CanadaAny problems obtaining Employment?
Thank you everyone for your responses. I guess I have having a little bit of anxiety because I am leaving such a good job and an amazing company and it would be absolutely dreadful if I wasn't able to find decent employment. Don't get me wrong the reason why we chose to live in the US is because my fiance has a really good job but that doesn't mean I don't need to work. One of the reasons why I am not so sure if I want to stay in the Insurance industry is because in Connecticut you need to have a licence so I am not sure what the process would be to go about getting that but if I am not able to work for 3 months then I guess that will give me some time to get the licence!!!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-05-21 15:59:00
CanadaAny problems obtaining Employment?
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ May 21 2008, 02:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I also agree it depends on where you are going and what your profession is and experience.

I'll be moving to NYC and I work in public relations, and I actually do some U.S. PR now, so I'm not anticipating having any problems and actually thinking it will actually enhance my career which is a huge plus considering i love my job here.

Does your company have US offices? (I'm not sure how insurance crosses over)

Unfortunately my company is a Canadian owned company with offices only in Canada. I'm also not sure if I want to remain in Insurance when I move, I will probably start there because it is what i know. I was just wondering if people were having difficulty finding employment because they didn't have any US experience.

QUOTE (liz_legend @ May 21 2008, 02:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yes, you can apply for your SSN soon abt 2-3 weeks after you move to the US.
You don't need your EAD (employment authorization) to apply

Ok just so I understand (again sorry I'm new and really confused with this process, my lawyer isn't that much help!). So I apply for my SSN and how long does it take to get my SSN and EAD? I can't legally work until I have my EAD even if I have my SSN right?
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-05-21 13:24:00
CanadaAny problems obtaining Employment?
I will be living in Connecticut. I guess my concern is that I know I won't be able to work right away as I have to wait for my SSN and what not so I was wondering if I should still start applying before I get the authorization to work? (sorry I don't know all the names and what not for that stuff).
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-05-21 13:20:00
CanadaAny problems obtaining Employment?
Hi everyone, I was just wondering if any Canadians had problems obtaining employment when they moved down to the USA. I know we can't work for a couple of months but how long did it take everyone to find employment. I am not really picky when it comes to work but I don't really want to work in a restaurant or retail. I have a degree and a diploma and currently work in the Insurance Industry (I know big bad insurance people, don't hate!!!) Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-05-21 11:55:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
QUOTE (liz_legend @ May 23 2008, 01:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
that sounds like it makes sense!

great thing that you asked!

you know what the funny thing is, I didn't even ask she just gave me the information. I must say though they are really really helpful and friendly thats for sure!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-05-23 12:56:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Ok so I called DOS again (2x this week). I know I am anxious .. hency my name!

So I am not sure if people knew this or not so I thought I would share incase you didn't. When I called today the lady advised me that the consulates sit down one day a month (not necessarily the same day each month) and book the appointments for the following month. She said since they rec'd my information on May 14, 2008 then when they sit down in June to book July's interviews I should get an interview in July! I hope she was right and wasn't just feeding me information. She said she didn't know what day in June they would do it. But if she is right then at least we know that they only set appointments once a month (or I know anyways if you guys already knew that!). Please correct me if I was misinformed! Thanks
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-05-23 12:05:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate?
I figured it was too good to be true! It was worth a shot asking!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-05-26 19:42:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate?
Ok so I was bored so I started looking at the website for the Montreal Consulate and there is a number that they provide (mind you, you have to pay) to book an appointment at the Consulate. Can we do this for a K1 interview or do we have to wait for them to give us an interview date? I guess I am just getting antsy and just really want to know when my interview is! Thanks
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-05-26 15:26:00
Canadaproof of relationship - what's required?
I don't know if this will help you or not regarding phone records. Instead of trying to get all our records (I have three numbers as well, home, cell and work but my fiance only has 1 his cell phone), he ordered his cell phone records and then I just showed proof that the numbers he was calling and receiving (because his company does that) were mine. So for my work number I just included a business card, for my cell and home phone I included a bill which showed my name and number!. I hope this helps.
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-05-25 10:13:00
CanadaDr. Seiden Review
Glad everything went smoothly for you!! I too worried for nothing but did feel that it was a bit unorganized with people running all over the place but they seem to get the job done! Sounds like it was a lot busier there when I went a couple of weeks ago. But now its done and you can prepare for your interview and move! Good luck!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-05-26 14:52:00
CanadaDealing with home sickness...
I haven't moved yet but I one piece of advice that I received from a woman who has moved all over the country due to her husbands employement I think is really going to help me. She told me that it will take 6 months to get familiar with the area and then another 6 months to feel like home. I think this is going to help me as it puts everything to perspective know that it will take time to adjust. I have also had indepth conversations with my fiance about how I am going to feel when I move there and he understands that some days I will be happy and some days I am going to break down and cry! I think it is absolutely normal to feel homesick and all the advice that has been given so far is amazing! Just keep busy and explore your area.
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-05-29 09:26:00
CanadaCan my love stay with me...?
Thanks for all the replies and information! We are still undecided if that is what I am going to do. We are going to see when the interview is before we decide to do that or not!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-03 15:28:00
CanadaCan my love stay with me...?
Ok here is my situation. We are still waiting for an interview date and my fiance and I are getting really anxious (we have been together for 4 years long distance and really just want to be together!). I gave my work tentative notice for July 1, 2008 and depending on when I got my interview I would stay longer. Here's my question, lets say I don't get an interview until late July or early August (I am eligible in the system at the consulate so we are just waiting for an interview), can I leave my job July 1 and go down to stay with him until my interview?
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-03 08:46:00
CanadaSudden swiss chalet craving!
Swiss Chalet is definitley something I am going to miss like crazy. It is my absolute favourite restaurant! What am I going to do without it when I move!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-04 10:12:00
If your family doctor doesn't have your up to date immunizations (like my doctor), call the Public Health Department in your area and they should have all your information. I called and within 5 minutes they faxed all the information to me.
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-05-27 14:57:00
CanadaHotels in Montreal
So now that I have my interview date (Yeah!) I need to look into booking a hotel in Montreal. If anyone can let me know what hotels are good and which are not, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-13 08:22:00
CanadaNOA1 & NOA2
Thanks I found it in my emails from our lawyer. I have printed a copy and it will go in my folder! Thanks so much everyone for your help!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-17 10:33:00
CanadaNOA1 & NOA2
I am getting everything ready for our interview and I noticed on a previous thread that someone was asked to provide their NOA2 ... what exactly is this? I can't seem to find anything in my paperwork that says this. Thanks
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-17 09:25:00
CanadaAppointment Letter Received!!
I understand it can't be handwritten but my question is we already completed it online and printed it and sent it in. Do we need to do that again or can we just photocopy what we already did and give it them?
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-17 08:47:00
CanadaAppointment Letter Received!!
I received my appointment letter today! Yeah! Now it says that all DS 156 forms are required in an electronically completed format in English. Now I have already completed the online version and sent that in do I need to do another one? Or do I just copy the one that I already submitted?
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-16 15:36:00
CanadaHELP with Montreal Interview!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-17 13:23:00
CanadaInterview Wait Times in Montreal?
Yeah I don't understand why you need to wait for another package. Can't you just re-send what you have already sent? About the expiry can't you just send an email asking for an extension?

Oh yeah, I will be calling on Wednesday and I will also update on VJ what they say!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-09 11:05:00
CanadaGood Luck Tomorrow - Laura & Nick
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-19 10:36:00
CanadaI'm leaving on a jet.....train...
GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK. Not that you will need it as your will sail thru your interview!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-19 10:39:00
CanadaIf you only knew then, what you know now...
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Jun 17 2008, 11:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Would you have done anything differently?

Anything at all, involving your process, your move, employment?

I personally would have taken more time to find a job that was better suited to my needs instead of acting out in complete desperation and taking the first one that came along

I would have also taken in home a lot more during my last year there. I kind of had one foot out the door and everything was about moving, than about taking it all in and really appreciating Canada and my family. My head was in another place during that last year.

I may have asked my husband to get an apartment of his own rather than come live with the inlaws...but on the sunny side, the MIL and I are getting along nicely since the wedding. Which is nice.

I probably should have stocked up on Timmies, though it never tastes the same when you buy the can of coffee and try to brew it yourself.

Don't say that, I am already scared about the whole living with my in-laws. We are actually staying in an apartment attached to their house (we have our own seperate entrance, kitchen and everything). With our situation it was really the best option for us until I find a job and we find a house. Everyone is telling us not to do it but we really don't have a choice.

I haven't done the move yet but I really hope there isn't anything I regret! I am not that far from home (7 hour drive) so I am hoping to come home to visit as much as possible!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-17 12:03:00
CanadaHow long have you and your loved one been separated?
The last time I saw my sweetie was June 1 but he is coming this Friday for the weekend! Yeah. We are very fortunate, we see each other at least once a month but lately it has been twice a month. My interview is less than a month away and I am hoping to move the week after our interview! So exciting!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-17 09:00:00
CanadaVaccination Record from Medical
Ok thanks I was worried there for a minute!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-25 08:40:00
CanadaVaccination Record from Medical
Ok I was going through all my stuff for my interview and I finally looked over the vaccination record that was attached to my medical.

These boxes are checked off ... vaccine history incomplete
... applicant may be eligible for blanket waiver because vaccination(s) not
medically appropriate

What exactly does this mean? I made sure I was completely up to date on all my vaccinations. I was going crazy weeks before my medical gathering all my information and getting all my up to date shots. If someone could explain this to me that would be wonderful. Is there anything I have to do? Does this mean I failed my medical because of the vaccinations?

anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-25 08:30:00
CanadaAny other (former) gov't of canada employees?
I am transfering my pension into my RRSPs and I was wondering if anyone knew if I was able to transfer my RRSPs to a 401k (or whatever they call it in the US). I really don't want to have to leave the money here, I would really like to be able to just transfer it without having to take all the money out and pay taxes on it.
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-25 15:49:00
CanadaSouthern Canadian - Good luck tomorrow
Good Luck!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-25 15:50:00
CanadaWoo hoo
Congrats! That is so exciting!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-27 09:37:00
CanadaIma quit my job.
You go girl! You tell them exactly how it is, if they don't like it then they can find someone else to do the nights!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-17 12:30:00
CanadaIma quit my job.
I just gave my resignation to my work yesterday (my interview in on July 15!!, I know jumping the gun on the resignation), I was an absolute mess in my boss's office. I could barely talk I was crying so much. It was really hard to walk in there and hand her that letter but I know its for the best!

Sprailenes - you will decide in your heart what the best decision is. However any time you really don't feel safe or comfortable, leave! Don't stick around because whatever you feel in your gut is usually right! Thats just my two cents!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-17 12:13:00
CanadaMaternity leave Canada vs. USA
The US is very behind Canada with respect to maternity leave. This is one thing I am going to have a real hard time wtih. My fiance and I have already discussed in great deal so I think what we are going to do is once I find a job we are going to try to live off just his income and put my income aside for when I have to go off on maternity leave!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-06-19 10:35:00
Canadawhere did you first meet? online vs in person
First off I just want to say how absolutely wonderful the internet really is bringing so many people together. My and my fiance actually met in person. We met camping in Wasaga Beach, ON. He was actually living in Toronto during that time and was camping with his friends. I always tell people fate brought us together (I know cheezzzy!!!) however my girlfriend and I set off on a weekend adventure, we were supposed to stay inSable Beach, ON but didn't like the area at all so we drove around until we found a motel to stay at. While we were at the motel we ran into a bunch of people who were on their way to Wasaga Beach for Blue Light Motel Concert that was taking place that weekend. I told my girlfriend we should try out Wasaga and if it doesn't work out we will just leave. Well we ended up at this rinky dink campsite in Wasaga Beach and the first group of people we started talking to were my fiance and his friends. I must say it wasn't love at first sight (he was wearing a cowboy hat and I absolutely detested cowboys hats at the time soI didn't pay much attention to him) however later that night we met up going into the same bar at the same time and from there on in it was history. We spent all night talking and have been talking every first. It has been 4 years for us now and hopefully we will be together by the end of July, my interview is July 15!!!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-07-02 11:34:00
CanadaTime to start my obsessing!
I have travelled numerous times to the US while my visa is being processed and (touch wood) have never had any problems. We even flew together to Punta Cana in April from JFK and didn't have any problems.
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-07-09 11:37:00
CanadaI'm back and approved
I just checked Canada Post and it was shipped yesterday so hopefully I will have it today! OMG I am so excited I can't believe it. If I get it today, my fiance will drive up tonight!!!! Yeah!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-07-18 08:31:00
CanadaI'm back and approved
I am really worried now that we might not get it by the end of this week. She did ask me how long I was going to be in Montreal for so I think she would've let me come back to pick it up but I was only in Montreal for that day and then I was leaving.

Thanks everyone for the congrats! I am so excited it is crazy! I spent all night packing in hopes to get it by the end of this week. I am disappointed that CanadaPost isn't updated cause that is what we are using to gauge if it will come in time as my fiance will be driving up with the cargo van to move everything and he has to take time off work to do it.

Please keep your fingers crossed!!!

QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Jul 16 2008, 06:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations - great review!

btw Sprailenes - she doesn't need to change her nickname - she will now just be 'anxiouslywaiting' for the AOS, and the EAD and the AP and then the Removal of Conditions . . . She's probably good to go for another 3 years at least with this name! jest.gif

Good point, I guess I am stuck with this name for at least 3 years which mean I will be anxious for the next 3 years. My stress level is already high enough! But at least I will be with my loved one during the next processes!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-07-17 10:03:00
CanadaI'm back and approved
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Jul 16 2008, 02:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It will probably take 5 business days to a week to get it.
I hope you get it sooner though! smile.gif

Best of luck and congratulations!!!

I hope it is sooner! Why does it take so long if the envelope I purchased was overnight service. I hope she sent it in the mail today like she said she would! I really want to be able to move on Monday. I will keep checking canadapost to see the status!
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-07-16 15:01:00
CanadaI'm back and approved
Hi Everyone! Well I had my interview yesterday and was APPROVED!!!!! YEAH!!! SO EXCITED!

Ok so here is my review ....

Arrived in Montreal on Monday night, stayed at the Hilton which is right across the street from the train station (I took the train in and my fiance drove and met me). We walked to the Consulate that night to find it and time it! Then went for dinner!

Day of the interview ... arrived outside at around 6:50am! My fiance wasn't too happy about being there that early but it worked out, I was second to be interviewed (even though we were the first ones there but oh well).

At 7:30am the doors opened, we were the first to go in and got letter A and went thru security. We only had the paperwork and our wallets on us so security was a total breeze. We were expecting worse than the airport but it was nothing. They were turning people away at the door though for having bags and cell phones on them. We could hear them arguing outside while we were going thru security.

After security we went downstairs to wait for the elevator man as we called him. Security told us that he would arrive at 7:45 to bring us up and at 7:45 on the dot he arrived. He called letters A - E and up we went on the elevator. Once we got to the 19th floor he brought us around to the counters and since I was letter A I went righ to the window and handed the lady my interview letter and was told to take a seat. After this we walked around all the windows and checked out the city. Everyone is right, what a beautiful view. We then watched the video of America that was playing on the TV and were laughing about the music that they were playing! "We are America" is what everyone was saying on the video, classic to be playing at the Consulate.

We waited for about 20 minutes or so and was called back to the original lady whereby I handed her my intent letter, affidavit of support, birth certificate and copy, police check, passport sized pictures (2 of them), medical (envelope only, they didn't care about the xray) and xpresspost envelope and I think thats it. On a side note there was a lot of people who a)didn't have an envelope or cool.gif bought the wrong size so everyone please remember to bring your envelope and the right size! It isn't a big deal if you don't, you can just leave and buy one and come back. After the lady took all my documents she gave me a slip of paper and told me to go and pay and after I pay to wait and she will call my name again. So we went and paid and sat and waited and continued to watch the "We are America" video. We waited about 30 minutes or so and then we were called back again to do my fingerprinting! The lady then told me to sit and wait and it shouldn't be long and I will be called in for my interview to either room 7 or 8.

We waited another 30 minutes or so and was called to room 7. When we entered the room (if you even want to call it that I think I will call it a closet!) the lady was so excited to see that we were both there. I would highly recommend if your fiance can swing it to join you for your interview, the lady was so impressed that he was there. She asked us if we were nervous and we both said yes, she laughed and said it was nothing to worry about. Then we both had to swear under oath. She then proceeded to talk to my fiance for about 5 minutes about hockey! (he used to play minor professional hockey and she is a huge hockey fanatic!). After they talked hockey we got down to the interview. She talked to Scott a bit about his work. Then she asked if I was going to do the same thing I do here and I told her I would like to. She then asked how we met and we told her. She asked if it was love at first sight, I told her it was once Scott took off his cowboy hat and we all laughed, she then asked Scott where the cowboy hat is now and he said in the closet collecting dust! She then asked how we kept in contact over the years. She asked how Scott proposed to me and then asked to look at the ring. Then she said to me, ok remember you are under oath, have you ever been arrested or charged and I said no. Then she asked if I was in good health and if Scott had medical coverage that would cover me. She then asked when we planned on getting married and we told her July 25! She was like wow that is soon and we explained why. She then said that she will be approving my visa today (I wanted to jump through the glass to hug her!). She said that she will have the visa mailed out tomorrow (which is today!) and hopefully I will have it soon. (I keep checking canada post but it isn't there yet so I am assuming it hasn't been mailed). After that she just explained what the package will look like and what to do with it at the border and what to do when I move there. And that was it. We walked about all smiles and went back to our hotel!

Just to finish about my trip to Montreal. Well my train was scheduled to leave at 5pm, so Scott left and I arrived at the train station at 4:30 only to find out that there was a train de-railment in Brockville and we were being BUSED! back. So the bus arrived at around 6:30 and I didn't get home till 1:30am! I was stuck on a bus back from Montreal for 7 hours! When something good happens, something bad always happens!

So that is my review. We are really hoping to have my visa by Friday (the xpresspost envelope I purchased was overnight) and if I do I will be moving on Monday! AHHHHHHH!!

Good luck to everyone who has there interviews coming up.
anxiouslywaitingFemaleCanada2008-07-16 12:24:00