth going to DHL or FED EX for such a small package?
CazwikMalePhilippines2012-01-17 20:38:00