National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only
Hey Tim....

This is perfect news!! Congratulations....I never thought I be so happy to see the end of things come. Folks, this is a great time to look back and reflect on just what it was we did here. I know every day I wake and see my wife next to me I think of all of you who helped me through what I thought were some very unbearable times. Yes, this thread is closed and you all will always be a part of my life. Sailorboy and Ying send our best to all. We hope you all the very best our new lives may have to offer. Take care....and it's Happy Dance time!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:


Dave and Ying
SailorBoy1297MaleChina2006-05-28 11:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only
Hey...where's my post???? I posted right after David (but didn't check it to see if it posted, had to run at the time! what was it I said?????

Oh yeah...congrats David and Onn!! Bet Onn's happy that phase is over. Now comes the raising part and with you two together I can only imagine how wonderful a life that will be. Perfect!!!

Tim, my fingers are crossed you'll have a smooth easy transition. How is all the whoopla about illegal aliens fairing with your process? With all that we have had to jump through in the way hoops, I dead set against any illegal aliens staying here, but that's harsh of me and....oh yeah... :ot:

Hang in there, Tim....I will be very happy to see this concluded.

Love to all,

Dave & Ying
SailorBoy1297MaleChina2006-05-23 10:02:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only
Hey Tim,

Best of luck always, dude! You'll be fine, everything is completed and the big wait finally over. You deserve to see the finish line now. I'll be waiting to hear the "Visa in Hand" news or the "Finally, she's home" notice. Whatever, I want to see this thing done. Take care and best of luck (again).

Dave & Ying
SailorBoy1297MaleChina2006-05-15 22:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only
Hey David & Todd,

Great knowing you still remember me!!! David, congrats to you and Onn but as I think about it, I think I knew this information. Just lost it somewhere in the mill. Hope it's a girl!! I my humble opinion, they are the best! I raised 2 so I have a pretty good handle on that end of things. Ying has a 14 year old which I hope will want to come to the US and start her life. It's hard leaving behind friends and family at that age unless you are brave beyong belief.


Sounds like things are going for you as well. Ying is wanting a job pretty bad now. She is thinking about an offer from an old friend to stuff envelopes at home for $500/mo. I think I will look on base and see if she can get a start that way.


Good luck on the interview. After all of this, should be a cake walk. Congrats in advance.


Congrats on your news as well!! This is shaping up to be the good news side of the journey. Best to all...summer's coming!!


Dave & Ying (L) (F) (L) :luv: :luv: :luv:
SailorBoy1297MaleChina2006-04-19 21:57:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only

How's everyone doing! So sorry I got side-tracked but it's all been great! Ying has settled into the boat and has managed to make it her own. We had her out of the water (the boat you ninnys) for Ying's first yard period. Remember it was on my 4 pages of things to do (that never got done...). We made a trip to Seattle so Ying could meet my daughters (who rarely are in the same place and the same time). Also got to meet my newest grandson. Work has kicked it up a knotch with me going to the day shift at the start of the year. My boss is talking about a promotion for me, but being a contractor, I take that with a grain of salt. Ying is taking ESL courses M-T-W and doing quite nicely. She's turned out to be an expert knitter (I knew she could knit, just didn't know how well). Some of the babes on the dock want her to knit up a bunch a sweaters and sell at the local swapmeets and such around here.

I've read through all the posts and what can I say...I so totally stunned that it's take so long for Tim and Sandy. Holy crapola! Next time you hear me whining be sure to ask for the cheeze because these guys are the real heroes of this journey in my book.

Daniel, yeah...I had the sign up but the guys on the dock said enough is enough and threw it away! So now I just turn the boat around...he he he, nimrods all of them. Thanks for archiving our thread...very cool, dude! :thumbs:

Hey Jill, congrats on the sale of your house. Wow, sounds like you're having a house full of family.

I've have missed you all, seriously...well, time for the boat to start rockin' again.... :devil: :devil: :devil:

I'll drop back in and check again so hang in there guys...believe me it's all worth it. Who's had the babys? I think I missed that or perhaps just turned space cadet. Take care all.

Dave & Ying
SailorBoy1297MaleChina2006-04-14 01:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCitizenship Interview and Oath Ceremony
I think these responses pretty much nail it on the head. Was wishing and hoping but maybe if we get lucky we'll get in on the 3rd week of September. Thank you all for the prompt responses and if you ever need help or know of someone who does, I'm pretty knowledgeable on I-130, IR1, IR2 type concerns. Spent a lot of time on this site since back in 2004. Overall, either I was super lucky or the folks on this site really knew their stuff. Anyway, I'll be happy to help if I can. Thanks again!! Best to all.
SailorBoy1297MaleChina2012-09-03 17:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCitizenship Interview and Oath Ceremony
My wife is going to her citizenship interview tomorrow in San Bernardino, CA tomorrow (9/4/2012) and it states on her letter that she should expect to be there for 2 hours. I'm of the impression the actual interview takes all of 15-30 minutes if things go smoothly. So why the 2 hours? Does anyone know if this office does same day oath ceremonies? That would certainly explain the amount of time they take. I would greatly appreciate any comments. Thank you.
SailorBoy1297MaleChina2012-09-03 12:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010
Hello Darnell,

Well things seem to be moving a bit TOO fast!!! That's a good thing but, in our case, we'd actually like a little more time to collect some documents to front load our DS-230 package. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving this speed with which my case is currently going. Here's where I stand right now and remember, this is for an IR2 (step-daughter) visa:

Received the GZO case number on 1/7/2010 via email. This is interesting as I reviewed this whole thread and, in my case, I picked up some early indicators that my case was being converted to EP. The first indicators were from the operators starting last Monday when I called to see if the new case number had been assigned. They started the conversation off by stating "You are going through EP..." Prior calls never indicated that at all. Then the next indicator was on the day before I actually got the email and that was when I tried to access my Invoice Payment and got a database error message. Called the operator and was told my case had been approved for EP and to wait for the new case number. The operator stated he didn't have it at the time.

Submitted my AOS package via EP last night....13mb!!! That was the lowest dpi my printer could do. I'll need to check some other posts to see how to get it down as my DS-230 w/front loading will go off the scale. Regardless, must now wait for some Affirmation of Relationship letters from friends and my step daughter. Hopefully, we'll be sending by week's end or the first of the following week.

Thanks for watching over us rookies! Will stop in again later with any significant developments.

Best to all,

SailorBoy1297MaleChina2011-01-09 11:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Electronic Processing - October 2010
Hello Darnell,

Read somewhere yesterday that your wife was undergoing surgery...:huh:...hope she is fairing well and things are improving. My wife and I are praying for her speedy recovery.

If you happen to have time or anyone who is pursuing the EP processing route, I have some minor questions to ask. I submitted my request per the guide and received back a auto response email stating that they received my email and will process in the order received. "Please allow 10 business days...blah, blah, blah. So all is well and I just wait....correct? I am encouraged because the auto response indicated "opt in" in the text. The PDF files can be quite huge. Tried it at 600 dpi and ended up with 25 mb for just the I-864. Re-read the guide and saw 300 dpi works, so I'll play with that and see how I can trim it down. Should I make several attachment on the AOS part? For example, the coversheet and receipt; I-864, tax returns? Would appreciate any suggestions.

Again, best of wishes to your wife. Know this is a very stressful time for you. Hang in there.

SailorBoy1297MaleChina2010-12-18 19:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust sent I-130 ICO Chinese Stepdaughter

Express Mail to the lockbox ? Ya, sorry, that's normal -
as express mail usually has some 'signature confirmation'
the PO Box address doesn't do 'signature sheets' same day.

Don't worry, this bit is a common blunder -
the USPS mail carrier and the USCIS mailroom clerk will 'sync up'
in a coupla days - it'll all be 'accepted' - I'm betting by Wednesday.

re: the mis-type on the G-325A - hard to say, hard to know - I'm betting something will 'kick in', not be any RFE.
Hard to swing an IR-1 at that age.

But - if the entire case is denied, hey - it'll come back within a month (or 6 weeks) - don't sweat it.

I left you a message but just in case you see this first...they did deliver to the PO Box. Was delivered on Wed, 10/11 at (get this) 10:22pm!!! :o :o I had expressed mail the corrected G325 to my stepdaughter a couple of days ago. Looks like that was for not as I came across a post of someone else who made the same mistake and the responses all indicated it was no big deal. So now we're back on track and awaiting the NOA1 perhaps sometime next week. Just wish the CA Service Center had a better turnaround than 5 mos. Oh well, been there, done that! Take care Darnell and thanks for the support.
SailorBoy1297MaleChina2010-10-16 08:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust sent I-130 ICO Chinese Stepdaughter

Express Mail to the lockbox ? Ya, sorry, that's normal -
as express mail usually has some 'signature confirmation'
the PO Box address doesn't do 'signature sheets' same day.

Don't worry, this bit is a common blunder -
the USPS mail carrier and the USCIS mailroom clerk will 'sync up'
in a coupla days - it'll all be 'accepted' - I'm betting by Wednesday.

re: the mis-type on the G-325A - hard to say, hard to know - I'm betting something will 'kick in', not be any RFE.
Hard to swing an IR-1 at that age.

But - if the entire case is denied, hey - it'll come back within a month (or 6 weeks) - don't sweat it.

Well I'm hoping for a number of reasons the whole package gets returned to me so I can correct my obvious blunders and submit a good package. I should have used a bit more common sense when express mailing to a PO Box. Oh well...this too shall pass I guess. But will require getting my stepdaughter to re-sign a new G325A. Hate to think of losing all this time but when it's my own fault, well just gotta take the hits. Thanks for getting back to me. Best to you! :thumbs:
SailorBoy1297MaleChina2010-10-10 14:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust sent I-130 ICO Chinese Stepdaughter
Oh, it gets I'm hoping the Post Office will return my I-130. Seems I indicated the wrong visa being applied for on the GS-325A. I indicated CR1/IR1 instead of IR2. to a shaky start and all my fault! :crying:
SailorBoy1297MaleChina2010-10-10 12:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust sent I-130 ICO Chinese Stepdaughter
Hey Darnell...well the I-130 reached Chicago but I may have made my first blunder. Sent it to Chicago Lockbox for CA alright but they tried to deliver yesterday and, of course, no one at work. The Post Office apparently doesn't deliver a second or third time like FEDEX so they left a note for the Chicago Lockbox to contact them and schedule a delivery. Get this, the Chicago Lockbox has to make arrangements for delivery within five (5) days or it will be returned to me. Doubt seriously if the Chicago Lockbox even does that sort of thing but, then again, maybe they'll surprise me. Actually, if they (USPS) do return it to me, it's not all that bad since I can add the G-1145 plus, in my rush to get it on its way, I forgot to make a copy. I gotta get my head screwed on right! Also, I noted a physical address (not a PO Box) for Express and Courier deliveries to use (Hmmmm, I feel like an idiot) so I guess I should use that one, right? It's located under another paragraph that doesn't apply to me so I overlooked it. Now the big I tell my wife she's married to an idiot??? :(
SailorBoy1297MaleChina2010-10-10 10:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust sent I-130 ICO Chinese Stepdaughter

You could always edit the signature area in yer profile, add it in there ? see http://www.visajourn...&area=signature for yer sig area.

But - it looks like you tried to attach more than 1 official VJ timeline to yer profile, when I click on yer timeline- it gives me this -->
Captain we have a problem. Some how there were multiple entries found, Please contact an admin to resolve this. and the only way to get that fixed, is to contact The Site Owner, Capn Ewok, and ask/beg for it to get fixed.

Side note /question - did you include the G-1145 in the I-130 submittal ?
Also, after I-130 approval - wei ! Can use NVC Electronic Processing, @ NVC - see http://www.visajourn...onic_Processing

Tried revising my signature and it looks like I already exceed the allowable limits. Can't change it unless I change my signature. I want to keep that for now. Thanks for the suggestion. I asked the Wookie for help (along with fixing my screw-up).
SailorBoy1297MaleChina2010-10-08 10:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust sent I-130 ICO Chinese Stepdaughter
Ah...just checked out the G-1145. Doesn't look like a show stopper but would have been nice to do. Such is life!
SailorBoy1297MaleChina2010-10-08 09:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust sent I-130 ICO Chinese Stepdaughter

You could always edit the signature area in yer profile, add it in there ? see http://www.visajourn...&area=signature for yer sig area.

But - it looks like you tried to attach more than 1 official VJ timeline to yer profile, when I click on yer timeline- it gives me this -->
Captain we have a problem. Some how there were multiple entries found, Please contact an admin to resolve this. and the only way to get that fixed, is to contact The Site Owner, Capn Ewok, and ask/beg for it to get fixed.

Side note /question - did you include the G-1145 in the I-130 submittal ?
Also, after I-130 approval - wei ! Can use NVC Electronic Processing, @ NVC - see http://www.visajourn...onic_Processing

What G-1145??? Never saw anything remotely resembling that requirement. and already behind the power curve. Yeah, gotta hit up Capn Ewok...he's probably already thinking..."Oh no, it's him again". I was trying to get a timeline started and in edit mode at the bottom it asked if I wanted to associate another member to my profile. Thought this might be a good way to link both up. Nope...apparently that is not what it was intended to be.
SailorBoy1297MaleChina2010-10-08 09:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust sent I-130 ICO Chinese Stepdaughter
Hello Everyone,

Awhile back I started a topic but now I can't locate it to attach this bit of news and continue with that thread. Anyway, we are officially back in the game now as I mailed the I-130 just yesterday (Express Mail...of course!) and feel I should start this topic to bring you up to date. I do have one question...I would like to create a timeline for my stepdaughter but I don't want to edit the timeline for my wife. Any suggestions? Wishing everyone the very best of luck with their processes. Thank you in advance for what I know from previous experience will be a flurry of back and forths between all of us.
SailorBoy1297MaleChina2010-10-08 08:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC CR1/2 & IR1/2 Timelines

I did some digging around from a thread entitled July2010 CR1/IR1 and found some CSC applicants. Thought I would add their timelines to give a more detailed looksy. I've arranged the oldest on top and the newest (me) on the bottom.

Name............................Visa...............Submitted..........NOA1..............RFE1...............RFE2..............NOA2.........Elapsed Time (days)
CanadianRedneck.....IR1/CR1.......07/14/2010....07/19/2010....XX/XX/XXXX....XX/XX/XXXX....XX/XX/XXXX...... 98
jjjdddlll..........................IR1/CR1.......07/22/2010....08/03/2010....XX/XX/XXXX....XX/XX/XXXX....XX/XX/XXXX...... 90
black butterfly..............IR1/CR1.......07/27/2010....08/13/2010....XX/XX/XXXX....XX/XX/XXXX....XX/XX/XXXX...... 85
SkyNaut........................IR1/CR1.......07/30/2010....08/11/2010....XX/XX/XXXX....XX/XX/XXXX....XX/XX/XXXX...... 82
RichiJenny...................IR1/CR1.......09/09/2010....09/17/2010....XX/XX/XXXX....XX/XX/XXXX....XX/XX/XXXX...... 41
Sailorboy1297.............IR2................10/07/2010....XX/XX/XXXX....XX/XX/XXXX....XX/XX/XXXX....XX/XX/XXXX...... 13

So there's a better sample of what I am saying. It's a quick reference so we can more easily see where we stand and others in our (CSC) boat.

SailorBoy1297MaleChina2010-10-20 21:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC CR1/2 & IR1/2 Timelines

On the bottom of the list is an option to select your service center and the country. They are sorted at the same time and the tabs on the dates (whichever category you desire) allows for the dates to be sorted by earliest to latestest or vice versa. I hope I am not misunderstanding you. This is the link to my "home page" when I come to VJ, it's all nicely sorted by NOA2 dates and showing only VSC and Colombia. http://www.visajourn...,26,27,28&cfl=0 Just trying to be helpful.

Hi there! Thanks and I appreciate the information. I see what you mean about the other sorts so I tried it out. Turns out there are no current CR1/2 or IR1/2 currently going through CSC. I went through over 25 pages (30 entries per page) and left 2010. I'm thinking one of two things...either everyone is not filling out their timelines at this location or there simply aren't any CSC CR1/2 or IR1/IR2 applications. I was hoping to gather active applications that haven't recieved their NOA2 yet. I'm thinking perhaps the visa type should not be important, just those who are trying to get through CSC. Anyway, the list shouldn't be that long although there is a 5 month wait right now. I was hoping to put both the current timeline for CSC and establish a specific thread for those of us going through CSC. Maybe it's not the kind of info people want to see. But thanks so much for your suggestion.
SailorBoy1297MaleChina2010-10-20 20:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC CR1/2 & IR1/2 Timelines

I believe this is link you are searching for http://www.visajourn...ine/k1list.php? just manipulate the search data to display what you wish.

Actually, I am quite familiar with that link. The problem is that the information is too broad-based. If you sort on type visa, you get all service centers. If you sort on service centers, you get all visa types, etc. What I was attempting is to establish a specific table applicable to those who are pursuing a CR1/2 or IR1/2 visa and are currently going through the California Service Center. Oh, one of the cool things when we did this before was that the oldest (time wise) folks were at the top so you could check in to see where you stood in relation to others and watch your progress to the top!! But maybe that's no longer a good thing. :unsure:
SailorBoy1297MaleChina2010-10-20 19:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC CR1/2 & IR1/2 Timelines
Hello All,
I was wondering if there was a thread anywhere that listed everyone currently processing through the California Service Center for a CR1/2 or IR1/2 visa? I ask because when I was here 6 years ago for my wife's visa, we created a table which listed everyone and their respective process times. It became very popular among us and we carried it over to NVC and lastly, our own respective consulates (the interview process). Here is a sample of what it looked like though I am having problems remembering how we built it.

Name........................Visa...........Submitted....NOA1.........RFE1..........RFE2..........NOA2.........Elapsed Time (days)
Sailorboy1297............CR2...........10/07/2010...XX/XX/XXXX..XX/XX/XXXX..XX/XX/XXXX..XX/XX/XXXX..13 days

I would be happy to maintain/update it as info became available. I'm usually on here everyday to see what's happening. This thread could also be used to discuss our progress as well. Just an offer...anyone interested?

Good luck to all,
SailorBoy1297MaleChina2010-10-20 18:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidences of Bona-Fide Marriage Relationship

The list you provided is excellent. Some points to be added, but not limited to:
Pictures together at various events including vacation
Trips to meet her including passport stamps
Any aid for her studies
Her notarized sworn letter about the affection to you
Your notarized sworn letter about the affection to her

Thanks so much Loto! Of the things you've mentioned, we have photos of the trip I made three years ago (along with passport stamps); tuition aid for her vocational school she recently graduated; the notarized letters should be no problem whatever. My biggest worry was the lack of trips to China as my wife had arrived in the US and we were focused primarily on getting her transitioned to both her new living environment and cultural differences, ESL, etc. Thanks for your suggestions, they are greatly appreciated. If you think of anything more, would appreciate hearing about them. Thanks again.


I can not offer any help on this subject, but what you seem to have is a great start. I think it is great on what you have done for your step daughter kudo's to you.

Thanks Angel Eyes, I appreciate your kind words. I think it's not that great since most "normal and compassionate" stepdads would have done the same without giving it a second thought. Thanks much.

SailorBoy1297MaleChina2010-11-27 22:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidences of Bona-Fide Marriage Relationship
I applaud Loto for developing this guide. I would have loved seeing something like this when I was going through the process with my wife. However, I was lucky and prevailed. Now a new situation for which I can't find a lot of posts on is proving a bonafide relationship with a stepchild. The short story is that my wife's ex-husband was awarded custody of their only daughter (then 10 years old). Here's the real corker...her dad was in prison at the time serving a 15 year sentence for fraud. Regardless, my wife paid child support as ordered by the court never missing a payment up until our marriage when I assumed responsibility for the child support (got all that documentation). We even increased the amount substantially (required to pay approx. $50/mo per decree, I increased it to $150/mo and then to $300/mo). Since our marriage, I have only visited China once and my wife twice (last time was this past Sept). The time my wife and I both visited was great as her daughter was able to spend a lot of time with us. We made arrangements to have her live with my wife's brother (much better environment) than having her live with her Dad's mother (elderly and the family is basically corrupt with strangers coming to the house to gamble).

My relationship with my stepdaughter has steadily grown stronger but I wanted to give her time and space to decide if she would ever want to immigrate to the US. Last year she started talking about the prospect and since then she has really set her hopes very high on coming to the US to finally live in a normal family environment and be with her Mom whom she adores. Her Dad was paroled this year and he made things incredibly difficult for her to gather needed documentation to get a passport. We finally ended up sending him money as encouragement to perform and he did. My stepdaughter has come to see her Dad for what he really is...a criminal. He even stole money from her a couple of times. She refers to me as her Dad instead of using my first name and has sent me great emails although her English is not so good, she makes a good attempt at telling me how much she loves me.

So there's the short version, now what things can I be doing to establish a bonafide relationship with my stepdaughter whom I genuinely love as do my own daughters? We have filed our petition for her immigration in October and with the electronic processing available, it won't be long before she has her interview. Aside from financial child support records, regular long distance phone calls and sporadic emails, what else would be good to gather up for her interview. Oh, I plan on getting numerous affidavits from my family and friends regarding my relationship and how I feel about my wife and stepdaughter. I brag about both a lot to anyone who might ask. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Best of luck to all,

SailorBoy1297MaleChina2010-11-27 11:47:00