Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)waiting time for decision in Indonesia Embassy

Yes it really does take 5-6 months and in some places it takes over a year and some as much as 18 months. Typically they do not keep the passport while processing the I601 and I212. Did you have an attorney prepare the I601 and I212 and did you provide evidence to support your claims of hardship? If not you can use the time to prepare the case properly, collect evidence and submit a supplement to help your case.

We just filed it like that without any of evidence until I see and read how serious it was. Then, my wife contacted our lawyer for the hardship. It is a joke seems like if she does not have serious illness or major life support seems like the chance are close to zero. We will try the best to build our case. Please pray for us. God bless.
Mario DMaleIndonesia2012-01-20 22:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)waiting time for decision in Indonesia Embassy
Hello, My name is Mario. I did the interview in US embassy in Jakarta on 2 November 2011. Luckily, my wife was there so she did get interview also. the problem in because i did overstay over than 1 year when i was in USA, they asked me to filed the form I-601 and 212 which we filed it together on 16 December 2011. We asked if there will be another interview and how long it will takes? they said "no, we will contact you by email or phone and it will take at least 5-6 months"

I am just worry and they keep your passport as a good sign if they will approved the forms? because they did not hold my passport. and does it really takes at least 5-6 months?

Thank you for the reply

Edited by Mario D, 16 January 2012 - 08:09 PM.

Mario DMaleIndonesia2012-01-16 20:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 and I-212 Approved... Yayyy woohhhooo
so after this approval should I apply visa or just wait until the embassy called me? not really sure what's after this. please help...
Mario DMaleIndonesia2012-04-01 00:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 and I-212 Approved... Yayyy woohhhooo
Hello all, just want to share that I sent !-601 and 212 waiver on 18 December 2011 in Indonesia Embassy, they forwarded the waiver to Bangkok. I was not know why but they said there is an office in Bangkok that handled all waivers in Asia too. short story, I received a letter notification that Bangkok office got incomplete waiver on 12th January 2012 and saying that they need 180 days to reach any decision. My wife sent another pack of my complete waiver on 8th March 2012 with the help of lawyer to the Bangkok address.

On 15th March 2012, They sent me an approval letters to my address in Jakarta. I was so happy...Just want to let you all know so we can all update all the dates. Jesus is the best... do not give up; in HIS hand nothing is impossible. :shocked: :joy: :joy: :dancing: :dancing: :dance: :whistle:
Mario DMaleIndonesia2012-03-31 16:14:00